Deviant Behavior Final

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Current law in all states defines drunk driving as operating a car while one's blood alcohol level is:


Rates of prostitution over time:

61. Have decreased steadily except for periodic increases in wartime

Which of the following groups has the highest alcoholism rate

? French

Homophobia is:

A & B

. Anorexia and bulimia are more likely to occur among which type of person

A Women

Throughout the Middle Ages, prostitution was seen as:

A necessary evil

"Coming out" is:

A process

Women have lower rates of problem drinking than men because

A smaller portion of women drink

Which of the following is NOT one of the principal components of a predictable suicide syndrome, according to Ringel?

Acceptance of one's lot in life and blaming of others for one's situation

146. People with physical disabilities often encounter

All of the above

The normative definition of mental health is based on three important sociological criteria. Which of the following is NOT one of those criteria

All of the above are the correct three criteria

Why has female sexual slavery persisted?

All the Above

Critics of prostitution argue that:

All the above

Jimmy and his siblings are hungry and live in a poor country. He thinks that if he kills himself, his sisters and brothers will have more food to eat and he will not be a burden on the rest of the family. He kills himself for the perceived benefit of his family. Which type of suicide did Jimmy commit?


_____ suicides reflect reaction so excessive regulation perceived to block future improvements in one's life. Examples might be suicides by slaves or prisoners of war


A wide range of compulsive acts are thought to effectively relieve stress as well as


Biological claims for an inherited tendency toward homosexual behavior:

Are supported by limited research

The medical literature began documenting instances of anorexia during which time period?

Around a century ago before WW1

. Mental patients of _____ origin tend to perceive the mentally ill in magical terms


Which Roman emperor created new laws to encourage marriage and having children?


A 1990 study found that the homosexual brain features an enlarged suprachiasmatic nucleus compared that of the heterosexual brain. This type of research falls under what perspective?


Which of the following is NOT an organic mental disorder?

Bipolar Disorder

In Ireland

Boys are entered into manhood when offered a dfrink in the company of older men.

This type of prostitute enjoys the highest status of any type of prostitute

Call Girl

Which of the following is NOT an argument used by prostitutes to justify their practices?

Clients of prostitutes would be committing other crimes if they weren't with the prostitutes

The term ______ denotes the use of computers to flirt, exchange romantic messages, and acquire sexual satisfaction online


Studies have found that as of 2013 military suicides rates have ________________.


Community mental health programs are part of the ______ movement


123. John is unable to speak because a portion of his brain that helps one talk is damaged. The inability to speak is a(n) _________.


If a disabled person retreats from social confrontation and passively accepts a deviant role as a way to manage stigma, sociologists call this method:


Individuals may develop relationships over the Internet and participate in cybersex to acquire sexual gratification. Many individuals meet in chat rooms and use aliases, otherwise known as:


Which of the following is true regarding schizophrenia?

No single theory of schizophrenia has yet achieved dominance among all observers

Homosexual communities

None of the above

Which of the following is NOT a functional disorder


Which association developed the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM -IV).

The American Psychiatric Association

Some argue that physician-assisted suicide violates _____ and its prohibition on hastening death.

The Hippocratic Oath

What is a significant reason for the decline of mental hospitals?

The dramatic increase in the use of psychotropic drugs

Those who attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are more likely than other problem drinkers

To lose long time drinking companions

Drinking often creates and dominates the occasion for a group to come together in which country?

United States

Alcohol affects

Virtually every organ system in the body

____ persons experience mental disorders of all sorts more often than others do.


Subcultures for those with the disabled

all of the above

The Alcoholism and Intoxication Treatment Act of 1971 recommended:

b and c: decriminalization of public drunkenness & the establishment of publicly operated detoxification centers

The relationship between the disabled and the able-bodied is strained because the disabled:

can never lear the sick role

Ted has taken on a homosexual way of life and has disclosed his homosexual identity to friends and family members. Ted is currently going through the _____ stage of the coming out process.


People with disabilities employ the same general processes of stigma management that serve:

other deviants

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding drunk driving?

proportion of crashes in which the driver was drunk has been increasing

Career disability results from

role adaption

Sexuality emerges from a _____ process.


When first discovered HIV was known as

GRID: gay related immune deficiency

Which of the following is NOT true of public drinking houses

they do not facilitate group drinking

Most prostitutes contract AIDS as a result of:

Intravenous drug use

Twenty-five percent of those with AIDS in the U.S. became exposed through:

Intravenous drug use

All of the following occupations encourage heavy problem drinking except:

Occupations that encourage heavy problem drinking are: sales, advertising, music, and food criticism

It is best to see disabilities as the sociology:

Of Difference

Male _______________ want to appear feminine, but they seek an image of femininity divorced from everyday lives of most mothers, wives, and other women.


145. In 2006, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that the Americans Disabilities Act protects persons held in a state prison and ordered the state to accommodate the inmates. What was the name of this case?

