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cover ●○○

*cover ●○○ to be or serve as a covering for; extend over; rest on the surface of * ●Miller first appeared on the *cover* of Vogue in 1927 in a blue hat and pearls, drawn by renowned French illustrator Georges Lepape. ●It went on to accuse the company itself of misleading the committee and acting to *cover* up the scandal. ●Many who know, work for, or *cover* Sarkozy as journalists describe his personality as "too much" in most anything that he does. ●Out of all the paraphilias you *cover* in the book, which one was the most surprising to you?

determined ●●○

*determined ●●○ resolute; staunch * ●The A&E reality-TV show Intervention has a 71 percent success rate in rehabbing the most *determined*, hardened addicts. ●Unable to punish Truman from inside the party, pro-segregation Democrats *determined* to punish him from outside. ●Inflating his age by a year (in reality turning 20 at the time), Moon was *determined* make his birthday a smash. ●CIA veterans are the most *determined* protectors of their turf, and they want to be protected by one of their own.

held ●○○

*held ●○○ simple past tense and a past participle of hold* ●Susan Elizabeth Ford, daughter of Gerald, *held* onto the patronym. ●Even Vladimir Putin, the president, said "obviously they are not pirates" but he insisted that they must be *held* to account. ●In an attempt to give the show an epic scale, the auditions are *held* in a massive traveling LTD Dome. ●Her assistant was sent off to bring her outfit to the venue where the event was *held*.

held ●●○○○○○

*held ●●○○○○○ st and 3rd person singular pt. indicative of be. * Susan Elizabeth Ford, daughter of Gerald, *held* onto the patronym. Even Vladimir Putin, the president, said "obviously they are not pirates" but he insisted that they must be *held* to account. In an attempt to give the show an epic scale, the auditions are *held* in a massive traveling LTD Dome. Her assistant was sent off to bring her outfit to the venue where the event was *held*. What if they *held* an election and nobody attacked anybody over Medicare?

held ●●○○○○○

*st and 3rd person singular pt. indicative of be.* Susan Elizabeth Ford, daughter of Gerald, *held* onto the patronym. Even Vladimir Putin, the president, said "obviously they are not pirates" but he insisted that they must be *held* to account. In an attempt to give the show an epic scale, the auditions are *held* in a massive traveling LTD Dome. Her assistant was sent off to bring her outfit to the venue where the event was *held*. What if they *held* an election and nobody attacked anybody over Medicare?

winning ●○○

*winning ●○○ the act of a person or thing that wins. * ●Thus, the U.S. Army sent its most famous soldier to advance the cause of *winning* Germans to the American Cold War project. ●Despite the high spirits in the Chirikova campaign, others are skeptical about her chances of *winning*. ●Apple is *winning* for a very simple reason—it is making terrific products that no other competitor can match. ●The first step in *winning* the future is encouraging American innovation.

A *major*~&J *advantage*~&N of *arch*~&N *bridges*~&N *is*~&V the *fact*~&N that they *are*~&V structurally *sound*~&J for *short*~&J spans, while a major *disadvantage*~&N *includes*~&V the *amount*~&N of *building*~&N *materials*~&N *needed*~&V to *construct*~&V an arch *bridge*~&N, *even*~&R if it is of short *length*~&N. *Other*~&J *advantages*~&N of arch bridges *include*~&V the *inexpensive*~&J *costs*~&N of building materials *such*~&J as *stone*~&N and *brick*~&N, and the *ability*~&N to *build*~&V *more*~&J *arches*~&N to *span*~&V a *wider*~&J *distance*~&N .@@@ The *Thing*~&N, *Human*~&J *Torch*~&N, *Mister*~&N *Fantastic*~&N and *Invisible*~&J *Woman*~&N *make*~&V *up*~&R the *Fantastic*~&J Four, *often*~&R *recognized*~&V as the *first*~&J *team*~&N of *super*~&J *heroes*~&N. The Marvel *Comics*~&N *crew*~&N *made*~&V its debut in 1961 in the first *issue*~&N of its *own*~&J *comic*~&J *book*~&N *series*~&N and *makes*~&V its *home*~&N in the Baxter *Building*~&N of *New*~&N York *City*~&N. @@@ One of the *many*~&J *possible*~&J *art*~&N *projects*~&N with a *cow*~&N *hooves*~&N *theme*~&N *involves*~&V *making*~&V *vegetable*~&N *stamps*~&N. For this *project*~&N, *use*~&N celery *stalks*~&N are the *best*~&J, and *cut*~&V them crosswise across the *grain*~&N. Tempera *paint*~&N or any *other*~&J washable paint is *suitable*~&J for the project. Other *necessary*~&J *material*~&N include *scrap*~&N *newspaper*~&N, *construction*~&N *paper*~&N, a *knife*~&N, and crayons or *markers*~&N .@@@ *Fine*~&J *arts*~&N, *visual*~&J arts, *plastic*~&J arts, *performance*~&N arts, *applied*~&V arts and *decorative*~&J arts are the major *classifications*~&N of the arts. *Several*~&J of these classifications *have*~&V sub-classifications *associated*~&V with them .@@@ The *blue*~&J *corn*~&N *moon*~&N *referred*~&V to in the *song*~&N *Colors*~&N of the *Wind*~&N from Pocahontas is a fictitious *concept*~&N and *does*~&V *not*~&R *refer*~&V to any *particular*~&J moon *phase*~&N. The *concepts*~&N of blue moon and *full*~&J corn moon *do*~&V *exist*~&V and refer to *different*~&J *types*~&N of full *moons*~&N *occurring*~&V at *various*~&J *times*~&N of the *year*~&N .@@@ Apollo *was*~&V *most*~&R *famous*~&J as the *god*~&N of archery and the god of *prophecy*~&N and oracles. He was the bringer of *plagues*~&N and *illnesses*~&N, as *seen*~&V in Homer's Iliad, in addition to *medicine*~&N and *religious*~&J *healing*~&N. Apollo was the *greatest*~&J of all *musicians*~&N ;: he *oversaw*~&V *poetry*~&N and *dance*~&N. He *embodied*~&V *physical*~&J and *intellectual*~&J *light*~&N, *beauty*~&N and *reason*~&N, and his oracle at Delphi was *considered*~&V the greatest in the *ancient*~&J *world*~&N. @@@ An acrostic *poem*~&N is a *type*~&N of poem that *uses*~&V a *word*~&N as a *subject*~&J with each *line*~&N *starting*~&V with a *letter*~&N of the word. For *instance*~&N, the word *cat*~&N could *be*~&V *used*~&V as a *subject*~&N for an acrostic poem. The poem could be *something*~&N like *cool*~&J as a cucumber, agile *as*~&R could be and *tiny*~&J *whiskers*~&N .@@@ While a sonnet *has*~&V 14 *lines*~&N, a 12-line poem is identifiable in *literature*~&N as a *variation*~&N of the sonnet used by Elizabethan *poets*~&N. Other than this *example*~&N, there is no *distinct*~&J *term*~&N for a 12-line poem in English literature .@@@ *Copyrighting*~&N a poem *requires*~&V *filing*~&V an *application*~&N with the U.S. *Copyright*~&N *Office*~&N, which is *part*~&N of the *Library*~&N of *Congress*~&N, and *paying*~&V a *fee*~&N. *Claims*~&N to *copyright*~&N *published*~&V and unpublished *poems*~&N are *filed*~&V as *literary*~&J *works*~&N in the U.S. Copyright Office. As of 2014, *applying*~&V for a poem copyright is possible *online*~&N by *visiting*~&V U.S. Copyright Office *website*~&N or through the *mail*~&N by *sending*~&V the application to the Copyright Office at 101 *Independence*~&N *Avenue*~&N, SE Washington D.C. 20669-6000 .@@@ The poem *Alone*~&R by Edgar Allan Poe *presents*~&V the *thoughts*~&N of an *adult*~&J *reflecting*~&V on his *difficult*~&J *childhood*~&N. The *narrator*~&N *says*~&V that his *stormy*~&J *temperament*~&N *comes*~&V from *spending*~&V *most*~&J of his childhood *years*~&N *alone*~&R. Because he *did*~&V not have *anyone*~&N with which to *share*~&V his *emotions*~&N, the narrator did not *develop*~&V emotionally as a *typical*~&J *child*~&N would. *Many*~&J *scholars*~&N *interpret*~&V the poem as an autobiographical introspective on Poe's *youth*~&N .@@@ A blazon -LRB--LRB- *also*~&R referred to as a blason -RRB--RRB- is a poem in which the *speaker*~&N *describes*~&V his *lover*~&N's *body*~&N. It *focuses*~&V on various *parts*~&N of a *woman*~&N's body, *emphasizing*~&V her physical beauty .@@@ Christmas *candy*~&N poems are poems that *relate*~&V Christmas to candy either through *cheerful*~&J *wishes*~&N or the *telling*~&V of the Christmas *story*~&N. The *idea*~&N behind these poems is to *attach*~&V a *copy*~&N of the poem to the *referenced*~&V candy and *present*~&J it as a *gift*~&N .@@@ Building a *strong*~&J *tower*~&N out of *straws*~&N is an *engineering*~&N project to *learn*~&V about the *stability*~&N of *certain*~&J types of *structures*~&N. For this project, you *need*~&V 55 straws, *masking*~&V *tape*~&N and a *pair*~&N of *scissors*~&N. The *task*~&N will *take*~&V between one and two *hours*~&N .