Computer Science - Final

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Bridge (switch)

"smarter" device that has knowledge about the nodes located on each separate network

Fractional numbers

(12.34 or -0.001234) can be represented in binary by using signed-integer techniques

There _____ problems that do not have any algorithmic solution


Scientific notation

+-M x B^+-E (M is the mantissa, B is the exponent base (usually 2), and E is the exponent

Binary is a base __ positional numbering system


Binary operators require ____

2 operands

True color -? scheme and how many bits per color?

24-bit encoding scheme, 8 bits per color

The US ranked __ out of 39 developed countries in internet speeds


_____% of the time is spent on problem specification and program design


In bit depth 1 byte can represent ____ levels and 2 bytes can represent _____ levels

256, 65,536









Python 2 encoding is ____ and not all Python 2 internals support ______

ASCII, Unicode


SRAM - does not need to be refreshed as long as power is applied

HDD vs. SSD - power comsuption

SSDs are more energy efficient, run cooler, and are quieter than HDDs

HDD vs. SSD - performance

SSDs have greater throughput and access time than HDDs

4G imposters and their theoretical download max speeds

HSPA: 56 Mbps - WiMax: 100 Mbps - LTE: 100 Mbps

Efficient distribution of resources

I/O controller - frees the processor to do useful work while the I/O operation is being completed *and* to ensure that a processor does not sit idle if there is useful work to do: operating system keeps a queue of programs that are ready to run

______ ______ has been adopted by industry leaders

Unicode standard

Python 3 and all built-in modules support ____ and the default encoding is _____, not ______

Unicode, UTF-8, ASCII


Uniform Resource Locator

Explanation facility

allows the user to see the assertions and rules used in arriving at a conclusion

OAM advantage of assembly language

allows use of *symbolic addresses*

Internet protocol hierarchy

also called a protocol stack, has five layers

International ISP

also called tier-1 network or an internet backbone, provides global coverage

Alphabet for a given Turing Machine

always contains a special symbol b (for *"blank"*) - usually contains the symbols 0 and 1 and sometimes a limited number of other symbols

Common vector formats

adobe illustrator, corelDRAW, MathML

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

adopted for use by the U.S. government in 2001 - based on the Rijndael algorithm, block size is 128 bits, symmetric-key algorithm - three different ket-lengths: 128, 192, 256 bits

Database Management System (DBMS)

aids in data abstraction and program maintenance, aids in development of software that shares data, better control of security and access levels, reduction in data

Primitive operation

aka unambiguous operation

Vector graphics

all components of the image are stored, can be easily scaled without losing image quality

Bus topology

all nodes are connected to a single shared communication line

Analytic Engine

amazingly similar in design to a modern computer; expandable memory, arithmetic unit, logic processing capabilities (loops and conditional branching), and could use, as input, the results of preceding computations - but was NEVER actually built

Cryptographic Hash Function

an algorithm that is run on a file, producing a value called a checksum - changes in the file affect the checksum

Rapid prototyping

allows miscommunications between the user and the programmer to be identified and corrected early in the development process


an international encoding standard for use with different languages and scripts - each letter, digit, or symbol is assigned a unique numeric value that applies across different platforms, programs and languages

Analog vs Digital representation

analog is curved - digital is straight line boxes

Gap test

analyze distance between zeroes

Poker test

analyze sequences of 5 numbers at a time, based on hands in poker

Boolean expression

any expression that evaluates to either true or false

Random access

any location in storage can be accessed at any moment in approximately the same amount of time, most semi-conductor memories and disk drives provide random access

Communication Protocol layers

application, transport, network, data link, and physical

First pass over source code

assembler looks at every instruction

Second pass

assembler translates source program into machine language

Code mapping

assigning each printable letter or symbol in our alphabet a unique number

Data compression algorithms

attempt to represent information in ways that preserve accuracy while using significantly less space

Rule-based system

attempts to mimic the human ability to engage pertinent facts and string them together in a logical fashion to reach some conclusion - must contain a knowledge base and an inference engine

Primary key

attribute or combination of attributes that uniquely identifies a tuple

Mobile speeds (2017)

average download speed: 22.69 Mbps (44th in world) - rural areas: 17.93 Mbps - average upload speed: 8.51 Mbps (65th in world)

Fixed speeds (2017)

average download speed: 64.17 Mbps (15th in world) - average upload speed: 22.79 Mbps (24th in world)


breaking existing codes

Most computers come with ______ and new houses are wired for ___, ___, and ____

built-in Ethernet interface - phone, cable, and Ethernet

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

business whose purpose is to provide access from a private network to the internet, hierarchical, interconnecting to each other in multiple layers, or tiers, that provide ever-expanding geographic coverage


inserts requested object code from code libraries into the object code for the requesting program

Hash passwords

instead of storing passwords in plaintext, store a hash of the password, hashes are not reversible, so there is no way to determine the password that produced the hash, the consequences of a compromise are low


instruction that computing agent understands and is capable of executing without further explanation

Prime number

integer greater than 1 that can only be written as the product of itself and 1


international standard for representing textual information in the majority of computers - uses 8 bits to represent each character

