COMM 110 Midterm

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Define preparation outline. List the seven guidelines for developing a preparation outline.

A preparation outline is the outline you develop as you prepare your speech. It is a detailed outline that includes the title, general and specific purpose, organizational pattern, introduction, main points and sub points, transitions and references used in the speech.

Define speaking outline. List the four suggestions in the text for developing a speaking outline.

A speaking outline is a brief outline that helps you remember key points as you are presenting. You should follow the same framework used in the preparation outline when formulating a speaking outline. Also, make sure the outline is legible. Keeping the outline as brief as possible will also force you to establish eye contact with the audience. It is helpful to include delivery notes in the speaking outline to help control tempo, emphasis and overall pace.

Define what a thesis statement is and list the five components that should be included in a thesis statement.

A thesis statement acts as an overview for the entire speech. There are five things that should be included within a thesis statement. The general purpose, specific purpose, the main points, the topic and direction and the organizational patter must all be included.

List and explain the three models of communication.

Action - a speaker sends a message to a listener who receives the message. The model views communication as something a speaker does to a listener. · Interaction - this model considers the role of feedback in the communication process. Feedback occurs when the listener responds to the speaker's message. · Transactional - this model considers the simultaneous sending and receiving of messages that occur in context. Feedback is constantly being shared verbally and nonverbally between both people involved in the encounter.

What is the difference between an informative speech and a persuasive speech?

An informative speech is when the speaker serves the role of a teacher. In a persuasive speech, the speaker serves as an advocate. Persuasive speeches tend to be controversial while informative speeches teach you something new.

What information should be included in an oral citation?

An oral citation consists of information about who authored the material you are using, a statement about the credibility of the author, publish date and relevant information about the source.

What are the aspects of verbal delivery?

Aspects of verbal delivery include articulation, pronunciation, volume, rate, pitch and pause.

Define advanced information seeking skill set.

Attaining an advanced information seeking skill set comes with being an advanced information seeker. This involves finding appropriate sources, analyzing the material and content, evaluating the credibility and relevance of the sources, and integrating those sources ethically and legally through a variety of techniques.

Why is delivery important?

Delivery is important because how you deliver your presentation will be how you communicate your credibility as a speaker.

What are the design considerations for presentation aids?

Design considerations for presentation aids are contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity.

What is the difference between effective and ineffective delivery?

Effective delivery gives life to words. Ineffective delivery has the potential to make them meaningless.

What are the four considerations for effective word choice?

Effective speakers work to assure their presentations are clear, accurate, vivid and appropriate. To be clear, the words you use must be specific and familiar. Tobe accurate make sure the presentation is grammatically and structurally correct. Using strategically vivid language to appeal to the audience's senses enhances the presentation. Last, always make sure the language used in the presentation is appropriate for the audience, topic and occasion.

What are the factors that affect perception?

Factors that affect perception are physical, experimental and situational considerations.

Name and explain the four goals for an introduction

First, it should capture the audience's attention by using an attention grabber. This is a strong opening statement that uses a creative device to capture your audience's attention and motivate them to listen. Next, establish the relevance of your topic to your audience. The audience questions, "What's in it for me?" and relate it back to them to keep them intrigued. Third, establish speaker credibility. Add a credibility statement in your speech, this tells your audience why you are qualified to speak on this topic. Last, preview the presentation. The last part of the introduction is an overview of the presentation including the thesis statement.

Describe the three main components in developing a successful research strategy

First, one must create research questions that stem directly from the thesis statement. These questions are usually in the form of who, what, where, when. Next, generate a list of synonyms. It's helpful to create a list of potential search terms based on the key concepts of your topic. Last, search information sources. There are various resources available to support the topic of your choosing.

What are the four methods of delivery?

Four methods of delivery are impromptu, manuscript, memorized and extemporaneous.

What are the three causes of communication apprehension? Explain each.

Heredity is one cause of communication apprehension. Anxiety may be passed down from generation to generation beginning at birth. This is known as traitlike communication apprehension although most people aren't born with this. Another more common cause is, learned apprehension. Most people learn to become apprehensive due to anxiety over an event, who he or she is communicating to or being in a specific setting. One last cause is skills deficit, that is one lacks the skills and confidence needed to be a good public speaker.

