Developmental Psychology

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96.​As a young single mother, Dameka is concerned about the effects of sending her six-week-old child to day care, but she has to go to work. Which of the following is most likely to result in an insecure attachment between Dameka and her baby? A day-care center that a.​is insensitive to each individual baby's needs. b.​allows the moms to come in and out, disrupting the day. c.​encourages independence in the children. d.​strongly promotes academic success and achievement.


Infant Izzie is most likely to stare at a.​her mother's face. b.​the dainty pastel flowers in the wallpaper in her room. c.​the fuzzy, all-white bunny in her crib. d.​the life-size teddy bear sitting across the room.


​Nellie has just discovered that she is pregnant. She is a smoker and knows she should quit because nicotine is especially harmful to the fetus during the __________ stage of development and leads to __________. a.​embryonic; low birth weight b.​embryonic; intellectual disability c.​fetal; loss of limbs d.​fetal; brain damage


​When you go over to visit your friend's new baby, your friend exclaims, "Watch this! Every time I touch his cheek, he turns his mouth towards my finger!" Because you've taken psychology, you know that this phenomenon is called the __________ reflex. a.​rooting b.​grasping c.​sucking d.​complementary


​You are an organism at some point during your prenatal development. Just seconds ago, your complete set of DNA was assembled for the first time. Right now, you are a(n) a.​zygote. b.​embryo. c.​germ. d.​fetus.


​Andrea has a box of crayons. If Andrea is in the preoperational stage described by Piaget, which of the following is she most likely to do with the crayons? a.​Put the crayons in her mouth b.​Draw a picture of her family dog c.​Complete her long-division homework d.​Write a poem about freedom


​Baby Fedelia discovers a red chili-pepper on the floor and calls it "candy." After she puts the chili-pepper in her mouth, she realizes that it is not at all like candy. According to Piaget, this experience will most likely result in a.​object permanence. b.​accommodation. c.​assimilation. d.​conservation.


​Parents try to channel children's impulses into socially acceptable outlets and teach them the skills and rules needed to function in society. This process is known as a.​culture-training. b.​socialization. c.​authoritarian parenting. d.​authoritative parenting.


​According to Piaget, the end of the sensorimotor stage is marked by a.​the disappearance of egocentrism. b.​mastery of conservation tasks. c.​the appearance of logical thought. d.​the ability to form mental representations.


​Lilianna's pregnancy is in the fetal stage. All of the fetus's organs have developed and are functional, but they are immature. The fetus can also respond to light and touch. What month of pregnancy is Lilianna in? a.​2 b.​4 c.​6 d.​8


​When little Augustus is given his first vitamin pill, he says, "Yea!!! Candy!!!!" According to Piaget, this is an example of a.​assimilation. b.​accommodation. c.​egocentrism. d.​object permanence.


Serena is pregnant and has just been informed by her doctor that her baby's heart, eyes, hands, and feet are beginning to develop. Therefore, Serena is careful to avoid __________ during this __________ stage of development. a.​teratogens; embryonic b.​teratogens; fetal c.​alcohol and smoke; zygotic d.​alcohol and smoke; fetal


​Elliott's authoritarian parents have set a curfew of midnight for him on weekend nights. When Elliott comes home at 12:30 a.m. (after curfew) and explains he was late because of car trouble, his parents most likely will a.​punish Elliott without discussion. b.​accept Elliott's explanation and decide not to punish him. c.​explain to Elliott that he made a mistake and needs to be punished. d.​do nothing.


​Ephraim is a bully on the third-grade playground. After he pushed little Gideon around, Gideon says to Ephraim, "Something must have happened to you as a baby that caused you to be such a jerk. Maybe you were dropped on your head." Ephraim replies, "Shut up, wimp! I was born to rule." Ephraim and Gideon are engaged in a debate that reflects the issue of a.​nature and. nurture. b.​authoritarian and authoritative parenting styles. c.​genotype and phenotype. d.​assimilation and accommodation.


​Hannah's behavior depends largely on reflexes rather than on voluntary control over her movements. Hannah is most likely a.​less than six months old. b.​six to twelve months old. c.​twelve to eighteen months old. d.​eighteen to twenty-four months old.


​If you were making an argument for the cognitive factors in developing gender roles, what piece of evidence would you provide? a.​Children develop their own gender schemas for how they should act. b.​Parents speak to boys and girls differently. c.​Research of nonhuman primates show some sex differences. d.​Peers influence what activities children are drawn to.


