Consumer Behavior final

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Attitude-Based Choice

Involves the use of general attitudes, summary impressions, intuitions, or heuristics; no attribute-by-attribute comparisons are made at the time of choice.

situational influences

all of the factors particular to a time and place that have a demonstrable and systematic effect on current behavior

evoked set

alternatives given consideration

Negative emotions or guilt feelings aroused by the use of a product or a service are referred to as _____.

consumption guilt

nominal decision making

habitual decision making, involves no decision per se

physical surroundings

include decor, sounds, aromas, lighting, crowding, and tore arrangement

behavioral targeting

tracking consumer click patterns on a website and using that information to decide on banner ad placement

Sam is test driving several models of automobile to help him decide which one to purchase. Which source of information does this represent?

experiential sources

problem recognition

the result of a discrepancy between an ideal state and an actual state that is sufficient to arouse and activate the decision process

disposition situation

the situation in which a purchase is disposed of

purchase situation

the situation in which a purchase is made

evaluative criteria

the various dimensions, features, or benefits a consumer looks for in response to a specific problem

Which disposition alternative is the most widely used by consumers?

throw away

In which situation do marketers attempt to place their ads in appropriate media contexts to enhance their effectiveness?



a motivational state caused by consumer perceptions that a product, brand, or advertisement is relevant or interesting

inactive problem

a problem of which the consumer is not aware

Many elderly consumers have problems with arthritis. This painful condition makes it almost impossible for them to open jars or medicine containers because the joints in their fingers are so stiff. Which type of consumer problem is this?


Bessie is at the grocery store and is trying to remember some of the things she needs to buy. She is in the cleaning products aisle looking at the floor cleaning products. She's pretty sure she has another bottle left at home, so she doesn't purchase another. Bessie's perception of her current situation regarding this product reflects her ____.

actual state

•After consulting the Internet to determine what features she is most interested in, she compares various brands on the features which are most important to her, like size, zoom, and storage size. She mentally ranks the options and decides to buy the best one.

attribute baed choice/ cognitive choice

inept set

avoided alternatives

inert set

backup alternatives


carefully consider alternatives and pick the option that fits our needs for the least cost

Temporal Perspectives

deal with the effect of time on consumer behavior

Candice is on a diet and wants to lose 10 pounds. She wants to be thin right now, which represents her _____.

desired state

Which of the following is NOT an action a consumer may utilize to reduce dissonance?

increase the importance of alternatives that were not consistent in the purchase initially

experiential sources

inspection or product trial

Generic Problem Recognition

involves a discrepancy that a variety of brands within a product category can reduce

selective problem recognition

involves a discrepancy that only one brand can solve

extended decision making

involves extensive internal and external search followed by a complex evaluation of multiple alternatives

Which of the following market characteristics decrease external search?

less concentrated store distribution

Independent Source

magazines, consumer groups, and government agencies

Under conditions of crowding, consumers tend to all of the following except _____________

make more demands on the sales personnel

Product use

marketers need to understand how consumers use their products

Recently, I purchased clothes from Forever 21 online. Most of them fit well, but some of the clothes did not. When the clothes came, I felt really frustrated because I wish I hadn't bought the clothes that didn't fit. Even the clothes that did felt, I didn't love & felt that the price I paid for everything was not worth what I received. I returned what didn't fit and tried to find ways to wear what did fit to make myself feel better.?

reverse the purchase decision

marketing sources

sales personnel, websites, and advertising

Scent marketing

smell is slow to forget. Smell automatically triggers memory

with respect to the typology of service environments, a bank would be categorized as __________


usage situation

when the product is appropriate or needed

The five key dimensions or characteristics are

1.Physical surroundings 2.Social surroundings 3.Temporal perspectives 4.Task definition 5.Antecedent states

I bought a date party dress from an expensive website. Then I found another dress I liked a lot more on another website for a lot cheaper, but the dress I bought was non-returnable. I regretted the decision on the expensive dress. Then I thought, "it is just a dress, not a big deal."

Decrease the importance of the purchase decision

Gertrude is very environmentally conscious, so she only uses paper bags at the grocery store and tries to purchase items in packages that are recyclable. Her behavior concerns which type of situation?

