criminal justice exam

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A lesser crime than a felony, punishable by a fine or imprisonment for up to one year in other than a state or federal penitentiary.

Fifth Amendment

Grand Jury, Double Jeopardy, Self-Incrimination, Due Process (right to remain silent)

8th Amendment

No cruel or unusual punishment, no excessive bail or fines

A legal infant is protected by criminal law but not subject to it. a. True b.False


Breaking up a fight, holding back a crowd at a sporting event, or intervening in a domestic dispute before it gets violent are examples of the police duty of a. order maintenance. b.information gathering. enforcement. d.service.


Clearance rates are a rough index of police performance in solving crimes. a. True b.false


Copicide is a form of suicide in which a person gets fatally shot after intentionally provoking police officers. True False


Failure to fairly represent all genders and races within police departments has led to several negative consequences. Which of the following is NOT one of the negative consequences listed in your textbook? a.sensational publicity b.consent decrees c.court-ordered quotas to achieve the desired diversity d.expensive lawsuits


For legal purposes, a particular act may be considered either a tort or a crime or both, depending on how it is handled. a. True b.False


For which of the following theories is reintegrative shaming a policy implication? a.labeling theory b.British or left realism c.radical theory d.peacemaking criminology


Henry Fielding established the Bow Street Runners, who were England's first professional detective force. a.True b.False


If a person did not want to commit a crime but was forced or coerced to do so against his or her will, he or she committed the crime ________. a.under duress defense of a third party self-defense entrapment


In the due process model, the factual guilt of suspects is not determined until the suspects have had a full opportunity to discredit the charges against them. a.True b.False


Neither the crime control model nor the due process model is likely to completely control criminal justice in the future. a.True b.False


One method of controlling the amount of discretion exercised by police officers is close supervision by a police agency's management. a.True b.False


One of the interesting findings of foot patrol research was that foot patrol officers were better able to deal with a. minor annoyances—rowdy youths, panhandlers, and abandoned cars—that irritate citizens. b.drug dealers and gang problems, especially in urban areas. c.several investigative functions, including finding DNA evidence. d.long-term vice cases that involved several suspects.


Sometimes a police officer's role may be simply to solve problems in the course of providing service. a. True b.False


The authors of a study on wrongful convictions conservatively estimated that approximately ________ of all felony convictions are in error. a.0.5 percent b.2.5 percent c.8 percent d.5 percent


The only personal experience most people have with the criminal justice process is contact with a a.local police officer. b.probation or parole officer. c.courtroom. d.correctional institution.


Until the 1920s, party politics prevented the development of professional police departments in most American cities. a. True b.False


What is the most important factor contributing to wrongful convictions? a. eyewitness misidentification b.inadequate legal representation c.judicial errors, bias, or neglect of duty d.guilty pleas made involuntarily by innocent defendants


Which of the following agencies has the largest Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS)? a. the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) b.the Florida Department of Law Enforcement c.the New York City Police Department d.the U.S. Secret Service (USSS)


Which of the following characteristics of today's police was taken up by municipal police officers after the American Civil War? a.They began to wear uniforms. b.They began to form posses. c.They began to rely on police radios to aid police function. d.They began to carry out motorized patrol.


Which of the following cities had the first modern police force? a.Paris b.London c.New York d.Rome


in 2014, more arrests were made for drug abuse violations than for any other offense. a.True b.False


A home search by the police is not permitted unless all the co-occupants consent to the search. a.True b.False


A person is generally protected from searches and seizures without a warrant in all places where he or she has a legitimate right to be. a.true b.False


Administrative or regulatory agencies are important to criminal law because a.legislatures often enact criminal statutes based on their recommendations. b. All of the answers are correct. c.habitual violations of their rules may be addressed through criminal proceedings.


Affirmative action has been highly successful in increasing the percentage of women in policing. a.True b.False


Approximately how many local, state, and federal public law enforcement agencies operate in the United States? a.9,000 b.18,000 c.3,000 d.36,500


Police have responded to domestic violence in three distinct ways. Which of the following is NOT one of these three ways? a.arresting the perpetrator of the assault b.arresting both the perpetrator and the victim c.separating domestic partners in minor disputes d.mediating the dispute


The constable-watch system was England's earliest form of group protection. a.True b.false


The major advantage of a social definition of crime, at least on the surface, is that it is narrower and less ambiguous than a legal definition of crime. a.True b.False


When politically conservative values are dominant in society, the principles and policies of ________ seem to dominate the operation of criminal justice. a.the due process model b. the crime control model c.fact-finding processes d.obstacle-course justice


