COP3502C - Study for Exam 1

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multiple line commenting uses

''' ''' or """ """ (Triple Quotation Marks)

list operator precedence

1. () 2. * , / , // , % (left to right) 3. + , - (left to right)

def print_menu(): >>>print("1. An") >>>print("2. Example") print_menu() print(print_menu())

1. An 2. Example None

4 things about variable identifiers

1. case sensitive 2. must start with a letter or _ 3. cannot be a Python reserved keyword 4. can only contain letters, numbers, or underscores

Convert the decimal number 78 to binary, octal and hexadecimal number.

1001110 116 4E

What is the output of the following program? x = 12 y = x + 2 if x % 3 == 0 else x - 2 print(y)


What is the decimal representation of binary number 10110101?


What is the output of the following program? print((13 // 2) % 4)


What is the output of the following program? sum_nums = 0 for i in range(2, 5): >>>for j in range(i + 3, 7): >>>>>>sum_nums += (i + j) print(sum_nums)


What is the octal representation of binary number 10110101?


Binary to Octal: Group _ bits at a time.


Binary to Hexadecimal: Group _ bits at a time


What is the output of the following program? num = 2 def magic(x): >>>return num + x print(magic(num))


for i in range(4, 10, 2): print(i)

4, 6, 8 (because the third number is the "step" which is the number you count by)

What is the output of the following program when user input 4? number = input("Enter an integer: ") print(number * 2)


What is the hexadecimal representation of decimal number 78?


Predict the output of the following code. def magic(a, b): >>>temp = a >>>a = b >>>b = temp >>>print(a, b) a, b = 4, 5 magic(a, b) print(a, b)

5 4 (because temp = 4, a = 5, and b = temp = 4) 4 5 (no return so what happened in the last function stays in that function)

predict the output of the following code. If the output is an error, state "error". a = 5 b = [11, 3, 9] def magic(a, b): >>>a = 4 >>>b[1] = 10 >>>b = a magic(a, b) print(a, b)

5 [11, 10, 9] labeled as [0, 1, 2] so 3 is replaced with 10

What is the output of the following program? num = 12 while num > 0: >>>num -= 6 >>>print(num, end=" ")

6 0

= vs ==

= is used for assignment == is used to compare two values

while loop

A loop with only a condition (no other parameters)

Global scope

Can be called anywhere in the program

What is the output of the following program? a = 4 b = 8 print(a + "3" + b)


>>> print('Dogs', 'Cats', 'Hamsters') output

Dogs Cats Hamsters

>>> print('Dogs', 'Cats', 'Hamsters', end='!\n') output

Dogs Cats Hamsters!

What is the output of the following program? game_over = False if game_over = True: >>>print("game is over") else: >>>print("You could continue playing")


higher-order functions

Functions that can accept other functions as arguments

___ should generally be avoided and only be used to define constants that are independent of function

Global variables

>>> print("Python is a 'cool' language") >>> print('Python is a "cool" language') >>> print("What's a \"cool\" language?")

Python is a 'cool' language Python is a "cool" language What's a "cool" language?


Repeatedly executes an indented block of code as long as the loop's expression is True.

Base 10 (Decimal)

Represent any number using 10 digits [0 - 9]

Base 16 (Hexadecimal)

Represent any number using 10 digits and 6 characters [0 - 9, A, B, C, D, E, F]

Base 2 (Binary)

Represent any number using 2 digits [0 - 1]

Base 8 (Octal)

Represent any number using 8 digits [0 - 7]

What's the output: print('Current salary is' , end=' ') print(45000) print('Enter new salary:' , end=' ') new_sal = int(input()) print(new_sal) print (user_num)


What is the output of the following program? nyans = 40 if nyans < 50 or 10 < 20 and nyans < 30: >>>print(True) else: >>>print(False)


should use lower_snake_case

Variable and method names

Logic Errors

When programs containing logic errors can be executed but generate unexpected results


Will return a unique id which is also known as memory address of the variable

escape sequence for single quote or double quote (only needed if printing the same type of quote used for print statement)

\' or \"

escape sequence for backslash


escape sequence for newline


escape sequence for tab (8 spaces)


round 867.5309 up

a = math.ceil(867.5309) --> 868

cos of 2.0

a = math.cos(2.0 * math.pi) --> 1.0

what is a method

a function within a class

Built-in scope

all the built-in names of python, e.g., str(), list(), print() etc.

