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what is ENDA? who does it protect and are there exceptions?

(Employment non-Discrimination Act) -would prohibit sexual orientation discrimination in all employment matters -Exceptions (e.g., churches, religious schools)

Do women today work after they have married or had children? what is the issue with this?

yes and this is very common (majority of them who have or dont have children are more likely to work outside the home).Issue: often still expected to care for children, elderly, and maintain households WHILE HAVING A DAMN FULL TIME JOB LIKE THAT IS CRAZY BOOOOOOOO

do children influence the likelihood of a woman working?

yes if a woman has more young children she is less likely to work and if she does she would work fewer hours. fathers with young children are more likely to work and work more hours. Women without children participate in the workplace at the same rate as men.

are people with mental disorders able to perform jobs properly without accommodation?

yes they can perform a wide array of jobs with minimal accommodation.

do our cultural beliefs about gender influence early career relevant decisions of men and women?

yes which leads men and women into diff career direction

do people react differently depending on what the disability is according to ren (2008)?

yes. -Different stereotypes for those with different disabilities and respond accordingly. -e.g. may infer that those with mental disorders will be more unpredictable regarding their performance, and viewed as more "sick" or "bad"; harsher treatment. -e.g., those in wheelchairs may evoke very different reactions; view as courageous or highly motivated; kinder treatment.

do gay rights movements still continue today?

yes. hate crimes continue and discrimination continue, but attitudes are changing.

are older coworkers often preferred over younger workers?

yesin most context like management and executive jobs coz they have more experience.

how is religion invisible?

you cant see ppls religion

does sex segregation emerge early in the path towards careers?

•Sex segregation often emerges early in the path toward careers. ▫decisions that will affect later career (e.g., math courses) -examine early stages in the supply-side process

what si the supply side that research studies tend to ignore when studying career choices?

▫Process by which men and women move into various activities associated with different kinds of work

what three things at org give more success in balancing work and life?

▫Regular hours ▫Supportive supervisors ▫Job security

•However, since 1965 U.S. women have decreased hours of house work by almost ½.. meaning. what is the problem with this?

▫Tend to cook less, clean less, wash fewer dishes (Robinson & Milkie, 1997) ▫Some services can now be purchased child care, nursing homes, cleaning services, grocery delivery, take-out restaurants (Glass, 2000) -problem: may not make up for a shortage of time and it is costly.

what were some of the findings of Weinstein et al.,(2002)'s study?

▫Women who perceived more control reported more problem-focused coping ▫Women who reported less control used more emotion-focused coping ▫Regardless of magnitude of career indecision, those who perceived more control and reported more problem-focused coping also reported less anxiety

who care for the elderly more?

▫Women working full time are 4x more likely to be primary caregivers to elderly relatives than men who work fulltime

family medical leave act?

▫applies to organizations with 50 or more employees ▫12 weeks unpaid time off with continued , job security and benefits Due to own illness, illness of spouse, parent, or child or for birth, adoption, or placement of foster child

who does more housework, married women and single women?

married women

what is the EEOC's title 7 interpretation?

(1) sexual orientation discrimination necessarily involves treating workers less favorably because of their sex; sexual orientation as a concept cannot be understood without reference to sex (2) sexual orientation discrimination is rooted in non-compliance with sex stereotypes and gender norms, and employment decisions based in such stereotypes and norms are prohibited sex discrimination under Title VII (3) sexual orientation discrimination punishes workers because of their close personal association with members of a particular sex

■In sum, parents judged to be poorly suited to the workplace compared to nonparents ■Mothers disadvantaged compared to fathers


■Typical male path - steep rise in 30s then steady progress thereafter..


what is the human rights campaign?

- advocacy group for sexual minorities -Tracks employment discrimination cases -Tracks Corporate benefits offered to LGBT partners (Corporate Equality Index) •health benefits, life insurance, relocation assistance, retiree medical coverage, employer provided life insurance, automatic pension benefits for same sex partners, employee discounts

Fuegan et al. (2004) results

-Parents perceived as less committed, less available, and less agentic than non-parents (Social Role Theory) -For parents, standards to hire were more stringent for "Katherine" than "Kenneth" -Harsher toward working mothers than working fathers (Shifting Standards Theory)

what are some push factors (things that happen within org) that are pushing women out of orgs?

