Connective Endings

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Purpose of connective endings

1. Connects reason and result 2. Connects a situation with a contrasting result 3. Connects a condition with an expected result

Connective endings conjugation

1. Verb stem + -아/어/여서 2. Verb stem + -(으)니까 3. Verb stem + -(으)ㄴ/는데 4. Verb stem + -(으)면 *1 and 2 connects reason and result* *3 connects a situation with a contrasting result* *4 connects a condition with an expected result*

Future tense AV form vst + -(으)ㄹ 것인데 example sentence 1: 일어날 건데 화장실에 가야 돼요.

Future tense AV form vst + -(으)ㄹ 것인데 example sentence 1 translation: I'm going to get up but I have to go to the bathroom.

Future tense AV form vst + -(으)ㄹ 것인데 example sentence 2: 받을 것인데 이거는 먼저 해야 될 거예요.

Future tense AV form vst + -(으)ㄹ 것인데 example sentence 2 translation: I'll receive it but first I will have to do this.

Future tense AV form vst + -(으)ㄹ 것인데 example sentence 3: 요리할 건데 지금 근처에 가게에 가요.

Future tense AV form vst + -(으)ㄹ 것인데 example sentence 3 translation: I will cook but now I'm going to the store nearby.

Past tense noun form conjugation (connective ending "verb stem + -(으)ㄴ/는데")

Noun + -이었/였는데

Present tense noun form conjugation (connective ending "verb stem + -(으)ㄴ/는데")

Noun + -인데

Past tense noun form n + -이었/였는데 example sentence 1: 체육관이었는데 지금 여기는 학교가 있어요.

Past tense noun form n + -이었/였는데 example sentence 1 translation: It used to be a gym, but now there is a school here.

Past tense noun form n + -이있/였는데 example sentence 2 카페였는데 금방 편의점 될 거예요.

Past tense noun form n + -이있/였는데 example sentence 2 translation: It was a café, but there will be a convenience store soon.

Past tense verb form vst + -았/었/였는데 example sentence 1: 파티에 갔는데 사람이 많이 없어서 내가 떠났어요.

Past tense verb form vst + -았/었/였는데 example sentence 1 translation: I went to a party, but there weren't many people so I left.

Past tense verb form vst + -았/었/였는데 example sentence 2: 나 밥을 먹었는데 저기 밥이 더 있어요.

Past tense verb form vst + -았/었/였는데 example sentence 2 translation: I ate food but there's more food over there

Past tense verb form vst + -았/었/였는데 example sentence 3: 일찍 했는데 하기 더 있어요.

Past tense verb form vst + -았/었/였는데 example sentence 3 translation: I did it earlier but there's more to do

Present tense AV form vst + -는데 example sentence 1: 나가야 하는데 나중에 방을 깨끗할 거예요

Present tense AV form vst + -는데 example sentence translation: I have to leave but I'll clean my room later.

Present tense AV form vst + -는데 example sentence 3: 먹는데 아직 음식이 더 있어요.

Present tense AV form vst + -는데 example sentence translation: I'm eating but there's still more food.

Present tense AV form vst + -는데 example sentence 4: 지금 운동하는데 이따가 만날 거예요.

Present tense AV form vst + -는데 example sentence translation: I'm exercising right now but later I'll meet you.

Present tense AV form vst + -는데 example sentence 2: 지금 가게에 가는데 후에 운동도 해요.

Present tense AV form vst + -는데 example sentence translation: I'm going to the store now but after I'll exercise too.

Present tense descriptive verb form vst + -(으)ㄴ데 example sentence 1: 하늘 예쁜데 날씨가 진짜 추워요.

Present tense descriptive verb form vst + -(으)ㄴ데 example sentence 1 translation: The sky is pretty but the weather is really cold.

Present tense descriptive verb form vst + -(으)ㄴ데 example sentence 2: 오늘은 많은데 많이 사람도 있어요.

Present tense descriptive verb form vst + -(으)ㄴ데 example sentence 2 translation: Today there are a lot but there are also a lot of people.

Present tense descriptive verb form vst + -(으)ㄴ데 example sentence 3: 조금 추운데 지금 수영장에 가고 싶어요?

Present tense descriptive verb form vst + -(으)ㄴ데 example sentence 3 translation: It's a little cold but do you want to go to the swimming pool?

Present tense descriptive verb form vst + -(으)ㄴ데 example sentence 4: 정말 추운데 학교에서 조금 머무를까요?

