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According to Section 202 of the Copyright Act, ownership of an underlying copyright ________ from ownership of the material object in which the copyright is embodied.

is distinct

The U.S. fully implemented Section 6bis (regarding moral rights) of the 1971 Paris revision to the Berne Treaty when it signed off in 1989.


The first international copyright conference, the Berne Convention, was spearheaded by the United States in 1886, and the U.S. was the first to sign off on the resulting treaty.


The literary device of parody is always fair use, provided that it includes a humorous commentary about a social event or a social observation.


Is it correct to say that musical compositions do not possess the exclusive right of display?


The _____ of Plato's "intelligible" world are to the sensible world's ______ what copyright law's ______ are to its ______.

forms, manifestations, ideas, expressions

______ is a prerequisite and an integral component of originality.

independent creation

Exercising one of the exclusive rights in Section 106 without the permission of the copyright owner is referred to as ______ while exercising a right with permission is referred to as _____.

infringement, having a license

Is life plus seventy years a "limited time" as that phrase is defined in the Progress Clause?

Eldred v. Ashcroft

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, what degree of creativity does the Supreme Court require for a work to be entitled to copyright protection?


Which of the following is NOT an example of a derivative work?

A "cocktail arrangement" of a public domain musical composition.

Which of the following would possibly be considered abandonment of the copyright by the author/owner? (choose all that apply)

A copyright owner makes his work available on Creative Commons and allows anyone to mass up the song provided that they give attribution or credit for the original. An author executes an assignment of all 106 rights to a public trust where songs are used for the benefit of charities.

The Supreme Court case of Victor Herbert v. Shanley Co. was pursued by the founders of which performance rights organization?


A method of determining what elements of a copyrighted work may be protected.


A publisher goes to an open mike night at The Basement in East Nashville. While there, she hears a great songwriter and approaches her between sets to discuss obtaining her songs for exploitation. As they talk, the publisher writes things out on the back of a napkin. At the end of the night, the two sign the napkin. The next day, when the publisher calls the songwriter and asked her to come in and create a list of the songs so that the copyrights can be registered, the songwriter says that she didn't intend to transfer the copyrights to the publisher. The publishing tells the songwriter that she has a valid transfer of copyright pursuant to Section 204 of the Copyright Act. Do you agree or disagree with the publisher?


Does Professor Shrum agree or disagree with the conclusion that Shepherd Fairy's Hope poster was a "transformative use" of Manny Garcia's photograph of then-Presidential candidate Obama?


Which of these copyright defenses are supported by the introduction of "prior art"? (choose all that apply)

All substantial similarities in the subsequent two works can be attributed to their reliance on the prior art. It eliminates the probability and probative value of access. The element of originality in the subsequent works is minimized and becomes trivial.

Based on the class lectures and your knowledge of the Copyright Act thus far, which of the following are examples of works that ARE NOT entitled to copyright protection?

An original "tweet" on Twitter. Photographs and paintings. House plans. Newspapers and magazines. Labanotation. Business correspondence, including an email. Parts numbers in a catalog of automotive parts. A word or phrase. Computer Programs. A song title.

The Progress Clause is found in ________

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8

A remedy to a copyright infringement action that is intended to discourage future acts of infringement would be considered what type of remedy?


The damages for infringement set forth in Section 504 of the Copyright Act - actual and statutory - are intended as what type of damages?


The type of physical object in which all other works may be "fixed" according to Copyright Act.


A photographer sues a television production company for use of his photograph in a commercial for laundry detergent. The camera scans a bedroom scene a the photograph is in view for less than second before centering on the woman in the frame. The court rules against the photographer, finding no infringement. Which one of the following is the most probable defense applied by the judge?

De minimis non curat lex

A plaintiff sues a defendant who is using her previously-published song in a second sound recording. The defendant failed to get the required compulsory license. The plaintiff seeks an injunction requiring the defendant to stop selling the sound recording immediately, or else she will suffer irreparable harm. The judge grants the injunction. Do you agree with that outcome?


The oeurve, or the personal right of every individual to protect the fruits of one's own thoughts.

Droit moraux.

A mechanical license can never be obtained unless the copyright owner gives willing permission.


A person records the Beatles song Hard Day's Night. He hires musicians who imitate the instrumentation and vocalizations of the original recording. He then releases the song as a tribute to the Beatle's on the 25th Anniversary of the song's debut on Billboard. He gets a license from Harry Fox and accounts to the owners of the musical composition, but not to the owner of the sound recording. The person has infringed the copyright in the sound recording.