John Napier

invented logarithms as a way to simplify difficult mathematical computations

Encryption and decryption

inverse operations

Encryption vs Decryption

inverse operations

In assembly language a symbol is defined when...

it appears in the label field of an instruction or data pseudo-op

Issues with using natural language

it can be extremely verbose, lack of structure makes it difficult to locate specific sections of the algorithm, it is too 'rich' in interpretation and meaning, not sufficiently precise

In order for the operation to be understandable...

it must also be doable (effectively computable) by the computing agent

Asymmetric encryption algorithm

key for encryption and decryption are quite different, but related

Foreign key

key from another table that refers to a specific key, usually the primary key

Integrated Development Environment

lets programmer perform a number of tasks within the shell of a single application program


linear run-time

O(n) examples

linear runtime, sequential search

O(n log n)

linearithmic run-time

O(nlogn) examples

linearithmic, merge sort


located in a room called a wiring closet, contains a number of ports, with a wire leading from each port to an Ethernet interface

O(log n)

logarithmic run-time

O(logn) examples

logarithmic runtime, binary search (think phone book)

Rotating optical storage devices

longer access times than hard disk drives (CD, DVD)

Conditional and Iterative Operations

loop (the repetition of a block of instructions - while), continuation condition (determines if statement is true or false), infinite loop (continuation condition never becomes false)

Assembly Language (OAM)

low-level programming language, each symbolic assembly language instruction is translated into exactly one binary machine language instruction, *better than machine language*, machine specific

Low-level programming language exampls

machine language and assembly language

Computing agent

machine, robot, person, or thing carrying out the steps of the algorithm


malicious software

Time-sharing system

many programs can be stored in memory and allows programmer to enter system commands, programs, and data online

Multi-user operating system

many users can use a computer's resources simultaneously, must balance the requirements of the users, a problem with one user doesn't affect other users - i.e. Unix, mainframe operating systems

Sampling rate

measures how many times per second we sample the amplitude of the sound wave

Compression ratio

measures how much compression schemes reduce storage requirements of data


measures its loudness (unit are Electrical Voltage)


measuring the intensity values of distinct points located at regular intervals across the image's surface


media access control

SSL (secure sockets layer)

method for achieving secure transfer of information on the Web


metrics related to human characteristics, more reliable in verifying identity than token and knowledge-based methods, can be used as a form of identification and access control

Secondary storage is expressed in ______



models can be used to recommend action or guide decision-making


modulates, or alters, a standard analog signal called a carrier so that it encodes binary information

High-level programming languages

more abstract than assembly language, user oriented, not machine specific (portable), use both natural language and mathematical notation in their design - these programs are translated into the appropriate machine instructions

RGB encoding scheme

most common format for storing color images, specify the red component, the green component, and the blue component separately


most common public key encryption algorithm, based on results from the field of mathematics known as number theory

Networking back in the day

most common way to transmit data was via switched, dial-up telephone lines


most popular and widely used digital audio format

Distributed environment

much of the computing was done remotely in the office, laboratory, classroom, and factory

MLT 40

multiply value in accumulator by the value in mem 40


mutually agreed upon set of rules, conventions, and agreements for the efficient and orderly exchange of information

Primary storage is expressed in _______

nanosecond (fastest)


natural language - used to express algorithms, a compromise between the 2 extremes of natural and formal languages, will not be unique, and similar to an outline of a program

Language schemes

natural language, formal language, pictorial, graphical

Composite primary key

needed to identify a tuple uniquely

Information sharing

network service benefit - a network is an excellent way to access scientific, medical, legal, and commercial data files

Resource sharing

network service benefit - ability to share physical and logical resources

Collaborative software (groupware)

network service benefit - facilitates the efforts of individuals connected by a network and working on a single shared project

Information utility (data warehouse)

network service benefit - nodes contain massive amounts of information that can be electronically searched for specific facts

Client-server computing

network service benefit - some nodes provide services, while the remaining nodes are users of those services

Electronic commerce (e-commerce)

network service benefit - use of computers and networking to support the paperless exchange of goods, information, and services

Interdisciplinary research

neurology, information theory, cybernetics

Single-user, single task operating system

no capability to distinguish between users, one user can effectively do one thing at a time - i.e. mobile phones


no information about the exchange is permanently retained by the server

Lossless compression schemes

no information is lost in the compression, it is possible to exactly reproduce the original data

Binary storage devices

no practical universal storage medium exists, all forms of storage have drawbacks, computer systems contain several kinds of storage

Unsolvable problems consequences

no program can be written to decide whether any given program always stops eventually, no matter what the input, no program can be written to decide whether any two programs are equivalent, no program can be written to decide whether any given program run on any given input will ever produce some specific output

Internet Society

nonprofit, nongovernmental, professional society composed of more than 100 worldwide organizations

Secondary (storage hierarchy)

not directly accessible by the CPU, relatively cheap, non-volatile

Google Fiber

not widespread, download speeds of 200 Mbps, serving Atlanta, Austin, Charlotte, Kansas City, and Raleigh

Ciphertext-only attack

nothing is known about the corresponding plaintext

Bit depth or sampling precision

number of bits used to encode each sample

The user interface

operating system commands usually request access to hardware resources, software services, or information - to communicate with a user, a GUI supports visual aids and point-and-click operations

