Commonly Confused Words- NoRedInk

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A lot vs alot

A lot

A vs an

A: comes before words with consent sounds An: comes before words that begin with a vowel sound

accept vs except

Accept: to receive Except: to exclude.

allowed vs aloud

Allowed: Granting Permission Aloud: To say out loud

Altar vs alter

Altar: ALTAR is confused with ALTER Alter: to change

Because vs cause

Because: example- he asked me to pick him up because he was drunk Cause: noun: a reason; verb: to make happen

Biased vs bias

Biased: unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something. Bias: give a bias too. example- bias the ball

Buy vs by vs bye

Buy: to buy something at a store By: ownership: ex. this book was by... Bye: saying goodbye to someone

everyday vs every day

Everyday: modifies noun Everyday: does not modify noun

farther vs further

Farther: Measureable distance Further: Greater degree or greater extent

fewer vs less

Fewer: refers to a number you can count Less: refers to an amount of something.

Have vs of

Have: to possess; example- they have beautiful daughters Of: connects a noun with a preceding word; example- most of the books

Hole vs whole

Hole: example- you dig a hole Whole: example- you have a whole pizza in front of you

Into vs in to

Into: indicates movement toward the inside of a place In to: it does NOT indicate actual movement

It's vs Its

It's: it is Its: ownership

Knot vs not

Knot: a tied rope Not: expresses denial

Know vs no

Know: to understand. No: the opposite of yes.

Later vs latter

Later: something that will happen in the future Latter: situated or occurring nearer to the end of something than to the beginning. example- the latter half of 1989

Lay vs lie vs laid vs lain

Lay: to put down Lie: be in or assume a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface Laid: PAST TENSE OF LAY Lain: PAST PARTICAPLE OF LIE

lay vs lie

Lay: to put something down Lie: to recline yourself

Loose vs lose

Loose: release something that has been restrained Lose: to be deprived of something

Metal vs medal vs meddle vs mettle

Metal: a solid material that is typically hard, shiny, malleable, fusible, and ductile Medal: a metal disk with an inscription or design, made to commemorate an event or awarded as a distinction to someone Meddle: interfere in or busy oneself unduly with something that is not one's concern. Mettle: a person's ability to cope well with difficulties or to face a demanding situation in a spirited and resilient way.

number vs amount

Number: Countable Amount: Uncountable

Passed vs past

Passed: indicates motion Past: refers to a prior time period or direction

Right vs write

Right: the opposite of wrong Write: you write down words

To vs too vs two

To: Often used in a sense of going to a place/person. Too: Another way of saying also. Two: A number

Who's vs whose

Who's: who is Whose: possessive/belongingness

You're vs your

You're: you are your: belonging to any person

advice vs advise

advice: recommendation advise: the act of giving recommendation

affect vs effect

affect: verb effect: noun

allusion vs. illusion

allusion: an indirect mention of something illusion: false perception

already vs all ready

already: before or by now or the time in question all ready: completely prepared; example- trisha was all ready to go and see bobby

altogether vs all together

altogether: a total, a sum all together: a time reference,

Among vs Between

among: surrounded by; in the company of between: at, into, or across the space separating (two objects or regions)

anyone vs any one

anyone: any person any one: any single thing

anyway vs anyways


apart vs a part

apart: (of two or more people or things) separated by a distance a part: a piece of a segment of something

beside vs besides

beside: next to besides: in addition to

cite vs sight vs site

cite: to quote sight: vision site: a place

Desert vs dessert

desert: dry sandy place dessert: sweet food that comes right after dinner

Discreet vs discrete

discreet: quiet discrete: individually separate and distinct

everyone vs every one

everyone: every person every one: each one

good vs well

good: to be desired or approved of. well: in a satisficatory way.

Hear vs here

hear: listen here: this place

idle vs idol

idle: to leave behind; suspension idol: someone you look up to

maybe vs may be

maybe: perhaps; possibly. may be: The words 'may' expresses possibility and sometimes suggests permission. example- Dr. Hueves may be here. = It is possible that Dr. Hueves is here.

morning vs mourning

morning: the beginning of the day mourning: you are mourning the loss of someone

plain vs plane

plain: not fancy plane: a flat or level surface

Prejudice vs prejudiced

prejudice: noun prejudiced: adjective

principal vs principle

principal: head of school, chief principle: a fundamental belief

quiet vs quite

quiet: silent quite: just, very

role vs. roll

role: example- you have a role to play as a mature student at this middle school roll: example- to roll away

scene vs seen

scene: the place where an incident in real life or fiction occurs seen: past participle of see

than vs then

than: example- he was much smaller than his son then: at that time; at the time in question. example- I was living in Cairo then

their vs there vs they're

their: belonging to them there: that place they're: they are

weather vs whether

weather: climate outside whether: in either case

who vs whom

who: subject whom: object

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