what are the logical operators

and, or, not


at least one attached statement must be true for overall statement to be true


block of code where a name is visible

Break statement

causes an immediate exit of the loop

Python Interpreter

computer program used to execute python code and convert it into the machine code

while loop common error

creating an infinite loop because the loop's expression is always true

programs manipulate VALUES, which all have a certain ___, such as...

data type int 3, 44, -1 float 3.14, 2.58 str 'Hello', 'Python Course' bool True, False

Write a method identica_digits(num) that takes in an integer num in the range of 10 - 90. This method doesn't return anything. It prints out a countup starting from the integer num, and stopping when both output digits are identical. You must use a loop. Example 1 num = 18 Output: 18 19 20 21 22 Example 2 num = 66 Output: 66 Note: For coding simplicity, follow each output number by a space, even the last one. You will assume num value is always in the range of 10 - 90. There is no invalid num value passed in.

def identical_digits(num): >>>for i in range(num, 100): >>>>>>print(i, end=" ") >>>>>>if i // 10 == i % 10: >>>>>>>>>break identical_digits(66)

State the syntax and semantic errors in the following code snippets. def square(a) >>>return a ** 2 def equation(a=1, b=1, higher_order_square): >>>higher_order_product = lambda : return a * b >>>higher_order_square(a) + higher_order_square(b) + (2 * higher_order_product(a, b)) a, b = 10, 4 print("(a + b) ^ 2 = " + equation(a, b, square))

def square(a): is missing >>>return a ** 2 positional parameter should be before keyword parameters def equation(a=1, b=1, higher_order_square): lamda doesn't have an argument remove return statement (correction: = lambda a,b: a*b) >>>higher_order_product = lambda : return a * b needs return statement >>> return higher_order_square(a) + higher_order_square(b) + (2 * higher_order_product(a, b)) a, b = 10, 4 cannot add str and int. (Correction: str(equation...) or replace + with , print("(a + b) ^ 2 = " + equation(a, b, square))

what does global do when typed in front of a variable

defines the variable outside of the function instead of just inside

convert decimal to hex

divide by 16, get (0-15) remainders

Predict the output of the following code. If the output is an error, state "error". def mystery(id="admin", password): >>>print(id, password) mystery("user123", "8773Wehg")

error, because the key word is before the positional parameter instead of after

you can print single quotes in a statement that's in double quotes and vice versa, but not the same type of quotes unless you use

escape sequences

if there is no return statement in the function definition, what will happen?

function will return "None"

What is the output of the following program? print("hello", end="//") print("world", end="..")



if the attached statement is true, then the overall statement is false and vice versa

___ is a file containing Python code that can be used by other ___ or script (which is passed to the Python interpreter to execute the program) examples: or


math library is an example of a


what is the output: def magic_2(**kwargs): >>> for key, val in kwargs.items(): >>>>>>print(f"{key}: {val}") magic_2(name="Lisha", module="M3", topics="function")

name: Lisha module: M3 topics: function

a loop inside of a loop


type code to get this output: Numbers are: 0 Numbers are: 1 Numbers are: 2 Numbers are: 3 Numbers are: 4 Numbers are: 5

numlist = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for num in numlist: print(f'numbers are: {num}')

In Python, everything is an ___


Literals: numeric values (23, -45, 9.01) Variables Expressions these are all


Addition (+) and Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*) and Division (/), Modulo operator (%) are all


def subtract(a,b): >>>return(a-b) subtract(3,1) or print(subtract(3,1) to show output?


using end=' ' in a print statement replaces what

replaced the default newline with a whitespace

what does % return

returns the remainder from division

function that reverses order of elements


Convert Hex number 49 to decimal

same as binary to decimal, except use base 16

compiling process for interpreted language and example

source code is interpreted during execution line by line (instead of compiled) (Ex: Python)

what's the error def team(name, project): >>>print(f{name} works on {project}) team(name="Sally", "Blackjack")

syntax error because keyword is before positional in team(name="Sally", "Blackjack")

what indicates a block of code in python

the indentation

the inverse value is not gives

the negated value of is

what are objects, and what happens before they're printed?

