cranial nerve name, number, and function
olfactory nerve
cranial nerve I sensory only function: sense of smell
optic nerve
cranial nerve II sensory only function: visual acuity
oculomotor nerve
cranial nerve III motor only function: eye movement (up, down, and medial); opening of eyelid, constriction of pupil, focusing
trochlear nerve
cranial nerve IV motor function: eye movement (superior oblique muscle)
glossopharyngeal nerve
cranial nerve IX sensory and motor function: swallowing, salivation, gagging, control of blood pressure, control of respiration, sensations from posterior 1/3rd of tongue
trigeminal nerve
cranial nerve V motor and sensory function: sensory to face: touch, pain, and temperature motor: muscles of mastication
abducens (abductens) nerve
cranial nerve VI motor only function: provides eye movement (lateral rectus muscle)
facial nerve
cranial nerve VII sensory and motor function: motor: facial expressions, salivary glands, tears, nasal and palatine glands sensory: taste anterior 2/3 of tongue, damage produces sagging facial muscles and disturbed sense of taste (sweet and salty)
vestibulocochlear nerve
cranial nerve VIII sensory only function: provides hearing and sense of balance
vagus nerve
cranial nerve X sensory and motor function: swallowing, speech, regulation of viscera
accessory (spinal) nerve
cranial nerve XI motor only function: swallowing; head, neck, and shoulder movement
hypoglossal nerve
cranial nerve XII motor only function: tongue movements for speech, food manipulation, and swallowing
oh once one takes the anatomy final very good vacations are heavenly
optic olfactory oculomotor trochlear trigeminal abducens facial vestibulocochlear glossopharyngeal vagus accessory hypoglossal
some say money matters but my brother says big brains matter more
optic-sensory olfactory-sensory oculomotor-motor trochlear-motor trigeminal-both abducens-motor facial-both vestibulocochlear-sensory glossopharyngeal-both vagus-both accessory-motor hypoglossal-motor