Comm 424 Final

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Public virginity tests are an example of how cultures may use rituals to:

1)create and maintain social relationships 2)serve a cohesive function for the larger society 3)teach values A B C are Correct

According to the video, how many undocumented people are in the United States right now?

11 million

The age group most affected by any possible dangers of being openly gay or lesbian is:

14 to 20

More than _______percent of the population of New York was born outside the US.


According to a study by Hal Gregerson, what percentage of US workers were recalled early from overseas placements due to poor performance?


By the middle of the 21st-century,_______ percent of the US population will be speaking Spanish


Africa is made up of:

56 different countries

What label do Americans of Spanish, Central, south, or Latin America heritage prefer according to the reading?

A label referring to their family's country of origin (Cuban American, Dominican, etc.)

What is the Niqab?

A niqab is the veil part of the sartorial hijab, it is the cloth that covers the face.

Camp is:

A place to go to as a child for activities and campfires. How we perform our lives in front of others. An attempt to do and be extra ordinary. (All of the above)

Andrew wore a t-shirt saying "Save a walleye, spear an Indian." This is an example of:

A,B and C

The developmental stage in which a majority group members are seen as individuals with no group identity, culture, or shared experience of racial privilege, is known as:


The largest group of Muslims in the United States are:


Which of the following was NOT a form of prejudice as described by Cheri and Star

All are

Culture is defined in this chapter as:

All of the below answers are correct. 1. That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. 2. Shared values, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, norms, and material objects. 3. The rules for living and functioning in society

The term hetero sexism means:

Assuming that the behavior of heterosexual individuals is normal and that any behavior that deviates from that Norm is bad.

The continent of Africa was subdivided into countries by________.

At least seven European nations.

What did the pastor say it meant to be a girl?


Which is true regarding the concept of face?

B.It is strongly related to supporting one's positive feelings of self worth, B. For the Chinese, the ability to read another's "face" is necessarily to get along socially C. The concept of face has changed over the years (A,B and C are correct)

High uncertainty avoidance cultures tend to _______.

Be more hierarchical

Africa is primarily a _______ culture


Hinduism is an example of a:

Being in becoming orientation

What did the international human rights commission find when they studied US schools and racism?

Black kindergartners were suspended from school at rates that were up to 40% more often than white kindergartners

Based on the two passages the author quotes from the Quran, she believes that the hijab should be worn:

By men and women

Drake queens are used by EADIE as an example of:


________Will soon be the number one English-speaking nation in the world.


The new scramble for Africa video claimed that three new colonial powers are contributing to African in exchange for economic opportunities, access to natural resources, and influence over African governments. What countries were listed as modern colonial African powers?

China, France, US

According to Henderson, Powells five levels of communication include:

Cliché conversation, reporting fax about others, ideas and judgments, feelings and emotions, sincere liking.

When Sam changes her vocabulary and manner of speech when talking to her friends versus talking with her parents, she is experiencing:

Code - switching

sammy is celebrating Kwanzaa. This holiday's values deeply reflect ________ nature of African Americans.

Collectivist verses individualistic

Face is constructed and demonstrated through __________.

Communication, interaction, exchange of meaning (All of the above)

Shirley Turkle claims that _____ are fragmenting our identities


the primary decision making style in Japan is:


The best definition of verbal would be______________.

Consisting of words

Jim is the lawyer who works for two parties negotiating the sale of a boat. In the US, Jim would be considered a:

Contractual intermediary

Rituals serve to_____________.

Create social relationships. Maintain social relationships. Teach people what is good/should be valued. Serve a cohesive function for society.

