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How many pairs of cranial nerves do humans have?


Backward masking

A brief visual stimulus after another brief visual stimulus that leads to failure to remember the first

Language acquisition device

A built in mechanism for acquiring language

the corpus callosum.

A patient who can name objects only after seeing them in the right visual field but can point out objects she saw in the left visual field has probably suffered damage to:

No ifs, ands, or buts.

A person with Broca's aphasia would have the most difficulty saying which of the following phrases?

remembering the names of objects.

A person with anomia would have the most difficulty with:

Talking would decrease tapping in the right hand more than in the left hand.

A person with left hemispheric dominance for language is asked to tap her index finger as fast as possible for one minute. What difference, if any, would it make if she were talking during the task?


A specific impairment of reading in a person with adequate vision and adequate skills in other academic areas is referred to as:


A specific impairment of reading in some one with adequate vision, adequate motivation and adequate overall cognitive skill

the left hand.

A split-brain patient sees something in her left visual field, and must reach behind a screen and select the object from a group of objects. She will select the object correctly with:

an apple

A split-brain patient that was briefly shown an apple in the left visual field and a banana in the right visual field would report having seen:

left hand but cannot name it.

A split-brain patient who sees something in his left visual field can point to it with the:

Spatial Neglect

A tendency to ignore the left side of the body or the left side of objects


Ability of language to produce new signals to represent new ideas

they were given a special diet.

All of the following are explanations for Kanzi and Mulika's language abilities EXCEPT that?

What is the intensity of a sound wave called?


What does cataplexy involve?

An attack of muscle weakness while awake

Which hormone(s) is/are likely to be found more abundantly in males than in females?


Visual Field

Area of the world that an individual can see at any time

Optic Chiasm

Area where axons from each eye cross to the opposite side of the brain


Belief that the universe consist of only one kind of subtance

What deficits does a person suffer after damage to the striate cortex in the occipital lobe?


Broca's Aphasia (non-fluent aphasia)

Brain damage that causes impaired language

left; right

Brain-intact people are more likely to have increased activity in the ____ hemisphere when identifying the small letters (A) and increased activity in the ____ when identifying the overall pattern (X).

A stroke patient speaks in short, inarticulate but meaningful phrases such as "Weather hot" and "Dog bite man." This person is probably suffering from:

Broca's aphasia.

Anterior Commissure

Bundle of axons that connects the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex

Corpus Callosum

Bundle of axons that connects the two hemispheres of the cerebral cortex

Which of the following is NOT true about the hormone CCK (cholecystokinin)?

CCK crosses the blood-brain barrier and inhibits cells in the hypothalamus.


Capable of reporting the presences of a stimuli

People with amygdala damage have trouble identifying fear expressions. How could we improve their ability to recognize fear?

Change where they focus their eyes

younger; different hands

Children are asked to feel two fabrics and to determine whether they are the same or different. This is more difficult for ____ children who have to feel the fabrics with ____.

good language abilities despite low overall intelligence.

Children with Williams syndrome are characterized by:

Wernicke's Aphasia (fluent aphasia)

Condition characterized by poor language comprehension and impaired ability to remember the name of objects

William Syndrome

Condition with which the person has relatively good language abilities in spite of their impairment in other regards

contralateral visual field.

Damage to the optic nerve after it had crossed in the optic chiasm would result in the loss of vision in the:


Difficulty recalling the names of objects

have many odd spellings.

Dyslexia is more common among languages that:

sounding out words.

Dysphonetic dyslexics have the most difficulty with:

What is the apparent relationship between language abilities and other intellectual abilities?

Either can be impaired independently of the other.

What does a coral goby fish do if its mate dies after eggs have been laid?

Either sex will care for the eggs and, if necessary, change sex to form a new mating pair.

____ is a treatment for depression that electrically induces a seizure

Electroconvulsive shock therapy

Wernicke's area.

Fluent aphasia, in which the victim has difficulty comprehending language but is still able to speak smoothly, is due to damage that includes:

left hemisphere.

In most humans, control of language is centered in the:

In what way does infant vision differ from adult vision?

Infants have trouble shifting their attention away from visual stimui

What is paradoxical about paradoxical sleep?

It is light sleep in some ways and deep sleep in other ways.

