Consumer Behavior 4100

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A ----- gives a customer 72 hours to return a product without penalty:

"Cool off" law

A(n) ----- protects a car buyer against being sold a substandard car:

"Lemon" Law

US Internet users average how many hours a month online?

100 hours

The Silent Generation was born between:

1925 and 1945

The Baby Boomers were born between:

1946 and 1964

The Generation X was born between:

1965 and 1976

The Generation Y was born between:

1977 and 1984

The definition of consumer NEED as recommended in Chapter 1 is:

A discomforting human condition

"Subpopulation lifestyles" refers to:

A random sample of a specific subpopulation, identifying lifestyle segments of consumers

"General population lifestyles" refers to:

A random sample of an entire population, identifying lifestyle segments of consumers

An ad for a brand of Plasma HDTV shows a professional narrating a list of many features and benefits of the brand. This ad is seeking to form consumer attitudes through:

A rational hierarchy

The AIDA model involves

A series of stages that a consumer goes through before adopting a new product.

Make-goods are

A set customer recovery techniques that requires the company to correct a mistake

"Domain specific lifestyles" are different than General population and subpopulation lifestyles because:

A specific lifestyle activity is of special interest

What does "Traditional sex role attitude" refer to?

A view that a woman's place is in the home and men's place is out of home, working and earning a living

What does "Egalitarian sex role attitude" refer to?

A view that men and women are both equal, and must share equally in all tasks

For leisure-oriented shoppers, shopping is all of the following with the exception of

A waste of time

Which of the following attributes enables efficient and effective shopping online?

Access to a wide assortment

Who will not benefit from a study of consumer behavior?

ALL of the above will benefit.

Alice was recently promoted to a new position in her company. She is excited by her achievement and decides to go to Saks Fifth Avenue to buy herself a new party dress. Alice is motivated to go shopping by

Acquisition and self-gratification

Men's visits to a store are:


Which of the following is a Low involvement hierarchy of attitude:

Act --> Feel --> Think

All of the following are potential benefits to an organization for utilizing affinity group marketing, except

All of the above are possible benefits

Just because a consumer is satisfied with your brand does not mean that

All of the above are true

Which of the following statements is FALSE for consumers' behavior in the majority of decision-making situations?

All of the above are true statements

The intensity of tribal consumption is characterized by all of the following except one. Which one?

All of the above characterize tribal consumption intensity.

Which of the following has a greater impact on brand attitude in "low involvement" situations?

Attitude toward the ad

Which of the following is not a measure of loyalty based strictly on behavior?

Attitude toward the brand

The Internet has enabled at least two new exchange platforms for price negotiation. They are:

Auction and price bidding

Children have the least amount of influence in family decision-making in which of the following family types?


Families in which the head of household exercises strict authority over the children, such that children learn to obey elders in all matters are _______ families.


_____ decisions are decisions in which the wife makes a purchase decision independent of the husband

Autonomous by wife

Among the following factors that could explain a consumer's impulsive buying, which factor cannot be called a psychological factor?

Available time

The four original race groups among humans are:

Aboriginals, Africans, Caucasians and Mongoloids

Positioning by lifestyle refers to:

Combining various elements of the marketing mix so that the product appeals to consumers of particular lifestyles

Which of the following is a market factor working against brand loyalty?

Competitive promotional activity

The term "voice" generally refers to

Complaining—the act of expressing one's dissatisfaction

When buying a new car, Jason believes any alternative that he will consider must get at least 30 miles to the gallon and cost less than $30,000. Which model most closely matches his approach to the purchase?

Conjunctive model

Consumers generally evaluate only a subset of familiar brands when making a purchase selection. This subset of brands is called

Consideration set

The _______________________ tracks consumer trust and satisfaction in e-businesses.

Consumer Internet Barometer

Companies that gather and sell information about where you work and live, how you pay your bills and whether you've been sued, arrested or have filed for bankruptcy, among other issues, are called:

Consumer Reporting Agencies

All of the following are marketer sources except

Consumer Reports magazine

Which of the following are NOT levels of "voice"?

Consumer does not complain at all

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) represents which type of affinity group?


In general, all of the following are values that African-Americans place a premium on, except for:

Denying Self for the group's sake

Rap singer Joys J is a pioneer in the field of Christmas rap music. She has just released her first album entitled Xmas Gift 'rappin'. If they like her music, which of the following groups would be best able to help J in getting others to buy her albums?

Early adopters.

Which of the following is an important pre-purchase factor in E-Satisfaction?

Ease of navigation through the Web site

Consumer Behavior draws on all of the following disciplines except:


Based on VALS, resources are such things as:

Education, income, and health

Fred Dansen dislikes Ivy League schools because his application was rejected by all of them. The basis of his attitude is:


George, a business executive, does not like to shop at TJ Maxx because he is afraid that one of his employees might be shopping there too, and he doesn't want to be seen shopping there by his employees who think he must be shopping at more upscale stores. The basis of George's dislike for shopping at TJ Maxx is:


Michelle is moving to a new apartment. As part of her selection process, she identified the most important attributes that her new apartment should have and began excluding any location that did not meet her minimal acceptable level on the attributes in the rank order of importance. Which model most closely matches this approach to the purchase?

Elimination by aspects

As a director of marketing for Apple's iPod, you are asked to obtain placement of their newest iPod products in one of several TV shows. Which of the following would be your last choice for placement for the IPOD:

Emeril Live

A character that depicts human emotions in text-based communications online is called a(n):


"Every dollar that you donate will provide a meal for up to five homeless people" is an example of what type of appeal?"


The race/ethnic group with the highest proportion of the oldest population in the U.S. is:


Which of the following race/ethnic groups is also referred to as the 'mainstream' population?


----- is a U.S. government agency that monitors both the safety and the efficacy of drugs, food and medical devices:


Which one of the following best characterizes the personality trait of uniqueness seeking?

Gabe tries to differentiate himself from the pack by wearing one-of-a-kind items of clothing.

When you get to bargain and bid, this is referred to as:

Game-like exchange

Which of the following IS NOT a factor that enables efficient and effective shopping?

Game-like exchanges

The two major categories of shopping motivations are:

Hedonic and utilitarian

Which of the following is an example of impulsive buying?

Henry buys a pair of shoes on the spur of the moment.

An ad for the exclusive jeweler, Tiffany's, stated "Buy her engagement ring here so she can tell how much you love her, that you are proud to marry her, and hope to live with her happily ever-after." Based on the FCB Grid of Involvement, what type of purchase is being made?

High Involvement—Feel

Which of the following is NOT associated with low elaboration?

High attention

Which of the following is likely to increase a consumer's time spent searching for information?

High degree of expertise

Consumers are more likely to invest more time and effort and are more motivated to use a deliberate, systematic process in the selection of ____________products.

High involvement

Theory of Reasoned Action (TORA) applies most to:

High involvement consumer decisions

In the alternative selection stage, the consumer's primary goal is to

Identify the best alternative

The observation method is most useful for

Identifying opinion leaders.

Mark, a student at an Ivy League college greatly resents the informal dress of his father, who normally wears jeans to work. He believes that his father's attire shows a lack of appreciation of traditional values and refined tastes. Mark, in contrast, wears a suit and tie to college even though such formal dressing is not required. In relation to his father, Mark's clothing consumption behavior is an example of

Identity distancing.

The desire for an immediate outcome is called

Immediacy bias

For low involvement products, once the evaluation is complete, and the alternative to be chosen is identified the purchase is implemented


All compulsive behaviors are clinically called:

Impulse Control Disorder (ICD)

During her last shopping trip, before checking out, Emily passes by a rack with candies. She grabs a chocolate bar, though it was not on her shopping list. She engages in____ behavior.


Tracy loves shopping for clothing. She often goes to clothing stores to see the new merchandise, without having an intention to buy. When she sees a dress she likes and its price is attractive, she buys it without thinking too much. Tracy engages in_____ buying behavior.


How do men and women differ in terms of goals?

In general, men are more focused on impersonal or individualistic goals, whereas women are more focused on achieving the goals of the groups of which they are members

______ is the importance of a product or issue to consumers.


Fishbein's Extended Model of Behavior extends the basic attitude model in that:

It also includes one's peers' and other referents' opinions

A consumer who has a strong attitude but weak behavior toward a brand can be described as having:

Latent loyalty

_____ are unwilling to discuss business unless they come to know you and can trust you.

Latin American and Middle Easterners

Which of the following products would most likely require a consumer to use a very limited information search?

Laundry detergent

In most families, for which of the following types of purchases is the husband MOST likely to dominate?


**Two collections of magazines, identical except that one includes Time and the other Newsweek, are shown to different sets of consumers who are asked to guess what type of person would be a subscriber. This is known as the __________ technique.

Mason Haire

After a high Involvement choice is identified, product purchase

May have to wait

For which of the following products would a "buzz" campaign be least suited?

McDonald's hamburgers.

Which of the following is not a known reason for intergenerational influence (IGI)?


When Osbornes go shopping for exotic foods at Jungle Jim's International Market, the most important selection factor for this store choice is

Merchandise assortment

Which of the following is NOT a "how" factor influencing customers' store loyalty?

Merchandise assortment

Consumers use all but which one of the following factors to decide whether or not they like a salesperson as a person?

Merchandise presentation

Which of the following determinants of customers' store loyalty is the most important one

Merchandise quality

The lowest level of satisfaction is known as

Mere Satisfaction

Which of the following would be the best example of "direct" comparative advertising?

Microsoft demonstrating the advantages of it Zune MP3 player in comparison to Apple's I-Pod MP3 player.

Which of the following would be the best example of "direct" comparative advertising?

Microsoft demonstrating the advantages of its Zune MP3 player in comparison to Apple's I-Pod MP3 player

All of the following, except for ___, are all terms that are loosely used to refer to that portion of the population in the U.S. that is not African-, Asian-, Hispanic- or Native-American:


Which of the following is NOT contributing to consumers' feelings of time pressure?