Identity is negotiated refers primarily to the idea that identity is:

Created by through communication

"identity is negotiated" refers primarily to the idea that identity is:

Created through communication

When Eadie discusses how culture relies on the use of signifiers such as clothing to identify gays, he was referring to the importance of_______________

Cultural artifacts

Julie and Ramade participated in a cultural exchange. When Julie was Egypt, she was appalled by the restrooms with a hole in the floor and two porcelain "footprints" indicating where to squat. When Ramade visited the United States, she was disgusted by the American practice of putting the shower in the same room as the toilet. This is an example of _____

Cultural sensitivity I think ;/

Denise just started a new job at a PR firm. The firm is run very differently from her old job, and she is getting depressed and frustrated. All the techniques she used to get along at her previous job don't seem to work now. The best term to use to describe what Denise is suffering from is:

Culture shock

The Chinese exclusion act of 1902 was used in the reading as an example of:

Direct institutional discrimination

Florida State University is unique in that it:

Directly involves Seminole tribal members in many of the universities most meaningful events including commencement and homecoming. Six advice and direction to insure any Seminole tribal imagery used is authentic and respectful. Does not have a mascot, but does represent chief Osceola wearing clothing song by the woman of the seminal tribe at some major sporting events.(all of the above)

What is the social model of disability

Disability is a social construct, thus, the perceptions that society has about someone based on their disability or us or even more important than the disability itself when it comes to determining how they're able to function with in that society.

After filming a movie in Manila, Claire Danes stated in a vogue magazine article that manila is a ghastly and weird city that smelled of cockroaches, with rats all over, and that there is no sewerage system, and the people do not have anything - no arms, no legs, no eyes. Claire Danes comments about the people of manila reflect a

Distance of disparagement

As described by Henderson, black culture is a____________culture.

Doing or being

Kluckholn&Strodtbeck would classify a culture where the worth of an individual is measured by standards external to the individual as a________.

Doing orientation

The four elements of cultural intelligence are:

Drive, knowledge, strategy, and action

African culture is:

Dynamic, high context, polychronic. (A, B and C are correct)

The readings suggest six reasons why it is imperative to study intercultural communication. What are those reasons?

Economics, technology, demographics, peace, self awareness, and ethics

Giago attempts to change the minds of those who do not see a problem with Native American mascots through what primary tactic:


Many scholars believe the adolescent bowling and teasing is a result of:

Ego - defense. Regularity - need to fit in. A need for ingroup rewards and approval. (A, B and C are correct)

Forces of globalization that decreased physical barriers...

Exacerbate ethnic and national barriers

What is the definition of culture provided in the Ted talk?

Excepted and familiar

What do the blue collars in the eye of the storm video represent?

Exterior signifiers of difference such as skin or hair color

In Chinese culture, disapproval is expressed through verbal language


Madison, Wisconsin is discussed in the EADIE article as one of the top 10 most popular places for gay male couples to live in the United States. True or false?


The equality act passed Congress in 2015. True or false?


The fight to change the name of Washington's football team in the logo of Cleveland's baseball team is just about political correctness. True or false?


The primary level of culture is communicated chiefly by verbal means. True or false?


The terms "Hispanic" and Latino/a" can be used interchangeably because they both refer to essentially the same segment of the US population


True or false,: most hate crimes are motivated by hate rather than fear


True or false: North American communication often focuses on the receiver, with listening and careful interpretation highly valued


True or false: a narrative must be told down at least three generations in order to be considered a cultural narrative.


True or false: according to Henderson, blacks are less inclined than whites to share the space they work and live in.


True or false: according to the readings on black identity, the primary goal in race relations is equality.


True or false: by 1993, college, high school, and professional sports teams had all be gone changing their names to eliminate the use of offensive Indian images and objects.


True or false: collectivism in East Asian cultures is a general concern for the abstract collective other.


True or false: federal law protects individuals from job discrimination based on sexual orientation and/or gender.


True or false: people with high cultural intelligence see people as people. Everyone is the same, everyone is equal.


True or false: the Berlin conference of 1884 decided the ways in which Europe and the US would allocate aid to Africa.


True or false: the English language realize on about 15 phonemes


True or false: the idea that people are people, we are more similar than different, is an indication of someone with high cultural intelligence


True or false: the way people with disabilities are labeled does not affect how they are seen by others and how they perceive themselves.


True or false: there is a clear empirical evidence supporting the U curve model of culture shock.


stereotypes differ along the dimensions of direction, intensity, accuracy, valence and form


Scandinavian cultures tend to be characterized as having fluid gender roles. Hofstead would classify these cultures as ____________.


Henderson claims that the majority of communication between blacks and whites takes place at the:

Fifth level

The biggest roadblock to changing sports mascots is:

Financial factors

The average US family today moves_____times.