According to the ____ theory, we experience emotion after we experience autonomic arousal.



Language impairment

comprehend spoken language comparable to that of a 2 year old child.

Language studies with bonobo chimpanzees suggest that they:

What is the first point in the digestive system where enzymes begin to break down food?


Which of the following is unique to genetic males early in development?

Müllerian inhibiting hormone

Which of the following is one of the reasons that Lashley failed at finding the engram?

Not all memories are physiologically the same.

What area of the brain is largely responsible for detecting osmotic pressure?

OVLT and subfornical organ

less than normal overall mass in the cerebral cortex.

One characteristic of the brains of people with Williams syndrome is:

brain's other commissures become larger than usual.

People born without a corpus callosum can perform some tasks as do people with a corpus callosum. They can perform these tasks because the:

language evolved as a byproduct of selection for overall intelligence.

People in one family have a gene that seriously impairs language without decreasing overall intelligence. This observation argues AGAINST the theory that:

right hemisphere.

People who speak with little inflection or expression usually have suffered damage to the:

What is the relationship between PTSD and size of the hippocampus?

People with a smaller than average hippocampus are more likely than others to develop PTSD.

Hard Problem

Philisophical question as to why and how brain activity becomes conscious


Point in the brain where an epileptic seizure begins

Broca's area

Portion of the brain that is associated with language production

Broca's aphasia; Wernicke's aphasia

Prepositions, word endings, and grammar are to ____, as nouns and verbs are to ____.

Mind-brain problem

Question about the relationship between mentl experiences nd brain activity

Planum Temporale

Section of the temporal cortex that is larger in the left hemisphere


Several months after split-brain surgery, the number of incidents of conflicts between the two hemispheres:


Several patients have had their corpus callosum cut surgically as a treatment for severe cases of:

prepositions and conjunctions.

Someone with Broca's aphasia is least likely to use:

Binocular Rivalry

Stimulation from both eyes

How is the circadian rhythm of adult hamsters affected after transplanting SCN tissue from hamster fetuses with abnormal (20 hour) circadian rhythms?

The adult hamsters adopted the rhythm of the transplanted tissue.

According to the activation-synthesis hypothesis, what do dreams reflect?

The brain's attempt to make sense of spontaneous neural activity


The corpus callosum matures sufficiently between ages ____ and ____ to facilitate the comparison of stimuli between the two hands.

Stroop Effect

The difficulty of saying the color of ink of a word instead of reading the word itself.

What is curious about the psychotic effects of phencyclidine (angel dust)?

The effects are minor or absent in preadolescents

What has been found in studies that relate male homosexuality in humans to prenatal stressors?

The findings are inconclusive.

If a female rat is exposed to highly stressful experiences late in pregnancy, what happens to the sexual development of her offspring?

The genetic males become responsive to male partners

comparable to that of a normal adult's second language.

The language of children with Williams syndrome is:

right; right

The left hemisphere is connected to skin receptors mainly on the ____ half of the body, and controls muscles mainly on the ____ side of the body

left half of each retina.

The left hemisphere of the human brain receives visual input from the:

Which of the following is NOT true about hibernation?

The longer an animal spends in hibernation, the shorter its life expectancy.

better at the vocabulary, but worse at pronunciation.

The major differences that exist between adults and children in learning a second language are that adults are:

emotional content

The right hemisphere appears to contribute more than the left hemisphere to the ____ of speech.

observed his mother being trained while he was an infant.

The training of Kanzi differed from the earlier language studies using other chimpanzees in that Kanzi:

How is olfactory information coded in receptor cells?

There are hundreds of types of receptor molecules, each responsive to a different chemical

Which of the following, if any, is significantly more effective than the others in relieving depression?

There is no significant difference.

What is unusual about olfactory receptors compared to most other mature mammalian neurons?

They are replaceable when old neurons die

Which of the following is NOT true regarding hibernation and sleep?

They increase body temperature.

An astronaut orbiting earth experiences 45-minute periods of daylight alternating with 45-minutes of darkness. What is likely to happen?

They sleep poorly during rest periods.


Use of one stimulus to block perception of another

One majore difference between olfaction and VNO receptors is that:

VNO receptors do not adapt


View that everything that exist is material or physical

Identity Position

View that mental processes and certain kinds of brain processes are the same described in different terms


View that only that only the mind really exist and that the physical world could not exist unless some mind were aware of it

the left half of each retina.

