Communications final exam

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You realize that your friend hasn't said anything after you say that you want to be more than friends

Stop self-disclosing if the other doesnt reciprocate your disclosure

Flexibility of some degree of acceptance of not having all the information

Tolerance for abiguity

Your ability to fit what you hear into existing schema, and interpret meaning based on the schema

Understanding stage of listening

Information that neither you nor your Nana know about you

Unknown self

You tell your friend you ditched him to hand out with others because you know your friend would feel he was made a fool of it he found out about it from someone else

self disclose if your motivation is positive

The professor asks her class, "can you hear me in the back?" and the students in the back say nothing but give her a thumbs up

Emblem (shrugging)

Wanda said to her friend "you sound worried that the party will be a big fail."

Empathic listening

Using statements that provide support by accepting the other persons feelings


Communicating in a way that indicates that the other is valued as much as self is valued


Marcus expects his boss to maintain social distance with him because they are not friends but colleagues

Equilibrium Theory

Which of the following is not a channel or type of nonverbal messages?


You hit the mark on the proposal. It was well done

Evaluative confirmation

The theory that explains relationship development using an economic model is _____

Exchange theory

Rigoberto noticed that his friend was more silent than usual

Expectancy Violations theory- something youre expecting to happen

Going to new places and trying new activities with your partner


Trying new things with your relationship partner


We communicate to explore compatibility as we seek to meet social needs

Experimenting stage of relationship development

Information that provides insight on why you do what you do

Explanatory knowledge

What element in definition of conflict is present which you tell your partner what is bothering you and your partner explains why s/he is reluctant to accommodate you

Expressed Struggle

Self-disclosure is most related to which dialectical tension


Although facial expressions are viewed as the most accurate channel for communicating emotion, language is the most accurate signal of deception


Competent communicators use one style of listening as a function of what they want to hear


Euphemisms can be useful when discussing taboo subject because they provide concrete mental images when discussing taboo subjects


When we are in a crowded place with strangers we avoid eye contact to maintain this type of space

Public distance

When texting your friend info about how worried you are about your lost cat, you type statements that you normally wouldn't say face-to-face

Disinhibition in mediated communication

Firefighters who are attempting to get people out of burning buildings will shout directions and point to where people should go perform types of nonverbal influence


Culture is a complex construct of tradition, new experiences, geographic history, and current habitat

Don't ask me where im from, ask me where im local

Feel guilty about ditching your friend to hang out with another group. Dont tell friend because it will upset them

Dont self-disclose if it will burden the other

Anita rehearses what she will say to her supervisor as she asks for a raise

Effective communication is not a natural ability.

Inclusion is met by seeking and finding each other, affection is met by acceptance of hand-holding and other positive regard behaviors, and control is met when your suggestions for new things to do is accepted

Realationship development

Which of the following concepts refers to the attachment of meaning to what is physically observed

Second Order reality

While watching tv, Roger realizes he hears muffled thump sounds coming form the kitchen. He mutes the tv to focus on the sound


___ refers to the tendency to blame external forces when we perform poorly

Self serving bias

Your feelings toward your girlfriend in none of your friends business so you don't tell her.

Self-disoclosure if the disclosure is appropriate

Virtual experiences can constitute culture

Social Maps that reveal a City's Intersections and Separations

Mediated communication and internet platforms remove the cultural link between one's sex and interest/ behaviors

Social Media & the End of Gender

Communicating in a way that is in the moment genuine response during interaction, instead of planned strategy for communicating


Activities in the relationship that shift the connection to comfortably predictable to boring routine


The relationship become routine


The model that reflects how language ranges from concrete, specific terms to vague, non-specific terms for an idea

Abstraction ladder

Conflict style that involves giving in to the demands of the other


Cultural emphasis on material success vs relationship development and maintenance

Achievement vs Nuturing

The following are all types of friendships except

Achievement vs. Nurturing

The employee is nervous during his performance evaluation so he shakes his foot


You seek out a person because the positive feelings you have for each other are demonstrated verbally and nonverbally


While jessica is talking with her grandmother about her upcoming wedding details, her grandmother is listening for details she can insult about jessicas plans. Jessicas grandmother is using what type of listening?


Thats the stupidest thing you've ever said


I disagree with your advice to keep this a secret and heres why


Thank you for the invitation to speak at the wedding, but I prefer to remain in the background

Assertive communication

Culture functions to set boundaries between who's in and who's out. But the boundary-setting can be overcome

Challenges to the perception of belonging

Occurs when people ignore or stay away from conflict situations


Making a point to not be around when your partner is present


Information your Nana knows about you that you don't know about you

Blind Self

Three sisters each get a tattoo of a puzzle piece that when viewed together form a heart in a family tree.

Body adornment

Making a legal commitment to each other


Entering into a legally binding relationship with another person

Bonding stage of relationship

Communication helps us secure practical, tangible needs for life, life buying a home, securing legal connections that provide security.

Bonding stage of relationship development and Maintenace

Avoidance of topics that will upset partner to keep the peace, avoidance of topics to the extent it harms the relationship


Avoiding topics or issues that could be a catalyst for a fight


Your ability to pull information from your mental templates for use in the conversation.