​Rashaun watches his toy disappear behind the couch and immediately looks away toward another toy. According to Piaget, Rashaun is most likely age __________ and in the __________ stage. a.​one; sensorimotor b.​one; preoperational c.​three; sensorimotor d.​three; preoperational


​Seth wants his little girl, Tessa, to grow up to be friendly, self-reliant, and cooperative. According to Baumrind, Seth may want to consider adopting a(n) __________ parenting style. a.​authoritative b.​permissive c.​authoritarian d.​conventional


​Two-year-old Aviva and her father are separated in the grocery store for a few minutes. When Aviva sees that her father is gone, she becomes distressed. When Aviva's father returns, Aviva smiles happily and gives him a hug. What kind of attachment does Aviva most likely have? a.​Secure b.​Ambivalent c.​Avoidant d.​Disorganized


Margarite is going to have a baby. Dr. Cortez tells her that there is a critical period in which her baby's organs and limbs must grow or else they never will. Which stage of prenatal development is Dr. Cortez describing? a.​Zygote b.​Embryonic c.​Fetal d.​Gestational


​By one month of age, babies will stare longest at which of the following? a.​Objects with little contrast b.​Human faces or face-like drawings c.​Colorful, small-patterned wallpaper d.​Stationary objects


​Cheri, a first-grader, acts immature for her age. She frequently throws temper tantrums in school and is very dependent on her mother and teacher. She strikes others as a fairly unhappy child. Cheri's parents are most likely a.​authoritative. b.​permissive. c.​authoritarian. d.​ambivalent.


​Mark has always put his career first. He does not spend much time with his two sons and lets them come and go as they please without question. According to the textbook, Mark's parenting style is best characterized as a.​permissive. b.​uninvolved. c.​authoritarian. d.​ambivalent.


​Mr. Nguyen is a very warm and caring boss. He often meets with his employees to discuss their work. His employees know what the rules are and why they help make the company more productive. If Mr. Nguyen's parenting style is similar to his managerial style, it will be a.​permissive. b.​authoritative. c.​neglectful. d.​authoritarian.


​Newborns typically exhibit a.​well-developed vision. b.​preference for certain smells. c.​an inability to discriminate between different tastes. d.​hearing that is sharper than that of the average adult.


​The main focus of developmental psychology is the study of a.​whether nature or nurture causes behavior. b.​how people change across the lifespan. c.​the psychosocial stages of development. d.​the maturation of children.


​The term tabula rasa refers to Locke's belief that a.​altering people's inherent personality "slates" is impossible. b.​human development is influenced primarily by the environment. c.​children develop according to an invariable set of stages. d.​humans are born with a natural propensity toward goodness.


​Tosha is going to have a baby, but she smokes, takes cough syrup, and drinks wine with dinner each night. This behavior is very likely to endanger her baby's development, especially in the __________ stage. a.​zygotic b.​embryonic c.​fetal d.​neonatal


​Tyra is pregnant. Her doctor tells her that at this stage of the baby's development, it can kick, can turn its head, can open its eyes, and already has taste buds. Tyra's baby is in the __________ stage of prenatal development. a.​zygotic b.​fetal c.​embryonic d.​critical


​Veruca's mother is buying breakfast cereal. Even though there is more cereal in the wide plastic containers than in the tall, thin boxes, Veruca cries, "I want the box Mommy because I want more!" According to Piaget, Veruca has not yet mastered __________, which means she is probably in the __________ stage of cognitive development. a.​conservation; concrete operational b.​conservation; preoperational c.​object permanence; concrete operational d.​object permanence; preoperational


​While at a friend's house, Maggie steps into the kitchen and leaves her infant daughter Mikala in the living room. Maggie returns a minute later and sits down to comfort Mikala. Upon doing so, Mikala becomes distressed and begins to cry incessantly. It appears that Mikala and Maggie have a(n) __________ attachment style. a.​permissive b.​disorganized c.​avoidant d.​secure


​While at the dentist office, Judith leaves her infant son Patrick for a few minutes with the nurse while she uses the restroom. Upon her return, Patrick does not pay any attention to Judith. Based on this interaction, one could surmise that Patrick has developed a(n) __________ attachment style. a.​secure b.​avoidant c.​disorganized d.​ambivalent


​Yoko is frequently ridiculed by a clique of popular girls in her class. Rather than letting the girls see how hurt she is by their remarks, she politely smiles in their presence and becomes friendly with some of the boys in her class to create a buffer between herself and the girls.Yoko's actions are best described as an example of a.​empathetic cooperation. b.​self-regulation. c.​schematic socialization. d.​gender roles.


​You are a contestant on a new game show "Psychologize!" You select a question on attachment, and the host asks you to complete the following: As an infant, Bernard's attachment is described as inconsistent, disturbed, and disturbing. You conclude that Bernard has a(n) __________ attachment behavior. a.​avoidant b.​secure c.​disorganized d.​ambivalent


Tavis is in Piaget's concrete operations stage of development. Accordingly, Tavis has recently learned to a.​understand, create, and use symbols that represent things that are not present. b.​take in new information about objects by using existing schemas. c.​understand conservation, add, subtract, and measure. d.​engage in hypothetical thinking and abstract reasoning.