@@@ A chute is a *channel*~&N or *long*~&J rut that is used to *move*~&V *things*~&N from a *higher*~&J *plane*~&N to a *lower*~&J plane. A chute can also be a *water*~&N *slide*~&N. @@@ The *original*~&J''' *color*~&N of the Eiffel *Tower*~&N can be *traced*~&V *back*~&R to two different *points*~&N :: it was *painted*~&V a *brighter*~&J *red*~&J *shade*~&N *called*~&V Venetian *red*~&N''' when its parts *were*~&V *first*~&R *being*~&V fabricated in 1887-88 -LRB--LRB- *prior*~&R to *assembly*~&N -RRB--RRB-, but it was painted a *more*~&R subdued reddish-brown hue when it was *constructed*~&V in 1889. Since its *initial*~&J construction, this iconic *landmark*~&N has *been*~&V repainted an *average*~&N of *once*~&R every seven years, or a *total*~&J 18 times as of 2014. Its color has *changed*~&V *several*~&J times, starting *off*~&R in the red color *family*~&N, *then*~&R *moving*~&V to ochre *yellow*~&J and *finally*~&R *settling*~&V in the *specially*~&R *formulated*~&V Eiffel Tower *Brown*~&N that it has been painted since 1968.@@@ *Big*~&J Ben was *built*~&V as part of a *design*~&N *decision*~&N in 1844 that the *new*~&J *Houses*~&N of *Parliament*~&N should include a tower and a *clock*~&N. The *rebuilding*~&N of the Houses of Parliament was necessary after a *fire*~&N in 1834 *destroyed*~&V the *old*~&J *Palace*~&N of Westminster .@@@ *Architects*~&N *use*~&V the Pythagorean theorem, which is *expressed*~&V by the *equation*~&N :: a2 + b2 = c2, in *designing*~&V and *computing*~&V the *measurements*~&N of *building*~&V structures and bridges. One example involves *roof*~&N design. A gable roof is made of two *right*~&J *triangles*~&N, where the *base*~&N of one *right*~&N *triangle*~&N is called the *run*~&N, the *height*~&N is called the *rise*~&N and the *slope*~&N is called the rafter .@@@ Suspension bridges are *box*~&N roadways *supported*~&V by stanchions and *steel*~&N *cables*~&N of *enormous*~&J tensile *strength*~&N which themselves are *strung*~&V on suspenders which themselves are anchored at the bridge's *ends*~&N. This design *ensures*~&V that when the roadway *experiences*~&V *load*~&N, it is *transferred*~&V to the cables as *tension*~&N .@@@ *Beam*~&N bridges *disperse*~&V the *weight*~&N of *traffic*~&N and the weight of the *beam*~&N itself by *utilizing*~&V strong *pillars*~&N for *supports*~&N on each *end*~&N. *Adding*~&V *additional*~&J supports along the length of the beam *increases*~&V the strength of the bridge. The material used for the beam and for the supports can also be *modified*~&V, with steel-and-concrete-beam bridges *able*~&J to *handle*~&V *heavier*~&J *loads*~&N than wooden-beam bridges. @@@ *Bridges*~&N are built with cables, girders, arches and *reinforced*~&V steel and *concrete*~&N to *channel*~&V the weight of the bridge onto abutments at either end of the *structure*~&N and *piers*~&N along the *span*~&N of the bridge that *rest*~&N on *concrete*~&J pilings *driven*~&V into the *land*~&N or water beneath them. *Types*~&N of bridges include, suspension, arch and cablestayed .@@@ Conch *houses*~&N are *classic*~&J Florida *cottages*~&N that are traditionally *rectangular*~&J *shaped*~&V with one or two *stories*~&N, constructed with *wood*~&N and *set*~&V on piers to *allow*~&V airflow under the *house*~&N. These houses also have *porches*~&N across the *entire*~&J *front*~&N of the house. Two-story conch houses have porches on both *levels*~&N .@@@ All *Things*~&N *Medieval*~&J, RPG Booster, and Skipton *Castle*~&N all make *medieval*~&J *castle*~&N *plans*~&N *available*~&J on their *websites*~&N. All Things Medieval *offers*~&N plans for four *castles*~&N and RPG Booster and Skipton Castle both have one *plan*~&N available. @@@ An assembly *drawing*~&N is a *technical*~&J drawing that uses *action*~&N *illustrations*~&N to *show*~&V how parts *fit*~&V *together*~&R. *Multiple*~&J *drawings*~&N are used together in sequential *sets*~&N to *give*~&V a *reader*~&N *instruction*~&N on how a *product*~&N is *assembled*~&V. @@@ For *medium*~&N *distances*~&N of between 500 and 2,500 *feet*~&N, cable-stayed bridges have the advantages over suspension bridges of requiring *less*~&J steel *cable*~&N and being *less*~&R *expensive*~&J and *quicker*~&J to build. In addition, *instead*~&R of being *limited*~&V to two *towers*~&N as suspension bridges are, cable-stayed bridges can be built with any *number*~&N of towers .@@@ *Find*~&V *free*~&J construction templates online through *sites*~&N such as and The templates on these sites include construction *contract*~&N, construction *proposal*~&N and building project templates .@@@ Some *common*~&J features in *smaller*~&J *luxury*~&N house plans include *spacious*~&J *garages*~&N with *room*~&N for two or more *vehicles*~&N and walk-in *closets*~&N for the *bedrooms*~&N inside the *homes*~&N. *Depending*~&V on the *style*~&N of house, plans may also include *fireplaces*~&N or skylights .@@@ From *aquarium*~&N *beds*~&N and *swing*~&V set *tables*~&N to *spiral*~&N *staircase*~&N *slides*~&N and cat *transit*~&N *systems*~&N, *options*~&N for *incorporating*~&V *interesting*~&J architectural features into a house design are *endless*~&J. *More*~&R adventurous *designers*~&N and *homeowners*~&N can take advantage of *glass*~&N *floors*~&N, hammock beds and *musical*~&J *rain*~&N *walls*~&N .@@@ Pikachu, the yellow Pokemon that *Ash*~&N Ketchum *typically*~&R *carries*~&V with him, is *listed*~&V on the *official*~&J Pokemon website as a *Mouse*~&N Pokemon, though anatomically, Pikachu is *probably*~&R more remniscent of a hamster or a pika .@@@ Batman *mask*~&N templates are available at *Mask*~&N *Design*~&N *Site*~&N and The templates can be *printed*~&V and traced to use as part of a Batman *costume*~&N. The Batman mask template can also be *added*~&V to t-shirts. @@@ *Classic*~&J *top*~&J visual *novels*~&N include *Corpse*~&N *Party*~&N, Clannad, *Hotel*~&N *Dusk*~&N :: *Room*~&N 215, Sayo *No*~&N Uta and *Sweet*~&J *Fuse*~&N :: At Your *Side*~&N. *Visual*~&J novels are works of *interactive*~&J *fiction*~&N that are *similar*~&J to mixed-media novels. They use *graphics*~&N, *including*~&V live-action *stills*~&N and anime art, to *tell*~&V a story, and they are *usually*~&R *read*~&V on *computers*~&N *rather*~&R than *game*~&N consoles .@@@ In DC Comics' *fictional*~&J *universe*~&N, the anti-life equation is a *mathematical*~&J *formula*~&N that, when *uttered*~&V *aloud*~&R, *allows*~&V the speaker *absolute*~&J *control*~&N over all *living*~&V *beings*~&N. The anti-life equation *operates*~&V by instilling in the hearer a mathematical *certainty*~&N of the futility of *life*~&N, *thereby*~&R *destroying*~&V the *listener*~&N's will to *function*~&V independently .@@@ Spider-Man is a fictional comic book superhero *characterized*~&V by his iconic red-and-blue *webbed*~&J body *suit*~&N. Spider-Man is 5 feet 10 *inches*~&N *tall*~&J, *weighs*~&V 167 *pounds*~&N and has brown *hair*~&N. Spider-Man was *bitten*~&V by a *spider*~&N and has *obtained*~&V spider-like *abilities*~&N. He has the ability to *shoot*~&V web-like material from his *wrists*~&N, to *climb*~&V walls and to *lift*~&V more than 100 times his body weight .@@@ Superman *came*~&V before Batman. Superman was *created*~&V by Joel Shuster and Jerry Siegel in 1933 and made his first official comic book *appearance*~&N in Action Comics 1, cover-dated July 1938. *Created*~&V by Bob Kane and *Bill*~&N *Finger*~&N, Batman first *appeared*~&V in *Detective*~&N Comics 27, cover-dated *May*~&N 1939.@@@ The chronological *order*~&N of the *Infinite*~&N *Crisis*~&N series is the Prelude to Infinite Crisis one-shot, the Countdown to Infinite Crisis one-shot, the four prelude miniseries, the Infinite Crisis *main*~&J storyline, the Infinite Crisis :: *Secret*~&J *Files*~&N one-shot, the four *Infinite*~&J Crisis *specials*~&N, the two *Aftermath*~&N miniseries and the *Brave*~&N New *World*~&N one-shot. The story *arc*~&N *consists*~&V of the main seven-issue story as *well*~&R as many other *shorter*~&J storylines .@@@ *According*~&V to *polls*~&N *conducted*~&V by Fanpop and the Anime *News*~&N *Network*~&N, most anime *fans*~&N *prefer*~&V to *watch*~&V Japanese *versions*~&N with English *subtitles*~&N. Seventy *percent*~&N of *respondents*~&N to the Fanpop *poll*~&N *said*~&V that they *preferred*~&V to watch anime in Japanese with subtitles .