digestive system

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*Number of INCISORS in each quadrant of the adult mouth *Number of CANINES in each quadrant of the adult mouth

growth + insulin

2 homrones that stimulate the uptake of amino acids by cells


Cutting or Chewing surface with one or more Cusps

circular folds

FOLDS in the mucosal and submucosal layers that run perpendicular to teh long axis of the digestive tract

ileocecal junction

JUNCTION between the ileum and large intestine


The ___ form the lateral walls of the oral cavity


___ consists of three fatty acids bound to glycerol


___ secreted by the pancreas and intestinal absorptive cells digests the lipids

water + salts

absorbed from chyme in the production of feces


another function of the liver is to ___ fat, vitamines, copper and ionr


another function that the liver performs is the ___ of nutrients in which the proportion of nutrients is controlled...

hard palate

anterior bony portion of the roof of the oral cavity


arrangement that lists the parts in order food encounters them


begins in the stomach most occurs in the duodenum and jujunum although some occurs in the ileum


bile salts for around the small lipid droplets to form ___


blind sac that extends inferiorly past the ileocecal junction

hepatic veins

blood exits the liver through ___


breackdown of chemical bonds of organci molecules by digestive enzymes

pancreatic duct

carries digestives enzymes joins the common bile duct

goblet cells

cells in duodenal mucosa that produce mucus

absorptive cells

cells in duodenal mucosa with microvilli produce digestive enzymes and absorb food

pulp cavity

center of the tooth contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue

esophageal sphincter

circular muscles that regulate the movement of food into and out of the esophagus


collection of lymphoid tissue located in the lateral posterior walls of the oral cavity

periodontal ligaments

connective tissue that holds teeth in the alveoli

pancreatic amylase

continues polysaccharide digestion that started in the oral cavity


cytoplasmic extensions from cells on the surface of villi

primary teeth

deciduous teeth; also called milk teeth


dense, fibrous connective tissue, and MOIST stratified squamous epithelium that cover alveolar ridges

is living calcified cellular material


pharyngeal constrictor muscles push food into the esophagus

during swallowing

pancreatic islets

endocrine portion of the pancreas that produces insulin and glucagon


enzyme in the serous portion of saliva that has a weak antibacterial action


enzyme in the stomach that breaks down proteins into smapper polypeptide chaind


enzyme produced by the pancreas that continues the digestion of proteins started in the stomach produces small peptide chains


enzyme produced from the converison of pepsinogen by hydrochloric acid

salivary amylase

enzyme that begins in the digestion of carbs in the mouth

pancreatic amylase

enzyme that continues starch digestion in the duodenum


enzyme that is bound to the microvilli of intestinal epithelium


enzymes on the surface of intestinal wall epithelial cells that break down disaccharides to monosaccharides


enzymes on the surface of intestinal wall epithelial cells that break down peptides into single amino acids


enzymes that break down dna and rna


exocrine portions of the pancreas produce digestive enzymes

descending colon

extends from the left colic flexure to the pelvis

transverse colon

extends from the right colic flexure to the left colic flexure


extremely hard, acellular substance that protects the tooth aginst acids and abrasion


fate of 99% of the water that is secreted into the stomach or small intestine

greater + lesser curvature

formed when the body of the stomach turns to the right

pharyngeal constrictors

from posterior walls of oropharynx and laryngopharynx

common bile duct

from the gallbladder to form the ___

parietal cells

gastric gland cells that produce hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor

chief cells

gastric gland cells that produce pepsinogen

endocrine cells

gastric gland cells that produce regulatory hormones

gastric glands

glands in the stomach that open into the gastric pits

sublingual glands

glands that produce mainly mucus located below the mucous membrane in the floor of the oral cavity

submandibular glands

glands that produce more serous than mucous secretions located along the inferior border of the mandible


hormone secreted by the stomach helps regulare stomach secretions


hormone that greatly increases the rate of glucose transport into most types of cells


large folds of the submucosa and mucosa formed when the stomarch is empty


lipid digesting enzymes


living, cellular, bonelike tissue surrounding the pulp cavity

defecation reflex

loacal and parasympathetic reflexes that result in relaxation of the internal anal sphincter and contraction of the rectum


lymphatic capillaries found in the villi

trypsin + chymotrypsin

major proteolytic enzymes secreted by the pacreas

active transport

method of transport of sodium potassium and calcium ions out of the small intestine


mixture of serous and mucous fluids that contains digestive enzymes


most of their thickness is contributes by the ___ muscle, which flattens the cheek against the teeth


most superior part of stomach

mucous neck cells

mucus producing cells in the gastric glands

surface mucous cells

mucus producing cells on the inner surface of the stomach and lining the gastric pits


number of MOLARS in each quadrant of the adult mouth


number of PREMOLARS in each quadrant of the adult mouth

ileocecal valve

one-way VALVE at the junction between the ileum and small intestine

cardiac opening

opening between the esophagus and stomach

pyloric opening

opening between the stomach and small intestine


other monosaccharides are converted into this molecule by the liver transported by the circulatory system to cells that require energy