the objects you want to print, they're converted to string before printed

Local scope

the scope inside of a function, or the global scope if there is no function

how to remember/save the evaluation of an expression

tore it in a variable Ex: num = 4 mult = 10 * 6 sub = 84 - 36

convert from hex to decimal

use base 16 and group into 4

convert binary to anything

use base 2

convert from octal to dec

use base 8 and group into 3

A user will enter an initial number, followed by that number of integers. Output those integer's sum. Repeat until the initial number is 0 or negative. Ex 1: if the user enters 3 9 6 1 0 Then the output is 16.

user_int = 0 num_ints = int(input()) while num_ints > 0: >>>ints_sum = 0 >>>for i in range(0, num_ints): >>>>>>user_int = int(input()) >>>>>>ints_sum += user_int >>>print(ints_sum) >>>num_ints = int(input())

x = x + 3 shorthand

x += 3

is there an error? print(3 + "is a divisor of" + i)

yes, integer cannot be added with string

is there an error? if i % 2 = 0

yes, should be == for comparing

Print statements automatically insert a newline unless

you specify an end=" "

Single line commenting uses


order of evaluation/precedence (everything)

() * / % + - < <= > >= == != not and or

for hex, A through F =

10 through 15

compute 2 % 5 and explain

5 goes into 2 zero times. 5*0 = 0 2-0 = 2. The answer is 2.

What is the output of the following program? num = 2 def magic(x): >>>num = 5 >>>return num + x print(magic(num))


Mutable vs. Immutable and examples

An object whose internal state can be changed is mutable (list). On the other hand, immutable doesn't allow any change in the object once it has been created (string or integer)

<value_if_true> if <condition> else <value_if_false> is an example of ____ which allows ____

Ternary operator, testing a condition in a single line


The program tries to use a variable that does not exist.

All caps with underscores between words for


keyword to define a function

def function_name():

Write a method print_triangle(base) that takes in a positive integer base and prints a triangle made of asterisks with a base of the given size. Example 1: base = 5 Output: * ** *** **** ***** Example 2: base = 7 Output: * ** *** **** ***** ****** *******

def print_triangle(base): >>>for i in range(1, base + 1): >>>>>>for j in range(0, i): >>>>>>>>>print("*", end="") >>>>>>print()

process of obtaining a value from an expression is called 4 is 4 10 + 5 is 15




what do logical operators do

used to evaluate expressions as being true or false

Every ___ has: • A name • A type (integer, string, character, boolean, etc.) • Can be associated with a set of operations


What would be printed by the following code? If the output is an error, state "error" in the prompt. a, b = 4, 5 c = b % a + 2 print(a + c, str(a) + str(c))

7 43


all attached statements must be true for overall statement to be true


negates a number ex: x = 5; x = -x --> -5

type the code to get this output: Enter name of best friend: Allison My best friend is Allison

print('Enter name of best friend', end=': ') best_friend = input() print('My best friend is', best_friend)

how to specify what to print at end of statement, and what's the default?

use end='end' default is '\n' (newline)

how to separate objects if there is more than one, and what's the default?

use sep='separator' default is ' ' (space)

take absolute value of -4

a = math.fabs(-4) --> 4.0

round 867.5309 down

a = math.floor(867.5309) --> 867

raise 3 to 2

a = math.pow(3, 2) --> 9.0

sin of 6.0

a = math.sin(math.pi / 6.0) --> 0.5

take square root of 2.25

a = math.sqrt(2.25) --> 1.5

computer hardware elements: 1. input - 2. processing - 3. output - 4. storage -

1. mouse/keyboard 2. CPU/GPU, RAM (Random Access Memory) 3. Monitor/speakers 4. HDD/SSD, flash drive

What would be printed by the following code? If the output is an error, state "error" in the prompt. a, b = 4, 11 c = b // 3 + a ** 2 - b % 3 ** 2 print(c)

17 (remember exponents come before mult/div)

compute 5 % 2 and explain

2 goes into 5 two times. 2*2 = 4 5-4 = 1. The answer (remainder) is 1.


An invalid value is used - can occur if giving letters to int().


An operation uses incorrect types - can occur if adding an integer to a string.