Present tense descriptive verb form vst + -(으)ㄴ데 example sentence 4 translation: It's really cold but should we stay at school for a while?

Present tense noun form n + -인데 example sentence 1: 주말인데 잔짜 바쁘니까 다음 주 놀을까요?

Present tense noun form n + -인데 example sentence 1 translation: It's the weekend, but I'm really busy, so shall we hangout next week?

Present tense noun form n + -인데 example sentence 2: 맛있는 음식인데 어제 음식이 만료됬어요.

Present tense noun form n + -인데 example sentence 2 translation: The food is delicious, but the food expired yesterday.

Present tense noun form n + -인데 example sentence 3: 저기 수영장인데 눈이 2일 전 왔어서 우리 수영할 수 없어요.

Present tense noun form n + -인데 example sentence 3 translation: It's a swimming pool over there, but we can't swim because it snowed two days ago.

Present tense descriptive verb form conjugation (connective ending "verb stem + -(으)ㄴ/는데")

Verb stem + -(으)ㄴ데

Future tense AV form conjugation (connective ending "verb stem + -(으)ㄴ/는데")

Verb stem + -(으)ㄹ 것인데 1. Vst ending with a vowel or ㄹ 받침 (in which case ㄹ is dropped), used -ㄹ 것인데 2. Vst ending with 받침, use -을 것인데 *것인데 can be shortened to 건데*

Present tense AV form conjugation (connective ending "verb stem + -(으)ㄴ/는데")

Verb stem + -는데

Past tense verb form conjugation (connective ending "verb stem + -(으)ㄴ/는데")

Verb stem + -았/었/였는데 1. If the vowel of the last letter of the vst is ㅗ or ㅏ, use -았는데 2. If the vowel of the last letter of the vst is not ㅗ or ㅏ, use -었는데 3. If the last letter of the vst is 하, use -였는데

Vst + -(으)니까 example sentence 1: 더우니까 이따가 수영하기 하고 싶어요?

Vst + -(으)니까 example sentence 1 translation: Because it's hot, do you want to swim later?

Vst + -(으)니까 example sentence 2: 음식이 없으니까 가게에 갈까요?

Vst + -(으)니까 example sentence 2 translation: Since there's no food shall we go to the store?

Vst + -(으)니까 example sentence 3: 추우니까 재킷을 입을까요?

Vst + -(으)니까 example sentence 3 translation: Should I/you wear a jacket because it's cold?

Vst + -(으)니까 example sentence 4: 저는 진짜 아팠으니까 온종일 침대에서 쉬었어요.

Vst + -(으)니까 example sentence 4 translation: I rested on my bed all day long because I was really sick.

Vst + -(으)면 example sentence 1: 집에 일찍 도착하면, 빨래를 할 거예요.

Vst + -(으)면 example sentence 1 translation: If I get home early I will do laundry.

Vst + -(으)면 example sentence 2: 헬스장에 가면, 알려 주세요.

Vst + -(으)면 example sentence 2 translation: If/when you go to the gym, please let me know.

Vst + -(으)면 example sentence 3: 내일 비바람이 오면, 경기가 취소될 거예요.

Vst + -(으)면 example sentence 3 translation: If there is a rainstorm tomorrow, the match will be cancelled.

Vst + -(으)면 example sentence 4: 내가 돈을 주면, 가게에 갈 거예요?

Vst + -(으)면 example sentence 4 translation: If I give you money, will you go to the store?

Vst + -(으)면 example sentence 5: 만약 이따가 한국 영화를 볼 거면, 같이 볼까요?

Vst + -(으)면 example sentence 5 translation: If you are going to watch a Korean movie later, shall we watch it together?

Vst + -아/어/여서 example sentence 1: 아니요. 오늘은 바빠서 할 수 없어요.

Vst + -아/어/여서 example sentence 1 translation: No. Today I'm busy so I can't.

Vst + -아/어/여서 example sentence 2: 이거 느끼하지 않아서 맛있다.

Vst + -아/어/여서 example sentence 2 translation: It's delicious because it's not greasy.

Vst + -아/어/여서 example sentence 3: 내가 진짜 피로해서 집에 가요.

Vst + -아/어/여서 example sentence 3 translation: I'm really tired so I'm going home.

Vst + -아/어/여서 example sentence 4: 많이 먹었어서 아팠어요?

Vst + -아/어/여서 example sentence 4 translation: Were you sick because you ate a lot?

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