Deadlock prevention

operating system uses resource allocation algorithms that prevent deadlock from occurring in the first place (detect and recover from deadlocks)

Not all computers have ______

operating systems - simple computers that have limited capability

System security and protection

operating systems control access to the computer and its resources, safeguards password file, sometimes uses encryption to provide security

The Safe Use of Resources

operating systems prevent programs or users from attempting operations that cause the computer system to enter a "frozen" state *and* deadlock - each program is waiting for a resource to become available that will never become free

Arithmetic overflow

operation that produces an unsigned value greater than 65,535


orders are processed, credit is verified, transactions are completed, debits are issued, shipping is alerted, and inventory is reduced *all electronically*

Voice-oriented dial-up telephone network

originally a totally analog medium

Software development life cycle

overall sequence of steps needed to complete a large-scale software project

Stochastic components

parts of a system that display random behavior

Computer simulation

physical system is modeled as a set of mathematical equations and/or algorithmic procedures that capture the fundamental characteristics and behavior of a system


practice of impersonating a legitimate site for the purposed of stealing money or stealing identity


print the result


process of associating a symbolic name with a physical memory address - OAM: symbolic name (label), memory address (line number)


process of examining and processing every assembly language instruction in the program, one instruction at a time

Social engineering

process of using people to get the information you want

Basic tasks of an operating system

processor management, memory management, device management, storage management, application interface, user interface

Procedural languages

program consists of sequences of statements that manipulate data items, random access memory stores and fetches values to and from memory cells

OAM source program

program written in assembly language

Disadvantages of assembly language

programmer must "manually" manage the movement of data items, programmer must take a microscopic view of a task, breaking it down into tiny subtasks at the level of what is going on in individual memory locations, *it is machine specific*

HTTP response message

returned from the server to the client along the same TCP connection

NOT operation

reverses, or complements, the value of a Boolean expression

3 Robot rules

robots cannot harm humans, robots must obey humans, subject to rule 1, and robots cannot injure humanity or cause harm through inaction

Three states of RTOS'

running (executing on the CPU), ready (ready to be executed), blocked (waiting for an event)

Infinite loop

runs forever

CD quality recording

sampling rate - 44,000 times per second, lower sampling rate produces distortions detectable to the human ear

Deliberative strategy

says that the robot must have an internal representation of its environment

I.e. - Credit card purchase online

security: transmit credit card number, authenticate: you are authorized to use the card, nonrepudiation: you really did order the item, integrity: you really did order that amount

HTTP request message

sent on the TCP connection from the client to the server, specifying the name of a web page

Operations used to construct algorithms

sequential operations, conditional operations, and iterative operations

Computer network

set of independent computer systems connected by telecommunication links

Why Use Networks?

share resources, communication, and interaction

Bulletin boards

shared public file where anyone can post messages and everyone is free to read the postings of others

Caesar cipher (shift cipher)

shifting each character in the message to another character some fixed distance farther along in the alphabet - encodes one character at a time

Plague Inc

simulation of infectious disease, pathogen infects "patient zero"


single most popular application of networks for the last 30 years


small text file that web server sends to user's browser that gets stored on the user's hard drive

Intelligent agent

software technology designed to interact collaboratively with a user somewhat in the mode of a personal assistant - personalized web search engine


software that allows separate, existing programs to communicate and work together seamlessly

Op code table

sorted list of all legal assembly language op codes and their binary equivalents

OAM object program

source program must be translated into a corresponding machine language program


statement advanced for consideration and maintained by argument

Static or Dynamic

static models provide a snapshot at a single point in time (macroscopic view) - dynamic models: the model changes in response to input signals (the state variables change over time) & require more data to create and have limited generalizability

Stochastic or Deterministic

stochastic models use random number generators to model change or random events - deterministic models: no randomness is involved in the development of future states of the system & will always produce the same output from a given set of initial conditions

Types of Computer Models

stochastic/deterministic, static/dynamic, continuous/discrete



Off-line storage

storage that can be physically removed or disconnected, increases general information security, useful for archiving data

STA 40

store value in mem 40

Models are an important way of _______

studying physical and social phenomena

Social networks

systems that create communities of users who share common interests

Hash function

takes password the user originally chooses, chops it up, and stirs it around according to a given formula (MD5 and SHA-1)

Solution path

takes us from the initial state to a winning configuration, and the graph nodes along the way represent the intermediate configurations

Conditional statements

the "question-asking" operations (if, then, else)

High-definition video conferencing

the 25/3 Mbps standard does not allow for a single stream of 1080p video conferencing, much less 4K video conferencing

Sequential algorithm

called the straight-line algorithm

Artificial neural networks

can be created by simulating individual neurons in hardware and connecting them in a massively parallel network of simple devices

Unambiguous operation

can be understood and carried out directly by the computing agent without further simplification or explanation

Two files are identical only if ...

the checksums generated from each file, using the same cryptographic hash function, are identical

Resolution of an image

the density of pixels used to represent the image

Data analytics

the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data, utilizes statistics, computer programming and operations research, used to describe, predict, and improve business performance

