Dairy Cattle Management- Midterm 1

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Review the internal and external factors that regular milk production. How can we manage these factors to prevent a decrease in milk yield or stimulate addition milk production?

Cow comfort, keeping the stalls clean, keeping the milking parlor clean and milk claw clean. Continuous testing to check for S. Aureus (mastitis-causing bacteria). Nutrition. Regulating nutrition via total mix ration. Stimulating the teat enough to initiate milk let down response. Milking times-routine.

Review aspects and characteristics of 5 major Dairy Breeds.

Holstein Brown Swiss Jersey Guernsey Aryshire Milking Shorthorn

Compare and Contrast housing systems for cows.

Housing options: Stall Barns: Not as popular as they were in 50-60's. One or 2 rows of cows in stanchions, tie stalls, or comfort stalls.Comfort stalls give cows more freedom than tie stalls with a longer strap/chain attached to curb at front of stall. Tie rail should be 48 inches above mattress and 8 inches in front of curb. Adjacent stalls separated with stall dividers. Concrete floors covered with mats. Floor slopes into gutter. Cows may be faced inward toward center of barn, or outward toward the wall. Most of time is spent behind the cows. Advantage to cows facing out: Reduces labor, wide middle alley facilitates milking and cleaning. alleviates manure-splatted sidewalls. Loose Housing which includes Group Housing and Free-stall housing. Group Housing: Cows rest in common areas on a manure pack. About 60-70 sq ft per cow. Bedding should be deep and more should be added daily. Free- Stall housing: Open individual stalls, bedded. Small breeds have different size stalls than large breed cows. Free-Stall sizes for small breeds: 2.5 by 7 ft stalls..Neck rails 40-42 inches high, 60 inches from the rear of the stall. Brisket boards should be 60 inches from the rear. Free Stall sizes for large breeds: 4 by 8 foot stalls. Neck rails 48-50 inches high, 66 inches from the rear of the stall. Brisket boards should be 68-70 inches from the rear. Advantages of Free- stall housing: less space per cow needed. Bedding cost reduced by up to 75% relative to bedded pack system. Less labor required to bed cows. Cows are cleaner.

Where is milk produced and how does it exit the gland( milk letdown response)

Internal Anatomy of Mammary gland: - Teats-tubes of skin: Annular ring, teat cistern, streak canal. Milk collection: teat cistern, gland cistern. Large milk ducts. Streak canal: Functions to keep milk and udder and bacteria out of udder. Teat cistern: Duct in teat with capacity of 30-45 millimeters. Separated from streak canal by folds of tissue called Furstenberg's rossettes. Gland cisterns: Separated from teat cistern by the cricoid fold. Holds up to 400 milliliters of milk. Collecting area for the mammary ducts. From this branches the mammary ducts. Alveoli- basic milk producing unit. Small bulb-shaped structure with hollow center. Lined with epithelial cells that secrete milk. Each cubic inch of udder tissue contains 1 million alveoli. Each alveoli surrounded by network of capillaries and myoepithelial cell: Contraction of myoepithelial cell stimulates milk ejection. Groups of alveoli empty into duct forming unit called lobule. Several lobules create a lob. Ducts of lobe empty into galatophore, which empties into gland cistern. Ducts prodive storage area fro milk and a means for transporting it outside. Lines by 2 layers of epithelium. Myoepithelial cells are arranged in longitudinal pattern- shorten to increase diameter to facilitate flow of milk. Myoepithelial cells contract to force out milk via oxytocin. Capillary ducts to milk dutst to gland cistern.

Review the exterior structures of mammary gland and function of each part.

