COM1000 everything everywhere, Public Speaking Chapter 8, COMM chps 1,2,4,6,10, Public Speaking Chapter 10

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3 parts of a message, logos, pathos, and ethos.

verbal delivery

elements of speaking that deal with voice.

Visual Cues

binocular cues

nonverbal communication is



receiver's perception; credibility

small group communication

3+ individuals are interdependent, share goals, identify with one another, and interact

According to the AAUW's 2015 report, women earn _______% of what men earn in the state of Florida


According to the AAUW, female secondary school teachers earn _______% of what male teachers earn


Current research indicates that ethos is the most effective appeal for most public speaking presentations.







A car salesperson using the term flea to identify a person looking for a bargain, and prisoners using the term shank to refer to a knife are examples of


A more polite or comfortable word used in the place of a socially unacceptable (or uncomfortable) form. An example is to "Go the little boy's room" or the one I tend to use "Go down the hall" instead of "I need to go urinate or defecate." We don't die, we "Pass Away".

engaging in critical listening.

A person displaying effective listening competence behaviors


A process of receiving, construc*ng meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages

brief example

A single sentence or an otherwise short point of an instance that supports or illustrates a more general claim.


A specialized language that belongs to a group of people who share a common interest or a co-culture. Examples for something that is great have ranged over the years from the "Gear" & "Groovy" in the '60s to "Bad" in the '80s to "The Bomb" today.


A systematic arrangement of symbols used to create meanings in the mind of another person or persons. In other words, the components that make up the message.


A technique used in informative speeches that explains the essence, meaning, purpose, or identity of something.


A transition that lets audience member know where you are in a speech, where you're going, and how your points relate to one another

expert testimony

A type of support consisting of statements made by credible sources who have professional or other in-depth knowledge of a topic.

lay testimony

A type of support consisting of statements made by persons with no special expertise in the subject they are discussing.


According to the text, muted group theory suggests

avoiding difficult listening situations

According to your textbook, how much of his or her time does the average college student spend listening?

a statement and its proof

An advantage of using testimony in a speech is that it usually adds ________ to what the speaker says.

avoid relying on the media for the entire speech.

An effective specific purpose identifies

t defines who we are.

Any given language has its own rules, such as the way to pronounce words and grammatical rules. This shows that language is

weekly magazines and research journals

"Selective admission is when a university does not admit a student unless he/she scores at least a 20 on the ACT test." This statement is an example of what type of definition?


"The conscious alteration of information a person believes to be true in order to significantly change another's perceptions from what the deceiver thought they would be without the alteration"

Critical listening

"evaluate the merits of a situation." Arrives at an informed judgment regarding an idea, situation, or argument. i.e. in election time you evaluate candidates speeches to see who you'll vote for. Also used in class persuasive speeches because you need to listen critically. Some questions critical listeners employ when listening to a message is "does the message appeal to you? Are the speaker's arguments sound? Does the message make sense? Are there logical fallacies?"

ELM (elaboration likelihood model)

-comprehensive theory of persuasion

What are the steps to listening better

CARE: Concentrate Acknowledge Respect Empathize

Gender roles are changing.

Cassandra has watched the show Grey's Anatomy for years. When she began to date Caleb she wanted their relationship to be just like Derek and Meredith's from Grey's Anatomy. Cassandra's viewpoint illustrates the

Classify meaning into two types

Denotative; Connotative

the cultural norms governing it.

During a basketball game, one of the players puts her hands together, forming a "T," in order to notify the referee that the player's team wants to call "time out." What type of body motion is the player using?

It is more likely than verbal communication to be spontaneous and unintentional.

During a medical examination, Dr. Smith discovers a serious problem but attempts to hide his concern by maintaining neutral facial expressions. In this instance, Dr. Smith is relying on what function of nonverbal communication?

According to Frith and Mueller, women's images in advertising in developing countries are not similar to those of the developed world.


According to the text, a person who inherits a tendency to be high in extraversion and low in self doubt is very likely to experience communication apprehension.


Although most Native American tribal languages ceased to exist in the United States, the Gullahs' language persisted because colonists left them isolated after relocating them during the Trail of Tears.


Communication Apprehension (CA) can best be renamed "stage fright."


Comprehensive listening gets at the heart of distinguishing among sounds and stimuli.


Heterosexist language is language that excludes individuals on the basis of gender.


Inoculation Theory holds that receivers will focus on the message arguments to the extent that they are both motivated and able to process the message.


Jackie identified as a lesbian and was passing in the workplace as a heterosexual. To maintain this identity at work, she asked a male friend to pose as her date for work functions. According to Spradlin, this personal passing strategy is referred to as dodging.


Most married heterosexual couples split housework evenly.


Most people, including experienced speakers, feel no anxiety before or during a speech.


Nowdays, young people are more likely to view TV shows that have been recorded on a digital video recorder (DVR) rather than "live" TV programming; therefore, their viewing is based on ad-supported platforms.


People who lack either motivation or ability are more likely to be influenced by central route (elaborative) processing.


Peripheral route persuasion relies on high message elaboration.


Persuasion is based on reward and punishment power.


Presenters have the most control over the source variable because they can take control of their appearance.


Researchers subscribing to communobiology suggest that Communication Apprehension may have a predominantly situation-oriented basis.


Statistical data and facts primarily help to increase the pathos of a speaker's message.


The ELM holds that the persuasiveness of the fear appeal hinges the receivers' parallel processing about the threat and the solution offered in the message.


The Equal Pay Act was first signed into law by President Ronald Raegan in 1983.


The best place to tell the audience that the message is relevant to them is at the end, to make it a powerful conclusion.


The demand-withdraw pattern explains how sexual tension in cross-sex heterosexual friendships can move the relationship back and forth between friendship and a romantic relationship.


The increasing use of the male body as a sexual object in the media has been termed the "masculine machine."


The male deficit model assumes that emotional, self-disclosive talk is one of the many ways of developing closeness.


Typically, men do not value friendships as much a women.


Viewing a speech as a performance is an effective way to lower CA.


Your friend took ENC1101 last year and told you that "ENC1101 with Professor Smith is a super easy course." Her statement is an example of dating.


According to the Cycle of Violence, as time passes, the tension building period shortens, and the violence increases.


Title II bans both discrimination in sports teams and sexual harassment at schools.

FAlse False. Title IX bans both discrimination in sports teams and sexual harassment at school

A Mexican businessman with whom you are beginning to have dealings invites you to meet him one afternoon at 3 p.m. in his office. You arrive ten minutes early, only to find that he has not yet come back from lunch. It is 3:30 p.m. before he calmly walks into the office, without an apology for his lateness, and introduces you to his brother who had joined him for lunch. The businessman was trying to tell you that he wasn't interested in doing business with you


A Mexican businessman with whom you are beginning to have dealings invites you to meet him one afternoon at 3 p.m. in his office. You arrive ten minutes early, only to find that he has not yet come back from lunch. It is 3:30 p.m. before he calmly walks into the office, without an apology for his lateness, and introduces you to his brother who had joined him for lunch. The businessman was trying to tell you that he wasn't interested in doing business with


A nonverbal move that controls communication, e.g., starting to move away, is a nonverbal cue called an adaptor.


A spontaneous, unrehearsed mode of presenting a speech is called extemporaneous delivery.


A theoretical system is defined as a set of interrelated units that are engaged in joint problem-solving to accomplish a common goal.


A woman brings her lesbian partner to the company picnic, makes no secret of the relationship at work, but does not flaunt her lesbianism to her heterosexual colleagues. This is an example of employing an assimilation goal.


A young West Indian who lowers his or her eyes while being harshly spoken to by an adult in authority is showing disrespect for that


According to "Wrestling with Manhood," most males who view wrestling are gay.


According to Dr. Tannen, confrontations in father-daughter relationships occur more often because fathers spend more time talking to their daughters (in comparison to mother-daughter relationships).


According to Gumbhir (2014), the central goal of their undergraduate research program was to help their undergraduate students network with potential employers and gain internships.


According to Henley (1973-1974), women touch others more often than men touch others.


According to Hochschild (1997), the fourth shift consists of emotional activities conducted throughout the daytime and evening hours. These emotional activities focus on thoughts about the needs of their children, their partner, and their workplace.


According to UCF's sexual assault policy, a victim or a survivor may have a person of her or his choice act as a representative for the victim or survivor.


According to VIDA's 2013 report, the number of female reviewers at The New York Times Book Review was 18.8 percent in 2013, down from 22.9 percent in 2012.


According to Venn, Arber, Meadows and Hislop (2008), the third shift includes emotional activities conducted throughout the night related to children, work, partners, and other family members.


According to Wilmot and Hocker (2004), the accommodating style can be effective because tacit acceptance of others' views can promote creative dialogue and decision making.


According to cultural communication researchers Ekman and Friesen, there aren't any universal facial expressions.


According to research published in 2010, nearly half of the most popular children's websites include some type of advertising.


An open hand thrust in the direction of a person's face means "halt" in all


Appreciative listening can only be applied to listening to music.


Appreciative listening helps to answer the question, "What is that sound?"


As noted in "Miss Representation," the United States is 5th in the world in terms of women in national legislatures.


At your new workplace, everyone wears very formal suits; however, you prefer to work in jeans and a t-shirt. To "fit in" at your new workplace, you decide to wear suits. This is an example of an accommodation goal.


Dr. John Cutler, one of the doctors involved in the Tuskegee study, was involved in a similar study that intentionally infected over 700 Croatian prisoners, mental patients, soldiers and orphans with syphilis.


Expert testimony occurs in advertising when someone famous endorses a particular product.


Extemporaneous delivery requires no preparation.


Females self-disclose more negative information than do males.


For his speech about rock climbing, Chuck wrote his speech word-for-word and read it to the audience. This is an example of an extemporaneous delivery style.


Forcing someone who is phobic about speaking to give a speech usually lessens the intensity of the phobia.


Forecasting the speech's organization often comes in the very beginning of an introduction.


High Communication Apprehension students usually choose seats near the front of the classroom.


Implicit-rule cultures are more likely to openly discuss procedures for action and expectations for behavior.


In England, a "V for Victory" sign with the palm of the hand facing the person doing the signaling, has for many centuries symbolized love.


In Hawaii, the "hurry up" sign is symbolized by shaking the folded palm with your thumb and last finger extended outward.


In Jackson Katz's "Tough Guise," Marilyn Monroe was compared to Kate Moss.


In comparison to most White U.S. Americans, many Arabic people engage in minimal eye contact and many Native Americans maintain more intense and prolonged eye contact when they are listening.


In compliance with the Patriot Act, the UCF Police Department has reported crime statistics on their website.


In the module, a film clip from "As Good As It Gets" portrayed Simon (Greg Kinnear) using his appreciative listening skills to help Melvin (Jack Nicholson).


In the module, a film clip from "Dead Poets Society" portrayed students engaged in discriminative listening.


Most people, including experienced speakers, feel no anxiety before or during a speech.


Qualitative methods are not useful and legitimate in social research.


Receivers have a significant part to play in the public speaking process as they encode - translate sent messages into understandable symbols - the messages senders give to them.


Social learning theory highlights the importance of social views in shaping individuals' identities.


Statistical data and facts primarily help to increase the pathos of a speaker's message. (Duplicate Term)


The Equal Pay Act was first signed into law by President Ronald Reagan in 1983.


The basic premise of cultivation theory is that the media does not necessarily tell us what to think; however, the media does tell us what to think about - which issues, events, and people merit our attention.


The best place to tell the audience that the message is relevant to them is at the end, to make it a powerful conclusion.


Typically, men do not value friendships as much as women.


Visualization is best practiced sitting up in a comfortable chair.


When the state of the basic communication course was first systematically examined, Hargis (1956) found that it was primarily taught as a literary criticism course.


When two people hold different arbitrary symbols for a concept or object, they share meanings, but not messages.


When we speak, we use a similar vocabulary as when we read, write, or hear.


Women and girls portrayed 45 percent of major characters in movies. That's 4 percentage points lower than in 2011 and 2 percentage points higher than in 2002.


Women and girls use media primarily for instrumental purposes.


Writing on only one side of note cards is wasteful, especially in today's society that is so focused on recycling and reducing waste; therefore, it is recommended that speakers always write on both sides of note cards.


Written communication was a central, if not the central, focus of education for the Ancient Greeks and Romans.


Your friend took ENC1101 last year and told you that "ENC1101 with Professor Smith is a super easy course." Her statement is an example of dating.


To ensure the protection of human participants and meet federal regulation guidelines, research investigators at UCF must complete, and show verification that they have received appropriate training in such protections. The only exception to this rule is enrolled students who are conducting social science research.

False "To ensure the protection of human participants and meet federal regulation guidelines, all research investigators at UCF (faculty, staff, and students or key study personnel) must complete, and show verification that they have received appropriate training in such protections. Besides the Principal Investigator, key study personnel include those individuals who have contact with subjects or subjects' private, identifiable information for research purposes."

According to The Belmont Report, "three basic principles...are particularly relevant to the ethics of research involving human subjects: the principles of respect of persons, beneficence and probity."

False According to The Belmont Report, "three basic principles...are particularly relevant to the ethics of research involving human subjects: the principles of respect of persons, beneficence and justice"; however, since "probity" could be considered a synonym for "justice," either of the answer options for this item will be scored as correct. Do note for the Exam that "justice" is the *correct* answer. I'll make sure "probity" does not show up on an exam question. ;) Due to the way this particular question is configured, I will need to contact Technical Support to adjust the scoring. Please be patient. It may take a few days to work that out...

Dr. John Cutler, one of the doctors involved in the Tuskegee study, was known as the 'Angel of death,' and is probably the most famous of the Nazi doctors who used the prisoners in Nazi concentration camps for medical experimentation.

False Dr. Josepf Mengele, more familiarly known as the 'Angel of death,' is probably the most famous of the Nazi doctors who used the prisoners in Nazi concentration camps for medical experimentation.

The video clip of President Obama killing a fly was used as an example of intrapersonal communication.

False False: It was an example of external noise

The film clip from "Castaway" was used an example of intrapersonal communication.

False False: It was an example of the application of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.

Justina said,"Shanequa is rude." This is an example of indexing.

False p. 85-86

Cognitive listening models are behavioral models with the additional component of response.

False Behavioral listening models are cognitive models with the additional component of response. - P. 30

The integrating stage of a relationship is when two people merge their social circles, designate common property, and share interests and values.


Apologetic expressions

Feeling or showing regret : Expressing an apology

reluctant testimony

Highly credible form of supporting material in which sources of evidence speak against their apparent self-interest.


I ask you to get some information together on absenteeism rates for the hourly employees. You check the files from ten years back, collect the current time cards, and give me a 20-page report two weeks later. I wanted an oral report the day after I requested the information. This example most clearly illustrates

to inform my audience of the four steps in the evolution of the standard typewriter keyboard

If you adapt your speech to the occupational and educational level of your audience, you are employing what kind of audience analysis?

Self-concept consists of our self-image and self-esteem.

If you introduce yourself as a mother, part-time student, or cashier at a local grocery store, you are giving some indication of your


If you tell a person to go north to find a newspaper stand, and point in that direction, your use of nonverbal communication would be called

Listening Product

Outcomes of the listening process, such as strengthened relationship between friends, a personal feeling of satisfaction or accomplishment, or a deeper understanding of a particular concept or idea.

Audience attitudes based on central route processing are more persistent, more predictive of behavior, and more resistant to being counter-persuaded.


If an audience is focused on peripheral cues, they are basing their attitude on elements over which the presenter has very little control.


Learned helplessness occurs if a person's communication behavior is rewarded one time and then punished the next.


Lesbians report greater satisfaction with their romantic relationships than either gay men or heterosexuals.


Nonverbal communication includes some sounds, as long as they are not words.


Perceptions of a speaker's expertise will directly enhance speech effects mostly when issue relevance is low for receivers.


Qualitative data can have the disadvantages of purely verbal descriptions.


Research findings indicate that receivers who are first given a two-sided refutational message will rate subsequent, opposing arguments as less credible (in comparison to receivers who are first exposed to a one-sided message).


Researchers have found that both women and men report greater relationship satisfaction with partners who are willing to self-disclose, be emotionally supportive, sensitive, and empathic.


Semanticists are people who study semantics. They are interested in how language and its meaning changes over time.


Silence is a paralinguistic feature.


Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1986), proposes that children acquire sex-typed behavior through direct experience or observational learning.


Spradlin tolerated homosexual jokes and pretended not to hear homophobic comments at work. She considers these instances as toxic uses of dodging.


Stereotypes in advertising conform, for the most part, to cultural expectations of gender.


The dialogue and commentary that Michael J. Fox's 2006 political ads generated focused mostly on the ethics of Fox's imagery and much less on scientific and ethical issues.


The process of communication is ethically neutral.


The process of listening is the actual mechanics of listening, including converting sound into electrical impulses and then into meaning (decoding), and accessing memories in order to prepare effective responses.


The two-sided refuational approach has been shown to be the most effective of the message-sidedness strategies.


Therapeutic listening helps others process their feelings.


When two people hold different arbitrary symbols for a concept or object, they share messages, but not meanings.


Words become increasingly concrete as you go down the ladder of abstraction.


Your receivers' perceptions of the relevance of your message may be the most important factor in determining their motivation to elaborate your message.



The first step of Monroe's motivated sequence


The verbal or non-verbal form of the idea, thought or feeling that one person (the source) wishes to communicate to another person or group of people (the receivers).

Which of the following statements about culture and communication is most accurate?

The way in which people communicate is primarily a function of culture.

A relationship that is static is probably dead, or dying.


A romantic involvement between an introverted person and someone who is extroverted is an example of a complementary relationship.


A social system is defined as a set of interrelated units that are engaged in joint problem-solving to accomplish a common goal.


A video clip of a singer at an NBA game was used to explain the difficulties of memorized delivery.


According to "Mickey Mouse Monopoly," children use toys to replicate the stories they see in films.


According to Brooks and Hebert (2006), the majority of media presents white masculinity as the norm.


According to Dixon and Azocar (2006), news programs reinforce stereotypes of black men as angry and violent by giving greater attention to black men's violence than that of white men.


According to Eastman (2004), Olympics announcers were 300% more likely to mention physical attractiveness when discussing female athletes than when discussing men athletes.


According to Jackson Katz's "Tough Guise," violent masculinity is a cultural norm.


According to The Belmont Report, "three basic principles...are particularly relevant to the ethics of research involving human subjects: the principles of respect of persons, beneficence and probity."


According to The Belmont Report, beneficence "requires that we protect against risk of harm to subjects and also that we be concerned about the loss of the substantial benefits that might be gained from research."


According to UCF's sexual assault policy, a victim or a survivor may have a person of her or his choice accompany her or him throughout the Student Conduct Review process.


According to the AAUW, female financial managers earn 70% of what male financial managers earn.


Alert consumers should carefully watch how presenters delineate the scope of their analysis, a profound and sometimes decisive manner.


Communication rules are shared understandings among members of a particular culture or social group about what communication means and what behaviors are appropriate in various situations.


Credibility is a perceptual variable that is not based on external, objective measures of competence, trustworthiness, dynamism, and common ground.


Credible research supports that persons with high CA are no different in personality than the normal population.


Critical listening skills are used primarily to verify the validity of a message.


Cultivation theory suggests that repeated exposure to media messages leads a person to hold opinions or views of society that can be discordant with reality.


Current research indicates that ethos is the most effective appeal for most public speaking presentations.


Dr. Hanlon is happy to help students of all disciplines to prepare and present their work at academic conferences.


During the cultural studies era, researchers began to critically analyze the source from the perspective that mass communication can be oppressive.


During the legacy stage, an ironic role reversal occurs with older adult sons beginning to take care of their aging fathers.


During the third step of perceptual checking, you seek verification through clarification, explanation or amplification.


Emoticons are a form of nonverbal communication.


Experts have found no conclusive evidence establishing an anatomical difference between the brain structures of human females and males.


Failing to clearly identify what is directly quoted, even accidentally, is a form of plagiarism.


Family interactions are a greater influence on children's behavior than hours spent in day care.


In "Killing Us Softly 3," Jean Kilbourne used clips from Dep and Calvin Klein as examples of how women's and men's bodies are dismembered in advertising.


In fact-finding, the third party listens to arguments from both sides and produces a set of nonbinding substantive recommendations.


In preparing to deliver a speech extemporaneously, a speaker should prepare speaker's notes and then practice to fix the ideas in his or her mind without memorizing exact wording.


In the module, a film clip from "Shawshank Redemption" portrayed the inmates engaged in appreciative listening.


In the tension building phase of the Cycle of Violence, minor incidents of battering occur.


In the tension building phase of the Cycle of Violence, the abuser sees withdrawal as a rejection.


Individualistic cultures stress individual assertiveness over group harmony.


Influenced by the effects of WWII propaganda, the limited effects era changed the focus of research to studies about group identity and psychological influences.


Information that you know about yourself but that others do not know would be included in the hidden area of the Johari window.


Informed consent is the process of learning the key facts about a research study before deciding whether to participate.


Interpersonal relationships involve people who are interdependent.


Intrapersonal communication appears to be the most common context of communication.


It is appropriate to use a shark style when conflict involves personal differences that are difficult to change.


It is not uncommon for a collectivist to begin a presentation by saying something like, "Please forgive this unworthy effort."


Jackson Katz's "Tough Guise" used clips from interviews with men to show "what is manly" in our society.


Janusik and Wolvin (2009) found that listening was the primary communication activity on a daily basis, largely due to the school context.


Learned helplessness occurs if a person's communication behavior is rewarded one time and then punished the next.


Lesbians report greater satisfaction with their romantic relationships than either gay men or heterosexuals.


Males touch others more often than females touch others.


Many associations are now including sessions dedicated to undergraduate students so they have the opportunity to present their work at the convention as well.


Many of the sessions at conferences are referred to as "panels" because the session includes several scholars who are working in the same area of interest.


Many sexual assaults on campus go unreported because victims are not comfortable going to the police.


Men generally claim more space for themselves than women do.


Mental closure means filling in the meaning of what you hear and observe


Monochronic people view time as very serious and they often complete one task at a time.


Most audiences will assume that the speaker has expertise regarding the topic they are presenting.


NASA engineers were using PowerPoint, a presentation tool that makes it difficult to write scientific notation.


Non-dominant cultures often seek three possible goals to relate to dominant groups: assimilation, accommodation, or separation.


Of the nation's 10 most widely circulated newspapers, The Chicago Sun-Times had the largest number of female bylines. Researchers found that 46% of articles had female bylines in The Chicago Sun-Times.


Our use of time can be an indication of personality, status, or culture.


Professors often use public distance when lecturing.


Receivers have a significant part to play in the public speaking process as they decode - translate sent messages into understandable symbols - the messages senders give to them.


