Criminal Justice Final

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Stories of violent crime make up approximately this proportion of all news time.


Administrative law is based on legal precedent.


UCR data allow us to compare how crime changes over time.


He is known, among other things, for his development of the panopticon.


_________ are crimes that are unreported to the police. As a result, they are not represented in UCR data.

Dark figure of crime

Robbery and burglary are types of property crime.


At gunpoint, Tim took a wallet containing $500 from Ron. This is best described as ______.


The highest burden of proof under the law is _____.

Beyond a reasonable doubt

The _____ model of justice argues that most important function of the criminal justice system is to suppress and control criminal behavior as a function of public order in society.

Crime Control

Packer suggests that this model of justice resembles an assembly line.

Crime control

Based on UCR data, we know that violent crime has ______ since 2003.


The primary source for administrative law is the __________.

Federal Administrative Procedure Act

Necessity is when an individual argues that they had to break the law in order to prevent a more significant harm from occurring.


__________ law refers to the body of law that governs the creation and function of state and federal government agencies.


__________ law spans across virtually every topic, including intelligence, security, banking, finance, food, education, and communications.


________ implies that there is something that directly influences or is responsible for people engaging in criminal behavior.


High Profile Cases such as the O.J. Simpson murder case would fall in this layer of the Criminal Justice Wedding Cake.

Celebrated Cases

This type of law generally involves violations of private acts, such as contracts, property disputes, and family law.


This type of law governs disputes between individuals or private parties.


A fundamental premise of this school of thought is that people engage in crime as a result of free will.


This source of law includes the highest laws of the land.


Which agency of criminal justice is responsible for carrying out the punishment imposed on the offender?


Sometimes, when one variable increases, so does the other. This is referred to as __________. It means that two variables are linked to each other.


What agency is responsible with determining whether an offender should be charged with a crime?


In June 2013, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was indicated on 30 counts related to using weapons of mass destruction to commit murder in an act of terrorism. This is an example of a ________.

Crime against the government

Which of the following statements best explains the expression "if it bleeds, it leads"?

Crime stories are popular in society, so the media chooses to display them frequently

In this type of law, cases are brought by the government against a defendant for violating a specific law.


Since 2013, the rate of property crime has


This theory suggests that people will avoid potentially pleasurable acts (such as criminal behaviors) if the pain or fear of punishment is significant.


The decision-making power of criminal justice agents is called:


The main goal of the ____ model of justice is the protection of individual rights and freedoms.

Due Process

A crime rate is calculated by taking number of people in the population and dividing it by the number of crimes. Then, take this answer and multiply it by 100,000.


Case law refers to laws that are established by governments.


Criminal law governs disputes between individuals and private parties.


Ethics cannot help guide discretion in the criminal justice system.


Gottfredson and Hirschi's A General Theory of Crime suggests that ties to conventional adult activities such as family and work can serve as a protective factor in adulthood, even if the individual has engaged in delinquent acts during adolescence.


Justice under the due process model is said to resemble an "assembly-line."


One of the major weaknesses of the NCVS is its inability to capture the dark figure of crime. This is something the UCR gives us a much better picture of.


Primary deviance refers to serious acts that are often brought to the attention of police and courts.


Result refers to when intent and action join together.


The APA seeks to establish and implement a uniform process by which rules are made and violations are adjudicated.


The agencies of the criminal justice system always operate independently from one another.


The sole responsibility of the jury is always to determine the defendant's guilt or innocence.


The term white-collar crimes describes a category of offenses that traditionally occur within the corporate and related fields and includes crimes such as gambling.


Under the crime control model, one could argue that it is better for the guilty to go free than to risk incarcerating or executing the innocent.


While the laws vary from state to state, murder can generally be classified into three subcategories.


While the rate of violent crime has declined since 2003, the rate of property crime has increased.


_________, or the notion that humans seek to maximize pleasure and avoid pain, is a key principle of the classical school of thought.


A ________ frames a question that a research is looking to answer.


As the number of arrests increases, the prison sentence will also increase. This is an example of a __________.


One of the major contributions of this theorist was that he was the first to use the scientific method to explain criminal behavior.


