Cupcake/Muffin Review

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This visual information then travels through the _____ nerve


As you are eating your cupcake, you ____ controls your breathing and heartbeat.

Tri-Chromatic theory

Being able to see the decorating colors of frosting on your cupcake is imbedded in this idea.

primary reinforcer

Getting this cupcake because you are hungry and it will satisfy your hunger makes the cupcake a ______

Object permanence

If someone drops a cloth over your cupcake (not damaging it or even messing up the frosting) and you still realize that you have a cupcake - that it is only hidden, then you have mastered the cognitive task of ________.

Drive Reduction

If the cupcake is used to make your hunger go away, it is ______.

increased memory retrieval performance

If the cupcakes are part of an experiment to determine whether chocolate improves memory retrieval, what would be the DV?

chocolate cupcake

If the cupcakes are part of an experiment to determine whether chocolate improves memory retrieval, what would be the IV?

People with non-chocolate cupcakes

If the cupcakes are part of an experiment to determine whether chocolate improves memory retrieval, what would be the control group?

People with Chocolate cupcakes

If the cupcakes are part of an experiment to determine whether chocolate improves memory retrieval, what would be the experimental group?

Social Facilitation

If you are able to eat the cupcake in class, with other people around, with significantly less mess than usual, what might be the reason?

Broca's Area

If you are completely overcome by the amazing taste of the cupcake but you cannot create the words to describe the cupcake, what specific part of your brain is failing you?

Bottom-up processing

If you are experiencing the taste of your cupcake for the very first time and have no expectations, your perception of the taste of the cupcake would be ___.

Thorndike - puzzle boxes

If you are in a cage and the cupcake is outside the cage, whose research are you demonstrating if you have to activate a series of different latches and levers to open the cage door to reach your cupcake?

Availability Heuristic

If you eat your cupcake and it is fantastic and later when asked about your favorite kind of cupcake, you immediately think of the flavor that you had, what mental shortcut will you have just used?

Top-down processing

If you expect the cupcake to taste a certain way, because you have had a similar cupcake in the past and you remember the taste very clearly, this would an example of ______.


If you fall asleep suddenly during the assignment, it could be because you have ______.

external locus of control

If you feel that it was just fate or luck that you got a cupcake, it is because you have an _______.

internal locus of control

If you feel that you earned the cupcake because of your hard work this year, you have an ______.

Kohler - Insight Learning with Chimps

If you have a bunch of sticks and you have to assemble a long stick out of the shorter sticks to reach the cupcake and pull it closer, whose research are you demonstrating.

Wernicke's area

If you listen to someone tell you they are going to give you a cupcake but you cannot understand what they are saying, what specific part of your brain is failing you?

Social Impairment

If you make a greater mess while eating in front of people because you are nervous.


If you watch someone else eat their cupcake in an unusual manner and decide to do the same yourself, and are successfully able to recreate their eating style after watching them, you have used what method of learning?


If your cupcake had addictive properties (for instance, if it had cocaine in it - how better to get people to keep eating them, if you run a bakery?), what would happen after you ate several and then didn't have any more?

Positive Reinforcement

If your cupcake is created for you in recognition of the effort you've put forth this year and the learning you've accomplished it would be ______ .

Just Noticeable Difference

Lauren yells "It's not fair! Chris's cupcake has more frosting. You can feel the difference."


On a regular day, you bring 10 cupcakes to school for your lunch. You tell everyone that you are just practicing to become a baker even though you are secretly addicted to cupcakes.

Sensory Adaptation

Once the cupcake has been sitting on your desk a few minutes, you no longer really notice it.

Gate Control Theory

The cupcake eater bites his tongue. What is the name of one useful model of pain control?


The girl next to you snatches the cupcake off of your table and stuffs it in her mouth. You just sit there and are not even bothered. Your __________ nervous system of your autonomic nervous is most active right now.


Visual information about your cupcake travels to the _____lobe


What "school" of therapist might say, "Can you think of another way to express your frustration about not being able to eat the cupcake right now?"