United States v. Georgia

In order to manage stigma, a disabled person may engage in all of the following methods except:


When female strippers "play the customers" and establish a relationship with customers to elicit good tips, this is called:

counterfeit intimacy

______ provides the strongest predictive power for stress among men.


Prostitution is currently legal in parts of which state?


A 1989 study by Fumento found that this percent of men participated "fairly often" as adults in homosexual relations.


It is estimated by one expert that as much as ____ of all cosmetic surgeries require revision.


suicide is the _____ leading cause of death in the U.S:


In which century did Western societies distinguish different types of dependents and develop specialized welfare services to the blind?


The _____ amendment to the U.S. constitution outlawed the manufacturing and sale of alcoholic beverages and the _____ amendment repealed the previous amendment

18th and 21st

Alcoholics Anonymous was created in:


142. The Americans with Disabilities Act was passed in _____.


Germany legalized prostitution in what year?


Kinsey found that ______ percent of men experience homosexual contact at some time in their lives.


About ____ % of Americans find suicide morally unacceptable


144. According to the National Organization of Disabilities, almost _____ Americans aged 5 or older live with disabilities that interfere with the completion of at least one major life task.

54 million

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (2009), about _____ million Americans experience a mental disorder in the course of a year.


Suicide prevention centers that attempt to offer counseling and other assistance were pioneered at what point in history?

After WW2

The largest cause of death by suicide is


Which two drugs cause more physical, medical, social, and psychological problems than any other drugs?:

Alcohol & Tobacco

Sexual norms vary by:

All of the Above

Which of the following is NOT a cost of alcoholism

All of the Above

148. Which of the following is one of the elements that make up the sick role?

All of the above

Compared to younger people, the suicide notes of older people reflect a lesser likelihood to display:

All of the above

Scheff's theory of mental disorder is helpful, according to the textbook, because:

All of the above

Successful adaptation to stress includes

All of the above

Which of the following is TRUE of suicide notes:

All of the above

Durkheim believed that suicide rates were best explained by:

Social Integration

There has been ___________ in tolerance of homosexuality among most groups of people in the general population.

An increase

Cornelius always wanted to build a successful business and become a millionaire. Just before he turns 40, he "goes public" and his business is publicly traded on the stock market. This move makes him a millionaire. After he celebrates, he no longer knows what to do with his life. He feels "lost" and his life no longer has any meaning. He then takes his own life. What type of suicide did Cornelius commit?


_______ are known to only take clients on referrals from known and trusted sources.

Call Girls

These types of alcohol drinkers usually exhibit compulsions after continual drinking.

Chronic Alcoholics

The ______ definition of mental health relies on the individual judgment of a practitioner.


Deviant identities from disabilities stem from


What determines patterns of alcohol consumption by blacks?


The Southern Baptist Convention voted to boycott _______ because of the company's decision to provide health care benefits to partners of employees.

Disney Company

The social effects of stigma on top of the physical limitations associated with disabilities are together sometimes referred to as a:

Double disease

______ developed a theory of suicide and classified four types of suicide (egoistic, altruistic, anomic, and fatalistic).


Miller speculates that certain necessary characteristics define essential conditions for the development of homosexual communities. These include the following except

Economic dependence and lack of social mobility

Paula lacks the social support of an interpersonal group to help her with her relationship and workplace problems. For these individualistic reasons, she kills herself. What type of suicide best fits her situation?


The term "homosexuality" was defined in 1869 by K.M. Benkert as:

Failure to achieve a normal erection during contact with someone of the opposite sex

124. Sarah has a damaged optic nerve, cannot see, and therefore cannot drive a car. Her inability to drive a car is an example of a(n) ______


147. The term ______________ refers to the limitation with normal activities of self-care and mobility that results from an impairment


Recent estimates show that alcohol consumption in the US

Has Decreased

Sociologists would argue that someone is homosexual if:

He or she has a homosexual identity

Which of the following statements is true?

Heavy Drinking remains high among college students but more are abstaining than in the past

AIDS spreads in Africa largely through

Heterosexual intercourse

Which among the following social categories contains the highest proportion of drinkers?

High Income

The largest number of homosexuals report the development of a gay identity during which life period?

High School or college years

_____ persons are diagnosed with schizophrenia at twice the rate as whites


Political considerations influenced psychiatrists' decision to eliminate which disorder from the DSM?


______ is the social preference, but not necessarily an erotic attraction, for one's own gender.


The largest factor that separates depressed people who commit suicides from depressed people who do not is


Staci feels attracted to other females but denies those feelings to herself, or at least doesn't act on them. Which stage of the coming out process is Staci going through ?

Identity confusion

Bubba has a damaged inner ear. This condition is a(n) _______.


People who eventually become homosexuals tend to acquire sex role identification:

In childhood

Which of the following statements is true?

In developed countries, suicide rates increase with age


Is learned behavior

Which of the following strongly condemns suicide?

Islamic Countries

In Miller v. California, the Supreme Court argued that certain materials can be classified as obscene and banned if an average person applying contemporary community standards would find all of the following except that

It brings sexual satisfation

Which of the following is true of the DSM

It has replaced the expression mental illness with mental disorder

The Michigan doctor that has been part of the debate on physician-assisted suicide due to his insistence on helping those with terminal illnesses that wish to commit suicide is:

Jack Kevorkian

Which of the following philosophers condemned suicide as contrary to reason and therefore an offense?