More convenient outlets for shopping

From Ellen Tibbs' Diary in Chapter 1, it is clear that people are being consumers:

Most of the times

When a potential opinion leader is deemed to be trustworthy

Most people will tend to go with his or her recommendations without much additional thought.

**According to the MAO Model of Action, what three things must be present in order for a consumer to accomplish a goal?

Motivation, Ability, and Opportunity

Which of the following groups is NOT a part of VALS?


The ability to speak to a live person is an element of:

Multi-channel customer support

_________________ on the Web can rivet you to a product.

Multi-media sensations

Which of the following types of products are least likely to be purchased online?

New experiential products

Which of the following is NOT a "what" factor influencing customers' store loyalty?


_____________________ is giving users the information they seek without their asking for it.


When using a compensatory decision rule, this consumer would select which brand of pizza?

Pizza Hut

When using a lexicographic decision rule, this consumer would select which brand of pizza?

Pizza Hut

The decision process begins when the consumer

Recognizes a need to be satisfied

What can you do about the big waste problem

Reduce, reuse and recycle

On your way to class, you feel hungry and stop at the vending machine which of the following problems did you experience?

Routine problem

Because 'Saving face' is in general important to Asians, which of the following is not a good idea for marketers to do, when targeting the Asian-American population in the U.S.?

Running comparative Ads that disparage the competitor's product

_________________ are the oldest segment of consumers. While 70% are college graduates, they have values that are inconsistent with Internet shopping.

Shopping Avoiders

____________________ are the segment of consumers who shop a lot online and who account for the highest level of purchases among online shoppers.

Shopping Lovers

Jane always buys Levi's brand jeans because she believes that these jeans fit her body type and lifestyle better than any other alternative. Which of the following elements of affective choice mode does this represent?



Should be classified as laggards with respect to their willingness to adopt new products.

Which of the following is at least one reason why the U.S. Census Bureau's race identification scheme is based on an administrative designation, rather than a scientific or cultural classification?

Some race categories (e.g., Asians) are comprised of sub-categories that are geographically rather than genetically similar

Opinion leaders tend to be

Somewhere in between momomorphus and polymourphous.

In regard to persuasion, the quality of making an emotional connection with consumers is known as:

Source attractiveness

Attitudes toward advertised brands are a function of support arguments minus counter arguments minus:

Source derogation

Of the following, "buzz" marketing is most likely to be associated with

Spread of product information through word of mouth.

Viral marketing involves

Spreading product acceptance from one consumer to another in an exponential fashion.

A consumer who has a weak attitude toward a brand but frequently purchases it can be described as having:

Spurious loyalty

If a consumer purchases the same brand of coffee every week, not because it is his favorite brand, but because it is the only brand carried by the store he shops in, he would most likely be described as having:

Spurious loyalty

The fact that J. C. Penney, in some 22 of its stores, offers a wide range of African clothing and fabrics for the home, many based on Kente cloth, originally worn by African royalty, is to cater to which of the following characteristics of the African-American population?

They have a strong racial awareness and ethnic pride

What does femininity refer to?

The personality traits of compassion, sensitivity, and politeness

What does masculinity refer to?

The personality traits of independence, competitiveness, assertiveness, and instrumentality

Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction is a very important term in Consumer behavior. It is

The positive or negative feeling consumers get with the outcome of consumption

Consumers can infer the fairness of the price of a product on the basis of which of the following:

The price at which the product is offered to another buyer

Consumers can infer the fairness of the price of a product on the basis of which of the following:

The price of a comparative alternative

A "Bohemian Mix" lifestyle group is:

Young residents of urban hodge-podge neighborhoods

A consumer, Scott Greenwood, is very concerned about global warming and our environment. He patronizes a particular restaurant in town because its owner is a big supporter of pro-environmental community projects. The basis of Scott Greenwood's attitude toward the restaurant is:


When asked why she likes Prius, a hybrid Toyota car, Julia replied: "because it saves our environment." Julia's basis of attitude toward Prius is:


Fill in the blanks within the sentence from the choices below. "A ______ salesperson would often say, "as a friend, I would advise you ...," and to a customer from _____ cultures, this would sound very insincere, especially if the salesperson were to then follow up his or her pitch with business-like negotiations and hard selling."

Western, Eastern

A brand alliance is:

When companies co-brand and run joint promotions

The fact that most Belgians and Icelanders are Caucasians illustrates the concept that:

Within a single race, multiple ethnic identities can exist

Which of the following is true?

Women tend to buy fresh vegetables more than men do, because these are healthier than canned vegetables

Since the Hispanic-American community is close knit and community-oriented, which of the following would be a particularly useful tool that marketers could use, to increase sales of their product in this population:


Which of the following is not a U.S. consumer protection law?

The Antitrust Act

The ----- promotes accuracy in our Consumer Credit Reports and ensures the privacy of information in them:

The Fair Credit Reporting Act

Which of the following is NOT a barrier to online information search:

The Internet is like a data warehouse—it is a vast storage medium

Which of the following is not a right set forth in the Consumer Bill of Rights?

The Right to vote

Which of the following statements is true regarding limited decision-making?

The product is usually associated with low involvement and low perceived risk

When a consumer says they are satisfied or not satisfied with a product, they are generally thinking about

The product's performance

Two consumers, Dave and Don, have the following purchase histories: Which of the following are true?

The proportion of purchase of Brand A is the same for both consumers

Value is a very interesting term. It means

The ratio of benefits you get from a product versus the costs you incur

When it comes to clothing, youngsters are exclusively focused on

The trend of the day

"Yes, we cost more, but its worth it!" is an example of:

a two-sided message

When a person immigrates to a new country, he/she often must learn about the new culture. The process of learning about a new culture is called


All of the following are considered models of consumer learning EXCEPT:


**Inferences people draw about the causes of events and the behavior of themselves and others are:


**Unconventional clothing satisfies a need for ________, while high-fashion apparel may be worn to satisfy a need for ________.

autonomy; exhibition

Upon receiving a speeding ticket, one may have to choose between paying a fine and attending safe-driving classes. This is an __________ conflict.

avoid; avoid

The desire to protect oneself from an object is ________ motivation.


Colgate could have avoided the blunder of introducing a toothpaste in France under the brand name Cue, which translates into is a sexual slang if they had used which of the following techniques?

back translation

Groove-head is a new cream that if you apply for one month on a recently shaven head, your head will become more shapely. A consumer named Pritley Tears is motivated to try it because she really wants her head to become more shapely. One requirement however is that you should apply it every two hours with a total rinse in between. Pritley Tears may hesitate to adopt this innovation because of (choose the most correct answer)

behavioral incompatibility

**According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, _________ needs will remain dormant until ___________ needs are satisfied.

belonging and love; safety and security

**Needs stemming from our biology as humans are called:


In Western cultures, which of the following is false about color:

blue is used to denote trust, authority, security

Two men are shown a Victoria's Secret advertisement in a magazine. The ad depicts three beautiful female models wearing a new line of lingerie. Which of the following is true?

both consumers see the models as 'ground.

Which of the following is NOT a way by which brands are positioned in the marketplace:

by brand logos

Ian is taking a date to a finer dining restaurant, Le Plus Fin en Nourriture, located in downtown Manhattan. As they approach the doorman, they see a group of teenagers sitting to the side of the doorway, smoking, talking loudly, and creating a scene with their behavior. The possibility that this may affect their dining experience at this restaurant:

can be explained by the concept of context.

After a trip to Europe that he received as a graduation present, Geoff made the following comment to his buddy, "Everyone in Europe does things backwards. The food was trashy. I'm so glad to be back in the good 'ole US of A." This comment reflects Geoff's


Cigna, an insurance company offers incentives to get its members to engage in pro-health behaviors. This is an example of which type of reward?


**A public gathering of complete strangers, organized via the Internet or mobile phone, who perform a pointless act and then disperse, is a(n):

flash mob

For children and teenagers the main food feature has to be:


Which of the following concepts describes the process of remembering the number 911 as a single bit of information that stands for the emergency number to call in the U.S.A.?


In an ad campaign, Ford used American Idol contestants as endorsers for its brand. For those who like these musicians, their liking toward the brand should increase. This is an example of which model of consumer learning?

classical conditioning

Marlboro's association with a fictional cowboy in a fictional countryside out in the Wild, Wild West best characterizes which model of consumer learning?

classical conditioning

An anti-smoking advertisement in a magazine simply lists the hazards of smoking to your personal health in paragraph form. Which of the following models of consumer learning is best characterized in this advertisement?

cognitive learning

**Among the psychogenic needs identified by Murray is the need "to explore, to ask questions, to seek knowledge," otherwise known as the need for:


Examples of core Eastern values include

collectivism, humanism, respect for hierarchy

If society desires boycotting foreign goods, then a consumer with a(n) ________ value will buy only domestic; in contrast, a(n) _________ consumer will buy the car that pleases him or her regardless of whether it is domestic or foreign-made.

collectivistic; individualistic

An innovation that ranks high on social visibility would be evaluated favorably on _______________.


People who don't easily understand a product (e.g., the Internet or a cell phone) evaluate the ____________ of an innovation to be undesirable.


For classical conditioning to work, ___________ pairing is essential.


In the early 1980's, Wal-Mart positioned their goods by promoting them as home-grown products made in the USA. Wal-Mart hoped to appeal to

consumer ethnocentrism

When introducing a new product, an important concept for marketers to keep in mind is:

consumers must be exposed to the product in order for perception to occur

During Ramadan, many businesses and stores close during daylight hours and then open at dusk with a bout of festivities and consumption. This demonstrates the connection of

consumption to cultural rituals

During the 24 hours before Valentine's Day, the highest volume of flowers are sold. This demonstrates the connection of

consumption to cultural rituals

Japanese women wear different kimonos based on their age, marital status and season. This is an example of a Japanese


Most American brides wear a white dress and grooms wear a tux for their wedding. What is this is an example of?


