Coun 174 Final

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Discovering birth order is imperative for an Adlerian therapist to do this technique.

Family constellation.

Which of the following therapies emphasizes that a person's belief system is the cause of emotional problems?

Rational emotive behavior therapy.

Humans are motivated by social interest, striving towards goals, inferiority and superiority, and by dealing with the tasks of life.

Adlerian therapy.

Which of the following approaches to therapy focuses on the unique style of life we create at an early age?

Adlerian therapy.

The goal of this theorist was to offer encouragement so individuals could develop socially useful goals and an increased sense of belonging.

Algred Adler.

Narrative therapy can be applied to:

All the above.

In the ABC model, "ABC" stands for this:

Antecedent(Activating Event), Behavior(or Beliefs), and Consequence.

Cognitive behavioral therapists want clients to recognize these types of thoughts, that contribute to maladaptive behaviors.

Are irrational or automatic thoughts, or faulty beliefs.

One of the goals of rational emotive behavior therapy is to:

Assist clients in gaining awareness of moment-to-moment experiencing.

In which of the following approaches to therapy does the therapist become active and directive, functioning as a trainer for the client?

Behavior therapy.

Which of the following approaches is credited with an emphasis on assessment and evolution?

Behavior therapy.

Which of the following approaches most emphasizes principles of learning?

Behavior therapy.

Which of the following approaches to therapy focuses on the scientific method?

Behavior therapy.

Which of the following therapies is most recommended for the treatment of phobic disorders?

Behavior therapy.

Person-centered therapy puts faith in the client's:

Capacity for self-direction.

Stress inoculation training, keeping a record of activities, homework assignments, and debating irrational beliefs, is often an important piece of this therapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy.

Therapy is primarily orientated toward cognition and behavior, and it stresses the role of thinking, deciding, questioning, doing and re-deciding.

Cognitive behavioral therapy.

In person-centered theory, it is important for a therapist to be this concept: that the therapist is real, genuine, and authentic during the therapy hour.


In feminist therapy, the following technique(s) is/are used to help clients recognize the impact of gender-role socialization:


Which statement most closely reflects the philosophy of feminist therapy?

Constructs of feminist therapy include being gender-fair, flexible, interactionist, and life span oriented.

One contribution of psychoanalytic therapy has been its:

Detailed and comprehensive description of personality structure and functioning.

According to psychoanalytic therapy, human beings are:

Determined by psychic energy and early experiences.

An Adlerian therapist would:

Establish a cooperative relationship based on equality.

Which theory conveys the attitude "Techniques, schmechniques."

Existential theory.

The central focus is on the nature of the human condition, which includes a capacity for self-awareness, freedom of choice to decide one's fate, responsibility anxiety, search for meaning, being alone and being in relation with others, striving for authenticity, and facing living and dying.

Existential therapy.

Which of the following approaches contends that the nature of the human condition includes self-awareness, freedom of choice, responsibility, and anxiety as basic elements?

Existential therapy.

Which of the following approaches encourages therapists to accurately grasp the client's "being in the world?"

Existential therapy.

Which of the following approaches places emphasis on challenging clients to recognize that they are responsible for events that they formerly though were happening to them?

Existential therapy.

Which of the following approaches to therapy stresses understanding first and technique second?

Existential therapy.

This broad term for a group of different theories often looks at the systemic part of functioning and relationships to find growth.

Family system theories.

Personal change and social transformation are goals of:

Feminist therapy.

The negative impact of discrimination and oppression for both men and women has surfaced as a result of:

Feminist therapy.

Empowerment and egalitarianism are the basis of the _____ therapeutic relationship.


Bowenians therapists create one of these to get an understanding of the boundaries of a family.


The technique of reliving and re-experiencing unfinished business is associated with:

Gestalt therapy.

This term refers to client's exposure to actual anxiety provoking events as a means to desensitize feelings regarding stimuli.

In Vivo Exposure.

Existential therapy can be especially helpful for:

Individuals facing a transition in life.