-17% boring, meaningless jobs -6% work was too demanding THIS IS MORE PROMINENT IN BUSINESSES

what are some questions LGBT people should ask before coming to employer or just coming out at work in general?

-Does your employer have a written non-discrimination policy? Does it specifically cover sexual orientation and/or gender identity/expression? Does insurance cover domestic partner benefits? -Is there a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer employee resource group at your workplace? -What's the overall climate in your workplace? Do people tend to make derogatory comments or jokes? Are any of your co-workers openly LGBTQ? -What are your work relationships like? Do people discuss their personal lives? Is the atmosphere friendly or guarded? -Does your state or locality have a non-discrimination law including sexual orientation and gender identity/expression? -Is your company ranked on the Human Rights Campaign Corporate Equality Index? If so, what rating has it earned?

If obese people are hired they tend to:

-Earn less than normal weight or thin counterparts -More likely to be assigned jobs where no one sees them -Receive lower performance evaluations (evidence of discrimination against people based on their weight)

2010 EEOC statistics on age discrimination:

-23,264 Age Discrimination Charges -17.4% resolved with merit -65.8% determined to have "no reasonable cause" -$93.6 million in settlements -Most litigants under ADEA are white men working in managerial and professional jobs

why are so many women in the 2004 survey leaving the workforce so easily (dont they need money?)?

-32% cite spouse's income is "sufficient for our family to live on one income" (they come from rich families so leaving their jobs is not a big deal)

■Remove the Stigma

-35% of women report that culture penalizes people who use work/life policies ■Telecommuting (39% reported tacit resistance to it) ■Job sharing and flextime also resisted ■Promotion chances reduced if use work/life policies (21% report this unspoken rule) ■Men even more stigmatized (coz of gender roles)

■Highly-qualified women in survey

-36% women chose part time work -25% have reduced their hours within a full time job -16% have declined a promotion -36% have chosen jobs with fewer responsibilities and less pay

Judge & Cable (2004) found clear relationships between height and workplace success

-4 studies; longitudinal samples of over 8,500 people -Height related to earnings for both men and women; its advantages were stable throughout careers -Other studies support these findings

■Provide Outlets for Altruism

-52% of women with MBAs in business do not enjoy their careers -54% of women looking for on-ramps want to change their profession or field ■Often switch from corporate sector to non-profit -Employers might try to harness this altruism ■Support employees in public service efforts and advocacy efforts -Socially responsible organizations

Hosoda et al. (2003) meta-analysis

-68 experiments -relationship between physical attractiveness and job-related outcomes -Hosoda et al (2003) found that attractiveness was positively related to: -Hiring -Performance Evaluations -Promotions -Benefit both men and women -Providing people with job relevant information did not reduce the attractiveness bias

■Create Reduced Hour Jobs

-89% of women in business sector believe access to reduced hour jobs is important -Johnson & Johnson companies - increased loyalty and productivity ■High levels of commitment ■Very productive ■Would have quit if part-time option not available

what were women's priorities that they cared most about in a job as reported in the 2004 study?

-Ability to associate with people they respect (82%) -Freedom to be themselves at work (79%) -Flexible work schedules (64%) -Collaborate with others; teamwork (61%) -Giving back to community (56%) -Recognition from company (51%)

what was the Ann Hopkins versus Price Waterhouse (1982) case? What did the court rule?

-Ann hopkins sued price waterhouse -she was nominated for partner but was passed over. -shes was performing pretty well but she was told that she had to perform in a more feminine way -she was penalized for acting like a man -she was told that she had soften her image, appear more feminine, wear more jewelry and makeup and style her hair and not carry a briefcase -however, she had to behave in masculine way in order to perform her job (competing against many men). this put her in a bind -Court ruled: a job cant legally say that someone is not masculine or feminine enuf for a job and cant prevent them from working a job becoz they dont meet gender roles (should not be a component when evaluating someone for a job)

¨Goldberg et. al (2004)

-Assessed differences in job promotions and salaries based on age and gender of workers -232 MBA alumni from university in Northeast -Complex interactions =Results: -Younger workers earned lower salaries -Older workers received fewer promotions -Older men had more salary advantages than younger men -Older women did not have this same level of advantage over younger women -Evidence of the glass escalator -Men in female dominated professions moved up quickly

what do flex programs offer employers?

