DECA - Principles of Finance
The last employee to leave a business facility after business hours fails to set the security alarm.
A business is most likely to experience a security breach when?
Reinforce your qualifications and interest in the position
A primary purpose of sending a follow-up letter to the interviewer after a job interview is to...
A problem on a drilling platform in the Gulf of Mexico has affected the amount of oil that is extracted and refined in this region. Because it is summer travel season, the demand for gasoline is increasing; however, there is less gasoline available, and the prices for gasoline spike. What economic condition does this situation best describe?
Create invoices and record customer payments
Accounting computer software programs increase the efficiency of accounting activities because they are used to...
Medium of exchange
After Mrs. Green provided the cashier with $2.50 in cash and coins, she left the grocery store with a gallon of milk. In this situation, money is being used as a...
Buying power
Although the Calvert Automobile Company produces 1,500 Model ZX sports cars annually, over 500,000 people want to purchase the car each year. The 1,500 individuals who are willing and able to pay the high price to obtain the cars have...
An employee is preparing a formal report and must present important facts in the sequence in which they occurred. The employee should prepare the report by presenting the information in _____________ order.
Updating customer information in the computer database
An important aspect of using technology in customer relationship management involves...
Arm and Hammer baking soda, which was originally developed as a cooking ingredient, is now being sold as an effective refrigerator deodorizer. This is an example of ____________ innovation.
Identify one strength for every weakness
As Ben assesses his personal strengths and weaknesses, what can he do to keep from focusing too criticize you for them?
Customer Advocacy
Because Olivia is very happy with the quality of goods and service that she receives from the XOP Company, she provides the business with several referrals. This is an example of...
Proofread the message for spelling and grammatical errors
Before sending a professional e-mail message to a business associate, a businessperson should...
Identity and check your assumptions
Before you analyze the available information to solve a problem, it is important to...
Offend the clients
Business people who fail to adapt to their communication styles to appeal to their international clients are more likely to...
Executive summary
Caroline does not have the time to read an entire 400-page business report, what section of the report should she review to obtain an overview of the most important content.
Private employment agency
Colin is an experienced computer programmer who has contacted an organization to help him find a new job in another city. After the organization helps Colin obtain a job, Colin's new employer will pay a fee to the organization. What type of organization is helping Colin find a job?
The product is expensive
Customers are more likely to spend a lot of time evaluating several options before buying a product when...
Emily has eight percent of her weekly paycheck placed in an employer-sponsored fund that she can access later in her life, when she is no longer working. Emily is planning for her...
Even when times are tough for Caitlin`s business venture, she tends to remain positive-she looks at the glass as half full rather than half empty. What characteristic of entrepreneurship is Caitlin exhibiting?
Every pay period, Sarah's employer withholds a certain percentage of her earnings, which her employer forwards to various government agencies. What type of tax is Sarah`s employer withholding?
If Joe wants to respond to an e-mail message that he received from Natalie, he should first click on the ____________ key.
If a message recipient is frowning and has clenched fists, the emotional response being displayed is most likely..
Present supporting research for her suggestions in an unbiased way
In a weekly staff meeting, Morgan presents a set of new procedures that she believes will improve the departments productivity levels. Jacob disagrees with Morgans approach and provides alternative for improvement. Although Morgan agrees with a couple of Jacobs points, she still thinks her plan will be better for the company in the long run. How can Morgan effectively defend her idea for improvement?
Janelle and Kirk are members of a work team and disagree about how to proceed with a new project, What type of conflict are Janelle and Kirk experiencing?
Online Security
Kemper Corporation continuously updates the firewalls on its web site to protect its customers personal information from theft. Kempers action helps build trust with its customers in relation to...
Informative message
Kevin developed a letter stating that his company will be offering discounts on certain products for a limited time. This is an example of...
Track the amount of money she has spent
Melissa writes checks to pay for her rent, utilities, and groceries; and she keeps a record of all these transactions in her check register. Keeping an accurate check register helps Melissa...
Feedback for improvment
Nancy sais, "That was a good try, Stanley. Next time you might want to take the opposite approach. You might find that it works better for you in these types of situations." This is an example of a coach providing...
Natalie is a research associate for marketing-research firm who spends a lot of her time on the internet to obtain various types of business information. Natalie can save time and easily return to web sites that she frequently visits by using the ___________ tool on her internet browser.
Office supplies, computers, steel, and signage are example of __________ resources that might be needed for projects.
Gross Pay
On a pay stub, the total amount of money that a worker has earned for the pay period before deductions is listed as...
A retail bank
Patrick wants to keep a certain amount of money in a safe place in which he can earn interest on his savings, and also be able to withdraw his funds without experiencing sizable financial penalties. In what type of financial institution should Patrick consider placing his money?
Product quality
Production shortcuts that lower the durability of goods are unethical practices relating to...
Doing volunteer work
Sally is interested in working with animals. In her free time, Sally goes to the local animal shelter to help feed, walk, and care for the stray dogs and cats. Sally is gaining experience in her field of interest by...
Work in a specific industry
Seminars and workshops that are sponsored by trade associations are ways to obtain job training for people who....
Strengthen its brand value
The effective use of touch points can help a business to...
The following is written on the back of a check: "For deposit only; maria Evans; Account #285655." This is an example of a(n) ____________ endorsement.
The government owns and operates most of the means of production and distribution in a country. The government establishes production quotas for businesses, sets products prices, and tells workers what their wages will be. This is an example of a(n) _________ economic system.
Government significance decreases its spending on domestic goods and services
The gross domestic product (GDP) is most likely to decrease when the...
Share information
The primary purpose of collaborative software applications in the business environment is to...