**Collecting, caring, nurturing and relishing are associated with _________ involvement.


When opening outlets in Eastern and Latin American countries, McDonald's and other fast food outlets must position themselves as sources of ___ as opposed to speed.

different or unique food at convenient locations

**Needs are _______ and wants are _________.

discomforting conditions; desires for specific solutions

Motivation has two necessary components (without these there is no motivation); these are:

drive and goal object

Which of the following sites is associated with treasure hunting?

A new supermarket has just decided on a name: The Great Big Food Store and More. What reason best explains why this name might be more successfully recognized and remembered than a name like Leonardi's.

ease of sense-making

Which of the following Freudian theory of personality components most likely drives self-growth oriented consumption (e.g., enrolling in skill development courses)?


With elaboration, messages are judged as:

either relevant and truthful, or alternatively, hyped and untruthful.

With which type of encoding do we try to link the information in terms of meaning (as opposed to surface or nonsensical features)?


An advertisement has a higher likelihood of being interpreted if it:

elicits high consumer involvement

"A sudden surge of feelings" defines:


What is the most important marketing implication of cultural differences?

ensure that your ad reflects the values of local culture

A "low-involvement " ad should focus only on:

a single, simple product benefit.

A worker for the March of Dimes (MoD) asks a resident of a particular neighborhood to work on behalf of the organization by asking twenty other residents for donations to support their cause. When refused, the MoD worker asks if he could at least get a small donation from this resident. This is an example of:

the door in the face technique.

Purposive behavior is:

the expenditure of energy to attain some goal object

Fears appeals work best when:

the fear induced is not very strong.

A girl scout asks a neighbor on her street to buy a $3 box of girl scout cookies. When the neighbor agrees to buy one box, the girl scout then asks her neighbor to purchase additional cookies that will be sent to U.S. soldiers stationed abroad. The technique being describes is:

the foot in the door technique.

A reference price is:

the price a consumer expects to pay

A __________ test consists of showing a series of ambiguous pictures to consumers and asking them to describe the story of which they are a part.

thematic apperception

Two-sided messages work best:

when consumer involvement is high, and a negative pertains to a minor attribute.

Humor appeals work best:

with low-involvement products

Robyn joins a health club but then quits after she feels very conscious about not losing as much weight as she had hoped to lose in a particular amount of time. Freud would most likely characterize Robyn's actions as a form of _________.


You are favorably predisposed to Nike brand of products. Next time you need an athletic shoe, or a sports jersey, you are most likely to shop the Nike store. This favorable predisposition most directly refers to:

your attitude

While purchasing a house, men are

generally more concerned with such functional aspects as the construction of the house; the heating, cooling, and electrical systems; and the kind of building materials utilized.

While purchasing a house, women are

generally more concerned with such functional features as the amount of closet space in bedrooms, the size and shape of the kitchen

What three factors influence cognitive age?

health condition, optimism/pessimism, and attitude towards aging

Which of the following types of cognitive learning does a cell phone that is important to us most likely inspire in consumers when learning about it?

high involvement

Middle-aged Baby Boomers wear

high quality brand name clothes, valuing the classic over the trendy

A Western customer who doesn't like a product may tell the salesperson "No thanks, I don't really like that one." An Eastern customer who doesn't like a product may tell the salesperson "I will think about it." This difference is an example of

high vs. low context communication

Cultures and societies have historically assigned women

home-making and child-rearing roles

The Mexican celebration of Dia de los muertos or Day of the Dead is an example of

how a culture interacts with sacredness

Isabella seeks more hedonic consumption and tends not to control her desire for buying and consuming. Which of the following Freudian theory of personality components most likely drives Isabella's consumer behavior?


The idea of who a person would like to become is typically considered the:

ideal self

We learn to use Bed Head shampoo because it renders our hair just the way we want, and we learn to drink Fruitopia because we savor its taste. These are examples of ___________ rewards.


Which type of reward should marketers ultimately want their customers to get from their products?


The proper choice of advertising media by the marketer:

is crucial in getting the consumer to perceive the message.

Using price as a cue for quality:

is more prevalent when quality cannot be judged before the purchase

Perceptual threshold

is the minimum level or magnitude at which a stimulus begins to be sensed

An avid snowboarder, Jason is always reading advertisements about new products available for his sport. When a consumer such as Jason is familiar with the product:

it leads to efficiency in organizing the information

The first time we encounter something:

it presents itself as a stimulus which we sense

Through a series of "why is that important to you?" questions, I found out that Sophia buys a lot of greeting cards because she values warm relationships with others. This process is typically labeled as _________.


A U.S. Corporation employs Hofstede's cultural dimension concept to help domestic managers assigned to Asian countries better understand the region's culture. Domestic managers will learn that much of the difficulty most Americans encounter in dealing with Asians stems from the fact that the Asian culture is a prime example of a

large power distance/collectivist society.

**Moods are:

less intense than emotions.

Marketers are interested in ensuring that consumers store and file their brand information in the right place. Which type of memory characterizes this concern of marketers?


Which type of memory is typically thought to be where information we do not currently need is stored away for future access?


Which of the following types of cognitive learning does a mint (e.g., Altoids) that is not important to us most likely inspire in consumers when learning about it?

low involvement

Consumer purchases of store brands are motivated by the following motives with the exception of

lower risk than national brands

In your own culture you understand behaviors like what gift to buy for a baby shower and what to take when invited to a friend's house. This is an example of how culture

makes living more efficient

**According to Dichter's research, the purchase of heavy shoes stems from a(n) __________ motive:


Jane is about to start a new job after graduating college. To project the correct image in the work place, Jane recently purchased a new leather briefcase, a red power suit, and an expensive pen. The belief that these material possessions show power and achievement is an example of which cultural dimension?


Tim considers possessing and consuming more and more products as a sign of success. Tim is most likely _________.


The learned response is:

mental or behavioral

Duracell's Coppertop Battery ads show the product with the copper portion of the battery snapping into position on top of the remaining portion, as the voiceover mention the word "coppertop" in the tagline "nothing tops the Coppertop." This is an example of which type of encoding?


Timmy's compulsion to go to NBA games stems from his early childhood when he watched his father become so happy from going to Philadelphia 76er games at the Spectrum. The process of learning that Timmy has experienced is best characterized by:


Which of the following specifies the process whereby learning occurs by observing others?


A semantic network is a(n):

network of various concepts.

Tom is emotionally unstable, nervous, and anxious, which often drives him to gamble and binge eat. Which of the following Big Five personality traits best describes Sharon?


When marketers create retro products (e.g., Volkswagen's new Beetle, Chrysler's PT Cruiser, BMW's Mini Cooper), they are appealing to a consumer's sense of:


While shopping, men are

not impulsive, but they are not very deliberative either


occurs when the stimulus comes within a consumer's sensory reach

Instrumental learning:

occurs when you learn to act in a certain way that is rewarding

Popular literature suggests that women have more

of a nurturing instinct

A veterinarian who specializes in cats is trying to decide on the best picture to use in her yellow page advertising so that cat owners will pay attention to the ad. She decides on using the picture of a cat because:

of the consumer's need and involvement

The Big Five of personality refers to:

openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

An advantage of using humor appeals is:

people like to tell jokes and discuss funny commercials.

Robert is uncertain about whether the relative advantage of laser eye surgery will accrue and whether any unanticipated harm will occur if he would undergo such surgery. Robert is most likely evaluating the ____________ of such an innovation.

perceived risk

When energy is expended to attain some goal object, we call that use of energy _________ behavior.


In the phone number 586-5210, you might notice that there is a '5' at the beginning of both the exchange and individual number codes; and that the second set has 012 (the three lowest sequential numbers) reversed; and in the first set, again reading backwards, add '1' to the common number '5' (thus making '6') and then to this '6' add '2' (remember, the sequence—add '1', and for next digit backwards, add '2'), thus giving us '8'. Which of the following concepts describes the type of process in trying to keep the phone number alive in STM?

quick coding

Bethany just bought an expensive Volvo automobile to impress others, but she tells herself on a conscious level that she bought it because of its safety rating. Bethany is most likely using ________ to overcome the guilt of her purchase.


Tom Frugalman, a consumer, goes shopping downtown and parks his car free of cost on a side street some blocks away (as opposed to parking in the pay garage adjacent to the store). As he is walking from the car in the direction of the store, he runs into a friend, who naturally notices where Tom had parked the car. Tom is quick to explain: I needed the exercise. This shows that Tom is defending his ego by which means of ego defense:


Grooms consider the _______ as the most important event


Multiple-choice questions, such as this one, evoke:


A marketer can change consumer attitudes by all of the following except:

reducing its use of advertising

Around the winter holiday season, the consumer rush for purchasing gifts can result in many adults fighting over toys. Freud would most likely characterize this behavior as _________.


The practice of changing consumer perceptions about the brand is called:


Cultural practices include which of the following?

rituals, customs, myths

Caitlin repeats the following phrase to herself: "Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun." She uses _____________ to learn the information

rote memorization

**"If you don't take control of your data, someone else will," warns Sharp Corporation in promoting its MX-Series copier's ability to "help prevent sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands." This is an appeal to the __________ level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.


In assessing a consumer's personality, one must understand a person's environment and response. Stan goes to a store, sees an item on sale, and immediately buys it after feeling the "rush" of the sale. Which of the following would represent Stan's "environment?"

sale item at store

Which if the following is NOT a method of putting the consumer in good mood?

salesperson's mannerism

While buying items such as kitchen appliances and home furniture, men

seek product composition information

Consumer as a Problem Solver refers to consumer role as:

seeker of marketplace solutions to problems of everyday living

A consumer is looking through the yellow pages trying to find a veterinarian who specializes in parrots. She starts looking at the listings for the numerous veterinary hospitals in her area, but is drawn to the ad with the picture of a parrot. This explains the effect of:

selective attention

**The U.S. Army's long-time slogan, "Be All You Can Be," is an appeal to the _________ motive.


Which of the following is considered to be "the sum total of all the thoughts and ideas the person conjures up when he/she thinks of him/herself?"