Visual stimuli in the right visual field stimulate:

left temporal

Wernicke discovered that damage to the ____ cortex produced language impairment.


What is the name given to the function between the two hemispheres?

singing "wheels on the bus"

Which of the following tasks would people with Williams syndrome perform normally?

saying they do not know the answer while pointing it out with the left hand

Which self-contradiction occurs in people who have had their corpus callosum cut?

Habituation of the gill withdrawal response in Aplysia depends on:

a change in the synapse between the sensory neuron and the motor neuron

The most effective way to stimulate sexual behavior in a female rodent is to inject her with

a combination of estradiol and progesterone.


a condition characterized by repeated episodes of excessive synchronized netural activity

One possible cause of PMS relates to a problem with:

a hormone metabolite

An electroencephalograph displays:

a net average of all the neurons' potentials.

What is a defining criterion for insomnia?

a person who consistently feels sleepy during the day

The delayed response task requires responding to something that you saw or heard ____.

a short while ago

One surprising feature about people with posttraumatic stress disorder is that, on the average, they have:

a) lower than normal cortisol levels.

During an early sensitive period, a mammal is exposed to high levels of both androgens (such as testosterone) and estrogens (such as estradiol). How will its external genital anatomy appear?

about like that of a normal male

Sweetness, bitterness and umami receptors operate by:

activating a protein which causes the release of a second messenger

one reason why people with prefrontal cortex damage may act impulsively is that they have trouble

adjusting their behavior to different contexts

A variety of studies indicate that anxiety is increased by the transmitters ____ and

alprazolam, cholecystokinin

What is a dermatome?

an area of the skin innervated by a given spinal nerve

A sensitive period is

an early period when a hormone has a long lasting effect.

What is "specific anosmia"?

an inability to smell a particular substance

Electrical stimulation of a rat's lateral hypothalamus would most likely result in

an increase in food seeking behaviors.

The sexually dimorphic nucleus is located in the:

anterior hypothalamus

Follicle-stimulating hormone is released by the

anterior pituitary

Many kinds of information impinge onto two kinds of cells in one nucleus of the hypothalamus, which is regarded as the "master area" for control of appetite. That area is the

arcuate nucleus

Many kinds of information impinge onto two kinds of cells in one nucleus of the hypothalamus, which is regarded as the "master area" for control of appetite. That area is the:

arcuate nucleus

Poikilothermic organisms have body temperatures which

are the same as the temperatures of their environments

The hormones LH, FSH, and estradiol reach a peak:

around the time of ovulation

Sympathetic is to ______ as parasympathetic is to______

arousal; relaxation

Astigmatism refers to the:

asymmetric curvature of eyes

The nucleus basalis is a key part of the brain's system for:


The amount and duration of activation of V1 neurons is most closely associated with the

attention given to the stimulus

What kind of drug alleviates schizophrenia with little risk of producing tardive dyskinesia?

atypical antipsychotics

The temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex is the primary target for which kind of sensory information?


What is the shape of the receptive field to whcih a simple cell in the primary visual cortex responds?

bar in particular orientation

Which structure is likely to be damaged in Parkinson's disease, Hungington's disease, and other conditions that impair movement?

basal ganglia

The field of study that would be most concerned with the effects of smoking, diet, exercise, and stress on health is:

behavioral medicine.


belief that mind and body are different kind of substance that exist independently

Someone who had developed a tolerance to alcohol is likely to show a cross-tolerance to


Across species, it appears that the sense organs are most attuned to:

biologically useful stimuli

Damage to V1 produces ___ and damage to A1 produces___

blindness, deafness to complex sounds

One could reduce anxiety by:

blocking CCK.

Occasional brief periods of stress

boost the activity of the immune system.

Each spinal nerve has

both a sensory and a motor component

Researchers have found that the amino acid glycine:

c) increases the effectiveness of other antipsychotic drugs.

