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Approximately, how much money does it cost to train a canine and handler to find explosive materials? $1,000-$5,000 $15,000-$20,000 $26,000-$42,000 $30,000-$45,000


According to the Government Accountability Office, in 2015 approximately how many potentially dangerous passengers did the preclearance program prevent from entering the United States? 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000


According to the Department of Homeland Security, approximately what percent of electricity is generated from burning coal? 10% 25% 50% 75%


What legislation was intended to develop and publish privacy and civil liberties related to training for fusion center officials? USA Patriot Act Homeland Security Act USA Freedom Act 9/11 Commission Recommendations Act

9/11 Commission Recommendations Act

In 2006 what terrorist group planned to blow up at least seven aircraft traveling between England, the United States, and Canada with liquid explosives? Al-Qaeda Umar Faroul Abdulmutallab Chris Roberts ISIS


What militant Islamist network or group, whose name is Arabic for "the Base" was responsible for the attacks of September 11, 2001. Arab Nation Five Eyes groups Al-Qaeda Osama Bin Laden


High volume, high velocity and/or high variety information assets that demand cost effective, innovative forms of information processing that enable enhanced insight, decision making, and process automation is most definitive of what below? Data Analysis Small Data Big Data

Big Data

A system disruption that spreads to other systems due to their proximity is most definitive of what? Cascading Failure Complex Network Resilience Critical Infrastructures

Cascading Failure

What refers to the systems, networks, and assets that are so essential to life that their disruptions or destruction will seriously erode national security, economic activity, public health, and any combination thereof? Complex entities Government Facilities Critical Infrastructures Transportation Systems Sector

Critical Infrastructures

A system of government in which power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or through freely elected representatives is most indicative of what concept below? Democratic Government Preemption Unilateral Use of Force Domestic Terrorism

Democratic Government

In terms of aviation security, what below is an advantage of magnetometers Cannot detect liquids Detect Many Types of Weapons Lack of Precision Cannot Detect Contraband

Detect Many Types of Weapons

The act of stealing secrets, typically taking place between private, non-state actors and/or nation states is most definitive of what below? Espionage Globalization Homeland Security Fusion Centers


A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed is most definitive of the First Amendment of the US Constitution. TRUE/FALSE


Being part of a Trusted Traveler Program such as TSA PreCheck permits you to bypass TSA Security points TRUE/FALSE


Due to the recent gains in popularity by wind and solar energy, these forms of energy collection and distribution are the most common forms today. TRUE/FALSE


Homeland Security Presidential Directives carry the same power, meaning, and purpose as laws in the United States. TRUE/FALSE


Local levels of government do not have any authority to enforce federal laws. TRUE/FALSE


Local levels of government do not have authority to enforce federal laws. TRUE/ FALSE


The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is tasked with screening passengers and baggage at more than 450 U.S. Airports TRUE/ FALSE


Under no circumstances could a federal agent or other law enforcement officer enter a house due to the protection granted by the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution. TRUE/ FALSE


What court would first hear cases involving federal crimes? Federal Circuit Court of Appeals State Trial Court Federal Hearing Court Federal District Court

Federal District Court

What below refers to the principle of governmental matters should be handled at the lowest level of government that is practicable? Transnational International Federalism Controversial


What below would not be viewed as a 'hazard' in homeland security Financial Loss Terrorism Hurricane Cyber Attack

Financial Loss

What U.S. president decided that the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council should be merged as one to become a more integrated, effective, and efficient approach to enhance security of the U.S.? Former President Obama Former President Trump Former President Clinton Former President Reagan

Former President Obama

What amendment in the United States Constitution grants individuals the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. First Amendment Second Amendment Third Amendment Fourth Amendment

Fourth Amendment

What concept below is most characteristic of the liberty to gather two or more individuals together for peaceful purposes and is guaranteed under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitutions? Freedom to Marry Freedom from Unreason Search and Seizure Freedom of Assembly Freedom of Movement

Freedom of Assembly

What below guarantees United States Citizens the ability to write, speak, and otherwise express publicly whatever they want, whenever they want, within reasonable limitations Freedom of Assembly Freedom of Speech Freedom of Movement Unreasonable Search and Seizure

Freedom of Speech

The process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale is most characteristic of what concept below? Sovereignty Local Business Customs Border Patrol Globalization


What was the first coordination effort or council created by an executive order during the 9/11 attach which was intended to coordinate homeland security across the federal government National Security Council Public- Private Council Department of Defense Homeland Security Council

Homeland Security Council

What critical infrastructure sector would hardware producers, software manufactures, cloud computing facilities, and similarly be part of? Chemical Sector Information Technology Sector Energy Sector Transportation Systems Sector

