CS201 Final

अब Quizwiz के साथ अपने होमवर्क और परीक्षाओं को एस करें!

A list of 10 elements is to be sorted using insertion sort algorithm. How many times will the outer loop be executed?

9 times

In quicksort, elements in the lower partition must be

<= pivot

In quicksort, elements in the higher partition must be

>= pivot

A heap is:

A BST satisfying two conditions: 1. order property 2. structure property

Graph definition

A hierarchical data structure in which elements are related to an arbitrary number of other elements

Topological sort looks like? What about the edge directions?

A horizontal line, edges go left to right

Heapsort outputs what?

An array from least to greatest

DFS total time complexity


How much memory does adjacency list use?


Topological Sort runtime


How much memory does adjacency matrix use?


Height of heap?

O(log n)

How much space does quicksort require?

O(log n)

How much extra space does merge sort require?

O(n) space

Which collision resolution technique places the item in another empty bucket?

Open addressing

Difference between Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms

Prims can only pick connected edges, kruskal's can pick an edge anywhere in the graph

What container does Prim's use? Why?

Priority queue through a heap, because values are changing dynamically.

Heaps can be used to implement:

Priority queues and garbage collection storage

If you are given an array of strings of fixed length, which of the algorithms would you choose to sort the array in the shortest amount of time?

Radix Sort

Sorting algorithms that have linear time complexity:

Radix, bucket, counting

Example of every pivot being bad in quicksort:

Select first element as pivot. The smallest element happens to be the first one on each call. "n subdivisions".

How does radix sort work?

Sort least significant digits first.

If a BST already contains the node you're trying to insert:

Take the right subtree path, and keep going as normal. Insert at null.

Each element in an adjacency list is?

The head of a linked list of all neighbors

What happens when a leaf node is removed?

The parent's left or right child node becomes null

During insertions in a hash table, if the bucket is occupied, iterating over i values to determine next empty bucket is called __________.

probing sequence

Which of the following inputs gives the best performance with insertion sort? a. Random array b. None of the options c. Sorted array d. Reverse sorted array

sorted array

Is counting sort stable or unstable?


Formula for quicksort midpoint to get pivot:

start index + [(end index - start index) / 2]

Union worst case runtime, and scenario?

O(N^2) when appending a longer list to a shorter list.

The big O notation of the composite function 5 N^3 + O(N^2) is?


Bellman-ford time complexity

O(V * E)

BFS total time complexity


Steps for determining whether to use Dijkstra, Bellman-ford, or DAG:

1. Check if DAG, shortest time w/ linear complexity. 2. Negative weights? If no, use dijkstra ( O(E Log V), same complexity as MST) 3. If yes, use bellman-ford (O(V * E) complexity)

How can you change SSSP into SSLP for DAGs?

1. Replace infinity by negative infinity in line 2 of INITIALIZE-SINGLE-SOURCE 2. Replace > by < in line 1 of RELAX

Advantages and Disadvantages of Adjacency Matrix:

Advantage: O(1) to determine if two nodes are adjacent Disadvantage: O(V^2) size

Advantages and Disadvantages of Adjacency List:

Advantage: O(V+E) complexity Disadvantage: O(V) to determine if two nodes are adjacent (okay for sparse graphs)

Dynamic programming typically computes the value of an optimal solution in what fashion? When is this better?

Bottom-up, better if the degree of overlap is not significant

Which linear sort uses extra space?

Counting sort

Greedy algorithms vs. Dynamic programming:

Greedy: Solves problems by making a choice and then solving the subproblem. Dynamic: Solves problems by combining the solutions to subproblems.

Why use dynamic programming over recursive algorithms?

More efficient uses less memory bc not on stack

What causes Bellman-Ford to fail?

Negative edge weight cycle

Dijkstra's time complexity

O (V^2)

Kurskal's space complexity?



Simple path in which the first and last nodes are connected

What algorithm is used for SSSP in DAGs?

Topological sort.

When should you use dynamic programming instead of divide and conquer?

When there is overlap in the subproblems.

What are the steps for inserting an item into a linked list?

1. Create a list node for the new item. 2. Assign a pointer of the new item to point to the next item. 3. Update the pointer of the previous node to point to the new node.

Binary tree requirements

1. Degree no greater than 2 2. Ordered trees: every node is expected as being either left/right child of parent 3. Finite set of nodes, possibly empty 4. Consists of a root and two disjoint BSTs

List all RBT Rules:

1. Every node is colored either red or black. 2. The root node is black. 3. A red node's children cannot be red. 4. A null child is considered to be a black leaf node. 5. All paths from a node to any null leaf descendant node must have the same number of black nodes.

Breadth first steps:

1. Mark and enqueue node N, visit, mark visited. 2. Enqueue N's neighbors, mark waiting.

Depth-first steps:

1. Visit node N then stack up its neighbors 2. Pop the top node, visit, stack its neighbors

Using the Big O runtime complexity O(N^2), how many times longer will sorting a list of 30 elements take compared to sorting a list of 20 elements?

30^2 / 20^2 = 2.25x

In-Place sort algorithm:

Insertion sort, quicksort, heapsort

Out-of-place sort algorithm:

Merge sort

Which of the sorts is stable?

Merge sort, counting sort

Which sorts are asymptotically optimal comparison sorts?

Mergesort and Quicksort

Structure Property

Nearly complete binary tree (complete except last level)

In order to use counting sort, what condition must be true?

Numbers to be sorted are integers in the range 0 to k.

The space complexity of the BST search algorithm is __________.

O (log N)

The best case runtime complexity of an algorithm that searches an array of size N is?


Kruskal's runtime?