Which type of memory typically holds information less than a second for us to decide whether we should pay attention to a stimulus?


Memory is often thought to be divided into three parts - these parts are:

sensory, short-term, and long-term

A researcher asks consumers to complete the following thought: "I drink Gatorade when . . . ." The researcher is using a ___________ test.


When you see a phone number on the TV screen to call about a product or service, it is usually easy to remember the number but hard to remember the area code as well. This is because the phone number with the area code comes really close to exceeding or typically exceeds the capacity of _______________ memory.


Which type of memory is typically thought to be where our consciousness resides?


The marketer hopes that when viewing an ad, the consumer's involuntary attention to the ad becomes voluntary. To accomplish this the marketer:

should make sure the ad is relevant to the consumer's interest

**Bill's brief interest in classical music, brought on by a hope that it will help him curry the favor of a client who has a passion for it, represents ___________ involvement.


The way others see us is typically considered the:

social self-concept

The three characteristics of source that affect persuasion include:

source attractiveness, source credibility and source similarity.

The two sub-characteristics of source credibility include:

source expertise and source independence.

Cultural practices (rituals and customs) are behaviors rooted in traditions and history of a cultural group. The one essential characteristic of cultural practices is that they are

supra-logical and cannot be explained by logic

The discomfort experienced when you lack something is felt as:


The goals we seek in life, such as freedom and wealth, are typically labeled as _________, whereas the means, paths, or behavioral standards by which we pursue these goals (such as honesty and altruism) are thought to be __________.

terminal values; instrumental values

When color is used in advertisements and products, marketers must be aware:

that colors have meaning to consumers

Modeling proposes that we are most likely to imitate the behavior of those:

that we like/respect

Two common marketing blunders related to language differences are

the brand name acquires some undesired meaning in a foreign language, and when translated, a message loses its original meaning.

Based on Heider's balance theory, which are the three entities that need to be balanced:

the brand, the consumer, and celebrity promoting the brand

The ultimate source of any ad is:

the company marketing the product.

Environmentally conscious people typically base their desirability of an environment-friendly innovation on the evaluation of ____________.

value compatibility

You believe it is not a good idea to torture animals for entertainment, but it is a good idea for the government to regulate the sale of violent videogames and explicit song lyrics on albums. These judgments are based on your _________.


Which of the following are examples of elements of culture?

values, Rituals, Arts

The "New Coke" that was launched by the Coca Cola Company in 1985

was perceived to be inferior to the old Coke by consumers

Brides consider the _______ as the most important event

wedding ceremony

SERVQUAL can best be described as

A model of Service Quality

Who is an Übersexual?

A more "refined" male, who is more confident and more focused on his mind than body

Word-of-mouth by consumers is a significant factor in marketing because

A negative word of mouth can tarnish the company's reputation

When children are given an equal voice in family decisions, the family is most likely ________.


The four levels of the BMI are:

Normal, Overweight, Obese, and Morbidly Obese

"Lisa, don't bully your classmates." "Tommy, gentlemen open the doors for ladies." "Shakira, don't point at people." These statements from mother to child are examples of


John Taylor is concerned that the computer he is considering to buy will be outdated within a few months. He is experiencing ______risk.


Which of the following consumption-related characteristics are most typical of Protestants, in comparison with Catholics and Jews, in America:

Obtaining the lowest price possible for a product

All of the following are used to identify the family life cycle segments EXCEPT


Governments at the Federal, State and local levels enact laws that influence consumer behavior in all of the following ways, except for:

Offering incentives to buy some brands more than others

Which of the following is most likely to enable treasure hunting on the Web?

Opt-in emails

Which generation has been most socialized into being a consumer at an early age?

Present Teens

Opinion leadership in large populations might best be tracked by which of the following methods?

Self designation.

A person's BMI is calculated as follows:

(Person's Weight in Kilograms)/(Person's Height in Meters)2

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2000, ----- was of non-white, non-European origin:

1 in 4

Materialism is an overarching psychographic that means:

A devotion to material needs and desires

A person's BMI is considered normal if it is:

< 25

Which of the following is the best definition of a shopping orientation?

A consumer's predominant motives for shopping activities.

Store loyalty is defined as:

A consumer's predominant patronage of a store, based on favorable attitude and preference

Voluntary simplicity refers to:

A belief system that too much consumption is undesirable

In Chapter 1, there is an interview with a consumer named Jackie Cooper. What kind of a consumer is Jackie Cooper:

A brand loyal consumer buying only name brands

An anti-smoking campaign presents scientific data on the chances of getting lung cancer. This campaign is trying to mold consumer attitudes through:

A cognitive route

Marketing scholars recommend measuring brand loyalty with:

A combination of behavioral and attitudinal measures

A brand's perceived value is based primarily on:

A combination of physical and psychological benefits

A consumption constellation is defined as:

A group of products that are consumed together in a typical consumption setting.

The Hash House Harriers are

A group whose activities involve drinking and running.

Most consumers see the internet as:

A huge reservoir of information

Which one of the following best characterizes the personality trait of innovativeness?

A lot of consumers love to trade in their old cell phones as soon as their contracts expire in order to own the newest version of cell phone technology.

Who is a retrosexual?

A man with a generally poor sense of style

All of the following are non-family households, except

A married couple

Consumer as a Computer refers to consumer role as:

A person acquiring and processing information in order to make a product choice

Consumer as a Reveler refers to consumer role as:

A person enjoying life while consuming products and services

Consumer as a Shopper refers to consumer role as:

A person who enjoys visiting stores and buys frequently

The negative side of personalization is the possibility that some consumers will feel like it is

A personal intrusion

In the comprehensive model of brand loyalty presented in the chapter, performance fit would be characterized as:

A positive product factor

In a "Product-specific Psychographics" study:

A product category is of special interest

Generally, when talking about Exit, one is referring to

A product you are dissatisfied with

Global Scan is:

A program to survey consumers in 17 countries

A purchase decision is most likely to be a joint decision in which of the following situations?

A purchase that requires a long-term commitment

AIO stands for:

Activities, Interests and opinions

Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting a shopper's Store Choice Set

Advertised specials

The multi-step flow of communication theory suggests that

Advertising is not enough, by itself, to bring about the diffusion of innovations.

As per the marketing literature, the four major race/ethnic groups in the U.S. are:

African-, Asian-, European- and Hispanic-Americans

Post-purchase cognitive dissonance is generally experienced

After the purchase is made, following a decision

One way of fighting Buyer's remorse

After the purchase, the salesperson can review the features

Based on the match-up hypothesis, which of the following celebrities would be best at promoting hybrid car?

Al Gore

What is True about Second Life:

All are untrue

Which of the following statements is true regarding STM and LTM?

All information stored in LTM must be brought back into STM to utilize it for a current task.

A brand is:

All of the above

Brands acquire personality from:

All of the above

Free product sampling helps

All of the above

In a marketplace exchange, which resource can consumers use to save money:

All of the above

Opinion leaders can exercise only

All of the above

Which of the following determines consumer motivation to complain?

All of the above

Which of the following is(are) types of sources used to persuade consumers?

All of the above

Which of the following statements about Vans Era shoe represents a COGNITION?

All of the above

Problem recognition may occur in any of the following conditions except

All of the above are conditions in which problem recognition could occur

Which of the following is not typically considered a component of the self-concept?

All of the above are considered self-concept components.

Intergenerational influence (IGI) is likely present when children are influenced by their parents in all of the following, except

All of the above are likely forms of IGI

Fill in the blanks within the sentence from the choices below. "Standing far away, an ____ can seem aloof and cold to _____ customers."

American, Latin American

As per the Census Bureau, the 4 major race categories in the U.S. are:

American-Indian or Alaska Native; Asian, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander; Black, African-American or Negro & White

Which of the following is Not a statement of a brand belief?

Among all the cola brands, it is Coke that I love

Norah, a consumer, says of her shoes, "Oh, my new Nike shoes are so cool." She is expressing:

An affect or feeling

A Mini car ad presents the car with its passengers singing a rap song and having fun. The ad is trying to mold consumer attitudes through:

An affective route

HSBC (a bank) briefly ran a program a few years ago, where a red and white distinguished looking taxi car would give free ride to bank customers within New York City. This was an attempt to win favorable consumer attitudes though:

An affective route

A junior high school student greatly admires marketing professors. Fortunately, she lives close to a major university and frequents those dining facilities known to be marketing faculty hangouts. She consults marketing faculty not only on how to run her lemonade stand, but also on preferred standards of dress and the music she should listen to. To this student, marketing professors represent

An aspirational group.

Agreement with a statement like, "I like Tide detergents a lot," is an example of:

An attitudinal measure

The fact that Hispanic-Americans can be of Caucasian &/or African descent illustrates the concept that:

An ethnic identity can cross more than one race group

Giving a brand a humanlike quality like Mr. Peanut, or Mr. Clean, is known as:

Anthropomorphizing the brand

Which of the following products is least likely to be purchased online?



Are likely to be effective because they are perceived as spreading information without any personal gain.


Are more likely to be risk takers and variety seekers.

Members of the Experiencers VALS group:

Are motivated by self-expression


Are perceived as riskier than established products

Members of the Innovators VALS group:

Are successful, sophisticated, take-charge people

Members of the Strivers VALS group:

Are trendy and fun loving

Psychographics help marketers

As indicators of how people are thinking and where they are going

Gamma Omega Pi is a Republican fraternity. To join, one must show proof of voter registration as a Republican and must be active in conservative political campaigns. Before dinner is served each night, speeches by prominent conservatives are read This organization has all of the following characteristics except


The race/ethnic group with the highest proportion of married-couple households in the U.S. is:

Asian Americans

Which of the following is not a reason that America's traditional "Married with children" households are on the decline?

Asian and Hispanic families are on the rise

Of the following groups, which one is reported to have the highest internet use?