Select all valid identifier names. A. False B. None C. _speed_light D. 4_good E. def F. 3var G. Dollar$ H. CourseList

C, H

>>> print('Dogs', 'Cats', 'Hamsters', sep=' and ', end='!!!') output

Dogs and Cats and Hamsters!!!

>>> print('Dogs', 'Cats', 'Hamsters', sep=':') output



Function is used to read user input


Function used to display object values and string literals

Global Keyword

Keyword to change a global variable in a function


Keyword used to construct an anonymous function

what is the output of namelist = ["Bob", "Joane", "Gunther"] for names in reversed(namelist): print(f'names are: {name}')

Names are: Gunther Names are: Joane Names are: Bob

compiling process in most programming languages

Source code is compiled into machine code

'==' operator vs 'is' operator

The == operator compares the value or equality of two objects, whereas the Python is operator checks whether two variables point to the same object in memory. In the vast majority of cases, this means you should use the equality operators == and != , except when you're comparing to None


When the rules of writing the statements of the programming language are violated or The program contains invalid code that cannot be understood

Find Errors in the following program assuming its goal is to print out whether 2, 3, 5 are the divisors of numbers in the range [i, total]. total = 80 for i in range(1, total): if i % 2 = 0 print(2, "is a divisor of", i) elif i % 3 = 0: print(3 + "is a divisor of" + i) elif i % 5 = 0: print(5, "is a divisor of", i)

# should be range(1, total + 1) to list all the numbers in the range of [1, total] # should use == to compare. # There should be : after if condition # should use if # integer cannot be added with string # should use if

What is the output of the following program? print(end="'''") print("We are halfway through the course, YAY", end="!") print(end="'''")

'''We are halfway through the course, YAY!'''

Binary numbers are prefixed with ___. By convention, octal is prefixed with ___, while hex is prefixed with ___.

'0b', '0', '0x'

Precedence of All Operators

() 1 * /, % 2 +, - 3 <, <=, >, >=, ==, != 4 not 5 and 6 or 7

What is the output of the following program? def compute(a, b): >>>return a + b, a - b result = compute(8, 2) print(result)

(10, 6) because you can assume it's a TUPLE by default whenever there is a comma in the return... (if it's in [ ], then it would return a list)

what operators can be types shorthand version

+ - * / // %

"+" vs "," in python

+ adds the strings together to leave one argument , puts them next to each other with spaced to leave multiple arguments (I think)

Convert the octal number 77 to a binary number.

111111 two routes: 1. divide place separately by 2 (each place should get 3 numbers back because it's octal, so two places will get 6 numbers back) as shown in pic 2. convert octal to decimal then decimal to binary

What is the output of the following program? num = 1 for i in range(1, 10): >>>if i % 2 == 0: >>>>>>continue >>>if i == 7: >>>>>>break >>>num *= i print(num)


what's the output a, b = 2, 3 def magic(): >>>a = "two" >>>b = "three" print(a, b) magic() print(a, b)

2 3 2 3 (the strings are only for in that function... not global)

a, b = 2, 3 def magic(): >>>global a >>>a = "two" >>>b = "three" print(a, b) magic() print(a, b)

2 3 two 3 because variable a was made global, which means it works outside the function

Predict program output: product = 1 for i in range(1, 3): for j in range(1, i + 1): product *= (i + j) print(product)

24 (remember to replace product with new result and the last output is the answer)

what is the output: def magic(*data): >>>total = 0 >>>for item in data: >>>>>>total += item >>>return total print(magic(1, 2)) print(magic(23, 100, 8, 2, 8, 7, 12))

3 160

What is the output of the following program if the user input is 3? a = input("Enter a positive integer: ") b = int(a * 3) print(b)


What is the output of the following program? def output_info(id, name="admin"): >>>print(id, name) output_info(3483, "user3477")

3483 user3477

what's the output of each? How to fix if needed? def add(x, y) >>>return x + y print(add(3, 1)) print(add("Hello", "World")) print(add(3, "1"))

4 Hello World error because 1 in quotes makes it a string and you can't add two different types. Fix it by replacing y with int(y)

what's the output? is there an error? def plus(x): >>>x = x + 1 y = 8 plus(y) print(y)


What is the output of the following program? print(26.0 // 3 + 3 / 2 - 7 % 2)


What is the output of the following program? live_coding = True grade = 92 if not live_coding: >>>grade += 1 print(grade)