CaMKII is directly activated by


Hormones are most essential to which aspect of mammalian parental behavior?

care for newborns during the first few days

a fluid filled channel in the center of the spinal cord is called the

central canal

Across mammalian species, the most constant structure (in terms of relative size is the:


The nucleus basalis sends information to the

cerebral cortex

What is contained in the ventricles of the brain?

cerebrospinal fluid

Psychologists typically define emotion in terms of the following three components:

cognitions, feelings, and actions

Suppose a given cell in the primary visual cortex has a receptive field shaped like a bar, with no strong inhibitory field at either end of the bar. It can respond to a bar-shaped pattern of light of the correct orientation at any location in its receptive field. What kind of cell is this?


Researchers proposed that all information initially entered a short-term storage, where it stayed until the brain had time to ____ it into long-term memory.


Each hemisphere of the cerebral cortex receives most of its input from the ___ side of the body and controls the muscles on the ___ side

contralateral; contralateral

A function of the cerebrospinal fluid is to

cushion the brain

Given a very faint odor of air freshener, who is most likely to detect it?

cycling female

If a female rat fetus developed without any alpha-fetoprotein, her hypothalamus would:

d) develop in a partly masculinized manner.

The ability to state a memory in words is termed

declarative memory

As with Korsakoff's patients, Alzheimer's patients have impairments in ____ memory, but are relatively unimpaired in ____ memory

declarative; procedural

At the end of the menstrual cycle in women, the levels of LH and FSH ___; the levels of estradiol and progesterone___

decrease; decrease

If GABA is necessary for the proper onset of the critical period for vision, this suggests that:

depriving the cortex of GABA woudl prevent the onset of the critical period

The funciton of the semicircular canals is to

detect movement of the head

What is a likely consequence if someone's temperature rhythm is phase-delayed?

difficulty falling asleep

The difficulty that people normally have with being able to perform separate tasks with each hand simultaneously is largely due to:

difficulty planning two actions at once.


division of labor between the two brain hemispheres

Male sexual behavior depends heavily on neurons in the medial preoptic area of the hypothalamus releasing which substance?


Sexual behavior is most likely to occur when sex hormones (testosterone and estradiol) prime the neurons in the hypothalamus to release the neurotransmitter:


what type of neurons in teh substantia nigra deteriorate in Parkinson's disease?


The first digestive site that absorbs a significant amount of nutrients is the


Which of the following is consistent with the labeled-line theory of taste?

each receptor carries information about just one primary taste

According to research, the human amygdala responds most strongly when people are looking at:

emotional expressions

Before testosterone can masculinize the development of the hypothalamus of an infant mammal, it must first be converted into:


Women are more likely to initiate sexual activity when:

estrogen levels are high

Animals with damage in or near the ventromedial hypothalamus gain weight:

even if they eat the same amount as a normal animal.

What would cause a mamal to develop the anatomy of a male, regardless of its chromosomes?

exposure to high levels of testosterone during an early stage of development

What would cause a mammal to develop the anatomy of a male, regardless of its chromosomes?

exposure to high levels of testosterone during an early stage of development

Which of the following behaviors would be most affected by damage to the cell bodies of the lateral hypothalamus?

feeding behavior

The overall mechanism of early sexual differentiation has been described by saying that nature's "default setting" is to make every mammal


Within the primary auditory cortex, most cells respond selectively to a particular


The fact that the refractory period limits the firing rate of a neuron is probematic for which of the following?

frequency theory

Which lobe contains the precentral gyrus?


In what way are people with androgen insensitivity most like a normal male


As compared to males, females tend to have:

greater density of neurons in part of the temporal lobe that is important for language

Taking melatonin pills in the late evening

has no noticeable effects.

Individuals with parietal lobe damage

have difficulty binding the different aspects of perception

Individuals with pure autonomic failure

have diminished intensity of emotion, but still report cognitive aspects of it.

A paradoxical characteristic of children with Williams syndrome is that they:

have very large vocabularies, but cannot learn simple skills.

The result of the sex reassignment in the case of the infant whose penis was accidentally removed was that:

he decided to adopt a male gender identity during adolescence

The concordance rate of schizophrenia among twins is:

higher in monozygotic than dizygotic twins.

Cell bodies in schizophrenics' brains are especially smaller than normal in the

hippocampus and prefrontal cortex.