Tammy was listening to Susie give a speech. A few minutes into the speech Tammy closed her eyes and rested her head back on the wall. Tammy is:

For susie's sake, hopefully Japanese

What is the primary argument that Governor Walker made against restricting school districts from using Native American names?

Freedom of speech

In many European cultures, women do not shave their arms or legs, yet in the US, a woman who does not shave is considered masculine, a return to nature type, or lesbian. This is an example of:

Gender identity

According to the chen and starosta reading, which is the best definition for perception:

Giving meaning to stimuli we sense

Hall considers communication that focuses on nonverbal cues in the physical setting of the communication as______________.

High context communication

One of the major factors limiting successful communication between individuals with disabilities and individuals without disabilities is:

High levels of uncertainty about how to interact

What are the six forces that maintain cultural differences as discussed in the reading?

History, ecology, technology, biology, institutional networks, and interpersonal communication patterns

When someone is excited about all the differences there experiencing any new culture, what stage of cultural adaptation are they in?


By talking to her mom and hearing her mom tell her often that she is bright, and can do anything, Jamie comes to think of herself as capable and independent. This is an example of:

How identities are created through communication

The main plot and lesson in the story of little red riding hood teaches children:

How to discern what is safe and what is dangerous

Hofstede's triangular model of human behavior would suggest that the behavior of eating three times a day is most likely defined by ______

Human nature? i think (not the family..)

When you find something funny because your dad found it funny, you are demonstrating how enculturation takes place through ________


When something or someone exchanges information with their environment and Co-evolves with that environment, this is referred to as:

In open system

Jeff is from the hearing culture, sari is from the deaf culture. Jeff needs to tell sari about a group meeting after class. Jeff looks sari right in the face and yelled loudly, we are going to meet at 10 in the library. Sari reads Jeff's lips and understands the message but her feelings are hurt by Jeff yelling in her face this is an example of:

Inappropriate but Effective communication on Jeff's part

Anderson states that the United States extreme____________makes it hard for us to interact with and understand people from other cultures.


What is the difference between an individualistic mindset and the universalistic mindset

Individualism encourages want to focus on the needs of once a primary culture group, while universalism encourages want to focus on the more universal needs of humanity as a whole

Which of the following sets of characteristics relate more to eastern rather than western world view?

Interdependence, being orientation, indirect communication styles

_________________ are the primary means through which a culture transmits it's beliefs and practices from one generation to another.

Interpersonal communication patterns. Mh

Tom told me a story about what students were like before I came to teach here. Because the story concurred with others stories I had heard about college students in the past, I accepted Tom's story as truth. This is an example of ______

Interrelation I think :/

Which of the following countries is the lowest touch culture according to the reading.


According to Confucianism, what are the principles from which proper conduct arises?

Jen, i, li and Chih

In the____________time has a clear beginning and end and a clear direction.

Judeo - Christian tradition

Gestures fit into which one of the following nonverbal categories?


Hofstede would consider cultures that recognize that people are not equal, and emphasize status and rank as ______

Large power distance (I think)

Due to their more polychronic time orientation, Mexican immigrants in Texas are sometimes viewed as:


By 1914, when the scramble for Africa was slowing down and people were just beginning to recognize the human cost of the 20 your process of arbitrarily dividing up the continent a new countries controlled by European powers, the only independent African states left in the whole continent were:

Liberia in Ethiopia

Braithwaite and Braithwaite describe how a non-disabled person tends to interact with people with disabilities. Which of the following was not a characteristic of these types of interactions?

Longer conversations

Americans focus on the free market economy is an indication of their:

Low uncertainty avoidance

Beside intravenous drug users, which group of gay men have the highest risk for contacting HIV/AIDS?


Not including intravenous drug users, which group of gay men have the highest risk for contracting HIV/AIDS?


The Stonewall riots were historically important for____________.

Marking the start of the gay liberation movement

Marty has an encapsulated identity. What does this mean in terms of how Murray might behave?

Marty is troubled by her status of living on the margin and feels torn between two groups.