Continue statement

A statement that causes a loop to stop its current iteration and begin the next one

variable scope is when

A variable declared in one function is only visible inside that function (can't be used outside that indentation)

Which of the followings are valid variable names? (Select all the answers that apply) A. tic_tac_toe B. blackjack?12 C. def D. game_2048

A, D

Given the following function, please select the invalid function call. def credentials(account, password): >>>print(account, password) A. credentials("user123", "73653$%W") B. credentials(password="R3eghe$", "73653$%W") C. credentials(password="R3eghe$", account="73653$%W") D. credentials("R3eghe$", password="73653$%W")


Which of the following is a valid statement? (Assume num is defined as num = 9) A. 1 + 2 = num B. num = num + 8 / 2 + 1 C. num + 8 = num + 8 D. num + 2 = num


should use UpperCamelCase

Class names

short circuit evaluation

Conditionals are evaluated only when needed

Choose the correct function declaration of magic() so that we can execute the following function call successfully. magic(9, 12, 4, 7) magic(7, 8) A. def magic(**kwargs) B. It is not possible in Python C. def magic(args**) D. def magic(*info)


convert binary 01001001 to decimal

Do these from right to left 1. count and label each number starting at 0 2. give each number a base of 2^ raised to whatever number they were just labeled 3. multiply each (base^exponent) by (original number) 4. add results together

Programs written in the high-level language of a given type can be directly executed by CPU. A. True B. False


should have short, all-lowercase names

File/Module names

membership operators

In and Not operators yield True or False if the left operand matches the value of some element in the right operand, which is always a container

What is the output of the following program? name = "Jessica" print(f"\"Leave now!\"{name} yelled.")

Leave now!"Jessica yelled.

def print_menu(): >>>print("1. An") >>>print("2. Example") What's the output?

Nothing, you have to put "print_menu()" do it to display the body of the function (those parentheses mean body of it)

>>> print('Python is\ta cool language') >>> print('Python is\na cool language') >>> print('This is a backslash: \\')

Python is a cool language Python is a cool language This is a backslash: \


The lines of the program are not properly indented.

when is *args used when is **kwargs used (can use any word, as long as it has the * or **)

When the number of arguments that will be passed into a function is unknown, *args could be used to denote an arbitrary number of arguments. The function parameter **kwargs is used to pass the keyword arguments. **kwargs is a dictionary.


Will return the data type of the variable passed into the function (but must put print at beginning for it to show an output)

what is an anonymous/lambda function

a function that uses the keyword LAMBDA and is only executed/expressed once and then there there is no more use for it. it's a one-time use function, and it won't be referred to in later stages in the code. it is simplified to only run once without taking extra unnecessary coding memory

A prime number is a whole number greater than 1, which is only divisible by 1 and itself. Write a method is_prime(n)to detect whether a number is prime or not.

def is_prime(n): >>>if n <= 1: >>>>>>return False >>>for i in range(2, n): >>>>>>if n % i == 0: >>>>>>>>>return False >>>>>>return True

Write a method print_inverse_triangle(base) that takes in a positive integer base and prints a triangle made of asterisks with a base of the given size at the top Example 1: base = 5 Output: ***** **** *** ** * Example 2: base = 7 Output: ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** *

def print_inverse_triangle(base): >>>for i in range(base, 0, -1): >>>>>>for j in range(0, i): >>>>>>>>>print("*", end="") >>>>>>print()

identify the keyword arguments vs positional arguments vs default value def team(name, project=RLE program): >>>print(f{name} works on {project}) team(Tom, Blackjack) team(project="Blackjack", name="Sally") team("Sally", project="Blackjack") team("Sally")

def team(name, project=RLE program): >>>print(f{name} works on {project}) team(Tom, Blackjack) # POSITIONAL (position matters) team(project="Blackjack", name="Sally") # KEYWORD (position doesn't matter if this done like this) team("Sally", project="Blackjack") # KEYWORD (position only matters if not all are keyword... then keyword must always be last) team("Sally") # uses DEFAULT VALUE of the project being RLE program because it wasn't replaced... aka there is absence of an argument in the function call

convert decimal 73 to binary

divide by 2 until you reach 0, writing the remainder each time those remainders make up the binary from bottom to top order answer: 1001001 (or 0b1001001 i think)