How many kinds of olfactory receptors do we have?


the one additional feature that hypercomplex cells have that complex cells don't is

hypercomplex cells have a strong inhibitory area at one end of its receptive field

An impairment of eating, drinking, temperature regulation, or sexual behavior suggest possible damage to which brain structure?


Sodium-specific hunger is closely associated with:

hypovolemic thirst.

an individual has difficultiy remembering certain things after brain damage, but al memories stored before the damage are intact. The brain area most likely damaged is the


0.5 / 0.5 points If a hamster is primed for a fight, increased activity will most likely be found:

in the corticomedial amygdala.

When describing spatial relationships, such as giving directions to a football stadium, females are more likely than males to:

include descriptions of landmarks along the way

Whereas most theorists have proposed that REM serves functions in memory and brain development, according to one newer hypothesis, the role of REM is merely to:

increase oxygen flow to the cornea.

During sleep, what happens in the brain?

increased firing by GABA neurons

According to one hypothesis, if serotonin is released during aggressive behavior, then individuals with low serotonin release are more aggressive because of

increased serotonin receptor sensitivity.

The raphe system:

increases the brain's readiness to respond to stimuli

Chronically high cortisol levels can be harmful to an individual by:

increasing the vulnerability of the hippocampus

Chronically high cortisol levels can be harmful to an individual by

increasing the vulnerability of the hippocampus.

Which of the following has the largest receptive fields and the greatest preferential sensitivity to highly complex visual patterns, such as faces?

inferior temporal cortex

If a never pregnant female rat is left for 5-10 days with a litter of babies, she will:

initially ignore them, but eventually will become more attentive

Damage to the ____ results in a diminished ability to experience and recognize disgust.

insular cortex

The primary taste cortex is known as the:

insular cortex

The pituitary gland synthesizes and releases hormones

into the bloodstream

Inattentional Blindness

is the failure to notice an unexpected stimulus that is in one's field of vision when other attention-demanding tasks are being performed. It is categorized as an attentional error and is not associated with any vision deficits

At this point, the conclusions of studies on the evolutionary interpretations of mating behavior suggest that these behaviors are:

lacking the scientific studies to allow us to draw a conclusion about them

The ____ increases the pituitary gland's secretion of hormones that increase insulin secretion.

lateral hypothalamus

Research with deaf children suggests that it is essential to:

learn any language when you are young if you do not want to be forever disadvantaged.

Damage to the amygdala impairs

learned fears.

Damage to the human left optic nerve before it crosses the optic chiasm would result in the loss of vision in the:

left eye.

In most humans, control of language is centered in the

left hemisphere.

A group of forebrain structures is important for motivated and emotional behavior. What is the name given to this group of structures?

limbic system

Damage to the thalamus would most likely result in

loss of sensory input to the cortex

What is the perception of the intensity of a sound wave called?


Which of the following seems to be most strongly related to PMS?

lower than normal levels of allopregnanolone

Humans expend most of their energy on what activity?

maintaining basal metabolism

Someone with androgen insensitivity is genetically

male, but develops looking more like a female.

Homeothermic organisms include:

mammals and birds.

Of the following choices, the most likely explanation for how testosterone may be associated with violent behavior is that it:

may induce greater attention to situations of aggression and conflict.

As axons from the spinal cord enter the skull, which structure do they enter?


Breathing, heart rate, vomiting, salivation, coughing and sneezing are all controlled by which structure?


The pineal gland releases the ____ hormone, which influences both circadian and circannual rhythms.


Membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord are called


In which area of the brai woudl one find the tectum, tegmentum, superior and inferior colliculi, and substantia nigra?


The nuclei for cranial nerves I through IV are located in the

midbrain and forebrain

People with motion blindness probably have suffered damage to the

middle temporal cortex

In one study, women in the follicular phase, when the probability of becoming pregnant is greatest, preferred male faces that were:

more masculine in appearance

Repeated exposure to male pheremones may be associated with ___ in young women who are not sexually active

more regular periods

The study of amnesic patients leads us to the conclusion that people have ____ kind of memory, and that memory depends on ____ of the brain.

more than one; different parts

A person with damage to V1, but not V4, woudl be able to percieve:

motion, but not shape or color

Cells in V5 and the medial superior temporal cortex slectively respond to which characteristic of visual stimuli?


