Construction Communication Test 3

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When should you use written communication?

- Supplement formal and informal discussions - Make something part of the permanent record of the project - Make sure the record if forwarded without distortion - required by contract

What kind of meeting fall under post construction meetings?

- closeout meetings - lessons learned meetings claim meetings - warranty status review

How do we understand trade/subs?

- pre site communications - meetings - site walks

How can we understand designers?

- pre site communications - meetings - site walksq

What are the rules for understanding owners?

- professional interaction - complete as possible

What things are included in the 3rd step of establishing an agenda?

- the first item on the agenda is to confirm minutes and request other items - Consider high priority items early in the meeting - schedule items early where you anticipate consensus - if "information" is not required for meeting, place related items last

What should meeting minutes include?

- time, date and location (include end time) - names of all present - agenda items discussed - action items (who, what, when) - date and time of next meeting

What should you not do in a meeting?

- use cellphone or computer - overwhelm the meeting - take the conversation off topic -jump ahead - have side conversations

What 3 things did paul tell us to be a good employee?

- willingness to learn = advancement and higher pay - strive to use tools to make you a better builder and communicator - dont let being busy at work prevent you from learning

What kind of meetings fall under preconstruction meetings?

-Pre bid meetings - solicitation meetings -Design review meetings - pre construction meetings - scope meetings - proposal review/VA meetings

What are the 5 steps to figuring a meeting purpose?

1. define the team, group or unit 2. share knowledge, experience, judgement 3. Understand collective aim of the group and how each other can contribute to that aim? 4. Create commitment to the decisions made 5. delineate individuals status/role relative to others

What are the steps to establishing a meeting agenda?

1. determine meeting goals and objectives 2. identify items that need to be included on the agenda 3. organize the agenda items to achieve the meeting objectives 4. Test and evaluate the agenda before the meeting

Executives consider what percent of meetings to be failures?


Which of the 4 C's relate to being vague?


What are discussion items?

Who needs to interact about key topics/

When should a meeting agenda be published?

a few days before meeting

What does ACCE Slo #6

analyze professional decisions based on ethical principles

What should be avoided during meetings?

crucial conversations

You should keep your _________ _________ out of professional writing

personal feelings

What should be done at the end of a meeting?

set the time and place for the next meeting

What are action items?

when do important decisions need to be made?

What did paul say about willingness to learn?

willingness to learn = advancement and higher pay

Which of the 4 C's relate to too much text?


How can you get results with action items?

establish personal accountability

when doing professional writing, you should use _________ and not ________

facts, not opinions

What determines your reputation?

how the world sees you and your company

What are the reasons behind a failed meeting?

multitasking, remote participants engagement, lack of planning and structure

What are the 3 types of project meetings?

pre construction construction post construction

What are information items?

what the team needs to know

What are the considerations for scheduling a meeting?

- Is a meeting really needed of could issues be solved with a phone call or email? - Can you define a purpose for the meeting? - what is appropriate duration and location required for a meeting? - who are necessary attendees? - should meeting be recurring? - what is right format for meeting?

How can we understand owners?

- OAC meeting - contractual requirements - monthly progress meetings - executive meetings

What kind of meetings fall under construction meetings?

- OAC meetings - schedule meetings - executive meetings - sub meetings - safety meetings

What things are included in the 4th step of establishing an agenda?

- before the meeting, request feedback on the agenda - at the beginning of the meeting, confirm a meeting "ending time" - list major topics for discussion using a flipchart, overhead projector, powerpoint slide - at the end of the meeting, evaluate the effectiveness of the meeting agenda and achieving the desired outcome

If you can not get a meeting to 4-7 people, what can you do?

- can some people leave for some of the items? - can you do the same with 2 separate meetings? - can something be addressed in advance by a similar group?

What does the construction management code of ethics say are the obligations to the client?

- client service - conflicts of interest - fair compensation - release of information

What are the 8 primary ethics issues in construction?

- competitive fairness and quals accuracy - fiduciary responsibility - discrimination and harassment - environmental awareness and sustainability - health and safety practices - workmanship and code compliance - public welfare - leadership and culture

What things are included in the 2nd step of establishing an agenda?

- conduct premeeting - brainstorm for meeting agenda items - eliminate agenda items that do not relate to the meeting goals

What is the framework for a code of ethics in construction?

