COM 212 Final Exam

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Dr. Thompsen's definition of communication:

"Communication is the process of creating meaning"

World's oldest existing photograph:

"View from the Window at Le Gras" -Joseph Niepce -1826

Despite competition from newer media, magazines still enjoy a healthy slice of the national advertising pie, making ________ in advertising revenue last year.

$17.4 billion

The US radio industry ad revenue in 2015:

$21 billion

How much did US book publishers sell worth of books last year?

$28 billion

Worldwide, advertisers spent nearly __________ in 2015, with almost a third(__________) spent in the USA.

$570 billion $186 billion

The MPAA estimates the annual "cost of content theft" to the US economy to be:

$58 billion

In 2015, TV broadcasters earned over ___________ in advertising revenue and almost ___________ in retransmission fees.

$71 billion $7 billion

The Frankfurt School's approach was later extended by...

Scholars at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at Birmingham University (the Birmingham School)

Vicaom owns:

Showtime, The Movie Channel, BET, MTV, Nickelodoen, TV Land, Comedy Central, dozens of other cable properties

Common fifteenth-century European pin-up want ads for all sorts of products and services were called:


Howard Stern can be heard on:

Sirius XM

Shortwave radio waves reflect off the ionosphere, a behavior called:


Bounded culture (co-culture)

Small cultures that unite groups of people and enable them to see themselves as different from other groups around them

_____________ theory is the idea that people learn through observation to model the behaviors they see.

Social cognitive

_____________ theory argues that people who share a culture also share an ongoing correspondence of meaning.

Social construction of reality

One of the fastest growing areas in PR is:

Social media relations -Managing the social media presence for an organization (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, podcasts, and mobile apps)

What is a negative effect of culture?

Someone could be unwilling to move past their culture's ways

The Japanese conglomerate owns:

Sony Pictures, Columbia, TriStar, Screen Gems

The trustee model of broadcast regulation is based in part on the premise that because broadcast spectrum space is limited, and therefore not everyone who wants to broadcast can, those who are granted licenses to serve a local area must accept regulation. This is called the philosophy of:

Spectrum scarcity

As a result of the quiz show scandal, the networks changed the way they accepted sponsors' money, changing from single sponsorship for most programs to:

Spot commercial sales

The satellite revolution began with the launch in 1957 of _____________, the first man-made satellite to orbit the Earth.


Designed to help England recoup the money it lost waging the French and Indian War, the passage of the _____________ in 1765 angered colonial printers, who correctly saw it as a limit on their right of free expression.

Stamp Act

Unregulated radio was in chaos during the 1920s, primarily because income from the sale of receivers declined and:

Station interference and irregular standards of operation turned off listeners

Which of these was NOT one of the three recent trends in the motion picture industry that I discussed in this video?

Stereo sound

Games are particularly attractive to advertisers because they are ____, that is, players stay with them for long stretches at a time.


Which segment has the fastest growing revenue?


Which of these would be considered a "public" of West Chester University?

Students, faculty, and state legislators

Cable and satellite companies make money from:

Subscribers and advertisers

The sale of a book, its contents, and its characters to filmmakers, paperback publishers, book clubs, and merchandise manufacturers is called the sale of its _____________ rights.


Cultivation theory

Suggests that over time, the media cultivate how viewers see the world (the more we watch TV, the more we see the world as TV sees the world)

Jack robbers

Supply mass market paperback and magazine racks

Listening to a weather report on the radio is an example of which media usage function?


Functions the media play in society:

Surveillance, interpretation, linkage, and transmission of values

_____________ theory is the idea that cultural symbols are learned through interaction and then mediate that interaction; in other words, people give things meaning and that meaning controls their behavior.

Symbolic interaction

Newspaper horoscopes, chess and bridge columns, editorial cartoons, and comics are all material provided by:


When a media company has content that it can use across a number of its different holdings, this is:


Percent spent on advertising by medium:

TV: 42% Digital: 28% Newspapers: 11% Magazines: 4% Radio: 10% Other: 5%

The magazine industry typically categorizes consumer magazines in terms of their:

Target audiences

Groups of people, or audiences, bound by little more than an interest in a given form of media content are:

Taste publics

The first communication satellite to transmit a television signal was:

Telestar 1

The Internet is the second largest ad-supported medium, behind:


The medium most closely associated with the demassification of magazines is:


Computer stations connected to large, centralized mainframes or minicomputers are called:


Best-selling video game of all time:


Legal IDs are typically aired near...

The "top of the hour"

The first album to be designated an RIAA-certified "Diamond record" was recorded by:

The Beatles

The first motion picture to be shown at The White House was:

The Birth of a Nation

The first printing press came to the colonies in 1638 and was operated by:

The Cambridge Press

The nationally distributed newspaper most responsible for encouraging the migration of southern black people to the industrial centers of the North just after the turn of the twentieth century was:

The Chicago Defender

Which of these specifically guides the work of broadcast journals?

The Code of Ethics of the Radio and Television News Director Association

A satellite in geosynchronous orbit revolves around the Earth at the same speed as:

The Earth's rotation (once every 24 hours)

Among the regulatory requirements that disappeared during the broadcast deregulation movement of the Reagan administration is _____________, which required broadcasters to cover issues of public importance and to be fair in that coverage.

The Fairness Doctrine

Generally considered a national newspaper?

The New York Times

What paper is famous for its crossword puzzles?

The New York Times

Elizabeth Eisentstein argues that the mass production of printed material was largely responsible for:

The Protestant reformation, the rise of democracies, and the Renaissance period

The longest running primetime television series of all time is:

The Simpsons

The first book printed in the colonies in 1644 was:

The Whole Booke of Psalms

Media literacy

The ability to effectively and efficiently comprehend and use any form of mediated communication


The ability to effectively and efficiently comprehend and use written symbols

Industrial, company, and sponsored magazines

The absence of a well-organized postal system

The USA leads all other countries in:

The amount spent on advertising

Today transistors are...

The building blocks of integrated circuits where millions of them can be found on a single chip

Increased audience control over media content is reflected in...

The changing business models of the media industries, especially the recording industry

Third person effect

The common attitude that others are influenced be media messages but we are not


The creation and maintenance of culture through communication

Elizabeth Eisenstein argues that:

The development of printing technologies fundamentally changed how people think, contributing to many major advances in civilization

What is fueling the growth of alternative book formats?

The digital storage of books combined with inexpensive print-on-demand technology


The extent to which the receiver's thought and the sender's original thought are similar

The trend from broadcasting to narrowcasting to microcasting reflects:

The growing demassification of media

The one-way model of communication is being challenged by...

The growth of user-generated content

A law against yelling "fire" in a crowded theater could be considered constitutional based on which legal justification?

The harm justification

Technological determinism

The idea that it is machines and their development that drive economics and cultural change

The main reason for the growth in box office is...

The increase in ticket prices

Demassification in the media means...

The media are moving away from targeting mass audiences serving smaller, specialized audience niches

Dominant (mainstream) culture

The one that seems to hold sway with the majority of the people

Who owns the airwaves in the United States?

The people of the US

Mass communication evolved from.....

The printed word

Feedback is:

The response to a given communication

The region a satellite remains hovered above at all times is called:

The satellite's footprint

Human language evolved from...

The spoken word

"The great annihilator of time and space"

The telegraph

Today's U.S. alternative press has grown out of:

The underground press of the 1960s


The underlying set of rules that computers still use today to communicate with each other

Human civilization evolved from...

The written word


Theatrical, presentation, concessions

How much a radio can charge for ads is primarily based on:

Their ratings

Often paid for by universities and research grants:

Theoretical research

Often published in public forums, like research journals.

Theoretical research

Mass communication _____________ are explanations and predictions of social phenomena that attempt to relate mass communication to various aspects of our personal and cultural lives or social systems.


Knowledge of media's conventions is important because:

They cue or direct our meaning making

The common assumption that others are influenced by media messages but we are not is:

Third-person effect

Edison, jealous of the Lumières' success, bought the patent for an advanced film projector from U.S. inventor:

Thomas Armat

Groups of channels made available to subscribers at varying prices are known in the cable business as:


What we call the "web" today can largely be credited to the work of:

Tim Berners-Lee

What is the world's largest magazine publisher in the US? (In combined circulation)

Time Warner

Lasswell's model of communication is expressed as "Who Says What in Which Channel _____________ with What Effect".