Mammary gland position: Inguinal, caudal to the abdomen, Between the hind legs. This is an exocrine gland who's function is to nourish the neonate. Food Source: fat, progein, sugar( CHO), vitamins, minerals, water. Protection: immunoglobulins( first Ab protection; absorbed via intestinal track. Also has reporductive function b/c nourishment of the neonate= survival of species. Udder consists of four separate glands. A teat hangs from each quarter. Bottom of teat closed by sphincter muscle known as streak cnal. Can have extra nonfunctional teats. Called supernumerary teats. Removed when calf is young. Confirmation of teats: Vary in shape from cylindrical to conical. Rear teats are usually shorter. Each teat has one streak canal. Teats should be moderately sized and located centrally on each quarter. Sphincter in each teat should be tight enough to prevent leakage. Teats are hairless. Support system: Stroma( connective tissue). Glandular; secreting tissue= Parenchyma- Alveoli- secreting epithelial cells. Duct system- lined by epithelial cells -Lobules and lobes- clusters of alveolar tissue supported by connective tissues. Udder can weigh anywhere from 7-165 pounds, support up to 80 pounds of milk. Rear quarters secrete 60% of milk. Udder continues to grow in size until cow is 6 years of age.

Lactation Curve and know specifics during each phase

Meaning of Each Stage: Early Lactation- 14-100 days. Achieve peak( 60 days for Holstein). Milk yield increases more rapidly than dry matter intake. Mid-Lactation- 100-200 days. Goal is to maintain peak milk productions as long as possible. Late lactation: 200 days after calving and end when the cow dries off ( day 205). Cow gains weight to replenish body condition. Note: the yield of the average dairy cow decreases after the 5th lactation.(6 years old)

What is the function of the various parts of the milking machine and how do these parts work together to collect milk from the cow?

Parts: -4 teatcups( for cows) a soft rubber liner that is mounted in a metal or plastic shell. The soft rubber liner is the only part of the machine that touches the udder. -The claw- collect milk from all the teat cups. -The pulsator-An Air valve that creates pulsation or the opening and closing of the liner. -Connecting tubes: --Short milk tube: liner to claw --Long milk tube= claw to the milk line --Short pulse tube= shell to air fork. --Long pulse tube= air fork to the pulsator Components: Milking units, vacuum production and control system, milk transport system. Cleaning and sanitation systems. Pulsation ratio: % of time milk phase vs % time rest phase. Desirable 50:50 to 70:30. Pulsation rate: 50-60 cycles per minute. To get milk: Vacuum applied to inside of liner to withdraw milk from each teat and keep the machine attached to the cow. When the pulsation chamber is under a vacuum, the liner is open and milk flow starts. Atmospheric pressure is the applied to the pulsation chamber and the liner closes. Milk flow stops and the teat is massaged to reduce congestion.

Trends in the Consumption

Projections of demand for dairy products show an expected increase in the use of fluid low-fat milk, fresh cream, cheese, ice cream and butter. WHY?? Demand is affected by population, price, purchasing, power of consumers, promotion.

Define the Dairy Production cycle and goals at each stage.

The Dairy Production Cycle is the cycle the highlights the cows process from calf, to calf pen, to weaning, to group pens, to breeding, to springing heifer, to fresh calve. etc. Picture included. Dairy life Cycle: Calving -year-round calving is most common in the US to promote a strady flow of milk for sale. -Some seasonal calving utilized to reduce milking and calving in the coldest months or to support grazing-based systems. -Gestation in cattle is approximately 282 days. Newborn Calf Management- -Birth weight is about 60-100 pounds. Colostrum feeding- hand feeding compared to beef nursing???. Weaning from dam-within first day as compared to 7 months for beef. Naval dipping-antiseptic solution. ID- Begin record keeping. Calves: Should recieve colostrum, via bottle, within an hour of birth. Concentrated in performed antibodies. Provides passive immunity to calf. After colostrum, calves are fed reconstituted milk-replacer and until weaning. 30-60 days of age. Calves are raised in hutches or specialized calf facilities. Female Replacements Goal 1: first calf by 2 years of age. Selected females will be bred at about 15 months of age. Goal 2: 12 month calving intervals. Re-bred by 90 days post-calving. Full maturity reached at about 5-6 years. 12 month Production Cycle: Lactation is initiated by calving. Standard lactation period: 305 days. Peak production reached at 45-60 days. Dry Period: 60 days. Cessation of production and rebuilding of body stores and mammary gland. Lactation is re-initiated by calving.

