Comp II final

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Match the following passage with the correct poem: "nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands"

Annabel lee

who is said to have lived in a "kingdom by the sea"

Annabel lee

Who saved Batman from the Mutant Gang Leader during their first bout?

Carrie Kelley

who is the author of Annabel lee

Edgar allan poe

who was the actor/writer of war of the worlds, original radio broadcast that terrorized the nation?

Orson Wells

In "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," what did the lonely cloud see "dancing in the breeze"?


Why was "Godfather Death" once read to children?

death was so common that wanted to make it easier. also to teach to follow rules

Match the appropriate poet with the following lines: Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love?Can the child within my heart rise above?Can I sail through the changing ocean tides?Can I handle the seasons of my life?

Stevie nicks

In Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, what interesting device is used throughout the book to transition between scenes and to add exposition for what is going on in the world.

TV sets/media coverage

In "Do not go gentle into that good night," the author encourages and argues that everyone should fight against death and live and enjoy life as long as one can. This method of teaching a message is an example of what kind of poem?


a poem written to state a message or teach a body of knowledge

didactic poetry

"rage, rage against the dying of the light"

do not go gentle into that good night

In "Hellhound on My Trail", the "leaves were tremblin' on the tree" seems to forecast the poet's future. What literary term is being used here?


In the first picture of Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Bruce is wearing a helmet that covers half of his face which resembles that of the batman cowl/mask. This first picture hints that perhaps Bruce will return to fighting crime as the Batman. What literary term best describes this glimpse into the future?


What is the correct order of the Eras/Ages used to divide the history of comics?

golden, silver, bronze, modern

Typically packaged without advertisements, are not released independently as periodicals, are larger (sometimes anthologies/collections of works forming 1 story), and are bound like a hardcover book, often with glossy pages and an ISBN number. Format was created to bring relevance and acclaim to the genre.

graphic novel

In the previously shown 1st page of Bruce's car crash, there are 4 horizontal rows and 4 vertical columns that make up the overall layout of the page. This layout would be called a 4X4 what?


On the following page, the artist uses the spaces between the illustrations in a variety of ways. These white lines of separation that divide the artwork, including the division of the patient's face, are called what?


How would you describe the overall tone by the end of "Paradox" Please choose the best answer.


Why did Batman retire for 10 years?

he felt guilty when Jason Todd, the second robin, was murdered by the joker

How did Superman find out that Bruce Wayne was still alive?

he heard bruce's heartbeat

In Chuang Tzu's "Independence", the protagonist compares himself to a tortoise "wagging its tail in the mud." In this comparison, what moral was he was trying to teach? Choose the best answer.

he'd rather be alive and enjoying the now than to be treasured after death

At the end of "The Yellow Wallpaper," the protagonist reveals the identity of the person trapped behind the wallpaper as:


In "Do not go gentle into that good night," who was the author likely directing his message to the most?

his father

In "Roman Fever", when Mrs. Ansley reveals that Barbara's father is indeed Mrs. Slade's husband, this shocking twist ending uses what literary device? Choose the BEST answer.


In "The Appointment of Samarra," the servant, after seeing Death point at him, ran to escape what he thought was his own demise, not knowing that the place he was running to, Samarra, was where he was to die all along. This suprising twist of fate is BEST seen as an example of:


In Telltale's The Walking Dead, what was the shocking, ironic twist the characters found out when they went to "rescue" the lady trapped in the motel room?

it was a trick to steal their gun

At the start of Telltale's The Walking Dead, the main character is on his way to...


In "somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond," what is it or what characteristic or physical feature about the one he loves opens and closes him like "Spring opens (touching skillfully, mysteriously) her first rose?"

jakob and Wilhelm grimm

in "the yellow wallpaper" the use of light and shadows may be best seen as a symbol for which of the following

jane's personalities fighting against one another

In Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, what was the fate of the Joker?

killed himself

in roman fever, what did ms Slade destroy of ms Ansleys that upset her


landslide is what type of poem


In "Annabel Lee," a verse reads, "And the stars never rise, but I feel the bright eyes / Of the beautiful Annabel Lee." In these lines, one may say that Annabel's "bright eyes" are being compared to the "stars" that "never rise." Many different meanings may be drawn from this comparison. What literary term best represents this comparison?


the message/lesson of a story


traditional stories about the exploits of immortal beings. anonymous authorship that arises out of a cultures oral tradition; characters are often gods and heroes


the highwayman is an example of what type of poetry


The previously discussed picture of Bruce being introduced and wearing the helmet in the above picture is in an individual frame, a single drawing. What is each single frozen moment of a comic called?