Black children were____________likely to see the situation on the playground where one child of color was on the ground and another child who was white was near the swingset as something positive than white children were.


When compared to Anglo Americans, Latinos tend to use __________.

More gestures and more touching behavior (b and c, but not A) or more masculine, exhibit higher power distance not C -more "doing" oriented

When compared to Anglo - Americans, Latinos tend to be___________.

More masculine and exhibit higher power distance. ( a and b, but not C)

In Chinese, the word Ma means

Mother, toad, horse (a,b, and c are correct depending upon the phonetics of the morphene

A cultural _____ teaches us how the world works, what our place is in the world, and how to evaluate the world

Narrative I think ;/

Overall, white children were far more likely than black children to see the scenarios of the children on the swings__________.


What does the OK sign mean in Russia, France, and the United States?

Offensive/rude, you are a zero, everything is OK

Which of the following nonverbal codes does the tax claim has been basically ignored and intercultural communication research, despite its importance?


Estimates of how many people in the United States have a disability run as high as:

One in five

The findings in Braithwaite and Braithwaites research can be applied to:

Only individuals with physical disabilities

Allport (1958) as cited in the Chen and Starosta reading, defines "stereotypes" as:

Overgeneralized and oversimplified beliefs we use to categorize a group of people

Braithwaite and Braithwaite tell the story of Jonathan, his date, and the treatment of the restaurant server, to illustrate the point that__________.

People with disabilities can speak for themselves. We should treat people with disabilities as people first. One shouldn't avoid communication with a person with a disability just because he/she is unsure or uncomfortable. People with disabilities still experience prejudice and discrimination. (All the above)

Braithwaite and Braithwaite suggest which of the following terms for a member of the coculture they write about?

Person with a disability

When we are learning from narratives about our place in the world we are learning about our:

Personal identities and social identities (both a and b are correct but not c)

Hofstede's triangular model of human behavior of preferring to wear a yellow is most likely defined by ______


In some East Asian languages such as Korean, the language reflects the values of hierarchy. In Korean the axis of address in the language is divided into:

Plain, polite, and honorific

Narratives are retellings of a series of events told from a___________.

Point of view

When Elora, who is 2, wants her daddy, she says momma, momma. It drives her daddy crazy, and he spends a lot of time telling her, no I am daddy. What aspect of language is her daddy concerned with?


The US education system is designed to support a future - oriented time orientation, but young people who use technology are more likely to have a______________.

Present/hedonistic time orientation

Narratives involve four elements. What are they?

Problems, actions, outcomes, and characters.

The abundance of self-help books and makeover television shows best reflects which dominant American cultural pattern?

Progress and change

When an Arab person stands two close to an American in the American feels uncomfortable, this would be a result of differences in the nonverbal code of___________.


According to Henderson, discussion styles vary between blacks and whites. Black discussion style____________while white discussion style ____________

Puts truth before peace, puts peace before truth

While the U curve hypothesis describes the culture shock process, the W curve expands it to describe the sojourners___________.

Reentry to his or her original culture

What did the research conducted on blind and cited Olympic athletes find to be true about happiness and sadness?

Regardless of whether or not an athlete could see, they expressed happiness and sadness the same way.

"Cheese, Brats and Spotted Cow" is a great example of the power of a _______ identity


I love cheese, brats, and spotted cow is a great example of the power of a__________identity.


Amalia joined a Chicago student group at her university, she spoke mostly Spanish outside of her classes, and she valued celebration Mexican holiday and traditions. Although she is American, she identified more with her Chicano roots. She was most likely in the _________ stage of identity development


Amelia joined a Chicano student group at her university, she spoke mostly Spanish outside of her classes, and she valued celebrating Mexican holidays and traditions. Although she is American, at this stage in her life she is strongly identifying more with her Chicano heritage. She is likely in the___________stage of identity development.


It is a bad child that does not take advice, is an African proverb that highlights the value of a place on___________.

Respect for elders

According to lustig and koester the terms phonology, morphology, semantics, Syntactics and pragmatics represent__________.

Rule systems for verbal codes

Denise and Sara are both going to study abroad in Peru next term. Which of the following is likely to happen based on what you know about culture shock?

