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Feigenbaum popularized the term _____, which described the portion of plant capacity wasted due to poor quality. Select one: a. hidden factory b. quality trilogy c. exponential distribution d. quincunx

A precision parts manufacturer produces bolts for use in military aircraft. The specifications for bolt length are 37.50 ± 0.25 cm. The company has established an -chart and an R-chart using samples of size five. The center lines for the -chart and R-chart are set at 35.25 cm and 1.08 cm, respectively. What is the value of Cp for this process? Select one: a. 0.179 b. 1.333 c. 0.301 Incorrect d. 0.166


which of the following is most closely associated with Juran? A. quality improvement involves planning, control, and improvement B. workers are willing to do a good job C. variation is necessary to customize products for consumers D. intrinsic motivation is less important to workers than extrinsic E. statistics should become a common language for managers



A _____ defines the project, its objectives, and deliverables, and represents a contract between the project team and the sponsor. Select one: a. project charter b. project diagram c. SIPOC diagram d. CTQ tree


A _____ is a temporary work structure that starts up, produces products or services, and then shuts down. Select one: a. kaizen program b. poka-yoke program c. project d. quality circle


According to Deming, a product or service possesses quality if: Select one: a. the production process engages more workforce. b. it enjoys a sustainable market. c. the cost of the product or service exceeds its benefit. d. it shows variations in its production process.


According to Peter Scholtes, a noted consultant, when people don't understand systems: Select one: a. they don't see events as individual incidents but assume it to be the combined result of several independent forces. b. they are less likely to distinguish between fact and opinion. c. they try to resist the process of change. d. they see the symptoms but not the deep causes of problems.


According to Peter Scholtes, a noted consultant, when people don't understand variation: Select one: a. they see trends where there are none b. they don't see events as individual incidents. c. they are more likely to distinguish between fact and opinion. d. they know when expectations are realistic.


According to _____, the only performance measurement is the cost of quality, which is the expense of nonconformance and the only performance standard is "Zero Defects (ZD). " Select one: a. Ishikawa b. Juran c. Crosby d. Deming


According to point one of Deming's 14 points for quality improvement, the responsibility of improving a firm's competitive position lies with ______. Select one: a. middle management b. top management c. employees d. suppliers


According to the characterization of total quality by James W. Dean, Jr. and David E. Bowen, _____ are considered the foundation of the quality philosophy. Select one: a. practices b. techniques c. variations d. principles


According to the gap model, the term "_____" refers to the needs and requirements of a customer. Select one: a. actual quality b. delighters c. expected quality d. exciters


An effective problem-solving process that can easily be adapted to quality improvement stems from _____ concepts pioneered by Alex Osborn. Select one: a. creative-problem solving b. cause-and-effect c. hypothesis testing d. analysis of variance


Deming synthesized the underlying foundations of the 14 Points of improving quality into four simple elements which are called: Select one: a. the four steps to total quality control. b. basic elements of improvement. c. absolutes of quality management. d. a system of profound knowledge.


In Deming's view, _____is the chief culprit of poor quality. Select one: a. low level of tolerance in manufacturing b. variation c. agility of the production process d. concurrent engineering


In Juran's quality trilogy, the process of breaking through to unprecedented levels of performance is called: Select one: a. quality planning. b. quality improvement. c. quality control. d. quality leadership.


In the case of a manufacturing company, which of the following is an example of a value-creation process? Select one: a. Product designing b. Human resource services c. Public relations d. Legal services


In the context of Six Sigma teams, who among the following are full-time Six Sigma experts who are responsible for Six Sigma strategy, training, mentoring, deployment, and results but, are typically not members of Six Sigma project teams? Select one: a. Champions b. Green belts c. Master black belts d. Black belts


In the context of the DMAIC process, _____ provide a broad overview of the key elements in the process and help to explain who is the process owner, how inputs are acquired, who the process serves, and how it adds value. Select one: a. Pareto diagrams b. SIPOC maps c. cause-and-effect diagrams d. histograms


In which of the following stages of the FADE approach, a team selects the problem to be addressed and defines it, characterizing the current state of the process, why change is needed, what the desired result should be, and the benefits of achieving the result? Select one: a. Analyze b. Develop c. Focus d. Execute


In which of the following stages of the FADE approach, the solution is implemented and a monitoring plan is established? Select one: a. Analyze b. Develop c. Focus d. Execute


In which of the following stages of the PDSA cycle, the plan is implemented on a trial basis, such as in a laboratory, pilot production process, or with a small group of customers, to evaluate a proposed solution and provide objective data? Select one: a. Study b. Do c. Check d. Act


Japanese scientists and Engineers established the Deming application prize in 1951 to recognize companies that show a high level of achievement in: Select one: a. human resource policies. b. developing innovative products. c. variation of production processes. d. quality practices.