What is the relationship between perception and public speaking?

In public speaking, one must use perception to pick a topic to do a speech about and then organize the speech itself.

Describe the difference between internal and external effects of communication apprehension.

Internal effects of communication stem from psychological issues that may become physical. Examples of this include sweaty palms, shaky hands and butterflies. External effects of communication apprehension stem from behavioral issues such as avoidance or disfluency.

Discuss why introductions and conclusions are important.

Introductions and conclusions are important because most people pay more attention to and remember information that is presented first and last.

Discuss why it is important to organize your ideas clearly.

It is important to organize ideas clearly in order to allow the audience to better follow and comprehend your message. Communication scholars have found that listeners perceive well-organized speakers as much more credible compared to poorly organized speakers.

What are the characteristics or principles of language that serve to explain its' importance?

Language is characterized as symbolic and arbitrary. The words stand for or symbolize things. Also, words have no meaning in and of themselves. They gain meaning from people who use them.

What are the aspects of nonverbal delivery?

One can demonstrate nonverbal delivery through their eye contact, face, body and movement.

What are the two sides of visual literacy?

One side of literacy describes what happens when we consume information such as reading, listening and interpreting. The other side describes what happens when we produce information such as when we write, speak

What are the 3 differences between oral style and written style?

Oral style uses shorter sentences, is less formal and is more repetitive.

How have our channels of communication changed over the years? What implications do these channels have on the way we communicate with others?

Our channels of communication have evolved over the years mainly due to the innovation of technology. Facetiming or skyping another, is now a common channel people use to communicate with each other. These implications have changed the way we normally would have communicated with each other in the past. Today, people mostly prefer for someone to send a text message rather that a phone call. This has impacted our social behavior in a way that part of society would avoid face to face or voice to voice contact.

Why is outlining important?

Outlining allows you to organize ideas logically, giving you a better picture of the relationship among your ideas. Outlining will also reduce public speaking anxiety.

List and define the six elements of the communication process.

People - there is a speaker and listener involved in the communication event, each bring to the encounter their experiences, goals, values, attitudes, belief, and knowledge, which affect everything they say and interpret in the event. · Message - messages can be verbal and nonverbal. Verbal messages include words people use in the encounter or basically what one says. Nonverbal messages may differ based on the communicator's frame of reference. · Channel - channels may affect a message. There are various channels people use to communicate with one another such as telephone, computer, or book. · Interference - anything that gets in the way of shared meaning between the speaker and listener, may be external of internal. · Feedback - very important to the communication process. It involves both the speaker and the listener simultaneously. The speaker sends the message and the listener responds. · Context - Communication happens in context. The time of day, location, or social situation all provide context to the communication encounter.

What are the steps in the process of perception

Perception is the process by which we select, organize and interpret the world around us. The first step is select, what you see, hear, feel, smell or taste. The next step is organization, methods are organized according to figure, ground, and grouping. The last step is interpret, when one makes conclusions based on evidence.

List and describe the three benefits of studying communication.

Personal - to create more meaningful relationships and become more confident in expressing our ideas and point of view. · Professional - creating a positive first impression during a job interview. · Social - to influence others and persuade them to your point of view.

Define plagiarism. Explain the difference between intentional and unintentional plagiarism.

Plagiarism occurs when you present someone else's words or ideas as if they were your won. One may intentionally plagiarize when they acknowledge they stole someone's thoughts or ideas. Unintentional plagiarism occurs because of carelessness.

What is self-concept? What is the relationship between perception and self-concept?

Self-concept is how you see yourself, feel yourself and how you think others would describe you. It is comprised of your self-image and your self-esteem. Factors that affect perception also affect your self-concept.

What are some guidelines for integrating your presentation aid into your speech?

The aid must be gracefully integrated into the message of the speech. To effectively do this practicing is essential. Rehearse your presentation and maintain eye contact with the audience. Also make sure to avoid obstructing the audience's view of the presentation. Determine an effective position to present your speech and aid before you begin presenting. Also, be prepared to do without, technology is not always reliable so be aware.