Silence is a paralinguistic feature.


Since everything we do in life could possibly harm someone else, all researchers must weigh the relative risk against the importance and possible benefits of the research activity.


The "Hook 'em Horns" gesture was originated in 1955 by H.K. Pitts (a student at the University of Texas at that time).


The "deadly words" were inspired by the comedy of George Carlin


The "deadly words" were inspired by the comedy of George Carlin.


The "higher order" levels of listening are appreciative, critical, and therapeutic listening.


The Very-Big-Bullet (VBB) phrase fragment on the "Review of Test Data...Tile Penetration" slide does not seem to make sense because there are no other VBB's in the rest of the slide.


The acute battering phase of the Cycle of Violence almost always occurs in the home (where no one other than children will witness or stop the assault).


The brakelight function of a conclusion warns the audience that the end of the presentation is near.


The circumscribing stage of a relationship is characterized by decreased interaction, shorter times together, and less depth to sharing.


The comparison and contrast pattern of organization is most useful for informative speeches about unfamiliar topics, but it is sometimes used for persuasive speeches as well.


The convergence of technologies makes intercultural communication competence increasingly important because instant communication is possible across the world.


The most important resource you have for convincing an audience is yourself.


The process of listening is the actual mechanics of listening, including converting sound into electrical impulses and then into meaning (decoding), and accessing memories in order to prepare effective responses.


The roots of the "listening tree" illustration reflect discriminative listening


The roots of the "listening tree" illustration reflect discriminative listening.


The trunk of the "listening tree" illustration reflects comprehensive listening: we listen to understand across a variety of contexts, and need to understand a message before we can act on it appreciatively, therapeutically, or critically.


Therapeutic listening helps others process their feelings.


To take an excerpt from a source in which the opposing argument is being presented for refutation and implying that the source was advocating the opposite argument is unethical.


Uncertainty rejecting cultures have a more difficult time accepting ambiguity and diversity.


Unclear messages sent or received may result in such consequences as misunderstandings, loss of business, injury, or even death.


Undergraduate students can often seek funding for their conference expenses through the Student Government Association of their institution (i.e., UCF's SGA), and their academic department on campus.


Various surveys identify fear of public speaking as the most common phobia in the United States.


Vocal cues are included in nonverbal communication.


Volunteers in research are participating in the development of new information about people, communities, and services that will improve our lives.


Vulnerable subjects include racial minorities, the economically disadvantaged, the very sick, and the institutionalized.


We are engaged in appreciative listening usually when we listen for enjoyment, such as when we listen to music, listen to a dramatic performance, etc.


Whereas transitions are often a sentence or two, signposts can be as brief as a few words.


Within a culture many words have an agreed-upon range of meanings.


Words become increasingly abstract as you go up the ladder of


he topical-sequence pattern is among the most versatile of the patterns of organization.


We follow communication rules even when we are not consciously aware of them.

True p.74-75

Within a culture many words have an agreed-upon range of meanings.

True 69

We follow communication rules even when we are not consciously aware of them.

True 74-75

Totalizing is not the same as stereotyping.

True 77

Janusik and Wolvin (2009) found that listening was the primary communication activity on a daily basis, largely due to the school context.

True Janusik and Wolvin (2009) found that listening was the primary communication activity on a daily basis, largely due to the school context. - Page 116

Spradlin purposely did not associate with openly gay colleagues. This passing strategy is called dissociating.


Which of the following statements is true concerning the various methods of presenting visual aids?

Use graphs mainly to display statistics.

use descriptive feedback

We see two people shake hands as they are introduced to one another, illustrating which category of touch?

the general purpose of the speech, the audience, and the exact topic to be covered.

What is most clearly wrong with the following specific purpose: "Buying a pet"?

appreciation or enjoyment

When listening to a lecture in class, you are most likely listening for

Consider how the information might be used.

When listening to a speech on Spain, if we pay attention to the numbers and specific facts instead of listening for the major theme of the speech, it is likely we are

Active (perception)

When something does pass in front of our camera we will select what we wish to focus on. Our mind selects, organizes and interprets the information our senses present to us.


When stepping off Air Force One, President Nixon would hold his hands up and use two fingers to convey a "V" for victory. In this example, Nixon was using what form of body movement to convey meaning?


When the same message is sent verbally and non-verbally. An example would be to use gesture in giving verbal directions to a traveler.

The three styles of architecture that will be prevalent in the 1990s are post-traditional, Euro-deco, and continental.

When using current media, beginning speakers are cautioned to

definition by example

When using statistics, you should always remember to


When verbal and non-verbal messages conflict. Quite often we may try to indicate we feel one way verbally while our non-verbals show more clearly our true feelings. We use contradiction intentionally in some forms of humor and sarcasm.

critical thinking.

When you actively make judgments about whether or not the message you are hearing is worthwhile, you are

information or comprehension.

When you are having a bad day and call to tell your best friend about it, you are probably expecting your friend to use which function of listening?

listening is active, while hearing is passive.

When you listen to rock music because you enjoy it, you are doing which of the following functions of listening?

It is not concise and carefully worded.

Which of the following best illustrates the notion of bias in a website consulted to find information on carcinogenic substances?


Which of the following is a barrier to effective listening?

accessing the The Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature

Which of the following is a correct specific purpose statement for an informative speech on typewriters?


Which of the following is a reason why we should study nonverbal communication?

to analyze specific occurrences or instances.

Which of the following is a suggestion for using statistics?

share information clearly and accurately.

Which of the following is a thesis statement?

to present ourselves to others.

Which of the following is an example of a belief?


Which of the following is an example of a value?

Individuals should be more healthy.

Which of the following is an example of an attitude?

that is familiar and interesting to you.

Which of the following is an example of an effective way to state a specific purpose?

choosing the interviewee.

Which of the following is not a criterion for evaluating information on websites?

past experiences.

Which of the following metaphors best illustrates the role that perception plays in the communication process?


Which of the following sources provide the most recently available information for speech writing?

Who is the author or producer?

Which of the following statements is the best thesis statement?

attribution error.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the state of gender roles in our society?

males take more turns at speaking.

Which of the following statements most accurately summarizes the relationship among self-image, self-esteem, and self-concept?


Which of the following terms best describes the situation that occurs when what is meant by a speaker is different from what is heard and understood by the listener?

concentrating on details, and not on main ideas.

Which statement accurately describes the relationship between listening and education?


Which statement accurately reflects the relationship between gender and language?

commit to improve or change

Which statement best describes the relationship between attitudes and beliefs?

Tobacco companies intentionally target youths in advertising.

Which statement is true about the effects of self-concept on communication?

we cannot assume that nonverbal behaviors have only one meaning.

While at the airport, ready to depart for college on the East coast, Angela turns to her childhood sweetheart, Jeff, and says, "I'll miss you," and begins to cry and hold him tightly. This event illustrates which use of nonverbal communication?

10 hours

_______ are an effective means of gaining up-to-date information from people who have specialized knowledge of your topic.

peripheral belief

a belief that is not held quite so closely or for quite as long as a core belief; thus it is held open to persuasion.

general purpose statement

a brief statement representing what you aim to do with the speech; there are three types.


a carefully worded one-sentence summary of exactly what you will cover in your speech.

Language is

a collection of symbols, letters or words with arbitrary meanings that are governed by rules and used to communicate.


a comparison of things in some respects, especially in position or function, that are otherwise dissimilar. Provides clarification but isn't proof.

Thought Pattern

a habit of thinking in a particular way or making certain assumptions, either positive or negative.


a hasty generalization about a group based on a judgment about an individual from that group. we base people on criteria like sex gender race, etc. then we infer everyone is that group shares the same characteristics all lesbians are masculine. how interpretations of these people are then made based off our perceptions, stereotypes can be positive but most are negative. our explanations for the expected and unexpected are in error. as we assume situational reasons for unexpected outcomes and personal reasons for expected outcomes we differinate ourselves from people we stereotype st leads to prejudice: an unfavorable predisposition about an individual bc of his membership in a stereotyped group. mostly negative and interferes with our accurate perception of others and it can lead to discrimination out group: a group of people excluded from another group of higher status, a group marginalized by a dominant culture. hair color, skin color are some factors used to identify out groups.

Reference librarian

a librarian specifically trained to help you find sources of information


a set of ideas, beliefs, and ideals that form our worldview and provide a basis for action.

Two-sided argument

a source advocating one position presents an argument from the opposite viewpoint and then goes to refute that argument.

causal pattern

a speech organization pattern that explains cause-and-effect relationships in which each main point is either an event that leads to a situation or a link in a chain of events between a catalyst and a final outcome.

Impromptu delivery

a speech that has little or no preparation time and is made up along the way.


a speech that pays tribute to the life of the deceased.

internal summary

a statement that summarizes what you have already covered and precedes transitions.


a story.

What are the four types of listening?

a) Active b) Empathic c) Critical d) Listening for enjoyment

brief example

an example that makes a very quick point and can be effective at any point in a speech.

symbols are...

arbitrary (not necessary)

Verb Tense

are clues to help us figure out when the action in a sentence is happening.

Effective communication skills

are learned over time through instruction and practice.

An important principle related to the basic elements of communication is that you

are simultaneously a source and a receiver.


are words that describe or modify other words.

hate speech

attacking a person or group based on applications of a negative, unwarranted stereotypes.

Information relevance refers to the

audience's need for the speaker's information.


background against which your focused attention occurs

Which form of visual aid serves best to display comparative information?

bar graph.

artistic proof

constructed by the speak for the occasion; concerns ethos, pathos, and logos.

Job description

document that defines a job in terms of its content and scope

Interaction management

establishing a smooth pattern of interaction that allows a clear flow between topics and ideas. i.e. using pauses, changing pitch, carefully listening to the topics discussed, and responding.


ethically neutral- neither moral nor immoral

The dialogue and commentary that Michael J. Fox's 2006 political ads generated focused mostly on the _________ of Fox's imagery and much less on scientific and ethical issues


Aristotle, a classical Greek rhetorician, argued that communication was most effective when a speaker's character, or ________, was engaged in presenting truth.

ethos (ethical appeal)

According to the PCMC model, critical persuasion processing involves the lowest level of elaboration of the three-levels. This type of processing involves implicit rather than explicit attention to the persuasive message.


At the 2003 Golden Globes, U2's Bono used the "F" word, but was not fined by the FCC because the Golden Globes were televised after 9:00 p.m. EST (when most minors were not likely to be watching television).


We are engaged in comprehensive listening usually when we listen for enjoyment, such as when we listen to music, listen to a dramatic performance, etc.


When engaged in critical systematic processing, the recipient looks for an easy way to form an overall evaluation of the product or brand and thus relies on relatively simple and low-effort decision strategies.


If both the RA and the RR are low, the message will be processed via high elaboration, thus critical systematic processing will occur.

false According to the PCMC model, if both the RA and the RR are HIGH, the message will be processed via high elaboration, thus critical systematic processing will occur.

An open hand thrust in the direction of a person's face means "halt" in all

false An open hand thrust in the direction of a person's face can be highly offensive. In many cultures, this is the equivalent of the middle finger. The palm of the hand is seen as evil and by thrusting it in your direction, they are insulting you. Keep in mind that in some cultures, they do not wave hello with an open hand. They turn the palm of the hand backwards (facing themselves) and open and close it to indicate hello/goodbye. Nowadays, many people in these cultures are becoming tolerant of the open hand thrust forward to mean hello/goodbye due to the Americanization of cultures through Hollywood films and television shows. Keep in mind that most television programming and film production in the world is American. One of the most popular television shows of all time WORLDWIDE was BayWatch. It was more popular overseas than it was in the United States!

Tilting the head rhythmically from side-to-side means "no" in all

false Believe-it-or-not, in some cultures (particularly Middle Eastern cultures) yes is signaled by nodding side-to-side, and no is signaled by nodding up and down.

During the acceptance stage, an ironic role reversal occurs with older adult sons beginning to take care of their aging fathers.

false During the legacy stage, an ironic role reversal occurs with older adult sons beginning to take care of their aging fathers.

In England, a "V for Victory" sign with the palm of the hand facing the person doing the signaling, has for many centuries symbolized

false In England, and many other countries, this emblem can be interpreted similarly to the middle finger. Beware of holding up two fingers and asking for two of something in these cultures. That is the equivalent of someone holding up their middle finger and asking for one of something in the United States. It is highly offensive.

A Brazilian man and woman, who are saying goodbye to each other, look into each other's eyes and exchange three kisses: a first kiss on the right cheek, a second on the left, and a third, again on the right cheek. This indicates that they are sexually attracted to each

false Kissing is a form of greeting in many cultures. There are many different variations. Some cultures have three kisses (as described above), some have two kisses, etc. In the United States, our equivalent to this type of a greeting is a hug. Many people from other cultures find hugging offensive. For them, placing so much of your body so close to another person as a greeting is highly offensive and inappropriate. The lesson to be learned here is to beware of who you hug.

A Mexican businessman with whom you are beginning to have dealings invites you to meet him one afternoon at 3 p.m. in his office. You arrive ten minutes early, only to find that he has not yet come back from lunch. It is 3:30 p.m. before he calmly walks into the office, without an apology for his lateness, and introduces you to his brother who had joined him for lunch. The businessman was trying to tell you that he wasn't interested in doing business with

false Think back to Hall's concepts of Polychronic and Monochronic time. Mexicans are on polychronic time, therefore the business person did not intend to blow you off. In addition, meeting a business person's family and eating with them are all parts of a normal business transaction in many cultures.

The hidden area of the Johari window includes information that you know about yourself but that others do not know.


The integrating stage of a relationship is when two people merge their social circles, designate common property, and share interests and values.


According to the text, speech anxiety is often created by

fear of social inadequacy.

generalized anxiety

feelings of anxiety associated with communication in all situations

reference work

for a reference work (e.g. atlas, directory, encyclopedia, almanac), note title, date of publication, author or sponsoring organization, and source qualifier

Letting the audience know what you will cover in the speech is referred to as


how you became who your are?

includes past present and future. everything is atlered to make you responsible for your own behavior. the identity you have developed has influences your perception of others, if your shy others may see you as unwelcome, personal identities can be changed and people can improve their behavior as a result, when a speaker creates messages that point of shared values with the listener then listeners perceive a personal identity match and are more likely to be persuaded. symbolic interactionism: the process in which the self develops through the messages and feedback from others. when making speech share memorable info steps to a speech: be honest don't exaggerate, make sure your info provides a point, be creative, leave out unnecessary details, gather info from those close to you, conclude with a memorable statement

Supporting material.

information you can use to substantiate your arguments and to clarify your position i.e. narritives, surveys, testimonial evidence, numbers and statistics, analogies, explanations, and definitions.

Figurative Speech

is a word or phrase that has a meaning something different than its literal meaning.


is comprehension of someone else's feelings / an agreement isn't necessary / effortful

Communication is a process because...

it is an ever-changing activity, the end result of which never stays the same, never remains stagnant.

dynamic features of communication

it's more than the models, simultaneously on-going, all parts of model interact

Emotional labor

jobs in which employees are expected to display certain feelings to display certain feelings in order to satisfy organizational role expectations.

credit sources in presentation aids

just as you acknowledge the ideas of others in the verbal portion of your speech, be sure to credit such material used in any accompanying presentation aids; when reproducing copyrighted material, such as a table or photograph, clearly label it with a copyright symbol and the source information; even if it is not copyrighted, supporting material listed on a visual aid requires citation; you may cite this material orally, print the citation unobtrusively on the aid, or both


listen to my message because of the feelings it evokes, use stories and examples, might not be appropriate for an informative speech


listeners like to receive concise, succinct information that is free from mistakes. These listeners are frustrated with disorganized presentation. People with this listening style are also called "task oriented."

listening for appreciation

listening for enjoyment; it is not high in cognitive commitment.

listening to show support

listening to someone in order to make them feel valued and to show that we care about what they have to say.

fact that differences in perception can be affected by


During his telephone interview with IBM, Aaron answers a series of questions from Angela, a supervisor in the marketing department. What type of communication best describes their conversation?

mediated communication.

Which form of delivery provides the advantage of allowing the speaker to focus more on the delivery itself, rather than on what is being said?

memorized delivery

Toasts, acceptance speeches, and introductions typically call for which type of delivery?



memory- what you remember, retaining the message


nonverbal movements that control the flow or pace of communication (moving away when you want the conversation to end)


nonverbal movements that substitute for words and phrases


nonverbal movements that substitute for words and phrases (holding hand up symbolizing no)


nonverbal movements that you might perform fully in private but only partially in public


nonverbal movements that you might perform fully in private but only partially in public (picking nose in private versus rubbing nose in public)


nonword sounds and nonword characteristics of language, such as pitch, volume, rate, and quality


numbers that summarize and organize sets of numbers to make them easier to understand or visualize.


numbers that summarize numerical information or compare quantities. You can increase your effectiveness as a speaker by using visuals such as chars, line graphs, and bar graphs.


objects physically close to each other will be perceived as a unit or group

compliance- resisting

occurs when targets of influence messages refuse to comply with requests

Communication networks

patterns of relationships through which information which flows in an organization. Described as capturing the "tapestry of relationships- the complex web of affiliations among individuals and organizations as they are woven through the collaborative threads communication. We classify them as formal or informal by nature.

Content oriented

people who prefer challenging and complex messages. Evaluate strengths and facts of an argument. They are frequently called "unbiased" since they are willing to listen to both sides of an argument.

active per

perception in which your mind selects and organizes and interprets that which you sense, each person has a different camera that focuses on different things


perception that involves a blend of internal states and external stimuli. the more ambiguous the stimuli the more room for interpretation. inkblot, when interpreting stimuli people rely on the context in which the stimuli are perceived or they compare the stimuli to other stimuli, senses cannot pick up obvious sometimes, you don't notice an extra word in a sentence. with a group project you have someone who is prepared versus not. you interpret the first person as challenging your leadership, and the other as lazy, our own behavior also leads us to make interpretations.

past experiences and roles

perceptual constancy: the idea that your past exp. lead you to see the world in a way that is difficult to change, your initial perceptions persist. a bad experience can make you avoid the same situation later a role is the part you play in various social contexts, if your a boss you treat your employees differently then you would when you are student because it would be perceived as cocky. roles change with context at home your a daughter at school your a classmate.

When we maintain our views even when the evidence suggests that our views are not correct, we are demonstrating

perceptual set.

If an audience is focused on ____________ ________, they are basing their attitudes on elements over which the presenter has very little control

peripheral cues


person initiating message, affected by age gender education looks etc.

4 actions

physiological (five senses) expectations (priming) past experiences and cognitive abilities (complexity)

deceptive communication

practice of deliberately making somebody believe things that are untrue

Time oriented

prefer brief listening encounters. They let others know they have limited time to spend in an interaction and prefer interactions to move along swiftly

study of interpersonal communication

process of using messages to generate meaning between two people

Pattern maintenance organizations

promote cultural and educational regularity and development within a society. Families, schools, and religious groups included.


prototype, scripts, benchmark, stereotype

The sorting of one stimulus from another is known as


illustrate a(n)

self-fulfilling prophecy.

Verbal Cues

short, concise phrases that direct a performers attention to important environmental regulatory characteristics, or that prompt the person to perform key movement pattern components of skills

Thinking of communication as a "cure-all" is a myth because

sometimes communication can create more problems than it solves.

When we __________, we use a different vocabulary than when we read, write, or hear



speaking in away that encourages others to listen and listening in a way that encourages others to speak.

Public communication

speaking in front of a public group. The speaker has to hold some authority, and or service.


specific instances used to illustrate your point- are found in speeches. Sometimes an example is so unusual that an audience will not accept it. Two types of examples are factual and hypothetical. Hypothetical= is fictional but realistic and factual is based on real circumstances. Factual examples are verifiable.


studies in which a limited number of questions are answered by a sample of the population to discover opinions on issues. Found most often in magazines and journals to discover public opinion on issues. Seen as more credible than an example or one person's experience because they synthesize the experience of hundreds of people.

expert testimony

testimony from someone who has conducted extensive research on the topic, has significant experience on the topic, or holds a position that lends credibility to their ideas on the subject matter.

peer testimony

testimony from someone who is in the same peer group as the audience, but who is not necessarily an expert on the topic.


the accepted standard of how a word sounds when spoken.


the average of all of the scores in a distribution, which is calculated by adding all the scores and then dividing by the total number of scores.

Common ground

the degree to which speaker's values, beliefs, attitudes, and interests are shared with the audience. Comes about in two ways 1) you and your audience might share common ground prior to your speech (being similar in age, same education). 2) created through the act of communicating by staking claims on the way you think about certain issues


the degree to which the speaker is perceived as skilled, reliable, experienced, qualified, authoritative, and informed; an aspect of credibility. Words, skillful use of technology, and air of authority convey competence. Several things to do to improve it is: become familiar with information so you don't have to use notes. Focus on translating ideas (make it simple for them to understand by using metaphors, visual aids, etc) and third make yourself comfortable with the speaking situation. Deliver speech well.

The External Expression of Mo<va<onal/Emo<onal States

the emotion that shows when one of your human need becomes apparent. You are hungry you get hangry, you are horny you show it.


the emotional dimensions of the appeal that can influence the audience's disposition towards the topic, speaker, or occasion.

Psychological barrier

the emotional interference. This involves all emotions even being bored


the grouping of stimuli into meaningful units or wholes, you organize thru figure and ground, closure, proximity and similarity figure: the focal point of your attention, ground is the background in which your focused attention occurs, candlestick or vase? with com, you focus on some parts, the figure, and distance yourself from others, ground, hear your name in a noisy room your name is the figure the noise is the ground, you choose the figure and ground based on differing situations. closure: tendency to fill in missing info in order to complete an otherwise incomplete figure or statement =, you only see the cat if you fill in the pieces. You can read words if they have the same first and last letter, you see a couple gazing into each other eyes and you conclude that they are in love. proximity: the principle that objects physically close to each other will be perceived, you perceive 3 sets of 3 lines, rather than 9, can be verbal or nonverbal. nonverbal would be thinking someone next to a register is a cashier. verbal would be your boss saying she has to fire 25 people then you get called into her office. similarity: elements are grouped together bc they share attributes such as color size and shape., you perceive circles and squares rather then a bunch or shapes. with com we choose to com with those who are similar to us, our friends represent some part of ourselves


the intentional use of information from another source without crediting the source.

Denotative meaning

the literal or explicit meaning of a word


the logical dimension of the appeal.


the medium through which an encoded message is transmitted from a source to a receiver.


the message the speaker intends to send, variables include length of message organization humor appeals arguments, etc


the middle number in a distribution of numbers.