O(E log E)

Prim's runtime?

O(E log V)

Heap sort runtime complexity, average and worst case:

O(N log N)

If you have a sorted array and you pick the middle element as the pivot element, then the time complexity of quicksort is?

O(N logN)

What is the time complexity of the following algorithm? Assume S1 is a statement that will be executed by the program. for (i = 1; i < N; i = i*2) for (j = 0; j < N; j++) S1;

O(N logN)

Disjoint set operation runtimes for MAKE-SET are all:


Union runtime?


What is the worst-case time complexity for the search operation using a DLL?


What is the worst-case time complexity of deleting a node from a SLL?


Union time complexity worst case


What is the Big O notation for a recursive function with a runtime complexiy of T(N) = 5 N + T (N^2 - 1)?


What is the worst case runtime for quicksort?


Doubly Linked List CIRCULAR runtimes for:insertFront, insertBack, removeFront, removeBack

insertFront: 1 insertBack: 1 removeFront: 1 removeBack: 1 same as DLL circular

Doubly Linked List WITH TAIL runtimes for:insertFront, insertBack, removeFront, removeBack

insertFront: 1 insertBack: 1 removeFront: 1 removeBack: 1 same as DLL circular

Singly Linked List runtimes for:insertFront, insertBack, removeFront, removeBack

insertFront: 1 insertBack: N removeFront: 1 removeBack: N

Array insertFront, insertBack, removeFront, removeBack runtimes

insertFront: N insertBack: 1 removeFront: N removeBack: 1

A perfect hash function _______________.

maps items to buckets with no collisions

Merge Sort: Avg/Best/Worst

n log n / n log n / n log n

Quick Sort: Avg/Best/Worst

n log n / n log n / n^2

How is an adjacency list represented?

n-element one-dimensional array (node list)

Insertion sort average/best/worst

n^2 / n / n^2

Quicksort conditions and O notation for worst case:

n^2, every pivot has to be bad.

How is an adjacency matrix represented?

nxn two-dimensional array of A boolean values

Given the list (27, 40, 15, 25, 10, 19, 30), what are the new partitioned lists if the pivot is 25? a. (19, 27, 30, 40) and (10, 15, 25) b. (10, 15, 19, 25) and (27, 30, 40) c. (27, 40, 15, 25) and (10, 19, 30) d. (25, 10, 19, 30) and (27, 40, 15)

(10, 15, 19, 25) and (27, 30, 40)

Given the list (62, 45, 29, 32, 25, 10, 75), what is the list after sorting by the unit digit?

(10, 62, 32, 45, 25, 75, 29)

Formula for mergesort mid (j):

(start index (i) + end index (k) ) / 2

Best/Worst/Average for BST

Best: O(1) Worst: O(n) (keys in ascending/descending order Average: O(log n)

Which collision resolution technique places the item in the same bucket in a list?

Closed addressing

Directed acyclic graph

Contains no cycles, edges are directed

Which sort is often used in radix sort? Why?

Counting sort, stability

What valuable information does DFS provide about the graph?

Cycle detection, strongly connected components

What is better for SSSP in an unweighted graph, DFS or BFS?


When asked if you should use DFS or BFS, which one is usually the best?

DFS, unless finding shortest path in unweighted graph.

Order property

Data value in a node is no greater than data values stored in descendants

Topological sort requirements and ordering

Directed acyclic graph required. In the proposed ordering, for each edge (u,v), u must come before v.

Disjoint sets can be used to?

Find cycles and unions of connected edges.

BFS is mainly only good for doing what?

Finding shortest path of unweighted graph

Cut property

Given any cut in an edge-weighted graph, the crossing edge of minimum weight is in the MST of the graph.

What does bucket sort assume?

Input is generated by random process, uniform distribution over [0, 1)

What is required of heap insertions?

Insertion must maintain order and structure properties

In the time complexity O(V+E) what do V and E represent?

The size of the set of V vertices and the size of the set of E edges

What kind of graph is best to use Dijkstra's for?

Weighted graph with NO negative weights.

What kind of graph is best to use Bellman-Ford algorithm for?

Weighted graph, may have negative weights.

Identify the new array created after the heapify operation to create a max-heap on this array: [47, 25, 36, 60, 54] a. [25, 36, 47, 54, 60] b. [25, 47, 36, 60, 54] c. [60, 54, 36, 25, 47] d. [60, 54, 47, 36, 25]

[60, 54, 36, 25, 47]

Which of the following inputs gives the best performance with merge sort? a. reverse sorted array b. all of the options c. sorted array d. random array

all of the options

Identify the constant time operation a. while x > y) x = x + 1 b. x = array[option] temp = array[option + 1] c. for (i = 0; i < length; i++) sum += i d. string str1 string str2 string str3 = concat(str1, str2)

b. x = array[option] temp = array[option + 1] it isn't d because strings are arrays lol oops

Which XXX would replace the missing statement in the given algorithm for traversing a circular linked list? CircularListTraverse(head) { if (head is not null) { current = head do { visit current current = current->next } while (XXX) } }

current != head because it's circular! can't be current != tail.

identify the non-constant time operation. a. if (x > y) return x b. num = array[i]; array[i+1] = num+1 c. for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) sum+= num2 d. i = 0; while (i < listSize) { sum = sum + i; i++)

d. i = 0; while (i < listSize) { sum = sum + i; i++)

Adjacency matrix is appropriate to use for _____________.

dense graphs

Application of disjoint sets

determining the connected components of an undirected graph when edges are added dynamically

Directed graph

edges have a direction


finite sequence of edges from a source node to a destination node

Heap array is called?


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