__________ theories of crime explore the large-scale social explanations for crime.


Biological explanations for criminality are examples of ______________ theories.


__________ theories of crime focus on individual differences between law-abiding and law-violating behaviors.


Punishment for this type of offense generally involves less than a year of incarceration if any


These theorists set the foundation for differential association theory in their studies of human ecology.

Park and Burgess

In civil law, the person who initiates the case is called the _________.


What are the three major components of the criminal justice system?

Police, courts, and corrections

The most common category of crime is __________.

Property crime

In the UCR, Type 1 crimes include information for eight separate offenses are divided into these two categories.

Property crime and violent crime

These theories of crime explore how experiences such as early childhood experiences, cognitive development, and personality characteristics can help explain criminality.


Cases involving violent offenses such as murder and rape generally fall in which layer of the criminal justice wedding cake?

Serious Felonies

Compared to a decade ago, violent crime rates in the United States have:

Significantly decreased

In June 2015, Texas governor Greg Abbott signed Senate Bill 11, which permits individuals with a concealed handgun license to legally carry in college campuses. This is an example of ______ law.


This source of law refers to laws that are established by governments.


These actions, most commonly committed by juveniles, are actions that are only considered illegal for certain groups.

Status Offenses

Truancy is an example of _____.

Status offense

A _______ is a set of ideas that is used to explain a particular phenomena or concept.


A crime rate compares the number of occurrences of a particular crime to the size of the total population.


A person who decides not to engage in criminality for fear of jeopardizing their future in law enforcement after graduating with a college degree is an example of commitment.


According to the text, crimes are organized into six categories: violent offenses, property offenses, status offenses, victimless crimes, white-collar offenses, and crimes against the government.


Agnew's general strain theory highlights three potential sources of strain: failure in achieving positive goals, the loss of positive influences, and the arrival of negative influences.


Case law is created as a result of legal decisions by the court.


Cases receiving a great deal of media coverage, such as the Casey Anthony case, fall in the top tier of the wedding cake model of justice.


Defense of Justification is the most classic type of this defense.


Discretion is the most powerful tool in the criminal justice system.


English common law and Roman Law are among the primary influences of American Law.


Ethics in criminal justice refers to the understanding of what constitutes good or bad behavior.


Feminist criminology rose as an alternative to many of the traditional theories of crime.


Feminist pathways research seeks to show how life events and traumas affect the likelihood to engage in crime.


Hirschi argued that attachment refers to the bond that people have with family, friends, and social institutions. It may serve as an informal control against criminality.


In comparison with other criminological theories, social bond theory is unique as it focuses on factors that prevent people from engaging in crime.


In order for a crime to exist, there must be an act that is defined by society as bad or wrong.


In order to proceed with a case, the prosecutor must prove that they have probable cause that the accused committed the crime.


Mens rea refers to evil thought» or intent.


Misdemeanor offenses, which make up the majority of offenses in the criminal justice system, comprise the top layer of the wedding cake model of justice.


NIBRS divides its data into three themes: crimes against persons, crimes against property, and crimes against society.


One of the major differences between the middle layers of the wedding cake is whether the offense is violent in nature.


The Uniform Crime Reports are published annually by the FBI and present the rates and volume of crime by offense type, based on arrests made by police.


The concept of precedent comes from English Common Law.


The decision-making power of criminal justice agents is called discretion.


The hierarchy rule, which is a weakness of UCR data, refers to cases where only the most serious crime is reported when multiple crimes are committed during a single criminal event.


Travis Hirschi identified four elements of the bond: attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief.


Under civil law, the plaintiff must provide evidence to prove their case by the preponderance of the evidence.


__________ data allow us to compare how crime changes over time, by comparing arrest data over a specific time frame or from 1 year to the next.

Uniform Crime Reports

Since 1930, the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) has been responsible for collecting and publishing the arrest data from police agencies in the United States. This is called the ________.

Uniform crime reports

This type of crime generally involve a criminal action against another person.

Violent Offense

From UCR data, we know that most offenders are __________.

White, male and over the age of 18

Under civil law, the burden of proof is __________.

preponderance of the evidence

According to differential association theory, a person becomes delinquent because of an excess of definitions favorable to violation of law over definitions unfavorable to violation of law.


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