Customer service encounter

the moment of interaction between the customer and the firm. Listening intently to identify individual needs and providing info to meet those needs.

which variables can you control?

the one you can least control is the receiver, most speakers speak to audiences they did not choose. we have the most control over our messages, messages are the invention of the speaker., you control what to say versus what to leave out.


the people who watch, read, or listen to something


the person or audience that a message is being transmitted to.


the person responsible for inventing the idea on which they intend to speak and crafting that idea to an audience.


the physiological process of capturing sound conducted by ears to the brain.

actions in perception

the process of becoming aware of objects/events of the senses


the process of drawing meaning from the symbols that were used to encode a message.

reasoning by example

the process of inferring general conclusions and making general claims from specific cases.


the process of receiving and interpreting spoken and/or nonverbal messages.

interpersonal com

the process of using messages to generate meaning between at least 2 people in a situation that allows mutual opportunities for both public speaking and listening, this is the way we establish relationships and disengage is relationships.this the way we make conflicts and resolve them, it it how we present ourselves and defend ourselves. the study of this includes verbal, nonverbal, listening etc.

mass media com

the process of using messages to generate meaning in a medicated system between a source and a large number of unseen receivers, tech, went from newpapers to tv and the internet journalism is the com of news and events

public speaking

the process of using messages to generate meanings in a situation in which a single source transmits a messages to a number of receivers

According to your textbook, males and females, in terms of gender, are relatively similar. As a result, male and female psychological differences are mainly

the result of cultural influences.

The principles of effective composition and speech delivery were first studied by

the rhetoricians of ancient Greece and Rome.


the score that appears most often in a distribution of numbers.

The subjective experience of motivation / emotion state

the thinking behind your emotion. When you call a friend to say that you are sad. Reflection, learning


the tone you use and the way you say something to change meaning

The most effective order for a presentation depends on

the topic, the purpose, and the audience.

Which of the following organizational patterns are most likely to be used when none of the other organizational patterns can be applied to the purpose of a speech?

the topical pattern

Comma Splice

the use of a comma between coordinate main clause not connected by a conjunction.


the use of time in communication. When you get a text how long do you wait to text back.

Organizational communication

the ways in which groups of people both maintain structure and order through their symbolic interactions and allow individual actors the freedom to accomplish their goals.

sapir whorf hypothesis

theory that our perception of reality is determined by our thought processes (limited by our languages, language shapes reality)

linear model of communication

theory that views communication as a one-way process in which a source conveys an encoded message through a channel to a receiver, who then decodes the message.

compliance- gaining

those attempts made by a source of messages to influence a target to perform some desired behavior that the target otherwise may not perform

Due to the dramatic changes in advertising methods and platforms, we currently do not have a reliable methodology for measuring young people's exposure to advertising and marketing messages.


In cross-sex friendships, women generally talk less than men.


In the honeymoon phase of the Cycle of Violence the abuser tries to make the victim feel guilty and responsible for the violence.


Lesbians report greater satisfaction with their romantic relationships than either gay men or heterosexuals.


Live TV viewing continues to dominate young people's TV viewing, and the bulk of their viewing is still on ad-supported platforms.


Many sexual assaults on campus go unreported because victims are not comfortable going to the police.


The "up yours" gesture, where the middle finger jerked upwards at someone with whom one is annoyed, has been in active use throughout many cultures for over 2,000 years.


The participants in Project Unbreakable prefer the term "survivor" over "victim."


The roots of the "listening tree" illustration reflect discriminative listening.


The stagnating stage of a relationship is characterized by decreased interaction, shorter times together, and less depth to sharing.


When engaged in heuristic persuasion processing, the recipient looks for an easy way to form an overall evaluation of the product or brand and thus relies on relatively simple and low-effort decision strategies.

true According to the PCMC model, when engaged in heuristic persuasion processing, the recipient looks for an easy way to form an overall evaluation of the product or brand and thus relies on relatively simple and low-effort decision strategies.

In Russia, receiving a super-slow handclap after a performance is a high

true Although we may interpret it as offensive if someone claps slowly (it seems almost sarcastic in our culture), a super slow handclap is highly complimentary in many other cultures

The field of intercultural communication is overwhelmingly Euro- or Ameri-centric, as views other than those of the West have scarcely been discussed at all.

true Herdin p. 605 The field of intercultural communication is overwhelmingly Euro- or Ameri-centric, as views other than those of the West have scarcely been discussed at all.

Janusik and Wolvin (2009) found that listening was the primary communication activity on a daily basis, largely due to the school context.

true Janusik and Wolvin (2009) found that listening was the primary communication activity on a daily basis, largely due to the school context. - Page 116

The "up yours" gesture, where the middle finger jerked upwards at someone with whom one is annoyed, has been in active use throughout many cultures for over 2,000

true The middle finger gesture can be documented back to ancient civilizations. The origin is thought to be from when warriors fought with bows and arrows. The bow pulling finger was the middle finger. If a member of the enemy was caught, however the opposing warriors didn't want to kill them, they would cut off their middle finger (so they couldn't use their bow any longer). When opposing warriors would pass in the forest without warlike conflict, they would shoot each other the middle finger in a way of saying I'll get you!

According to Montgomery (2013), youth-oriented brands, such as Pepsi and Burger King, are among "the pioneers of social media marketing," and PepsiCo has "restructured its overall marketing approach to focus on social media."

true p. 12

The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was signed into law by President Obama in January 2009.

true p. 2

Totalizing is not the same as stereotyping.

true p. 77

According to Goffman (1976), licensed withdrawal refers to poses for women where they appear to be drifting off (gazing away from the camera), daydreaming, or staring blankly out of the frame.

true p. 96

According to Frith and Mueller, some of the main criticisms of women's images in advertising in developing countries are similar to those of the developed world.

true p. 98

When polishing your delivery you should

use slightly different wordings each time you practice your speech (unless the speech is supposed to be memorized).

Boolean operator

using words such as "and," "but," and "or" when typing in search terms to focus the results.

Although she prepared well in advance for her speaking assignment, Becky's high-pitched, squeaky voice became a distraction for her fellow classmates. In this example, Becky is struggling with

vocal quality.

Perspective taking

walking in the other person's shoes

question of fact

when a speakers seeks to persuade people about how to interpret facts.

Social desirability effect

when people answer how they feel like they should answer

Self serving bias

when something doesn't go your way so you claim it was not your fault


when the action demonstrates the message contained in the verbal content.

literal analogy

when the two cases being compared are classified the same way.


when two ideas that sharply contrast with one another are put side by side in a parallel structure.

selective attention

when you expose yourself to information and ideas, you focus on certain cues and ignore the others

selective exposure

when you expose yourself to information that reinforces, rather than contradicts, your beliefs or opinions

straw person fallacy

when you replace your opponent's real claim with a weaker claim you can more easily rebut


willing to negotiate away some of your position as long as the other party in conflict is willing to do the same. Win-win.

Know the meaning of extrinsic and intrinsic credibility.

• Extrinsic - credibility the source is thought to have prior to the time they deliver the message (before) • Intrinsic - image a speaker creates as a direct result of his or her speech (after)

Know how social scientists gain knowledge.

• Get it through empiricism - how they gather data through observation and experimentation • Ask questions, observe and construct testable theories to answer questions

Know the defining characteristics of the four principles of ethical communication.

• Golden mean - found in moderation. Each virtue is a mean • Categorical imperative - command or obligation to act that is absolute. Has no exception or conditions • Utilitarianism - outcomes are consequences of our actions • Justice and the veil of ignorance - accident of birth

Know how humanism, the renaissance and the printing press influenced the understanding of communication.

• Humanism - how you understand develop and celebrate human nature. Focused on earthly human achievements. Helped communication, made use of works found in Moors library. Translated whatever they could in ancient Greek and roman texts • Renaissance - rediscovery of ancient Greek and roman cultures. • Printing press - new technology. More accessible, easier to pass along information.

Know the different modes of speech delivery.

• Impromptu - speech presented with little preparation • Reading from a manuscript - most formal • Memorize speech • Extemporaneous -lots of preparation

Know the four types of messages discussed in the human communication model.

• Intentional verbal - intentional attempts to make communication with other through speech • Unintentional verbal - things we say without meaning • Intentional nonverbal - nonverbal we want to transmit • Unintentional nonverbal - nonverbal without meaning

Know the definition of interference/noise and the two kinds identified.

• Interference/noise - anything that distorts the information transmitted to the receiver or distracts him or her from receiving it o Ex: high school dress code, cell phones (distractions) • Technical interference - factors that cause the receiver to perceive distortion in the intended info or stimuli o Ex: hard to hear at a party • Semantic

Know the seven contexts of communication.

• Interpersonal - 3+ people (mostly 2) everyday exchanges • Intercultural - members of different cultures • Interviewing - emphasis of questions and answers • Small group - 3+ members exchange verbal/nonverbal to influence one another • Public communication - public speaking • Organizational communication - messages within network of independent relations • Mass communication - mediated comm, electronic print

Know the Department of Communication's four areas of research expertise.

• Interpersonal communication: how individuals exchange messages interpersonally and the consequences of language and nonverbal communication for social relationships • Mass communication: the content of mass mediated messages, how they influence their recipients and how media policy shapes the process • Health communication: consequences of messages for health behaviors and how more effective communication practices can lead to a more healthy populace • Social influence: how messages influence (or fail to influence) people to change their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors

Know the meaning of elocution and its significance

• Learning to speak properly. Fulfilling social norms, skill of clear and expressive speech, distinct. Effort to treat the study of human communication as a science

Know how events of the 20th century affected the study of communication.

• Mass media, war, rapid technology change affected all human communication and presented society with unpredicted problems for social research

Know the definition of whistleblowing.

• Member of the group makes a charge of a violation of ethical standards

Know the meaning behind the title "Boxing Plato's Shadow."

• Michael Dues - plato casts a shadow over rhetoric and the guy felt he was battling it. Had imagine of punching air the way boxers do

Know where Aristotle's writings were preserved during the period when they were lost to Europe.

• Moors took them and translated Aristotle's works into Muslim. Bishop of Tolido took books from Spain during war and ordered them to be put into a library in 1085

Know what tool is often used by those interested in determining the "effects" of message content, source credibility, or the channels by which information is disseminated.

• People who are interested in the stuff use survey research as a vehicle for understanding public opinion. Public opinion is a thriving enterprise which has been embraced by academics

Know the meaning of the term "sophist" and the contributions of the sophists.

• Person who studied and taught rhetoric • Charged fees for their services, traveling teachers, taught subjects offering curriculum designed to teach arête (attitude of domestic social and political life) • Focused on public speaking, contributed insights into rhetoric • Corax invented the study of rhetoric (speech, persuasion and argument) • Protogoras contributed to the idea of a two sided

Know the attitudes of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle towards rhetoric.

• Plato and Socrates were against it (Socrates was Plato's teacher) • Aristotle was for rhetoric • Socrates: the truth is absolute and permanent. Action is by the Gods (the gods made you do it). Believed that humans seek the truth by going inside themselves. Sought to help individuals discover truth by asking questions not through persuasion • Plato: viewed sophist as harmful influence in Athens. Wanted to discredit them. Didn't distinguish between the good and bad sophists in the group. Painted all sophists dark • Aristotle: sought to understand natural and social environment as a scientist would observe it. Wasn't about the Gods. Truth is all around in the environment and is to be taken in through the senses. Agreed with the sophists & that there are two sides to an argument. Agreed with Protogoras

Know the three general categories of research in political communication.

• Political discourse - political speeches • Media - political messages on TV, tracking news • Public - politicians hope to influence public controlling messages they receive

Know the definition of a leak.

• Previously unknown info is made known to others

Know the difference between the primacy effect and the recency effect.

• Primary - first communication is remembered better than second communication (don't know Spanish as well as English) • Recency - second message remembered better than the first (what you remember learning last)

Know the five important contributions of Neo-Aristotelian scholarship to contemporary communication study.

• Public speaking • Rhetorical criticism • Argument/debate • Ancient sophist ideal of arête • Foundation of many contemporary theories

Know the difference between quantitative and qualitative research methods.

• Quantitative translate human behavior into numerical terms to draw conclusions • Qualitative words and meanings in order to gain a deeper understanding of people and content

Know the challenges facing social scientific and humanist scholars.

• Social scientist - considered soft science because it was messier and studied human behavior which is harder to study complex. Study phenomena, which is abstract and not concrete or easily measured. Approximate measures • Humanistic scholars - truth is not absolute, ideas are not universal. Have a problem with achieving agreement on what constitutes knowledge and what constitutes scholarship

Know the general skills a communication degree from the University of Arizona is designed to provide.

• Speak and write clearly and effectively • Do research to understand more about the world around them • Critical consumers of information • Critical thinkers

Know the definition of ethics.

• Study of the general nature of morals and the specific moral choices to be made by humans

Know the definition of plagiarism.

• The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own.

Know how Aristotle's writings and other ancient knowledge returned to Europe.

• Through war

Know the five outcomes of effective communication.

• Understanding - accurate reception of content of stimulus • Pleasure - phatic communication -> maintain human contact • Attitude influence - social influence; gentle persuasion • Improved relationships - prepared -> perfect communication ensured • Action - communication brings desired action

Know the difference between verbal and nonverbal messages.

• Verbal messages - any type of spoken communication that uses one or more words • Nonverbal messages - messages we transmit without words or over and above the words we use. Broad - includes facial expression, tone of voice, hand movements

Know the role of Alexander the Great in preserving ancient knowledge about rhetoric.

• Wanted to do construction of a great library to house all the important Greek works as well as writings from Egypt. Translated them into Arabic so scholars could read them but he died of sickness and his empire was divided but his loyal sergeants completed his library and works of Aristotle and the sophist were preserved there. At the time in Egypt rhetoric was not a subject they were learning

Know the meaning of source credibility.

• Willingness to believe what a person says or does. Most important judgment on the person as a speaker

Most married heterosexual couples split housework evenly.


Most people in the United States prefer laissez-faire groups.


News and general interest magazine articles are written specifically for people who have an understanding of a field's terminology


One person's experience is usually seen as more credible than a survey.


Opinion leaders are usually different from those who they influence in terms of demographics.


Owls would rather hide and ignore conflict than resolve it; this leads them to be uncooperative and unassertive.


Peripheral route persuasion relies on high message elaboration.


The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is universally accepted by people who study language.



Once a communication has occurred, you cannot take it back


is hearing but actually comprehending


occurs when two or more parties attempt to reach an agreement on what each should give and receive in a transaction between them

Speeches about processes generally serve which two purposes?

to increase understanding and to teach the audience how to do something

Dependent clause

is a group of words with a subject and a verb.


refers to the assignment of meaning to their behavior

survey interviews

"To persuade my audience to purchase Honda Accords," is an example of

a nutritionist.

An important difference between websites and print sources such as journals and periodicals is that

Take notes.

An important first task that speakers should accomplish before writing interview questions and prior to conducting an interview is to

_______________ listening is listening to anything for enjoyment or pleasure


Stereotyping is the opposite of indexing.



The fifth step of Monroe's motivated sequence

attention, need, satisfaction, visualization, action

The five steps of Monroe's motivated sequence

introduction, body, transitions, conclusion

The four main parts of a speech


The fourth step of Monroe's motivated sequence


The function indicator ".com" of a URL indicates that the purpose of the website is

A person who uses facial expressions and gestures to make a point exhibits dynamism.



a question and answer patter where one person usually asks all the question. (planned)

self- actualization

-fulfillment of one's potential as a person -(from bottom to top) physiological needs, safety needs, belonging needs, esteem needs, self- actualization

relational development

-in Knapp's model -process by which relationships grow

source variables

-is the person who initiates the communication transaction ex: age, gender, intelligence, education, attractiveness


-neglect some stimuli in your environment and focus on other stimuli

how to avoid a mechanical delivery

- vary the wording ("according to...", "as reported by...", in the words of...", "such and such writes that . . .") - lead with the claim: discuss the issue and present the evidence first, then reveal the sources

environment variables

-situation or context in which the transaction takes place




A critical step in the interview process includes

Know the variables that make up the human communication model

Communicator 1 (sender/receiver) and communicator 2 (sender receiver) originates and receives messages


In an argument with her roommate, Elissa angrily yelled out, "You never take your turn at washing dishes! In fact, you never do any cleaning up around here!" Angela responded to Elissa's comments by yelling "Oh yeah, well you never help out with any of the groceries." The escalation of their conflict best illustrates


Listening and hearing are different because

list 4 benifits of the sientific approach

Rational, empirical (data driven), objective, and undergoes a public review

______________ have a significant part to play in the public speaking process as they decode - translate sent messages into understandable symbols - the messages senders give to them


recognize that each person's frame of reference is unique.

Recent communication research on gender illustrates that in groups containing both females and males

a contest to preserve independence and avoid failure.

Regarding your understanding of "facework," which of the following tactics would be the most useful?

focusing attention on the speaker.

Researchers suggest that listening is most closely linked with which of the following activities?

stages of listening


The __________________ hypothesis is not universally accepted by people who study language


Which of the following statements accurately describes the relationships among the speaker, the audience, and speech anxiety?

Speakers who have speech anxiety often overestimate how much the audience notices their behavior.

an interview.

Statistics enable speakers

to promote and sell products, or provide current news and information.

The function indicator ".edu" of a URL indicates that the purpose of the website is


a clarification of what something is or how it works. A good explanation usually simplifies a concept by explaining it from the audience's point of view.


a social construction that includes all of the beliefs, attitudes, actions, and roles associated with being masculine or feminine.

interpersonal relationships

associations between two people who are interdependent, who use some consistent patterns of interaction and who have interacted for an extended period of time -include 2+ people


communication behaviors intended to create perceptions of psychological closeness with others. Can be verbal or non verbal. Has positive effects in the work place.

symbols represent

other things

symbols are...

the basis of language

most recent model of communication

transaction model

A causal pattern of organization is used when a speaker wants to create a mental picture of what an object or a place looks like based on location or direction.



relies on thoughtful negotiation and reasoned compromise whereby both parties agree that the negotiated outcome is the best possible alternative under the circumstance.


repeating the same consonant or vowel sound at the beginning of subsequent words.


response to potential opposition to your argument.

According to the text, the essential components of communication are

source, message, interference, channel, receiver, feedback, environment, and context.

Know Athens' two important innovations.

• Adversary system: alternative to fighting among themselves (Greeks) when 2 citizens were in a dispute over property or some offense they would agree to a third party judge, argue case, evaluate and merit would be decided • Democracy: replacement to tyranny in Athens (6 BC) tyranny form of government. Single ruler has power. Solon and Cleisthenes

Know the two criteria that emerged during the 19th century for determining whether an area of study was a discipline.

• Content must represent a substantial and discrete subject area that is not covered by any other discipline • Must have a methodology of its own and an accepted set of systematic method for developing new knowledge about a subject

Know the various materials of support for a speech.

• Examples • Statistics (75% of time we use communication) • Quotations • Analogies


A transition that indicates a key move in the speech, making its organization clear to the audience

At the 2003 Golden Globes, U2's Bono used the "F" word, but was not fined by the FCC because the Golden Globes were televised after 9:00 p.m. EST (when most minors were not likely to be watching television).



"As the doctor entered the room, he examined the patient's forehead and ordered a head CT." This statement best demonstrates that languages

Discriminative Listening

"Distinguish the auditory and visual stimuli" Answers the question, "What is that sound?" Used to identify languages, allows an individual to know how a language sounds.

Communication as Action; Three Models of Communication

(also referred to as linear). In this model one person sends a message and another receives it and thus ends the communication between the parties. This might include an email that is not responded to (especially spam) or reading a newspaper or magazine article.

ad hominem

(of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.

peripheral route processing

-a part of ELM - casual, more curosory message reception -focused on sender, channel, receiver, and environment

central route processing

-a part of ELM -effortful scrutinizing of the message -they have to be motivated and able

repetition, emphasis, complementation, contradiction, substitution, and regulation

-same message is sent both verbally and nonverbally -use of nonverbal cues to strengthen verbal messages -verbal/nonverbal codes add meaning to each other and expand the meaning of either message alone -verbal and nonverbal messages conflict -nonverbal codes are used instead of verbal codes -nonverbal codes are used to monitor and control interactions with others

receiver variables

-the audience to whom the message is delivered

channel variables

-the means through which the message is sent

message variables

-what the speaker intends to send -can control this one the most ex: length of message, organizational scheme, use of humor, types of appeals, types of arguments

levels on which communication operates

1. content messages 2. context messages

The rate at which a speaker speaks is usually between

120 and 150 words per minute.

wiggens and zanden

3 types of com are used to manage impressions, manner appearance, and manner setting. manner: nonverbal and verbal ques, immature, silly, etc. appearance: may suggest a role you are playing, a value you hold, or your personality. setting: includes immediate environment as well as public displays of who you are.

Know how much time the average person spends communicating.


95 percent

A culture with an individualistic orientation would tend to stress

extended example

A detailed narrative that serves as a sample or an instance that supports or illustrates a general claim.

Monroe's motivated sequence

A five-step pattern of organization that requires speakers to identify and respond to what will motivate an audience to pay attention


A form of a verb when functioning as a noun

core belief

A long and closely held viewpoint that is particularly immune to persuasion.

internal summary

A longer transition that also helps listeners move from one main point to the next

internal summary

A review of main points or sub-points given before going on to the next point in a speech


A speech on space exploration consisted of the following outline:

persuasive speech

A speech that aims to influence audience members' beliefs,attitudes, or actions, to which end it employs strategic discourse and calls for the audience to accept fact, value, and policy claims.

fact claim

A statement that asserts that something is true or false such as "Animal experimentation is necessary for human survival".

value claim

A statement that attaches a judgement--such as deeming something good, bad, moral, or immoral--to a subject. For example: "Animal Experimentation is inhumane"


A story a speaker tells to share information and capture an audience's attention. As used in informative speeches, the story can be a personal remembrance, a humorous anecdote, or a serious account of an event that happened in someone else's life.

can influence attitude change and persuasion.

A team of researchers devised a classification system that divides body movements and facial displays into five specific categories. Which of the following does NOT belong to the five categories?


A technique of informative speeches that uses words to paint a mental picture for audience members so that they can close their eyes and imagine what the speaker is saying.


A technique used in informative speeches that provides an analysis of something for the purposes of clarity and specificity by tracing a line of reasoning or a series of casual connections between events.

To improve your communication competency, the book suggests that you

A) recognize that culture does not affect perception.

use testimony when you need additional supporting information.

According to Aristotle, every speech has essentially which two parts?


According to Brownell's HURIER model of effective listening, the accurate reception of sounds involves

tone of voice, volume, and facial expression

According to Dale Leathers, eye behavior can indicate degree of attentiveness, interest, and arousal. Which category of facial expression does this technique fall under?

peripheral route

According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, one of two ways audience members may evaluate a speaker's message. This route uses tangential cues (low elaboration), such as attractiveness of speaker, flashy presentation aids, or certain aspects of the speaker's delivery.