convert decimal to binary

divide by 2, get (0-1) remainders

convert decimal to octal

divide by 8, get (0-7) remainders

// vs /

division that returns whole number (integer) vs decimal (floating point)

what does python use to determine the types of objects when executing

dynamic typing (that's why you can't combine strings and integers etc)

what is a tuple

enclosed by parentheses and separated by comma

What is the output of the following program? num = 2 def magic(x): >>>num = num + x >>>return num print(magic(num))

error yes there is a global num, but it can't be used in the function because it is trying to use it's own local num that hasn't even been determined yet... it defines num using num + x but there was never even an initial local num = something BUT it you CAN use the global scope if there is no num on the left-hand side within that function *note: won't be in exam or quiz

what's the output and how to fix if needed def add(x,y): >>>add_nums = x + y >>>return add_nums print(add_nums)

error because variable is undefined outside function. It's only being defined in that function so you can't use it outside fix it by replacing last line with print(add(1, 5)) or by typing add_nums = add(1, 5) before the print statement

a value or a set of operations that produce a value is called 4 52.3 10 + 5 12 * 4


how to list all the numbers in the range [i, total]

for i in range (i, total + 1)

loops over each element in a container one at a time. (the container is typically a list, a tuple, a string, a set or a dictionary) used to iterate over a sequence (e.g., list, tuple, string) or other iterable object. example

for loops for val in container: >>> <statements>

What is this an example of? def say_hello(func, first, last): >>>message = func(first, last) >>>print(message) def get_greetings(first, last): >>>return "Hello, I'm " + first + " " + last + "." say_hello(get_greetings, 'Bat', "Man") Output: Hello, I'm Bat Man.

higher-order function

type the code for this output (given hours is 40 and weeks is 52): Enter hourly wage: 12 Salary is 24960

hours = 40 weeks = 52 hourly_wage = int(input('Enter hourly wage: ')) Print('Salary is', hourly_wage * hours * weeks)

only executes when the file is passed to the interpreter directly. It can be used to check whether the current script is being run on its own or being imported somewhere else

if __name__ == '__main__'

how to store as a number (so that you can do math with it)?


examples of types

integer, string, character, boolean, etc.

numbers without decimals vs with

integers vs floating points

what is a function call / method call?

invoking a function's name to make it execute

identity operators

is and is not operators checks whether two operands are bound to a single object

what is the variable identifier

it's the variable's name

what is the parameter? the argument? def say_hello(name): >>>print("Hello, I'm " + name + ".") say_hello("Batman") Output: Hello, I'm Batman.

parameter: def say_hello(name): - parameter required by function (can have multiple) argument: say_hello("Batman") - arguments are values passed in parameter(s)

arithmetic operator precedence

parentheses exponent unary multiply or divide or divide with floor add or subtract

Convert binary number 01011010 to Octal

same as binary to decimal, except split the numbers into groups of three before counting from right to left 132

Convert Octal number 111 to decimal

same as binary to decimal, except use base 8

Convert binary number 01011010 to Hexadecimal

same as hex to decimal, except split the numbers into groups of four before counting from right to left 5A *DONT FORGET TO CHANGE NUMBERS >9 TO ITS LETTER

when using shorthand for operators, does the sign or equals come first?

sign equals

compiling process for compiled language and example

source code --(compiled into)--> byte code --(machine translates into)--> machine code (Ex: Java)

User input is automatically a string unless

specified as another data type. (This is important for math!)


statement that allows a programmer to create a string with placeholder expressions that are evaluated as the program executes

def subtract(a,b): >>>print(a-b) subtract(3,1) or print(subtract(3,1) to show output?


what's the error def team(project=RLE program, name): >>>print(f{name} works on {project}) team(Tom, Blackjack) team(project="Blackjack", name="Sally") team("Sally", project="Blackjack") team("Sally")

syntax error, default value "project=RLE program" must be the last value change it to def team(name, project=RLE program):

syntax for anonymous function

variable = lambda arguments: expression

3 things that objects have

• A value: the data associated with the object, e.g. 20 or "Hello World!" or True • A type: e.g integer, string, character, boolean, etc. • An identity: a unique numeric identifier (usually refers to the object's memory address)

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