Metropolitan Wireless Local Access Network

turn a city into a wireless access zone, routers located throughout the region provide convenient, low-cost wireless internet access to all residents

Typical Operation

turn on computer - power on self test (POST): checks the CPU, memory, basic input-output systems (BIOS) for errors and activate hard disk drive: runs the first piece of the operating system: the bootstrap loader

Language services (assemblers, compilers, and interpreters)

type of system software - allow you to write programs in a high level

Input/Output systems

type of system software - allows you to easily and efficiently use the input and output devices that exist on a computer system

Operating system

type of system software - communicates with users, determines what they want, activates other system programs, applications packages, or user programs to carry out their request

Memory managers

type of system software - distributes memory space for programs and data

Information managers

type of system software - handle the organization, storage, and retrieval of information on mass storage devices


type of system software - keeps a list of programs ready to run on the processor and selects the one that will execute next


type of system software - library routines that provide useful services either to a user or to other system routines

User interface

type of system software - provides user with an intuitive visual overview

Single-user, multi-tasking operating system

typical operating system on desktop and laptop computers - Microsoft's Windows and Apple's MacOS

Denial-of-service (DOS) attack

typically directed at a business or government web site - automatically directs browsers on many machines to a single URL at roughly the same time

Behavioral characteristics

typing rhythm, gait, voice writing style (sentence structure and use of prepositional phrases)

BMP (windows bitmap)

uncompressed, large, lossless, simple structure

Most WANs ...

use a store-and-forward, packet-switched technology to deliver messages - the intermediate station verifies the integrity of the message before forwarding it


used to connect a computer to the Internet when it is within range of a wireless base station

Real-time Operating Systems (RTOS)

used to control machinery, scientific instruments, industrial systems, very little user-interface capability, no end-user utilities, have advanced algorithms for scheduling

System commands

used to translate, load, and run programs


well-ordered collection of unambiguous and effectively computable operations that, when executed, produces a result and halts in a finite amount of time

Multimedia user interfaces

will interact with users and solicit requests in a variety of ways

Frequency test

with uniformity, expect roughly the same number of digits

Run-Time Analysis

worst or average case

Parallel processing operating systems

can efficiently manage computer systems containing tens, hundreds, or even thousands of processors

Neural network

can learn from experience by modifying the weights on its connections, can be given an initial set of weights and thresholds that is simply a first guess - network is then presented by *training data*

Site map or navigation bar

can provide a high-level overview of your site architecture


can send copies of itself to other nodes on a computer network without having to be carried by an infected host file


capture the essence of the real thing, probably differ in scale from the real thing, omit some of the details of the real thing, lack the full functionality of the real thing


category of information


cell capable of receiving stimuli, in the form of electrochemical signals, from other neurons through its many dendrites - can send stimuli to other neurons through its single axon

First major decision (moving to e-commerce)

choose between in-house development and outsourcing


collection of useful algorithms

Augmented Reality Applications

commerce, education, entertainment, gaming, medical, military, navigation, sports


computer program that infects a host computer and then spreads

Trojan horse

computer program that, unbeknownst to the user, contains code that performs malicious attacks

Wireless wide area access network

computer transmits messages to a remote base station provided by a telecommunications company

Scientific visualization

concerned with data extraction and data manimulation

Computer graphics

concerned with the technical issues involved in information display

Control operations

conditional and iterative - allow us to alter the normal sequential flow of control in an algorithm

Wide area network (WAN)

connects devices that are not in close proximity but rather are across town, across the country, or across the ocean - collection of machines (routers) with point-to-point connections - each router receives packets, decides where they go, and forwards them appropiately

Local area network (LAN)

connects hardware devices such as computers, printers, and storage devices that are all in close proximity

Ring topology

connects the network nodes in a circular fashion

Alan Turing

considered to be the father of theoretical computer science, devised techniques for breaking German ciphers, defined a standard for a machine to be called "intelligent" (the Turing Test), and wrote a chess program


constant run-time

O(1) examples

constant run-time, add/sub/multiplication/division/comparison module

Gottfried Leibnitz

constructed a mechanical calculator called Leibnitz's Wheel - developed formal logic using a binary numeral system

Municipal WiFi

construction is a significant part of lifetime cost, financing is shared by both a private firm and the municipal government, paid for through taxes, nodes must be within range of each other, and need power - often installed on power and light utility poles

Posttest loop

continuation condition is test at the end of the loop body

Pretest loop

continuation condition is tested at the beginning of each pass through the loop

Tasks performed by OAM assembler

convert symbolic op codes to binary, convert symbolic addresses to binary, perform the assembler services requested by the pseudo-ops, put the translated instructions into a file for future use


converts high-level language instructions into machine language instructions

Zero knowledge protocol

convince the recipient that the sender is who they claim to be without transmitting any real information

When data is passed between different encodings, the data runs the risk of _______


Summary of assembly language

creates a more productive, user-oriented environment than machine language

Raster graphics

each pixel is encoded as an unsigned binary value representing its gray scale intensity, individual pixels can be edited, # of bits used for each pixel affects image quality and amount of memory needed to store the image

Query languages

enable user or another application program to query the database, in order to retrieve information

Black and white representation

encoded with either a 0 (white) or 1 (black)