Cognitive Component of Remembering Stage

The style of handling conflict that involves a high degree of concern for both parties and willingness to redine the conflict issues


Cultural emphasis on either group membership or autonomy

Collectivism vs Individualism

___ cultures discourage revealing emotions which could be considered hurtful to others or negative


Which of the following is not a strategy for relationship maintenance

Commitment to total honesty in the relationship?

Anitas sister keeps borrowing her favorite shirt without asking. So, Anita puts a lock on her closet to keep it from happening again.

Communication will not solve all problems

Conflict style characterized by a win/lose dynamic


Conflict style in which parties "meet in the middle" (give us some to get some of what was wanted)


The dimension of a message that refers to objective reality or the subject of conversation is known as

Content dimension of a message

Wanda agreed to help her friends run errands before the party she and her friend was hosting. Wanda made a list as her friend told her what needed to be done

Content listening

You stay with a person because when you express an opinion or preference, s/he acknowledges it. S/he demonstrates behavior s/he knows you prefer and avoids those s/he knows you don't like. You have influence in the relationship


As Wanda was talking with her friend about how much ice they would need for their party, she questioned her roommates estimate by responding "you said 10 people will be there and we will need 10 bags of ice. That sounds like a lot of ice. Maybe too much."

Critical listening

After hearing the different opinions your parents have about you and your awareness of who you are in relation to others, you decide that your parents don't really know you.

Critical thinking

A college education has been emphasized as important success. You learned this at home, in grade school and high school, and in your community in general

Cultural Teachings

The type of relationship that operates according to social rules established by the culture within which you are interacting

Definition of Impersonal Relationship

Callie listens to how much her roommate is talking about a new friend the roommate has. Callie says : you are talking a lot about this girl. Sounds like love."

Depth listening

Which of the following is the first step in the perception checking process?

Describe the behavior you noticed

Using concrete, visual terms as a way of offering your thoughts, feelings, and wants without judging the listener


The degree of intimacy in a relationship is a function of the types of information you have with that person

Developmental definition of interpersonal relationship intimacy

Making decisions that asset your independence from the relationship


We communication to express our unique identity and nurture its growth

Differentiating Stage of Relationship Maintenance

Listening for nuances in meaning in what was said

Discernment Function of Listening

Using statements that indicate the possibility that other perspectives or other information is available


Social scientists label families with too little cohesion as enmeshed


Stereotyping, primacy effect, and halo effect are all types of snap judgements people make with perceiving others or a situation


Cleaning out the refrigerator can be seen as simply "throwing's away spoiled food" or "cleaning up after your roommate's carelessness."

First order vs Second-order reality

The tendency to assign motivation for a behavior to personality or internal factor instead of external, situational factors is known as _____

Fundamental Attribution Error- other people have a problem if they insult you

Information that conveys your thoughts

Psychological Data

Information you keep secret from Nana

Hidden Self

Online media can function to create closeness

How the internet enable intimacy

Callie is giving her second lecture in class. What concept does she reference when she talks about how she is careful to stand up straight, not fidget, and use an open body orientation as she lectures

Identity function of nonverbal messages

Nana opens her arms wide as she says to her granddaughter, "I love you THIS much!"


You are talking to your friends but your friend is preoccupied and doesn't seem to be listening. You can't get a response from your friend.


Communication strategies you use when with Nana so she will see you a certain way

Impression Management strategies that are not in Johari's Window

You seek out a person because when you are with them you feel part of something


Introducing yourself to someone you are attracted to, with the goal of pursuing a romantic relationship


We communicate to feel less lonely, it meets social needs

Initiation State of relationship development

Including each other in your respective lives


Introducing your partner to your family, friends, and you favorite places to go


We communicate to express feelings of love and to increase intimacy that meets social needs

Intensifying stage of relationship development

In the perception process, which factors contribute to noticing/selecting stimuli to attend to?

Intensity, repetition, contrast, novelty

Roger sees his roommate throwing food away and assumes the food is spoiled and no longer edible. People don't throw edible food away

Interpretation (hes interpreting an idea)

Which element in Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love is characterized by high levels of self-disclosure, mutual respect, and liking?


We allow those with whom we have dep psychological data, lots of explanatory knowledge, and lots of personally established rules to enter our personal space

Intimate distance

Information about the other culture with which you are interacting


You know it's okay to use slang with a friend but not to use slang with a client

Language is rule governed

The idea that the words "first date" can elicit excitement for one person and dread for another

Language is subjective

The idea that when you stay a word such as tree, the object does not spew from your mouth. Yet, your conversation partner can picture the object or referent in their mind's eye

Language is symbolic

Studies of language show that a description of a picture in French carries more emotion that the description of the same pictures in english

Linguistic Relativity

Message meaning can be located in the language itself or in the setting

Low context vs High Context

You post 'lost cat' on instagram so a lot of people will know and can possibly help you find your cat, Matt

Low expectation of privacy in masspersonal communication

A text you send to your best friend about how you REALLY feel today.