Ali made a presentation to volunteers of the local Abuse Crisis center on empathic listening. The audience in this situation would be considered


An expression that has lost originality or force through over use. Examples might be "Beauty is only skin deep" or No use crying over spilled milk." Sports writers love to use clichés, as in "He is some kind of player" or "She came to play".

perceptual set

Angela, who is five feet tall, and Tim, who is six feet tall, both decided to test drive a car. Tim thought the car was perfect whereas Angela did not because she could not get the seat close enough to the pedals. This example illustrates the fact that ________ influence(s) our perceptions.


Any interference in the encoding and/or decoding processes that reduce the clarity of a message. Noise can be external, or physical, like a plane flying over that makes it difficult to hear or like this where it is difficult to see the source. It can be internal or psychological. In this case we are not able to concentrate and focus on a received message.

slippery slope fallacy

Arguing against a policy because one assumes (without proof) that it will inevitably lead to another outcome that is undesirable. For example, "If we legalize marijuana, that will be the first step toward legalization of all drugs, which would create a public health catastrophe.

There are no singular gender-neutral pronouns in the English language.

Asking a friend, "Do you think my painting is beautiful or ugly?" most clearly illustrates

carbon dioxide emissions

Audience analysis includes

Which of the following would be most effective at helping you improve your communication competence?

Avoid the tendency to assume too much about what we perceive.

Which of the following statements is a clear advantage of presenting bar graphs during a speech?

Bar graphs are an excellent way to show comparisons of complex data.

Which of the following behaviors would be most helpful in improving your perception competence?

Be willing to question the accuracy of your perceptions.


Beth continues to tell herself "I'm going to pass this exam . . . I'm going to pass this exam" as she prepares for her final exam in mathematics. Her expectations that eventually led to her passing her mathematics exam

What are the three types of emotion

Bodily Adaptation, External Expression, Subjective Experience


Brent has convinced himself that he is poor at math. When he registers for his required math class, he is convinced that he will earn a poor grade. As a result, he rarely studies, and receives a "D" in the class. This example most clearly demonstrates

Guidelines for choosing an informative speech topic include which of the following statements?

Choose a topic that is important to you.


Common methods of audience research include which of the following methods?


Communication is related to both language and speech. When reviewing the elements of language, the text states communication involves

Which of the following principles helps provide a foundation for understanding communication?

Communication is systemic.

________________ listening is the acquisition, storage, and retrieval of information


Know the primary purposes of communication study.

Conduct peer research, pursuit of truth, describe and explain human behavior and to apply it


Converting sound into electrical impulses and then into meaning

Keep the questionnaire as brief as possible.

Demographic analysis is a useful tool for understanding and analyzing your potential speaking audience. According to your text, which of the following variables are culturally determined?

survey interviews

Developing a questionnaire is a difficult task, especially for beginners. According to your text, which of the following is a guideline for constructing a useful questionnaire?

Know the early challenges faced by communication as it struggled to be recognized as a modern academic discipline.

Didn't meet the criteria to be defined as a discipline

Know the career options popular among communication graduates.

Education, social and human services, business, international relations and negotiations, law, health careers, government/politics, public relations, advertising, electronic media/ratio-television/broadcasting, high technology industries


Ends the speech with the speaker reviewing the main points, restating the thesis, and providing closure

Which of the following statements about ethnocentrism is most accurate?

Ethnocentrism involves assuming that our view of our own culture is superior to any other culture's view.

Every observation is quantitative at the outset.


Researchers should never use deception in their research projects.


Tilting the head rhythmically from side-to-side means "no" in all


To improve listening skills, senders should take 51% of the responsibility for the communication transaction.


"Killing Us Softly 3" showed advertisements that portrayed lesbians as animals.


Coercion is based on information power.


In the U.S., women are even less visible than minorities in the media.


Individual-focused styles characterize the mainstream values in Chinese culture.


Students are expected to wear suits to FCA conventions.


To improve listening skills, senders should take 51% of the responsibility for the communication transaction.


Uncertainty-accepting cultures have a more difficult time accepting ambiguity and diversity.


Viewing a speech as a performance is an effective way to lower CA.


During the acceptance stage, an ironic role reversal occurs with older adult sons beginning to take care of their aging fathers.

False During the legacy stage, an ironic role reversal occurs with older adult sons beginning to take care of their aging fathers.

Reciprocal self-disclosure occurs most frequently in relationships with family members.



Finally, we can say a lot by what we wear and how we wear it. We call this Objectics, or object language. The types of clothes we wear can send messages about our understanding of those we which to communicate with or our commonality with them. In addition to the clothes we wear, we also use Artifacts, ornaments or adornments we display that hold communication potential. Examples are jewelry, watches, shoes, cars we drive, glasses, even piercings and tattoos.

A Brazilian man and woman, who are saying goodbye to each other, look into each other's eyes and exchange three kisses: a first kiss on the right cheek, a second on the left, and a third, again on the right cheek. This indicates that they are sexually attracted to each other.


In the acute battering phase of the Cycle of Violence the abuser promises to change and says they will never hurt the victim again.


Which of the following guidelines will not help reduce your speech anxiety?

Focus on what other students have done wrong in their speeches.

demographic analysis.

For speaking events that occur outside of the classroom, the general purpose is usually determined by

whether or not the speech is informative, persuasive, or entertaining.

GTM Corporation required all managers to attend a workshop on communication skills in the workplace. In this situation, the audience would be considered

Although most African tribal languages ceased to exist in the United States, the ________ language persisted because American slave owners left the Gullahs in relative isolation


what are the steps to listening

HURIER Hear, Understand, Remember, Interoperate, Evaluate, Respond

Communication as Transaction; Three Models of Communications

Here we see source and receivers acting out both roles simultaneously. As I tell you this some of you are providing me immediate non-verbal feedback. In turn I may change or adapt my message instantly to your perceived message to me.


How directly the speech's main points pertain directly to the topic

Know what the Department of Communication examines.

Human message systems, particularly the ways in which human beings create, exchange, and are affected by messages

status and power are linked.

If I was in a serious car accident two years ago, the word "accident" may remind me of what happened, regardless of how the word is actually being used. This is an example of how a word has


If a government official describes an impending tax hike as a "positive economic inducement," she is most likely using


If a speaker says, "We have considered the lack of an adequate number of highways in the United States; now let us turn to consider the safety of those highways," the speaker is using a

Connotative Meanings

Implied meaning of a word based upon its use within a given context

self-fulfilling prophecy.

Impression management strategies designed to boost your own self-image are referred to as

in the speaker's ability to use supporting materials correctly.

In court cases, psychologists are often asked to provide what type of supporting information?


In differentiating between captive and voluntary participants, it is important to remember that captive participants

Content-Oriented Listening Style

Individuals prefer challenging and complex messages More drawn to evaluate facts and strengths of arguments. "Unbiased" listeners since they listen to both sides of an argument

Communication is (3 things)

Inevitable, Irreversible and Unrepeatable

prestige testimony

Information coming from a person who is highly regarded but not necessarily an expert on a topic.

____________ consent is the process of learning the key facts about a research study before deciding whether to participate


psychological state

Instead of external factors influencing behavior you attribute the actions of others to being "that kind of person." This attribution reflects a(n)

Semantic Interference

Interpreting messages differently between people

our nonverbal messages carry more meaning than our verbal messages.

Interpreting nonverbal behavior requires understanding


Is a literary element that evokes certain feelings or vibes in readers thoughts words and descriptions.


Is an attitude of writer toward a subject or audience.

Word choice

Is the use of rich,colourful,precise language that communicates not just in a functional way,but in a way that moves and enlightens the readers.

Dominant Impression

Is the way that the author wants the audiences to feel or to be affected when reading his or hers written book.

perception of others' responses, self-concept, behavior, actual responses of others

Joshua gets up to give his business presentation and begins to sweat profusely. As he delivers his speech, his hands tremble and his voice begins to quiver. Joshua's reactions to giving his presentation reflect symptoms of

faking attention

Judi Brownell suggests five techniques for memorization, a vital skill for competent listening. These strategies include

Perception acts as filter.

Kaitlin continually communicates with Tiffany as if she was still a little girl. In Kaitlin's eyes, Tiffany will always be "her little girl." This illustrates the fact that ________ can interfere with effective communication.

affect regulators

Knowing that she had a problem interpreting nonverbal communication, which of the following will most likely help Kris improve her interpretation of nonverbal communication?

_____________ report greater satisfaction with their romantic relationships than either gay men or heterosexuals


Which of the following is NOT a guideline for constructing a speech conclusion?

Let the audience tie everything together.

Action-Oriented Listening Style

Listeners like to receive concise, succinct information that is free from mistakes, are usually frustrated by disorganized presentations since they get in the way of commencing action. "task oriented"


Listening is important to the development and maintenance of relationships as well as our ability to think about and remember information.


Literal or dictionary meanings of a word in contrast to it's connotative or associated meanings

Nonverbal communication is dependent on context.

Looking for meaning by using more than one nonverbal message at a time is called the

oversimplifies and exaggerates human traits and qualities.

Many communication scholars believe that the greatest single problem with human communication is the assumption that our perceptions

After finishing a lecture on thermodynamics, Arleen compliments Dr. Phen by saying, "Sir, that was a 'bad' lecture," to which Dr. Phen responds, "Why, what was wrong with it?" Which of the following statements about communication best illustrates Dr. Phen's response?

Meanings are in people.

___________ generally claim more space for themselves than ______________ do

Men, women

interpersonal relationships.

Michelle is very caught up in material objects. She develops her own self-concept primarily by figuring out "what she has" and "what she doesn't have." This focus on materialism is an example of a(n)

A contributing factor of the ___________ ___________is the relentless quest for perfection that characterizes American culture

Mommy Myth


Monitoring or controlling interactions with others. This can be positive, inviting others to communicate with you or negative, seeking to not communicate with others.

___________ communication includes some sounds, as long as they are not words


_______________ communication includes some sounds, as long as they are not words



Nonverbal communications, such as ________, add emphasis to the meaning of a word.

a scientific study sponsored by a corporation

Of the following speech topics, which is most appropriate for a seven minute informative speech?


Our interpretations of different stimuli are based on


Our self-concept is determined by


Part of the speech in which the speaker must get the audience's attention, indicate the purpose and thesis, establish credibility, and preview the speech's main points


Part of the speech that includes all the speaker's main points and subordinate points

_____________ is how one conceals normal information about oneself to preserve, sustain, and encourage others' predisposed assumptions about one's identity



Pattern of organization that organizes a speech by a dramatic retelling of events as a story or a series of short stories


Pattern of organization that organizes a speech by arranging subtopics of equal importance


Pattern of organization that organizes a speech by describing a problem and providing possible solution


Pattern of organization that organizes a speech by how something develops or occurs in a time sequence

cause and effect

Pattern of organization that organizes a speech by showing how an action produces a particular outcome


Pattern of organization that organizes a speech by the physical or directional relationship between objects of places

Which of the following statements is most accurate about plagiarism?

Plagiarism is when you use another person's ideas in such a way as to make it appear as if they are your own ideas.

Time-Oriented Listening Style

Prefer brief listening encounters Let others know they have limited time to spend in an interaction and prefer interactions to move along swiftly

Systems Model for Listening (3 parts)

Presage, Process, and Product Changing individual elements affects the entire process


Profane comes from the Latin root"Outside the Temple". Profanity is language that is considered disrespectful of things sacred, or at the very least considered not respectful of others, in other words, swearing.

good sources for research

Published sources - government reports - books (check out KSU library website) - scholarly/professional journals - newspapers and magazines - websites of organizations devoted to topic Personal interview with an expert

___________ data can be richer in meaning than ___________ data

Qualitative, quantitative


Quality of a speech that is gained when each main point is about equal in importance relative to both the topic and other points

____________ data opens up the possibility of statistical analyses, ranging from simple averages to complex formulas and mathematical models


Know appropriate methods in communication study.

Questions about truth and reality

The classical rhetorician who noted that communication needed to be presented by "a good man speaking well" was


Attitudes include an evaluation of whether something is good or bad, whereas beliefs reflect the perception of whether something is true or false.

Self-esteem is defined as

_______________ are people who study semantics. They are interested in how language and its meaning change over time


Appreciative Listening

Serves to "obtain sensory stimulation or enjoyment through the works and experiences of others" Actively listening to and engaging with the sound, music, words, and the blends that the sounds produce


Signposts include _______________ transitions such as first, next, and finally

____________ is a paralinguistic feature


Which of the following statements best illustrates the point made in the textbook about whether or not communication is reversible?

Speakers must explain and compensate for improper statements.


Step of Monroe's motivated sequence in which the speaker describes for the audience what will happen if they apply or don't apply the solution


Step of Monroe's motivated sequence in which the speaker details how audience members can implement the solution


Step of Monroe's motivated sequence in which the speaker provides audience members with the information they lack or the solution to the problem


Step of Monroe's motivated sequence in which the speaker relates the topic to listeners, linking it to their lives and providing them with a reason to listen


Step of Monroe's motivated sequence in which the speaker shows listeners that they lack important information or that there's an issue requiring their attention

Trite Expression

Stereotyped expression; a sentence or phrase,usually expressing a popular or common thought or idea, that has lost originality, ingenuity, and impact by long overuse.

our experiences and communication with others.

Suggestions for improving your self-concept include which of the following statements?





"Passing" is how one conceals normal information about oneself to preserve, sustain, and encourage others' predisposed assumptions about one's identity.


A contributing factor of the Mommy Myth is the relentless quest for perfection that characterizes American culture.


A person who inherits a tendency to be high in extraversion and low in self-doubt is unlikely to experience Communication Apprehension.


A research study is a set of carefully controlled procedures designed to answer a research question.


According to Gender Schema Theory, gender is an important organizing tool in children's processing of media content because schemas will not only affect children's encoding of responses to mass media fare, but their mental muscles can also be changed in the process of viewing.


According to Sargent & Weaver (2003), males rate themselves as more content-oriented.


According to Scharrer et al. (2006), about half of the men engaged in housework in commercials are disparaged with humor about their chore performance. This potentially reinforces sex-typed norms that only certain domestic activities are appropriate for men.


According to Weber, Story, and Harnack (2006), 63 percent of children's websites include advergames.


According to research by the Rudd Center (2012), fast-food restaurant, candy and cereal ads accounted for just under half of all food and beverage ads seen by children and adolescents in 2011.


According to research published in 2010, 87 percent of the most popular children's websites include some type of advertising.


According to research reported by Smith and Granados, presenting nontraditional roles in the media can reduce stereotyping in viewers.


According to the AAUW's 2015 report, in the U.S., the pay gap between women and men was smallest in Washington, D.C.


According to the AAUW's 2015 report, women earn 84% of what men earn in the state of Florida.


According to the AAUW, female financial managers earn 70% of what male financial managers earn.


According to the UCF Research Lifecycle, peer review is conducted during the publication cycle.


Any explicated, quantitative measure will be less rich in meaning than the corresponding qualitative description.


Beauty is only skin deep is an example of a cliché.


Because women talk in detail about varied aspects of their lives, women friends often know each other in complex and layered ways.


Both quantitative and qualitative methods are useful and legitimate in social research.


Collectivistic cultures tend to discourage individual assertiveness and stress group harmony.


Comprehensive listening is the acquisition, storage, and retrieval of information.


Distributing handouts before or during a presentation is a huge distraction from the speaker's message.


From an academic standpoint, high communication apprehension appears to be detrimental to success.


IRB oversight ensures that a research study is ethical and that the well-being and rights of participants are protected.


In cross-sex friendships, women generally talk less than men.


Inclusion criteria define specific conditions or characteristics that make it appropriate to enroll a person into a research study.


It is much easier to pretend we are listening than to truly listen.



Technical language developed by a professional group.

________________ of 1963 was signed into law by President John F. Kennedy

The Equal Pay Act


The ability of a speech's main points to identify for an audience what the speech is about and the response sought

boomerang effect

The act of pushing an audience more firmly towards a its previously held beliefs as a result of the speaker choosing a position that falls on the extreme end of the audience's latitude of rejection


The act of putting an idea or a thought into a code.

the ".net" site is more likely to provide entertainment.

The best pattern of organization for a speech explaining how to make a wedding cake would likely be

our feelings and attitudes about ourselves.

The commonly held idea that competent communicators should be ethical communicators best illustrates a(n)


The difference between a mediocre speech and a good speech is found

a general purpose.

The education of the audience is a part of the


The evaluating stage of the listening process involves


The fact that there are 87 different definitions for the word house illustrates that

Two pen-pals, one from the United States and one from Australia, had trouble agreeing on what it meant to be successful.

The fact that there are over 330 languages in everyday use in the United States best illustrates that

Which statement accurately reflects the distinction between informative and persuasive speaking?

The goals of the speaker distinguishes the two forms of speaking.

use neutral sources.

The major difference between a ".com" site and a ".net" site is

words change over time.

The meaning of the communication act is inferred from the situation in what type of culture?


The means by which a message moves from the source to the receiver of the message. Television, radio, print, the air, etc. are channels.

may resist participation.

The most important factor that contributes to an effective speech presentation is

Point of View

The narrator's position in relation to the story being told

Public Communication

The process of generating meaning in a situation where a single or small number of sources transmits a message to a larger number of receivers who give either non-verbal feedback or question and answer feedback. A key component in differentiating interpersonal and public is that in a public situation there are not mutual opportunities for both speaking and listening, as there are in interpersonal.

Listening is...

The process of receiving, attending to, and assigning meaning to aural and visual stimuli. Distinct from hearing. We spend 24% (the most) of our time listening during the day than any other activity.

strategic discourse

The process of selecting arguments that will best achieve a speaker's rhetorical purpose in an ethical manner.

latitude of acceptance

The range of positions on a given issue that are acceptable to the audience.


The third step of Monroe's motivated sequence


The use of non-verbal cues to strengthen your message.

listening with empathy

There are many things you can do to improve your listening competence. Which of the following is recommended?

a system of symbols.

There is a difference between the word "desk" and the actual object, because "desk" is just a word used to name the object and is not the actual thing. This shows that language is

Affect Displays

These are movements of the face and body that show emotion, like a frown or closing the eyes, or the slamming of your fist to show anger.


This are facial expressions and body movement. The middle finger or raising your eyebrows


Tiffany says "let's get going" to Arleen, meaning "let's start," but Arleen thinks Tiffany means "let's leave." This exchange illustrates


To avoid some of the pitfalls or barriers to listening, you should


To listen empathically means to

We will have a great date on Friday.

To say that nonverbal communication is ambiguous is to say that

"The ill-mannered child finds a father wherever he goes" is an African saying that reflects a collectivist culture.


A good explanation usually simplifies a concept or an idea by explaining the idea from the audience's point of view.


A key-word outline shrinks the ideas in a speech considerably more than does a sentence outline.


A person who inherits a tendency to be high in extraversion and low in self-doubt is unlikely to experience Communication Apprehension.


Assigned groups can take on the characteristics of an emergent group.


Interpersonal relationships include two or more people.


Perception is subjective.


Statistical data and facts primarily help to increase the pathos of a speaker's message.


To break out of unconstructive cycles, such as demand-withdraw, people need to realize that they may punctuate differently and should discuss how each of them experiences the pattern.


To improve listening skills, receivers should take 51% of the responsibility for the communication transaction.


To increase the logos of your message, you should be well organized, use credible evidence to support claims, and clearly cite evidence.




_____________ messages sent or received may result in such consequences as misunderstandings, loss of business, injury, or even death


Critical Listening

Used to "evaluate the merits of the message" Utilize critical listening when you need to arrive at an informed judgement regarding an idea, situation, or argument. For example, listening to presidential candidate debates

Comprehensive Listening

Used to "understand the message in order to retain, recall, and, possibly, use that information at a later time" You utilize comprehensive listening when you are actively listening in a lecture. Seek to understand the information

Clipped Language

Used to describe speech that is fast, that uses short sound and few words, and that is often unfriendly or rude.

the pendulum effect.

Using names illustrates that language is a powerful tool because

________ ________ are included in nonverbal communication

Vocal cues


We also cannot repeat with exacting results a communication, no matter how positive and effective it is. Not even with identical circumstances, since, while we may be able to duplicate physical conditions, our state of mind can never be duplicated, and our state of mind is key in how we accept a message and assign it meaning

the exchange of meaning.

When Brent told Scott he was thinking of running for Congress, Scott responded rather negatively by stating, "Politicians are crooks and scandals." Scott's categorization of politicians reflects

a hypothetical illustration.

When Martin Luther King, in his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, repeated the statement "I have a dream that one day" six times, but each time he repeated the statement he provided a different example, he was using

repeating behavior.

When Zantel is sad and doesn't want others to know what emotions she is feeling, she will assume a "poker face." Zantel's use of a "poker face" is a facial management technique referred to as what?

determining the intent of the speaker.

When a car manufacturer says "this is the best station wagon in the world" without giving any proof, the most appropriate thing you would do as a listener is

concentrate on the main ideas rather than the details.

When engaging in critical listening, the primary skill you need to have is

Which of the following statements is a guideline for avoiding plagiarism in a speech?

Whenever information is not your own, you should cite the originator of the idea.


Which category of haptics is most likely exemplified through the action of a police officer frisking a perpetrator?

46-55 percent

While listening to the presidential debates, Jody assessed the accuracy of each candidate's position and determined the reasonableness of their conclusions. In other words, Jody was engaged in

According to the text, which of the following statements about the relationship between gender and perception are true?

Women and men learn to understand the world differently, which results in a difference in the way they communicate.


Words and phrases particular to a part of the country. "You talk about" , "I caught a flat", or "You gonna get down?" are examples.

are always correct.

You are having a terrible day. You woke up late and your car wouldn't start. Once you got to school you couldn't find a parking place in time and on the way to class you realized that you forgot the assignment (it's on your kitchen table). You walk in the door and your teacher comments that "it is nice of you to join us." You perceive that your teacher is verbally attacking you, even though similar comments (made in jest) on other days did not seem as bad. This illustrates that ________ influence(s) the way we interpret stimuli.

understand of the process of listening.

You are sitting in a late afternoon class. As you are attempting to listen and pay attention you notice you are getting tired and that your mind is really just someplace else. What barrier to effective listening are you exhibiting?

past experiences and the opinions of others.

You arrive on a new campus to participate in an undergraduate academic conference. You are not sure where to find the designated building. You see a woman dressed in a suit with a briefcase walking by and stop her to ask for directions. Since you are a student and attend college, you decided to stop her because she looked like a faculty person. This example illustrates the fact that we interpret our perceptions based on

describe the process your thought takes to get to another person

You come up with your input, then you filter your input, this message is tanspored through a channel and gets to the other person though any interference.