What "school" of therapist might say, "I hear you saying you are annoyed that you have to do this assignment before you can eat your cupcake? That sounds like it's frustrating for you."


What "school" of therapist might say, "Tell me about the dreams you have been having about cupcakes."


What "school" of therapist might say, "We are going to overcome your fear of cupcakes by putting cupcakes in front of you everyday for the next 60 days."

Frontal Lobe

What lobe of your brain is working hard to inhibit your motor cortex from grabbing the cupcake and taking a bite?


What neurotransmitter has been going crazy in anticipation of the cupcake reward?


What part of your brain (limbic system) is related to hunger/satiety?


What part of your vision, is responsible for seeing the colors on your cupcake?

Counter Conditioning

What treatment would work best to combat a fear of cupcakes?

impede the reuptake of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin

What would the cocaine be doing in your body at the cellular level (if there was cocaine in your cupcake)?

Paranoid Schizophrenia

Which disorder? "Maybe the cupcake is poisoned. You know Mr. Hayes has always had it in for you" says the voice inside your head.


Which disorder? Peel the cupcake. Sweep crumbs off desk. Take tiny bites in an exact circle around the cupcake edge. Sweep crumbs off desk. Tiny bites again another concentric circle. Sweep. Repeat 9X more.


Which disorder? You do a little work. You read some quotes on the wall. You tap your pencil and bounce your knee and think about going out this weekend. You do a bit more work. You get up to go to the bathroom. You come back in the classroom and see your cupcake. Man, that looks good. You eat it right away. Oops. That always happens: that acting BEFORE thinking thing.


Which disorder? You eat 15 cupcakes in a 2-hour period and feel sad, frustrated, and feel to need to rid yourself of these calories.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Which disorder? You look at your cupcake and feel like you have somehow been cheated and you just can't believe it. How could anyone not give you the very best cupcake? How could someone else possibly deserve a cupcake better than the one you have? You reach out and take the cupcake from the students next to you and stack it on top of yours, creating a magnificent double-cupcake. Now that's better. That's more like it. That's the way things should be.

Major Depressive Disorder

Which disorder? You've been sleeping a lot lately. Not wanting to eat much. Feeling hopeless about the future. This is probably the last cupcake anyone is ever going to make for you. You don't have any idea how you actually got into college, they must not really have read your application carefully.


Which disorder? You've been studying for AP exams for the past 7 days. You need little sleep, are incredibly productive, but just bought 5 new study books and the Barons 1000 vocabulary word flash cards. People tell you that you are talking too fast.


Which disorder? Your heart rate jumps and you feel like you are re-experiencing the tragedy of your 2nd grade birthday celebration in school when the whole class surprised you and you wet your pants. Ahhh! The flashbacks!


Which part of you (Freudian theory) resists eating the cupcake now?


Which part of you (Freudian theory) tells you it's not right to break the rules and eat the cupcake now?


Which part of you just wants to eat the cake NOW?

motor cortex

Which part of your brain prevents your arms from reaching out and grabbing a cupcake?

reaction formation

You dislike all cupcakes and frosting but decide to eat this cupcake while expressing as much joy as possible.

bystander effect

You drop your cupcake on the ground in the middle of class and no one steps up to help you clean it up because they all think someone else will do it.


You eat the cupcake calmly and experience to psychological effects from eating the cupcake.


You got grounded last night and are really mad at your mother. Instead of yelling at her, you decide to smash your cupcake with your fist.


You snatch the cupcake of the girl sitting next to you, stuff it in your mouth, and RUN as she starts chasing you. Your __________ nervous system of your autonomic nervous is kicked into high gear as you are in "flight."

feel-good, do-good

Your best friend gave you a ride to school today because your car broke down but they forgot their lunch. You decide to give them your cupcake.


if you had a longstanding fear of cupcakes

implicit memory

your memory of how to peal the paper back on a cupcake is your ______

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