part of the colon closest to the cecum


part of the larynx that covers the opening into the larynx


part of the tooth BETWEEN the crown and root


part of the tooth anchored in an alveolus by periodontal ligaments

intestinal phase

phase of stomach secretion that is controlled by the entrance of acidic chyme into the duodenum

gastric phase

phase of stomach secretion that is initiated by the presence of food in the stomach greatest volume of gastric secretion

cephalic phase

phase of stomach secretion that responds to taste, smell, thoughts of food, and sensations of chewing and swallowing

voluntary phase

phase of swallowing that involves forming a bolus of food and forcing it into the oropharynx

esophageal phase

phase of swallowing that uses peristaltic waves to move food from the pharynx to the stomach

oral cavity

portion of the digestive tract in which digestion begins is

soft palate

posterior portion of the roof of the oral cavity composed of skeletal muscle and connective tissue

peristaltic waves

powerful contractions of the stomach that force chyme toward the pyloric sphincter

hydrochloric acid

produces a low Ph in the stomach and acts as an antimicrobial agent


product of carbohydrate digestion

amino acids

product of protein digestion

fatty acids and glycerol

products of lipid digestion


projection from the posterior edge of the soft palate prevents food from passing into the nasal cavity during swallowing


protein secreted by chief cells


proteoglycan found in the mucous portion of saliva

pharyngeal phase

reflex that involves closing the nasopharynx forcing food through the pharynx and covering the opening into the larynx

mixing waves

relatively weak contractions of the stomach that cause ingested food to be mized with stomach secretion


requires a carrier molecule may require energy


responsible for vitamin k synthesis and 30% of the dry weight of feces

ileocecal sphincter

ring of smooth muscle surrounding the ileocecal junction

sigmoid colon

s-shaped tube that ends at the rectum


secreted by duodenal glands and goblet cells

defecation reflex

secreted into chyme in the production of feces


semifluid mixture of food and stomach secretions

parotid glands

serous gland located just anterior to each ear its duct enters the oral cavity adjacent to the second upper molar

ascending colon

small blind tube attached to the cecum


sockets contaning teeth

salviary amylase

starch-digesting enzyme in the serous portion of saliva


straight muscular tube between sigmoid colon and anal canal

mass moverment

strong peristaltic contractions that propel the contents of the colon considerable distances


substance covering dentin in the root helps anchor teeth in jaw

intrinsic factor

substance that binds with vitamin b12 and makes it more readily absorbed in the ileum


substance that lubricates and protets the epithelial cells of the stomach wall


substances can be ___ to more readily usable substances within the liver

secondary teeth

teeth of the adult mouth

hepatic artery

the ___ brings OXYGEN-rich blood into the liver

hepatic portal vein

the ___ carries blood that is oxygen-poor but rich in absorbed materials from the digestive tract to the live


the ___ is a large, muscular organ that occupies most of the oral cavity


the ___ is a small sac on the inferior surface of the liver that stores bile


the anterior portion of the tongue is attached to the floor of the mouth by a thin fold of tissue called the ___


the breakdown products of carbohydrate digestion are

out of small intestine

the direction of water movement when chyme is dilure


the first step in lipid digestion is ___ which is the transformation of large lipid droplets into much smaller droplets

move chyme into the small intestine

the function of peristaltic waves in the stomach

anal canal

the last 2 to 3 cm of the digestive tract


the lips and cheeks are imported in the process of ___ and speech

orbicularis oris

the lips are muscular structures formed mostly by the ___ muscle, and covered internally by mucosa and externally by stratified squamous epithelium


the liver also ___ many harmful substances by altering their structure


the liver can also remove sugar from the blood and store it as ___


the number of premular permanate teeth in each quadrean of the mouth


the process of elemination feces

all of the above

the tongue


the tongue is important in mastication, swallowing, speech, and is a major sensory organ for ___

internal anal sphincter

thick INvoluntary smoth muscle layer at the superior end of the anal canal

pyloric sphincter

thick ring of smooth muscle that surrounds pyloric opening

bile salts

this process is accomplished by ___ secreted by the liver


tiny finger like projections of the mucosa

gastric pits

tubelike openings in the mucosal surface of the stomach

common bile duct + pancreatic duct

two ducts that join together and empty into the duodenum

oropharynx + laryngopharynx

two portions of the pharynx that transmit food

external anal sphincter

voluntary skeletal muscle at the inferior end of the anal canal

peristaltic waves

wave of contraction of circular esophageal muscles produced by a wave of relaxation

duodenal papilla

which joins the pancreatic duct to open into the duodenum at the ___


which layer of the digestive tract is in direct contact wiht food that is consumed?

all of the above

which of these glands secrete saliva into the oral cavity


which of these hormones stimulates stomach secretions

gastric phase; gastrin secretion is inhibited by distention of the stomach

which of these phases of stomach secretion is correctly matched

chief cells: produce intrinsic factor

which of these stomach cell types ins NOT correctly matched with its function

b and c

which of these would occur if a person suffered from and severe case of hepatitis

the stomach wall is protexted by large amounts of mucus

why doesnt the stomach digest itself

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