Sarah has a strong network of support from her church group in Peru, and Denise does not have much support in Peru, so Denise is likely to experience more culture shock

Right before his capture by the opposing military forces, Chiang Kai-shek positioned himself in a small cave with his hands over his face and his legs and hips sticking out of a small cave, as a symbolic way to show_______.

Saving face is more important than saving his life

Matt is looking to buy a house. Every time he goes online he spends a few minutes on looking at houses. This is an example of:

Selective exposure

Tammy is talking to Susie in English. Tami is an English as a first language speaker while Susie is an English as a third language speaker. Susie and Tami's conversation is likely limited by ______________.

Semantic noise

Elora is almost 2. She has a vocabulary of about 30 words. She often uses one word to mean many things. For example, she will say milk when she wants a drink of anything. She will call mom dad grandma and her big sister cassette, mama. Laura is the early stages of learning:


The study of the meaning of words is called__________.


Tami has worked for the same boss for many years. She had a high opinion of her boss and liked her very much. One day, a new employee came in telling a story about how rude the boss happened to him. What was Tami's most likely reaction?

She rejected the story and chose not to believe it as it did not fit with her preceding stories about her boss

Ron is a cheesehead. He wears green and gold and hates the bears. If you ask him about himself, he will proudly state that he is from Wisconsin. Ron is a great example of:

Social identity theory in action, membership boundaries. BOTH A and C are correct

The main difference between East Asian and North American perspectives are the North Americans focus on individualism and East Asians focus on____________.

Social relationships

The idiom nose open means:

Someone who is passionately in love

The "face" as a concept is:

Something that is the responsibility of the group to maintain. Everyone is responsible for everyone else's face

When Hason decries The tendency to lump all Muslims together and assign all the same characteristics to every member of the group, she is describing the tendency to:


What statement is FALSE regarding stereotyping?

Stereotyping is always negative

How you make sense of culturally diverse experience is referred to as:


The cycle of acculturation is:

Stress - adaption - growth

_________Is the leading cause of death among black Americans.

Stress - related illness

__________ is the leading cause of death among black Americans.

Stress-related illness

Tanya is an African-American. She is interested in the accuracy of global warming. She has two pieces of data, 1. A scientific study showing temperature changes across the globe and 2. A qualitative study showing interviews with people of various ages from all over the world reporting on how weather has changed in their lifetime. According to Henderson, which study would she value more?

Study 2

Kluckholn and strodtbeck suggest that in various cultures, man's value orientation toward nature could be described as________.

Subjugation to nature. Cooperation with nature. Controlling nature.(a,b, and c)

Which of the following is the best example of how cultures is both adaptive and resistant the following is the best example of how cultures is both adaptive and resistant?

Susie is the CEO of a fortune 500 company. She is married to Jeff. Jeff is a CEO of a fortune 500 company. Susie is the primary caregiver for her two daughters.

A focus on economic success has led to a:

Systematic evaluation of the feminine

According to the definition provided by Griffin in 2005, which of the following is an act of communication?

Tammy is snoring, Susie is waking her up, and then Tammy apologizes to Susie for being so loud

Tara is vising Wisconsin from Nigeria. She is surprised by many things, but the biggest one is:

That her Wisconsin public school separates religion and education

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis claims:

That the fact that English capitalizes the pronoun I encourages English speakers to have an individualistic view of the world. The language influences how people think about and view their world. (A and b are correct)

Some scholars theorize that Americans have 2 main stereotypes of Africans. They are:

The Savage and the innocent

The cross - race effect refers to,:

The failure to distinguish between different people of an ethnic group other than one's own

What is the lanham act

The federal law that prevents trademarks being issues for terms deemed derogatory or offensive

Jared was upset when a little red sports car cut him off while driving. Jerk, he thought, what a crummy driver, that man is a horrible person. This is an example of:

The fundamental -attribution- error

When the Greek playright Aeschylus wrote, "Everyone is quick to blame the alien," he was referring to _____

The human propensity to respond negativity to those who are different

The linear stage model of the U curve or W curve is a useful tool. However, it has many weaknesses. According to Penderson, it's biggest flaw is:

The nature of the stage model implies a linear process, where people progress in an orderly manner through the stages. This is not an accurate representation of the reality of transformation

When the Ted talk speaker talks about inspirational. She argues that porn is the correct word to use in this context because porn is the objectification of one group for the benefit of another. To what groups is she referring to?