​Developmental psychology is best defined as the study of a.​children's thought processes and moral reasoning. b.​the physical changes that occur in the womb and during the childhood years. c.​the social, cognitive, and physical changes that occur over the course of the life span. d.​the influence of genes on the behaviour of infants, children, adolescents, and adults.


​Jean Piaget explained that people form generalizations as they experience the world, which help them to organize past experiences and provide a framework for understanding future experiences. These generalizations are called a.​scripts. b.​periods. c.​schemas. d.​stages.


​Little Tara is having lots of fun exploring her aunt's home while her mom and aunt are talking. She crawls into other rooms for brief periods and then makes her way back to her mom. Tara may climb into her mom's lap for a while, but it isn't long until she is off exploring some other room. Tara is exhibiting a.​infant hyperactivity. b.​an insecure attachment. c.​a secure attachment. d.​sensorimotor play.


​Magdelana is a newborn who lives with both parents and is being breast-fed. Which of the following is most likely true about her senses? a.​Her vision is as sharp as it will ever be. b.​Magdelana can hear as well as the average adult. c.​She has developed a preference for the scent of her mother, compared to the scent of other women. d.​She has a preference for low-pitched sounds and voices.


​Teratogens are especially damaging in the __________ stage, because this stage is a critical period in prenatal development, an interval during which certain kinds of growth must occur if development is to proceed normally. a.​germinal b.​prenatal c.​embryonic d.​fetal


​Trina's parents gave her complete freedom while she was growing up, rarely disciplining her. Her parents' parenting style would most likely be called __________, and Trina was likely __________ as a young girl. a.​authoritarian; distrustful b.​authoritative; friendly c.​permissive; dependent d.​permissive; self-reliant


​Velma has low self-esteem and is prone to aggressive and angry outbursts. She is moody and tends to disobey her teachers when they tell her to pay attention or complete her homework. Based on these behavior patterns, Velma is most likely being raised by a(n) __________ parent. a.​authoritarian b.​permissive c.​uninvolved d.​authoritative


Julio was not able to go to school because his family was poor and in his country school was not free. His lack of schooling is most likely to a.​contribute to role confusion. b.​leave him with a sense of isolation. c.​decrease his concrete operational skills. d.​decrease his formal operational skills.


​A researcher is interested in how the aging process changes parent-child relationships. The researcher is most likely a __________ psychologist. a.​Gestalt b.​biological c.​cognitive d.​developmental


​Dr. Friendly is giving baby Abdullah his six-month physical. The doctor notices that Abdullah has fewer reflexive actions than he did as a newborn. Dr. Friendly says to Abdullah's mother and father, "Your child a.​may have some slight brain damage." b.​may be suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome." c.​has an insecure attachment." d.​is developing normally."


​Eight-year-old Robin excels at reading, writing, and spelling but has a harder time when asked to manipulate objects or construct three-dimensional forms. Based on this information, what is Robin's gender? a.​It is equally probable that Robin is a boy or a girl. b.​There is no way of knowing Robin's gender from the information given. c.​Robin is probably a boy. d.​Robin is probably a girl. ANS: D


​If Walt has developed an avoidant attachment style with his father, Michael, how will he respond when Michael returns to the room after a brief departure? Walt will a.​cry and beg for Michael to hold him. b.​cry for Michael, yet look away with disinterest. c.​smile and pay attention to Michael's return. d.​not notice that Michael has gone and returned.


​Linda and Stu are the parents of two teenagers. Stu likes to reason with the children and discuss the limits he is setting. Linda likes to lay down the law and take no arguments from the children. According to the textbook, Stu displays a(n) __________ parenting style, and Linda displays a(n) __________ parenting style. a.​authoritarian; authoritative b.​authoritative; controlling c.​permissive; controlling d.​authoritative; authoritarian


​Mehmet thinks that his Teddy Bear will be very sad when he leaves for a vacation for a week. He thinks that it might even get sick because he will not be there to care for it. According to Piaget, Mehmet is most likely in the __________ stage and is displaying __________. a.​sensorimotor; animism b.​preoperational; egocentrism c.​sensorimotor; egocentrism d.​preoperational; animism


​Nathan, who is three years old, tried to feed a cookie to his sister's hamster and was surprised when the hamster refused to eat the cookie. Because Nathan assumed that hamsters like the same kinds of food as little kids, his schema for hamsters needs to be __________, according to Piaget. a.​expanded b.​organized c.​assimilated d.​accommodated


​Tamara, a four-year-old, goes to see a movie at the theatre with her parents. As the movie begins playing, she is amazed by the size of the screen and tells her parents, "We need to get a TV that big at home." Tamara has fit the movie screen into her "TV" schema through a.​scripting. b.​generalized event representations. c.​accommodation. d.​assimilation.


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