@@@ To *create*~&V an *animated*~&J GIF *file*~&N from your *pictures*~&N, *navigate*~&V to websites such as or GIFMaker.*me*~&N, *upload*~&V your pictures, *choose*~&V the *desired*~&V *animation*~&N *parameters*~&N, and *download*~&V the resulting file in the GIF *format*~&N. Alternatively, use freeware *software*~&N such as Photobie to create GIF *files*~&N by *adding*~&V pictures as *layers*~&N and *animating*~&V them .@@@ Some *brands*~&N of animation software include Autodesk, Blender and Adobe, as of 2015. These brands *offer*~&V professional-quality software for *creating*~&V both 2-D and 3-D *animations*~&N .@@@ Fantastic *Fiction*~&N *provides*~&V a *search*~&N *bar*~&N that allows *users*~&N to type in the *name*~&N of the book or *author*~&N they are *looking*~&V for. The *site*~&N also includes *browse*~&J *menu*~&N that allows users to *search*~&V for *authors*~&N alphabetically by surname .@@@ *Free*~&N *trailer*~&N plans for *utility*~&N *trailers*~&N can be *found*~&V at a *variety*~&N of websites, including iCadTec and *Red*~&N *Wing*~&N *Steel*~&N *Works*~&N. The plans can be *downloaded*~&V, printed or used *directly*~&R from these websites .@@@ *Animate*~&V a *stick*~&N *figure*~&N by *playing*~&V several *frames*~&N of the figure in various *stages*~&N of an action in *sequence*~&N. To *animate*~&V, use *tools*~&N like GIMP or Photoshop for animated GIF files or *movie*~&N *editing*~&N software, such as *Windows*~&N *Movie*~&N *Maker*~&N, for *videos*~&N .@@@ *Create*~&V a superhero the *same*~&J *way*~&N you would any original fictional *character*~&N, with the added *requirement*~&N of super *powers*~&N. B. McKenzie, the *founder*~&N of Superhero *Nation*~&N and a *coach*~&N for *aspiring*~&V comic book writers, *offers*~&V a *detailed*~&J superhero *creation*~&N *questionnaire*~&N on his website, *located*~&J at .@@@ *hosts*~&N a game called Create Your *Own*~&N Superhero that allows you to *design*~&V a *custom*~&N superhero. *Model*~&N the superhero after yourself, or create a character with *completely*~&R original *attributes*~&N. @@@ Naruto :: Shippuden *airs*~&V on the *satellite*~&N channel *Cartoon*~&N Network during its Toonami *program*~&N *block*~&N, as of 2015. *Episodes*~&N of Naruto :: Shippuden are also available through *streaming*~&N *services*~&N such as Hulu and websites such as .@@@ *Though*~&N different versions of Catwoman *appear*~&V in different versions of the Batman *narrative*~&N, on the *whole*~&N, the character can be seen as an anti-villain, *sometimes*~&R *working*~&V to *help*~&V Batman or *otherwise*~&R *act*~&V against the *interests*~&N of other villainous *characters*~&N. On the whole, Catwoman is typically *presented*~&V as a *complex*~&J character with *personality*~&N *flaws*~&N and some *good*~&J *qualities*~&N as well .@@@ To create your own superhero, *come*~&V up with the superhero's gimmick, *determine*~&V a backstory and *sketch*~&N character *designs*~&N. While many superheroes have common attributes, *people*~&N creating them are n't *bound*~&V by any particular *rules*~&N .@@@ Kitco, a Canadian-based *precious*~&J *metals*~&N *trader*~&N, offers *real*~&J *time*~&N *trading*~&N *charts*~&N and *reports*~&N to help *investors*~&N *track*~&V *silver*~&J *portfolio*~&N *values*~&N. For *owners*~&N of *popular*~&J *coin*~&N series like the 2013 Superman *coins*~&N, the real-time *service*~&N *helps*~&V owners track the *value*~&N of their *collections*~&N .@@@ *Choose*~&V a cosplay character by first *deciding*~&V on a *genre*~&N, and the *overall*~&J *look*~&N you *want*~&V to *achieve*~&V. *Consider*~&V your *skills*~&N, and come up with a *budget*~&N and time-frame to make the costume. *Ensure*~&V that you *adhere*~&V to the *convention*~&N rules. @@@ Batman has *had*~&V to *contend*~&V with many *villains*~&N and supervillains since he first appeared in comic *books*~&N in 1940, and *arguably*~&R, the Joker is his greatest nemesis ;: the Joker *appears*~&V as the *villain*~&N in the *very*~&R first Batman comic book, and he has steadily *remained*~&V a *factor*~&N in Batman's crime-fighting *activities*~&N through the different *interpretations*~&N and iterations of the Batman story. *However*~&R, though the Joker is arguably the *primary*~&J villain that Batman has had to *deal*~&V with over time, he is *far*~&R from the *only*~&J major villain character in the Batman canon. Other villains, such as Catwoman, Two-Face, *Poison*~&N Ivy, Bane, Ra's Al Gul, the *Penguin*~&N and Harley Quinn are also *closely*~&R associated with Batman both in comic books and in *television*~&N, *video*~&N game and *film*~&N *adaptations*~&N of the Batman narrative .@@@ The *Adventures*~&N of Spawn *comics*~&N can be read online at *Visitors*~&N to this website can read *issues*~&N one and two of the comic, along with an 8-page *preview*~&N issue .@@@ *Read*~&V an *archive*~&N of *Far*~&J Side comics by *purchasing*~&V a compilation book from a *local*~&J bookstore or *online*~&J *retailers*~&N like Gary Larson, the cartoonist behind the Far Side comics, has *publicly*~&R *stated*~&V his *desire*~&N that his *cartoons*~&N *remain*~&V off the Internet and *only*~&R *sell*~&V through his *publisher*~&N. @@@ Blender is an *open*~&J *source*~&N free animation software that allows users to create 3D and 2D animations. *Available*~&J on both Mac and PC, Blender offers photo-realistic *rendering*~&N, *fast*~&J *modeling*~&N, game creation and simulation-based animation features .@@@ *Patients*~&N *interested*~&J in *finding*~&V *doctors*~&N in their *area*~&N who *accept*~&V Medicaid can use the *Physician*~&N *Compare*~&V search *system*~&N on the *Centers*~&N for Medicare and Medicaid's website, *according*~&V to the *Department*~&N of *Health*~&N and *Human*~&N *Services*~&N. Those who can not *access*~&V this search online can *call*~&V 1-800-MEDICARE and *ask*~&V a *customer*~&N service *representative*~&N to *run*~&V the search .@@@ Modernism is characterized by a *significant*~&J *shift*~&N in the *representation*~&N of *human*~&J *ideas*~&N and human *production*~&N *away*~&R from *conventional*~&J *realism*~&N and toward various *forms*~&N of *psychological*~&J realism .@@@ Atmospheric *perspective*~&N *refers*~&V to the *effect*~&N the *atmosphere*~&N has on *distant*~&J *objects*~&N. *Also*~&R *known*~&V as *aerial*~&J perspective, the atmosphere can *affect*~&V many *aspects*~&N of a *painting*~&N or *picture*~&N .@@@ *Shells*~&N can be used in *crafts*~&N that *range*~&V in *difficulty*~&N and *complexity*~&N to a *simple*~&J repurposing of a *single*~&J *large*~&J *shell*~&N, such as a large shell being used as a bookend, to complex sculpting projects that *require*~&V the use of *multiple*~&J *shells*~&N of different *shapes*~&N and *sizes*~&N, such as a *beach*~&N *scene*~&N *complete*~&J with a *small*~&J house *crafted*~&V out of shells. Seashell crafts require different *equipment*~&N *depending*~&V on the complexity of the project. Some projects *simply*~&R require a shell and some *glue*~&N to *complete*~&V while *others*~&N require additional equipment, including paint and a *cutting*~&V *tool*~&N .@@@ Cartoon hippos are characters *drawn*~&V and *featured*~&V in typically *humorous*~&J animated *films*~&N or TV series. Among the most well-known *cartoon*~&N hippos are the *dancing*~&N ballerina hippos in the *children*~&N's book Fantasia and TV characters George and Martha, the *hip*~&N *hop*~&N hippos Flavio and Marita from the animated series Animaniacs, and Gloria the hippo from the Madagascar *movies*~&N .@@@ *Color*~&N *wheel*~&N charts can be used to determine what color is *best*~&R to use for a project, how to *match*~&V *colors*~&N for *samples*~&N and how to *mix*~&V colors. *Different*~&J color *wheels*~&N are used depending on the *needs*~&N of the *artist*~&N or *designer*~&N .@@@ In order to create a whirligig *using*~&V a 3-D *printer*~&N, have a *digital*~&J 3-D *model*~&N of the whirligig, choose a 3-D *printing*~&N *option*~&N and material to be used, and once the project is *ready*~&J to *print*~&V, download and print with the 3-D printer. The 3-D printer is an *affordable*~&J, smaller *version*~&N of the *rapid*~&J *prototyping*~&N *machine*~&N used by the *aircraft*~&N and *automotive*~&J *industries*~&N .