You have grown up playing videogames. In fact, you often joke with your friends that Nintendo did more to raise you than your parents. Because of this "expertise," you decide to give a speech on the history of Nintendo to your class for your persuasive speech. Which of the following criteria for the appropriateness of a topic is not met with your proposed speech?

pie graph

a graph that shows circles that are "sliced" apart to represent percentages of the total "pie" for particular groups or categories.


a graph that shows the relationship between two continuous variables.

socioeconomic status

a person's relative position in society, usually measured as a combination of their education, income, and occupation.

looking-glass self

a persons self esteem comes out of their social interations

question of value

a persuasive speech about the rightness or wrongness of an idea, action, or issue.


a picture of the object about which you are speaking.


a raised platform on which the speaker stands.

categorial syllogism

a syllogism in which the argument is based on membership in a group.

conditional syllogism

a syllogism in which the major premise includes a hypothetical condition and its outcome.

disjunctive syllogism

a syllogism in which the major premise includes two or more mutually exclusive alternatives.


a table at which people sit in the front of the room.


a three-dimensional representing of an actual object.

When individuals are involved in a simultaneous communication process, they are involved in

a transaction.


a type of chart that illustrates numeric data by using a visual diagram.

Seven vocal aspects of delivery

a) Pitch b) Rate c) Pauses d) Volume e) Enunciation f) Fluency g) Vocal Variety

symbols are...

abstract and ambiguous

The advantages of manuscript delivery include

accuracy and preciseness.

learning more about yourself

accurate self awareness tells you which choices are open to you and which ones are not , if you hate chemistry don't become a chemist. in the hear and now be aware of who you are.- joseph oconnor changed after 2 weeks in sierra Nevada mountain range. learn more about yourself by getting a physical examination. talk with spouse or partner to see how others perceive you use research methods like leader effectiveness and adaptability or argumentativeness scale

Content analysis

an analysis of the content in a communication message. Looks at the frequency of a message. (the violence in a show exsample)

inductive reasoning

an argument that comes to a probable, instead of an absolute, conclusion.

Objective statement

an articulation of your goals i.e. to apply programming skills in an environment which short deadlines and demanding customers.

real example

an example is factual.

hypothetical example

an example is fictional.

Which strategy gains attention and arouses the interest of an audience?

asking rhetorical questions

"Honesty is the best policy" is an example of a(n) ________, whereas "People should be honest with one another" is an example of a(n) ________.

belief, value


believing your group's perspective is the only correct one and thus judging others based on their conformity to your way of doing things.

interpretive perception

blend of internal states and external stimuli

relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication

both are essential for effective interactions with others

Internal references

brief notations indicating a bibliographic reference that contains details you are using in your speech. Both of these help readers understand what sources you used to find specific details.


can be defined as a system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that the members of a society use to cope with one another and their world


categories of definable characteristics of groups of people.

Audience attitudes based on _________ _________ processing are more persistent, more predictive of behavior, and more resistant to being counter-persuaded

central route

two routes covered in elm

central, peripheral


choosing aspects to notice (size, needs, interests)

small group com

com thattakes place among 3 or more individuals who are interdependent share goals and identify with one another and interact

low self- monitors

communicate with others with little attention to the responses to their messages

Successful speakers consider their audiences by

communicating clearly and accurately.

Intrapersonal Communication

communication between two people

Organisational communication

communication in a work place that goes by a code to get something done.

The statement, "Communication is a process" implies that

communication is ongoing and ever changing.


communication takes places whenever humans are together because people look for meaning even without a message. your voice mail is full and someone thinks you don't like them

Bibliographical references

complete citations that appear in the "references" or "works cited" section of your speech outline.

"To inform my listeners about the benefits of a Green Lifestyle," and "To help my listeners learn the differences between social aggression and bullying" are two examples of what type of speech topic?


Hostile work environment

conditions in the workplace that are sexually offensive, intimidating, or hostile and that affect an individual's ability to perform their job.


connective statements that signal you are finished with one point and moving on to another.

self-fulfilling prophecy

convincing yourself that something is going to happen before it does, thus leading to the occurrence of what you originally expected.


creating explanations - internal/external locus

oral citation

credits the source of speech material that is derived from other people's ideas; during your speech, always cite your sources at the same time as you present the information derived from them, rather than at the end of the speech

high-context culture

culture where meaning is being derived from the nonverbal expressions, environment, and situation in which the communication is taking place, and less emphasis is placed on the words.

low-context culture

culture where meaning is derived mostly from the language used in an interaction, and very little emphasis is placed on the nonverbal communication, environment, and situation.


dealing with one thing at a time


dealing with several things at a time


deals with the communication of news, information about events happening in our communities, our nation, and our world.

Researchers should be committed to avoiding _____________ except when it is inescapable


After receiving an email from her boyfriend stating that their relationship was over, Erin began translating the message into her own thoughts. This process is known as



deepen the audience's understanding of that phenomenon.

The functions of your main points are to provide principal subdivisions of your speech and to

define your thesis statement.

At work, Julia denied her relationship status with her partner, Cindy, by making Cindy invisible. Julia purposely did not display Cindy's picture in her office, and they had an understanding that Cindy would not make personal phone calls or visits to Julia's workplace. Spradlin refers to this personal passing strategy as __________



describe the general focus of a graphic slide


determinations of meaning through description, simplification, examples, analysis, comparison, explanation, or illustration. In a public speech they enlighten the audience by revealing that a term means.

As a communication source, an individual

determines the meaning of what is to be communicated.


evaluating- do i agree/disagree with it?

what is the study of communication

examines how messages are interpreted through the political, cultural, economic and social dimensions of their contexts

Supporting materials

examples, definitions, testimony, statistics, narratives, and analogies that support or illustrate a speaker's main points.

psychological filters

expectation and past experiences

hierarchy of needs

explains how people's most basic needs must be met before they will focus on less essential ones

transformative explanation

explanations that help the audience transform their everyday ideas about how something works into a more scientifically accurate understanding of the phenomenon.

Tina dislikes a lot of television programming and therefore does not watch TV. Tina is engaged in selective


U.S. advertisers spent $142 billion in 2009. 90% of the countries in the world have GDPs less than that.

false Miss Representation

According to Herdin, rational individualism has as its central goal the maximization of personal benefits.

false p. 610 According to Herdin, utilitarian individualism has as its central goal the maximization of personal benefits.

According to Weber, Story, and Harnack (2006), only about 20 percent of children's websites include advergames.

false p.10

According to Clay (1968), women touch _______children more often than they touch _______children

female, male

Vocalized pauses

filler words like uhm and ah.

issue awareness

first stage of the persuasion process in which you focus the audience's attention on the issue and show why the issue is important.


focal point of your attention

online-only magazine, newspaper journal

follow the same guidelines as for a book, and identify the publication as an "online magazine," "online newspaper," or "online journal"

online video

for online videos, name the online video source, program, segment, source qualifier, and date aired (if applicable)


group whose beliefs or behaviors distinguish it from the larger culture of which it's a part of

Organizational communities

groups of similar businesses or clubs that have common interests and become networked together to provide mutual support and resources. i.e. an organic farm working with local restaurants and grocery stores to sell their goods.

skills employers value

hard skills (can usually test) and soft skills (cannot usually test)

nonverbal communication always

has communicative value

People oriented

having a high regard for people's feelings and seek to find common ground with the speaker. Are also labeled "relationally oriented." These listeners respond keenly to the emotions of others and enjoy harmony and commonality.

barriers to listening include

hearing problems (technical issues), rapid thought (fast talking), physical distractions (health issues), noise or message overload (too long of message)

What is the most likely cause of severe speech anxiety?

hearing that presentational speaking is a horrible experience

quasi-scientific explanation

helps the audience get an overall picture of the phenomenon and see relationships among the parts.


how desirable a person is to work with, and how much social value the person has for others

Nonverbal receiving ability

how good are you at reading emotion

Nonverbal sending accuracy

how good at you at showing your emotion

self- esteem

how you feel about yourself; how well you like and value yourself

present feelings and circumstances

how you feel in a given moment affects your perception, if your kid keeps you up all night when someone ask how you are it make you complain when you usually would not.


if a book has two or fewer authors, state first and last names, source qualifier, title, and date of publication; if three or more authors, state first and last name of first author and "coauthors"

television or radio program

if you are citing a television or radio program, name the program, segment, reporter, source qualifier, and date aired


if you are citing testimony, name the person, source qualifier, context in which information was offered, and date information was offered

Self-enhancement (efforts to boost your own image) and other-enhancement (efforts to boost a target person's image) are forms of

impression management.


involve morals and the specific moral choices to be made by a person.

Mass communication

involves the media

Independent Clause

is a claus that can stand alone as a sentence.

Brandon Guide for Revising and Editing

is a new feature composed of two easily remembered acronyms. CLUESS-for revising CGPS- for editing

Modal Verb

is a verb that combines with another verb to indicate mood or tense.

Sexist Language

is language that excludes either men or women when discussing a topic, that is applicable to both sexes.


is physical (can be in one ear and out the other)


is taking more words than necessary to make your point.

Relative Pronoun

is used to connect a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun.

Feedback is an essential component of the communication process because

it serves as a corrective device.

symbolic nature of language

language is symbolic, the words we use are arbitrary and based on an agreed upon connection between them and the object that we are referencing


language that does not have precise, concrete meanings.


language that is structured according to more or less, higher or lower.


language that is vulgar and irreverent.

In cross-sex friendships, women generally talk ______ than men


Supportive communciation

listening with empathy, acknowledging others' feelings, and engaging in dialogue to help others maintain a sense of personal control. This includes listening without judging, validate feelings, provide both informational and relational messages, and being confidential.


location, distance, or range between persons and things


logical appeals; think

aristotle's appeals

logos (logic) pathos (emotion) ethos (credibility)

technical Interference

loud noises


loud noises, people are hard of hearing, physical pain that distracts you.

Celebrity testimony

made by a public figure who is known to the audience. Someone famous endorsing a product.

self- serving bias

maintains that our successes are due to our personal qualities and our failures occur because of our circumstances


make the audience aware of a phenomenon.

When displaying the actual object is not practical, the next best visual aid choice to consider using is a


An introduction to a speech includes

motivating your audience to listen.


name the blogger, source qualifier, affiliated website (if applicable), and date of posting

interview and other personal communication

name the person, source qualifier, and date of interview

organization website

name the website, source qualifier, section of website cited (if applicable), and last update; if website content is undated or not regularly updated, review the site for credibility before use

"I don't know why I bother taking a communication class! I simply do not have the knack for communicating very well, and will never improve!" This statement best illustrates which of the following misconceptions about communication?

natural ability to communicate.

learned helplessness

occurs if a person's communication behavior is rewarded one time and punished the next


occurs when a person feels attacked


occurs when others fail to respond to your notion of self by responding neutrally


occurs when others treat you in a manner consistent with who you believe you are

When you use impression management to try and boost the image of a target person, you are engaging in


According to the text, self-concepts are often affected by

our interactions with others and our past experiences.

source reliability

our level of trust in a source's credentials and track record for providing accurate information; it's a good idea to find a variety of reliable sources with a controversial subject

Product (of listening)-

outcome of the process, such as a strengthened relationship between friends, feeling of satisfaction, or deeper understanding of a concept or idea

When a real estate agent tells you how to distinguish between a good investment and a bad one with the motive to sell, the agent's goal is


communication is

pervasive, amoral, and allows us to advance our life agenda


physical actions that take the place of verbal messages.


physically producing the sound needed to convey the word.

family com

problems today are more difficult. we now have 2 income families and blended families family com is crucial.

symbolic interactions

process in which the self develops through the messages and feedback received from others


process of becoming aware of objects and events from the senses


process of creating a hierarchy of idea in which the most general ideas appear first, followed by more specific ideas.

nonverbal communication

process of using messages that are not words to generate meaning

I perceive that Billy likes Christy because I always see Billy making an effort to sit next to Christy in class. The organizational function of perception governing my conclusion is


The grouping of two or more things that are close to one another in space is known as


skills communication majors study

public speaking, media and marketing and strong qualitative and quantitate research skills


quality or state of being argumentative; synonymous with contentiousness or combativeness

explain the work done in the Social Scientific Approaches

quantitative and qualitative


receiver attitudes based on central route processing are more persistent more predictive in behavior and more resistant to counter persuasion

According to the text, of the SMCRE variables, the ones over which we have the least control are the ___________ _____________.

receiver variables

Selective attention

receivers avoid a message by not paying attention to it


receivers give brief attention

peripheral processing

receivers give brief attention to the message w/o elaborated thought. focused on receiver sender channel and environment no control


receivers mentally elaborate on the elements of your message and carefully scrutinize your arguments and evidence

central route processing

receivers mentally elaborate on the elements of your message and carefully scrutinize your arguments and evidence, focused on message variables lots of control


refer to the way that people organize and use time and the messages that are created because of it -monochronic (one task at a time) -polychronic (several tasks at a time)


refers to a meaning that is implied by a word apart from the thing which it describes explicitly

sexual orientation

refers to the sex and gender to whom a person is romantically and sexually attracted to.


refers to the way you use language and grammar to construct your written materials. Ranges from informal to very formal.

The conclusion of a speech should

reinforce what you want your audience to remember.

Researchers have found that both women and men report greater _____________ _____________ with partners who are willing to self-disclose, be emotionally supportive, sensitive, and empathic

relationship satisfaction

"Let me first illustrate" and "As you look at my chart" are examples of


The grouping of stimuli that resemble one another in size, color, shape, or other characteristics is called



similarly structuring related words, phrases, or clauses of speech.

public speaking

single source transmits a message to a number of receivers


speech given to celebrate an important occasion.


stage of the persuasion process in which the audience understands the relevant components of the issue and the position that you want them to take.

Lay testimony

statements made by an ordinary person that supports what you say. Like in advertisements. In a speech it may be the words of your relatives, friends, concerning an issue.

measures of central tendency

statistics that indicate where the middle of a distribution lies, including the mean, median, and mode.

what errors do we make with our perceptions?

sterotyping, first impressions


stories to illustrate an important point-focus on telling more a human story. They focus on the human element and can sometimes cause members to lose sight of potential implications and outcomes.


study of body movement and facial expressions


symbols used to represent things not intrinsically connected to those things.


taking an abstract notion and providing its meaning through the application of symbols.

global plagiarism

taking an entire piece of work and saying that it is your own.

patchwork plagiarism

taking ideas from more than one piece of work and putting them together into a new piece of work, then presenting them as original work without giving due credit to the sources.


taking original source material and changing a few words in it, but not enough to consider it a paraphrase, all the while not citing the original source material.


tendency to fill in missing information in order to complete an otherwise incomplete figure or statement

selective retention

tendency to remember better the things that reinforce your beliefs rather than those that oppose them

selective perception

tendency to see, hear, and believe only what you wan to see, hear, and believe


tension that exists between two conflicting forces, elements, or ideas


the ability of a person to inspire belief or trust in others.


the degree to which the speaker is perceived as honest, fair, sincere, honorable, friendly, and kind; aspect of credibility. These are earned. What you say and how you say it in a speech can affect audience members' perception of your trustworthiness. First) present fair and balanced information (using reliable sources and other viewpoints). Talking with a confident tone and maintaining eye contact.

The key to successful control of speech anxiety is

the desire to control it.


the idea that our friends and loved ones are usually people who like or dislike the same things we do

systemic desensitization

the process whereby a person is slowly introduced to a fear such that each time they overcome the fear that the intensity is decreased.


the receiver's response to a message that is sent to the sender.


third step of the persuasion process in which the audience accepts that the issue is relevant to them.

Small group communication

this can include drama within a group. Group projects.


this is eye contact. Speakers give more eye contact than listeners

Health communication

this is the communication done in heath work places that involves getting the necessary information from people to keep them healthy

Symbolic communication

this was invented and agreed upon by everyone and makes it socially shared. They are voluntary. (mostly left brain)

Our use of ___________ can be an indication of personality, status, or culture



to create a list of possible topics and keep adding to this list as you think of new ideas.

Types of daycare facilities in the workplace, types of tsunamis, and types of flu vaccines are all ideas that could be addressed using which organizational pattern?

topical pattern

Expectancy Violation theory states that when people violate our expectations, we tend to notice, become aroused, and attribute meaning to the violation, resulting in increased scrutiny and appraisal of the violator's behavior.

true p. 130 Expectancy Violation theory states that when people violate our expectations, we tend to notice, become aroused, and attribute meaning to the violation, resulting in increased scrutiny and appraisal of the violator's behavior.

According to the AAUW, female financial managers earn 70% of what male financial managers earn.

true p. 16

Within a culture many words have an agreed-upon range of meanings.

true p. 69

personal idioms

unique forms of expression and language understood only by individual couples

subjective perception

uniquely constructed meaning attributed to sensed stimuli

Sexual harassment

unwelcome, unsolicited, repeated behavior of a sexual nature

Cognitively complex individuals

use "person-centered" messages.

When using presentational note cards, you should always remember to

use abbreviations as much as possible.


verbal and nonverbal strategies that are used to present your own varying images to others and to help them maintain their own images


verbal mistakes such as false starts, mispronunciations, or a lot of ums and ahs.


visual depiction of summaries of numeric data.

Visual aids

visual elements that help your audience receive your message.

Effective main points include which of the following elements?

vivid language


voice, posture and environment

internal noise

voices inside yourself (can control)

how do you present yourself

we present ourselves to people both consciously and uncon. , self presentation is consistent with an ideal self image allows us to act in the right role and define a situation in our own terms. Goffmans theory embraces individual identity, group relationships, and context, and the meaning of information. Individuals are actors and the interaction is the performance identity management: is defined as the control or lack of control of the communication of info through a performance. . idealized version of yourself, to meet desired needs. face to face interactions


we read the opposite. He isn't that strong. "Og he is weak as hell."

life agenda

we use skills to influence others to think or feel things we think they should

identify expertise

what to do when you quote an expert whose name is not commonly known

Mass Communication

what we call a mediated format, where the channel, or media, has a direct affect on how a message is encoded and decoded.

memorized speech

when a speaker commits an entire speech to memory and delivers with no notes in front of them.

manuscript speech

when a speaker has an entire speech written out word-for-word in front of them as they speak.

question of policy

when a speaker takes a position on whether an action should or should not be taken.

critical listening

when we evaluate a message and assess whether or not we agree with what is the being said; requires the most cognitive effort of any listening purpose.


when we evaluate others or yourself after communication. The art of asking why.

active listening

when we pay a high degree of attention to a message; we process, store, and potentially evaluate the content of the message to come to conclusions or understanding about what was said.


when we talk about the way we communicate.

two-sided argument

when you briefly note an argument against your thesis, and then use evidence and reasoning to refute that argument

false dilemma fallacy

when you claim that there are only two possible choices to address a problem, that one of those choices is wrong or infeasible and that your listeners must embrace the other choice

reasoning by analogy

when you compare two similar cases in order to argue that what is true in one case is also true in the other.

Dispositional Other

when you jump to concussions about others

Narrative Writing

writing that tells a story or gives an account of something that has happened.


you deny existence of conflict.

Know why a market for skilled speakers developed in Athens.

• In Athenian courts citizens were required to advocate for themselves so they needed to speak persuasively to function and people who were more skilled in speaking had an advantage over those who weren't • Athenians were willing to pay big bucks for that

Know the meaning of vox populi.

• Meaning & voice of the people, concept particularly interested in democratic theory

Know what distinguishes the study of political communication from political science.

• Political communication - explicit focus on messages. Scholars understand how and why political messages are made, transmitted, received and processed. Goal is understanding how messages matter in society. (study messages) • Political science - more interested in degree in which citizens vote in elections. Gender, ethnicity, age, income

According to Hochschild (1997), the fourth shift consists of emotional activities conducted throughout the daytime and evening hours. These emotional activities focus on thoughts about the needs of their children, their partner, and their workplace.


Laughter is always a sign of



True/False: Monroe's motivated sequence can be used to organize both informative and persuasive speeches

Although most African tribal languages existed in the United States until the mid-1900s, the Gullahs' language literally died because the tribe was adamant about assimilating in American culture. br/


Although most Australian tribal languages ceased to exist after 1950, the Gullahs' language persisted because they had created documents, such as dictionaries and encyclopedias, to provide language training for future generations.


An example is usually seen as more credible than a survey.


An open hand thrust in the direction of a person's face means "halt" in all societies.


At the 2003 Golden Globes, U2's Bono used the "F" word, but was not fined by the FCC because the Golden Globes were televised after 9:00 p.m. EST (when most minors were not likely to be watching television).


Bernays organized "Torches of Freedom," the campaign that encouraged women to fight for equal rights.


association, categorization, mediation, imagery, and mnemonics.

When you listen to assess the personal value or relevance in something you are most likely listening for


Words, phrases, sentences, or paragraphs that help the speaker move from the introduction to the body, from one point to the next, and from the body to the conclusion

Dr. John Cutler, one of the doctors involved in the Tuskegee study, was known as the 'Angel of death,' and is probably the most famous of the Nazi doctors who used the prisoners in Nazi concentration camps for medical experimentation.


During Sunday shows, at least 72 percent of one-on-one interview time on the "Melissa Harris-Perry Show" went to white guests.


Equality among group members, and use of first names is preferred in uncertainty-rejecting cultures.


Every observation is quantitative at the outset.


In the United States, an employer can legally ask a potential employee if they have children.


In the film "Castaway," Tom Hanks' character insists that his employees adhere to a polychronic time orientation.


Janusik and Wolvin (2009) found that students spent the most time with their families (48% of their reported time).


Justina said,"Shanequa is rude." This is an example of indexing.


People who lack either motivation or ability are more likely to be influenced by central route (elaborative) processing.


During an informative speech an internal summary would go at the end of

a main point.

In "Miss Representation," Pat Mitchell, the President and CEO of the Paley Center for Media (and former President and CEO of PBS), noted that 76% of the purchasing power in the United States is in the pockets of women.


In compliance with the Patriot Act, the UCF Police Department has reported crime statistics on their website.


In the acute battering phase of the Cycle of Violence the abuser promises to change and says they will never hurt the victim again.


In the film "Castaway," Tom Hanks' character insists that his employees adhere to a polychronic time orientation.


In the module, a film clip from "Dead Poets Society" portrayed students engaged in appreciative listening.


Statistical data and facts primarily help to increase the pathos of a speaker's message.


Stereotypes in advertising were not present in pre-1970 advertisements.


To improve listening skills, senders should take 51% of the responsibility for the communication transaction


We are engaged in comprehensive listening usually when we listen for enjoyment, such as when we listen to music, listen to a dramatic performance, etc.


When interpreting stimuli, people rarely rely on the context in which the stimuli are perceived.