To Whom

Multiple points of access

To approach media content from a variety of directions and derive from it many levels of meaning

What are the two book publishing industries?

Trade book and textbook

Books sold by retail booksellers are called:

Trade books

Most books sold are _______.

Trade books

The book industry can be divided into two categories:

Trade books and textbooks

_____________ carry stories, features, and ads aimed at people in specific professions and are distributed either by professional organizations or by media companies like Whittle Communications and Time Warner.

Trade, professional, and business magazines

48% of adults 50+ play video games.


98.5% of the highest-rated primetime shows are on broadcast TV stations.


A communication satellite can have dozens of small transponders.


A judge issues a "gag order" to restrain the participants in a trial from giving information to the media.


AMC acquired the Lowes Cineplex chain in 2006.


About half of all news stories originate from news releases written by PR people.


Advertisers' dependence on the mass media for promoting their products is declining.


Aliteracy is a form of self-censorship.


All broadcast stations, radio and TV, must broadcast a legal ID once every hour.


An understanding of and respect for the power of media messages is an important media literacy skill.


Apple helped the recording industry develop a new business model.


Apple is the world's largest retailer of recorded music.


Archeological evidence suggests music existed before the advent of written language.


As Dr. Thompsen uses the term, "culture" is the "world of meaning" that together we have created and continue to create through communication.


As a result of new technology, studios have turned to social networking as a method of distribution.


As a result of the changing process of mass communication, specifically, the Internet, the audience has become the source in many instances.


At one point, the major motion picture studios owned and operated large motion picture theater chains, but they don't anymore.


At the moment at least, more advertising dollars are spent on television advertising in the USA than on digital advertising.


Book publishers rely on sales.


Cigarette companies were at one time some of the biggest buyers of advertising time on television.


Communication (or miscommunication) turns differentiation into divisions.


Communication is a creative act.


Communication occur in different settings.


Communication requires a sharing of meaning.


Corporate convergence has led to the rise of huge media conglomerates and increased concentration of media ownership.


Culture is a medium evolved by humans to survive.


Culture is a medium through which all of life's events must flow.


Culture is constructed and maintained through communication.


Culture is the world made meaningful.


Device convergence is blurring the once rigid distinctions between media.


Disney-ABC Television Group is a major producer and syndicator of TV programs.


Domestic box office sales in 2015 were at an all time record high.


Dr. Thompen's definition of communication is slightly different from the definition offered by the author of your textbook. Dr. Thompsen says in this video that this is just a "small philosophical distinction."


Evening news, documentary, horror film, and gossip magazine are examples of genres.


In 2015, over $23 billion was spent on video games in the US.


In 2015, the US pay TV industry earned over $100 billion in subscription revenue and almost $40 billion in advertising revenue.


Independent producers often rely on the major studios for financing & distribution.


Internet advertisers in the US spent almost $53 billion in 2015.


Internet traffic recently surpassed a zettabyte.


J.J. Abrams shot the latest Star Wars movie with Kodak celluloid film.


Many cable channels—for example, Nickelodeon and A&E—prosper through their ability to deliver demographically narrow audiences to advertisers.


Many free apps for smart phones integrate advertising. Some even enable interactive ads and very precise "location aware" targeting of advertising messages.


Many journalists eventually work in PR.


Many magazine titles are now available as "apps" in the iPhone and Android markets.


Many media scholars today subscribe to a cultivation view of media effects instead of a simplistic causal view of media effects.


Many newspapers offer digital replica editions that look just like the print edition, but on a tablet or phone.


Many people don't have a very clear understanding of what is meant by the term "public relations."


Mass communication is one of the major settings for communication.


Mass communication uses media technology to extend the channels for communication.


Mass market paperbacks tend to be in a smaller, more compact format than trade paperbacks.


Media organizations invest in the professional production of media content like TV shows, movies, magazines.


Media organizations seek to control the distribution of media content to the intended audience of consumers.


Media organizations seek to make money by selling content to consumers or selling advertising (or both).


Media ownership is becoming increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few large companies.


Modern technology is lowering the cost of entry of media production.


Most broadcast stations are affiliated with a network that produces & distributes programs.


Most of what we watch is from broadcast television stations.


Most people do still subscribe to a pay TV service like cable or DBS (direct broadcast satellite).


Most people focus on the present, the "here and now" of their experience.


Most trade books lose money.


Much of what we see in the media is advertising.


Newer video game consoles can be used as over-the-top boxes to stream audio and video from the net, and even serve as digital video recorders.


Newspapers have actively embraced the web for distributing news and ads; some now make more from web ads than print.


Newspapers make money from both advertising and circulation.


Nothing is free from cultural influences.


On average, Americans spend more time watching television than they do using the internet.


One illustration of the linkage function of media could be when someone "likes" your Facebook status.


One of the most common forms of applied research is audience measurement.


One of the reasons books are seen as powerful cultural agents is because they are agents of social change.


Panel studies collect data from the same people at two or more points in time.


Perspective provides a stable position from which to observe.


Picture quality of over-the-air TV is often better than the HDTV delivered by cable and satellite systems.


Primary among the reasons advertisers like newspapers as an advertising medium is their local nature.


Recently, the number of online movie sales has grown larger than the number of DVD sales.


Revenues for American PR firms constitute about half of the world's total.


Right now, streaming accounts for almost a third of the recording industry's revenue.


Since 2013, e-book sales have been slowing down and print books have been making a comeback.


Since the onset of mobile technology, readers are consuming just as much—if not more—magazine content.


Supporters point to economies-of-scale in their defense of media concentration.


Tax-payer support of education led to higher literacy rates and greater demand for books.


The Philadelphia television market is one of only four in the country where all four major networks owns and operate broadcast TV stations.


The audio media can also be referred to as the aural media, because they communicate to us through the aural channel of hearing.


The average commercial radio station had about $1.6 million in ad revenue last year.


The book is the least "mass" of our mass media in terms of audience reach.


The early development of computer networks was motivated in part because the Soviet Union launched a space satellite before the United States did.


The heaviest loss of newspaper readership is among young adults.


The high price of pay TV services is helping make free broadcast TV an increasingly attractive option for many.


The history of America is a history chronicled by newspapers.


The majority of Americans who own cellular telephones use them to access the internet.


The media are a pervasive part of our lives.


The modern era of public relations is characterized by advanced two-way communication.


The placement of stories has influence on what readers come to see as important news.


The recording industry sold more recordings in 2015 than it did in 2005 but earned less money.


The traditional media business model is in a state of transition.


There are more bytes in the digital universe than stars in the physical one.


There are more radios in this country than there are people in this country.


There used to be much more diversity of media ownership.


Tim Berners-Lee developed the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP).


Today's media consumer has increased user control over when to pay for content.


Today, a lot of media content is user-generated.


Together we create the still unfolding story of human culture.


Universal, Warner, and Sony control over 85% of music distribution.


Users can subscribe to an RSS feed to automatically download new episodes.


While some theoretical research has found support for the positive effects of media, most theoretical media research has focused on negative effects.


Within the 50 years after the printing press (Gutenberg) more books were printed than had ever been created throughout history.


Yellow journalism is thought to have acquired its name from a popular comic character of the time.


iTunes has sold over 40 billion songs since in started in 2003.


For decades, federal law prohibited a company from owning more more than 7 AM and 7 FM stations.

True -Limit was raised slightly in 1980s -Limit was lifted completely in 1996

Advertisers spent the most on TV last year.

True - 42%

The concept that broadcasters in the United States license use of the airwaves owned by the people is called the _____________ model of regulation.


Services that allow the simultaneous downloading and accessing of music are:

Two streaming

World's largest recording company:


The recording industry is dominated by 3 huge companies:

Universal, Warner, Sony

At the individual level, the functional paradigm is reflected in what approach to media study?

Uses and gratifications

The dominant channels in most cities were typically found on what band?


TV sets used to have two tuning knobs:


The control of a film's production, distribution, and exhibition by a movie studio is called:

Vertical integration

Media that are in between being audience- and advertiser-supported:

Video games, magazines, newspapers, online

New, interactive technologies give consumers two choices when making a purchasing decision: exit, that is they simply do not buy the product, or ____, that is they explain exactly why they are not buying.