The objectification of people with disabilities for the benefit of people with able - bodies

Pray it away refers to:

The practice of crane to overcome ones homosexuality

Jaed doesn't like people from Illinois. He calls them firms. While driving to work one day, he was listening to in NPR show on bad drivers. The worst drivers according to the federal that statistics were from California and Arizona. A few cities such as Chicago, San Diego, New York, and Dallas had very bad congestion problems.Kaed walked into work and told a colleague the crappy us drivers in the US or in Chicago, I heard it on NPR. This is an example of:

The principle of negativity

Adaptation is defined as:

The process by which we learn and are changed by the learning

The term Redskin refers to:

The red dried blood on native American body parts collected by white hunters and trappers

The keh chee ritual is used in the reading as an example of how rituals are often perceived as________.

The same thing over and over

Which of the following is not an indicator that a sojourner is experiencing culture shock?

The sojourner is convinced that these discrepancies are short term

In the United States, people are likely to say hi to strangers the meat while walking their dogs, or entering the building. This is an example of:

The universalistic nature of relationships

This too will change is a lesson that illustrates how negative teachers__________.

The way the world works

When discussing someone's race, you are discussing:

Their physical characteristics. Their social benefits or limitations. Their personal identity. ( All the above)

What is the complicating factor discussed in the reading that impacts all we know about racial differences?

There is no pure race-all human beings are of mixed genetic origins, making any racial distinctions or classifications impossible based on biology or genetics

Cultural patterns are characterized by all but one of the following. Which one?

They are best thought of as either/or dichotomies

According to Anderson's article on nonverbal behavior, what tends to be true about local contact cultures,?

They are more task - oriented than high context cultures

Collectivist cultures exhibit all but one of the following characteristics. Which one?

They have flexible social framework's

In Turkey, Kurdish farmers have a handshake tradition when bargaining. What is it?

They shake hands continuously until the deal is made.

Hall suggests that p-time cultures are characterized by all but one of the following. Which one?

They take punctuality seriously

Giago provide two reasons why names such as the fighting Irish in the San Diego Padres are not defensive, while the Cleaveland Indians or the Kansas City Chiefs are offensive. What are his reasons?

Those teams were named from within, and the fan rituals do not involve actions that insult the name

Hall argues that polychronic time cultures exhibit all but one of the following:

Time is a commodity (I think ;/ )

"If you keep your face, you lose rice" suggests that face value is changing in a free market economy.


According to King, non-native Americans view their use of Native American mascots and fan rituals as honoring Native Americans.


An individual with multiple international working experiences is likely to have a higher CQ then an individual who has lived abroad for several years in one location. True or false?


DJ Kealys research found that sojourners who experienced intense culture shock were more productive a broad than those that expanse a little or no culture shock stress.


High contact cultures tend to be located in warmer weather climates, while low contact cultures tend to be located in cooler climates. True or false?


In 2020, nearly half of the US population will consist of racial and ethnic minorities. True or false?


Latinos/as of Mexican orgin make up the largest group of Latinodas in the United States


One result of lack of recognition of social class in the US is a nationwide "blame the victim" mentality


Our four components of competency discussed in the reading, experience is the most essential to FULLY gaining competency.


True or false: Latinos contribute more to American society and work in Taxes then they cost in services.


True or false: Latinos contribute more to American society and work in taxes than they cost in services.


True or false: acculturalation is always tied to deculturarion


True or false: adaptation is always a compromise.


True or false: countries in which women are economically important and more sexual standards for woman are permissive show more relaxed vocal patterns and do other less egalitarian countries.


True or false: in the 350 years of African slave trade in the United States, 9 to 10 million Africans reached America


True or false: labels are an essential part of how we view ourselves and others.


True or false: one of the benefits of the hijab is that it forces men to take woman seriously and not see her as an object.


True or false: one of the main audiences for or nonverbal's are ourselves.