DES (data encryption standard)

encryption algorithm developed by IBM in the 1970s for the U.S. National Bureau of Standards - a block cipher that is 64 bits long

Verify file integrity

ensure the file has not been tampered with or corrupted during transmission, website publishes the hash values of its download bundles, so users can verify the file integrity, if hashes being compared differ in any way, the data being digested is not the same

Scientific methon

entails observing the behavior of a system and formulating a hypothesis that tries to explain its behavior

Design philosophies of RTOS

event driven: switches tasks when an event of higher priority needs servicing - time sharing: switches tasks on a regular schedule

Back propagation algorithm

eventually causes the network to settle into a stable state where it can correctly respond to all inputs in the training set

DES algorithm

every substitution, reduction, expansion, and permutation is determined by a well-known set of tables


exclusive OR

Why construct a simulation model?

existence, physical realization, safety, speed of construction, time scale, ethical behavior, ease of modification

O(2^n) examples


Two types of information representation

external and internal



Factors to energy use

fan usage (heat), shut down during inactivity, power to operate


financial transactions are conducted by electronic means

Statistical model

find an analytical solution to a problem and predict behavior given a set of parameters and initial conditions, generated by fitting data collected, tested by collecting more data, or through simulation

Physiological characteristics

fingerprints, palm veins and palm print, DNA, iris recognition, retina, odor/scent

Application layer

firefox, internet explorer, safari - rules for implementing end-user services provided by a network, URLs, HTTP request and response messages

TLS (transport layer security) protocol

first defined in 1999, based on SSL and is nearly identical to SSL, nonproprietary, supported by the internet engineering task force

Normalize the number

first significant digit is immediately to the right of the binary point


fixed with byte representation - 4 bytes per code point


ideas that can be proved in a formal and mathematical way

Church-Turing Thesis

if there exists an algorithm to do a symbol manipulation task, then there exists a Turing machine to do that task

Importance of formal algorithms in computer science?

if we can specify an algorithm to solve a problem, then we can automate its solution

Conditional statement examples

if-else statements

Decision tree for a search algorithm

illustrates the possible next choices of items to search if the current item is not the target - is linear

CRM (customer relationship management) strategy

improve customer satisfaction, build customer relationships, bring people back to your web site time and time again

Turing Machine

includes a (conceptual) tape that extends infinitely in both directions - can execute a whole sequence of instructions, can accept input, can store information in and retrieve it from memory, can take actions according to algorithm instructions, and can produce output


individual networks are interconnected via a device called a ...


information block with a fixed maximum size that is transmitted through the network as a single unit

File addressable (addressability)

information is divided into files of variable length, files are selected with directory and file names, secondary, tertiary and off-line storage

AlphaGo Zero

initially programmed with the basic rules of GO - AlphaGo Zero is entirely self-taught

HDD vs. SSD - size and weight

HDD - 750 grams, SSD - 77 grams

States with free WiFi service at welcome centers and roadside rest areas

Iowa and Massachusetts

Fiber Optics

1 Gbps

HDD vs. SSD - price

1 TB HDD - $49-65, 250 GB SSD - $90-110

Unary operators require ____

1 operand

Broadband access

19.4% of US households don't have access to broadband based on 2015 threshold levels, in 2017 the US ranked 44th in the world for mobile download speed and 65th in the world for mobile upload speed

Initial implementation of the program may occupy only _____% of the total time


Three different key-lengths

128, 192, and 256 bits - the key size specifies the number of repetitions used to convert the plaintext into the ciphertext

Color images

16 colors (4 bits per pixel), 256 colors (8bits per pixel)

_____% is spent on tasks that follow implementation



8 bits can be used to represent 256 different shades of gray (0 black to 255 white)

TIFF - ___ or ___ bits per color, compressions can be ___ or _______

8 or 16, lossy or lossless

JPEG - ____ bit grayscale, _____ bit color, compression is ____

8, 24, lossy

GIF - ___ bit color palette, LZW ____ compression, is now _____

8, lossless, patent-free

iMessage encryption

Apple claims that iMessages are protected by end-to-end encryption (impossible for Apple or anyone else to descramble the messages)

Cities in Europe with Muni WiFi

Brussels, Dublin, Geneva, Helsinki, Liverpool, Milan, Paris, Venice

Cities in the US with Muni WiFi

Burlington, Cambridge, Charleston, Chattanooga, Cleveland, Denver, Houston, Honolulu, Indianapolis


DRAM - requires stored information to be periodically re-read and re-written (refresh) or it will be lost

______ _______ are used to assign a number for each letter or character

Encoding systems

Natural language examples

English, Spanish, etc

Broadband Comparison

Europe: no data caps, upload and download speeds are 100 Mbps, cost i $60 for Tv, phone, and internet -- US: data caps (mediacom is 400 GB/month, comcast is 300 GB/month, AT&T is 150/250 GB/month), download speeds promised are 6-60 Mbps, download speeds delivered are 1-40 Mbps, and cost is $60/month for just internet

OAM language code


HDD vs. SSD - durability

NAND flash mounted to circuit means SSDs have better shock resistance than HDDs



Fastest to Slowest

O(1), O(logn), O(n), O(nlogn), O(n^2), O(2^n), O(n!)