The Crisis, first published in 1910 as the voice of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), was founded and edited by noted African-American intellectual:

W.E.B. DuBois

What is the highest circulation paper in the US?

Wall Street Journal

At the outbreak of World War II, several national advertising and media associations joined to develop the _____________, using their expertise to promote numerous government programs.

War Advertising Council

The normative theory, the _____________ concept, is based on two realities of media operation: there is no completely free (libertarian) media system on Earth; and even in the most commercially driven systems, there exists not only the expectation of public service and responsibility, but also significant communication-related activities of government to ensure that media professionals meet those responsibilities.


Functional paradigm asks:

What needs do the media satisfy for us?

In 1896, presidential contenders William Jennings Bryan and _____________ both established campaign headquarters in Chicago, where they issued news releases, position papers, and pamphlets.

William McKinley


Willing acceptance of the dominating ideology of a ruling class as natural and even beneficial

In 1849, six large New York papers, including the Sun, Herald, and Tribune, decided to pool efforts and share expenses in collecting news from foreign ships docking at the city's harbor. In doing so they established the first:

Wire service

DVR, VOD, and app audiences watch:

Within 7 days of live broadcast

Was the Xbox or Xbox 260 more successful?

Xbox 360

In 1883, Hungarian immigrant Joseph Pulitzer bought the troubled New York World. His readership was "the common man", and he succeeded in reaching readers with light, sensationalistic news coverage, extensive use of illustrations, and circulation-building stunts and promotions. This brand of journalism became known as:

Yellow journalism

I mentioned an "old saying in advertising" that began with "Half of the dollars you spend on advertising is wasted." What is the rest of this "old saying in advertising?"

You just don't know which half

Media that have a huge impact on the consumption of media content:

YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media

Who is the leading publisher of religious books?


What is the fastest-growing media company?


Surveillance function of media:

-"Eye" to monitor our world -Warn us about dangers (beware) and provide us with useful, helpful info (instrumental)

There are over _______ radio stations in the US. What is the break up?

-15,000 -AM: 4,684 -FM commercial: 6,701 -FM noncommercial: 4,095

"Louie Louie"

-1964 hit -The Kingsmen -Banned in Indiana -Extensive FBI investigation because "obscene"


-1969 -First packet-switched computer communication network

"As Nasty As They Wanna Be"

-1989 album -2 Live Crew -First record to be declared obscene by a US Federal Court -Double platinum hit -2 Live Crew's biggest seller

Media literacy skills:

-Ability and willingness to make an effort to understand content, to pay attention, and filter out noise -Understanding and respect for the power of media messages -Ability to distinguish emotional from reasoned reactions when responding to content and to act accordingly -Development of heightened expectations of media content -Knowledge of genre conventions and ability to recognize when they are being mixed -Ability to think critically about messages, no matter how credible their sources -Knowledge of the internal language of media and being able to understand -Production values - the choice of lighting, editing, special effects, music, camera angles, location on the page, and size and placement of headline

Elements of media literacy:

-Ability to think critically and make judgements -Understanding of mass communication's process -Awareness of media's impact -Strategies for analyzing and discussing media messages -Understanding that media is a text that provides insight into our culture and our lives -Ability to enjoy, understand, and appreciate media content -Development of effective and responsible production skills -Understanding of moral and ethical obligations of media practitioners

Cultivation research has found that the more people watch TV, the more they...

-Are conservative in their political views -Think we should abolish the death penalty -Fear being a victim of a violent crime

Gutenberg developed the printing press...

-Around 1446 -Downfall: his stress of quality over quantity, used too high of quality paper and ink -Wanted to print bibles -


-Atlanta-based -Second largest radio company -Owns over 450 stations -No stations in Philly


-Cable giant -Owns NBC Universal


-Corporate ties to Rupert Murdoch's News Corp -Includes 27 US broadcast TV stations (WTXF-29 in Philly), 2 broadcast networks (FOX and MyNetworkTV), and stations in Latin America, Europe, and Asia


-Corporate ties to Viacom -Owns CBS broadcast network, half of the CW network, 27 broadcast stations (KYW-3 and WPSG-57), and CBS Television Distribution (major syndicator of TV programs - Wheel of Fortune)


-Cost per thousand -How much it costs for an ad to achieve 1,000 impressions -How to: divide listeners by 1,000. Then divide that number by the cost of the radio ad -Ex: A radio ad costs $100 and reaches 10,000 listeners. Its CPM $10. -Ex: A TV ad costs $1,000 and reaches 200,000. Its CPM is


-Division of Alphabet -Google-owned sites reach over 95% of web users in a typical month -Google traffic enjoys low latency because of ample bandwidth and strong infrastructure

The Postal Act of 1879:

-Established the second class postage rate for periodicals -Fueled a dramatic rise in the number of magazines published in the USA -Helped subsidize the cost of delivering magazines to subscribers

Sony (movie industry)

-Fifth place in box office share: 9% -Only foreign-owned company among the big seven -Top 2015 film: Spectre


-First commercially successful semiconductor -Essential part of digital communication -AT&T Bell Laboratories -1947

Universal (movie industry)

-First place in box office share: 22% -Top 2015 film: Jurassic World -Part of NBC Universal - division of Comcast

20th Century Fox

-Fourth place in box office share: 12% -Part of News Corp -First place in shares in 2014

Critical/cultural perspective (paradigm):

-Frankfurt School -Critical approach to social inquiry philosophers including Kant, Hegel, Freud, and especially Marx -Focuses on how powerful groups in a society use the media to maintain hegemony

Grand Theft Auto V

-Generated $1billion in sales in just 3 days in 2013, setting a record

Watching TV online is growing in popularity due to advances in 3 areas:

-Greater bandwidth (faster downloading) -Compression techniques(MP3/MP4) keep file sizes small -Streaming techniques allow audiences to watch a video file it is downloading at the same time

News Corp owns:

-Harper Collins - second largest trade book publisher -Zondervan - leading publisher of religious books


-Has long been a leading site on the Internet -About 80% of internet users visit a Yahoo! site in a typical month, including numerous Yahoo! branded services for music, e-mail, photos, e-commerce, and messaging -Microsoft tried to acquire Yahoo! but failed

Functions and effects of culture:

-Helps us categorize and classify our experiences -Helps us define us, our world, and our place in it -Provides information to help us make meaningful distinctions

Advertising cultivates _____________, but it can also ______________.

-How we see products -Shape how we see ourselves

Interpretation function of media:

-Identify the important issues of the day through agenda-setting process (shape our opinions on those issues) -Reflected in gatekeeping

Social Darwinism:

-Is considered an elitist perspective -Clashes with many of the core principles of modern democratic thought -Holds that some people are just naturally better than other people


-Japanese company -Primarily in video game business -Been in business longer than its main competitors -First big hit: 1981 arcade game, Donkey Kong


-Japanese media conglomerate -Entered video game console business in 1995 with PlayStation -Released PlayStation 2 in 2002

Linkage function of media:

-Joins us together as groups focused on similar interests, common goals, and shared need


-Largest combined daily circulation of an US newspaper chain -Publishes nearly 100 papers (USA Today, The Arizona Republic, Detroit Free Pass, Indianapolis Star, The Wilmington News Journal)

Time Warner (movie industry)

-Largest magazine publisher in the US - in combined circulation -Most successful titles (People, Time, Sports Illustrated) -Other titles (Fortune, Money, Essence, Golf, Real Simple, InStyle)

iHeart Radio

-Largest radio company in the world -Formerly called Clear Channel -Owns over 850 US radio stations -6 stations in Philly -Also owns iHeart Radio app and radio show syndicator Premiere Networks

Microsoft (gaming industry)

-Launched original Xbox in 2001 -Launched Xbox 360 in 2005 -Marketing its new Xbox One as an "all-in-one entertainment system" that integrates games with TV, movies, music, and online apps

Birmingham School

-Led by Stuart Hall -Focus on polysemic nature(multiple meanings) of media texts helped establish the field of cultural studies


-Major international magazine publisher -300 magazines globally -21 US titles (Cosmo, Good Housekeeping, Elle, Seventeen, Esquire, Redbook, Harpers' Bazaar, Women's Day, Popular Mechanics)

Sony (recording industry)

-Market share: 28% -Japanese conglomerate -Second largest record company in the world -Formerly called Sony/BMG -Bought out Bertelsmann in 2008 -Sony labels (RCA, Arista, Columbia, Windham Hill, Epic, Zomba, Jive)

Universal (recording industry)

-Market share: almost 39% -World's largest recording company -Formerly known as MCA Music Group -Now part of French conglomerate Vivendi -Universal labels (Decca, Motown, Def Jam, Mercury, Phillips) -Completed acquisition of EMI in 2012

The cultivation view of media effects:

-Media affect us gradually, not immediately (cultivated over many years) -Media affect our attitudes more than our behaviors (affect perspective and how we see reality) -Media effects reinforce and are reinforced by culture (enculturate us, teaching us cultural values and norms)

Written culture led to...