True or false: rituals are often so ingrained that we do not notice they exist until we do not performing correctly and someone gets upset with us.


True or false: the Judeo Christian tradition sees time as Uni directional.


True or false: there is a pecking order among languages and dialects that is supported by the prevailing political order.


In the documentary trailer, the filmmaker argued that the term illegal immigrant should be replaced - at least for individuals like himself that came as children - with another term. What label did he suggest?

Undocumented Americans

Examples of polarized thinking include:

Us versus them. Black versus white. Tall versus short. (All of the above)

are primarily culturally determined and are the guidelines we use to determine if something/someone is good/bad, right/wrong, moral/immoral.


The educational model of culture shock:

Views culture shock as a state of growth and development which can result in positive outcomes

Intercultural communication occurs:

Whenever a person from one culture or coculture sends a message to be processed by a person of a different culture oracle culture.

Sarah and Tom are talking. Sarah asks do I look fat in this dress? Tom answers absolutely not! Sara slept time and runs from the room crying. What likely happened in terms of nonverbal's and how Sarah read his nonverbal's?

While Tom was saying no he was also puffing his cheeks in and out like a blowfish and rolling his eyes

What does the author mean when she quotes, establishment Muslims have made the hijab a litmus Test for a woman's credentials?

Woman who do not wear hijab are shunned/considered not true Muslims

Benefiting from cultural differences in the workplace involves:

Working with diverse employees. Seeing new business markets and customer bases. Developing a marketing new products. (A,b, and c)

________________ is/are what forms people's orientation toward such philosophical concepts as God, the universe, nature, and so on.


Emil insists that 8+9=5. Edward insists that 8+9=17. Using military time and the 10 unit numerical structure, both are correct. Their conflict is an excellent example of how culture is _______

a system

The text uses the example of how the Jewish culture has survived wars, natural disasters, and other calamities as proof of the ______ nature of culture


feedback is important in intercultural communication because it allows for:

all of the above

Hofstede's triangular model of human behavior reminds us that ______

an individual may behave differently than the norms dictated by his or her culture

When US participates were asked to report what they saw in their bifocal viewer they reported that they saw a:

baseball game

Africa is primarily a ______ culture


Drag Queens are used by Eadie as an example of:


which stage of the perception process is said to give perception both structure and stability?


Tammy is Native American and feels a strong tie to her ethnic heritage. Susie is German American, and has no German ties to her ethnicity. This is an example of how our _____ is derived from our sense of belonging to a particular group

cultural identity

Food is a _____.

cultural unifier (i think) :/ not sure)

This course approaches learning about culture from the _______ method.


The informal language Americans use in the workplace, e.g., calling one another by their first names, is a manifestation of which dominant American cultural pattern


The primary way to judge how much face is given, lost, gained, rewarded, or saved in a certain situation is by examining the socially shaped _____of those involved.


cultures in which people tend to possess large savings and investments are defined by Hofstede as ________ cultures

long-term orientation

when kina goes to eat at Hana's house, he eats every morsel on his plate, but he does not talk at all. Hana worries that he does not like the meal. Hana is likely from a ___________.

low context

The _______ of our perception is the orgine of misunderstanding in interaction


Sari thinks that it is not her place to judge Jeff's actions because she is not a member of his culture and cannot truly know how he thinks/feels. She has a _______ perspective.


High context cultures seek to resolve conflict by all but one of the following

saving face (I think) ...

susie reads the book, "The boy who cried wolf" to her little girl every day in order to teach her little girl the dangers of lying. This is an example of:

teaching cultural rules through folklore, intergenerational communication, and symbols

Jared doesn't like people from Illinois. He calls them FIBs. While driving to work one day, he was listening (according to DOT statistics) were from California and Arizona. A few cities such as Chicago, San Diego. Jared walked into work and told a colleague--"the crappiest drivers in the US are in Chicago.

the principle of negativity

Enculturation is:

the process by which we internalize positive values, beliefs, and attitudes about our home culture through continued immersion/exposure

In the iceberg model of culture the area above the waterline represents ________

ways of doing (then it goes way of thinking and believing then worldview....out of awareness)

According to the video, how many undocumented children are there in the United States?

1 to 2 million

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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