Information Technology Sector

What level of agency below would not bear responsibility to enforce laws of the United States? International Federal State Local


What level of agency below would typically be first on scene to a large- scale emergency? Local Agencies State Agencies Federal Agencies All of the Above

Local Agencies

What below would be the best example of state and local law enforcement working together to respond to an emergency? FBI- Louisiana Highway Patrol Louisiana Highway Patrol-Lafourche Sheriff CIA- Thibodaux police dept Lafourche Sheriff- Thibodaux Police

Louisiana Highway Patrol-Lafourche Sheriff

What below is one of the most advanced and effective passenger screening devices still used today? Explosive Detection Swabs Millimeter Wave Scanners Magnetometers Specially Trained Canines

Millimeter Wave Scanners

Specifically, what was the United States military response to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks against al-Qaeda and Taliban forces in Afghanistan? WWII Operation Retaliation Operation Enduring Freedom United States Battalion

Operation Enduring Freedom

The ability to prepare for, adapt to, and recover from disruptions would be considered what? Natural Disaster Resilience Hazard Critical Response


What individual attempted to blow up a 2001 flight by attempting to ignite plastic explosives inside his shoes? Chris Roberts Al-Qaeda Richard Reid Umar Faroul Abdulmutallab

Richard Reid

What country is not part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)? Iceland United Kingdom Turkey Russia


Global Positioning Systems would be most characteristic of what form of communication? Ground Based Communications Radio Communication Specific Communication Satellite Communication

Satellite Communication

What system matches passenger information against the Terrorism Watch List maintained by the federal government such as a name coming on the "no fly list"? Velocity Secure Flight Hazard Asset

Secure Flight

The exercise of public authority within the fixed boundaries of jurisdictions is most reflective of what concept below? Economic Sanctions Sovereignty U.S. Intelligence Cyber Storm


Who is responsible for the coordination of state resources to handle emergency incidents? For example, requesting federal assistance or directing local law enforcement. US President State Governor Congress Sheriff Office

State Governor

Combating terrorism will always be a top priority of the DHS TRUE / FALSE


Due to Globalization, the flow of goods and products from one country to another has become nonstop. TRUE/ FALSE


In order to better ensure assest protection, it is essential that owners and operators of critical infrastructures coordinate their protection efforts with government agencies in the homeland security enterprise TRUE/ FALSE


One of the most common issues with explosive detection swabs is false- positive test results TRUE / FALSE


What program requires travelers to pay a fee, submit a background check, and sit for an interview with a member of the Department of Homeland Security to then be able to have a quicker flight screening process and reduced time TSA officials must spend screening a passenger? Air Cargo Screening X-Ray Machines Full Body Scanners TSA Pre Check

TSA PreCheck

What agency below is most responsible for screening airline passengers to protect the united States? U.S. Coast Guard Federal Emergency Management Agency Transportation Security Agency US Citizenship and Immigration Services

Transportation Security Agency (TSA)

Processing permits and authorizations for non-citizens of individuals who wish to study, live, or work in the United States would be characteristic of what agency below? U.S. Secret Service U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service National Security Agency Central Intelligence Agency

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service

What entity below is not only a branch of the military but the Department of Homeland Security as well? U.S. Army U.S. Navy U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Marines

U.S. Coast Guard

What legislation granted the National Security Agency authority to collect and retain phone call metadata records of United States persons? USA Patriot Act US Protection Act Homeland Security Secret Service Act

USA Patriot Act

What legislation was created shortly following the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and was intended to expand and strengthen the abilities of intelligence and law enforcement agencies to collect and share information? U.S. Constitution USA Patriot Act Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act Intelligence Sharing of Information Act

USA Patriot Act

The 'Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism" is more commonly known as what? USA Patriot Act of 2001 Terrorism Protection Act of 2001 Federal Terrorist Reduction Act of 205 International Freedom Protection of 2005

USA Patriot Act of 2001

What below would not be considered an 'asset' in homeland security? People Utility Outage Supply Chain Environment

Utility Outage

Data which can be gathered and stored, how fast it can be accessed, analyzed, and disseminated is most characteristic of what below regarding big data? Volume Velocity Variety Vaccine


What below is a compilation of individuals or entities that have been deemed to pose a threat based upon the analysis of derogator information. Or information which potentially justifies unfavorable suitability, fitness, or security adjudication by responsible government officials (i.e. negative information)? Watchlist Volume Asset Risk Segmentation


संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स


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Intro to Learning & Behavior Chapter 1

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FINAL (recycled questions from exams 1-3)

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Archaeologists of Pompeii and Herculaneum

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