-More complex human thought -Growing specialization labor -Formation of privileged class -Establishment of empires -Concentration of power -The earliest books


-Most influential movie exhibitor -America's largest movie theater company -Operates over 6,600 screens under the Regal, United Artists, and Edward brands

Meaning is...

-Multidimensional -Sharing -Contextual -Created in different settings

Vinto Cerf

-One of the key scientists on the ARPAnet project -Helped develop TCP/IP

The New York Times

-One of the most influential papers in the US -NYT company also publishes The Boston Globe and The International Herald-Tribune

Transmission Model

-One of the most widely used models of communication -Also called the linear model or the S-M-C-R model

News Corp

-One of the world's largest publishers of English-language papers -Over 175 papers around the world (Time Time of London - major UK paper, Wall Street Journal)


-Only American company among big 3 -Market share: 20% -Formerly a division of Time Warner -Independent company since 2004 -Warner labels (Atco, Rhino, Atlantic, Maverick, Sire, Electra, Reprise, Word)

CBS Radio

-Owns 117 stations (mostly in major cities) -Has stations in all top ten markets -5 stations in Philly

Time Warner (TV industry)

-Owns one TV station (WPCH in Atlanta) -One of the leading producers in broadcast TV programs -Has shows on all major networks -Owns half of the CW network

What is the most widely read magazine in the USA? Who publishes it?

-Parade -Advance Publications

Problems with a causal view of media effects:

-People aren't things -People are individuals -People are unpredictable

How does music play a role in oral culture?

-People used music to remember things -Scholars say music predates writing -Many stories we hear today originated from song


-Philadelphia-based -Largest cable company in the US -Acquisition of NBC-Universal -One of the top producers of TV programming -Numerous broadcast and cable properties -Tried, and failed, to acquire Time Warner Cable (2nd largest cable company)

Digital distribution of media content has led to...

-Producers having less control over the distribution of content -An acceleration in media convergence

Advance Publications

-Publishes Parade -Conde Nast line of consumer magazines (Vogue, Vanity Fair, New Yorker, W, GQ, Glamour, Allure, Self, Wired)


-Released in 1984 -Over 170 million copies have been sold (100 million for mobile devices)

Textbooks are marketed by publishers directly to adopters. Examples of adopters are:

-School boards and education departments at the el-hi level -Professors at the college level

Time Warner Cable

-Second largest cable company in US -Operates as a separate company from Time Warner -Owns HBO, Cinemax, CNN, TBS, TNT, many other basic cable channels


-Second most popular brand on the net -About 84% of active internet users spend time on FB properties

Disney (movie industry)

-Second place in box office share: 20% -Top 2015 film: Star Wars: The Force Awakens -Disney brands (Buena Vista, Touchstone, Lucasfilm, Pixar, Marvel)

4 primary components of the transmission model:

-Source (initiates communication process with thought) -Message (both verbal and nonverbal) -Channel (visual channel(sight) and aural channel(sound)) -Receiver (decodes and interprets the message

Most PR people work in 1 of 4 broad categories:

-Specialists (53%) focus on one kind of PR -Agency reps (32%) serve PR clients -Managers (11%) supervise PR organizations -Consultants (5%) provide PR advice

Transmission of values function of media:

-Subtle, yet important -Socialization function -Teach us what it means to "fit in" to society

Journalists view on PR people:

-Suspicious of PR efforts to get free publicity for a cause -See them as "flaks" and "spin doctors" who stand in the way of finding the truth

Mass communication is produced by mass media organizations. These organizations:

-Tend to be complex and formal -Tend to have multiple gatekeepers -Typically need a lot of money to operate -Exist to make a profit -Are highly competitive

Elizabeth Eisenstein argues that the development of printing was largely responsible for:

-The Renaissance period -The Protestant reformation -The growth of literacy -The scientific method -The rise of democracies -Public support of eduation


-The learned behavior of members of a given social group -The "world of meaning" that together we create through communication

Warner Bros

-Third place in box office share: 17% -Division of Time Warner -Top 2015 film: American Sniper -Subsidiary - New Line

Paramount Pictures

-Tied for sixth place in box office share: 6% -Owned by Viacom -Adolph Zukor in 1912 -America's oldest studio -Only major studio still headquarted in Hollywood -Top 2015 film: Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation


-Tied for sixth place in box office share: 6% -Top 2015 film: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

Video games are increasingly becoming a popular medium for advertising because:

-Video games are among the "stickiest" of digital media experiences -Ads in mobile games tend to be presented in a more "up close and personal" manner -Players typically can't fast-forward through the ads seen on "freemium" games


-Was a company that licensed Edison's various patents for motion picture technology -Was seen by some early filmmakers as having too much power over the motion picture industry -Contributed to many filmmakers moving to California

Microsoft (Internet)

-Web content reaches 70% of internet users every month -Default web page is installed by Internet Explorer -Bing, Skype, and OneDrive trying hard to compete with Google

Random House

-World's largest trade book publishing company -Division of German media giant Bertelsmann -Publishes under many imprints (Anchor, Ballantine, Bantam, Crown, Dell, Doubleday, Knopf, Penguin)


-World's leading textbook publisher -British publisher -Imprints (Addison Wesley, Allyn & Bacon, Longman, Peachpit, Prentice Hall, Scott Foresmann)

A broader perspective means...

-You take time to observe carefully, realizing that things aren't always what they appear to be -You try to resist simple "black and white" thinking -You try to recognize the hazards of generalizations -You're open to new ideas and a new way of seeing things -You try to learn from where we've been to see where we might be going -Being able to see things from both a microanalytic and macroanalytic view

M is the Roman numeral for:


Top 10 Broadcast TV shows:

1. NCIS -CBS 2. The Voice (Monday) -NBC 3. The Voice (Tuesday) -NBC 4. NCIS: New Orleans - CBS 5. Sixty Minutes -CBS 6. The Big Bang Theory - CBS 7. Madam Secretary - CBS 8. Criminal Minds -CBS 9. Scorpion - CBS 10. Survivor -CBS

4 ways of measuring audience for web advertising:

1. Web servers can track how many times a web ad is sent over the net, called a hit or impression 2. Web servers can measure unique visitors, the number of different people who see a web ad 3. Click-through rate (how often a web ad is clicked on by those who see it) 4. Conversion rates (how many clicks lead to actual sales)

Different countries spend different amounts of money in support of noncommercial media. For example, annual government funding for noncommercial media in the United States amounts to $_____ per person. In Canada it is $22.48; in Slovenia, $51.57; in the United Kingdom, $80.36; in Denmark, $101.00; and in Finland, $101.01.


The Simpsons Movie premiered simultaneously in _____ countries and in _____ languages. Its summer 2007 opening weekend box office in the United States was $72 million. Elsewhere, it topped $100 million.


The average American spends how many hours a day using media? And how is it broken up?

12 hours a day using media -5 hours online -4.5 hours with TV -1.5 hours of radio -About a half hour using the 6 other primary media combined (video games, magazines, recordings, movies, newspapers, books)

# of books printed in the 1500s

12 million

On average, how much time a day do we spend reading books?

12 minutes

Johanes Gutenberg

1450s-developed a system for mass production of print based on movable metal type and converted wine presses

When was the first bible printed?


What age group spends the least amount of time reading for leisure?


How many Americans play video games?

155 million

Bay Psalm Book

1640-first book published in the America colonies -Cambridge, Mass

Poor Richard's Almanac

1732-one of the first American "blockbusters" -Benjamin Franklin -Sold 10,000 copies -Inspiration for the Old Farmer's Almanac

Sirius XM has over _______ subscribers.