The most educated race/ethnic group in the U.S. is:


The richest race/ethnic group in the U.S. is:


In general, which of the following factors best explains why sports personalities help sell products?

Aspirational persona

Selling product constellations are:

Assembling a group of products that seems to fit together for a group of consumers

Which of the following is NOT a dimension of a store personality?


All of the following would be especially effective in the African-American population, because of its strong racial awareness and ethnic pride, except for:

Barbie dressed in Kente clothes

A non-governmental organization (NGO) that, among other tasks, monitors the advertising practices of businesses is:


CARU is a special unit of the


Which is the most self-absorbed of all the generations?

Baby Boomers

Which of the following Family Life Cycle stages would be the most appropriate target for publications such as Maxim, Men's Health, and FHM?


The reason that Hispanic-Americans pay for their purchases by cash, rather than by check or credit-card, is because:

Back in their homeland of Mexico, they trust neither the bank nor the Post Office

Which of the following is not a problem with using behavioral loyalty measures?

Behavior measures are not accurate measures of purchase history

Companies like A.C. Nielsen, that maintain behavior-scan panels, collect data on:

Behavior plus attitudinal data including preference and commitment

Rita sees a fellow passenger in a subway wearing a new style of shoe; she approaches her and asks her from where those shoes are. Then she makes a mental note of checking out that store sometime. At this moment, Rita is:

Being a Consumer

The degree to which a person emotionally identifies with an ethnic group and seeks to be affiliated with it is:

Ethnic identity

The three factors in the "Three-factor theory of Compulsive Buying" are:

Biological, Psychological, and Sociological

Moblogging Involves

Blogging using a mobile phone.

Which of the following products is LEAST likely to be affected by intergenerational influence (IGI)?

Blue jeans

Consider this statement on a questionnaire: Tide brand of detergent takes most of the dirt out of clothes: Unlikely 1 2 3 4 5 Likely. This statement measures a consumer's:

Brand belief

Which of the following has a greater impact on brand attitude in "high involvement" situations?

Brand beliefs

A brand's perceived value comes from all of the following except one. Which one?

Brand equity

In recent studies, companies have found that certain companies (e.g. Microsoft, McDonald's, Coca Cola, Inc.) have financial value that far exceed the value of the firms' physical assets. This reflects the firms':

Brand equity

The enhancement in the perceived utility and desirability that a brand name confers on a product is:

Brand equity

Which of the following are true regarding brand loyalty and brand equity:

Brand loyalty is a characteristic of the consumer, whereas brand equity is a characteristic of the brand.

An event that brings consumers together to the same place at the same time to participate in brand related activities is a:


Women's visits to a store are:

Browsing oriented

During a high involvement decision, consumers are likely to do all of the following, except

Buy the brand that is on sale

________ has the formal authority to execute the purchase contract and place a purchase order.


Post-purchase cognitive dissonance is also known as

Buyer's remorse

Which of the following is NOT a reason to discard durable products

Buyer's remorse

Consumers' proclivity to view the buying of foreign goods as unpatriotic is measured by which of the following scales?


----- is a U.S. government agency that monitors the safety of a variety of products, including toys, furniture, tools, electronics, and various household items:


Which of the values will Vilkas, a kinetic dress described in Chapter 1, not bring to any consumer who chooses to wear that dress:

Can bring each value

Which of the following items are most likely to be placed near the supermarket checkout registers

Candy bars

Psychographics refers to:

Characteristics of individuals that describe them

Which of the following would not be one of the five main dimensions of brand personality?


All of the following are examples of Marketers customizing one or more aspects of their marketing mix for the Asian-American market, except for:

Chemical Bank ATMs offering a Russian-language option in its Brighton-Beach-Brooklyn branch

Which of the following best characterizes the extended self process of bonding through use?

Chris cannot part with the guitar that he used in developing his expert guitar skills.

Using the following information, apply the compensatory model and identify the brand of cellular service that would be chosen by the consumer.


Which of the following is not a common means used by families to resolve conflict?


Which of the following is a high involvement hierarchy of attitude:

Cognition --> Affect --> Conation

________________ refers to a mental predisposition to visit the site with which one has had prior experience.

Cognitive Lock-in

Why isn't the Internet a frictionless market?

Cognitive lock-in

_____________________ is(are) simply the thoughts generated in the mind upon exposure to a message.

Cognitive responses

Which of the following products would a sexual appeal work best?


----- can be defined as a chronic tendency by some people to purchase products far in excess of their needs and resources:

Compulsive Buying

----- can be defined as an uncontrolled and obsessive consumption of a product or service frequently and in excessive amounts, likely to ultimately cause harm to the consumer or others:

Compulsive Consumption

Marketing practices that potentially cause harm to consumer interests cannot be classified into one of the following categories:

Compulsive Consumption

Pepsi is running a nationwide sweepstakes. If you enclose a product package UPC code, you can win a trip to Hawaii. Which component of attitude is Pepsi trying to influence most directly:


Which of the following religion's members in general are characterized as seeking harmony in the family, striving for righteousness and improvement of one's character and valuing benevolence, propriety, wisdom and sincerity:


____________ is the acquisition of knowledge, preferences and skills to function in the marketplace.

Consumer socialization

What can you NOT measure by simply observing the consumer:

Consumer's brand Beliefs

In your textbook, authors define brand loyalty as:

Consumer's commitment to a brand based on favorable attitude and preference, manifested in repeated repurchase of the brand

The following are in-store factors affecting the consumer's in-store decision, with the exception of

Consumer's perception of product quality

Perceived Justice refers to

Consumer's perception that he/she was treated fairly during the complaint resolution process

If a consumer decides for read a magazine ad in full, the ad has succeeded in getting:

Consumer's voluntary attention

You see a group of college students on a beach enjoying a music concert. You are seeing:

Consumers as Revelers

In the Fishbein's Extended Model of Behavior (Also called Theory of Reasoned Action—Full Model), the term "subjective norms" refers to:

Consumers paying attention to relevant other people's opinions

All of the following are a part of the model of consumers' recycling behavior EXCEPT

Consumers who are interested in materialism

According to the Elaboration Likelihood Model, which of the following is an advantage when consumers elaborate?

Consumers will have noted all the points made in the ad

Humanistic qualities in brands and self definition by brands are two drivers of:

Consumers' brand relationships

Theory of Reasoned Action (TORA) explains:

Consumers' rational purchase behaviors

All of the following are Post-choice differences between low and high involvement situations EXCEPT

Consuming in a group vs. alone

Evaluative mode refers to

Consuming with the intention of evaluating the product performance

People who belong to the Harley Davidson Owners Group are called HOGs. These people are enormously loyal and often meet together at bike rallies. This would be an example of a:

Consumption community

All of the following are a part of the comprehensive model of consumer complaining behavior EXCEPT

Consumption constellation

Psychographics includes all of the following EXCEPT:

Consumption constellation

An NFO study found that the most important driver of online consumer satisfaction is:


For Gen X and Gen Y, __________ is most important in food buying.


Which of the following best characterizes the extended self process of resource investment in acquisition?

Dane loves his collection of baseball cards he has built over a lifetime.

----- is a message that must be aired and includes a correction of a previous deception:

Corrective Advertising

Which of the following is a societal harm caused by advertising?

Corrupts our value system

An example of a lifestyle specific media product is:

Cosmopolitan magazine

_________ __________ refers to how similar the culture depicted in the Web site is to the audience's culture.

Cultural congruence

____ is defined as advertising that has the capacity to deceive a measurable segment of the public.

Deceptive Advertising

The highest level of satisfaction is known as


According to your text book, the definition of WANT is:

Desire for any specific product

Mark Jones is going to the movie. He is very flexible and will consider either a comedy or a drama. Which model most closely matches Mark's non-compensatory approach to movie selection?

Disjunctive model

Product disposal refers to

Dispossessing of product remnants after use

John, a college freshman, strongly disapproves of fraternities because he believes that their members spend too much time partying and not enough time studying. To John fraternities represent a(n)

Dissociative reference group.

Which of the following is NOT considered a stage of the traditional Family Life Cycle (FLC)?


Asian-Americans use the Internet the most for:

Doing research on products and topics

All of the following are values that Hispanic-Americans place a premium on, except for:

Drive for efficiency, in all endeavors

----- is a U.S. government agency responsible for the safety of pesticides, chemicals and other products that would impact the environment:


Phyllis likes to try new products as soon as they become available. It is OK with her if there is some risk involved in these products. Phyllis reads the newspaper every day and cuts out articles on new products. When Phyllis has owned a new product for a while, other people tend to come to her for information. Phyllis can best be described as a(n)

Early adopter.

All of the following organizational characteristics of a business customer firm affect buying behavior, except

Employee density

All of the following consumption-related characteristics are true for Asian-Americans in general, except for:

Engage in conspicuous consumption

Consider this statement on a questionnaire: The ability to clean tough stains on clothing is: undesirable -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 desirable. This statement measures a consumer's:

Evaluation of attribute

Which of the following best characterizes the extended self process of memories?

Every time Danielle wraps herself in her favorite old blanket, it takes her back to her grandmother's house when she was very young.

Following the experience of satisfaction or dissatisfaction is future response, which can be defined as

Exit, Voice or Loyalty

When performance meets or exceeds our expectations this is called

Expectation confirmation

High involvement need recognition may occur when consumers experience all of the following, except

Exposure to advertising

In which of the following is not one of the most common types of families in the United States?

Extended family

Which of the following U.S. government agencies is responsible for checking claims that companies are engaging in deceptive advertising?


All of the following are factors, which may account for the increasing role of women in modernizing societies, except

Families are becoming less egalitarianism

Which of the following consumer characteristics does not influence perceptions:


Which of the following is NOT one of the five Resources consumers possess:


Which of the following is the PRIMARY group through which socialization occurs?


Which of the following is NOT an emotional type of appeal?