Conditional Execution

O(if {condition} then {sequence 1} else {sequence 2}) = Max (O(condition), O(sequence 1), O(sequence 2))

Iterative Execution

O(loop(k) {sequence}) = O(k * sequence)

Direct Sequencing

O({a, b, c}) = max(O(a), O(b), O(c))


OAM design decisions

Op codes and include/exclude specific functions

Carrier rank

T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, Sprint

Transport layer

TCP, UDP - assigns port numbers to programs, remembers which program goes with which port

Compound Statements: (P /\ Q) \/ (~ P → Q)

Suppose P is true and Q is false - The compound statement is True


Transmission Control Protocol - the computer sending the data connects directly to the computer it is sending the data to, and stays connected for the duration of the transfer - computers guarantee that the data has arrived safely and correctly - quick and reliable, but computer has to monitor the connection and data - analogous to a phone call "back in the day"

Characters are assigned a number written in the form ______ - called a code point

U+XXX (ie. U+0041), the numbers are hexadecimal

Flash memory

USB flash drives, SD cards


User Datagram Protocol - the computer sending the data packages the information into little packets and releases them into the network with the hopes that they will get to the right place - relies on the devices in between the sending and receiving computers to get the data to where it is supposed to go - there is no guarantee that the data will arrive safely and correctly - very low overhead and similar to US Postal Service

Ten-gigabit Ethernet standard

Version of Ethernet with data rate of 10 billion bits per second, adopted by IEEE in 2003, commercial settings

Non-volatile memory

retain stored information without power, suitable for long-term storage

Well-known operating systems

Windows, Macintosh, Unix

Fastest ISPs by region

X-Finity (west and north east): 74 Mbps - Mediacom (Mid West): 57 Mbps - Suddenlink (south): 74 Mbps

Digitally sign documents

a document is used to generate a hash value, the user encrypts the hash of the document with their private key, producing a digital signature, to validate a signature - reverse the process


a hash is a digest, compile data into a small digest, one way operation, same size regardless of the data file size

Augmented/Mixed Reality

a live direct or indirect view of physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented - real time

Turing's theory of computation

a machine, by shuffling symbols could simulate any conceivable act of mathematical deduction

Virtual Reality

a computer-simulated environment that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world or imagined worlds

Bootstrap Loader

a pure binary program, stored in a single 512 byte sector, impossible to create an OS without it, the very first program of your OS that is loaded directly by the BIOS and executed directly by the processor, loads the operating system into memory - allows it to begin operation and sets up driver programs that interface with and control hardware subsystems


a random number generator exploiting quantum physics

Random behavior

a random sequence has no regular pattern or is unpredictable (ideal dice roll, digits of pi)


a type of signature for a stream of data

Mediated reality

a view of reality is modified by a computer

Shared media technology

a wire is strung around and through a building, users tap into the cable at its nearest point using a transceiver, needs a protocol to govern access

Computing agent should be able to:

accept input, store information in and retrieve it from memory, take actions according to algorithm instructions, produce output

Sequential access

accessing pieces of information is in a serial order, one after the other, the time to access a particular piece of information depends on which piece of information was last accessed

Issues in modeling

achieving proper balance between accuracy and complexity

Summary of system software

acts as an intermediary between the users and the hardware

AES (advanced encryption standard)

adapted for use by U.S. government in 2001 - block size 128, symmetric key algorithm

ADD 40

add value in mem 40 to value in accumulator

Characteristics of knowledge representation scheme

adequacy, efficiency, extendability

Motivation to decrease standards

adherence to the higher standard was slow, wide swaths of the country have "good enough" broadband access if they are covered only by wireless carriers offering slower speeds than by cable or fiber ISPs, policy problem regarding internet access is solved

A model of an algorithm

be a well-ordered collection, consist of unambiguous and effectively computable operations, halt in a finite amount of time, produce a result

Backward chaining

begins with a proposed conclusion and tries to match it with the "then" clauses of rules

Forward chaining

begins with assertions and tries to match those assertions to the "if" clauses of rules

Hexadecimal Numbering System (base 16)

binary to base 16 (group in fours), base ten-binary-base 16 and other way

Octal Numbering System (base 8)

binary to base 8 (group in threes), base ten-binary-base eight and other way

Primary purpose of a operating system

to create a workable operating environment for the user

Location-addressable (addressability)

each individually accessible unit of information in storage is selected with its numerical memory address, primary storage, efficient

After raising the standard

data rates have increased markedly, the US move dup to be ranked 10th in the world for broadband internet, but it depends on which state you live in


declarative language that specifies combination of the built-in relational operators- based on relational algebra (procedural language) - SELECT, FROM, WHERE

2 strategies characterize robotics research

deliberative and reactive

Data analysis

descriptive and predictive models are generated from data collected

Virtual Reality Issues

desensitization, cyber-addiction, virtual criminality, virtual punishment

Blaise Pascal

designed and built one of the first mechanical calculators (Pascaline)

Difference Engine

designed to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to 6 significant digits & could solve polynomial equations but was NEVER really completed