Review the top milk producing states and their statistics?

Total Milk Production by Region of the U.S. Southeast- 7.7% Northeast-18.3% West- 41.6% Midwest- 32.4% Top Milk producing States: California- 20.5% Wisconsin- 13.5% Idaho- 6.7% New York- 6.7% Pennsylvania- 5.2% Total U.S. Production=206.0 Billion pounds( milk production) The 5 state total for top 5 is 95.8 Biollion pounds of milk and 52.7% of US milk( 2006 statistic) Leading States in Cow Numbers California- 1.7 million Winsconsin- 1.3 million NY- 625K Idaho- 614K Pennsylvania- 505 K Highest Producing Pounds of Milk Produced per Cow in 2018 ( pounds per cow) 1. Michigan-26,340 2. Colorado-25,892 3. New Mexico- 25,106 4. Idaho-24,875 5. Washington- 24,318 6. Winsconsin- 24,002 Australia has higher milk production in world. Then Europe, then US.

What are some of the issues when deciding on a milking parlor compared to older systems used in stall barn milking.

Various Styles of Milking Parlors: -Single Side opening- Handle cows one at a time. Slow-milking cow does not delay milking. Ideal for those that practice individual cow care in the parlor -Herringbone( Polygon herringbone). Most common parlor type in US. Milk cow from the side and room for an arm type detacher and associated equipment. -Parallel (Side by Side)- Cow at 90 degree angle to milker. Access to the udder is between the rear legs( reduced visibility of front quarters). Most have rapid exit. DAIRY USES THIS ONE. -Swing Over (Parabone)- Hydbrid system( cows are placed at 70 degrees). Milking behind the hind legs. Milklines are typically mounted above the head of the milker.Advantages: Fewer milking units are needed. Stall designs are simpler, both of which reduce the initial cost of the parlor. Disadvantage: Milk hoses hanging in the operator area. Switching unit from side to side. No automatic detachers. -Rotary-Tandem, Herringbone, turnstyle. Gaining populariy. Platform on which the cows stand moves around. Milkers stand in one location. Issues: Cost, typ and size of parlor, herd size and expansions, labor available, farm location/ design/ issues Milking Machine Goals: A properly designed, installed, maintained, and operated milking machine will remove milk from teh animal quickly and gently, Minimum irritation to the udder, teats, tissues. Not contribute to poor udder health. Prevent invasion of organisms. Not degrade milk quality from teh time of removal to delivery. Be easy to clean and sanitize.

What's Next?

Waster Disposal, Water and air quality in relation to number of cows per acre, double-deck milk barns, computer chip implanted under the skin of a cow for monitoring health status, AI studs number down to 6-10(1-2% of cows used for future genetics, gene splicing, gene ID more accurately), Continued improvement for Repro( electronic Estrous Detection, increase use of pregnancies from frozen embryos, cloning embryos for mass production, and sexing semen more accurately, and Continued Improvements in Dairy Nutrition

How does NC compare to these states

- North Carolina Ranks 29th in Milk Cow numbers -Approximately 195 dairy farms in NC in 2018- 97% of all NC farms are family owned. -The average size is approximately 219 cows and 500 acres, 200 in crop land. -Diversity in farm type-Conventional, pasture-based and Organic Dairies. -NC had 4 commercial milk processing plants located in Asheville, High Point, and Winston-Salem -NC also had one commercial cheese plant and thirty-seven small cheese makers -Cash receipts for the sale of milk by NC dairy farmers amounted to $158.8 million -Top producing NC Counties: 1. Iredell 2. Randolph 3. Yadkin 4. Gaston 5. Lincoln 6. Alexander Facts about NC Dairies( 2018) -28th in Milk production. 961 million pounds of milk -29th in number of dairy cows- 47.000 milk cows -24 in Milk Output per cow( 2,439 Gallons/ Cow) -25rd in number of licensed dairy operations.