Exhibit enthusiasm
To present a positive impression during a job interview, the applicant should...
Operating System
To use various software programs, a computer must have a(n)...
Torts relating to misrepresented facts about a business`s goods or services may be subject to a lawsuit on the basis of...
Warehousing and shipping methods are operations considerations relates to...
Nodding, Smiling, and writing down the idea
What actions may reveal that a supervisor likes an idea you have?
Buildings, roads, and equipment.
What are some examples of Capital goods?
Conduct safety inspections
What can managers do to ensure that their employees are following the business's safety procedures in the workplace?
Paper Money
What form of currency is issued by the federal government?
Free-trade agreements
What is a factor that has provided businesses with more opportunities to buy and sell products at the international level?
Control of conduct
What is a function of administrative law?
What is a graphic aid that uses text to depict a sequence of events or the order of a process?
If you can wait a moment, I can check the price in the computer.
What is a legitimate response for an employee to provide to a customer regarding an inquiry about product pricing?
Require employees to respond to customer inquiries within 24 hours.
What is a policy that the WNJ Company might implement to reinforce its image as an efficient and responsive business?
What is a primary computer-system tool used to input data?
What type of training do you provide for this position?
What is a relevant question for a job applicant to ask during an employment interview?
Income, family status, and education level
What is a secondary dimension of diversity?
What is an example of a "stop" word that a search engine is most likely to ignore when retrieving query results?
Bill managed to keep his temper in check when Ali made comments that he didn't like
What is an example of a person demonstrating self-control?
Hiring a friend or family member
What is an example of an ethical dilemma that human resources managers may encounter?
Rent, utilities, and supplies
What is an example of cash outflows?
When Naomi purchased office supplies, she presented the cashier with a card that automatically withdrew funds from her business`s checking account
What is an example of processing a transaction with a debit card...
Obtaining a loan from a bank
What is an example of voluntary debtor-creditor relationship?
Employees process information differently
What is an important consideration when giving employees verbal directions for completing a task?
Does the vendor have the resources to consistently meet our business`s needs?
What is an important question that a business should ask when selecting a vendor?
It often takes time to feel comfortable with change
What is an important thing to remember about change?
Employee productivity decreases
What is likely to happen if a business fails to monitor its inventory of office supplies?
A technical-trends report that was written on February 5, 2013
What is most likely to contain timely information?
Consumer spending increases
What is most likely to happen during a time of economic expansion?
Makes it easier to comparison shop
What is one benefit that the internet provides consumers?
Share human resources
What is one reason that businesses use matrix organizational design?
presents financial information in a standard format
What is the advantage of using generally accepted accounting principles?
Discourages attempt burglaries
What is the advantage to a business that installs external surveillance cameras in prominent locations around it property?
What leadership quality involves demonstrating competence and reliability?
Jiffy Parcel Service strives to provide the quickest, most reliable delivery service in the country.
What leadership quality involves demonstrating competence and reliability?
What personal attribute involves feeling comfortable with you opinions and decisions, even when others criticize you for them?
Ask the department manager about the policy
What should you do if you do not find a policy of working overtime in the company's employee handbook?
Write clearly using a black or blue pen to present a professional appearance
What should you do when completing a job application?
Visualization boards
What tool is helpful to individuals who want to increase their levels of self-esteem?
What type of words should Rebecca use to describe her skills and accomplishments when writing her resume?
A machinist who works for a large manufacturer that produces parts for farm equitment
What type of worker is considered a member of a craft/trade union?
Transaction fees
When Armand is comparing his checkbook balance with his bank statement, he must make sure that he has subtracted the ____________ from his checkbook.
When Claire tells her supervisor that she made a mistake on the report that she recently submitted, she is demonstrating...
Low-self management skills
When Eddie became upset with a coworker during a business meeting, he threw his file down on the table, left the conference room, and slammed the door behind him, What was Eddie demonstrating.
Variable expenses
When Jeremy develops his personal budget, he should categorize the money that he spends on food, clothing, and entertainment as...
When Trisha learned that her company was switching to a new computer-software program, she accepted the change and worked overtime to become familiar with the new program. Trisha exhibited ___________ behavior.
Use short blocks of text
When developing a web page, it is best to...
Conceptual skills
When managers have the ability to understand how all of the functions of the company are interrelated they possess...
When minimally skilled workers lose their jobs due to technological advancements that require specialized skills, what type of unemployment exist?
Tax deductions
When preparing a personal income tax form, parents report some of their childcare expenses to receive....
When using presentation software, computer users can add visual and sound effects between slides that allow for an interesting...
Which cycle of the business cycle would most likely have an unfavorable effect on the business environment?
Use the kitchen fire extinguisher to put out the fire
While Ken was heating up his lunch in the company's kitchen microwave oven, his food caught on fire. What is the most appropriate action for Ken to take?
The use of Jargon
While making a presentation to a customer, Kip used complex terms that the customer didn't understand. In this situation, effective communication was hindered due to...
Cut and paste
While typing a document using a word-processing software, Janice decided that she wanted to move a paragraph from the first page to the second page of her business report. What actions should Janice use to efficiently move the text?
To reduce the risk of widespread illness
Why is it important for businesses to follow local health ordinances?
Formal, downward
XRT Corporations human-resources manager sends a memo to all employees that describes some general changes that will affect their healthcare insurance next year. This is an example of ___________ communication.
Casting economic votes
what are consumers doing when they purchase goods and services in a market economy?
Being denied a promotion on the basis of age
what is an example of discrimination in the workplace?
what type of computer program helps protect digital business information from the negative effects of malware?