Maple Products is a manufacturer of electronic goods that markets its products in several countries across the world. The company makes sure that the spare parts of the products are available in all their markets and also ensures that the technical personnel in their retail outlets are adequately trained to repair their products. In the context of the dimensions of quality, as suggested by David A. Garvin, the efforts taken by the company will enhance the _____ dimension of its product quality. Select one: a. durability b. reliability c. serviceability d. conformance


One useful quality control tool to help identify the most important issue among a mess of symptoms is _____. Select one: a. quincunx b. Pareto analysis c. run chart d. histogram


Supply chains help organizations to create a competitive advantage in _____. Select one: a. workforce engagement b. process mapping c. flexibility d. benchmarking


The _____ theory states that improvements in quality lead to lower costs because they result in less rework, fewer mistakes, fewer delays and snags, and better use of time and materials. Lower costs, in turn, lead to productivity improvements. Select one: a. Absolutes of Quality Management b. Basic Elements of Improvement c. Deming Chain Reaction d. Quincunx


The final task in designing a customer satisfaction survey is to: Select one: a. design the reporting format and the data entry methods. b. select the appropriate survey instrument. c. define the sample frame, or target group from which the sample is chosen. d. select the questions to be included in the survey.


The net present value of a customer is: Select one: a. a measure of how customers assess the benefits of a product in making purchase decisions. b. a measure of the likelihood that satisfied customers will recommend the product to other customers. c. the total profits (revenues associated with a customer minus the expenses needed to serve a customer) discounted over time. d. the total value of the benefits offered by a customer in a customer-supplier partnership.


The term 'customer engagement' refers to: Select one: a. customers' involvement in the early design and improvement of products. b. the strategic alliances of organizations with customers who share common values. c. the expectations that define the quality of customer contact with an organization. d. customers' investment in or commitment to a brand and product offerings.


To apply the techniques of process management, processes must be _____. Select one: a. costly and time consuming b. repeatable and measurable c. centrally controlled and random d. simple and lengthy


Toyota created a unique tool, called the _____, to succinctly consolidate and visualize information for identifying and solving quality problems. Select one: a. Pareto diagram b. run chart c. histogram d. A3 report


Value-creation processes are sometimes called _____ processes. Select one: a. core b. support c. job enrichment d. quality circle


What is the Six Sigma quality level when the process standard deviation is 1ó and the tolerance range is 10 sigma? Select one: a. 5 b. 3 c. 9 d. 11


When a service ranks low on the dimensions of customer contact, labor intensity, and customization, the service providers need to emphasize on _____ to provide a high quality service to the customers. Select one: a. training provided to the employees b. employee behavior c. professional judgement of the employees d. physical facilities and procedures


Which of the following categories of problems is characterized by unsatisfactory performance that causes dissatisfaction from the standpoint of noncustomer stakeholders, such as managers of financial or supply chain functions? Select one: a. Product design problems b. Efficiency problems c. Unstructured performance problems d. Conformance problems


Which of the following categories of quality problems is characterized by unsatisfactory performance that causes customer dissatisfaction, such as high levels of defects, service failures, or customer complaints? Select one: a. Unstructured performance problems b. Conformance problems c. Product design problems d. Efficiency problems


Which of the following dimensions that contribute to customer perceptions of quality refers to the willingness of the service providers to help customers and provide prompt service? Select one: a. Assurance b. Empathy c. Reliability d. Responsiveness


Which of the following is a reason why process management is important for organizations? Select one: a. It assists organizations in recruiting the most suitable employees whose values match the culture of the organization. b. It helps organizations to segment customers into natural groups in order to customize products that are better able to meet customers' needs. c. It assists organizations in identifying opportunities for improving quality and operational performance d. It helps organizations to increase employee morale and commitment to the organization.