18 million

About how many broadcast television stations are in the USA?


William Holmes McGuffey

1836-wrote one of the first and most influential series of textbooks used to support public education

Henry Fox Talbot

1841-Developed the first successful method of printing photos from negatives

Samuel Morse

1844-Invented the telegraph

Alexander Graham Bell

1876-Developed the telephone

George Eastman

1884-Developed celluloid (first flexible film roll form) and a small inexpensive camera that used the film (Kodak camera)

Heinrich Hertz

1887-Discovered radio waves

During which decade did cable television experience its most rapid period of growth?


1994 -Seattle-based company -Jeff Bezos

How many gamers are in each game-playing US household? (average)


Today, there are more than _____________ magazines in operation in the United States.


Humans have lived on Earth for at least....

200,000 years

Oral culture has existed for...

200,000 years

7 major studios:

20th Century Fox, Disney, Warner Bros, Sony, Universal, Paramount, Lionsgate

# of books printed in the 1600s

217 million

Robert de Graff's company, Pocket Books, sold paperback books that were inexpensive reissues of successful hardbacks. They cost:

25 cents

About how many Americans went to the movies each week in 2015?

25 million

NBC Universal owns:

26 broadcast stations (WCUA-10 in Philly) and 2 broadcast networks (NBC and Telemundo)

Who would have the most difficult time winning a libel suit against a newspaper?

A US senator

The largest amount, 54 percent, of adult Internet users watch video content on:

A computer or laptop


A consistent perspective that becomes widely accepted in scholarly inquiry

Frankfurt School

A group of German scholars in the early 20th century

Cable has slipped a bit in the past year, as a result of:

A growing number of "cord cutters" moving to broadcast TV and online video

Pocket Books

A leading publisher in mass market paperbacks

Cengage Learning

A major publisher of textbooks in the higher education market

Gutenberg's system for mass production of books combined:

A printing press with moveable metal type

The first book published in the American colonies was:

A religious book

When broadcasters asked the government to help them solve their interference and other operational problems during the 1920s, it responded with:

A series of four National Radio Conferences, involving industry experts, public officials, and government regulators


A station's audience expressed as a percentage of the total audience -Always larger than its rating -Ex: 100,000 people in a radio market and 40,000 people are listening to radio, 20,000 people are listening to KBBC. KBBC's share would be 50. 20,000 ia 50% of 40,000


A station's audience expressed as a percentage of the total population -Ex: 100,000 people in a radio market and 20,000 people are listening to KBBC. KBBC's rating would be 20. 20,000 is 20% of 100,000

Legal IDs consist of:

A station's call letters followed by the city it's license to serve -Ex: WCUR (call letters) West Chester (city of license)

Communication medium

A technology that extends the visual and/or aural channels for transmitting and storing messages over space and time

Digital Rights Management (DRM)

A technology that hinders privacy -At one time this was included in most music download -Today, most downloads are DRM free -Making a big comeback in streaming music services


A way of seeing, of making sense of the way things are

What is the highest circulation consumer magazine?

AARP Magazine

When, in 1943, the government ordered NBC to divest itself of one of its networks, it sold NBC Blue to Edward Noble, who renamed it:


Disney owns:

ABC broadcast network and 10 broadcast TV stations (WPVI in Philly)

Who is Regals' closest rival?


iTunes music store sells _________ of all recordings sold.

About two-thirds

The most well known and arguably the most effective ______ Web site is


Sin public refers to ___________.

Ad free broadcasts on Spanish public television

What led to the rise of the dime novel?

Advance in paperbound printing and the strong demand for leisure reading material

How do broadcast TV stations make most of their money?


Newspapers two main sources of income:

Advertising and paid circulation

How is the percent of revenue for magazines split up between advertising and circulation?

Advertising: 67% Circulation: 33%

_____________ theory argues that media do not tell us what to think, but what to think about.

Agenda setting

How many US internet users illegally download movies?

Almost a fourth

The Kindle belongs to:


Who is the world's largest bookseller?

World's largest online retailer:

The term "Wurlitzer" refers to:

An organ that can make many different sound effects

Gatekeepers in journalism (shape what is and isn't newsworthy):

Anchors, reporters, photographers, and editors

The first magazine in colonial America was:

Andrew Bradford's American Magazine, or a Monthly View of the Political State of the British Colonies

Colonial newspaper publisher Peter Zenger was defended in his trial for seditious libel by:

Andrew Hamilton

During the 1950s and 1960s, women began to assume prominent roles in public relations. Among the most notable was President Dwight Eisenhower's associate press secretary:

Anne Williams Wheaton

In the contemporary world of consumer magazines, being good isn't enough. A publication must be good and:

Appeal primarily to specialized readerships with relatively narrow interests

#1 retailer of music in the world:


Media practitioners who put their ethical values into action are using:

Applied ethics

The Nielsen Company is known for conducting this kind of research.

Applied research

Typically looks at the intended effects of the media:

Applied research

When audiences consume content at a time predetermined by the producer and distributor:

Appointment consumption

What album was declared obscene by a US Federal Court and later overturned?

As Nasty As They Wanna Be

Live audience watch:

At time of live broadcast

The idea that the audience for mass media is increasingly less mass refers to:

Audience fragmentation

The _____________ was established in 1914 to provide reliability to a booming magazine industry playing loose with self-announced circulation figures.

Audit Bureau of Circulations

The normative theory that calls for the subjugation of media for the purpose of serving the government is the _____________ concept.


The Nook belongs to:

Barnes & Noble

The "free" channels provided automatically to all subscribers are called:

Basic cable

The first true novel printed in the colonies was Pamela, written by British author Samuel Richardson and published by:

Bejamin Franklin

Who pioneered the use of advertiser support of newspapers and sold his newspaper for just a penny?

Benjamin Day

Many of the propaganda techniques used by the Nazis in World War II were based on the public relations theories of:


The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution are called the:

Bill of rights

The P2P software which most fuels the contemporary recording industry's piracy fears is ______. This is file-sharing software that allows anonymous users to create "swarms" of data as they simultaneously download and upload "bits" of content from countless, untraceable servers.


The external broadcast services of the United States are under the administration of the _____________, whose members were appointed by the president.

Board of International Broadcasting

Two main sources of income for book publishers:

Book sales and subsidiary rights

What was the first mass medium?


What are textbooks?

Books that are marketed by publishers directly to adopters - typically school boards and education departments a the El-Hi level, and professors at the college level

What are trade books?

Books that publishers sell at wholesale to retail booksellers, like Barnes & Noble and

Media that lean more towards being audience supported:

Books, recordings, movies

Groups with specific but not dominant cultures that exist as part of those larger cultures are:

Bounded cultures

When commercials are part of and essential to a piece of media content, proponents of this practice say it isn't a commercial, it is:

Brand entertainment

The most widely-watched primetime TV programs are on:

Broadcast TV stations

Direct satellite delivery of TV is a form of ___________, where the transmitting antenna is in a geosynchronous orbit.


According to former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, newspapers have a __________ problem, rather than a demand problem.


After Gutenberg, mass communication technology continued to advance in 3 key areas:

Chemical technologies, electronic technologies, and digital technologies

The total number of sold issues of a magazine is its:


The controversial 2010 Supreme Court First Amendment decision, ___________, granted corporations and labor unions the same free speech rights as individuals.

Citizens United v. FEC

Because freedom of the press can be limited if the likely result is damaging, there is no absolute freedom of expression in the case of:

Clear and present danger

The electronic tracking of the choices people make when they are surfing the Net is their:

Click stream

We use ______ to convert digital signals into analog signals that humans can interpret?


Most of the marketing efforts of college textbook publishers are aimed at:

College professors

Live +7 ratings

Combine the live audience of a TV show with those who watch within a DVR, through VOD, or from a mobile app

What is the largest cable company in the US?


Placement of advertising in media is compensated through a _____________, typically 15 percent of the cost of the time or space.


Through culture people...

Communicate, perpetuate, and develop their knowledge

Defining communication requires:


There are many publics with whom PR professionals interact, including an organization's _____________. Courtesy, as well as good business sense requires that an organization's neighbors be treated with friendship and support. Information meetings, company-sponsored safety and food drives, and open houses strengthen ties between organizations and their neighbors.