Words become increasingly abstract as you go down the ladder of abstraction.


n Hawaii, the "hurry up" sign is symbolized by shaking the folded palm with your thumb and last finger extended



a set of physical characteristics shared by a group of people, such as skin color, body type, facial structure, and hair color.

Cover letter- Cover letter

a short letter introducing you and your resume to an interviewer. It should aim to achieve attention, interest, desire and action.

Quid pro quo sexual harassment

a situation in which an employee is offered a reward or is threatened with punishment based on his or her participation in sexual activity


a speaker's credibility

extemporaneous speech

a speech delivered with notes but without the entire speech in front of the speaker.

Manuscript delivery

a speech that is written word for word using a tone and language that are appropriate for speaking rather than reading. Necessary for speeches that involve exact words

perceptual filters

age, culture, upbringing

Preliminary research indicates that today's children are more sophisticated than previous generations; therefore, they can identify "embedded" content as advertising and understand the persuasive intent behind it.

false p. 8

According to Montgomery (2012), "digital entertainment and advertising are distinctly different forms of communication; therefore, there should not be confusion about methodological issues."

false p. 9

Reciprocal self-disclosure occurs most frequently in relationships with family members.


Since everything we do in life could possibly harm someone else, all researchers must weigh the relative risk against the _________________ and _______________ _____________ of the research activity

importance and possible benefits

communication concepts

interpersonal com, small group com, organ com, public speaking mass media, health com, and family com


the act of receiving sound whereas listening is the active process of receiving, constructing meaning from and responding to spoken and/or non-verbal messages.


the agreed upon/dictionary meaning of a word.

When determining the number of main points in your speech, you should consider the time available, the content to be covered, and

the amount of information the audience can reasonably comprehend.

Source credibility

the audience's perception of your effectiveness as a speaker. Audience determines credibility and factors that increase it are the speaker, the topic, the situation and the message.


the audience, audience brings own variables like age and gender but also perpetual items likes attitudes and values, tailor messages to appeal to your receivers


the extent to which an audience perceives the speaker as bold, active, energetic, strong, empathetic, and assertive. Dyanism is exhibited mainly by voice, movement, facial expressions, and gestures.

communication apprehension

the fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated communication with others.


the final statement of your speech.

derived credibility

the form of credibility that manifests itself during your presentation.


the fourth step of the persuasion process in which the audience adopts the position that you want them to take.


the stand behind which people speak and on which they place their notes.

transactional model of communication

the theory that views communication as a constant process in which all parties simultaneously play the roles of sender and receiver.


the things listeners bring to a listening situation and the context in which listening occurs, including the listener's culture, the norms governing conservations in that culture, and the listening styles the person has.


the way you stand indicates a form of communication

When presenting the main points, you should be specific, use vivid language, and

show relevance.

Ladder of Abstraction

shows how words can range from very abstract to concrete in indicating the intended meaning.


situation or context which the transaction takes place, keep factor in mind of noisy, heat, etc. environmental factor influence communications.

According to the AAUW's 2015 report, in the U.S., the pay gap between women and men was _________ in Washington, D.C.


Compared with salary information for white male workers, Asian American women's salaries show the ___________ gender pay gap, at 90 percent of white men's earnings



social collectives, or groups of people, in which activities are coordinated to achieve both individual and collective goals.

context messages

social context (relationship) chronological context, cultural context


socially approved and presented identity of an individual

Social undermining

socially isolate another person from a larger group. Is intentional and planned


the process of assigning meanings to others' words in order to translate them into words of your own


the process of using the senses to acquire info about the surrounding environment or situation, used to be considered passive perception meaning that people are recorders of stimuli. perception is a factor that complicates com.

Strategic ambiguity

the purposeful use of symbols to allow multiple interpretations of messages. i.e. recruitments of clubs or Greek, mission statements at work

when people are motivated and able

they will use central route processing when not they will use peripheral

high self- monitors

those individuals who are highly aware of their identity management behavior


thru selection you neglect certain stimuli and focus on others, you also select messages to which you attend. selective exposure: the tendency to expose yourself to info that reinforces rather then contradicts your beliefs. republicans are more likely to watch politicians that share there beliefs. selective attention: the tendency when you expose yourself to info and ideas to focus on certain cues and ignore others, at a buffet table you focus on food that is familiar and not the unfamiliar selective perception: the tendency to see and hear and believe only what you want to see hear and believe, your trustworthy friend gets in trouble for stealing and you refuse to believe it teachers that use interaction and dialogue notice confusion from students more then teachers who just lecture., causes teachers to to perceive and react to nonverbal signs while other do not (due to pat experiences too) Selective retention: the tendency to remember better the things that reinforce your beliefs than those that oppose them, mom may have put you in time out but you still remember the happy times, neg events are suppressed unless traumatic. with selective retention you decide whether to engage or ignore someone

As a speaker, you would know that the type of organizational pattern illustrated in the above outline is a

topical pattern.

The chronological organizational pattern is especially useful for

tracing the relationships within a series of events.

Uncertainty rejecting cultures have a more difficult time accepting ambiguity and diversity.


When a user downloads an app, the company behind the app often gains access to significant amounts of information about the user, which can then be used to target advertising.


When we speak, we use a different vocabulary than when we read, write, or hear.


chris left his romantic partner at home and instead had his lesbian friend, Jennifer, act as his "date" at a company picnic. This is passing technique is called deceiving.


Critical systematic processing is elaborative processing that involves an active awareness and critical analysis of persuasive messages.

true According to the PCMC model, critical systematic processing is elaborative processing that involves an active awareness and critical analysis of persuasive messages.

tactile communication

use of touch in communication


using a tangible object to represent an otherwise intangible thing.

interpersonal communication

using messages to generate meaning between 2+ people in a situation that allows mutual opportunities for both speaking and listening

mass-media communication

using messages to generate meaning in a mediated system, between a source and a large number of unseen receivers


using one part of something to represent the whole thing.

incremental plagiarism

using part of someone else's work and not citing it as a source.


using the words of others as evidence.

According to the CAIB final report, "the Board views the endemic use of PowerPoint briefing slides instead of technical papers as an illustration of the problematic methods of technical communication at NASA."


According to the Cycle of Violence, as time passes, the honeymoon period shortens, and the denial, tension, and violence increase


According to the text, of the SMCRE variables, the ones over which we have the least control are the receiver variables


Any explicated, quantitative measure will be less rich in meaning than the corresponding qualitative description.


Any topic that requires attention to events, incidents, or steps that take place over time is appropriate for a time-sequence pattern of organization.


Argumentativeness patterns are shown to be similar between mothers and their children.


Foxes are willing to sacrifice some of their goals while persuading others to give up part of theirs.


Heterosexist language is language that implies that everyone is heterosexual.


Heterosexist language is language that implies that everyone is


If an audience is focused on peripheral cues, they are basing their attitudes on elements over which the presenter has very little control.


In "Reservoir Dogs," Freddy prepares himself to meet the bad guys by utlizing positive self-talk.


In cross-sex friendships, women generally talk less than men.


In the honeymoon phase of the Cycle of Violence the abuser tries to make the victim feel guilty and responsible for the violence.


No absolute, standard definitions exist for individual emoticons, but many people have common understandings for a variety of these symbols.


Stereotyping is the opposite of indexing.


The branches of the "listening tree" illustration reflect appreciative, critical, and therapeutic listening.


The potential for confusion increases as language becomes increasingly abstract.

True p. 70

In the film clip from the television show "Two and a Half Men," Alan's intrapersonal communication is not a form of noise because it does not interfere with his ability to communicate.


A company cannot access information about the users who download their apps unless the users have waived their rights to privacy.


According to Clay (1968), women touch male children more often than they touch female children.


According to Lauzen and Dozier (1999), the presence of a female writer or producer does not impact the number of on-screen females nor the nature of how women are portrayed.


According to Montgomery (2012), "digital entertainment and advertising are distinctly different forms of communication; therefore, there should not be confusion about methodological issues."


According to Montgomery (2013), Pepsi and Burger King are among the few youth-oriented brands that have continued to spend the majority of their advertising budgets on TV rather than to restructure its overall marketing approach to focus on social media.


A Brazilian man and woman, who are saying goodbye to each other, look into each other's eyes and exchange three kisses: a first kiss on the right cheek, a second on the left, and a third, again on the right cheek. This indicates that they are sexually attracted to each


According to the Celluloid Ceiling, the only area where women were represented equally was in the role of director. Of 2013's top 250 films, forty-eight percent were directed by women.


According to the Cycle of Violence, as time passes, the tension building period shortens, and the violence increases.


According to the Nuremberg Code, "No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur." There are absolutely no exceptions to this rule.


According to the Nuremberg Code, "the duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon the research institution that sponsors the individual research project."


According to the UCF Research Lifecycle, the research concept is developed during the project cycle.


At UCF free speech can be exercised on any grassy area on campus.


By the turn of the 20th century, Philosophy departments largely subsumed oral communication instruction in academia.


Charisma is an extreme form of distributive power that inspires strong loyalty and devotion from others.


Collectivistic cultures stress individual assertiveness over group harmony.


Communication Apprehension takes only one form: fear of public speaking.


Comprehensive listening involves obtaining sensory stimulation or enjoyment from others.


Confession is voluntary, revelation is forced or coerced information, and self-disclosure is unintentional or inadvertent communication.


Current research indicates that ethos is the most effective appeal for most public speaking presentations.


D. Solo (host and executive producer of the Hip Hop show "Street Flava") believes that it is impossible for a gay man to ever become a famous rapper.


In England, a "V for Victory" sign with the palm of the hand facing the person doing the signaling, has for many centuries symbolized


Research studies show disagreement over when to best use logos, pathos, and ethos.


Researchers subscribing to communibiology suggest that Communication Apprehension (CA) may have a predominantly environmental basis.


Sam was a hyperactive listener. Sam became adept at anticipating the next conversational move and averting the other person's attention from uncomfortable discussion topics. This is passing technique is called deceiving.


In the United States, people who come back from a fishing trip often hold their hands far apart to indicate the size of the fish that got away. This is an example of territoriality.


Texting is a form of slang.


The "deadly words" were inspired by the comedy of Andrew Dice Clay.


The "deadly words" were inspired by the comedy of Sam Kinison.


The "higher order" levels of listening are comprehensive and critical listening.


The SIER listening model consists of four steps: sound, interpetation, evidence, and rationalization.


No absolute, standard definitions exist for individual emoticons, but many people have common understandings for a variety of these symbols.


One of Enrique's personal passing strategies was to avoid socializing with coworkers. Spradlin refers to this strategy as distancing.


Our use of time can be an indication of personality, status, or culture.


The "higher order" levels of listening are possible only once a solid foundation of comprehensive and discriminative listening had been achieved.


The FID strategy is focused on getting the receiver to comply with a simple, small request prior to a second, larger request.


The branches of the "listening tree" illustration reflect appreciative, critical, and therapeutic listening.



principle that if a point is divided into subpoenas, there must be two or more sub-points.

At the 2003 Golden Globes, U2's Bono used the "F" word, but was not fined by the FCC because "the performer used the word ... as an adjective or expletive to emphasize an exclamation."


Attractiveness is not universal.


Audience attitudes based on central route processing are more persistent, more predictive of behavior, and more resistant to being counter-persuaded.


Beauty is only skin deep is an example of a cliche.


Bernays is considered the "Father of Public Relations."


Bernays organized "Torches of Freedom," the campaign that encouraged women to smoke cigarettes.


Formulated in August 1947, The Nuremberg Code is the most important document in the history of the ethics of medical research and the first of its kind to ensure the rights of subjects.


Reciprocal disclosure generally does not occur in families.


Research has found that even positive stereotypes caused increased anger and a desire to avoid or attack the speaker.


Research studies show disagreement over when to best use logos, pathos, and ethos.


Researchers should be committed to avoiding deception except when it is inescapable.


Researchers who believe environmental factors are primary contributors to communication apprehension probably represent the majority of communication scholars.


Semanticists are people who study semantics. They are interested in how language and its meaning change over time.


Semanticists are people who study semantics. They are interested in how language and its meaning change over


The convergence of technologies makes intercultural communication competence increasingly important.


The dominant culture in North America embraces linear organizational patterns.


The epic-poem Beowulf was originally written in Old English


The film clip from "Freaky Friday" was used an example of intrapersonal communication.


The goal of comprehensive listening is to understand.


The more detail one uses in visualizing giving a successful speech, the better.


The most efficient way to develop a rough draft is to choose a limited number of main points important for your purpose and your audience.


The participants in Project Unbreakable prefer the term "survivor" over "victim."


The potential for confusion increases as language becomes increasingly abstract.


The process of communication is ethically neutral.


Thinking that people in the United States should not have to learn languages other than English is an example of ethnocentrism.


Title IX bans both discrimination in sports teams and sexual harassment at schools.


To present at conferences, you usually need to apply to the conference's CFP (Call For Papers/Presentations/Posters).


When creating a text visual, Dr. Katt recommends using upper- and lowercase type.


When people express empathy in face-to-face encounters, they engage in facial responsiveness; however, when people express empathy while speaking on a phone, they do not.


When we speak, we use a different vocabulary than when we read, write, or hear.


Women touch female children more often than they touch male children.


In the module, a film clip from "The Princess Bride" portrayed a battle of wits in which Vizzini and Westley were engaged in therapeutic listening


for each source, alert the audience to

1. the author or origin of the source (person, organization) 2. the type of source (book, interview, website, blog) 3. the title or description of the source 4. the date of the source 5. relevant credentials 6. relevant real-life experience


According to communication researchers, eye behavior

physical characteristics

According to the text, stereotyping

linguistic relativity.

Active and direct language that brings urgency to a message is known as


An inoffensive or mild expression given in place of one that might offend is called a(n)


Assigning meaning to a received code

Even though we have experienced dramatic changes in advertising methods and platforms in the past decade, we can still use traditional methodologies to reliably measure young people's exposure to advertising and marketing messages.


If something is on the internet it is not protected by copyright.


Geoffrey Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" were originally written in Old English.


In the module, a film clip from "Green Card" portrayed George using his talents to help Brontë. This clip was an example of comprehensive listening


In the module, a film clip from "Shawshank Redemption" portrayed the inmates engaged in critical listening.


In the module, a film clip from "The Princess Bride" portrayed a battle of wits in which Vizzini and Westley were engaged in comprehensive listening.


In the module, a film clip from "The Princess Bride" portrayed a battle of wits in which Vizzini and Westley were engaged in therapeutic listening.


In the module, a video by Calvin Klein was presented as an example of the movement against advertising that portrays excessively thin women


Individuals in interpersonal relationships use some inconsistent patterns of interaction.


Presenters have the most control over the source variable because they can take control of their appearance.


Queer Nation blatantly forces straight people to recognize the existence of gayness by outing prominent individuals. Such strategies are aggressive and confrontational and signal that the group does not want to be transparent. This is an example of employing an insurgent goal.


Regardless of sexual orientation, most couples have one partner who takes on most of the burden of caring for the relational health of the couple.


Representations of gender stereotyping in Disney films was worse in the past films than it is in the modern productions.


Research is not beneficial when a speaker is organizing ideas.


Research is not beneficial when a speaker is preparing a conclusion.


The Power and Control Wheel explains the three phases in the cycle of violence.


The SIER listening model consists of four steps: selecting, intending, emulating, and reasoning.


The film clip from "Castaway" was used an example of intrapersonal communication.


The hidden area of the Johari window includes information that you know about yourself but that others do not know.


The only place at UCF where free speech cannot be exercised is inside or within 50 feet of Millican Hall.


The personality characteristics of audience members does not affect their response to the speaker as a source.


The unknown area of the Johari window includes information that you know about yourself but that others do not know.


Tilting the head rhythmically from side-to-side means "no" in all cultures.


To ensure the protection of human participants and meet federal regulation guidelines, research investigators at UCF must complete, and show verification that they have received appropriate training in such protections. The only exception to this rule is enrolled students who are conducting social science research.


Totalizing is exactly the same as stereotyping.


Quantitative data can have the disadvantages of purely verbal descriptions.

False Babbie, p. 36

Researchers should never use deception in their research projects.

False Babbie, p. 38 Researchers should be committed to avoiding deception except when it is inescapable


Sam was talking to Juan about a teacher, and said, "My teacher is out to lunch!" Juan wasn't sure if Sam meant that the teacher was eating a meal, was unfair, was odd, or something else. Juan would have better understood Sam's message if Sam had been more

women seem to value touch more than men do.

Sean pounded on the table during his persuasive speech to emphasize a point. After his speech, the audience applauded. Later that evening, Sean used the same fist-pounding strategy when trying to emphasize to his wife that he did not want pasta for supper. She had a more negative reaction. This example illustrates which

Any research study that collects information about people or uses existing information or specimens collected from people is considered human subject research.


At work, Julia denied her relationship status with her partner, Cindy, by making Cindy invisible. Julia purposely did not display Cindy's picture in her office, and they had an understanding that Cindy would not make personal phone calls or visits to Julia's workplace. Spradlin refers to this personal passing strategy as denial.


Time-oriented listeners prefer brief messages.


To increase the logos of your message, you should be well organized, use credible evidence to support claims, and clearly cite evidence.


Vocal cues are included in nonverbal communication.


When a presentational aid is "profitable," it adds to your message in a way that you could not do so orally.


Selective Attention

The focusing of conscious awareness on a particular stimulus, as in the cocktail party effect

the occasion.

The goal of an informative speech is to

Sapis-whorf Hypothesis

The language we have indicated the way we see the world around us. He states that a larger vocabulary makes the world look different and arguable more clear

Denotative Meanings

The literal or explicit meaning of a word

complementing behavior

The notion that our direct eye contact with a friend may differ in meaning compared to direct eye contact with a stranger illustrates which characteristic of nonverbal communication?

evaluative listening.

The passive reception of sounds is called


The person who initiates a message.


The person who is the intended target of a message.

full disclosure

The practice of formally acknowledging one's own vested interest in a topic before presenting one's arguments, to reveal any potential conflicts of interest.


The use of only non-verbal communication in the place of verbal.


The use of space and distance to indicate meaning (the proffesor has more space) (Public, social, Personal, intimate)


There are many reasons why a person may have a negative attitude toward public speaking. One of the most frequently mentioned is

According to the Two-Step Flow, what differentiates opinion leaders from their peers is the fact that opinion leaders are early adopters and they distribute information to others.


According to the report from the National Center for Women and Information Technology, women represented 57 percent of professional occupations in the 2012 U.S. workforce; however, women only represented 26 percent of professional computing occupations and 24 percent of Chief Information Officer (CIO) positions at Fortune 100 companies.


According to the text, of the SMCRE variables, the ones over which we have the least control are the receiver variables.


After WWII, Bernays coined the term "public relations" in response to the negative connotations for the word "propaganda."


Articles that are submitted to scholarly journals usually go through a peer review process.


As an entry-level employee, you can use immediacy behaviors to develop positive relationships with your co-workers and your supervisor.


As noted in "Miss Representation," high self-objectifiers have lower political self-efficacy.


As noted in "Miss Representation," only 16% of protagonists in films are female.


At UCF there are seven "Free Assembly Areas" where free speech can be exercised.


Chris left his romantic partner at home and instead had his lesbian friend, Jennifer, act as his "date" at a company picnic. This is passing technique is called deceiving.


Coercion is based on reward and punishment power.


During the life cycle of father-son relationships, confict is the central theme of the discord stage.


Even when people are separated by substantial physical distance, eye contact enables them to bridge this distance in a psychological sense.


In "Miss Representation," Pat Mitchell, the President and CEO of the Paley Center for Media (and former President and CEO of PBS), noted that 86% of the purchasing power in the United States is in the pockets of women.


In "What Women Want," Mel Gibson's character witnesses an employee engaged in negative self-talk.


In Russia, receiving a super-slow handclap after a performance is a high compliment.


In Russia, receiving a super-slow handclap after a performance is a high


In compliance with the Clery Act, the UCF Police Department has reported crime statistics on their website.


In the Boeing Corporation's reports about the threat to the Columbia, PowerPoint slides contained lower-level bullets that mentioned doubts and uncertainties, but the highlighted executive summaries and big-bullet conclusions were optimistic.


In the module, a film clip from "Dead Poets Society" portrayed students engaged in comprehensive listening.


In your verbal and nonverbal exchanges, you perform a similar feat of focusing on some parts (figure) and distancing yourself from others (ground).


Inclusion criteria define specific conditions or characteristics that make it appropriate to enroll a person into a research study.


Nonverbal communication includes some sounds, as long as they are not words.


Since our self-concept is dependent on our self-awareness, cultural differences are important.


Some of the seminal emphases in instructional communication research, such as communication apprehension, teacher immediacy, and strategies for handling behavioral issues in the classroom, were studied using the basic course as a place to gather subjects and explore these important questions.


Some people use socially acceptable synonyms, such as "powder my nose" or "visit the little girls' room," instead of saying that they need to "urinate" or "defecate." These socially acceptable synonyms are examples of euphemisms.


Texting is a form of jargon.


The "up yours" gesture, where the middle finger jerked upwards at someone with whom one is annoyed, has been in active use throughout many cultures for over 2,000 years


The "up yours" gesture, where the middle finger jerked upwards at someone with whom one is annoyed, has been in active use throughout many cultures for over 2,000


The ELM holds that receivers will focus on the message arguments to the extent that they are both motivated and able to process the message.


The EPPM holds that the persuasiveness of a fear appeal hinges on receivers' parallel processing about the threat and the solution offered in the message.


The Elaboration Likelihood Model originates from the principle that people want to hold correct attitudes.


The FID strategy is focused on getting the receiver to comply with a simple, small request prior to a second, larger request.


The Johari window may have a different shape with different family members, friends, or acquaintances.


The Need Step of Monroe's Motivated Sequence focuses on explaining the problem that the speaker wants the audience to solve.


The Power and Control Wheel explains how perpetrators use abusive behaviors to exert power and control over their victims


The first point in the NCA Credo on Ethics states that accuracy and honesty are essential for ethical communication.


The four "C's" of extemporaneous delivery are Confident, Conversational, Comfortable, and Compelling.


The function of the Action Step in Monroe's Motivated Sequence is to translate the desire created in the Visualization Step into overt action.


The highest ranking collectivist cultures are Venezuela, Peru, Pakistan, Taiwan, and Thailand.


The increasing use of the male body as a sexual object in the media has been termed the "feminization of masculinity."


The largest gender pay gap in 2013 was for Hispanic and Latina women, who were paid only 54 percent of what white men were paid in 2013.


The mass society era was message-oriented and viewed receivers as passive consumers of mass communication.


The methodology of Hofstede's work has been criticized for relying on interviewees who were all skilled managers, technicians, and other white-collar workers.


The video clip of President Obama killing a fly was used as an example of external noise.