a brief narrative that teaches a moral. it is realistic, the main characters are typically human, and the meanings are often open to interpretation (not obvious)


chuang tzu's independence is an example of what type of literature


Bruce Wayne presents himself as both a billionaire playboy to help keep his secret identity as the Batman intact and as the Batman to inflict fear onto evil-doers. These "masks" Bruce uses to deceive others by presenting alternate versions of himself to the world are called what?


leaves given human characteristics


the artistic arrangement of events, actions, and situations that unfold in a narrative


a rhythmical composition of words expressing an attitude designed to surprise, delight, inform, and arouse an emotional response


main character, often the hero


emerged in the 1980's, in which rhymed lyrics are spoken or chanted over a steady beat


A person believed to have been an ugly, disfigured slave from the Greek island of Samos who charmed and amused people with his fables.


an indirect reference to a person, place, or thing that is fictitious, historical, or actual


A comparison in which an idea or a thing is compared to another thing that is quite different from it. It aims at explaining that idea or thing by comparing it to something that is familiar. This tool is more extensive and elaborate than either a simile or a metaphor.


In the following sequence of pictures from Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, the pearl necklace can be seen as a symbol of purity/innocence. When the necklace is broken, it displays the loss of innocence/purity of Bruce Wayne's childhood and fall into the path of destruction known as Batman. What is this comparison called?


most significant character or force that opposes the protagonist


in the highwaymen, what was the name of the landlords black eyed daughter


In the 1st long picture at the top of this page, with Batman and the gang leader on the horses, one sees that the ink of the image goes all the way to the edge of the page. When an image goes to the edge of the page like this, it is called what?


Who is credited for the original creation of the Batman in May, 1939?

bob kane and bill finger

occurs when two or more words/phrases contain an identical or similar vowel sound, usually accented and the consonants that follow are identical


recurring pattern of stresses that pauses in a poem


a love story based on legend, chivalric love and adventure, or the supernatural, especially in the form of a novel. A prose narrative treating imaginary characters involved in events remote in time or place and usually heroic, adventurous, or mysterious.


what did the yellow wallpaper stop from being prescribed by psychiatrists

the rest cure

the central thought or recurring idea conspicuously evident in a literary work. goes beyond the topic, recurring in the form of images and/or phrases


an attitude toward a subject conveyed in a literal work. playful, sarcastic, ironic, sad or any other attribute


A play that portrays a serious conflict between human beings and some superior overwhelming force; typically ends sorrowfully and disastrously, especially concerning the downfall of the main character, an outcome that seems inevitable.


The first game to allow high scorers to enter three character initials to be scored was?


The following poet died young, while still pining for the love of someone who did not return his favor. Match the correct poet to the following lines: Looking out the doorI see the rain fall upon the funeral mournersParading in a wake of sad relationsAs their shoes fill up with water

Jeff Buckley

A combination of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual world online.


According to legend, the struggling blues guitarist and singer, who was once ridiculed by his peers for his poor play, sold his soul to the devil at a crossroads in MS in order to become a great musician. He then returned after a couple of days; and to the amazement and beffudlement of his peers, he became one of the greatest, most influential guitarists of all time. Who is this local legend?

Robert johnson

A flawed character, and therefore, much more interesting than more traditional characters. They can be working on the side of good, but with a tragic flaw or a horrible past or for reasons that are selfish and not entirely 'pure.' They can also be working for the side of evil, but with hidden noble intentions, or other underlying complexities. Must have enough good qualities, intentions, or strength (physical including attractiveness or mental) to somehow gain the sympathy of the audience. A well-known example of this type of character is the Batman.

anti hero

An interactive experience of a real-world environment, whereby the objects that reside in the real world are changed by computer generated perceptual info. Alter's one's ongoing perception of a real world environment.

augmented reality

A graphical representation of a user or a user's alter ego or character.


As seen on the previous page, Commissioner Gordon's thoughts are produced via a black box while Robin's thoughts are produced via a yellow box. What are these boxes called that house the words/thoughts that are separated from the rest of the page?


In Telltale's The Walking Dead, who serves as Lee's moral compass, the reason for his acts of "mercy" and for maintaining his compassion and humanity.