Which of the following is one of the four elements of Deming's system of profound knowledge? Select one: a. Quality leadership b. Understanding variation c. Modern quality technology d. Suboptimization


Which of the following is one of the three major activities in process management that focuses on achieving higher yields of products with reduced variation and fewer defects and errors? Select one: a. Design b. Control c. Improvement d. Process mapping


Which of the following is one of the three major activities in process management that focuses on maintaining consistency in output by assessing performance and taking corrective action when necessary? Select one: a. Design b. Improvement c. Process mapping d. Control


Which of the following is the difference between Deming's and Juran's quality philosophy? Select one: a. Juran viewed quality as imperative in the future competitiveness in global markets. b. Juran demonstrated that quality management practices will save, not cost money. c. Juran made top management commitment an absolute necessity. d. Juran sought to improve quality by working within the system familiar to managers.


Which of the following is the first step in developing a customer satisfaction survey? Select one: a. Selecting the appropriate survey instrument b. Designing the survey c. Determining the purpose of the survey d. Selecting the group or individuals who will conduct the survey


Which of the following is the most widely-known process improvement methodology used in Six Sigma? Select one: a. Quincunx b. FADE c. DMAIC d. TRIZ


Which of the following is true of customers who are regarded as "promoters" based on the net promoter score associated with these customers? Select one: a. They spread negative comments about the organization. b. They usually defect at higher rates. c. They are less price-sensitive and more profitable. d. They are not likely to purchase from the organization again.


Which of the following is true of the poka-yoke approach used for mistake-proofing processes? Select one: a. It was developed by Kaoru Ishikawa. b. It is ineffective in providing immediate feedback to the employees regarding the error in the process. c. It helps to engage workers in continuous improvement activities. d. Most of the techniques of poka-yoke are expensive and extremely complex to implement.


Which of the following is used by organizations to measure customer response by allowing them to express their degree of opinion? Select one: a. Likert Scale b. Histogram c. R-chart d. Cause-and-effect diagram


Which of the following points about Crosby's absolutes of quality management is true? Select one: a. Quality means conformance to elegance, not requirements. b. Doing jobs right the first time is expensive. c. The only performance measurement is the cost of quality. d. The burden of responsibility for solving quality problems falls only on the quality department.


Which of the following stages of the PDSA cycle determines whether the trial plan is working correctly by evaluating the results, recording the learning, and determining whether any further issues or opportunities need be addressed? Select one: a. Study b. Do c. Plan d. Act


Which of the following survey instruments is most commonly used because of low data collection costs and ease of analysis associated with it? Select one: a. Formal written surveys b. Telephone interviews c. Focus groups d. Face-to-face interviews


Which one of the following Crosby's basic elements of improvement means that the top management must take quality improvement seriously? Select one: a. Suboptimization b. Variation c. Determination d. Implementation


Who among the following influenced the development of a participative, bottom-up view of quality, which became the trademark of the Japanese approach to quality management? Select one: a. Kaoru Ishikawa b. Joseph Juran c. Philip.B.Crosby d. A.V.Feigenbaum


Who among the following influenced the development of a participative, bottom-up view of quality, which became the trademark of the Japanese approach to quality management? a. Philip.B.Crosby b. A.V.Feigenbaum c. Joseph Juran d. Kaoru Ishikawa


With regard to quality management systems, _____ is a formal document that demonstrates a commitment to achieving high quality and meeting customer expectations. Select one: a. quality memorandum b. quality policy c. quality minute book d. quality trilogy


With regard to quality management systems, a ______ serves as a permanent reference for implementing and maintaining the system. Select one: a. quality manual b. quality trilogy c. quality policy d. quality minute book


With respect to 5S, which of the following Japanese terms refer to arranging materials and equipment so that they are easy to find and use? Select one: a. Seiri b. Seiso c. Seiton d. Shitsuke


___ are special types of data collection forms in which the results can be interpreted on the form directly without additional processing. Select one: a. Check sheets b. Run charts c. Data sheets d. Control charts