- conflicts of interest - bidding - professional services and integrity - fair compensation -representation of qualifications and availability - fair competition - release of information - public health and welfare

What 4 things did paul say about construction technology?

- field is most important - communication is key - onboarding and constant training - technology must have a purpose

What is the typical OAC meeting agenda format?

- heading - prior meeting minutes - schedule overview -Owner items - architect/design items - project administration - pay application -recap/new items - next meeting info

What does the construction management code of ethics say are the obligations to the profession?

- industry standards - honesty - professional development - integrity of the profession

How do we understand other stakeholders?

- inspections - zoning - OSHA

What is the contractors responsibility in an OAC meeting?

- keep meeting minutes - distributing minutes - keep track of action items - creating a weekly report

What are the challenges of understanding designers?

- language barriers - other projects/priorities - supervision

What are the challenges of understanding trade/subs?

- language barriers - other projects/priorities supervision

What is the basic test of defining business ethics?

- lying? - cheating? - stealing?

What did Matt shelby say are the 4 things he looks for in a potential hire?

- passion for construction - passion for life - grit/determination - Cultural fit

What does the code of ethics say are the obligations to the public?

- representation of qualifications and availability - Legal compliance - Fair competition - Public contracts - safety

What is the purpose of a a meeting agenda?

- speed up and clarify the meeting - avoid a brief, unorganized and vague meeting - Ensure proper topics are addressed/covered - allows others to know/contribute on discussion topics

How can you establish personal accountabiltiy?

- who: by name - what: what specifically are they going to deliver/ complete - When: establish the timeline for delivery - follow up: hold the person accountable by follow up to the action list

What are the 10 common mistakes in written communication?

1. Poor planning 2. Failing to make an impression 3. Typos, poor punctuation, abbreviations, grammatical errors 4. management speak and buzz words 5. long words and elaborate phrases 6. complete/sufficient sentences 7. too much emotion 8. too much test 9. not using bullet points 10. being vague

What are the eight ethical questions?

1. fairness 2. outcomes 3. responsibilities 4. Character 5. liberty 6. empathy 7. Authority 8. Rights

What are the 3 types of meeting goals and objectives?

1. information items 2. discussion items 3. action items

How should materials be distributed during a meeting?

1. make sure everyone has a copy of the agenda 2. do not distribute all the handouts at the beginning 3, powerpoints allow you to control the flow 4. establish plan for digital posting

what are the 7 habits for highly effective meetings?

1. obtain written agenda in advance 2. review the attendees list 3. manage the meeting by the clock 4. use the "parking lot" to manage off topic discussions 5. pre wire important points and decisions 6. take notes for yourself 7. follow up on the meeting

What is the Project management code of ethics chapters?

1. vision and purpose 2. responsibility 3. Respect 4. Fairness 5. Honesty

How can you test of right or wrong in business practices?

1. what does your conscience tell you? 2. how would you feel if on the other side of the deal? 3. if your actions were published in the wall street journal, what would you and others think? 4. what does the law say? 5. any questions of doubt - ASK!

How many meetings are there a day in the US?

25 million

How much time do middle managers spend of their time in meetings?


How much time per week do people spend preparing for meetings?

4 hours

What size meeting is ideal?


How much time does upper management spent of their time in meetings?


what is the difference between affect and effect?

Affect is a verb, effect is a noun

Which of the 4 C's relate to complete/sufficient sentences?


Which of the 4 C's relate to long words and elaborate phrases?


When building an outdoor swing, what is the owner thinking about?


When building an outdoor swing, what is the marketing team thinking about?


Which of the 4 C's relate to typos, poor punctuation, abbreviations, and grammatical errors?


When building an outdoor swing, what is the engineer thinking about?


When doing written communication, what words and phrases should be avoided?

Hope, hoping, feel or feeling, sorry

What is the definition of a bribe?

Money or favor given or promised in order to influence the judgement or conduct of a person in a position of trust or something that serves to induce or influence

When building an outdoor swing, what is construction thinking about?


What does the construction management code of ethics say is the obligation to the environment?


Paul said that in order to be successful, you need to be......

The most knowledgeable person in the conversation

What are parking lot items?

Things that need to be talked about again (not action items)

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