The term ______________ comes from the name of the Greek island of Lebos, where the Greek poetess Sappho led a group of women in a network of homosexual relationships.


Which of the following is NOT a factor that accounts for changes in contemporary attitudes toward sex?

More narrow standards of acceptable gender related expressions

One drug used to treat alcohol addiction is:


Some evidence about pornography indicates:

Narrowing conceptions of pornography and increased tolerance for pornography.

Alcohol-related death rates are highest among

Native Americans

Rates of mental illness are highest for those in the

Lower Class

According to Ross, effective deterrence against drunk driving would require all of the following except:

Lowering the minimum drinking age

Lower rates of suicide occur among those who are:


Which of the following is least likely to be depressed or schizophrenic


Same-sex marriage is legal in:

Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, Connecticut, Iowa, New Hampshire and California

Which model of alcoholism sees alcoholism as a disease?


Both male and female adolescent prostitutes have the same type of typical customer?

Middle Age (30-50) usually white men from a variety of backgrounds

Attitudes toward obesity as deviant rest upon ______ foundations


Which of the following is likely to have the most permissive attitudes about extramarital sex?

More highly Educated

The high amount of social stigma obese people receive today became common

Only recently

The first state to permit physician-assisted suicide, according to the text, is


_____ disorders are those thought to be caused by specific organisms, brain injuries, or other physiological factors.


Those who experience some problem as a result of their drinking, regardless of how much they consume or of the circumstances surrounding the drinking, are called

Problem drinkers

Stress is most closely associated with which conflicts?

Social Roles

Which of the following statements is false?

Prostitution is rarely found outside western and central/ south American societies

Supporters of prostitution such as COYOTE argue:

Prostitution is simply a service occupation

The suicide rate in the U.S. overall is higher for:


In Great Britain, a network of volunteer organizations works to prevent suicide. They combine elements of _____________ and _____________ when counseling suicidal individuals.

Religion and Psychotherapy

Most anorexics and bulimics:

Report high educational aspirations

A(n) _____ violation of norms is a violation not covered by other specific behavioral expectations.

Residual norm

Historically, Chinese societies accepted suicide as an effective tool of ________________ against the enemy.


The F.B.I. reported that arrests made for public drunkenness and alcohol related crimes constituted a high percentage of all arrests made by the police in the Unites States in 2007. Those arrested for public drunkenness also have high recidivism rates and some have applied the term ________________ to the flow of public drunkenness cases through the criminal

Revolving Door

Most of the women who admit to the heaviest amounts of drinking show signs of

Role deprivation

. ______ argued that mental disorders are a result of playing the role of a mentally disordered person.


The term used to describe those that engage in a wide variety of activities such as prostitution, erotic massage, and exotic dancing is called:

Sex Work

Joe internalizes a homosexual sexual role and develops a self-concept consistent with that sex role's expectations. Joe's situation is best described as:

Sex role preference

_______ describes the desire to adopt behavior patterns associated with one sex or the other, or the perception of this behavior as preferable to alternatives.

Sex role preference

_____ are collections of norms that define socially accepted male and female behavior.

Sex roles

Change in the attitudes toward specific sexual practices to include permissiveness acts such as premarital sex, cohabitation, spouse swapping, and phone sex can be classified as:

Sexual Revolution

Which of the following is NOT part of the sick role?

Significant others are required to assist a sick individual

Which of the following is NOT a strategy that attempts to block opportunities for drunk driving?

Smith and Beecham Monitors

When societies develop a shared conception of the criteria for insanity, Scheff calls this __________________.

Social institution of insanity

Eating disorders ultimately result from:

Socially determined Motivation

Some measure mental disorders by focusing on numerical averages that evaluate the incidence of various behaviors, with the highest scores highlighting the practices in the middle of the range, which then represent normality. What type of definition is used for this mental disorder method?


Which of the following types of prostitutes is the most common?


Which of the following is NOT an example of indirect suicide?

Suicide bomber blowing himself up

Co-marital sexual relations between two or more married couples are known as _____________.


Staff members at suicide prevention centers carry out much of their initial contact by which method?


According to the United Nations, virgin or honor suicides are most likely to occur in

The middle east

In one study that showed various drawings to children and asked them to indicate their preferences among the pictured children as friends, the children were least likely to pick which drawn child?

The obese child

Most judgments of sexual deviation consider all of the following characteristics except:

The religiosity of the participants

People probably set the highest value on the cherished ability to:


The homosexual rights movement began on the West coast after what period in U.S. history

World War 2

Sandy is unable to read ordinary newspaper print, even with perfectly fitted glasses. Sandy would be best described as someone who is:

functionally blind

143. The Americans With Disabilities Act applied to all of the following kinds of people except:

having or being perceived to have a physical or mental impairment

Self-reports of disability peak during periods of

high unemployment and generally depressed economic activity

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