Under most circumstances - and especially in informative speeches - you should reveal your thesis in the introduction of the speech.



When giving a speech about the benefits of eating a particular brand of breakfast cereal, the most reliable and neutral expert opinion would come from

connotative meaning.

When individuals move between the language used by their coculture and the dominant culture's language, it is known as

communication is a symbolic activity rich in subtlety.

Words whose meanings cannot be understood by ordinary usage are referred to as

his personal experience.

You realize that having another person's point of view or opinion for your speech would make your speech more interesting. The best source of information to consult to find that information would be

Language is (1 term)


As an entry-level employee, avoid using immediacy behaviors because your supervisors may think you are trying to undermine them.


As noted in "Miss Representation," a Surgeon General's report cited a link between screen violence and aggressive behavior in 1967.


At UCF free speech can be exercised on any grassy area on campus.


If both the RA and the RR are low, the message will be processed via high elaboration, thus critical systematic processing will occur.


In the module, a film clip from "Green Card" portrayed George using his talents to help Brontë. This clip was an example of comprehensive listening.


It is appropriate to use a turtle style when conflict involves personal differences that are difficult to change.


It is not uncommon for an individualist to begin a presentation by saying something like, "Please forgive this unworthy effort."


Laughter is always a sign of happiness.


Owls would rather hide and ignore conflict than resolve it; this leads them to be uncooperative and unassertive.


Sam was a hyperactive listener. Sam became adept at anticipating the next conversational move and averting the other person's attention from uncomfortable discussion topics. This is passing technique is called deceiving.


The Longhorn salute can be interpreted as a symbol of peace


The Power and Control Wheel explains the three phases in the cycle of violence.


Typically, men do not value friendships as much as women.


Cognitive listening models are behavioral models with the additional component of response.

false Behavioral listening models are cognitive models with the additional component of response. - P. 30

A young West Indian who lowers his or her eyes while being harshly spoken to by an adult in authority is showing disrespect for that person

false In many cultures (especially many Eastern cultures), it is disrespectful to have eye contact with someone who holds an authoritative position. To be respectful, people look down when spoken to. In these cultures, it is insulting and confrontational to maintain eye contact with someone in an authoritative position.

In Hawaii, the "hurry up" sign is symbolized by shaking the folded palm with your thumb and last finger extended

false This emblem actually is interpreted as hang loose. This gesture was appropriated by the surfing culture decades ago, so you may have seen it used on the U.S. mainland or in popular culture. Keep in mind that Hawaiian culture is a blend of American and Polynesian influences. Often times, Hawaiians are on P-Time rather than M-Time due to their Polynesian roots.

The increasing use of the male body as a sexual object in the media has been termed the "masculine machine."

false p. 102 - "feminization of masculinity"

The largest gender pay gap in 2013 was for African-American women, who were paid only 53 percent of what white men were paid in 2013.

false p. 11

Communication scholars agree that it is a proven fact that more than 90 percent of the meaning of a message is transmitted by its nonverbal elements.

false p. 124 "Did you Know?" box

Even though we have experienced dramatic changes in advertising methods and platforms in the past decade, we can still use traditional methodologies to reliably measure young people's exposure to advertising and marketing messages.

false p. 15

According to Lauzen and Dozier (1999), the presence of a female writer or producer does not impact the number of on-screen females nor the nature of how women are portrayed.

false p. 355

communication apprehension

fear and avoidance of communication with other people

sympathetic responsiveness

feeling of sorrow or compassion for others in distress.

The general goal of an informative speech is to

increase the knowledge of the audience.

Stereotyping is the opposite of ___________


No absolute, standard definitions exist for ____________ ____________, but many people have common understandings for a variety of these symbols

individual emotions

When a student giving a speech on solar energy explains how it affects us personally, he or she is using which technique for gaining audience attention?

information relevance

listening for comprehension

listening to understand and learn something new; requires a significant degree of mental effort.

The branches of the ___________ _______ illustration reflect appreciative, critical, and therapeutic listening

listening tree

Your boss walks by you in the hall, gives you a report, and says, "I need you to have a summary of that report done ASAP." You take the report home overnight, summarize it, and give it to your boss the next morning. Your boss takes the summary and complains to you, "I'm disappointed that you did not get it to me by when I told you to." This example illustrates the myth that

meaning is in the words we use.


meaning, or the individualized or personalized meaning, which in some cases may be laden with emotional input.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

measures personality across five bipolar dimensions: introversion (recharging your batteries by being alone) versus extraversion (recharge your batteries by being with other people); intuiting (you gather and process information through a strong internal sense and awareness); versus sensing (you gather and process information by the 5 senses); thinking (you make decisions by careful thought and logical processes) versus feeling( making decisions based on emotional sensitivity to others; and judging (you prefer structure and predictability) versus perceiving (you prefer open-endedness and possibilities).

Process of listening

mechanics of listening, including converting sound into electrical impulses and then into meaning (decoding), and accessing memories in order to prepare effective responses

Radio, television, telephone, and the World Wide Web are all examples of

mediated communication.

"To share the increasing role of crisis hot lines in community health care," and "To inform the audience about J. K. Rowling's contributions to literature" are two examples of what type of informative speech topic?



occurs when others treat you in a manner that is inconsistent with your self- definition


occurs when people stand up for their rights at the expense of others and care about their own needs but no one else's

passive listening

occurs when we do not engage the topic in any noticeable way and just try to absorb what is said.


one person is subjected to ridicule, offensive statements, teasing, social isolation over a period of time

Functional resume

organizes credentials by the type of function performed

When Elisa gave her speech, she repeated her main argument to help her audience's comprehension. She was using which organizational technique?

planned repetition

self- disclosure

process of making intentional revelations about yourself that others would be unlikely to know and that generally constitute private, sensitive, or confidential information


responding- you can totally change your life ways or totally disregard the message


restating another persons message by rephrasing the content or intent of the message

explain the work done in the Humanistic Approaches

rhetoric (the process of words being turned into tools. Freedom), Interpretivists, Critical Scholars

Performance orientation

seeing your presentation as a performance and your audience as critics

what are the steps to perception

select, organize, interperate

The process of perceiving combines

selecting, organizing, and interpreting information.

what occurs in perception?

selection, organization, and interpretation

schemes in communication

selection, organization, schemata and interpretation

s m c r e

sender message (most control) channel receiver environment (least control)


sensing- foundation stage (ex: watching, looking, being involved)

Know the definition of paraphrasing.

• Express the meaning of (the writer or speaker or something written or spoken) using different words, especially to achieve greater clarity.

Therapeutic Listening

"Helps a person who needs to talk through a concern" Helps others process feelngs

Which of the following is an example of an analogy?

"Imagine that you are in a situation where an angry mob has accused a friend of yours of a serious crime and they are going to hang him because they believe your friend is guilty even though he isn't. Your only chance to save your friend is to convince the unruly mob of your friend's innocence." This is best described as

expert opinion.

"In 1979, petroleum and natural gas contributed 67 percent of the total energy, while coal supplied only 30 percent. Electrical power increased from a negligible amount in 1900 to about 500 watts per person." The type of support material used in this example is

operational definition

"When I use the phrase 'race baiting,' I refer to the usage of any phrase with a historical background rooted in racial fears to induce current racist sentiment." This statement is an example of what type of definition?


"Words have only one precise meaning analogous to a standard dictionary definition." This statement illustrates what type of meaning?

Know how Robert Gunderson described communication scholars.

"discipline of refugees" many scholars begin their careers intending to be something else

Therapeutic listening

"help a person who needs to talk through a concern." Helps others process their feelings. Requires "being with" another person by reflecting thoughts back accurately to the other, sharing information without judging or flinching, accepting the other person, or helping them make sense of a difficult situation.

Comprehensive listening

"understand the message in order to retain, recall, and possibly use that information at a later time." Aka- actively listening to a lecture so you can pass an exam. Process of information acquisition, storage, and retrieval.

relational maintenance

-in Knapp's model -process of keeping a relationship together

what not to include in verbal citations

- URLs (only include complex website names in writing) - volume or edition numbers of books, encyclopedias - page numbers - titles of articles in newspapers, magazines, and journals are usually NOT necessary

what to include in verbal citation

- author's name (or name of person being quoted within an article or publication) - type of source (book, website, documentary) - name of publication (for websites, name of organization sponsoring website) - date of publication a. for books and government documents: year b. for journals, magazines and newspapers: month and year c. for websites, give the data is the document is dated; otherwise say "according to information currently accessible, ___"

poor sources for research

- dictionaries - general purpose encyclopedias - Wikipedia - blogs and chat rooms - "person on the street" testimony

cite the source OUT LOUD in the speech any time you use

- facts/statistics that aren't common knowledge - other people's words (cite as direct quote) - other people's ideas (cite as paraphrase or summary)

when you credit speech sources, you

- increase the odds that audience members will believe in your message - demonstrate the quality and range of your research to listeners - demonstrate that reliable sources support your position - avoid plagiarism and gain credibility as an ethical speaker who acknowledges the work of others - enhance your own authority - enable listeners to locate your sources and pursue their own research on the topic

relational deterioration

-in Knapp's model -process by which relationships disintegrate

Ways to improve listening habits as a RECIEVER

1) Ask pre-questions 2) Use elaboration strategies - create examples 3) Take 51% of the responsibility for the comm transaction 4) Focus 5) Be aware of logical fallacies, source credibility,& appeals 6) Keep a listening journal 7) Be willing to listen

Ways to improve listening habits as a SENDER

1) Have a strong message that is RELEVANT to your audience 2) Use confident language 3) Define any unfamiliar words and terms in standard english 4) Offer opportunities for clarification 5) Assume that your audience may not have the same listening style as you

potential employers of communication

adaptability, no baggage, tech savvy, fresh ideas, communication skills

comparison pattern

A speech organization pattern that discusses the similarities and differences between two events, objects, or situations; especially useful when comparing a new subject to one with which the audience is familiar.

Vocal Cues

pitch, tone, quality, loudness, intensity, rate & rhythm, sounds such as groans, laughs, coughs, "um", "uh"

to persuade the audience that the Internet has three positive effects on society

According to the text, which of the following is a technique for selecting a topic?

research the topic.

According to the text, which of the following is an appropriate source of information one can use when researching a speech topic?


According to your text, during what age period do individuals develop a consistent gender identity?

factual examples

An illustration based on something that actually happened or that really exists.


An obvious and plausible connection among ideas


Anthropologist Edward Hall addressed the concepts of how we use the space around us and how it affects our communication by introducing the study of Proxemics, the study of the human use of space. We can divide this into two areas, territoriality and personal space.

occurs in perception

selection, organization, interpretation

According to Hochschild (1997), the second shift consists of daytime work, such as paid employment, or childcare and domestic chores.


Which sequence describes the best way to approach outlining a speech?

Begin with a preliminary outline, and then create a full-content outline, followed by a presentational outline.

Receivers have a significant part to play in the public speaking process as they encode - translate sent messages into understandable symbols - the messages senders give to them.


According to Punyanunt-Carter (2006), males disclose more honest information on the Internet than do females.


what occurs in perception

selection, organization, interpretation

Regardless of sexual orientation, most couples have one partner who takes on most of the burden of caring for the relational health of the couple.


Research studies show disagreement over when to best use logos, pathos, and ethos.


According to Sargent & Weaver (2003), males rate themselves as more people-oriented.


Researchers have found that people with high Communication Apprehension rarely engage in negative self-talk because they are too focused on the fear of speaking.



sender, message, channel, receivers, environment.

Some people use socially acceptable synonyms, such as "powder my nose" or "visit the little girl's room," instead of saying that they need to "urinate" or "defecate." These socially acceptable synonyms are examples of clichés.


Using computer-generated visual aids is a very useful presentational device. However, beginning speakers use computer-generated visual aids erroneously in a few ways. Which of the following is a guideline for effectively using computer-generated visual aids?

Don't overdo the computer-generated graphics.


During his lecture, Dr. Soliz shakes his head up and down as a way of communicating "I am interested in what you are saying" to one of his students. In this instance, Dr. Soliz is using what function of nonverbal communication?

The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis is universally accepted by people who study language.


Subjective (perception)

Each of us reacts to and interprets stimuli differently, based upon physiological factors, past experience and roles, culture & co-culture, and our present feelings, which include our attitudes, beliefs and values, and the circumstances surrounding the communication event.

a demographic analysis.

Effective specific purpose statements identify the topic to be covered, the audience, and

Petty and Cacioppo found that repeating a message twice increased receivers' ability to think about the strong argument, but three repetitions was too much, causing feelings of boredom and tedium.


Photographs can be effective visual aids if they are simply held up by the speaker.


Communication of Interaction; Three Models of Communication

Here one person sends a message to a second person who receives it and responds with another separate message. An example of this might be a telephone conversation, or a conversation on Internet chat, where a response is not possible until the original message is fully received.

Passive (perception)

Here we are like a security video recorder that just picks up everything that is placed in from of its camera.

Preliminary research indicates children have a harder time identifying "embedded" content as advertising and understanding the persuasive intent behind it.


assess the motivation behind the message.

Kevin has just lost his grandfather. As he shares his feelings of regret with his best friend Dan, Dan shows Kevin that he is aware of his feelings of loss and that he appreciates the hurt that Kevin must be going through. Which function of listening is Dan engaged in?

understand what the other person is feeling.

One barrier to listening is perceiving the topic or speaker to be boring, uninteresting, or unimportant. What should we do to overcome this barrier?

individual space

Of the nonverbal behaviors discussed in your textbook, which is considered the most important source of emotional information?


People's core conceptions about what is desirable for their own lives and for society. Values guide people's judgements and actions.

Four Styles of Listening

People, Content, Action, and Time-oriented Have direct correlations with an individuals personality, gender, and styles of empathy

The largest gender pay gap in 2013 was for Hispanic and Latina women, who were paid only 54% of what white men were paid in 2013.


According to a study by Added Value Cheskin, there is a pervasive focus in media on the most extreme characterizations of black women and a glaring lack of authentic, inspirational images.


According to data reported on the "Battle of the Sexes" infographic, 71% of women and 62% of men use social networks.



Telling my audience, "According to the communication scholar Mehrabian, nonverbal communication is important to observe in classroom settings," is an example of using

People-Oriented Listening Style

Tend to have a high-regard for another person's feelings and seek to find common ground with the speaker. Respond keenly to the emotions of others and particularly enjoy harmony and commonality.

chronological, spatial, topical, narrative, cause and effect, problem-solution, Monroe's motivated sequence

The 7 patterns of speech organization

Will the topic meet the objectives of the assignment?

The Internet can be a valuable resource for information and a useful resource in researching your speech. The ability of individuals to author material on the Internet is a double-edged sword, however. According to your text, when evaluating Internet information, what question should you first ask of the source?

Listening Process

The actual mechanics of listening, including; converting sound into electrical impulses and then into meaning (decoding), and accessing memories in order to prepare effective responses.


The study of bodily movement


The study of how we use time and organize our time is called Chronemics. We actually send messages to others in how we use our time and how we organize it. For example, someone who is very organized and concerned about being on time and keeping to a schedule sends a message of seriousness and concern for detail while someone who is less concerned for punctuality and does not keep a formal schedule sends a different message.

According to research by Cognard-Black (2006), one of the most popular surgeries for Asians was to re-form eyes from ovals, typical of Asians, to orbs, typical of Caucasians.



The study of how we use time and organize our time. We actually send messages to others in how we use our time and how we organize it. For example, someone who is very organized and concerned about being on time and keeping to a schedule sends a message of seriousness and concern for detail while someone who is less concerned for punctuality and does not keep a formal schedule sends a different message.


The study of the meaning, or the association of words with ideas, feelings, and context is known as


The sub-category of facial expressions that includes any movement or behavior of the eyes, is called

selective retention

The tendency to fill in missing pieces and to extend lines in order to finish or complete figures illustrates what organizational process?

According to the 2012 "Benchmarking Women in Leadership in the United States" study, women represented 23.3 percent of leadership ranks in journalism and related media organizations. This was an increase from 20 percent in 2008 (the last time the study was conducted).



The personal process of coordinating meaning between at least two people in a situation that allows mutual opportunities for both speaking and listening. A dyad is interpersonal. Small group communication, the interaction between a small group of people, usually 3-10 people, to achieve an interdependent goal, is also interpersonal. Note that the text refers to group communication as a separate level, however for our purposes we will consider it a part of interpersonal.


The process of understanding and sharing within the self. When we give thought and consideration to something, when we plan out how we will discuss a situation with the boss or our spouse, this is intrapersonal communication.

latitude of rejection

The range of positions on a given issue that are unacceptable to an audience.


The receiver's verbal and/or non-verbal response to the source's message.

Nonverbal communication depends on context.

The replacing of one expression of an emotion with another that is considered more appropriate for the situation is referred to as


The second step of Monroe's motivated sequence


The sound reasoning that supports a speaker's claims and makes the argument more persuasive to an audience.

denotative meaning

The theory that people from different language communities perceive the world differently is called

Listening Presage

The things listeners bring to a listening situation and the context in which listening occurs, including; the listener's culture, the norms governing conversations in that culture, and the listening styles the person has

According to Venn, Arber, Meadows and Hislop (2008), the fourth shift includes emotional activities conducted throughout the night related to children, work, partners, and other family members.


According to Whorf's linguistic relativity hypothesis, "what we perceive is influenced by the language in which we think and speak."


According to Wilmot and Hocker (2004), the accommodating style can be problematic because tacit acceptance of others' views can stifle creative dialogue and decision making.


According to Goffman (1976), licensed withdrawal refers to poses for women where they appear to be drifting off (gazing away from the camera), daydreaming, or staring blankly out of the frame.


According to Gumbhir (2014), the supportive and relatively informal environment of regional conferences invites undergraduates into the scholarly fold by helping them feel welcome and accepted.


According to Herdin, utilitarian individualism has as its central goal the maximization of personal benefits.


According to Hochschild (1997), the first shift consists of daytime work, such as paid employment, or childcare and domestic chores.


According to Johnson and Young (2002), power words were prevalent in ads that targeted boys and absent in ads that targeted girls.


According to Lauzen and Dozier (1999), the presence of a female writer or producer increases the number of on-screen females as well as the nature of how women are portrayed.


According to Parsons (1963), organizations with an economic orientation succeed or fail based on their ability to sell products or services to consumers.


According to Scharrer et al. (2006), about half of the men engaged in housework in commercials are disparaged with humor about their chore performance. This potentially reinforces sex-typed norms that only certain domestic activities are appropriate for men.


According to The Belmont Report, "applications of the general principles to the conduct of research leads to consideration of the following requirements: informed consent, risk/benefit assessment, and the selection of subjects of research."


Which statement accurately portrays the relationship between the speaker's voice and the speaker's delivery?

Vocal quality is a highly accurate indicator of the presenter's sincerity.

______________ in research are participating in the development of new information about people, communities, and services that will improve our lives




Development interactionist theory

We have become better at managing spontaniouse emotion until shit hits the fan. (the graph in class

selecting an appropriate topic.

Which method of analyzing audiences is typically the most time consuming?

facial expressions

Which mode of kinesics attempts to avoid emotional expression?

to provide factual information and explanations.

Which of the following are suggestions for doing research?

source qualifier

a brief description of a source's qualifications to address the topic that demonstrates a source's trustworthiness; a brief mention of the source's relevant affiliations and credentials will allow the audience to put the source into perspective and establish the source's credibility, or ethos; when offering your own insights or experience, don't forget to mention your own qualifications

sufficient cause

a cause that can produce the effect in question.

necessary cause

a cause that must be present for an effect to happen.

Chronological format

a document that organizes your credentials over time. Core concept is accomplishment over time.

hasty generalization

a fallacy that occurs when a speaker bases a conclusion on limited or unrepresentative examples


a friend feels sad, you feel sad

line graph

a graph that uses lines drawn along two axes that show growth, loss, or flat developments over time.

bar graph

a graph which shows two axes and bars going either horizontally or vertically to represent total achievement.


a group of people who identify with each other based on a common experience, which might include geographic or national origin, ancestry, history, cultural and social norms, religion, race, language, ideology, food, dress, or other factors.

Phrase ( Clause)

a group of two or more words that express a single idea but do not usually form a complete sentence.


a group of words that expresses a statement,question, command, or wish.

standard deviation

a measure of variability that indicates how spread apart the numbers are in a distribution.

bookend story

a narrative in which the speakers tells the first part of a story as an attention getter in the introduction of the speech and then finishes the story in the conclusion.

specific purpose statement

a narrower version of the general purpose statement that identifies what you will talk about, what you will say about it, and what you hope the audience will take away from the speech.


a persistent, irrational fear of something that compels a person to avoid it.

impromptu speech

a presentation done with little or no preparation.

Define communication

a process by which meaning is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs and behavior.

perceptual checking

a process of describing, interpreting and verifying that helps us understand another person and his/her message

Search engines

a program on the internet that allows users to search information. i.e. Google (Scholar), youtube, itunes.

Search engines

a program on the internet that allows users to search information. i.e. Google (Scholar), youtube, itunes. Heuristics- or mental shortcuts to make decisions for instance evaluating sources. Reputation, endorsements, consistency, expectancy violation, persuasive intent, and aesthetic appeal.

"You should keep the four items I have discussed in mind in order to accept the following conclusion..." This is an example of

a transition.


a variety of smaller specific cultures that interact in our lives.


a visual representation of a frequency table in which the categories are placed on the horizontal axis and vertical bars are used to represent the number (or frequency) of individuals that fit into that category.

Personal network

a web of contacts and relationships to help you gain job leads and make referrals


a word that describes or gives more information about another word.

Run on Sentence

a written sequence of two or more main clauses that are not separated by a period or semicolon or joined by a conjunction.

Vocal cues

all of the oral aspects of sounds except words themselves

inartistic proof

all the evidence, data, and documents that exist outside of the speaker and the audience, but nevertheless can aid in persuasion.

concept map

also known as a mind map; is a visual representation of the potential areas that you could cover in your speech.

According to the text, ethical speakers

always cite the sources of their information.

extended example

an example that takes time; the importance lies in the details.


an informal nonstandard vocabulary composed typically of coinages arbitrarily changed words and extravagant, forced or facetious figures of speech.

first impressions

an initial opinion about people upon meeting them ], based on other peoples appearances, nonverbal cues are also powerful we compare the new person to ourselves, can lead to errors in our assessment of others. ( a lady arrives late to a meeting because of a delayed flight, and she is dismissed on her appearance) can be affected by situations that the other person is experiencing, we cling to impressions in our future interactions, rather than changing our opinion we filter out new info that disputes our original beliefs. a negative impression will persist. perceptual checking: a process of describing, interpreting and verifying that helps you understand another person and there message more accurately. has 3 steps: first you describe your behavior, then suggest interpretations, then you seek verification thru explanation. if you do them backwards you are risking someone being offended.


an unfair preference or distortion of information.