@@@ *Researching*~&V the artist and the *artwork*~&N online, in *auction*~&N house *catalogs*~&N and through online auction sites is the most *direct*~&J way to determine value, as is *getting*~&V an *appraisal*~&N of the *piece*~&N. The value of a *signed*~&V, limited *edition*~&N *print*~&N can *vary*~&V *widely*~&R depending upon the artist, the *condition*~&N of the piece and the number of *prints*~&N *produced*~&V .@@@ *Aesthetic*~&J *appreciation*~&N refers to the sensory appraisal of objects using the normative system of *aesthetics*~&N, which *judges*~&N the *quality*~&N of objects *based*~&V on how pleasing they are to the *sense*~&N. *Aesthetics*~&N at large is the *branch*~&N of *philosophy*~&N *concerned*~&V with the *nature*~&N of *taste*~&N, art and beauty .@@@ *Art*~&N appreciation involves *having*~&V an *understanding*~&N of all of the qualities that *comprise*~&V a *great*~&J *work*~&N of art. Art appreciation *classes*~&N can be *enjoyed*~&V by *everyone*~&N from art *experts*~&N to complete novices .@@@ Bhavesh Panchal from India and Francesco Ciampi from Italy are two *artists*~&N that have created *evil*~&J Joker art. While Panchal *works*~&V in both 3-D and 2-D digital art *platforms*~&N, Ciampi uses *somewhat*~&R more *traditional*~&J *methods*~&N. He first *creates*~&V his art on paper and then colors it using Adobe Photoshop. @@@ Additive *sculpture*~&N is three-dimensional artwork created by *separate*~&J parts added to a whole. *Used*~&V in many art *mediums*~&N, this type of sculpture includes paper, wood, *trash*~&N, *clay*~&N and *metal*~&N .@@@ The *center*~&N of *interest*~&N in art is the main *focus*~&N of a drawing, painting or *photograph*~&N, also known as focal *point*~&N. The center of interest does not have to be the center of an art piece ;: *however*~&R, it is the *key*~&J *element*~&N that *defines*~&V it, and its interest is not *diminished*~&V through other *competing*~&V *elements*~&N within the same artwork .@@@ Many types of traditional Hawaiian art *serve*~&V a *functional*~&J *purpose*~&N as well as an *aesthetic*~&J one. Other *characteristics*~&N of Hawaiian art include a *high*~&J *level*~&N of craftsmanship and the use of local materials .@@@ If you are *trying*~&V to sell a painting, it is *helpful*~&J to *know*~&V *ahead*~&R of time how *much*~&J *someone*~&N might *pay*~&V for it. A *little*~&J *research*~&N can help you determine some *facts*~&N about the painting and artist, and a *professional*~&J appraisal can *confirm*~&V the painting's *actual*~&J value .@@@ *Generally*~&R, a *patron*~&N of the arts is *defined*~&V as a *person*~&N who *supports*~&V artists with *contributions*~&N of *financial*~&J *support*~&N, *gifts*~&N, *effort*~&N or endorsement. The art patronage system was historically significant throughout Europe during the Renaissance. One *commonly*~&R *cited*~&V example of a patron of the arts is Lorenzo de'Medici. @@@ A classic example of *Old*~&J English *letters*~&N can be found in the *epic*~&N poem Beowulf, which *dates*~&N between 800 and 1000 A.D.. Other *sources*~&N include the literature, art and *history*~&N *sections*~&N of a local *library*~&N, design and calligraphy books, and *font*~&N websites .@@@ *Abstract*~&J expressionist art is *generally*~&R *abstract*~&J in style and *expresses*~&V *emotional*~&J *content*~&N. *Typically*~&R, abstract expressionist artists had either a *dynamic*~&J style characterized by *energetic*~&J *movement*~&N or a more serene, cerebral one using large color *fields*~&N. Their *paintings*~&N *tend*~&V to be monumental in *scale*~&N .@@@ The Celtic *Cross*~&N, spiral designs, Tuim *Knot*~&N, *dragon*~&N designs and *Tree*~&N of *Life*~&N are some of the Celtic art designs that can be found for free online at *resources*~&N such as Each of these Celtic art designs has a *specific*~&J *meaning*~&N in the Celtic culture.*The*~&N Celtic Cross symbolises higher *energy*~&N, *knowledge*~&N and the bridge to the other *worlds*~&N. @@@ Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa painting *measures*~&N 30 by 20 inches. The painting *possibly*~&R *portrays*~&V Lisa Gherardini, the *wife*~&N of a Florentine *cloth*~&N *merchant*~&N, and is on *display*~&N in the Louvre in Paris .@@@ According to MSN *Entertainment*~&N, the *poetic*~&J character Frosty the *Snowman*~&N was *brought*~&V to life by a *magic*~&J *silk*~&N *hat*~&N. The hat *belonged*~&V to a magician *named*~&V *Professor*~&N Hinkle, who was *hired*~&V to *perform*~&V magic *tricks*~&N for *bored*~&J *students*~&N .@@@ The Cabuliwallah is a short story *written*~&V by Rabindranath Tagore. The story involves the life of a cabuliwallah, a term that refers to a *fruit*~&N *seller*~&N from Kabul, named Rahaman. He *meets*~&V a *young*~&J *girl*~&N named Mimi who makes a great *impression*~&N on him. The story's main *themes*~&N are the *relationship*~&N between a *father*~&N and *daughter*~&N and the *struggles*~&N of *adjusting*~&V to a new *place*~&N. @@@ There are many *accounts*~&N of people being *raised*~&V by *wolves*~&N, as well as other *animals*~&N. *Cases*~&N exist of people being raised by *monkeys*~&N, *wild*~&J *dogs*~&N and even wild *cats*~&N. Some people have been *protected*~&V by animals as if they were a part of their *pack*~&N for *days*~&N, *weeks*~&N, even years .@@@ The most common mythological depictions of leprechauns *cite*~&V a small, old *man*~&N in either a red or *green*~&J *coat*~&N. *Common*~&J *myths*~&N *say*~&V leprechauns are tricksters, mischievous and even *dangerous*~&J, and that they *enjoy*~&V making *shoes*~&N and *storing*~&V *gold*~&N they've *collected*~&V in a *pot*~&N at the end a *rainbow*~&N .@@@ *Images*~&N of *fairies*~&N can be found both in print and online. The Internet is the *fastest*~&J way to search for a variety of *images*~&N ;: *doing*~&V an *image*~&N search for fairies on any major search *engine*~&N is a great place to *start*~&V. @@@ A fable is a short *narrative*~&J *form*~&N that is best known for having non-human beings as main characters and *ending*~&V with a *moral*~&J. What makes the animals in fables different from human beings is *mainly*~&R their physical form, though they may *display*~&V *stereotyped*~&J personality *traits*~&N *relating*~&V to their *animal*~&N *natures*~&N .@@@ Countess Elizabeth Bathory of Hungary was called the *Blood*~&N Countess because she reputedly *killed*~&V *hundreds*~&N of young *peasant*~&N and *servant*~&J *women*~&N in the 16th and 17th *centuries*~&N. She *allegedly*~&R *bathed*~&V in their *blood*~&N in order to remain *youthful*~&J and *beautiful*~&J .@@@ 2D design is the creation of *flat*~&J or two-dimensional images for *applications*~&N such as *electrical*~&J engineering, *mechanical*~&J drawings, *architecture*~&N and video *games*~&N. Blueprints are typically two-dimensional designs that give *indications*~&N of height and length for construction *purposes*~&N .@@@ Every shade of *gray*~&J is a *mixture*~&N of *black*~&J and *white*~&J. *Darker*~&J *shades*~&N have more black, and *lighter*~&J shades more white. Some shades, such as cool gray and slate gray, include a small amount of some other hue, but *true*~&J *grays*~&N are defined as achromatic colors between white and black. @@@ *Websites*~&N are often supported by one or various *means*~&N, *thus*~&R *allowing*~&V them to give away *clip*~&N art for free. These methods mainly include direct *advertising*~&N, *user*~&N *donations*~&N or the *inclusion*~&N of *related*~&J *items*~&N through *acceptable*~&J *sponsor*~&N *programs*~&N .@@@ There are a number of online search tools that *assist*~&V in finding the *title*~&N of a movie without knowing the name, including *Instant*~&J Movie *Name*~&V,, and several IMDb *advanced*~&V search tool options. *Such*~&J sites allow you to search for a movie based on keywords from the *plot*~&N, *actor*~&N *names*~&N or character names, and *return*~&V a *list*~&N of possible movie title *matches*~&N. @@@ Victorian poetry is characterized by both religious *skepticism*~&N, *inherited*~&V from the *Romantic*~&J *Period*~&N, but contrarily also devotional poetry that *proclaims*~&V a more *mystical*~&J *faith*~&N. *Religion*~&N *becomes*~&V more of a *personal*~&J *experience*~&N expressed through poetry. Victorian poetry also *employs*~&V more *humor*~&N and whimsy than the *prior*~&J Romantic Period. Despite the whimsy, in the Victorian *Era*~&N, poetry and literature take a more *harsh*~&J and utilitarian *view*~&N of nature and philosophy. @@@ Some common characteristics of *clown*~&N *faces*~&V include a *prominent*~&J clown *nose*~&N, stylistic make up, a *lot*~&N of *face*~&N paint and brightly *colored*~&V *wigs*~&N. *Clown*~&N *faces*~&N are often an *exaggerated*~&J version of another person, a *stereotype*~&N or an *emotion*~&N. *Clowns*~&N' faces help develop their characters or *personalities*~&N .