Which of the following is a likely cause of the control chart pattern known as a "trend?" Select one: a. Aging equipment b. Maintenance schedules c. New process operator d. Sudden power surge


Which of the following is most likely to be used to obtain comparative data? Select one: a. Benchmarking approach b. Cluster analysis c. Cause-and-effect approach d. Interlinking approach


____ balanced scorecard is the only version of performance measurement systems that have emerged as organizations recognized the need for a broad set of performance measures that provide a comprehensive view of business performance. Select one: a. Kaplan and Nortan's b. Deming's and Juran's c. Raytheon's d. Schneiderman's


_____ involves the discovery, learning, creation, and reuse of knowledge that eventually becomes intellectual capital—knowledge that can be converted into value and profits. Select one: a. Rapid knowledge transfer b. Knowledge costing c. Knowledge internationalization d. Knowledge interlinking


_____ involves the process of identifying, capturing, organizing, and using knowledge assets to create and sustain competitive advantage. Select one: a. Knowledge management b. Knowledge mining c. Lean production d. Suboptimization


deming's concept of understanding variation is most closely associated with which of the following? A. red beads B. funnel experiment C. hidden factory D. vital few, useful many E. voice of customer


the relative rankings of importance of the customer attributes in the house of quality are represented by A. the chimney of the house B. along the left side of the house C. the roof of the house D. across the top of the ceiling of the house E. the basement of the house


A company wishes to monitor the variation in the length of time it takes to process and send a bill to a customer. Seven bills will be randomly selected each day for a 60-day period and the length of time it takes to process and send the bill to a customer will be recorded for each bill. The appropriate control chart is aNo: Select one: a. -chart. b. R-chart. c. p-chart. d. u-chart.


All else being constant, if the sample size in a p-chart increases from 100 to 120, the upper and lower control limits will: Select one: a. move farther apart. b. move closer together. c. not be affected. d. both shift upward.


If the variation in the process is due to common causes alone, the process is said to be: Select one: a. out of control. b. in statistical control. c. in pre-control. d. out of capability.


National Quality Institute is a nonprofit organization designed to stimulate and support quality-driven innovation within all enterprises and institutions, including business, government, education, and health care in _____. Select one: a. China b. Canada c. the United States d. Australia


Process capability calculations make little sense if the process: Select one: a. data were taken over a period of time. b. is not in statistical control. c. variations are due to common causes. d. is not initiated.


Short repeated patterns in a control chart, with alternating high peaks and low valleys, are known as: Select one: a. trends. b. cycles. c. shifts. d. runs.


Strong Cement is a cement-manufacturing company headquartered in the U.S. As part of its organizational policy, the management establishes, plans, and implements measurement, monitoring, and improvement activities; monitors information about customer satisfaction as a performance metric; and acquires and analyzes data to determine improvement effectiveness. The management is following the guidelines of _____. Select one: a. Deming b. ISO 9000:2000 c. Baldrige d. Six Sigma


The _____ represent the underlying philosophy of the Baldrige Criteria. Select one: a. basic elements of improvement b. Core Values and Concepts c. Quincunx d. principles of quality management


The criteria for the Canadian Awards for Business Excellence are similar in structure to the criteria for the: Select one: a. Deming Prize. b. Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. c. American Society for Quality Control Award. d. ISO 9000 Certification Program.


The output of a process is stable and normally distributed. If the process mean equals 23.5, the percentage of output expected to be less than or equal to the mean: Select one: a. is less than 25% . b. is 50%. c. is greater than 75%. d. cannot be determined without knowing the standard deviation value.


The s-chart is recommended when: Select one: a. the control chart calculations needs to be performed by hand. b. tight control of variability in the process is required. c. the -chart is not associated with an R-chart. d. the sample size for each sample needs to be reduced.


Which of the following is an advantage of the matrix type of organizations? Select one: a. The division of loyalty is especially advantageous in a quality assurance area. b. It improves the efficiency of personnel use. c. It is a one-size-fits-all quality organization. d. It is especially suited for small and medium firms.