Magazine content placed near an ad that is designed to reinforce the advertiser's message (or at least not negate it) is called:

Complementary copy

The first computer network designed for home users was called:


Disney's purchase of Capital Cities/ABC is an example of:

Concentration of media ownership

Very specific radio station formats aimed at quite specific audiences are examples of:

Concentration of media ownership

Gaming industry revenue in sectors:

Console gaming accounts: 49% Mobile: 17% (growing quickly) Handheld: 15% (declining) PC: 20%

The ability to access any content, anytime, anywhere describes:


What is the best way of measuring audience for web advertising?

Conversion rates - how many clicks on a web ad lead to actual sales

What is the highest single-copy sales magazine?


Publishing houses, now increasingly part of larger conglomerates, were once typically small operations, closely identified with their authors and staffs. In other words, publishing had been largely a _____________ industry.


A message in the media that is polysemic is one that:

Could have different meanings for people in different cultures

Questions about media's impact on issues, such as what kind of nation we are building or what kind of people we are becoming, are characteristic of:

Critical research

External relations:

Customer relations, vendor relations, industry relations, political lobbying, external publications

The Lumière brothers' most important contribution to the development of motion pictures was:

Demonstrating that large audiences would sit in a darkened room and watch movies projected on a screen

Tim Berners-Lee

Developed HTML and HTTP

Beyond the development of the gramophone, Emile Berliner advanced sound recording through his importation of well-known music from Europe and the:

Development of a sophisticated microphone for recording

What is the fastest growing segment in advertising money spent?


Older analog communication technologies have largely been replaced by...

Digital technologies

In 2015, most of the recordings sold were:

Digital units (like song downloads)

Some believe the media have a __________ ___________ effect on behavior.

Direct causal

Physical domain

Domain of things

Conceptual domain

Domain of thoughts

Semiotic domain

Domain or words

The first first-person perspective shooter game was:


2015 music industry revenue by segment:

Downloads: 40% Physical: 24% Streaming: 32% Other: 4%

His research found that people who watch a lot of TV are more likely to think the world is a dangerous place:

Dr. Gerbner The Mean World Effect


Duplication, booking, shipping, promotion

The publication and distribution of a book initially or exclusively online is called:


Digital books with the appearance of traditional books but content that is digitally stored and accessed are:


_____________ employed a wide variety of film techniques to bring passion and heightened suspense to his 1915 classic, The Great Train Robbery.

Edwin S. Porter

For many scholars, the most satisfying answer to the question, "how do the media affect us" is provided by:

Empirical research

The availability of trustworthy _____________—coding and decoding—technologies that make online use of credit and bank card numbers, addresses, social security numbers, and other sensitive information safer for both seller and buyer has fueled interest in the Internet as a place to do business.


ESRB stands for:

Entertainment Software Ratings Board

Media scholar Richard Dyer argues that:

Entertainment serves a vital function in society by providing us with "a surrogate for utopia...the image of 'something better' to escape into, or something we want deeply that our day-to-day lives don't provide"

Suppose you're sitting in a lecture hall, and the student next to you is listening to loud music on headphones, making it difficult for you to hear the professor. This would be an example of:

Environmental noise

Rules of behavior or moral principles that guide our actions in given situations are:


Meaning results from...

Expressing our thoughts about things using words (communication)

Communication media

Extend cultivation over space and time

The first full-service ad agency was begun in 1869 by:

F. Wayland Ayer

Broadcast TV stations, like radio stations, are licensed by the:


A still-used derogatory name for television, the "vast wasteland", was coined by:

FCC Chairman Newton Minow

What is the "stickiest" site?


A "gold record" refers to a recording that sells at least a million copies.


A "replica edition" of a magazine refers to a reprint of an older issue, such as when a magazine reprints its first issue in honor of its 50th anniversary.


About ten percent of the U.S. population say they watch TV while eating dinner.


Advertising is important in part because all media depend on advertising as a major source of revenue.


An AM radio station's frequency varies according to its modulating sound wave.


An increase in noise in the communication process typically results in an increase in fidelity.


Books sells advertising.


By definition, a tabloid newspaper is one that features sensationalistic reporting.


CPM refers to cost per million, one standard for determining an ad's effectiveness.


Convergence refers to the collecting, or converging, of many media companies into a few large corporations.


Despite what is happening to the other traditional forms of mass media, radio listenership, especially among young people, continues to grow.


False advertising and puffery are essentially the same.


Feedback tends to be more direct and immediate in mass communication than in other forms of communication.


For thousands of years, public relations has been viewed as a necessary management function of an organization.


George Eastman's Kodak camera was often referred to as "the great annihilator of time and space."


Internet Explorer was the first commercially successful web browser.


Johanes Gutenberg invited the printing press.


Mass communication is the only communication setting where media technology is used.


Mass society theory is an example of a middle-range theory.


More people listen to satellite radio stations than listen to AM and FM stations.


Most of the major textbooks used in introductory mass communication college classes include a chapter devoted to the topic of video games.


Most people get their TV "over the air."


Most people who work in the media prefer government regulation over self-regulation through ethical codes.


Motion picture studios make most of their money from box office revenue, that is, from selling tickets to see movies in movie theaters.


Newspapers are required by law to provide equal news coverage to all candidates for federal political office.


Nintendo introduced Wii in 2006 in order to claim a bigger share of the handheld game device market.


Of the various communication contexts, media technology is only a part of the mass communication context.


Pay TV systems have been eager to embrace "a la carte" pricing of cable channels, where people pay just for the channels they actually watch.


People could not easily share recorded music with each other before the late 1990s.


People who receive 100 cable TV channels typically watch twice as many channels as do those who only receive 50 cable TV channels.


Public relations experts have consistently criticized how Johnson & Johnson handled the Tylenol tampering scare of 1982.


Public relations is a form of advertising.


The "Father of the Computer" is considered to be German Gottfried Leibnitz.


The "Frankfurt School" of thought believed that the audience was the most powerful force in shaping mass communication.


The "web" is another name for the Internet


The Supreme Court has consistently ruled that the "prior restraint" is a legally justified method of protecting citizens from harmful content in the media.


The U.S. Supreme Court has consistently ruled that there are no legally justifiable reasons for laws that abridge the freedom of the press.


The United States government has never used propaganda techniques to shape public opinion.


The United States has a higher broadband adoption rate than any other country in the world.


The compact disc (CD) became the dominant sound recording medium in the late 1970s.


The first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution are known as the First Freedoms.


The first computer-animated film to win an Oscar was Pixar's Toy Story.


The general consensus is that digital content and online versions of magazines substitute for the printed content.


The general decline in revenues for the traditional media can be traced to overall declines in media consumption.


The idea of a "feature length" film didn't occur until after sound was added to motion pictures.


The last time the U.S. Supreme Court permitted prior restraint was in the 1971 Pentagon Papers case.


The origins of the functional paradigm can be traced to Marxist philosophy.


The pendulum toy provides a fair illustration of how the media affects us.


The penny press succeeded by appealing to better-off, fairly well-educated readers attractive to advertisers.


The primary technology used to collect today's television ratings is the audimeter.


The production at the major studios is about 50% for television, 50% for theatrical release.


The results of field experiments are less likely to be contaminated by external factors than are the results of laboratory experiments.


The sale of paperback books accounts for a relatively small portion of bookstores' sales.


The typical American spends more time watching movies in theaters than watching movies outside of theaters.


The writers, graphic designers, artists, and video producers at a PR operation are typically referred to as media specialists.


There are more AM stations in this country than there are FM stations.


There are six broadcast television stations serving the Philadelphia area.


There is little doubt that municipal Wi-Fi is a fundamental right that should be available to all citizens.


U.S. courts has generally held that the First Amendment applies more directly to broadcast media than to print media.


USA Today is the highest circulation newspaper in he US.


Unlike the movie industry, cross-promotion has yet to reach the game business.


Using a sample to make inferences about a population is something only done by applied researchers.


When we examine the media, what we notice will also be what other people notice, regardless of perspective.


Whereas many developing nations fear cultural imperialism, especially from U.S. media, our European friends with well-developed cultures and media systems—for example, the French—do not share those concerns.


The average age of newspaper readers in this country is 45.

False -55

Barnes & Noble is America's biggest bookseller.