Describe the difference between ethics and ethical communication.

The difference between ethics and ethical communication is that ethics is a decision based on "what should be done" instead of "what is wanted to be done". Ethical communication is ethics influences the way we communicate.

What is the difference between nervousness and communication apprehension?

The difference between nervousness and communication apprehension, is that communication apprehension is the fear of communication. While natural nervousness is when your body is responding to your anticipated performance by producing extra adrenaline causing one to feel jittery.

What are the guidelines for writing a specific-purpose statement?

The first guideline is to include a general purpose, focus on the topic and the audience. Second, is avoid being too broad or general. Third, make sure to write the specific purpose statement as a statement and not a question. Lastly, have the statement be one distinct idea.

List and explain the four standards that can be used to make ethical communication decisions.

The first standard is a political perspective, this helps us to understand ethical practices based on a value system. The second is dialogical perspective, interactions between people should promote the development of self, personality and knowledge. Another standard may be used to guide our decisions is human perspective. This states we have a responsibility to ourselves and to others to be open, gentle, compassionate and critically reflective in our choices. Lastly, situational perspective considers the context of the communication event.

The text mentions three factors that influence your choice for an organizational pattern. What are they? List and explain the four organizational patterns mentioned in the text.

The four organization patterns are chronological order, spatial order, topical order and causal order. When using chronological order, your main points will follow a time sequence. This method is most effective when you want to inform your audience about a series of events as they occurred. The spatial pattern arranges ideas according to place or position. This is best used for informative speeches. Topical order pattern organized a speech by breaking the overall topic into smaller subtopics. Causal order is the last method. This pattern highlights the cause-effect relationships that exist among the main points. The main point is devoted to establishing causes and other main point describes the effects.

Describe the premise of the National Communication Association Credo for Ethical Communication.

The national Communication Association Credo for Ethical Communication decided to create and adopt a code of ethics for communication behaviors.

Describe the themes that will run throughout the course.

The themes that run throughout this course are to become a more competent, confident, ethical communicator and a better critical thinker, as well as becoming more media and information literate.

Describe the four ways to manage communication apprehension.

There are four ways to manage communication apprehension such as, systematic desensitization, cognitive restructuring, visualization and skills training. Systematic desensitization is learning how to relax by listening to music, muscle relaxation, or introduce yourself to the source of your fear over time. Cognitive restructuring is directly linked to psychological effects of apprehension which involves getting people to identify their worst fears and restructure them in a positive manner. Visualization helps those who suffer from psychological efforts of communication apprehension. Visualizing yourself giving a successful speech is possible to boost your confidence. Skills training involves learning about the steps necessary to plan for and present a public speech. Once a skill is learned, you can move on to the next.

What are the various ways you can display your presentation aid?

There are several methods one can use to display a presentation aid such as paper or screen. You can hand out flyers or use a camera, projector or monitor.

What are the types of presentation aids?

Types of presentation aids include written language, data graphics, diagrams, illustrations and paintings, photographs, films and animations, and objects.

List and define the five types of supporting material.

Types of supporting material are books, journals, magazines, newspapers or news sources and government documents. Books cover virtually any topic, fact or fiction and have a wide range of information in them. Journal articles are written by scholars in an academic or professional field that cover research in that field. Magazine are published at regular intervals throughout the year and articles are available quickly in stores or online. Newspaper is an exceptional source of recent information on a myriad of topics. Government documents cover important public policy issues.

What should you consider when selecting and incorporating support material for your speech?

You should consider if the supporting material adds strength to the speech, allow to effectively convey information to the audience and connect with them. These methods include analogies, facts, examples and testimonies.

Name the three things to consider when selecting a topic for any presentation. Describe two ways to generate ideas for a topic.

Yourself, your audience and your occasion are three things to consider when selecting a topic for a presentation. One way to generate ideas is by personal inventory. This practice is listing categories and then generating ideas in specific categories. Another way is by brainstorming, this is done by allowing yourself to think a few minutes to think of as many ideas as possible.

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