A short work of comics which has its origins in the world of newspapers, but also may appear in magazines or other periodicals as well as in books and elsewhere. Very short in length, often only the size of 1 tier or 1 panel.

comic strip

A visual medium used to express ideas via images, often combined with text or visual information. Bound and reprinted to be delivered periodically, called "Floppies" due to their cheap construction.


the central struggle between two or more forces in a narrative. this generally occurs when some person or thing opposes and prevents the protagonist from achieving his or her intended goal


moment of insight, clarity, or revelation by which a characters life or view of life is altered


opening of a narrative that sets the scene and introduces the characters and setting


In "Olsen Olsen", by Sigur Ros, the writer sings from a made-up language of "gibberish?" Why, then, is it still considered poetry? Choose the BEST answer below.

expresses idea/feeling, intense emotion, rhythm

In "somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond," what is it or what characteristic or physical feature about the one he loves opens and closes him like "Spring opens (touching skillfully, mysteriously) her first rose?"


a brief, often funny narrative told to illustrate a moral. the characters are often animals or inanimate objects that present human characteristics


short narrative folklore without a complex plot, handed down from the past often through word of mouth. it often features supernatural creatures like witches and trolls with human personality traits, as well as a hero or heroine who strives to achieve a desirable fate, like marrying a princess vanquishing foe. less developed in plot and character than larger works

fairy tale

What is the song, "Angie", by the Rolling Stones, about?

fighting a drug addiction to heroine

allows the author to include significant events that occurred before the opening of a story. Scene often relived in a characters memory


This term is sometimes used to describe the art form that uses images deployed in sequence for graphic storytelling or to convey information. The best-known example includes movie strips, comics, etc. which are printed arrangements or "sequences" of art. Basically, this word was created to combat the negative stigma associated with the term "comics" and to add legitimacy to the art form.

sequential art

time and place of a work. may also include the atmosphere and weather, as well as the social, psychological, or spiritual state of participants


In "The Highwayman," how did the girl alert her lover, the highwayman, of danger?

she shot herself

a story that is shorter than a novel. often realistic, has more developed characters and plot, and is presented in a greater fullness than smaller works

short story

In "The Highwayman," the stableman or "ostler" was described as having "hair like mouldy hay." This description is an example of:


On the following page are many words that mimic sounds. What are these non-vocal images called?

sound effects

Also, as seen on the previous page, there are 2 citizens of Gotham that witnessed the roundup. They are speaking to the news reporters, and what they are saying is seen circled above their heads. This speech/word/dialogue is contained in what is called a .......

speech balloon

The following page includes a large, full page illustration that captures the reader's attention. This large full page picture is called a what?


Sarah Kay's "Paradox" is an example of what kind of literature?

spoken word poetry

a recurring pattern of two or more lines of verse; the poetic equivalent of the paragraph


In the following picture/scene, a bat comes crashing through the window towards Bruce Wayne. This scene represents a pivotal moment when the trapped subconscious of the Batman has finally broken through, leading to the return of the Batman. What is this act called that suggests meaning beyond its literal sense?


In "Roman Fever", where are we told the lovers would always secretly meet?

the colosseum

Match the following passage with the correct poem: "The wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees, / The moon was a ghostly galleon tossed upon cloudy seas":

the highwaymen

The word has come to be used for describing commonly recurring literary and rhetorical devices, motifs or clichés in creative works. Derived from meaning "to turn, to direct, to alter, to change." Is very popular in superhero comics due to the need for origin stories. This occurs in Batman's origin story as he turned into the Batman after falling in the cave and seeing the bat and due to him seeing his parents murdered in Crime Alley.


Shakespeare's condensed quarto of Hamlet (bound and sold in condensed versions to the masses); drawings found in pyramids, caves, and on pottery illustrating historical events, the Bayeux Tapestry depicting William the Conqueror's conquest of England at the Battle of Hastings; and the illuminated manuscripts of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales with the many pictures of each person on the pilgrimage, all of these works may be argued as being early examples of comics/sequential art. As a representative example of the above works, view the picture below of the Bayeux Tapestry while reflecting on the definition of comics and sequential art before answering True or False.


What game series would be considered by many to produce the first open world game (Its first installment in the series) as well as in a later edition become the first Massive Multiplayer Online game.


any single line of poetry or any composition written in separate lines of more or less rhythm


The application of a 3D artificial environment, presented to the user in such a way that they help them feel the created, artificial environment as real. Completely replaces the real world environment with a simulation.

virtual reality

In 1958, what physicist invented the 1st video game, a table top tennis game?

willy higinbotham

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