Mediated Interpersonal Communication

You post on Instagram that your cat got out in your new neighborhood and is now lost

Mediated Masspersonal Communication

When Anita asks her boyfriend to baby-talk to her dog when he is walking her puppy, the get into an argument over what dogs can understand. So, instead of continuing the discussion with him, Anita has decided to stop asking him to walk her dog while she's traveling.

More communication isn't always better.

Willingness or desire to interact with strangers


After sending a text to your best friend telling him you feel bummed out about losing a pet, you expect him to text you back.

Mutual obligation in mediated interpersonal communication

The use of language that function to label one's identity is what?


Anita takes comfort in the morning conversation during breakfast that she has with her roommates. They say a lot of "nothing" but it's the act of connection she likes>

Not all communication seeks understanding.

Information you willingly share with Nana:

Open Self

Roger goes into the kitchen and sees his roommate throwing half-full jars of condiments into the trash container. The roommate doesn't notice roger as she keeps throwing food away. the sounds roger heard while watching tv makes sense.

Organization (he is organizing his thoughts)

Science has established a clear relationship between ____ and the way people experience and communicate emotions


Information about what is and is not allowed in the relationship you have with a specific person, information you both agree too

Personally established rules

An increased heartbeat, a rise in blood pressure, and an increase in adrenaline secretions are all part of which emotional component

Physiological Changes

Your ability to pick up sounds

Physiological components of hearing

Use of language that is tentative or forceful reflect which function?


The degree to which members of a society accept an unequal distribution of the ability to influence their lives.

Power distance

Which language rules tell us uses and interpretations are appropriate given a specific context

Pragmatic rules

Marcus's boss approached him form behind and stared rubbing his shoulder. Marcus stepped away, turned to face the boss, and gave a look of disapproval before stating his disapproval

Protection theory

Families low in conversation orientation and high in conformity orientation are _____


Nana shouts at her 3 year old granddaughter for putting her head in to a buttered bowl instead of celebrating the curiosity the child is demonstrating. The granddaughter cries and thinks she's bad because she thinks she did something wrong

Reflected appraisal

The guest at the restaurant wants to speak to their server so they make eye contact with him

Regulator (lowering voice at end of speach)

Confirmation messages outnumber disconfirmation messages in a relationship

Relationship Maintenance

Working longer hours so you don't have to see your partner, engaging in conflict characterized by criticism and condescension, focusing on kids routing to avoid meaningful interaction

Relationship deterioration

Eight people in a class of ten show up to hear a guest lecturer. The lecturer thinks "small audience" while the instructor says "big group" This situation illustrates what function of language

Relative language

Paraphrasing what you heard, or providing non-verbal messages that indicated your engagement in what was said.

Responding strategies in listening

You are an RA for the dorm so you are careful not to set a bad example for the people who live in the dorm

Roles assumed

Realities reflected and created in language vary based on the different experiences of groups of people. Differing cultures have different languages

Sapir-Worf hypothesis

Based on attraction theory, if you are a member of an online group that has to do with a hobby you enjoy you are more likely to become attracted to a person also on that same online forum/ Which basis/bases for attraction explains this outcome?

Similarity and Proximity

The ability to effectively execute/demonstrate communication codes of cultures with which you are interacting


You check the exam grade distribution to see where you rank in lass performance on the test. You feel better about yourself when you see that the mean score was 70 and your score was 80.

Social Comparision

Jessica and Bob are standing at the sideline of the dance floor, jumping to the music. Bob turns to jessica and asks if she wanted to dance. Jessica responds, "we are dancing!"

Surface listening

Belief that one's own culture is not superior to others, respect for others cultures and a willingness to learn from them

TBD maybe equality

A family is defined as a system with two or more interdependent people who have a common past history and a present reality and who expect to influence each other in the future


A stronger indicator of relationship deterioration is not increased conflict but absence of quiet appreciation of the other


According to Tannen, gendered language can be described as report talk vs rapport talk in which men use task-oriented language women use relationship-oriented language


According to the Croasmun lecture, an appropriate response to someone grieving can be a nonverbal gesture


Conformity orientation refers to the degree to which family communication stresses uniformity of attitudes, values, and beliefs


Empathy involves taking the other person's perspective when understanding their emotion, while sympathy involves understanding their emotion from your own perspective


Evaluative language is also known as emotive language because it often reflects the speakers attitude toward whatever it is describing or referencing


Proximity is the factor that maintains that we are likely to develop strong personal feelings or either like or dislike toward others whom we encounter frequently


Different ways of coping with an unpredictable future

Uncertainty avoidance

Which of the following is FALSE regarding self-monitoring a. it involves the process of paying close attention to ones own behavior but has little correlation to one's ability to adjust behavior b. self-monitoring aids in impression management c. Self-monitoring ability can fall on a spectrum from low to high ability d. self-monitoring can help achieve competent mediated communication

a. It involves the process of paying close attention to one's own behavior but has little correlation to one's ability to adjust behavior

Monitoring self-talk is a way to ___

minimalize debilitative emotions

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