Which of the following is an EMOTIONAL hierarchy of attitudes:

Feel --> Do --> Think

As the perceived risk associated with a business buying situation increases, all of the following also occur, except

Fewer individuals will participate in the decision

_____________ risk is the risk that credit card information will be misused.


Outcomes of _______ include an increased sense of control, prolonged participation, liking for a Web site, a fun experience, and purchase and revisit intentions.


____________ refers to a situation where the consumers get immersed in the site navigation, losing a sense of time.


A print ad for a product that consumers choose in low involvement rational mode should:

Focus on only one or two features of the brand

A(n) _____ effect occurs when consumers are biased in their interpretation of information due to its context.


Which of the following theories depicts a consumer's personality as a function of the interplay between the id, the superego, and the ego?

Freudian theory

Which of the following Family Life Cycle segments is most likely to be a prime target market for child products?

Full nesters

Many consumers purchase Ben & Jerry's ice cream because of the company's position on social responsibility and the environment. Which of the following benefits associated with brand equity is most likely the reason these consumers purchase Ben & Jerry's?


Purchase managers, receptionists and secretaries are often __________ and are important because they control the flow of information from suppliers to other members of the buying center.


In some families, a wife is deemed responsible for cleaning, laundry and food preparation because these are traditionally "women's work;" This refers to which of the following factors that affect interspousal influence?

Gender role orientation

The three factors that cause obesity are:

Genetics and Ethnicity, Sedentary Lifestyle, and Dietary Habits

The easiest way to determine the psychographics of your current customers is:

Give your current customers a psychographic survey

A stressed Consumer Behavior student wants an escape from studying, but he cannot decide which entertainment product or activity to purchase. What component of motivation is lacking?

Goal object

Comprehensive product information is most important to which kind of shopper?

Goal-oriented online shoppers

Freedom and control is most important to which kind of shopper?

Goal-oriented online shoppers

As a marketer, you should perceive complaining as

Good for your company

Consumer risk perceptions when shopping online are attenuated by what two factors?

Greater experience shopping online and a less risk averse personality.

By analyzing the AIO surveys, consumer researchers:

Group together people with similar psychographics

Reference groups involve

Groups, people, and institutions one uses as points of reference.

The degree to which a consumer feels attached to the brand is:


Which of the following is not a value that European-Americans place a premium on:


In Chapter 1, Consumer Karma feature describes the case of a consumer who:

Has built an avatar of self in Second Life


Has viral ability.

Self-esteem refers to:

Holding oneself as valued

George is a loyal Dell computer buyer. His overall impression is that Dell offers the best product on the market. Which of the following elements of affective choice mode does this represent?


In Chapter 1, Romancing the Consumer TV screen features a story about:

How Toyota is designing cars that will park themselves

What does Gender role identity refer to?

How society thinks of a person simply by virtue of the gender of that person

Satisfaction occurs when expectations are met, however, it also matters...

How well these expectations are met

Which of the following types of appeal aids in ad exposure by reducing the amount the amount of zipping and zapping?


Which of the following statements about VW Beetle car refers to CONATION?

I intend to buy this car soon

Based on VALS, consumers are driven by which of the following primary motivators

Ideals, achievement, and self-expression

Groups usually show all of the following characteristics except

Independence of members.

All of the following are values that Asian-Americans in general place a premium on, except for:


______ refers to the consumer act of making a guess for the missing information to make a judgment about a product.

Inference making

The extent to which a decision process will be autonomous or joint may depend on all of the following, except

Influence strategies employed by family members

In family decision-making, children most often serve the role of _________ in purchase decision-making.


Tracy is highly optimistic about her own future, feels that she has achieved a good life, and strongly believes in her own ability to influence her life chances. She is not particularly interested in wealth or power. Of the following, Tracy is most likely to be a(n)


Secondary groups are characterized by

Infrequent contact.

__________ refers to learning to do those things that are rewarded.

Instrumental conditioning

Lacy realizes that she is very hungry and begins to examine her alternatives for lunch. What causes Lacy to recognize a problem?

Internal stimulus

Teens who use the Internet heavily and for diverse purposes are more likely to be

Internet Mavens

_____________________ are consumers who are more knowledgeable than the average consumer about the e-marketplace, and about product information available on the internet.

Internet Mavens

What does the term "Pomosexual" refer to?

It describes persons who do not identify with any specific classification of sexuality

Which of the following is NOT a reason given by consumers as to why they delay purchase decisions?

Lack of perceived risk

Which of the following is an accurate description of the concept of Ethnicity?

It is the cause of differences between humans based on their national &/or cultural heritage

Which of the following is an accurate description of the concept of Race?

It is the cause of physical differences between humans and originates from our genes

All of the following are true of a 419 Scheme, except for:

It is usually very profitable for individuals who join it

All of the following are true of multi-level marketing, except for:

It is very effective promotional tool

The meshi, an exchange of business cards, is a protocol very important to business associates and customers in which country?


Unlike in USA, in ___, no single person makes the decision unilaterally; they like to build consensus.


Which is the most aged nation in the world?


Which countries have cultures that focus on saving face or maintaining self-respect in all human interactions?

Japan and China

Which of the following best characterizes the extended self process of congruence based choice?

Jessica chooses a sexy pair of jeans for her sexy persona.

Possession-defined success is the:

Judging one's own and others' success by material possessions

Which one of the following best characterizes the personality trait of variety/novelty seeking?

Kenan never likes to eat the same meal twice in a year!

Which one of the following best characterizes the personality trait of hedonism?

Kendrick is into sports, television, travel, wine tasting, rock climbing, and bungee jumping - he would listen to his favorite music 24/7 if he could!

Sam and his friends always frequent a sports bar on campus where they know everybody. Occasionally, someone suggests trying out another bar across the campus but they, while tempted, always resist the suggestion, and decide to go to their regular hangout instead. The basis of their attitude toward the campus bar is:


People who value a sense of belonging especially like group activities, and people who value a "warm relationship" with others tend to give gifts to others, often for no reason at all. These tendencies can be understood in the context of which of the following?

LOV profiling

Business buying differs from individual buying (consumer or household) in all of the following ways, except

Less role specialization

When buying gasoline, most consumers consider price the most important purchase criterion and shop at the lowest price location. Which model most closely matches this approach to the purchase?

Lexicographic model

Japan-VALS divides Japanese society into these segments:

Life orientation and social change

Jennifer knows where to get the best deals in town on a variety of products ranging from handguns to cosmetics, men's dress shirts, athletic shoes, and office supplies. She always maintains a large stash of cents off coupons for various kinds of ammunition and beauty products. Jennifer could best be described as a(n)

Market maven.

John has a lot of friends and professional colleagues with whom he keeps in touch. John has:

Lot of Social Capital

Which of the following is important for getting low involvement customers to repeatedly purchase your product?

Low price and promotion

Consumers are more likely to buy ______________ products online.

Low risk

Which quadrant within the FCB Grid of Involvement would a paper towel be in?


In order to satisfy goal-oriented shoppers, you need to:

Make navigation and checkout easy and efficient

Which of the following is a societal harm caused by advertising?

Makes us all more cynical

Consumer as an Economic Creature refers to consumer role as

Manager of personal finances and budgets while buying products

Which of the following is not one of the three factors that influence brand loyalty?

Market leader

Which of the following statements about iPOD refers to a consumer's AFFECT?

My iPOD is so cool.

----- is a U.S. government agency that monitors automobile safety:


A "Kids & Cul-de-sacs" lifestyle group is:

Name for a typical suburban American family.

Nike runs ads in golf magazines as well as billboards near country clubs featuring Tiger Woods and a group of teenage golfers using Nike equipment and clothing. The ultimate source of this ad is:


Which of the following is the most accurate label that must be used to refer to that portion of the population in the U.S. that is not African-, Asian-, Hispanic- or Native-American:

Non-Hispanic Caucasian

One weakness of Theory of Reasoned Action (TORA) is:

None of the above

Population pyramids refer to:

None of the above

Social Capital refers to:

None of the above

The reason marketers need to study consumer behavior is so that

None of the above

When thinking about Involvement and the post-purchase consumption experience for low involvement products

Once the purchase is made, the decision and the product are put out of mind

Enduring involvement is:

Ongoing interest in a product category by a consumer

Which of the following is a Web site feature that over 90% of consumers say that a Web site MUST have?

Online product prices

Bloggers, or web loggers, can best be characterized as

Opinion leaders.

Some advertisers believe that consumers readily accept whatever the advertisers say to them. This belief represents:

Passive audience theory

The three domains of privacy for a consumer are:

Our Purchases, Our Personal information, and Our Financial information

Consumers judge the quality of a service on two qualities

Outcome Quality and Interaction Quality

When judging the quality of a service, there are two dimensions called

Outcome Quality and Interaction Quality

When using a conjunctive decision rule, this consumer would select which brand of pizza?

Papa John's

Which of the following is the ultimate method of understanding a consumption tribe completely?

Participant observation

What is the best definition of marketers: Marketers are

People who connect their organizations with consumers

Of the following, which is most important for opinion leader influence?

Perceived expertise.

Cognitive age is defined as an individual's

Perception of how old he or she feels.

Which of the following is not a perceptual bias:

Perceptual threshold

______________ risk is the difficulty of judging product quality.


Which of the following is not one of the drivers of consumer brand relationships?

Performance excellence

Joe has a family of a wife, three teenage children, and two dogs. But he loves high performance cars as they help him feel powerful and important. He can only afford one car and while he loves the Chevrolet Corvette, he decides to buy a Chrysler Town and Country minivan. The rejection of the Corvette was likely due to:

Performance fit

Buyer's remorse is defined as

Post-purchase doubt about the wisdom of one's choice

All of the following consumption-related characteristics are true for Hispanic-Americans, except for:

Prefer products made in their respective country-of-origin

According to your textbook (MyCBBook), which word or phrase does not refer to attitude?