Holstein- what is it?

- Origin- The Netherlands -Characteristics Distinguished by black and white markings( sometimes black and red, recessive gene) -Largest dairy breed in the U.S. by population. On average 9 out of 10 dairy cows are Holstein. -Highest average milk production of all the dairy breeds -Moderate fat and protein components

Top 5 coops

-Dairy Farmers of America 37.8 billion pounds of milk -Califonria Dairies 16.9 billion pounds of milk -Land O'Lakes 12.87 billion pounds -Northwest Dairy Association of Seattle 7.3 billion pounds of milk -New York's Dairylea Co-op 6.25 *** Those handled 42% of total U.S. production in 2010, down from 45% in 2009.


-Origin- Island of Guernsey in the English Channel Characteristics- Their color is a shade of fawn with white markings. Known for their refinement and stature. Consumes 20 to 30 percent less feed per pound of milk produced than larger dairy breeds. Capable of producing milk with high fat and protein content.

Milking Short Horn

-Origin- Northeaster England in the Valley of the Tees River Characteristics- Can range in colors from either red, red and white, white or roan. Most versatile of all breeds- in terms of whether. Originally used for meat, later developed more for the milking industry In the U.S. developing as a more redefined dairy cow, producing more milk.

Brown Swiss-

-These are some BIGGGG babies -Origin: Switzerland Characteristics- Color can range from nearly white to very dark brown most resilient breed, can withstand harsh elements Once considered dual purpose breed- pulling carts and stuff. Today- a more refined dairy type animal, capable of producing more milk and maintain high components

What supports the mammary gland, what happens when these ligaments weaken

-Well attached udder fits sugly against the abdominal wall in front and on the sides. Extends high between thighs in rear. -3 major supporting structures: Skin, Median Suspensory ligament( MSL) and Lateral Suspensory ligament( LSL) Skin: Minor role in support MSL: seperates right and left halves of udder, connects udder to abdominal wall. Lamellae. Elastic tissue which responds to wieght of milk in udder. LSL: Inflexible, surround the outer wall of udder, attached to prepubic and subpubic tendons Intermammary groove formed where lateral suspensory ligament and MSL meets If these break- udder will hang too low, or will swing too far and cause damage to mammary gland.


-looks kinda strange -Origin- Ayr, Scotland Characteristics- Their color varies from light to deep cherry red, mahogany, brown, or a combination of these colors with white. Some are all white. Formerly used as dual purpsoe breed for dairy and meat producers -Considered intermediate among all of the dairy breeds for milk production


-the 2nd sweetest baby:) -Origin- Island of Jersey off the coast of France -Characteristics Smallest of all the dairy breeds. 2nd largest breed in the U.S. Known for their feed efficiency and high components of fat and protein

Important events in History of Dairy Industry

1841- first regular shipment of milk by rail 1850s- Earliest Devices for mehanical milking machine- use tubes inserted in teats to force open sphincter muscle( wood tubes, feather quills. 1856- Beginning of Pasteur experimentation 1878- Continuous centrifugal cream seperator invented by Dr. Gustav De Laval.

How does a cow's body condition score change throughout her production cycle.


Name the Dairy Changes of the last 10-20 years

Automatic Take-Off Milk Machines, backflush milking machines, No grain inside the milk barn( Outside feeding only-TMR-Total Mix Rations, Ag Bags for silage and other feed, Freestall barns and Automatic Flush, Estrous Synchronization, Flushing cows for embryos and Embryo Transfer(Sexing semen, Sexing embyros, Freezing Embryos, Heat abatement- foggers for hot days, solids seperator( shaker in the barn!), calf pens with slats and automatic flush, manure lagoons, cheese plant numbers increase, maternity pens, records and milk weights on computer, robot milking machines

Decreasing Cow Number

Average number of milk cows on farms in the US during 2017 was 9.39 million. BUTTT thesere has been a recent increase in Milk Cow Numbers between 2010 to 2017

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