False -Amazon

The Web started as a commercial effort, but has become increasingly noncommercial.

False -The Web started as a noncommercial effort, but has become increasingly commercial

PR and advertising often overlap and work together in partnership, just as PR and journalism do.

False -Yes, PR and advertising overlap and work together in partnership. But, although PR and journalism overlap, they do not always get along

All broadcast TV stations are owned by the network.

False -Most are not owned by the network

The vast majority of public relations professionals are:

Female -Some studies suggest it may be over 75%

The cultural studies approach is reflected in __________ studies of the media.



Financing, development, casting, filming, editing

Newspapers have traditionally kept their advertising and editorial functions separate. This is often referred to as the __________.


The foundation for all media law in this country is the

First Amendment

Top-rated cable news channel:

Fox News Channel

21st Century Fox owns:

Fox News Channel, Fox Business Channel, numerous regional Fox sports channels, FX Speed, satellite systems in Europe, Asia, and Latin America

The daily time and cost demands of U.S. journalism result in newspapers and broadcasts composed of a large number of brief, capsulated stories with little room for perspective and context, resulting in _____________ news.


The first African-American newspaper was _____________, published initially in 1827 by John B. Russwurum and the Reverend Samuel Cornish.

Freedom's Journal

The first African-American owned newspaper published in the United States was:

Freedom's Journal


From the receiver to the source can clarify meaning and reduce the impact of noise -Tends to be more limited and less immediate in mass communication

Paradigm's that have guided media study:

Functional, critical/cultural, historical, technological

What is the highest circulation digital replica magazine?

Game Informer

Who said that "we live in a world created by the stories we tell?"

George Gerbner

Which of these noted researchers was a professor of communication?


Who concluded that media violence can lead people to believe the world is more dangerous than it really is?


The ownership of several major U.S. media corporations by foreign companies is an example of:

Globalization of media

Who is the leader in web traffic?


Communication in groups:

Group communication

The first cable television programming service to be distributed to cable TV systems by satellite was:


Newspaper advertising revenue is ______ of what it was ten years ago.


Most new books sold at physical book stores are first made available as? And if successful?

Hardback Trade paperback

Trade book formats:

Hardback, trade paperback, mass market paperback, and alternative formats (i.e. e-books)

The author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, a landmark book in the struggle to free the slaves, is:

Harriet Beecher Stowe

The first electric pinball game was invented by:

Harry Williams

The telephone enabled people to:

Have private real-time conversations across vast distances using natural spoken language

3 main components of a cable TV system:

Head end, distribution system, house drop

Central goal of this course:

Help you develop a broader perspective on the media of communication

The book you bought (or should have bought) for this class is an example of which sales category of books?

Higher education


Highly popular books that sell millions of copies

Ivy Lee encouraged his clients to deal with negative publicity by:

Honestly acknowledging shortcomings and failures

Critical/cultural paradigm asks:

How are we used by the media organizations to achieve their goals?

Critical/cultural paradigm:

How do media use us?

Technological paradigm:

How do media work?

Functional paradigm:

How do we use the media?

Historical paradigm asks:

How have media evolved over time?

Historical paradigm:

How have media evolved?

Feminist media scholars are concerned with...

How media support the ideological dominance of the male patriarchy

Those who study the media from the functional paradigm are most interested in:

How the media are used

Oral culture depended on:

Human memory


HyperText Markup Language -Creates web pages


HyperText Transfer Protocol -Transfers web pages over the internet

The first TV show to be regularly shot on film was:

I Love Lucy

Time Warner was founded:

In 1918 by four brothers in Pittsburgh

The American novel flowered in the 1880s because of all but which of the following?

Increased leisure time

An experiment typically compares situations that are alike except for one important difference called the:

Independent variable

In limited effects theory, the influence of media is thought to be limited by people's intelligence and education, in other words by their:

Individual differences

_____________ are produced by companies specifically for their own employees, customers, and stockholders, or by clubs and associations specifically for their members.

Industrial, company, and sponsored magazines

Because so many newspapers now have online versions of their publications, many observers feel that "circulation" is an insufficient measure of a paper's true readership. They propose a new metric that combines paper and unique online readers called _______.

Integrated audience reach

3 kinds of public relations:

Internal relations, external relations, media relations

Fastest growing ad-supported medium:


The "network of networks", consisting of LANs (Local Area Networks—networks connecting two or more computers, usually within the same building) and WANs (Wide Area Networks—networks that connect several LANs in different locations), is called the:


Communication between two people:

Interpersonal communication

People who study the critical/cultural perspective are focused on:

Issues of power and ideology

The Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, which required anyone who engages in political activities in the United States on behalf of a foreign power to register as an agent of a foreign power with the Justice Department, was a result of which public relations pioneer's contacts with Nazi Germany?

Ivy Lee

Which of the following is an example of a successfully genericized brand name?


_____________ permit a failing paper to merge most aspects of its business with a successful local competitor, as long as their editorial and reporting operations remain separate.

Joint operating agreements

Key figures in the development of the chemical technology of photography:

Joseph Niepce and Louis Daquerre

Printing lead the way to...

Journalism, science, and the mathematics of libraries and law

Top 2015 films:

Jurassic World, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, American Sniper, The Martian, Spectre, Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2,

Who reads the most?

Kids and seniors

William Dickson developed the first motion picture camera, permitting the photographing of 40 frames a second. He called it the:


Who is the world's largest textbook publisher? Second largest?

Largest - Pearson Second largest- McGraw Hill

Who is the world's largest trade book publishing company? Second largest?

Largest - Random House Second largest - Harper Collins

______________ refers to using Internet-created databases to collect names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and other information about likely clients or customers.

Lead generation

Streaming services:

Let you listen to all the music you want, often for free (with ads) or for a subscription fee -Spotify, Pandora, Tidal, Apple Music

The false and malicious publication of material that damages a person's reputation (typically applied to print media) is:


The ability to comprehend and use written symbols effectively and efficiently is:


Broadcasters provide entertainment along with:

Local news, weather, sports, and emergency information

Radio's primary source of revenue:

Local retail advertising

The origin of the word "cinema" can be traced to an invention by:

Louis and August Lumiere

Companies that own several cable franchises are called:


What role does the media play for society? What functions do they serve for society at large? Macro- or microanalysis questions? What paradigm?

Macroanalysis Functional

The functional paradigm can guide...

Macroanalysis of functions performed for society and microanalysis of functions performed for individuals

The large bulk of annual ticket sales, 80% to 90%, are generated by movies produced by:

Major studios and corporate independents

The MPAA says the typical movie pirate is:

Male between the ages of 16 and 24

What percent of gamers are male? Female?

Male: 52% Female: 48%

Which of these individuals made a significant contribution to the development of the internet when they were a college student?

Marc Andreesen, Mark Zuckerberg, and Larry Page

Public messages are directed at large, heterogenous and scattered audiences:

Mass communication

Most have a uniform size, designed to fit in standard sales racks at airports, drug stores, and supermarkets:

Mass market paperbacks

Successful trade books may eventually be published as:

Mass market paperbacks

The magazine most closely associated with the style of investigative reporting called muckraking is:

McClure's Magazine

Who is the publisher of the text for this course?

McGraw Hill

In The Meaning of Meaning, C.K. Ogden and I.A. Richards argue that:

Meaning exists at the intersection of the physical, conceptual, and semiotic domains

Portable people meters

Measure radio listening in large markets

Plural form of medium:


The simultaneous consumption of many different kinds of media is known as:

Media multitasking

The linking of consumer products, such as toys and hamburgers, with popular movies is called:

Merchandise tie-in

In the S-M-C-R model of communication, the letter "M" stands for:


The online learning videos for this course are a good example of:


When Denny's restaurant chain was beset by numerous complaints of racial discrimination during the 1990s, it undertook an aggressive PR campaign to speak to those who felt disenfranchised by the events. This is an example of:

Minority relations/multicultural affairs

Subsidiary rights

Money earned from selling book rights to other publishers, movie producers, book clubs, etc.

In applying ethics, the person making the decisions is called the:

Moral agent

The MPPDA established a set of guidelines for what was and was not acceptable in movies, called the:

Motion Picture Production Code

Flexible film would eventually lead to the development of...