A plaintiff in a copyright infringement action is not entitled to an additional award to cover her attorneys' fees (Assume that the plaintiff has properly registered her copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office in a timely fashion).


As defined in §101 of the Copyright, fixation of a work means that it must be communicated for at least a transitory duration.


Fair use is an inalienable right of every U.S. citizen.


In the case of Walker v Time Life Films, Inc., 784 F.2d 44 (2d Cir. 1986), the court ruled in favor of Walker and found infringement where both works opened with a Irish cop shooting a black man, and included similar scenes of cockfights, stripped automobiles, prostitutes, etc. in the Queens borough of New York.


Once the U.S. signed and implemented the Berne Treaty in 1989, it fully implemented the Berne Convention's emphasis on droit moral rights.


Can facts be arranged in such a way as to warrant copyright protection?

Feist Publications Inc. v. Rural Telephone Company, Inc.

Does the Progress Clause allow Congress to remove certain works from the public domain?

Golan v. Holder

In Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co. v. Sarony, the Supreme Court states that the creative works of authorship that are entitled to protection are those based on the "fruits of intellectual labor embodied in the form of books, prints, engravings and the like." On what philosopher is this concept based?

John Locke

Is it a correct statement to say that "originality" as required by the Copyright Act requires a specific measure of novelty, ingenuity and/or aesthetic merit.


An expression that is so close to an being an idea that it cannot be protected


In Victor Herbert v. Shanley Co. , Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes ruled that:

Music is part of the total for which the public pays and the fact that the price of the whole is attributable to a particular item which those present are expected to order is not important.

How can you distinguish an idea from an expression?

Nichols v. Universal Pictures

A descendant of Monet creates a beautiful adaptation of his ancestor's classic impressionist piece, Sunrise. She sells the work of art to an enthusiast benefactor and fan of Monet. Five years later, the benefactor loans the new work of art to Frist in Nashville to be displayed publicly. The painter seeks an injunction in the Middle District Federal Court to prevent the new owner from displaying the work at the Frist. Will she win the injunction?


A group of over-zealous Vanderbilt students paint black and gold stars on the heads of all the muses in the Musica statute in the Roundabout on Demonbreun in Nashville, and dress them in home jerseys for their upcoming home football game against the Razorbacks. Since this happens so frequently, Alan LeQuire, the creator, threatens the city with litigation in the Middle District Court if it doesn't move the statute from its current location to a more protected environment. Does Mr. LeQuire possess that right under U.S. law?


A street artist paints a mural on the side of a building on 12th South. A local photograph likes the mural, so he takes a photograph of the building that prominently features the painting and then duplicates and sells the photograph as postcards. Is the photographer violating the right of the street artist to display the work?


If one author independently creates a work that is similar to an author's work created years prior (assume she did not copy the original work), will that author nonetheless be liable for copyright infringement?


The city of Nashville commissions Yo-Yo Ma to write a symphony for a New Year's celebration to be performed at the Schermerhorn with the Nashville Symphony Orchestra, to be recorded. They sign a written agreement with Yo-Yo's management in which they agree that Nashville will own the sound recording. According to Section 201(b), is the sound recording copyright a work for hire?


Who said, "Personality always contains something unique. It expresses its singularity even in handwriting, and a very modest grade of art has in it something irreducible, which is one man's alone."

Oliver Wendell Holmes

Which of these literary styles is more likely to be considered fair use?


One type of physical object in which a work may be "fixed" according to Copyright Act.


Which of the following rights from Section 106 is the most basic right protected by, and the legal basis for most forms of exploitation of, copyrights


An adaptation, or derivative work, is created when an author takes an existing copyright and adds material containing a new expression. Is this description of a derivative work right or wrong?


Scènes à faire

Scenes that must be done

If a plaintiff in a copyright infringement action has difficulty ascertaining how much she was damaged by the defendant's use of her work, but she knows that the defendant intentionally infringed her work, what is the best type of damages to opt for?


In the Supreme Court case of Acuff-Rose v. 2 Live Crew, SCOTUS' opinion can be summarized as follows:

The 2 Live Crew song transforms Roy Orbison's Pretty Woman by degenerating its predictable lyrics into a play on words, including shocking lyrics that demonstrate how banal the original song was.

The right of a creator to be known as the author of his/her own work, even after transfer or sale.

The Paternity Right

The right of any author to demand reasonably prominent identification as such.

The Paternity Right.

A group of over-zealous Vanderbilt students paint black and gold stars on the heads of all the muses in the Musica statute in the Roundabout on Demonbreun in Nashville, and dress them in home jersies for their upcoming home football game against the Razorbacks. Alan LeQuire, the creator, applies to the Middle District Court for an injunction to require Vanderbilt University to remove the mutilation of Musica because it brings disgrace to the author's reputation. Which of the follow is the most applicable statute under which to bring the litigation.