Which of the following organizations is one of the most prominent vendors of ERP software? Select one: a. Analog devices b. Oracle c. STMicroelectronics d. Convergys


With respect to the Balrige criteria performance measures, _____ performance indicators include measures of business growth and percentage of new product sales. Select one: a. process-based b. marketplace c. leadership d. governance


___ is measured as the amount of error in a measurement in proportion to the total size of the measurement. Select one: a. Precision b. Accuracy c. Systematic bias d. Capability


a bank's savings account statements contain 24 items of account information. last month, 2500 bank statements were checked and 52 errors were found in the account items. what is the dpmo value? A. 0.021 B.867 C. 0.46 D. 1154


according to deming, inspection at the end of the process is too late. which of the following is false regarding inspection under the deming philosophy? A. inspection is rarely accurate B. inspection can be used to assure quality C. inspection does not add value to the product D. inspection is a process that has variation


deming thought that the majority of poor quality is caused by A. workers B. management C. outdated technology D. poor quality suppliers E. all of the above


one part of deming's theory of profound knowledge is psychology. which of the following is NOT true regarding Deming's psychology? A. people differ from one another B. fear motivates people thus helping the system to reach its full potential C. people are born with a need for esteem in their relationships D. pay is an intrinsic motivator E. all of the above


the recall of millions of the faulty airbags by a number of automobile manufacturers is an example of A. an internal failure cost B. an external failure cost C. a prevention cost D. an appraisal cost E. none of the above


Because of high test costs, a sample of single wastewater sludge is tested daily for dissolved oxygen content. The appropriate control chart is: Select one: a. -chart and R-chart. b. u-chart. c. x-chart and moving range chart. d. x-chart and R-chart.


Compared to variable measurement, attributes measurement requires _____ to obtain the same amount of statistical information about the quality of the product. Select one: a. a more distributed population b. more nonconformances c. a larger sample d. a smaller sample


Control limits are often confused with _____. Select one: a. pre-control lines b. center lines c. specification limits d. three sigma limits


One of the reasons for poor deployment of action plans is insufficient operational measures. Which of the following is a feature of this aspect? Select one: a. Insignificant innovations in products, services, and technology b. Lack of changes resulting from new ventures c. New legislative mandates d. Dedicating resources to make improvements or changes in those areas that are critical


The major drawback of the matrix-type organization is that it: Select one: a. decreases the efficiency of personnel use. b. can be used only for project work. c. requires split loyalty. d. decreases the coordination in a project work.


Which of the following is a major advantage of np-charts? Select one: a. They can be used for variable sample sizes. b. They are more accurate than p-charts. c. They are easier to understand for production personnel. d. The control limits are based on binomial distribution.


Which of the following perspectives of the balanced scorecard directs attention to the basis of a future success —the organization's people and infrastructure? Select one: a. Internal perspective b. Financial and internal perspective c. Innovation and learning perspective d. Customer perspective


_____ knowledge includes information stored in documents or other forms of media such as databases, policies and procedures, and technical drawings. Select one: a. Allusive b. Tacit c. Explicit d. Indirect


a quality assurance manager who works with the assembly line to produce cell phones measures the quality of the phone by the length of the battery life. This is most consistent with which of the following definitions of quality? A. user-based B. subjective-based C. product-based D. manufacturing-based E. transcendent


in quality function deployment, which of the following shows the technical specifications of competitors' products? A. the roof of the house B. across the top of the ceiling of the house C. the basement of the house D. the chimney of the house E. along the right side of the house


which of the following quality leaders popularized the concept of the 'vital few' and the ' useful many'? A. shewhart B. deming C.juran D.crosby E.none of the quality gurus felt fear was a motivating factor for people


x-charts are used for: Select one: a. averages of variables data. b. individual attributes data. c. individual variables data. d. averages of attributes data.


_____ of product and service performance and customer indicators is a critical management tool for defining and focusing on key quality and customer requirements, identifying product and service differentiators in the marketplace, and determining cause-effect relationships between product and service attributes and measures of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Select one: a. Benchmarking b. Quincunx experimentation c. Correlation analysis d. Regression analysis


A canning company defines a "nonconformance" as an orange juice can whose diameter is beyond the upper specification limit. A manager at the canning company wants to monitor the number of such orange juice cans produced per day. Each day, an employee will randomly select 120 cans over a period of four weeks. The employee then determines and plots the number of nonconformance cans in each sample. The appropriate control chart is aNo: Select one: a. u-chart. b. R-chart. c. p-chart. d. np-chart.