Experiments of gestalt therapy can include these, name two:

Internal dialogue, empty chair, making the rounds, role reversal, rehearsal, exaggeration, staying with the feeling, dream work, here and now experiencing.

Name at least three psychoanalytic techniques that help a therapist gain access to unconscious conflicts.

Interpretation, dream analysis, free association, analysis of resistance, analysis of transference, and understanding counter-transference.

In psychoanalytic therapy, a technique of great importance is:


A limitation of existential therapy is its:

Limited applicability to nonverbal clients.

A limitation of Gestalt theory is that it:

May neglect cognitive theories.

Solution-Focused Therapy uses these creative types of questioning (name two):

Miracle questions and scaling questions.

A limitation of this theory is that clients may react negatively to the "not knowing" stance of the therapist.

Narrative or Solution-Focused.

In which therapy approach is the client viewed as the expert on his or her own life, while the therapist is seen as an expert questioner who assists clients in freeing themselves of their problem-saturated stories and create new life-affirming stories?

Narrative therapy.

Which of the following approaches challenges social and cultural injustices that lead to oppression of certain groups?

Narrative therapy.

Which of the following approaches to therapy is best suited for helping people to create an alternative life story?

Narrative therapy.

A limitation of behavior therapy is that it:

None of the above.

Positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, extinction, positive punishment, and negative punishment, come out of this form of conditioning.

Operant conditioning.

In a two part answer, give one fact you do not need to know from the "not need to know" fact slots and then state Professor Bloom's favorite slogan for all counselors to know.

Part 1 - Various answers. Part 2 - "Trust the Process."

Which of the following approaches to therapy most attempts to provide a safe climate (based on unconditional positive regard) that is conducive to a client's self-exploration?

Person-centered therapy.

Which of the following approaches to therapy stresses the attitude of the therapist over the use of techniques?

Person-centered therapy.

Adlerian therapy emphasizes the individual's:

Positive capacities to live in society cooperatively.

Which of the following approaches is based on the premise that there are multiple realties and multiple truths?

Postmodern approaches.

Which of the following approaches is least likely to be applied to short-term crisis intervention?

Psychoanalytic therapy.

Which of the following approaches would contend that normal personality development depends on the successful resolution of specific stages of development?

Psychoanalytic therapy.

This theory dictates that human beings are basically determined by psychic personality energies and early experiences.


REBT stands for?

Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy.

Which of the following approaches to therapy is based on the A-B-C theory of personality?

Rational emotive behavior therapy.

Which of the following approaches to therapy is noted for using numerous cognitive, emotive, and behavioral techniques?

Rational emotive behavior therapy.

According to traditional psychoanalytic therapy, the therapist:

Remains anonymous.

One contribution of Adlerian therapy has been an emphasis on:

Social and psychological factors.

Some are critical of the "not-knowing" stance of the therapist and the negative stance on formal diagnosis in which of these therapies?

Solution-focused therapy.

Which of the following orientations avoids exploring problems, and instead, focuses on creating solutions in the present and the future?

Solution-focused therapy.

One of the techniques used by behavior therapists in dealing with a client's anxiety is:

Systematic desensitization.

A key technique of Adlerian therapy is:

The assessment of one's family constellation.

A limitation of person-centered therapy is:

The possible danger of the therapist remaining passive and inactive.

Past, present or future, which of these is the focus of Gestalt therapy when asking "what" and "how" questions.

The present.

The goal of psychoanalytic therapy is:

To make the unconscious, conscious.

This is the process in Bowen's family therapy, in which triads result in a two against one experience.


A key concept of Gestalt therapy is:

Unfinished business.

In Gestalt therapy, when figures emerge from the background but are not completed and resolved, individuals are left with this.

Unfinished business.

This theorist used family sculpting to help the family understand their roles and unwritten rules.

Virginia Satir.

Which is not a key concept of feminist therapy?

Women's problems are viewed from an intrapsychic perspective.

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