The Visual Artists Rights Act

Protection may not be conditioned upon compliance with any formality

The principle of automatic protection

Protection is independent of the existence of protection in the country of origin.

The principle of independent protection

Works origination in one of the member countries must be given the same protection as in all other member countries

The principle of national treatment

Absent any work for hire arrangement, which of the following contributors to a sound recording are considered authors under the Copyright Act?

The producer. The drummer. The producer. The background singers. The record label. The intern assisting the producer, whose primary function is fetching items. The engineer.

The right of an author to prevent modification of the work which would be prejudicial to the author's honor or reputation.

The right of Integrity

The right to prevent the destruction or defacement of a creation.

The right of Integrity

Which of the following are NOT among the exclusive "bundle" of rights identified in 17 U.S.C. Section 106 (select ALL that apply):

The right to perform a song to immediate friends and family. The right to prevent others from defacing or destroying the work. The right to protect the integrity of the work. The right to perform a sound recording via retransmission to terrestrial radio stations.

Which of the following statements are correct with regard to the Section 106 Bundle of Rights (choose all that apply)

The rights are cumulative Each right and each subdivision of that right may be owned, transfered and enforced separately. The rights overlap one another. Each right may be subdivided into halves. Each right may be subdivided infinitely.

Two authors create a joint work. One of the authors writes the majority of a song, including two verses of lyrics and the overall basic melody, about 80 percent of the song. The second author come into the collaboration and provides the lyrics and melodies to a bridge and makes some modifications to some of the original lyrics and a few chord changes, about 20%. Under the Copyright Act who owns the copyright and what portion do they own?

They each own an undivided interest in the whole musical composition

Which of the following statements about performance rights organizations (SESAC, ASCAP, BMI) is not true?

They sign non-exclusive agreements with publishers and songwriters to license performances and collect fees from the licensees.

Who said that ideas, like the air that we breathe, "should spread freely from one to another over the globe," and are therefore incapable of "stable property," i.e., ownership.

Thomas Jefferson

"Originality" means that a work of art has been independently created as opposed to being copied from someone else's expression


An Internet streaming radio services transmits a performance of The Eagles Hotel California to the public, but its analytics show that there was no one listening to the stream during most of the time that Hotel California was playing, except for one person who tuned in during the last 10 seconds of the song. Because the listener did not listen to a "substantial portion" of the song, the Internet streaming radio services IS NOT responsible for obtaining a performance license. Is the analysis right or wrong?


In order to determine if a work of art is entitled to copyright protection, the law considers whether a reasonable person would find the work aesthetically pleasing. Is that statement right or wrong?


A website buys and sells used MP3's under Section 109's legal doctrine of first use. Has the website infringed the copyright of both the sound recording and the musical composition?


Does reproducing a New Yorker cartoon on the foyer of a condominium building infringe the rights of the cartoonist who created it, assuming the cartoonist has not transferred any rights?


Does sharing an MP3 file over the Internet violate the distribution right of the owner of the musical composition?


In 2018, a 60-year old songwriter hears, for the first time, a sound recording from 1960 that is substantially similar to his composition. If he brings a copyright infringement action against the artist and record label, do you think the record label/artist has a fairly good chance of knocking the case out on an early motion to dismiss?


You and your friends go to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the NFL Sunday games. The big screens are all playing sound and airing the broadcasts of the games live. A Ford truck commercial comes on which plays Will Hoge's musical compositions, Strong, in the background. Does Buffalo Wild Wings need to get a license from Will Hoge and/or his publishing company to perform the song?

Yes, because the term "perform" under Section 101 of the Copyright Act is defined as not only the original rendition of the musical compositions, but also any further actions that transmits or communicates that rendition to the general public.

James Madison designed the copyright construct to ____ benefit ______ by _____ benefiting ______.

directly, society, indirectly, the individual

The title Aaron Tippin's song If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything contains at least a modicum of creativity and therefore is entitled to copyright protection. Do you agree or disagree with this assessment?


The _____ are the component of a musical composition that is entitled to the greatest degree of protection, while the _____ and _____ are considered the least protectable.

lyrics, harmony, rhythm

A boy writes a birthday card to his girlfriend containing a series of verses. Without his knowledge, the girlfriend uses the verses to create a song, which she then records. The boy has a copyright in ______ , and the girl created a _____.

the verses, song and sound recording; derivative work

According to the Copyright Act, a work may be "fixed" in _____ ways.


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