A firm purchasing a key supplier to strengthen its value chain is an example of _____. Select one: a. unrelated diversification b. collaboration c. outsourcing d. vertical integration


If the lower limit for a p-chart computes to a number less than zero, this indicates: Select one: a. that a calculation error has been made. b. that the process is out of control. c. that an attribute measure is incorrectly used. d. that the lower limit should be set at zero.


The _____ organization is the most prevalent type of structure for medium-sized to large firms. Select one: a. line b. staff c. matrix d. line and staff


The criteria for performance excellence for the Malcolm Baldrige Award consist of a hierarchical set of categories, items, and areas to address. Which of the following is NOT one of them? Select one: a. Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge management b. Strategic Planning c. Workforce Focus d. Return on investment


To achieve a high level of performance excellence, an organization requires a much broader set of performance measures that are aligned to an organization's strategy; this became known as the: Select one: a. quality trilogy. b. quincunx. c. Taguchi loss function. d. balanced scorecard.


Which of the following measures of the Baldrige criteria of performance measurement includes internal quality measurements, defect levels, service errors, and response times? Select one: a. Financial outcomes b. Market outcomes c. Governance outcomes d. Product outcomes


Which of the following perspectives of the balanced scorecard focuses on market share? Select one: a. Internal perspective b. Innovation perspective c. Learning perspective d. Customer perspective


__ data refer to industry averages, competitor performance, world-class benchmarks, or performance measures of other organizations with similar product offerings. Select one: a. Reviewed b. Cross-functional c. Interlinked d. Comparative


according to deming, which of the following should become the common language that every employee- from top executives to line workers- uses to communicate with one another A. six sigma dmaic B. lean C. process sigma Cp D.statistics E. all of the above


according to the lecture, which of the following is most consistent with the key learning from the balanced scored? A. start by working on the financial measures in order to improve the process B. begin the process with improvements in business processes C. the first step is to improve customer satisfaction D. improving financial results starts with the employees E. none of the above


mcdonald's hamburgers quality process tries to ensure the big mac purchased in minnesota has all the same characteristics as the big mac purchased in arizona. this is most consistent with which of the following definitions of quality? A. user based B. subjective based C. product- based D. manufacturing based E. transcendent


quality function deployment and affinity diagrams are alike in all of the following except: A. they both identify key customer attributes B. they are best implemented with cross functional teams C. they both use open narrow close to identify key characteristics D. they both analyze the trade offs between the engineering characteristics


which of the following is the aim of deming's chain reaction A. improve profit margin B. improve return on equity for shareholders C. reduce costs D. provide jobs E. all of the above


Which of the following is most likely to be used to obtain comparative data? Select one: a. Interlinking approach b. Cluster analysis c. Cause-and-effect approach d. Benchmarking approach


a drycleaner fills out a slip including 1) customer's last name, 2) first initial 3) phone number, 4) number of items, 5) type of cleaning 6) date promised to customer and 7) the percentage discount if a coupon is used. average (mean) number of customers per month is 950. last month, 124 customer slips were audited and 38 errors were found. what is the dpmo value? A. 124,444.444 B. 6,300.00 C. 0.017778 D.0.12444 E. none of the above


taguchi is most closely associated with which of the following? A. quality planning, control, and improvement B. red bead experiment C. zero defects is the only quality goal D. managing the hidden factory E. quality control is based on the concept of on target with minimum variation


which of the following is the primary reason for deming's position that slogans should be eliminated? A. not all workers can read the slogans B. slogans are costly to maintain and periodically update C. deming thought that numerical quotas should be eliminated but not slogas D. slogans benefit the customers more than the workers E. most problems depend on the system and cannot be controlled by workers


which of the following is the best example of deming's concept of suboptimization? A. a manufacturing plan producing construction equipment releases machines to the releasing yard knowing they will be brought back to be reworked B. a six sigma team reduced defects by 60% instead of the goal of 70% C. a rummler-brach team reduces 11 points of contact for customers down to 1 point of contact D. workers are trained in the latest process improvement techniques E. none of the above

e- pretty sure this is wrong

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