Fast ethernet

developed in early 1990s, transmits at 100 Mbps across coaxial cable, fiber-optic cable, or regular twisted-pair copper wire


developed in mid 1970s (xerox PARC research center), designed to operate at 10 Mbps using coaxial cable

Grace Hopper

developed the first compiler for a computer programming language, credited with popularizing the term "debugging", and was a US Navy rear admiral, debunked the common belief that computers could only do arithmetic, popularized the idea of machine-independent programming languages, created COBOL


device that simply amplifies and forwards a signal, limited distances


devices on the Internet have unique IP addresses, computers have many ports (65,535 TCP ports and 65,535 UDP ports) - when a program on your computer sends or receives data over the internet it sends that data to an IP address and a specific port on the computer - programs bind themselves to a port - web servers typically bind to the TCP port 80 - FTP servers use TCP ports 20 and 21

Any given computer needs to support _____ encodings


Asymmetric digital subscriber

different upload and download transmission speeds, request messages are small

Primary (storage hierarchy)

directly accessible to the CPU, relatively expensive, RAM (volatile)...access time in nanoseconds, ROM (non-volatile)

Continuous or Discrete

discrete: the state variables change at a finite number of points in time, these events are arranged by the time they should occur, new events are triggered as the previous event is processed & typically run much faster than corresponding continuous simulations - continuous: the state variables change in a continuous way, and there are an infinite # of states

Biometric identifiers

distinctive, measurable characteristics used to label and describe individuals

Lossy compression schemes

do not guarantee that all of the information in the original data can be fully and completely recreated, trade image quality for file size

Unit of resolution

dots per inch, pixels

New FCC Chair suggests changes

download transmission speed: 10 Mbps - upload transmission speed: 1 Mbps

Minimum transmission speeds

download transmission speed: 25 Mbps - upload transmission speed: 3 Mbps

Token-based identification system

driver's license, passport, military ID, mobile device


for finite sequences, tests have been developed that verify whether or not the sequence in question shares certain statistical properties with a hypothetical random sequence - frequency, serial, poker, and gap test

Iteration statement examples

for-while loops

PNG - ___ open-source alternative to GIF, __ bit color palette, ___ and ___ bit truecolor, compression is _____, _____ replacement for GIF

free, 8, 24 and 48, lossless, patent-free

Serial test

frequency test applied to 2 digits at a time


fundamental distinguishable component

Ada Augusta Byron

generally regarded as history's first computer programmer, the Ada programming language was named after her - her notes recognized as the first algorithm to be carried out by a machine - the code was never tested because the Analytical engine was never completed

Modus ponens

gives us a method for making new assertions

Ambiguous statements

go back and do it again (do what again?), start over (from where?), skip ahead (to where?)


governs what an authenticated user is allowed to do - user privileges (read, write, execute, and delete access) - system administrator (has access to everything)

History of AI

greek myths, fiction (Blade Runner, Star Trek, Star Wars)

Block cipher

group or block of plaintext letters gets encoded into a block of ciphertext

Types of energy devices

hard disk drives, solid state drives, hybrid drives

Secondary storage devices

hard disk drives..access time in milliseconds, rotating optical devices, flash memory, solid state drives, hybrid drives

Computational modeling

having a major impact on a number of quantitative fields like chemistry, biology, medicine, meteorology etc

Operating systems can be modified without _____

having to scrap the device - security update and system patch

Importance of Broadband

high-definition video conferencing and businesses built around data-intensive products are affected


how information is classified and organized so customers can easily find what they want


huge interconnected "network of networks" that includes nodes, LANs, WANs, bridges, routers, and multiple levels of ISPs

After completion of pass 1 and pass 2

object file contains the translated machine language object program

Analog representation

objects can take on any value


offers download speeds of 100 Mbps to 1 Gbps


offers voice services as well as data communication at rates of 0.5 to 2.4 Mbps

Variable length code sets

often used to compress text, can also be used with other forms of data


often used to support communication between wireless computer peripherals

Sign/magnitude notation

one of a number of different techniques for representing positive and negative whole numbers

Charles Babbage

one of the "fathers of the computer", designed Difference Engine and the Analytic Engine

Image animation

one of the most powerful and useful forms of visualization

Superimpose a grid on an image

only store one color of information for each square of the grid - for a given image, more squares increases the resolution

Bistable environment

only two stable states separated by a huge energy barrier

Expectations of High-Level languages

programmer need not manage details of the movement of data items within memory or pay any attention to exactly where those items are stored, programmer can take a macroscopic view of tasks, thinking at a higher level of problem solving, programs written in a high-level language will be portable, will be closer to natural language

Digital subscriber line (DSL)

provided by either your local telephone company - DSL download speed: 1.5 Mbps - 1 Gbps - typical DSL upload speed: 1-3 Mbps

High-level programming language examples

python and OAMPL


quadratic run-time

O(n^2) examples

quadratic, bubble sort, selection, insertion sort

Generating random #'s in python

random.random(), random.uniform(), random.randint()

Unicode enables a single software product or website to be targeted across multiple platforms, languages, and countries without ___________


Immutable storage

read only storage (retains information stored at the time of manufacture), write once storage (allows information to be written only once at some point after manufacture - ie. CD-R)