Disposition situation

attribute-based choice

Requires the knowledge of specific attributes at the time the choice is made, and it involves attribute-by-attribute comparisons across brands.

symbolic performance

aesthetic or image-enhancement performance

Which of the following tends to be more holistic in nature, and the brand is not decomposed into distinct components that are evaluated separately from the whole?

affective choice

•One camera catches Susan's eyes: she examines it, and she thinks it looks sleek, modern, and cool. She looks at others and thinks they are boring and too serious. Then she imagines what a great impression she would make using the first camera. She decides to buy the first camera.

affective choice

awareness set

brand consumers are aware of

surrogate indicator

an attribute used to stand for or indicate another attribute

Bobbie bought a Dell computer because her brother has one, and he seems to be satisfied with it. She did not compare any other computers when making this choice. Which type of choice process did Bobbie use?

attitude based choice

•Susan remembers her friends camera (Olympus) worked well and looked good; her parents had a Kodak that also worked well but was rather large and bulky; and her old Fuji had not performed as well as she expected. Finally, she decides to buy the Olympus.

attitude based choice/ habitual choice

joseph is considering the purchase of a computer, and he is comparing brands on the basis of price, memory, speed, and reliability. He mentally ranks each alternative on these attributes and makes a selection based on these rankings. Joseph is using which type of choice process?

attribute based choice

All of the brands that a consumer thinks of as potential solutions are known as the _____.

awareness set

Brad was out of soft drinks in his dorm room, so he went to the store and purchased Coke. This is the brand he always buys, and he would not even consider purchasing another brand. Which type of nominal decision does this illustrate?

brand loyal decision

Pam and her friends ate at a new Italian restaurant, and the food, service, and ambiance exceeded their expectations. They all decided that this was the only Italian restaurant they will ever go to again in their town. This is an illustration of _____.


Experience, familiarity, social status, shopping orientation and product involvement are examples of which factor that influences the expected benefits and perceived costs of search?

consumer characteristics

Which of the following statements os FALSE regarding consumer decisions and the consumer decision process?

consumer decisions are rational and functional otherwise they so not involve decision per se

Jon purchased an antique watch on eBay from another consumer. Which type of sale is this known as?

consumer to consumer sale

Mary bought a house instead of renewing her apartment lease. Then she was not sure it was a wise decision every time the handyman did not return her call. But then she recalled many other issues with the old apartment, she felt better about having the house. Which of the following strategy Mary used to reduce her postpurchase dissonance?

decrease the desirability of rejected alternatives

Carl and his family purchased a new home, and the builder left half-empty paint cans in the garage. Carl doesn't know what to do with them because he cannot put them out in the regular trash. Carl is concerned with which of the following with regard to the paint?


Decisions made by consumers regarding _____________ situation can create significant social problems as well as opportunities for marketers.


which of the following is a negative emotion influenced by both the product and the situation?


which of the following is NOT a situation in which consumer behavior occurs?

evaluation situation

Nancy usually considers price and quality when she has to make a major purchase, such as an appliance or an automobile. These two features represent Nancy's _____.

evaluative criterea

Thomas is aware of several different brands of electric shavers, but he is only considering seriously three different brands. These three brands that Thomas is evaluating represent his _____.

evoked set

for which type of decision making is external information search relatively important?

extended decision making

personal sources

friends, family, others

Which problem recognition involved a discrepancy that a variety of brands within a product category can reduce?

generic problem regicnition

Which of the following statements regarding information search is FALSE?

higher product involvement leads to less informations search

I recently bought a desk/vanity that I thought would be a cute and functional addition to my room. Once I received the desk I had to put it together. I then had it put together and where I wanted it in my room, but it seemed a lot larger and taller than I expected and kinda stuck out in my room. I was then disappointed with how it made my room look, but since the package was shipped in multiple boxes and I had to put it together it was virtually impossible to return. I tried to add decorations and lights to my desk to make it fit more in my room and remind myself that it will help me when needing to do my makeup and complete homework. I convinced myself that functionally this was a good purchase form Wayfair.?

increase the desirability of the brand purchased

Just the other day I added an item onto my Amazon order to qualify for free shipping. I ended up paying only a little less than I would have if I decided to just pay shipping. This item was a veggie protein puff snack. I'm trying to eat healthier so I was super excited to try them. They arrived yesterday, I broke into the bag and they smelled and tasted horrible. I'm still convinced the product is bad, but at least I saved a couple dollars.

increase the desirability of the brand purchased

Purchase decisions

influenced by involvement, including product involvement and purchase involvement