@@@ Though not a *weapon*~&N in the traditional sense, Aphrodite's great beauty and magic girdle *compelled*~&V anyone *seeing*~&V her to *desire*~&V her and *comply*~&V with her wishes. The Greek *goddess*~&N of *love*~&N, desire and beauty, Aphrodite is known as Venus in Roman *mythology*~&N .@@@ *Black*~&J *gospel*~&N *radio*~&N *stations*~&N in the *United*~&N *States*~&N are listed in the *national*~&J *directory*~&N *provided*~&V by Radio-Locator. com. The directory provides the *city*~&N, radio *station*~&N *call*~&N *sign*~&N and station number, as well as *contact*~&N *information*~&N for each radio station .@@@ The color *blue*~&N is *believed*~&V to *represent*~&V *peace*~&N, tranquility, *harmony*~&N, *trust*~&N, *loyalty*~&N and *wisdom*~&N. *Blue*~&N also *represents*~&V the *cold*~&J, the *sky*~&N, water and *depression*~&N. It is considered a *conservative*~&J color and is also *thought*~&V to be *beneficial*~&J to the *mind*~&N and body .@@@ *Fans*~&N of *Late*~&J *Night*~&N *host*~&N Jimmy Fallon can *find*~&V information about his *wedding*~&N at or Fallon *married*~&V Hollywood *producer*~&N Nancy Juvonen on Dec. 22, 2007.@@@ To *commemorate*~&V a 60th wedding *anniversary*~&N, *browse*~&V poems that *celebrate*~&V the *commitment*~&N and *enduring*~&J strength of a relationship in the face of time and *change*~&N. From *classical*~&J sonnets to *modern*~&J, cutting-edge *prose*~&N, choose from poems that *touch*~&V on the subject of true and *lasting*~&J love .@@@ Some of the *central*~&J themes or *morals*~&N of *Holes*~&N by author Louis Sachar include *fate*~&N and determinism, *friendship*~&N and its advantages, the *importance*~&N of history in *everyday*~&J life and *cruelty*~&N. According to the author, it was *never*~&R his *intention*~&N to *write*~&V a *grim*~&J or *frightening*~&J story ;: however, many *readers*~&N have found it to be *so*~&R .@@@ Some of the best-known books that have been *frequently*~&R *banned*~&V and *challenged*~&V include the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, I *Know*~&N Why the *Caged*~&N *Bird*~&N *Sings*~&N by Maya Angelou and The Perks of *Being*~&V a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky .@@@ Adamantium, the indestructible alloy that makes up Marvel character Wolverine's *bones*~&N and *claws*~&N, is a fictional metal. Created for use in the Marvel Comics universe, this *substance*~&N was *derived*~&V from a meteor and, in liquefied *state*~&N, *bonded*~&V to Wolverine's bones .@@@ Hamlet is an *elusive*~&J and *mysterious*~&J character that is *philosophical*~&J, contemplative, obsessive, *impulsive*~&J, melancholy, *intelligent*~&J and *careless*~&J. Hamlet is a character in William Shakespeare's *play*~&N, also *titled*~&V Hamlet. @@@ The Big Cartoon *Database*~&N provides multiple search *functions*~&V that to help find a cartoon character's name. The *database*~&N consists of *nearly*~&R every cartoon television *show*~&N and movie *ever*~&R made, with *individual*~&J *pages*~&N for characters. @@@ *Sports*~&N fans can *stream*~&N *live*~&V *sports*~&N to their computers by using services such as WatchESPN, Aereo, NFL Sunday *Ticket*~&N, MLB.TV and NBA *League*~&N *Pass*~&N. While there are some other, usually *cheaper*~&J, streaming options that include *restrictions*~&N such as audio-only *broadcasts*~&N or games that are only available after they have *ended*~&V, each of these options allow *viewers*~&N to pay a flat *rate*~&N for *extensive*~&J *access*~&N to live sports .@@@ I *Heart*~&N *Radio*~&N, a streaming *music*~&N and radio service, offers access to a number of stations with the FM radio *frequency*~&N identifier 101.7. For example, I Heart Radio *streams*~&N *Evolution*~&N 101.7 -LRB--LRB- WXKS-HD -RRB--RRB-, 101.7 The *Bull*~&N -LRB--LRB- WBWL-FM -RRB--RRB- and *numerous*~&J other 101.7 stations from across the United States .@@@ Amelia Earhart was an author, *pilot*~&N and women's *rights*~&N *activist*~&N. *Born*~&V on July 24, 1897, she was the first woman to make a *solo*~&N *crossing*~&V of the Atlantic *Ocean*~&N by plane. She *disappeared*~&V in 1937 while *attempting*~&V to *fly*~&V around the world. There is no *verified*~&V information about what *happened*~&V to her .@@@ The channel the show *LIVE*~&V With Kelly and Michael airs on *varies*~&V based on the city where a *viewer*~&N *lives*~&V. For example, in Memphis, Tennessee, the show airs on WBC, which is an NBC station. But in Chicago, Illinois, the show airs on ABC affiliate WLS .@@@ Images of tattoo art can be found both in print, online and at local tattoo parlors. *Online*~&J *galleries*~&N, such as those available at the Tattoo Johnny and *Inked*~&N *Magazine*~&N websites, offer a variety of tattoos *sorted*~&V by subject, artist and body *placement*~&N. Websites with user-generated galleries, such as Pinterest, also host images of tattoo art. @@@ One of the *easiest*~&J *ways*~&N to tell if an *object*~&N is *gold*~&J or *brass*~&N is to *look*~&V at the *size*~&N. *Most*~&J large objects are not made of gold. @@@ *Charts*~&N *depicting*~&V the *current*~&J *price*~&N of gold can be found online at These charts include a *live*~&J 24-hour display of gold *prices*~&N *plotted*~&V against the times of the New York GLOBEX, New York NYMEX, Hong Kong, London and Sydney *markets*~&N .@@@ *Vintage*~&J eyewear refers to eyeglass frames that are more than 20 years old. Vintage eyewear speciality *shops*~&N sell used frames collected from old *optical*~&J shops and other sources, some of which have never been *worn*~&V .@@@ Snazaroo, a *maker*~&N of face-painting *kits*~&N, offers a *photo*~&N *gallery*~&N *containing*~&V *stunning*~&J pictures of face-painting *done*~&V by the *company*~&N's *customers*~&N. also offers a face-paint gallery, along with *instructions*~&N on how to complete each look .@@@ *Body*~&N art uses the human body as a means of *artistic*~&J *expression*~&N. Body art includes *piercing*~&V, tattooing, painting or *scarring*~&N, and it can include adornments, such as *clothes*~&N, shoes and hair *coloring*~&V .@@@ To *stop*~&V a *zipper*~&N from unzipping, you'll need a key *ring*~&N. *Attach*~&V the key ring to the zipper *pull*~&N, and *hook*~&N it over the *pants*~&N *button*~&N. @@@ *Clothes*~&N generally worn in *autumn*~&N include denim and corduroy pants, long-sleeve shirts, *jackets*~&N, *boots*~&N and *coats*~&N. *Pants*~&N are preferred in autumn over *shorts*~&N or *skirts*~&V to *keep*~&V the *legs*~&N *warm*~&J as *temperatures*~&N may *drop*~&V *significantly*~&R in many parts of the *country*~&N during this *season*~&N. Some *residents*~&N of *areas*~&N that *see*~&V *particularly*~&R cold autumn *weather*~&N also *wear*~&V *gloves*~&N, *scarves*~&N, *long*~&R *underwear*~&N, leggings or *wool*~&N *hats*~&N to *stay*~&V warm. @@@ Toenails are made from keratin, a *protein*~&N that *contributes*~&V to *nail*~&V, *skin*~&N and hair *health*~&N. To *promote*~&V the *growth*~&N of toenails, it is *important*~&J to *follow*~&V a nutritionally *balanced*~&J *diet*~&N, including *foods*~&N that promote the production of keratin, such as leafy green *vegetables*~&N and *beans*~&N .@@@ There are several home *remedies*~&N for *split*~&N fingernails, most of which are *focused*~&V on *preventing*~&V new split *nails*~&N from *forming*~&V. The *key*~&N to *treating*~&V *split*~&J fingernails at home is moisturizing and *strengthening*~&V nails so that they do n't *suffer*~&V *further*~&J *damage*~&N. @@@ To make nails *grow*~&V *faster*~&R, *eat*~&V a *healthy*~&J diet, *consume*~&V health *supplements*~&N, if necessary, moisturize your cuticles, *reduce*~&V *hand*~&N *washing*~&V, use *nail*~&N *oil*~&N, and *avoid*~&V nail *polish*~&N. *Be*~&V *consistent*~&J. *Nail*~&V *transformation*~&N *takes*~&V time, and the *exact*~&J length of time it takes *depends*~&V on *factors*~&N such as *age*~&N, health and *climate*~&N .@@@ *Someone*~&N can give himself or herself a pedicure by *soaking*~&V, exfoliating and moisturizing his or her feet before *trimming*~&V and *grooming*~&V his or her toenails. A simple pedicure can be done with a *foot*~&N *bath*~&N or *bucket*~&N that is *filled*~&V with warm water and Epsom *salt*~&N, a pumice stone or foot *scrub*~&N, a *towel*~&N, some moisturizer, a nail file, a buffer block, nail clippers, cuticle oil as well as a base and top coat of nail polish .