All of the following consumption-related characteristics are true for African-Americans, except for:

Preference for diet, rather than regular colas

----- is a practice whereby a seller hikes up the price of a product, just to take advantage of some short-term shortage or emergency circumstance:

Price Gouging

VALS is based on the following dimensions:

Primary Motivation and Resources

Lifematrix Lifestyle segments include:

Priority Parents

Reference group effects are most likely to occur for products which are

Privately consumed.

Which of the following is the first step in the consumer decision-making process?

Problem recognition

All of the following are potential benefits to an individual consumer for utilizing affinity group marketing, except

Receive less value from the affinity marketer's offerings

**__________ techniques give respondents a fairly vague and open-ended stimulus and then ask them to interpret it.


Which of the following is a societal harm caused by advertising?

Promotes materialism

Which of the following religion's members in general are characterized as being stoic, less authoritarian, more open to change, have a strong work ethic, consider leisure as being non-productive, accept delayed gratification and believe they have control over their fate:


Acquisition as the pursuit of happiness is the:

Pursuing happiness through the acquisition of possessions

A multi-level marketing program is also referred to as a:

Pyramid Scheme

Which of the following is an important post-sale factor in E-Satisfaction?

Quality of order fulfillment

Jack was invited to a friend's house for dinner and wanted to bring a bottle of wine he knows very little about wine and decided to buy an expensive bottle, hoping that it would be of good quality. Which of the following heuristics did Jack employ?

Quick Inferences

Roberto Rodriguez, a recent Mexican immigrant living in San Diego, wanted to buy a ticket from San Diego to New York. Although he had heard about various airlines (Delta, American, United, etc.), he had no idea which airline was good. He booked a flight on American Airlines thinking that since it carries the name American, it must be a good airline. Which of the following heuristics did Roberto employ?

Quick Inferences

Authentication refers to:

Realizing that one is what one truly is

Based on the theory of consumption constellation:

Retailers should have products in a one-stop shopping place

All of the following are indicators of a consumption community except one. Which one?

Relative of the brand

---- is a system of beliefs about the supernatural, the spiritual world, God and how we humans, as God's creatures, are supposed to behave on earth:


Which type of Web sites below do more U. S. consumers log onto every day?


When a shopper buys an item he/she did not plan to buy beforehand, but the purchase, prompted by a special deal, is made in the knowledge that the item is one that consumer uses currently and that it will be needed in the future, he/she makes a(n)_____purchase

Restocking unplanned purchase

Which of the following is NOT a reason for shopping on the Internet?

Seeking status

Which one of the following best characterizes the personality trait of vanity?

Sarah takes excessive pride in her appearance and accomplishments. As such she spends a great deal of money on plastic surgery, cosmetics, and the "finer tastes."

When consumers make decisions with limited information, they may employ any of the following techniques, except


A perfume ad for Guerlain (Paris) showed a scantily clad woman strolling on Champs-Ellysees in Paris with Arc de Triumphe in the background. This ad would be particularly offensive in which country?

Saudi Arabia

What is True about Second Life:

Second Life is a virtual world.

In 2000, John Freyer decided to

Sell everything he owned on eBay

According to the multi-attribute model of attitude, which would not be a feasible method of changing a consumer's attitude (making it more favorable) toward, say, DiGiorno brand of Pizza:

Showing how a celebrity like Michael Jordan really likes DiGiorno.

Which of the following Family Life Cycle segments is most likely to eat out a lot, rather than prepare meals at home?


All of the following are likely to affect the strength of an affinity group, except

Size of the group

The more a purchase is of the new task type, the more the buying group is typically all of the following, except


Marketers need to study consumer behavior for all the reasons except:

So they can master their skills in persuading consumers any way they like

Ann Jones is worried about how her friends will feel about her recent decision to join a dating service online she is experiencing ______risk.


As a recent university graduate, Mary receives an offer from Chase Bank in the mail for a special university-decal Mastercard that will donate 1% of the amount of her annual charges to her university alumni fund. The alumni association represents which type of affinity group?


Which consumer value will the Hug Shirt described in Chapter 1 bring to consumers the most:


A consumer, Chris, loves Banana Republic clothing, and considers them very trendy and cool! From his clothing, Chris primarily obtains:

Social value

In Chapter 1, there is an interview with a consumer named Jackie Cooper. In Jackie Cooper's purchase of clothing:

Social value is the most important consideration

George feels lonely. He lives close to a large shopping mall and decides to go shopping in the hope of running into some friends. George's visit to the mall is mostly motivated by

Socialization motives

Task-oriented shoppers are all of the following with the exception of

Socialization seekers

After seeing a commercial on the laser treatment of stretch marks, Julia becomes driven to have hers removed. The commercial served as a

Solution stimulus

Cynthia has to decide at which store to do this weekend's shopping. All retail outlets that she is considering fall into her _____set.

Store choice

Which of the following is NOT an element of a store's social environment?

Store design

Which of the following is the best definition of "store image"?

Store image is the sum of store personality and other non-personality-like attributes.

The most important factor affecting a consumer's choice of where to buy groceries is

Store location

When Osbornes visit regularly their nearest gas station to buy gas, and occasionally to buy milk when they run out of it, the most important selection factor for this store choice is

Store location

Which of the following is NOT an element of a store's physical environment?

Store's employees

________ is a type of buyclass characterized by the purchase of items that are frequently needed, where technical expertise is rarely sought, and the buying center is very small.

Straight rebuy

Various psychographic research studies around the world use different names for consumer groups because:

Subjective names are given by researchers and the questions asked in surveys are different

Recently married couples are more likely to use which of the following types of decision-making styles?


Which type of decision-making is most likely to be employed in the selection of a family vacation destination?


Which of the following statements regarding the influence of children in family decision-making is FALSE?

Teenagers' influence is higher in single parent families.

"Low susceptibles," or "low SIPI's:"

Tend to be less anxious about others' views of their consumption practices.

Secondary groups

Tend to be less important than primary groups.


Tend to be more optimistic than the average person.

Opinion leaders

Tend to be socially well integrated.

Market mavens

Tend to have and share information about a variety of product categories.

Normative reference groups

Tend to have the power to reward or punish.

People with feminine traits:

Tend to value interpersonal relations over self-centered gains.


Tend, on the average, to influence an average of fourteen people by sharing their experiences.

Acquisition centrality is the:

Tendency to place material possessions and their acquisitions at the center of one's life

Susceptibility to social influence

Tends to be lower for consumers who show high levels of autonomy.

** Which of the following accurately depicts the sequence of stages in the Model of Motivational Process?

Tension -> Drive -> Goal Object

Although all Internet-based viral marketing is technically cyber buzz, what is true about cyber buzz is

The Term is best reserved for referring to the voluntary forwarding of email, which implies that the content is inherently interesting.

The set of human qualities by which consumers describe a brand is:

The brand's personality

Consumer Loyalty means

The consumer buys the same brand repeatedly and feels committed to it

Which of the following should NOT be called an instance of unplanned buying?

The consumer has seen an advertisement for a product on sale and makes a mental note to buy it the next time he/she goes to the store.

Enduring involvement is

The interest consumers take in the consumption of the product

Which of the following would best characterize an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) in Pavlov's experiment with a dog?

The meat powder

The diffusion process involves

The spreading of an innovation's acceptance and use through a population.

We as consumers are more likely to make an impulsive purchase when the following holds with the exception of

The store takes cash only.

Lifestyle is defined as:

The way we live, our pattern of living

An extensive information search is most likely when

There is a high risk of making a bad decision

Which of the following is true about Omnitec's adhesive bandages (called band shades) that might make the brand more appealing to the African-American consumers, compared to Band-Aid brand of bandages?

These bandages come in packages that include a salute to Black History Month, in February of every year

What is the relationship between brand loyalty and brand equity?

They are like mirror images of each other. Brand loyalty reflects consumers' commitment, while brand equity represents the brand's power to attract patronage and commitment of its customers.

Which of the following is NOT typical for consumers who buy store brands

They are quality conscious

Consumers are most likely to rely on internal information search when

They are satisfied with the results of the previous buying activities

All of the following are true of Ponzi schemes, except for:

They are very popular in Italy

All of the following would be reasons why Korean-American shop-keepers are not considered friendly by their African-American customers, except for:

They usually know their customers on a first-name basis

All of the following are true for European-Americans in general, except for:

They value loyalty to the group

Sam views laundry detergent as an unimportant product category, but purchases Tide most frequently because he thinks it cleans clothes well and he feels there is some "self-connection" with the brand. Which of the following is true?

Tide should try to raise Sam's involvement level with laundry detergent

Which of the following is NOT a leisure-related shopping motive?

To gather information about a product

Which of the following is NOT an acquisition-related shopping motive?

To gather information about new products

Most consumers don't have any negative attitudes toward throwing the garbage in trash cans, yet many just drop it on the street, wherever they happen to be. The most appropriate program to alter these consumers behavior is:

To place more trash cans on city streets

In the Korean culture, which of the following is not considered appropriate:

To touch a stranger's hand

Joe has a family of a wife, three teenage children, and two dogs. But he loves high performance cars as they help him feel powerful and important. He can only afford one car and while he loves the Chevrolet Corvette, he decides to buy a Chrysler Town and Country minivan. Which of the following are most likely to be true?

Town and Country was probably picked due to its perceived performance fit, but it is unlikely to generate psychological bonding

Japan-VALS identifies primary life orientations:

Traditional ways, occupations, innovation, and self-expression

All of the following forces have driven change in business buying behavior, except

Transactional buying

Which of the following IS NOT an attribute that gives consumers greater freedom and control when shopping online?

Treasure hunting

Consumption of brands and products that is public and there is some participation in planned events of the community is a:

Tribal consumption

Which of the following is not a U.S. consumer protection law?

Truth in Borrowing

Which of the following is not a U.S. government agency that monitors product safety:


In which of the following countries would using a business associate's or a customer's first name be considered rude?

United Kingdom and China

Which of the following is least likely to be useful as a method for researching consumption tribes?

Using a scanner panel

How are consumer lifestyles measured most effectively?