Motion pictures

After a film is initially shown in theaters in the US, it typically released next to:

Movie theaters in foreign countries

The first public demonstration of television, in the form of regularly scheduled two-hour broadcasts, was presented by _____________ at the 1939 World's Fair.


The strategy of tailoring media content to specific audiences possessing characteristics of interest to specific advertisers is:

Narrowcasting or niche marketing

The business of television is dominated by a few centralized production, distribution, and decision-making organizations, known as the:


One penny paper, Horace Greeley's _____________, established the mass newspaper as a powerful medium of social action through its use of non-sensationalistic, issues-oriented, and humanitarian reporting.

New York Tribune

_____________ is the study of how economic and other influences on the way news is produced distort and bias news coverage toward those in power.

News production research

What is the dominant medium for local retail advertising?


Which of these media does the average American spend the least time with?


In 2006 _______ was introduced, designed specifically to attract new, non-traditional gamers.

Nintendo's Wii

Public relations professionals have ____________ over the placement of their information, and advertising professionals have _____________ over the placement of their information.

No control; control

Anything that interferes with successful communication is said to be:


Communication is imperfect (and fidelity is decreased) because:

Noise (interference) is always present to some extent

Computer Space, released in 1971, was designed by:

Nolan Bushnell

Wii was introduced in the 2000s specifically to attract _________________.

Non-traditional game players

A theory that explains how media should ideally operate in a given system of social values is _____________ theory.


Among the individual or group interests that often conflict in ethical dilemmas are those of the _____________, a particular person or group that is likely to be affected by media practitioners' actions.

Object of the act

The ideas of the communication and technology theorist of the 1960s, Marshall McLuhan, are receiving renewed interest because:

Of new communication technologies like the Internet

In the 1880s, _____________ was developed, making printing possible from photographic plates rather than metal casts.

Offset lithography

Oldest continually published book in North America:

Old Farmer's Almanac

The concentration of control of the media industries into ever-smaller numbers of companies is:


When a media system's operation is dominated by a few large companies, a(n) _________ is said to be in place.


Online magazines are categorized in two ways, as:

Online editions of existing magazines and online-only magazines

John Adams' Novanglus Papers and Thomas Paine's Common Sense:

Openly challenged British rule of the colonies

How many iTunes Store accounts are there?

Over 800 million

"A sucker is born every minute" was the public relations philosophy of what legendary PR practitioner?

P.T. Barnum

Online audio file sharing that employs a person-to-person exchange of files while bypassing centralized servers is called:


Which broadcast network has the largest number of affiliates?


Where is the pay better? PR or journalism?


By 1880, about a third of all books published in America were:


What is the highest circulation newspaper magazine?


Top Magazines:

Parade, AARP, Cosmopolitan, Game Informer

Who is America's oldest studio?

Paramount Pictures

Who is the only major studio still headquartered in Hollywood?

Paramount Pictures

In 1962, _____________ of the Rand Corporation proposed a packet-switching system that would allow the military to maintain command over its missiles and planes in the event of a nuclear attack. It is the basis of what we know today as the Internet.

Paul Baran


People who love media -Professor Thompsen -Toby


People who shy away from technology, may use it but don't like it

Do physical units or digital units cost more?


In 2005, most of the recordings sold were:

Physical (like CDs)

The first commercially licensed radio broadcast station in the United States, which is still on-the-air today, is in:


The means of delivering a specific piece of media content is referred to as a:


The fact that people increasingly have no preference for where they access their media content suggests that they are becoming _________.

Platform agnostic

What is the best-selling video game system of all time? When was it released? How many units sold?

PlayStation 2 2002 Over 150 million

A popular form of online video distribution is:


What media is considered the legacy media and why?

Print media because it's the original and oldest media of mass communcation

Internal relations:

employee relations, union relations, investor relations, internal relations, event planning

What is the largest radio company in the world?

iHeart Radio

What percent of people think it's acceptable to download a movie once it has been released to home DVD?


What percentage of the US population goes to the movies in a typical week?


Noncommercial radio stations are found mostly in the ________ part of the FM band.

88-92 MHz

Philadelphia's radio market is the _____ largest market.


Weekly US movie attendance has dropped dramatically from its peak of _________ in the mid-1940s.

90 million

The movie industry is dominated by 7 major studios which control over ________ of the market.


Overall, what percent of American adults read a magazine?


# of books printed in the 1800s

985 million

____________ refers to sophisticated, interactive Web advertising, usually employing sound and video.

Rich media

How does the book industry make money?

Sale of books

Average game player age:


How large of a truly random sample of the US population would be needed to achieve estimates with a 5% margin of error?


On average, Americans buy ____ books/year.


______ out of ______ US households own a device used to play video games.

4 out of 5

The MPAA estimates that _______% of movie pirates in this country are college students.


What percentage of Americans report reading a newspaper or a newspaper website daily in the United States?


Textbooks account for ______ of book industry sales revenue including...

48% El-hi textbooks, higher ed textbooks, professional/scholarly books

Written culture has existed for...

5,000 years

Mass communication has existed for...

500 years

Trade books account for about _______ of total book sales, including...

52% Adult fiction, adult non-fiction, juvenile books, and religious books

What percent of e-book owners read magazines on their devices?


The average ad content to editorial content ratio for an American magazine is _______.

53% to 47%

# of books printed in the 1700s

530 million

The median age of a newspaper reader is:


U.S. copyright law protects creative works for the author's life plus how many years?


Cable systems have come a long way from the early ________ systems.


Current most watched TV network:


Viacom is related to:

CBS -Both are subsidiaries of National Amusements

What was the original cable news channel?


Most people today receive their TV signals from:

Cable TV systems

Environmental noise

Can occur from external sounds and other distractions

Mechanical noise

Can occur from imperfections in communication technology

Semantic noise

Can occur when people misinterpret or misunderstand a message

Many mobile games are:

Casual (simple play) and freemium (integrated ads and social media features)

Which of these is most closely associated with Immanueal Kant?

Categorical imperative

Which theory holds that people who view violent media content will be LESS inclined to behave violently themselves?

Catharsis theory

In 1981 in _____________, the Supreme Court determined that television cameras in the courtroom were not inherently damaging to fairness, and different states have since adopted different standards on the issue.

Chandler v. Florida

Philadelphia channels:

Channel 3 (CBS), Channel 6 (ABC), Channel 10 (NBC)

Great Britain does not have a First Amendment similar to that of the United States, allowing the government to practice prior restraint by making an officially issued notice called a:


In the early days of radio—the 1920s until well after World War II—programming was:

Produced by ad agencies for their clients

The integration, for a fee, of specific branded products into media content is:

Product placement

What two divisions do the 7 studios dominate?

Production and distribution

Which research focus is best described as microanalytic?

Psychological effects

When a speaker delivers prepared remarks to an audience:

Public speaking

Noncommercial radio stations include:

Public(NPR), student, and religious

Media relations:

Publicity, news releases, press conferences, crisis management, social media management

The first newspaper printed in the colonies lasted but one day. Its publisher, Benjamin Harris, called it:

Publick Occurrences Both Foreign and Domestick

The medium most people rely on during power outages due to severe weather and other emergencies is:


In 1916, David Sarnoff sent to his superiors at American Marconi his ideas on how to make radio a "household utility". This now-famous memo is called the:

Radio Music Box Memo

Radio waves would play a critical role in:

Radio and television broadcasting, satellite communications, and cell phones

Radio technology truly became a mass communication medium with the development of:

Radio broadcasting

Heinrich Hertz's discovery of radio waves could contribute to the development of:

Radio broadcasting, satellite communication, and cell phones

Slander is a form of defamation that can occur in:

Radio programs

A key technology behind the Wireless telegraph:

Radio waves

Media that lean more towards being advertiser supported:

Radio, television,

The world's largest publisher of trade books is:

Random House

Fahrenheit 451 was written by:

Ray Bradbury

Increasing the size of a random sample

Reduces the margin of error

Who is America's largest movie theater company?


The major exhibitors

Regal and AMC

Most of the books carried to the New World by the American colonists were:

Religious in nature

Broadcast TV stations also make money from ____________ from pay TV providers (cable/satellite).

Retransmission fees

How is the percent of revenue split between the two book publishing industries? How is the percent of units sold split?

Revenue -Text: 45% -Trade: 55% Units sold -Text: 10% -Trade: 90%

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