@@@ A person can *get*~&V *better*~&J nails by *following*~&V a manicure regimen that *strengthens*~&V nails and *polishes*~&V them. The *process*~&N should *begin*~&V with filing the nails .@@@ To *apply*~&V acrylic nails, *prepare*~&V the *natural*~&J nails by *removing*~&V the *shine*~&N and applying the *appropriate*~&J *bonding*~&N *agents*~&N. *Load*~&N a nail *brush*~&N with an acrylic *bead*~&N, *pat*~&N and *smooth*~&V the acrylic over the nail, *file*~&V the nail into *shape*~&N, and buff the acrylic until it *shines*~&V .@@@ In an American manicure, the base of the nail is painted with a *nude*~&J *tone*~&N and the *tip*~&N is painted with a *neutral*~&J tone such as ivory or off-white. The American manicure is an *evolution*~&N of the French manicure .@@@ A black *shirt*~&N is in itself a *fashion*~&N *statement*~&N, so it is best to *stick*~&V to *neutrals*~&N where *ties*~&N are concerned, *choosing*~&V a black, gray or white *tie*~&N. For certain *occasions*~&N, brightly colored ties can *work*~&V against a black shirt .@@@ To determine if a Burberry *bag*~&N is real or not, *inspect*~&V the *label*~&N inside of the bag closely. *Real*~&J Burberry *bags*~&N *contain*~&V *labels*~&N that match the color of the bag and, on the underside, they will have a *code*~&N below the *words*~&N *Made*~&V in Italy. @@@ The ID or serial number on a coach handbag can be found on the *inside*~&J *lining*~&N of the bag. The number can also be found on the bag's *Certificate*~&N of Authenticity .@@@ Shoelaces commonly come in 25-inch, 32-inch, 37-inch and 42-inch *lengths*~&N, or small, medium, large and extra-large, *respectively*~&R. *Additional*~&J shoelace lengths are available for different types of shoes and boots .@@@ Cato *Fashion*~&N *states*~&V that it *sells*~&V the *latest*~&J women's and girl's trendy fashion *styles*~&N for any *occasion*~&N, whether it's work, *party*~&N or *casual*~&J *wear*~&N. The company sells junior/*misses*~&N and plus sizes, and have more than 1000 *locations*~&N in at *least*~&J 32 *states*~&N, as of 2015. @@@ Although silk ties should never be *washed*~&V and should only be *dry*~&J *cleaned*~&V in an *emergency*~&N, *stains*~&N can be *removed*~&V by applying talcum *powder*~&N or cornstarch and by *letting*~&V the tie *sit*~&V on a *radiator*~&N *overnight*~&J. *Commercial*~&J *stain*~&V removers and dry *cleaning*~&N should be used as a *last*~&J *resort*~&N only .@@@ *Purchase*~&N Costco eyeglass frames at the optical center located inside *participating*~&V Costco *stores*~&N. Most optical *centers*~&N contain the *offices*~&N of at least one *independent*~&J *doctor*~&N of optometry, as well as an eyeglasses *counter*~&V where frames, *contacts*~&N and eyeglass *accessories*~&N may be *purchased*~&V .@@@ Cartier *glasses*~&N are designer eyewear made by the French jeweler Cartier. Cartier makes glasses for both *men*~&N and women, in both *prescription*~&N and *sunglasses*~&N styles. The company also offers a line of *Precious*~&J Eyewear, eyeglass frames made of 24 carat gold and set with precious *gems*~&N .@@@ As of *March*~&N 2015, it is *unclear*~&J whether Versace has an eyewear *catalog*~&N available for home *delivery*~&N ;: however, customers can *view*~&V the Versace eyewear *collection*~&N on the company's official website and *sign*~&V up for its *email*~&N *newsletter*~&N. Versace *designs*~&V eyewear for both men and women .@@@ *Sources*~&N of *unique*~&J eyeglass *cases*~&N include Kyle *Designs*~&N and MyEyeglassCase. Ashton Inc. also sells a variety of unique cases for men's, women's and children's eyeglasses. @@@ *New*~&J ties can be purchased at *Men*~&N's Wearhouse, The *Tie*~&N *Bar*~&N and Brooks *Brothers*~&N, as of March 2015. The Tie Bar is an online merchant, while Men's Wearhouse and Brooks Brothers sell *products*~&N online and in-stores. Men's Wearhouse allows a customer to *purchase*~&V a tie online for in-store *pickup*~&N .@@@ To *clean*~&J *silver*~&N, find a large *pan*~&N, line the pan with *foil*~&N, *fill*~&V the pan with water, apply *baking*~&V *soda*~&N and salt, *leave*~&V it overnight, *rinse*~&V the silver with *hot*~&J water, and *wipe*~&V the silver with a dry cloth and *olive*~&J oil. The olive oil also *protects*~&V the silver against tarnishing. @@@ *Comprehensive*~&J *reviews*~&N on a *wide*~&J assortment of Travelpro *luggage*~&N products are available on and As of 2015, has a *larger*~&J amount of reviews on Travelpro luggage than .@@@ There are customer reviews for Bella cookware on and Overstock. Many online retailers *provide*~&V customer reviews of the products on their websites and give users the option to write their own reviews .@@@ To keep goggles from *fogging*~&V up, simply *rub*~&V a small *drop*~&N of *baby*~&N *shampoo*~&N or saliva onto the *lenses*~&N. After *evenly*~&R *distributing*~&V the *solution*~&N, give the goggles a *quick*~&J *rinse*~&N, and enjoy *perfectly*~&R *clear*~&J lenses .@@@ A Tortuga *backpack*~&N is *easy*~&J to access, strong and durable, and it meets *flight*~&N *regulations*~&N for carry-on luggage. A backpack can be cheaper, more *flexible*~&J and more *convenient*~&J than a *suitcase*~&N when *traveling*~&V .@@@ The *correct*~&J way to wear suspenders is to wear them with any *trousers*~&N, including those with *belt*~&N *loops*~&N, by *attaching*~&V the *back*~&N of the suspenders, *putting*~&V on the pants and *connecting*~&V the front of the suspenders with either a *clasp*~&N or *buttons*~&N, according to A *Tailored*~&J *Suit*~&N. Suspenders should match the *outfit*~&N or be neutral in color, never be worn with a belt at the same time and *always*~&R worn with a *formal*~&J or black-tie outfit .@@@ It helps to *consider*~&V significant dates and *events*~&N, such as *birthdays*~&N and wedding *anniversaries*~&N, when choosing a *meaningful*~&J tattoo design, according to cosmetologist and skincare *advocate*~&N Jodie Michalak of These dates can be written in various characters, such as Roman numerals. @@@ According to Liz *Cook*~&N Tattoos, it's important for people with new tattoos to *refrain*~&V from *workouts*~&N and *heavy*~&J weight *lifting*~&N until their skin has *healed*~&V and *returned*~&V to its *normal*~&J *texture*~&N. Strenuous physical activity *causes*~&V *excess*~&J *moisture*~&N on the skin that can *interfere*~&V with the healing process. @@@ According to, tattoos on the feet can rub off and *fade*~&V quicker than tattoos in other *places*~&N. This is because the skin on the feet is *constantly*~&R *rubbed*~&V and *irritated*~&J by *socks*~&N, shoes and *walking*~&V .@@@ Henna *ink*~&N *bottles*~&N and kits are available from *mass*~&N retailers, online *shopping*~&N centers and small *specialty*~&N shops. Some *craft*~&N *supply*~&N stores sell henna kits and refill ink. *Auction*~&N sites also sell henna ink .@@@ Some popular brands of body paint are Snazaroo, *Tag*~&N Body Art, *Global*~&N Colours, *Diamond*~&N FX and Cameleon Face *Paint*~&N. These body paint *manufacturers*~&N come from all over the world and their products are available internationally through their *respective*~&J online shops .@@@ defines body art quality henna as henna that has the *highest*~&J natural *dye*~&V content, is *finely*~&R sifted and has no other substance *mixed*~&V in with it. *Artists*~&N only use body art quality henna to *paint*~&V skin because it *leaves*~&V longer-lasting stains and is *easier*~&J to use to make *fine*~&J *patterns*~&N .@@@ *Painting*~&N a *swim*~&V suit onto a body is generally done with airbrushing *paints*~&N and equipment. This is considered to be the fastest, *safest*~&J and most professional option. The equipment needed includes an airbrush and an *air*~&N compressor. A *painter*~&N may use either water-based or alcohol-based paint. The *latter*~&J *lasts*~&V *longer*~&J and is water-resistant, but is also *harder*~&J to *remove*~&V. Depending on the difficulty of the design, the process can take from one to up to several hours. @@@ As of September 2014, one can get *permanent*~&J *makeup*~&N at *Appealing*~&V *Image*~&N and *Lasting*~&J *Looks*~&N, both *salons*~&N *located*~&V in Denver, Colo.. There is also a tattoo parlor called The *Blue*~&J *Door*~&N in Denver that offers permanent makeup. @@@ Body adornment is something that a person *puts*~&V on or *changes*~&N to embellish upon himself. It can beautify one's *outer*~&J *self*~&N, *heighten*~&V self-esteem, be a sign of *status*~&N or even serve as a *cultural*~&J *symbol*~&N. According to, adornment is *meant*~&V to *increase*~&V attractiveness and/or *act*~&N to create personal beautification .