Which of the following is a measure of coercion beyond what is necessary to control participants in a conflict? a.harassment b.excessive force c.job stress d.deadly force


Which of the following is currently the most complete DNA database in the United States? a.geographic information system (GIS) b.the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) positioning system (GPS) d.CompStat


Which of the following is the focus of labeling theory? a.the competition among individuals belonging to various interest groups b.the way people and actions are defined as criminal c.the ways in which criminals are different from noncriminals d.the peculiarities of the criminal actor


Which of the following refers to the scope of criminal law? a.regularity b.specificity c.uniformity d.politicality


Which of the following refers to the way in which criminal law should be enforced? a.specificity b.uniformity c.politicality d.regularity


Your textbook gives three reasons why many victims of cybercrime fail to report these crimes to authorities. Which of the following is NOT one of those reasons? a.the attention to their vulnerability that a crime report would attract b. the fear of being implicated in the crime c.the shame of not providing adequate security to protect trusted assets d.the fear of loss of the public's confidence in the organization


A suspect becomes a defendant after a.a grand jury issues a no bill against the suspect. b.a complaint has been made. c.a formal notice of charge is given. absence of probable cause has been established.


Like the family, schools, organized religion, the media, and the law, criminal justice is a(n) a.informal method of social control. b.private response to crime. C.institution of social control. d.subtle social control.


Taking people to the hospital, escorting funeral processions, delivering mail for city officials, or chasing bats out of a caller's house are examples of the police duty of enforcement. b.information gathering. c.service. d.order maintenance.


The knowledge to carry out cybercrimes is readily available online at hacker rooms. b.websites. c. All of the answers are correct. d.message boards.


The most important aspect of the crime control model of criminal justice is a.the means by which crime is controlled. b.human rights. c.the control of criminal behavior. d.rehabilitation.


The practice of relying on the judgment of the police leadership and rank-and-file officers to decide which laws to enforce is referred to as a.full enforcement. b.high discretion. c.selective enforcement. discretion.


The primary purpose of arraignment is to a.ensure that the defendant will appear at a later stage in the criminal justice process. b.outline the formal charge or charges against the defendant. c. allow the defendant to enter a plea. d.determine whether there is probable cause.


The purpose of ________ is for a judge to determine whether there is probable cause to believe that the defendant committed the crime or crimes with which he or she is charged. arraignment initial appearance c. a preliminary hearing indictment


According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, among past-month illegal drug users, approximately what percentage of them reported using only marijuana? a.23 percent b.41 percent c.12.5 percent d. 64.7 percent


As an institution of social control, criminal justice differs from the family, schools, organized religion, the media, and the law in that it a.exists as a single system. b.requires society to abide by passive social values. usually used along with other institutions of social control. d. is generally society's "last line of defense."


For many crime victims, ________ is the most burdensome and lasting consequence of their victimization. a.medical expense b.anger c.threat d.fear


Police officers cannot make an arrest for every violation of law—that is, they cannot a.have limited discretion. b.have high discretion. c.provide selective enforcement. d.provide full enforcement.


Researchers discovered that in ________ of crimes, citizens wait 5-10 minutes to call the police, precluding catching the criminal at the scene. a.60 percent b.25 percent c.5 percent d. 90 percent


State-level law enforcement officers include three of the following groups. Which of the following does NOT belong? a.park rangers b.highway patrols c.watercraft officers d.sheriffs


The ________ protects American citizens from "unreasonable searches and seizures." a.Eighth Amendment b.Fifth Amendment c.Sixth Amendment d. Fourth Amendment


The principle of using precedents to guide future decisions in court cases is called ________. a.animus possidendi b.amicus curiae c.ex post facto d.stare decisis


Which of the following theories is based on the belief that criminals are physiologically different from noncriminals? a.sociological positivism b.psychological positivism c.classical theory d. biological positivism


Which of the following types of single-bias hate crimes was reported most often to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 2014? a.crimes motivated by sexual-orientation bias b.crimes motivated by ethnicity bias c.crimes motivated by religious bias d. crimes motivated by racial bias


Who were the first federal law enforcement agents in the United States? a.the Secret Service agents b.the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents c.the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents d. the U.S. Marshals


With whom are psychoanalytic theories of crime causation associated? a.H. H. Goddard b.William Sheldon c.Cesare Lombroso d.Sigmund Freud


Fourth Admendment

protects against unreasonable searches and seizures

sixth admendment

speedy and public trial, impartial jury, right to counsel, confront witnesses

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