Damage to the basal ganglia would most likely cause problems with


The cerebellum contributes to the control of what function


Blood cells that attach to types of tumor cells and cells infected with viruses are known as:

natural killer cells.

The vomeronasal organ (VNO) is a set of receptors located:

near, but separate from, the olfactory receptors

Processes that reduce any discrepancies from the set point are known as:

negative feedback.

Sympathetic is to ____ as parasympathetic is to ___

norepinephrine; acetylcholine

Women who suffer from PMS have:

normal levels of estrogen and progesterone

The taste nerves initially project to the:

nucleus of the tractus solitarus

Axons form the lateral geniculate extend to which area of the crebral cortex?

occipital lobe

Investigators have found that individuals who suffer prefrontal cortex damage:

often make bad decisions.

Olfactory receptors carry their message to the:

olfactory bulb

Olfactory receptor cites are located:

on cilia

Someone who has suffered damage to the sensory component of one spinal nerve would lose sensation from:

one dermatome

The pons acts as a bridge between

one side of the nervous system and the other

The tendency of water to flow across a semipermeable membrane from the area of low solute concentration to the area of higher concentration is termed:

osmotic pressure

The two types of thirst are ____ and ____.

osmotic thirst; hypovolemic thirst

What hormone more than triples in concentration in the blood of human males during orgasm, and has been tentatively linked to sexual pleasure?


If an experimenter heats the preoptic area of an animal in a cool environment, the animal will

pant or sweat

The pathway associated with integrating vision and movement progresses from the occipital cortex to the

parietal cortex

Split-Brain People

people who have undergone surgery to the corpus collosum

What is one important difference between people who are blind because of cortical blindness and others who are blind because of problems with their eyes?

people with damage to their eyes can still imagine visual scenes

Concerning temperature cycles, SAD patients are to ____ as other depressed patients are to ____.

phase-delayed cycles; phase-advanced cycles

The study of relating skull anatomy (bumps and depressions) to behavior is known as


Which of the following are presented in teh correct order when describing some of the structures that sound waves travel through as they pass from the outer ear to the inner ear?

pinna, tympanic membrane, oval window, cochlea

What occurs to a tone as the frequency increases?

pitch gets higher

During the menstrual cycle, estradiol and progesterone levels increase and decrease under the influence of hormones released by which gland?


After damage to the somatosensory cortex, a person would have the most difficulty with:

pointing to their own body parts

Wernicke's Area

portion of the brain located near the auditory cortex, associated with language comprehension

Hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorder are classified as which kind of symptoms?

positive symptoms

What is the primary target area on the cerebral cortex for touch and other skin sensations?

postcentral gyrus

A person showers with his clothes on and pours water on the tube of toothpast instead of on the toothbrush. He probably suffers from damage to the

prefrontal cortex

The problems that schizophrenics have with memory and attention are most likely related to an increased tendency of having brain damage in the:

prefrontal cortex.

Blood vessel constriction, shivering, and sweating are controlled by which area of the brain?

preoptic area of the hypothalamus

Drugs that block NMDA synapses

prevent the establishment of LTP

What is the primary target area in the cortex for information regarding muscle-stretch and joint receptors?

primary somatosensory cortex

When neuropeptide Y inhibits the paraventricular nucleus, it:

produces extreme overeating

Joe has suffered brain damage that has left him unable to recognize the faces of his wife and children, although he can identify them by their voices. What is Joe's condition?


Pacinian corpuscles respond best to

rapid mechanical pressure

The brain gets part of its information regarding low osmotic pressure from:

receptors around the third ventricle.

A person with visual agnosia is unable to:

recognize visual objects

For schizophrenics, atypical antipsychotics are more effective than typical antipsychotics in:

reducing negative symptoms.

Taste perception in the brain depends on:

relative activity of different taste neurons

Researchers have found that different species of birds differ in terms of how much they depend on food they have stored to get through the winter. What factor is related to depending on and finding stored food?

relative size of the hippocampus

A person with anomia would have the most difficulty with

remembering the names of objects.

The left hemisphere is connected to skin receptors mainly on the ____ half of the body, and controls muscles mainly on the ____ side of the body.

right; right

CCK, insulin, and leptin provide input to the ____ neurons in the ____ nucleus

satiety-sensitive, arcuate

A decrease in the amount of sleep most likely to affect the performance of migratory bird during

seasons other than migration.