Style, taste, prestige, feelings generated, and brand image are examples of which type of evaluative criteria?


limited decision making

internal and limited external search, few alternatives, simple decision rules on a few attributes, and little post purchase evaluation

Nakeisha wants to purchase some new make-up, but she wants something different from what she is currently using. Since she has experience with this product, she just thinks of the other products she has tried and decides to purchase one of those. Which type of information search has Nakeisha performed?

internal search

the number of alternatives, price range, store distribution, and information availability are examples of which factor that influences the expected benefits and perceived costs of search?

market characteristics

Sales personnel, websites, and advertising represent which type of information source?

marketing sources

Karen is going to the mall to purchase new shoes. Based on her prior experience with Nine West and her positive attitude toward them, she plans on looking at the Nine West store first. Her decision to visit the Nine West store is based on which source of information?


antecedent states

moods and momentary conditions, coffee when tired, candy when sad

Physical characteristics become more important as the service becomes ________ and ___________

more hedonic and the time spent increased

Which type of consumer decision making does not include alternative evaluation?

nominal decision making

product nonuse

occurs when a consumer actively acquires a product that is not used or used only sparingly relative to potential use

postpurchase dissonance

occurs when a consumer has doubts or anxiety regarding the wisdom of a purchase made

active problem

one the consumer is aware of or will become aware of in the normal course of events

non compensatory rules

performance on one criterion cannot compensate for poor performance on another

Connie just purchased her first new car, and she's actually feeling a little bad about it. She's concerned about how much money she spent and how long she will be making car payments. She's not sure she made the right choice, either. She liked another car a little better, but ended up purchasing another model. Connie is experiencing _____.

post purchase dissonance

What is the first stage of the consumer decision process?

problem recognition

Which of the following occurs when a consumer actively acquires a product that is not used or used only sparingly relative to its potential use?

product nonuse

Which of the following product characteristics decreaseexternal search?

product results in negative reinforcement

instrumental performance

relates to the physical functioning of the product

When perceptions of product performance match expectations that are at or above the minimum performance level, _____ generally results.


social surroundings

the other individuals present in the particular situation

Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding information search?

searching for information is free

An advertisement for Topol toothpaste, which is targeted at smokers and coffee and wine drinkers, stresses how this is the only brand that can remove the stains associated with these consumption behaviors. Which type of problem recognition is this marketer attempting to stimulate?

selective problem recognition

The ability of an individual to distinguish between similar stimuli is called _____.

sensory discrimination

compensatory rules

some trade offs can be allowed

compensatory decision rule

states that the brand that rates highest on the sum of the consumer's judgments of the relevant evaluative criteria will be chosen.

An attribute used to stand for or indicate another attribute is known as a _____.

surrogate indicator

Andrew is considering the purchase of a portable DVD player. He is comparing alternatives on the basis of screen size, battery life, and price. Andrew is using which type of evaluative criteria?


Stacy is shopping to purchase new linens for her guest room. Which situational characteristic is influencing her behavior?

task definition

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

techniques to ensure that a company's web pages are accessible to search engines and improving the chances they are found

Which of the following is a situational characteristic?

temporal perspective

affective choice

tends to be more holistic. Brand is not decomposed into distinct components for separate evaluation. The focus is on the way a product will make the user feel as it is used

sensory discrimination

the ability of an individual to distinguish between similar stimuli


the ability to deliver advertising content to specific interest-based segments in a network

Which of the following situation characteristics decrease external search?

unpleasant surroundings

The external ice cube chute on Cade's refrigerator door was not working properly. She could hear the ice falling into the chute, but nothing would come out. She looked inside and realized there was a solid block of ice clogging the chute, and she couldn't get it loose. Cade decided to use a hair dryer to melt the ice, and it worked. Cade's using a hair dryer in a new way represents _____.

use innovativeness

internal search

you will have a set of brands that automatically comes to mind, as well as your perceptions about them and what you already know

Which of the following drives problem recognition?

the consumer's perception of the actual state

affective performance

the emotional response that owning or using the product or outlet provides

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate condition to attempt to influence generic problem recognition?

the firm has a small percentage of the market

purchase involvement

the level of concern for, or interest in, the purchase process triggered by the need to consider a particular purchase and so it is a temporary state influenced by the interaction of individual, product, and situational characteristics

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