@@@ Chinese tattoos can be found on the Free Tattoo Designs website. The site *features*~&V a picture of the tattoo along with the meaning of the body art. @@@ *Temporary*~&J tattoos can be made at home with or without a *specialized*~&V machine and software. Temporary tattoos allow the wearer to be *creative*~&J, and they are *incredibly*~&R easy to make .@@@ Polynesian tattoos can be found on the A Polynesian Tattoo website. There are also images of Polynesian tattoos and *details*~&N about the history of the body art on the Polynesian *Tribal*~&N Tattoo website. @@@ Tattoos will fade *overtime*~&R no *matter*~&N what, but the *sun*~&N's ultraviolet *rays*~&N will *cause*~&V them to fade quicker. Other factors that can *contribute*~&V tattoo *fading*~&J are *swimming*~&V *pool*~&N chlorine, *wind*~&N and *indoor*~&J *heating*~&N .@@@ Henna *pens*~&N can be purchased from a variety of online retailers, including HennaPennaUSA, *Natural*~&J Chroma and These websites offer henna pens in a number of colors. @@@ The biohazard tattoo has been *adopted*~&V by the *gay*~&J *community*~&N as a way of telling people they are *infected*~&V with HIV or *AIDS*~&N. *Instead*~&R of the symbol being used in a *negative*~&J way, it is used to *raise*~&V *awareness*~&N for the *disease*~&N .@@@ As of August 2014, *Kids*~&N Health, Mayo *Clinic*~&N and Tattoo Info *offer*~&N *informative*~&J *advice*~&N and *general*~&J information on tattoos. As of December 2013, *approximately*~&R 45 million Americans *received*~&V, or were getting, at least one tattoo, according to *Statistic*~&N *Brain*~&N .@@@ An *ankle*~&N tattoo can be done by *almost*~&R any tattooist. According to LoveToKnow Tattoos, an ankle tattoo requires the *client*~&N to recline on a *chair*~&N or *bench*~&N and *elevate*~&V the *leg*~&N so that the tattoo artist can *reach*~&V the ankle. After getting an ankle tattoo, it's best to look after it by using an antibacterial ointment, *avoiding*~&V tight-fitting *clothing*~&N, *keeping*~&V it out of the sun and not walking long distances .@@@ It is *recommended*~&V to *wait*~&V at least 24 hours after getting a tattoo before *drinking*~&V *alcohol*~&N. *Alcohol*~&N *thins*~&V the blood which can take the tattoo's pigment off parts of the skin .@@@ The easiest *method*~&N of removing a *temporary*~&J tattoo is with baby oil. A dab of baby oil on a *cotton*~&N *ball*~&N is typically *sufficient*~&J to start *breaking*~&V up the glue and ink in the tattoo so it can be rubbed away *easily*~&R. Most temporary tattoos are made with a *combination*~&N of ink and glue, and removing them usually requires common *household*~&N products that are in most people's medicine *cabinets*~&N .@@@ Tattoos 4 Kids describes a detailed process for applying a temporary tattoo. The first *steps*~&N are to clean and *thoroughly*~&R dry the skin, then to remove the *protective*~&J film *covering*~&V the tattoo. The *next*~&J steps are to *place*~&V the tattoo face *down*~&R on the skin and then to apply *pressure*~&N to it using a *wet*~&J cloth or *sponge*~&N for 60 *seconds*~&N. The paper is then removed and the tattoo *dries*~&V .@@@ To *ensure*~&V that a foot tattoo *heals*~&N *properly*~&R, it is necessary to avoid *wearing*~&V shoes for a *couple*~&N of weeks. *Healing*~&N foot tattoos should be *kept*~&V *moist*~&J and cleaned *regularly*~&R using a *gentle*~&J, unscented *soap*~&N. @@@ The age at which a person can get a tattoo varies by state, from a total *ban*~&N on tattoos for people under the age of 18 to *laws*~&N allowing tattoos with *parental*~&J *consent*~&N and/or *presence*~&N. As of 2014, *South*~&N Carolina's laws are *stricter*~&J, requiring parental consent until age 21.@@@ Pacific Body *Jewelry*~&N and *Piercing*~&J states that new *tongue*~&N piercings should be cleaned once in the *morning*~&N and once at *night*~&N, as well as after *anything*~&N besides water is ingested for at least seven days after the initial *piercing*~&N. At the same time, the ball should be *checked*~&V to make *sure*~&J that it's firmly *attached*~&V to the barbell. *Hands*~&N should always be washed before *touching*~&V the piercing .@@@ There are many *venues*~&N that do professional piercings for the nose as well as other body parts like the *ear*~&N, *eyebrow*~&N, tongue and *lip*~&N. Some tattoo parlors may also offer a *piercing*~&J service .@@@ After a tongue piercing, an *individual*~&N should wait until the tongue has completely healed before *changing*~&V the initial ring. Depending on the person, it can take *anywhere*~&R from 2 weeks to 6 *months*~&N for a new tongue piercing to completely *heal*~&V .@@@ A *bump*~&N inside a nose piercing is *caused*~&V by an *infection*~&N from the *choice*~&N of *jewelry*~&N or granuloma *due*~&J to overgrown *tissues*~&N. According to Beautyhows, granulomas are not caused by *infections*~&N, and they generally clear away after *sometime*~&R without the *need*~&N of *medication*~&N. @@@ Body piercing laws *fall*~&V under state *legislation*~&N, which *means*~&V each state *sets*~&V their own rules for *governing*~&V the service. Some states *prohibit*~&V piercing of anyone under the age of 18, some allow body piercing for *minors*~&N as long as parental consent is *given*~&V and others have no piercing regulations set .@@@ Most states require a person to get *licensed*~&V to *become*~&V a professional piercing artist. Before applying for a *license*~&N, it is necessary to *receive*~&V *proper*~&J *training*~&N on piercing artistry, *safety*~&N and customer service. You may have to be at least 18 years old as well .@@@ *Belly*~&N button piercings are very popular with both men and women. It is very important to *go*~&V to a *licensed*~&J *professional*~&N that works in an *established*~&J piercing *shop*~&N for a *belly*~&N button piercing. *Always*~&R make sure that you are in a clean *environment*~&N and that the piercing *expert*~&N *follows*~&V all sanitation *procedures*~&N before piercing you .@@@ To take *out*~&R a nose ring, use your fingernails to *pull*~&V the stud of the nose ring, and follow the *curve*~&N of the metal that *holds*~&V the stud in place to pull it out. Before you begin, *wash*~&V your *hands*~&N, and *afterwards*~&R, sanitize both the ring and your nose .@@@ Brown shoes can match almost any color as long as its done right. It is not recommended to mix brown shoes with black. *Casual*~&J black clothing can work well with brown shoes, however black formal wear should not be worn with brown shoes of any color .@@@ As *Into*~&N *Mind*~&N *points*~&V out, *planning*~&V a wardrobe around a key *set*~&N of *pieces*~&N that *form*~&V the *basis*~&N for most of your *outfits*~&N is a great way to help you *understand*~&V your own personal style. It also helps you make *wise*~&J *choices*~&N when shopping because you are less *likely*~&J to make unwise *impulse*~&N *buys*~&V .@@@ Acrylic *sweaters*~&N do not *shrink*~&V. In fact, acrylic *fiber*~&N is more *prone*~&J to *stretching*~&V than *shrinking*~&V. *Washing*~&V instructions must be *followed*~&V to ensure that an acrylic *garment*~&N does not *lose*~&V form and become baggy .@@@ Brown is *complemented*~&V by *mixing*~&V it with other *earth*~&N *tones*~&N, such as olive green, *navy*~&N blue and *deep*~&J *reds*~&N. It is best *accented*~&V with *contrasts*~&V by mixing in *bright*~&J colors, including yellow, neon green, hot *pink*~&N and other *vibrant*~&J options .@@@ *Dressing*~&V up like a superhero typically involves wearing a *cape*~&N, a mask and a unitard or leotard with tights. Superhero *costumes*~&N can be purchased or made by hand .@@@ *Cotton*~&N is *comfortable*~&J to wear because it creates a breathable, lightweight and *soft*~&J *fabric*~&N. When it is *spun*~&V into *thread*~&N or *yarn*~&N, cotton is comfortable to wear in both cold and warm temperatures .