Community Rating System 19

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How are communities classified and how does the discount is applied?

All communities start with a Class 10 rating ( which provides no discount). There are 10 CRS classes; Class 1 required the most credit points and gives the greatest premium discount. Class 10 identifies a community that does not apply for CRS, or does not obtain a minimum number of credit points and receive no discount.

How many activities recognized as measures for elimination exposure to floods?

18 activities, credit points are assigned to each activities. The activities are organized un 4 main categories: 1. public information 2.Mapping and Regulation 3. Flood Damage Reduction. 4. Flood Preparedness. Once a community applies to appropriate FEMA region the CRS and its implementation is verified. FEMA sets the the CRS classification based upon the credit points. This classification determines the premium discounts which ranges between 5% to a maximum of 45%to eligible policies written in a community as a recognition of the floodplain management activities instituted.

What are the categories that are not eligible for CRS premium discounts?

Emergency Program communities, Preferred Risk Policies, Mortgage Portfolio Protection Program Policies, Post Firm elevated buildings located in a SFHA where the elevation difference used for rating is at least 1 foot or more below the based flood elevation,,

What are the requirements for a community to be eligible?

For a community to be eligible, it must be in full compliance with the NFIP and be in the Regular phase of the program.

What is the CRS?

The community rating system (CRS) is a voluntary program for NFIP participating communities.

What is the goal of the CRS?

The goal of the CRS is to reduce flood damages to insurable property, strengthen and support the insurance aspects of the NFIP and encourage a comprehensive approach to floodplain management.

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