CompensationMGMT Quiz 10

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

Which of the following are an example of a long-term incentive plan?

Performance plans

________ have indirect pay-performance links and require employees to put up money to exercise grants.

Stock options plans

________ requires division of a task into simple actions and determination of the time required by an average skilled worker to complete each action.

A Bedeaux plan

Which of the following is an individual incentive plan?

A stock ownership plan

An incentive system with three piecework rates is the

Merrick plan.

The trend in recent variable-pay design is to combine the best of

gain-sharing and profit-sharing plans.

In gain-sharing plan formulas,

labor inputs are in the numerator and productivity outcomes are in the denominator.

If you had repair work done on your car, the shop most likely used ________ to pay the mechanic.

a standard hour plan

The most frequently implemented incentive system is:

a straight piecework system.

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