Dialog: Car Inspection
Budi: Tapi saya perlu ban serep untuk bisa membawa mobil ini ke bengkel.
Budi: But I need a spare tire to bring it to the garage.
Budi: Berapa banyak Pak John?
Budi: How much, Sir?
Budi: Baiklah Pak.
Budi: OK, Sir.
Budi: Tentu saja Pak John. Ada apa ya? Apa yang bisa saya bantu?
Budi: Of course, Pak John. What is it? What can I help you with?
Budi: Baiklah Pak. Saya telepon ceapt-cepat ya.
Budi: Sure thing, Sir. I will call quickly.
Budi: Bannya bocor Pak.
Budi: The tire is punctured, Sir.
Budi: Wah, tidak ada Pak. Bagaimana ya?
Budi: Well, there is no spare tire, Sir. What can we do?
Budi: Wah, goresan baru. Kemarin tidak ada goresan ini.
Budi: Well, this is a new scratch. There was no scratch yesterday.
John: Mari ikut saya. Saya akan kasi lihat.
John: Come follow me. I will show you.
John: Minta tolong bannya ditambal dan diisi angin sebanyak 31 p.s.i ya.
John: Could you pleae help patch the tire and fill it up with air as much as 31 p.s.i?
John: Bisa minta tolong dicat nanti sesudah bannya ditambal dan diisi bensinnya?
John: Could you please have it painted later after you have the tire patched and the gas tank filled up?
John: Maaf Pak Budi. Boleh minta tolong?
John: Excuse me, Mr. Budi. May I ask for a favor?
John: Kalau begitu, tolong dipanggilkan mobil derek.
John: If that's so, could you call a tow truck?
John: Penuh.
John: Make it full.
John: Pak Budi, ada goresan panjang dan dalam di sebelah ini. Coba diperiksa.
John: Mr. Budi, there is a long and deep scratch on this side of the car. Could you check please?
John: Coba dicari di dalam bagasi belakang. Ada atau tidak?
John: Please look for it in the trunk at the back of the care. Is it there or not?
John: Terima-kasih banyak, Pak Budi.
John: Thank you so much, Mr. Budi.
John: Oh ya, bensinnya hampir habis. Tolong nanti diisi bensin ya.
John: You know, the gas is almost gone. Could you fill it up later, please?
John: Ban mobil dinas itu kelihatan kempes. Betul?
John:That office car seems to be flat. Is that correct?