Using surveys of consumer activities, interest, and opinions

A consumer, Brad Tipp, likes peanut butter very much because of its taste. The basis of his liking is:


When asked why he likes Prius, a hybrid Toyota car, Roberto replied: "because it gives great gas mileage." Roberto's basis of attitude toward Prius is:


Which consumer value does the product Post-It Note serve for consumers:


______ products serve physical needs and produce tangible, physical benefits.


A consumer buys a brand of detergent because that brand is safe for colors. The consumer buys this brand because of:

Utilitarian value

With which of the following purchases would you MOST likely use the compensatory decision rule?

Vacation to Europe

In general, women spend more than men, on gifts, throughout the year. However, on one day of the year, men spend considerably more than women. Which day is it?

Valentine's Day

There is concern among many social scientists that _____ consumption and related consumption values of materialism and commercialism are corrupting otherwise sane consumer societies everywhere.

Western style

A ----- "is one that can be verified by independent laboratory tests, such as whether a brand cleans clothes whiter than a competitor's brand, or whether a shampoo will prevent hair thinning"

Verifiable Benefit

Self-efficacy refers to:

Viewing oneself as effective, in control

Sam received a box of laundry detergent from his first girlfriend as a gag gift. He kept the box of detergent for many years because it reminded him of all the fun he had with her. This would be an example of:

Viewing the product as a surrogate other

When thinking about Involvement and the post-purchase consumption experience for high involvement products

We continue to be actively involved beyond the actual acquisition of the product

The use of appropriate colors in packaging and advertising are critical when dealing with consumers/customers from different cultures. Select the correct answer below.

Wear a solid yellow suit in Japan and you would be offending your Japanese customers because; yellow color in clothing is reserved for the royalty.

Which of the following is NOT a risk that keeps some consumers from shopping online?

Web site risk

Consumers can infer the fairness of the price of a product on the basis of which of the following:

Whether the seller is responsible for spiking the price of the product

Which of the following groups is most likely to have an identificational influence?

World Wildlife Federation.

Ritualistic practices in a culture serve three deep, fundamental functions. These are

achieved sacredness, value inculcation, and meaning communication

Karen buys products that will enhance her relevant skills at work or career or even a hobby. Which of the following personality traits most likely characterizes Karen?


The purpose of all human learning is to:

acquire a potential for future adaptive behavior

Learning typically is defined as:

acquiring a response to a stimulus

Which of the following motives is likely to lead to hedonic consumption?

aesthetic pleasure

Jack buys gifts for others and engages in more group activities like dining out with friends. Which of the following personality traits most likely characterizes Jack?


Freud would most likely characterize the act of stealing expensive sneakers (such as Nike Air Jordan sneakers) at gunpoint as _________.


Sharon is friendly, sympathetic, warm, kind, and good-natured, which often leads her to favorable customer interactions. Which of the following Big Five personality traits best describes Sharon?


"Have you seen a fast-food restaurant advertisement in the past week?" This question is example of:

aided recall

Customer recovery

aims to convert a consumer's dissatisfaction into a happy consumer

Overall, men usually treat gift-giving as

an obligation

Overall, women usually treat gift-giving as

an opportunity to bring happiness to the gift recipient

**The primary emotion that ranges from mindfulness to vigilance is:


**Vegetarians are likely to have a(n) __________ motivation for tofu and a(n) __________ motivation for beef.

approach; avoidance

Bridal showers and bridal registries are modern day equivalents of dowries and bride price. This modernization is an example of how cultures

are adaptive

While buying items such as kitchen appliances and home furniture, women

are more tuned to aesthetics and appearance

In general, Consumers' attitudes:

are useful in predicting behavior

Perceptual maps:

are visual depictions of consumer perceptions of alternative brands of a product category in multi-dimensional grids

When creating a message for your advertisement you need to consider that traditionally it has been thought that most individuals can memorize ________ bit(s) of information at a time.

around 7

**The drive to maintain stimulation at an optimal level is the need for:


**__________ values curb the number of objects to desire.


For Gen X and Gen Y, ______________ is most important in food buying


Sensory marketing:

creates favorable product or brand impressions in the consumer mind by appealing to one or more of the five senses

Many consumers often go to AAA or other independent travel sources to find good restaurants and hotels to patronize while they are on vacation. These independents sources are effective because of source ___________.


Culture has six characteristics. Which list below represents three of those characteristics?

culture is learned, culture regulates society, and culture is adaptive

Freud's theory of personality seeks to ______ personality, whereas trait theory seeks to ________ personality.

explain; describe

The principle of field and ground:

explains how someone who is looking at a magazine ad of a woman holding a Pepsi focuses on the waterfall background

Mike takes pride in his education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, his circle of accomplished family and friends, his strong multicultural background, and his nice luxury car. These entities and objects make up his:

extended self.

Kara thinks of herself as bold and daring. As such, she likes to buy brands that are considered bold and daring. Which of the following best depicts Kara's taste in brands?

image congruity

We often like to buy brands that display the same personality traits that we think we have. This is typically called:

image congruity

In assessing a consumer's personality, one must understand a person's environment and response. David goes to a store, sees an item on sale, and immediately buys it after feeling the "rush" of the sale. Which of the following would represent David's "response?"

immediately buying sale item

"Fidelity of Form" describes

importance of packaging and presentation of goods

Two forms of comparative advertising are:

indirect and direct.

Examples of core American values include

individualism, freedom, belief in equal opportunity

McDonald's non-beef burgers in Hindu India is an example of how consumers

individualize foreign products and practices before adoption

A new drug to fight acne has just been introduced in an ad with long copy. Low involvement consumers would most likely

infer, without reading the copy, that the ad contains a scientific explanation of how the product works.

Sensory characteristics of products:

influence perceptions and consumer response

Needs we are born with are:


"Our competitors sell their products cheaper, but ask them how much they care about the workers making of their products in those deplorable sweatshops" is an example of:


Kalista Flockdart likes the taste of Chalupa at Taco Bell; so she goes to Taco bell often and orders Chalupas. Kalista has learned this behavior through the following mechanisms:

instrumental conditioning through intrinsic reward

B.F. Skinner's experiments with pigeons pecking on one of two doors for food grains best illustrates:

instrumental learning

Which model of consumer learning best characterizes learning responses that are associated with a reward?

instrumental learning

You go to a coffee shop and receive a stamp for your coffee purchase. When you get 10 stamps, you receive a coffee. For this reason, you go that coffee shop often. This is an example of:

instrumental learning

The human drive to attain a goal object is:


Men tend to perceive women's clothing styles as indications of the wearer's

motivations and moods

Human perception:

must occur before the mind can do anything else with a stimulus

An urban legend is a/an

myths said to have occurred in our lifetimes.

Two friends are driving down the road at dusk and witness the red sky in the horizon. The one friend comments on the beautiful sunset and the other friend looks puzzled and says he thought it was a fire in the distance. This illustrates:

perceptual distortion

A grocery shopper is in the cereal aisle looking for a new cereal to try. Kellogg's has just introduced a new cereal similar to a popular corn flake and fruit mix, only it is 100% organic. Unless the packaging is shaped or colored radically different from the other cereals in the aisle, there is a good chance the grocery shopper will not see it. This illustrates:

perceptual threshold

**Self-actualization requires:

personal fulfillment through performing/creating

Involvement stems from the _________ associated with a product or service.

personal relevance

**_________ needs drive us to seek food, clothing and shelter.


Which of the following is NOT considered a part of the LOV profile?

physiological needs

**After exposure to a test advertisement, consumers are shown a set of faces with differing expressions and asked to mark the face of one that comes closest to how they themselves felt when they viewed the ad. This is the ________ method of measuring emotions.


There are a great number of stimuli each day competing for a consumer's attention. When advertising a product, the marketer must realize that:

poor media choice can result into target consumers not being exposed to the ad

The spot your brand occupies in the consumer's mental map is known as:


Self-gratification-oriented consumption is likely to occur in response to:

positive and negative moods

Universal cultural dimensions include which of the following?

power distance, femininity, uncertainty avoidance

When we realize that we need a product/service, we typically use ______________ to learn how to obtain that product/service

problem solving

Isaiah misused his iPod and broke it, but he blames Apple for manufacturing a defective product. Isaiah is most likely using ________ to overcome the guilt of his actions.


Calvin Klein names a new brand of their cologne by a different and unique name (e.g., Eternity and Obsession) when they want to attract a new set of customers. Which of the following concepts best characterizes this attempt?

stimulus discrimination

Dannon's yogurt container was opposite in shape to other yogurt brand containers (narrower at the top than at the bottom). Which of the following concepts best characterizes what Yoplait is attempting to accomplish?

stimulus discrimination

Generic brands often try to create ___________ by developing a product that is similar in superficial product characteristics (e.g., packaging, brand name) to established and successful name brands in the same product category.

stimulus generalization

The three factors that shape consumer perceptions are:

stimulus, consumer characteristics, and context of the stimuli

Perceptual maps cannot be used by a company to:

study the way in which consumers find their way between two locations

A professor has embedded within his powerpoint slides a set of slides that flash a message just below the level of visual awareness. These slides say, "This class is the best class I have ever taken." The professor is utilizing the concept of:

subliminal perception.

Which of the following Freudian theory of personality components most likely drives someone to shun anti-social consumption and to advocate pro-social consumption?


All of the following are examples of marketers using sensory techniques except:

the local prison uses the color blue in the gym to reduce violence

Two-sided messages work best when:

the message shows humility.

**The motivational research conducted by Ernest Dichter and his colleagues sought to explain:

the subconscious motives underlying the consumption of certain products

Hall's "silent language" is composed of which of the following factors

time, physical space, material possessions, & friendship patterns.

Joseph usually bases his purchase of innovations on whether or not he can try out the innovation. For Joseph, the ____________ of an innovation is crucial to his purchase decision.


The two dimensions of "newness" for innovations are:

uniqueness and age

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