@@@ Cotton *drill*~&N is a 100 percent cotton fabric with a strong diagonal *weave*~&N. The strength of this diagonal weave makes the fabric *useful*~&J for applications that require a durable construction. @@@ The best colors to wear for a *school*~&N photo are those that *complement*~&V the *student*~&N's choice of *background*~&N. *Students*~&N should wear *solid*~&J colors or simple patterns for the best *outcome*~&N. *Small*~&J, simple accessories also help to make a school photograph *stand*~&V out .@@@ While black pants and a blue shirt *technically*~&R do not match, they are very often worn together. *Mixing*~&V black and blue successfully depends *mostly*~&R on the shade of blue *chosen*~&V .@@@ Velcro, like *brushes*~&N, can be *fixed*~&V by removing the lint that affixes itself to the loops that make it stick *over*~&R time. This can be done with a brush or a *comb*~&N, or you can *pick*~&V the lint out with your *fingers*~&N. @@@ *Wearing*~&V a brown shirt with black pants is fine, as doing so is not considered a fashion faux *pas*~&N. Black and brown are both considered neutral colors that can be worn together, as long as the *pairing*~&N is *deliberately*~&R done .@@@ To *gain*~&V access to Chico's *secret*~&J *sale*~&N, you must *subscribe*~&V to Chico's email newsletter. After *signing*~&V up, you will be *sent*~&V *alerts*~&V for *sales*~&N and *occasional*~&J *coupons*~&N .@@@ Customizable *football*~&N jerseys can be purchased online at, and These websites all offer customization of football and *fan*~&N jerseys with names, *numbers*~&N and *logos*~&N .@@@ Ivivva *sends*~&V customers *deals*~&N via email when they *register*~&V for a free *account*~&N on the company site. *Customers*~&N can also provide their email *addresses*~&N without creating account to receive information on clothing and *accessory*~&J sales and company *news*~&N. @@@ There are several online stores that *carry*~&V *skinny*~&J khaki pants including The *Gap*~&N, Abercrombie & Fitch, and *Old*~&N *Navy*~&N. These retailers offer different colors and *variations*~&N of skinny khakis for men, women and children .@@@ In order to be *elegant*~&J, one must be well-groomed and well-dressed, display proper etiquette, *listen*~&V when other people *talk*~&N and be non-judgmental towards others. An elegant individual does not have to be *wealthy*~&J or wear the most expensive clothes since elegance is about demeanor and how one *interacts*~&V with others. @@@ The *Federal*~&N *Trade*~&N *Commission*~&N requires most types of *manufactured*~&V clothing *sold*~&V in the United States to have an attached *tag*~&N that details *care*~&V instructions. Some *garments*~&N are *exempt*~&J from this *rule*~&N, including shoes, *belts*~&N, gloves and hats. One-time-use clothing, such as some *medical*~&J *scrubs*~&N, is also exempt from *labeling*~&V .@@@ *Dress*~&N like the quintessential nerd by wearing black horn-rimmed glasses -LRB--LRB- with or without tape *holding*~&V them together -RRB--RRB-, a button-down shirt with a *pocket*~&N and pants or a *skirt*~&N that are drab or look outdated. *Add*~&V an old ill-fitting cardigan to *wrap*~&V up the look. @@@ To *tie*~&V a *bow*~&N tie, *loop*~&N it around the *neck*~&N with the right *side*~&N *hanging*~&V *longer*~&R. *Crossing*~&V the right side over the *left*~&N, *bring*~&V it under and up through the center. Horizontally *fold*~&V the *left*~&J end, *cross*~&V it with the right end, then *fold*~&J horizontally. *Tuck*~&V the right loop underneath .@@@ *Instructions*~&N on how to tie a bow tie are avaialble at, as well as at the websites The Tie Bar and *Black*~&N Tie *Guide*~&N. Although bow tie styles *differ*~&V somewhat, all ties use the same *basic*~&J *knot*~&N .@@@ Chaps *brand*~&N clothing can be *bought*~&V online at stores such as Kohl's. It can also be purchased from the Sears website .@@@ While each *degree*~&N holds a *slightly*~&R different *dress*~&N code, the *standard*~&J *member*~&N of the *Knights*~&N of Columbus *wears*~&V a tuxedo with cummerbund and a *social*~&J baldric sash along with his *pin*~&N *denoting*~&V degree *earned*~&V. The regalia dress features a *plumed*~&J chapeau and cape along with a *sword*~&N. @@@ In the world of fashion, plus-size *denotes*~&V any woman over a size 8 while in the *commercial*~&J world plus-sized is more typically used to refer to women over a size 16, according to Cosmopolitan *magazine*~&N. This divergence *occurs*~&V because of cultural beauty *standards*~&N and ideas about normal weight, as well as because of the prevalence of thinness in the modeling *industry*~&N of high fashion .@@@ *Inspecting*~&V the fine details of a *North*~&J Face Denali *jacket*~&N, such as the *logo*~&N, the *inner*~&J tag and the outer tag, will help *identify*~&V if it is an *authentic*~&J product. The price of the jacket is also a strong *indicator*~&N as to the authenticity of the *item*~&N. An authentic North Face Denali jacket *retails*~&V for between 180 and 200 ;: items *priced*~&V drastically lower than *retail*~&J value are often counterfeit .@@@ *Famous*~&N Footwear and Footlocker offer Nike shoes for sale. *Clothing*~&N shops such as Nordstrom also sell Nike shoes at a *reduced*~&V price. The Nike website has a *clearance*~&N *page*~&N *featuring*~&V *discounted*~&J shoes .@@@ A women's *shoe*~&N size can be *converted*~&V to a children's shoe size by using a *chart*~&N to *compare*~&V the *inch*~&N lengths of each shoe size to find a *match*~&N. As of 2014, Zappos provides a *handy*~&J online chart that *lists*~&V shoe sizes in U.S. sizes, U.K. sizes, European sizes, inches and *centimeters*~&N. *Shoe*~&N sizes vary by a quarter-inch for women's and children's sizes, and are thus *comparable*~&J .@@@ In order to achieve a ballerina bun, *secure*~&V the hair into a high ponytail, wrap the ponytail to create a bun, and secure with bobby *pins*~&N .@@@ *Freelance*~&N tattoo *writer*~&N Jodie Michalak *suggests*~&V *asking*~&V for *recommendations*~&N and *taking*~&V a *tour*~&N of local tattoo shops to find the best shop for individual needs and *preferences*~&N. She suggests *shopping*~&V around to find an artist who offers *creativity*~&N, trustworthiness and cleanliness. *Furthermore*~&R, Michalak *explains*~&V that the *busiest*~&J, most popular tattoo shops are n't *necessarily*~&R the best *fit*~&N for everyone .@@@ *Cocktail*~&N attire is a type of dress code that *calls*~&V for the men to wear a jacket and slacks, with or without a tie, and for the women to wear knee-length *dresses*~&N or a skirt *paired*~&V with a *blouse*~&N. Cocktail attire is typically *informal*~&J, festive and *fun*~&N. @@@ *Lever*~&N 2000 products contain sunflower *seed*~&N oil, aloe and *vitamin*~&N E as well as lipids and glycerin to *soothe*~&V the skin and help it *retain*~&V its moisture. Lever 2000 soap *contains*~&V lipid, petrolatum and glycerin to impart *extra*~&J moisture to skin .@@@ Anti-aging face *masks*~&N *improve*~&V the overall appearance of the skin by *repairing*~&V *cell*~&N damage and *evening*~&N skin tone. They may also reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, *increase*~&N elasticity, and reduce puffiness around the *eyes*~&N .@@@ The *benefits*~&N of using Maybelline Ultra *Brow*~&N *Powder*~&N include *darker*~&J, more defined *eyebrows*~&N and a generally natural *brow*~&N appearance. This product has been discontinued by Maybelline, as of 2015. @@@ *Individuals*~&N who want to make their own *facial*~&J masks can use *ingredients*~&N they find in their *kitchen*~&N *cupboards*~&N. *Facial*~&J masks as simple as mashed-up *banana*~&N and *honey*~&N can improve the complexion .@@@ Many different pants colors will complement a navy blue blazer, including gray, lighter denim and khakis, *Business*~&N Insider *notes*~&N. A person can also *pair*~&V their blazer with pants that are brown or green .@@@ The value of a 1-ounce gold bar is available on websites that provide gold research and *analysis*~&N, such as and The value of gold *bars*~&N varies with the *spot*~&N price of gold but also with the country of *origin*~&N. @@@ Customers from the United States can *order*~&V the ZCLIP Le *Mans*~&N *money*~&N clip from, and the product *ships*~&N from a Texas *warehouse*~&N. Non-U.S. customers order from ;: the product ships from a Canadian warehouse .@@@ It is possible to *tra

What are aerial animals ? . Aerial^J animals^N are^V animals that can transport^V themselves in the air either by gliding^V or flying^V. In addition^N to many^J species of birds and insects, many other^J types^N of animals are aerial^J as^R well^R.

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