College Biology 28 and 29

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What am I? I am coenocytic, lack sexual reproduction, and reproduce asexually via blastospores.

cell wall of lipopolysaccharides

Which of the following is not a characteristic of fungi?


After fertilization in angiosperms, the ovule develops into the:

black bread mold

An example of a member of phylum zygomycota is the:


Black bread mold is ____, which means that it is self-sterile.


Extracts from the ginkgo tree are sold in over the counter medicines purported to increase memory. Extracts from what other gymnosperm are also sold in OTC medicines, some of which have useful effects and others of which have controversial effects?

dry environment

Fungi can grow under all of the following conditions except a:


In a flowering plant, the ____ is the site of meiosis and, ultimately, the production of pollen.

fruiting body

In a fungus, a complex multicellular reproductive structure is called a:


In a mushroom, the primary mycelium is composed of _____ cells.


In plants, ovaries develop into:


Pine pollen is primarily disseminated by:

underground mycelium

What makes up most of the mass of an individual mushroom?

black bread mold

Which is not a member of phylum ascomycota?


Which of the structures in Figure 28-1 is largely responsible for attracting potential pollinators?


Yeasts reproduce asexually by:


____ is a common chytridiomycete which exhibits alternation of generation.


A plant with parallel veins and floral parts in threes or multiples of three would be classified as a:

sieve tube elements

Angiosperms have ____ in their phloem.


Asexual reproduction in sac fungi involves production of spores called:


Dikaryotic cells are denoted as:


In plants, ovules develop into:

dissolved sugars

In plants, phloem is associated with the transport of:

water and minerals

In plants, xylem is associated with the transportation of:


Members of phylum ____ are the most primitive of the fungi and were previously classified as protists.


Mushrooms that we eat are technically referred to as:

flagellated cells

One ancestral characteristic remaining in representatives of the chytridiomycota is:

process c

Pollination is occurring at the point of Figure 28-2 labeled:


Refer to Figure 29-1. The fungus illustrated in Figure A is:

perforated septum

Refer to Figure 29-1. The structure labeled 1 is a:


Refer to Figure 29-2. The structure labeled 11 is a:

+ and -

Reproduction in the black bread mold occurs between ____ hyphae.

tripolid (3n)

The endosperm of an angiosperm seed is typically:

ovule of the ovary

The female gametophyte generation in angiosperms is found in the:


The process occurring at point 3 in Figure 29-2 is:


A ____ is a filament that makes up the vegetative body of most fungi.


A ____ is a tangled mass of hyphae.

gymnosperms produce seeds borne naked, flowering plants produce seeds in fruit

A basic difference between gymnosperms and flowering plants is:

wheat rust

An example of a plant disease caused by a basiodiomycete is:


An example of unicellular fungus is:

dioecious and having motile sperm

Cycads may be characterized as being:


During pollination of flowering plants, pollen lands on the:


Evidence from vascular tissues and developmental stages suggests that stamens evolved from:


How many sperm cells contribute to the process of reproduction in angiosperms?

incomplete and imperfect

If a flower has sepals, petals, and stamens but lacks carpels then that flower is:


In Figure 28-2, the zygote is the structure labeled:

diploid sporophyte

In flowering plants, the ____ generation is dominant.

pollen grain

In flowering plants, the immature male gametophyte is the:


Leaf ____ in the fall is an adaptation for flowering plants to survive harsh winters in temperate climates.


Most conifers have separate male and female reproductive parts on the same tree. This condition is referred to as:

nonmotile, sexually or asexually

Most fungal spores are ____ reproductive cells that are produced ______.

increasing root surface area

Mycorrhizae benefit plants by:

seeds contain a young plant

Seeds are reproductively superior to spores because:


The cell walls of fungi are composed of:


The characteristic brown, blue-green, pink, or other tints of ascomycetes are due to the color of their ____.


The club fungi typically reproduce by producing:


The largest cones produced on a pine tree, the ones we are typically most familiar with, are the female cones that contain:


The male product of meiosis is the structure in Figure 28-2 labeled:


The most diverse, successful and familiar group of plants today are the:


The sac fungi are characterized by sexually reproductive structures called:


The structure labeled 2 in Figure 28-1 is the:

meiosis in the resting sporangium

The structure labeled 9 in Figure 29-2 was produced by:


When bread gets moldy with visible black or blue spots, you are looking at masses of the colored:

alternation of generations

When plants have a distinct haploid stage and diploid stage, this is referred to as:


Which group of fungi has hyphae that are multinucleate and not divided by septa?


Which of the following gymnosperm groups has the most efficient water-conducting cells?


Which of the following is a female reproductive structure in Figure 28-1?

dutch elm disease, glomeromycetes

Which of the following is mismatched?

adaptability of the gametophyte generation

Which of the following is not an adaptation of flowering plants that contributed to their evolutionary success?


Which of the following phyla is unusual, as it is composed of a single species?

both groups have free-living gametophytes

Which of the following statements concerning gymnosperms and angiosperms is false?

they have mitochondria and golgi complexes

Which of the following statements concerning microsporidia is false?

mycorrhizae are extracellular

Which of the following statements concerning mycorrhizae is false?

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