Informal comm

any interaction that does not generally follow the formal structure of the organization but emerges out of natural social interaction among members. i.e. co-workers who work from home might use private email accounts. Facebook to have informal discussions. Sometimes referred to as grapevine communication are typically very accurate with 80-90 percent of information being correct.


anything that can change the message after the source encodes and sends it.

reasoning by cause

arguments that claim one event or factor produces an effect.

how to improve your listening

ask pre-questions, consider your interest level, use elaboration strategies, take responsibility of the message, choose to focus, be aware of fallacies, keep a listening journal and be willing to listen

interpreting non verbal communication

assessing the other persons unique behavior and considering the context

Competition and dissent are more common in collectivistic cultures.


Geoffrey Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales" were originally written in Old English.


When we assess the number of mental structures a person uses, how abstract they are, and how they interact to shape that person's perceptions, we're assessing a person's level of

cognitive complexity.

organizational communication

communication that is necessary to form and maintain an organization

interactive model of communication

communication theory that views communication as a two-way process that includes feedback and the environment.

elaboration likelihood model

described first by perry and cacioppo, it is a theory of persuasion, receivers spend a lot of time processing some messages but very energy processing others. Those who are motivated and able are more likely to engage in elaborative processing. this is not an either or model, just because your audience is focused on your message does not mean that they will accept it, if they reject or accept your message it is because of the message not p cues.

speaking tool

device that assists speakers such as a microphone, podium, lectern, or lighting.

Discriminative listening

distinguish the auditory and visual stimuli. Aka distinguishing the sound of a bird from a human. It answers the question "what is that sound?" It tells you how languages sounds for instance distinguishing between Spanish and Chinese

Spradlin tolerated homosexual jokes and pretended not to hear homophobic comments at work. She considers these instances as toxic uses of ___________


According to the text, interpersonal communication must involve

dyadic communication.


efforts to save face for others


elements are grouped together because they resemble each other in size, color, shape, or other attributes

physical delivery

elements of speaking that deal with the body.


emotional appeals; feel

Becky decides to translate her feelings of anger into words and communicate them to Brent. In doing so, Becky enacts the process of


common knowledge

established information likely to be known by many people and described in multiple places; does not need to be credited to a source

The process of communication is

ethically neutral

The delivery style that gives you more control than the impromptu method yet does not require you to construct a manuscript is called

extemporaneous delivery.

facts and statistics

fact-a piece of information used as evidence or as part of a report or news article. statistics-a fact or piece of data from a -study of a large quantity of numerical data.

environmental reinforces

factors within our environment that contribute to our fear of speaking

Pseudo Spontaneous Communication

faking the correct emotion. Yes grandma I love it.

A young West Indian who lowers his or her eyes while being harshly spoken to by an adult in authority is showing disrespect for that person.


According to "The Mask You Live In," suicide is the number one leading cause of death for boys.


According to Hochschild (1997), the second shift consists of daytime work, such as paid employment, or childcare and domestic chores.



formalized patterns of actions or words followed regularly


frequent rude behavior that may or may not have the intent of being harmful

The type of outline that provides a detailed skeleton of the speech including main points written as complete sentences is called the

full-sentence outline.

inductive reasoning

generalizing from facts, instances, or examples, and then making a claim based on that generalization

Political organizations

generate and distribute power and control within a society. i.e. elected local, state, and federal officials and police and military forces. Democrats, Republicans, and third party organizations.

SMCRE model

identifies 5 groups of communication variables; source, message, channels, receivers, environment


identify specific elements of a graphic slide

Integration orientation

help mediate and resolve discord among people. i.e. court system, public interest groups, and conflict managing centers. Unique characteristic is impartiality. For ex a judge can't be biased.

elucidating explanation

helps your audience understand the definition term by distinguishing the essential characteristics that are always present from the associated characteristics that are only sometimes present in the objects, concepts, or processes that are examples of the term that you are defining.

Speech communication is a diverse discipline involving a range of behaviors and situations. The common thread connecting all of these behaviors and situations is

human symbolic interaction.

symbols allow

hypothetical thought and self reflection


idea that each person in a relationship might have two opposing desires for maintaining the relationship


idea that we sometimes bond with people whose strengths are our weakness


idea that we tend to select our friends and loved ones from people who demonstrate positive interest in us

perceptual constancy

idea that your past experiences lead you to see the world in a way that is difficult to change; initial perceptions persist

In his assertion that "Nothing is clear in and of itself but in some context for some person," Robert Scott meant that

in the process of communicating with others, one person's perceptions are not more accurate than that of the other.

Content part of resume

include contact info, your objectives, education, experience, skills, and campus involvement.

An effective way to help your audience follow along with you is to use

internal summaries.


key words that signal to the audience that you are moving from one part of the speech to another.


linguistic device that allows for comparisons between two objects, by highlighting qualities of each object in explicit comparison.


linguistic device that compares two things through the use of like or as.


listen to my message because I am a compentent trustworthy and well intended person, tell about your expertise or experiences present in humble manner, borrow expertise, dress well, don't exaggerate, show good will by caring and being well prepared and knowledgeable about your subject.


listen to my message because it makes sense. you want to be credible and organized

According to Henley (1973-1974), _________ touch others _________ more often than females touch others

males, females

The president's state of the union address is a good example of which type of delivery?


When you are giving a political speech where every word needs to be stated very carefully, the best delivery method would be


Your textbook discusses the relationship between communication and ethics. One principle discussed is that unethical communication

may, in fact, constitute effective communication.

Horizontal comm

messages between members with equal power.

Upward communication

messages from subordinates to superiors.

Downward communication

messages from superiors to subordinates.

hurtful messages

messages that create emotional pain or upset

Formal communication

messages that follow prescribed channels of communication throughout the organization. Charts are the most common way of depicting this because it provides guidelines of responsibilities and tasks for employees. Part of formal comm is:

mixed metaphor

metaphor that compares objects that have no logical connection with each other.

archetypal metaphor

metaphor that uses common human experiences to describe another object.


neutral, the morality or lack of morality comes from the people comes from people engaged in the process

external noise

noise in your surroundings by other people and the environment (can't control


nonverbal actions that help govern the course of a speech or interaction.


nonverbal behavior that augment a verbal message.

affect displays

nonverbal movements of the face and body used to show emotion


nonverbal movements that accompany or reinforce verbal messages


nonverbal movements that accompany or reinforce verbal messages (nodding head symbolizing yes)


nonverbal movements that control the flow or pace of communication


not random


one's biological classification as male, female, or intersex, based on one's reproductive organs and chromosomes.

Kristen had a disagreement with Paul and told him that he was an idiot. Later, while apologizing, Kristen asked Paul to "forget that little comment." Kristen does not realize that

oral communication is irreversible.

Verbal citations-

oral explanations of who the source is, how recent the information is. And what the source's qualifications are.

Economic orientation

organizations that manufacture products and/or offer services for consumers. Small businesses, banks, large corporations

The primary function of the introduction of a speech is

orienting the audience to the subject and motivating them to listen.


part an individual plays in a group; expected behavior

According to the text, what is at the heart of all communication?


nat com asso

principles of ethical com: be truthful freedom of expression respect communicators promote com resources condemn com thru violence, hatred, intolerance, etc. committed to the courageous expression of personal convictions with fairness and justice share info while respecting privacy accept responsibility for our com

primary motive to process a message



repeating words and phrases.

internal preview

serves as an outline of what i to come next in a speech and is often combined with transition statements.

Appreciative listening

serves to "obtain sensory stimulation or enjoyment though the works and experiences of others." Actively listening to and engaging with the sound, music, works, and the blends that the sounds produce. For instance hearing the drums, harmonies, and guitars of a song.

Which term refers to a technique designed to reduce the tenseness associated with speech anxiety by helping speakers develop a new, relaxed response to the anxiety-provoking event?

systematic desensitization

"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts" is a quotation that best illustrates the principle that communication is



taking the intellectual achievements of another person and presenting them as one's own.

Objects as a method of nonverbal

the clothes you wear and the way you look communicated something


the collective programming of the mind distinguishing the members of one group or category of people to another.

organ com

the communication that is necessary to form and maintain an organization. balancing interests of being creative and organized. there are many approaches like classical, human resource,human relations, system, cultural etc. This study also includes the com of leadership, assimilation, conflict resolution

The number of main points in your speech will depend on

the complexity of the supporting materials required for each point.


the content or idea that the source tries to convey to the audience.


the context in which the communication process takes place.

identity management

the control (or lack of) of the communication of information through a performance


the credibility of the speaker.

initial credibility

the credibility that you have with the audience before you begin your speech, based on your experience and the audience's prior knowledge about you.

Conative meaning

the implied meaning of a word based upon its use within a given context

Incremental plagiarism

the intentional or unintentional use of information from one or more sources without fully divulging how much information is directly quoted.

terminal credibility

the level of credibility that you have when your speech concludes which is the sum of your initial credibility and your derived credibility.

According to "The Mask You Live In," 21% of boys use pornography every day.


According to "The Mask You Live In," 93% of boys are exposed to Internet porn.


According to Wilmot and Hocker (2004), the accommodating style can be problematic because tacit acceptance of others' views can stifle creative dialogue and decision making.


According to research by the Rudd Center (2012), fast-food restaurant, candy, and cereal ads accounted for just under half of all food and beverage ads seen by children and adolescents in 2011.


As noted in "Miss Representation," only 16% of protagonists in films are female.


Critical listening skills are used primarily to verify the validity of a message.


Abusive supervision

when a supervisor engages in sustained behaviors via hostile verbal and nonverbal messages but no physical aggression


when adults audiences apply meaning to a message, they rely primarily on vocal and visual cues

print article

when citing from an article, use the same guidelines as you do for a book (also what edition it was published in, etc.)

fundamental attribution error

when judging other people, the tendency to attribute their successes to the situation and their failures to their personal characteristics


when physical actions restate verbal messages.

Research about gender and self-concept has found that

women talk more than men about their relationships.


words are not concrete or tangible items; they are only representations.

Memorized delivery-

written as a manuscript and delivered from memory. i.e. actors

Testimonial evidence

written or oral statements of others' experience used by a speaker to substantiate or clarify a point. One beliefs about them is that you are not alone in your arguments other people support them too. Another assumptions is that the statements of others should help the audience accept your point of view because those people have additional credibility that can transfer to your argument.

Communication orientation

your focus as a speaker is to achieve your communicative goals. Natural extension of conversation we daily engage in.

active perception

your mind selects, organizes, and interprets that which you sense.

Personal experience

your own life as a source of information.

sub per

your uniquely constructed meaning to sensed stimuli, you interpret what you sense and make it your own and add or subtract from what you hear smell and see.

physiological factors

you are not the same as anyone else, people differ in height gender and weight, etc. these factors affect how you feel about yourself and how others feel about you including attractiveness, sex is also a factor, females cerebral cortex for language while men wit math, differences in perception also may arise from a temporary condition like a headache can make you give a critical comment, hunger and thirst also affect perception


you cannot help but communicate, unless you live in solitary confinement, and even then you would communicate with yourself.


you set aside your views and accept those of theirs. Can me problematic in situations

To increase the logos of your message

you should be well organized, use credible evidence to support claims, and clearly cite evidence.


you view conflict as a battle and advance your own interests over those of others

Know why there was renewed study and interest in rhetoric in the 19th century.

• 19th century rhetoric was thriving because many American universities included rhetoric in their curriculum

Know the difference between an assimilation effect and a contrast effect.

• Assimilation - listener accepts the attitude of the speaker • Contrast - speaker elicits a negative reaction from a listener

Qualitative data can have the disadvantages of purely verbal descriptions.


Vocal variety includes which of the following elements?

the speaker's use of pauses

communication apprehension.

According to the text, our "social self-concept" is derived from


According to your text, which model developed by John Kinch correctly illustrates the connection between self-concept and communication?

categorical pattern

A speech organization pattern in which each main point emphasizes one of the most important aspects of the speakers topic; often used if a speaker's topic does not easily conform to a spatial, temporal, causal, comparison, problem-cause-solution, criteria application, or narrative pattern.

Men generally claim more space for themselves than women do.


Spontaneous communication

based upon a biologically-shared signal system (when you jump when something scares you) Right brain process)

Suppose after a basketball game, the fans of Team A believe that Team B committed more fouls, while the Team B fans think that Team A committed more fouls. Assume that the officials called an equal number of fouls on each team. Which of the following organizational functions of perception would best help us

understand how each team's fans viewed the facts differently?

criteria-application pattern

A speech organization pattern that proposes standards for making a judgment about a topic, then applies those standards to a related topic. For example, if a speaker were arguing that a city should budget money to renovate a specific crumbling, historic neighborhood, the speaker would first define the criteria for a "historic neighborhood," then would discuss how his or her city's specific neighborhood is historic and, thus, worth renovating.

problem-cause-solution pattern

A speech organizational pattern that identifies a problem, explains the problem's causes, and proposes one or more solutions, which often includes asking an audience to support a policy or to take specific action.


A type of support consisting of statements provided other people, the source of these statements often being researched in a library, found online, or recorded in an interview.


A verb form serving as a noun or as a modifier and at the same time taking as an object and adverbial modifiers. Example "to study"


According to Edward T. Hall, which of the following spaces is NOT included in the study of proxemics?

Smoking is harmful.

According to Erving Goffman, facework refers to the tactics we use

Disk golf is an inexpensive, easy to learn, and therapeutic sport.

According to most college professors and professional speakers, every ten minutes of speaking time requires

central route

According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, one of two ways audience members may evaluate a speaker's message. This route denotes a high level of elaboration- a mental process that involves actively processing a speaker's arguments.

be flexible in your views

According to the International Listening Association, the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to verbal and nonverbal messages is called

asks questions.

According to the National Communication Association, competent listeners demonstrate the ability to

functional approach.

According to the text, gender differences in touching behavior suggest that


Communication research indicates that in most situations

According to Goffman (1976), licensed withdrawal is a passive pose where the model makes eye contact with the camera, engaging the viewer with seductive eye contact or a sexually seductive look.


According to Henley (1973-1974), women touch others more often than men touch others.


According to Katt, text-based visuals should be a minimum of 12 point text.


According to the Nuremberg Code, "No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur." There are absolutely no exceptions to this rule.

False No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

According to Gumbhir (2014), conference participation further emphasizes the evaluation apparatus that weighs heavily on students' minds.

False p. 299 According to Gumbhir (2014), conference participation strips away the evaluation apparatus that weighs heavily on students' minds and dominates their interactions with professors.

According to Gumbhir (2014), the supportive and relatively informal environment of national conferences invites undergraduates into the scholarly fold by helping them feel welcome and accepted.

False p. 300 According to Gumbhir (2014), the supportive and relatively informal environment of regional conferences invites undergraduates into the scholarly fold by helping them feel welcome and accepted.

By the turn of the 20th century, Philosophy departments largely subsumed oral communication instruction in academia.

False p. 357 By the turn of the 20th century, English departments largely subsumed oral communication instruction in academia.

Survey results in the 1990s and 2000s continued to indicate the dominance of the literary criticism in basic communication courses that were taught in academia.

False p. 362 Survey results in the 1990s and 2000s continued to indicate the dominance of the public speaking design in basic communication courses that were taught in academia.

Justina said,"Shanequa is rude." This is an example of indexing.

False 85-86

"I don't have anything worthwhile to speak about."

Included among the guidelines for topic selection is selecting a topic

post hoc fallacy

Incorrectly naming the cause of one event as the event that immediately preceded it.


Movements that accompany or reinforce verbal messages. These are used when employing Repetition.


Movements that control the flow or pace of communications.


Movements that substitute for words or phrases. These are used when employing Substitution.

the three effects of video games on children

Of the following speech topics, which is most appropriate for a seven minute speech?

Make sure statistics are from neutral sources.

One suggestion for using testimony is to

You can use a library database to search through hundreds of journals at one time for articles about a specific research topic.


According to Goffman (1976), licensed withdrawal refers to poses for women where they appear to be drifting off (gazing away from the camera), daydreaming, or staring blankly out of the frame.


According to Johnson (2012), "a game can reinforce a brand on several levels: a game app can create an emotional connection with the target audience, solidify the game player's brand loyalty, reinforce the brand's credibility, and potentially motivate the young person to buy more product."


According to Maynard and Taylor's (1999) study comparing images of young girls in a Japanese version of "Seventeen" magazine to an American version of the same magazine, Japanese models were posed as "cute" and "girlish" (smiling and giggling), while the Americans were posed with more serious expressions and looking more defiant and independent.


Monochonic people view time as very serious and often complete one task at a time.


high-context cultures

The study of meaning or the association of words with ideas is called

websites do not undergo the same evaluation and review process that print sources go through.

Tony, an international student, wanted to give an informative speech on his home country and culture. The best source of information for Tony would be

Proportionately, listening is the most used language skill.

Total silence, smiling or frowning, and asking for clarification of what was received are all examples of

According to the 2012 Survey of Journalism and Mass Communications Graduates, women graduates mainly chose public relations and advertising jobs. According to a 2013 survey by Advertising Age magazine, 68% of bosses in advertising agencies are men.


Texting is a form of jargon


Oral communication was a central, if not the central, focus of education for the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

True p. 357 Oral communication was a central, if not the central, focus of education for the Ancient Greeks and Romans.

Some of the seminal emphases in instructional communication research, such as communication apprehension, teacher immediacy, and strategies for handling behavioral issues in the classroom, were studied using the basic course as a place to gather subjects and explore these important questions.

True p. 363 Some of the seminal emphases in instructional communication research, such as communication apprehension, teacher immediacy, and strategies for handling behavioral issues in the classroom, were studied using the basic course as a place to gather subjects and explore these important questions.


When you are waiting in line at class registration and begin talking to the person in front of you about the length of the wait, you roll your eyes and sigh. What type of behavior are you engaging in?


When your teacher listens to your speeches, he or she is primarily listening for the purpose of

How others see us may relate to our communication style, which in turn is a reflection of our self concept.

Which of the following most accurately reflects the percentage of individuals who experience some form of communication apprehension?

can be gender-inclusive.

Which of the following scenarios, or examples, illustrates linguistic relativity?


Which of the following sentences displays the highest amount of verbal immediacy?


a receivers perception of a senders competence, trustworthiness and goodwill

Four bodily aspects of delivery

a) Gestures b) Facial Expression c) Movement d) Eye Contact

Four distances of personal space

a) Intimate: From Touch to 18 inches. b) Personal: From 18 inches to 4 feet. c) Social: From 4 to 12 feet. d) Public: Over 12 feet.

According to Hochschild (1997), the fourth shift consists of emotional activities conducted throughout the daytime and evening hours. These emotional activities focus on thoughts about the needs of their children, their partner, and their workplace.


According to Scharrer et al. (2006), about 80% of the men engaged in housework in commercials are portrayed in a manner that disparages women's ability to complete chores in an effective manner. This potentially reinforces patriarchal norms in families.


According to UCF's sexual assault policy, a victim or a survivor may have a person of her or his choice act as a representative for the victim or survivor.


According to Venn, Arber, Meadows and Hislop (2008), the third shift includes emotional activities conducted throughout the night related to children, work, partners, and other family members.


According to cultural communication researchers Ekman and Friesen, the following facial expressions are universal: sadness, anger, danger, fear, intrigue, surprise, and horror


According to the Cycle of Violence, as time passes, the tension building period shortens, and the violence increases.


health com

advances in medicine give us more treatment and health options, need for more effective com between doctor and patient. now courses in health com .

motivated sequence

aims to establish five main points


all about touch and how different forms of touch indicate different things


all information on the same level has the same significance.

Extemporaneous delivery

practiced thoroughly, but not memorized, using speaker's notes, not a manuscript. The best of the four.

Conflicting objectives barrier

when your mind is thinking of something else. Going threw a break up.

According to research on gender expectations by Deborah Tannen, male communication styles are best

characterized as

Line graphs are particularly well suited for

clarifying comparative data over time.

nonverbal codes

codes of communication consisting of symbols that are not words

components of our attitude

cognitive (what we think) affective (what we feel) behavioral (what we do)

Laughter is always a sign of happines

false Laughter is not always a sign of happiness. Often times people will laugh at inappropriate times (at an accident scene, when they are getting ready to be operated on in a hospital, when they are nervous about meeting someone, at a funeral, etc.). People who are in shock often laugh because they don't know how to react.

Laughter is always a sign of

false Laughter is not always a sign of happiness. Often times people will laugh at inappropriate times (at an accident scene, when they are getting ready to be operated on in a hospital, when they are nervous about meeting someone, at a funeral, etc.). People who are in shock often laugh because they don't know how to react.

Title II bans both discrimination in sports teams and sexual harassment at schools.

false Title II bans both discrimination in sports teams and sexual harassment at schools.

Suppose you were at a wedding reception and were asked to give a congratulatory speech to the bride and groom with no prior notice. You would be giving a(n)

impromptu speech.

Although communication can be considered both transactional and interactional, the prime function of the communication source/sender is to

initiate the message.

Arleen has a clear and distinct voice. She also says her word-endings, never mumbling her words. According to the text, we would say that Arleen is doing a good job with


Josh and Mark take turns exchanging information about their plans for the day during their morning chat over coffee. Their conversation best demonstrates that communication is



interpreting- do i care? do i not care? do i want to pay attention?

"Communication is a personal event" describes what type of communication?


When learning how to give a speech, manuscript delivery is often discouraged because it

invites the speaker to concentrate more on the script than on the audience.

what can we do to maximize our audiences motivation and ability?

make your message relevant, and make it relevant early to enhance ability refrain from jargon don't use grammar error or mis-spellings, don't use too many as or ums maximize ability by not doing things that interfere with your ability


means through which message is sent, channels used to be defined by the senses, we now have texting, email telecon, etc. use email to announce a meetings but not as a marriage proposal

why do differences in perception occur?

physiological factors, past experiences and roles, and present feelings and circumstances

self- image

picture you have of yourself, the sort of person you believe you are

The Internet has made it much easier for people to access all types of information. Unfortunately, this has led to a greater tendency for some people to


Maya Angelou helps your textbook authors make the point that effective preparation involves

planning and practicing the presentation.


these add credibility to speech claims and can make your arguments more persuasive, IF you tell listeners what the numbers actually mean, use terms that describe them accurately, and reveal the methods and scope of the research

Social comparison

think of the two people who got As in high school

complementary relationships

those in which each person supplies something the other person lacks

symmetrical relationships

those in which the participants mirror each other or are highly similar

Cultivation theory suggests that repeated exposure to media messages leads a person to hold opinions or views of society that can be discordant with reality.


In the tension building phase of the Cycle of Violence, minor incidents of battering occur.


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