College English Syllabus Quiz

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guidelines for assignment submission

-1" margin on all sides -not title pages -black ink only -double spaced paragraphs -only 11 or 12 point size fonts -only Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial -first and last name listed at top left hand corner; no nicknames. -the course title, instructor's name, and assignment name should be listed beneath the student's name -multi-paged assignments should be listed


-Students will be writing 4 essays that will vary in length from 850 to 1500 words. -must be typed using a word processor and submitted via the Canvas course page -all essays must be completed to pass course -All essays will be vetted through Turnitin


-Students will read essays, lessons, and additional readings assigned form outside sources -some texts will provide inspiration and composition approaches and topics -other texts will inform theoretical structure -grammar and vocabulary development will also be fostered

Vocabulary and Grammar Objective:

-Words are the tools of writing -students should explore and integrate some new words into their writings

requirements to pass class

-complete all major writing assignments -receive at least 70% or better on grammar exercises -receive final grade of "C"

Assignment Submission

-created using Microsoft Word and saved in atlas 2 places -save work early and often -formats preferred are .doc and .docx (and .pdf) -students should keep all work until final grades are submitted -sample document is available on Canvas

demonstrate an awareness of humanities and fine arts

-demonstrate an awareness of the humanities -demonstrate an awareness of the fine arts

Reading Objective:

-essays are designed to stimulate ideas and discussion and test critical analysis skills -will also serve as writing models in style, tone, structure, and classification -Little Brown Handbook to serve as reference source for student writer

Explain economics and politics from local, national, and world perspectives

-explain the function of an economic system -explain the function of a political system

Tardiness Policy

-first 2 times: excused without penalty -after first two times: reduction of participation grade -if door is closed, student should knock and wait in the hallway -if student is tardy after quiz has been administered, student is not allowed to complete quiz

Late Assignment Policy

-instructor chooses when and under what conditions late assignments are accepted -student should email instructor attaching completed assignment whenever possible -minimum 20% reduction will be imposed each day -assignments that have a point value of 15 or lower will be reduced by atlas 50% -weekend days are counted individually -assignments generally not accepted after 4 days

communication policy

-students should check emails often -24 to 48 hours is reasonable response time

Vocabulary/Grammar Quizzes and Exercises:

-students will complete workbook exercises PRIOR to quizzes -Lectures on numerous grammar topics will be accompanied with in-class activities

Objectives for this course

-to understand difference between written and spoken language and importance of written language -analyze the writing process -distinguish among expressive, persuasive, and informative writing -demonstrate ability to produce effective samples of expressive and informative writing -explain how the nature of a writer's audience affects writing (both general and limited audiences) -explain how purpose affects writing -utilize pre-writing strategies -develop a workable thesis statement in consideration of audience, purpose, and direction of the paper -plan an appropriate structure for the presentation of ideas -use traditional rhetoric patterns for selecting and organizing details -write paragraphs that are unified, complete, orderly, and coherent -write sentences that are varied, interesting, coherent, and empathetic -explain why word choice is a significant element -distinguish between denotative and connotative meanings of words -demonstrate ability to choose affective language -use revision strategies to improve writing -difference between developed & undeveloped idea -difference between concrete and abstract language -take adequate lecture notes -prepare for and take an essay exam -explain how these skills can be applied in other academic courses -develop adequate vocabulary for college reading and writing -apply basic rules of punctuation and grammar

rounding policy

-typically round down for .4 and below -round up for .5 and above -for final course grade, no rounding will be done

demonstrate the ability to evaluate and apply information technology

-utilize current computer software -demonstrate information seeking skills

communicate effectively; utilizing verbal, nonverbal, listening, and writing skills.

-wirte clearly -deliver an oral presentation

Drop policy

-within first 10 days: no grade recorded -drop up to midterm: W -drop after midterm, up to 75% of course completed: WI -drop after 75% completion of course: Grade earned

specific general education goals addressed in this course

-work in groups effectively -make rational decisions and solve problems -write clearly -deliver an oral presentation -demonstrate information seeking skills

Grade scale

A = 100-90 B= 89-80 C= 79-70 D=69-60 F=59 or lower

Assignments will add up to 1000 total points

Class Participation and Attendance: 100pts. Vocabulary quizzes and workbook activities: 150pts. grammar quizzes: 120pts. free writes: 90pts. Professional Writing: 30pts. Peer review participation: 40pts. Topic form submission: 20pts. Essay 1: 80pts. Essay 2: 100pts. Essay 3: 100pts. Essay 4: 120pts. Final Exam: 50pts.

What two things should students regularly check for this course

JWCC emails and Canvas course page

Classwork should be done what days of the week

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Class Participation:

Positive and Active participation

Final Exam Objective:

Students' retention of assigned readings, course topics, grammar lessons, and vocabulary

What are the 3 books required for this course

The Little Brown Handbook, The Longman Reader, Advancing Vocabulary Skills

Class meets on what days of the week

Tuesday and Thursday

Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism

Unintentional Plagiarism: paper will not be accepted and receive a grade of 0, instructor will decide if paper may be revised Intentional Plagiarism: (Academic Dishonesty) will result in automatic failure of the course *all incidents of plagiarism will be documented and retained permanently on student's academic record

Class Participation Objective:

collaborative learning is highly prioritized. students should share, discuss, and participate together.

Demonstrate an awareness of human values and diverse cultures

describe attributes of a culture different from one's own

Definition of General Education

education which promotes a common base of knowledge intended to provide students with the skills necessary to participate in a wide range of activities which enhance the overall quality of life in the community

Freewrites Objective:

encourages students to discover their own writing voice, to reflect on topics and ideas they deem important, and gain experience in the practice of writing

explain the importance of facilitating and adapting to change

explain the importance of adapting to change

Digital Device policy

inappropriate use will result in reduction of participation grade, at a minimum students who disobey policy with be excused from class and deemed absent

Late work acceptability

late work will rarely be accepted with permission from instructor, the grade will be significantly reduced due to late submission


less structured informal writings that allow for thoughtful discussion of topics and ideas

use critical thinking skills

make rational decisions and solve problems

Essay Objective:

students need to present polished ideas that meet many criteria simultaneously

Professional writing:

students will gain experience composing resumes, cover letters, and personal communication

Professional Writing Objective:

students will gain writing skills to use in common and necessary real world experiences & develop self knowledge of skills and aptitudes

Demonstrate interpersonal skills and behaviors to promote the achievement of personal and group goals in the workspace and society

work in groups effectively

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