Mutable storage

read/write storage (allows information to be overwritten at any time - ie. RAM, hard disk drives)


reading the input value

RGB True Color

red, green, blue - 8 bits per color, 16.7 million different colors

Individual computers on the network

referred to as nodes, host, or end systems

Computers use binary representation for reasons of ________



replaced modems and analog phone lines for data communication

Run-length encoding

replaces a sequence of identical values (v1, v2..., vn) by a pair of values (v, n)

Operating systems wait for ...

requests and activates other system programs to service these requests

Volatile memory

requires constant power to maintain stored information (DRAM & SRAM)

Knowledge engineering

requires interaction with the human expert, much of it in the domain environment

Symmetric encryption algorithm

requires the use of a secret key known to both the sender and receiver

A _____ must be produced after a finite number of operations


John Von Neumann

the father of computer virology (designed a self-producing computer program - world's first virus), a principal member of the Manhattan Project, proposed a radically different computer design based on a model called the stored program computer, part of the research group of UPenn that built one of the first stored program computers called EDVAC in 1951 - also credited with inventing "merge sort"

Herman Hollerith

the father of modern automatic computation, designed and built programmable card-processing machines that could automatically read, tally, and sort data entered on punched cards (censuses), founded the Computer Tabulating Recording Company and in 1924 his company became IBM

Software Development Life Cycle

the feasibility study, problem specification, program design, algorithm selection or development, and analysis, coding, debugging, testing/verification/benchmarking, documentation, maintenance

Artificial Intelligence

the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science that aims to create it - the study and design of intelligent agents

Turing machines define ______

the limits of computability

Web analytics

the measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of internet data in order to understand and optimize web usage - collect session-level information about interactions on a website: button clicks, navigation choices, time spent on specific pages, specific outcomes (purchase items, register, etc.)

Known plaintext attack

the plaintext is known by the code breaker

Net Neutrality

the principle that ISPs and the government should treat all data on the internet equally - charge the same price for all users, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment and modes of communication


the rate at which information can be read from or written to storage - expressed in megabytes per second


the science of "secret writing"

Computer Science

the study of algorithms: their formal and mathematical properties, hardware realizations, linguistic realizations, and applications


the time it takes to access a particular location in storage


the total amount of stored information that a storage device can hold

Virtual memory

this date is retrieved when needed, more retrievals means overall system performance is degraded

Period of the wave (T)

time it takes for the wave to make one complete cycle (units are seconds)

Primary purposes of the first pass of an assembler

to bind all symbolic names to address values, to enter those bindings into the symbol table

Goal of scientific visualization techniques

to take a massive data set and present it in a way that is more informative and more understandable for the user of that data

Frequency (f)

total number of cycles per unit time (units are hertz aka Hz)

Two's Complement representation

total number of values that can represented with n bits is 2^n

Brute force approach for a solution path

traces all branches of the state-space graph


transform data from a plaintext to ciphertext and back (a two way operation) - size, word length, length frequency

OAM assembler

translates a symbolic assembly language program into machine language

Summary of an assembler

translates an assembly language program into a machine language program

Gigabit networking

transmission lines that support speeds in excess of 1 billion bits per second (Gbps), typical (consumer) routers come with 1 Gbps ports

Major responsibilities of operating systems

user interface management (a receptionist), control of access to system and files (a security guard), program scheduling and activation (a dispatcher), efficient resource allocation (an efficiency expert), and deadlock detection and error detection (a traffic officer)

Wireless local access network

user transmits from his or her computer to a local wireless base station

Knowledge-based identification system

username and password, PIN #

Two-factor authentication

username and password, receive a security code via text

Examples of authentication

username/password, facial, voice, and fingerprint recognition

Distributed computing environment

users do not need to know the location of a given resource within the network

Problems with machine language

uses binary, is difficult to read, is difficult to change, and is difficult to create data


uses for robots in manufacturing, science, the military, and medicine - assembling automobile parts, packaging food and drugs, bomb disposal, welding, radiation and chemical spill detection

Reactive strategy

uses heuristic algorithms to allow the robot to respond directly to stimuli from its environment

Cable modem

uses links that deliver cable TV signals, offered by cable TV providers, typical cable download speed: 10 Mbps - 2 Gbps, typical cable upload speed: 1-3 Mbps

Wireless data communication

uses radio, microwave, and infrared signals

Swarm intelligence model

uses simple agents that: operate independently, can sense certain aspects of their environment, can change their environment

Digital representation

values for a given object are drawn from a finite set


variable byte representation - 1 byte to 4 bytes per code point, first 128 characters are encoded just like ASCII


variable byte representation - 2 bytes to 4 bytes per code point, optimized for languages residing in the 2 byte character range

Location counter

variable used to determine the address of a given instruction


verifies who has the right to gain access to the computer

Businesses built around data-intensive products are affected

video streaming services like Netflix and Hulu, call/chat center using VOIP, financial institutions, online retailers, restaurants, and web hosting companies

Types of virtual reality environments and fictional examples

visual, auditory, tactile - Star Trek, The Matrix, Avatar

Conditional statements (P & Q)

→ P is the hypothesis, Q is the conclusion * only time it is False is if P is true and Q is false

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