Of the following, which one would be most closely associated with experiencing synesthesia?

seeing colors of letter or words

Which two structures provide information about vestibular sensation?

semicircular canals and otolith organs

Strong stimulation anywhere on the skin of an Aplysia excites axons that release:


If an experimenter cools the preoptic area of an animal in a warm environment, the animal will:


What anatomical difference, other than sex organs, is reliably seen between males and females, even at an early age?

size of parts of the hypothalamus

Korsakoff's patients and Alzheimer's patients are most successful at learning and remembering


Based on reserach done to date, which sensory modality seems to have the widest variety of receptor types?


What causes excitation of the taste receptors that respond to salty tastes?

sodium ions crossing the membrane of the receptor

what kind of receptors detect pain, warmth and cold?


The startle response to a loud noise is increased in the presence of a stimulus that has been paired with:

something fearful.

Taste receptors which operate by closing potassium channels are those signaling:

sour tastes

Altered tau protein cannot bind to its usual targets within axons, and so it ____.

starts spreading into the cell body and dendrites

Children with strabismus fail to develop:

stereoscopic depth perception

If you inject a male rat with estrogen shortly after birth, it will

still develop into a male.

A possible treatment for Alzheimer's is the administration of drugs that:

stimulate acetylcholine receptors.

One currently popular hypothesis about the binding problem is that binding depends on

synchronized activity in different brain areas

whcih lobe seems to be especially involved int eh comprehension of spoken language in humans?


Phi Phenomenon

tendency to see something as moving back and forth between positions when in fact it is alternately blinking on and off in those positions

Most homosexual men, as compared to heterosexual men, have:

testosterone levels within the same range.

Male aggressive behavior depends heavily on


Most auditory information is sent to which hemisphere of the brain?

the contralateral side

The splanchnic nerves convey information about

the nutrient contents of the stomach.

Control of the emotional content of speech depends on:

the right hemisphere

According to research on visual development in animals, probably the best way to treat amblypia is to cover:

the strong eye for a period of time early in life

What is meant by "suppressed vision during eye movements"?

the visual cortex actually "shuts down" while the eyes are moving

Which of the following would a person with conductive deafness be able to hear better than a person with nerve deafness?

themselves talking

What do the corpus callosum and anterior commissure have in common?

they both connect the two hemispheres

If you stare at a waterfall long enough to fatigue feature-detector neurons resonsive to downward motion, then look at the rocks and trees next to the waterfall, how will the rocks and trees appear?

to move upward

If a cell in a given column responds to touch on the person's right toe, then another cell in the same column would respond to:

touch on the right toe

The eardrum is also known as the:

tympanic membrane

Someone suffering from Wernicke's aphasia has difficulty

understanding speech.

What is steroscopic depth perception?

using differences in what each eye sees to asses distance

Diabetes insipidus literally means "passing without taste" because the urine is produced in such large quantities that it is tasteless. This disease is most likely caused by a problem with the production or release of:


Animals eat more frequent (but normal size) meals after damage to the ____. They eat larger meals (but at normal frequency) after damage to the ____.

ventromedial hypothalamus, paraventricular nucleus

People with Williams syndrome tend to do as well as normal people on tasks that involve

verbal descriptions.

High cortisol levels increase the likelihood that hippocampal cells will be:

vulnerable to damage by toxins

A research study linked different genes for the enzyme MAO-A to the probability of antisocial behavior. The effect of the gene varied from small to great, depending on what?

whether the person was maltreated during childhood

Electroconvulsive shock therapy is most likely to be used with patients:

who have not responded to drug therapy.

A hermaphrodite is an individual:

whose genitals do not match the usual development for their genetic sex

What is activated by the reticular formation?

wide regions of the entire cerebral cortex

People suffering from seasonal affective disorder are most likely become depressed in the:


Which of the following statements about nerve deafness is FALSE?

with surgical treatment it is possible to regain normal hearing

If you stimulate the gills of an Aplysia by squirting them with a brief jet of seawater, at first it will:

withdraw its gills.

If you are a supertaster, then:

you are more sensitive than the average person to nearly all tastes

Which of the following mate-selection preferences is stronger for men than for women?


संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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