-Elastic pool of staff; on-call group of experienced people who understand company -Recruiting and placement costs close to zero since have contact with workers already and know their skills

what are the advantages of coming out about ur sexuality at work?

-Eliminates the need to hide or mislead. -Makes deeper friendships possible. -Breaks down barriers to understanding. -Builds trusting working relationships. -Can bring "whole self" to work.

what are the benefits of employee network alliances?

-Employee Networks/Alliances -Networks of all kinds allow people with similar interests or characteristics to interact with others like them. -Existence of such a group might help individuals who are gay or transgender know that they are not alone. -Feeling like "the only one" is depressing condition common to gay workers. MAKES ORGS MORE INCLUSIVE

what is reasonable accommodation?

-Employer can implement to enable the qualified person to perform the essential job functions -Without causing undue hardship -Significant expense -Significant difficulty -Relative to size, financial resources, nature/structure of the organization

Abercrombie & Fitch - "All American Look"

-Charges of illegal discrimination against women and people of color -Accused of discriminating against those not blonde and blue-eyed

CVS Example

-Concluded that need to employ more older workers, but weren't applying for jobs -Worked with National Council on Aging, city agencies, and community organizations to find applicant pool of older adults -Culture that values older workers' experiences and capabilities ¤CVS example -12 years after program to bring on older workers, nearly ½ of 3,400 full-time employees are over 50 -Boosts age-friendly image through internal and external newsletters -Highlight productivity and effectiveness of older employees

what are the big five traits? (openness not applicable to above study)

-Conscientiousness -responsible, orderly, dependable, goal-oriented -Emotional stability - calm, optimistic, well-adjusted -Agreeableness - good-natured, cooperative, caring. -Extraversion - sociable, upbeat, active, assertive, enjoys excitement

what are the recommendations for employers regarding weight?

-Consider the negative consequences of weight discrimination. -Add size, weight, and appearance to the company's policy against harassment and discrimination -Sanction fat jokes and comments in the same way that sexist or racist comments would be sanctioned -Majority of U.S. population is overweight or obese -if large # of potential workers screened out then recruitment and selection problems -Focus decisions and actions on job-related issues -Assist all employees with health-related issues

what are some recommendations for individuals who are LGBT who want to come out at work?

-Consider whether organization is committed to fairness to sexual minorities -Consider referrals from friends and allies -Excellent source of realistic job information }Make conscious career choices -Resist being channeled into jobs based on other's perceptions/stereotypes

what are the issues of hiding ur sexuality at work if ur LGBT?

-Costs include: -Being continually on guard about personal life is tiring and guilt inducing -May distance selves from co-workers; may result in poor communication in work groups -Likely to hear many negative comments and stereotypes

¨DSW - $900,000 to Resolve EEOC Age Discrimination Case

-DSW - charged with discrimination against 7 former management employees and a class (group) of former employees, by firing employees over the age of 40 years old during a "reduction in force." -Terminated older employees; retaliated against employees who opposed orders to discriminate against older workers.

what is a disability according to the american disability act?

-Disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities including: Walking, talking, breathing, seeing, hearing, learning, sitting, standing, lifting, sleeping, working, and caring for oneself.

King, et al. (2006).The stigma of obesity in customer service. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 579-593.

-Discrimination less likely to take overt forms. -Modern discrimination is more subtle and difficult to identify, assess, and eradicate. -Covert or interpersonal discrimination

■Stop Burning Bridges (stop ruining relationships with employees)

-Only 5% of women look to rejoin company they have left -0% in business sector ■Implies that most off-ramped women felt underutilized and underappreciated ■May assume that pull factors result in turnover, but push factors do too ■Managers should explore reasons for off-ramping and be willing to offer options

Roehling et al. (2008). Investigating the validity of stereotypes about overweight employees. Group and Organization Management, 33, 4, 392-424.

-Examined relationships between personality traits and body weight (BMI, self-reported height and weight, and percentage of fat) -Bias is in part due to stereotypical beliefs that overweight people possess a number of undesirable personality traits. -In work settings - view as less conscientious, less agreeable, less emotionally stable, and less extraverted. -Study 1 - Sample of adults with work experience -Weight; Personality Trait Measures (self-report) -Study 2 - 320 student at Midwestern college -Body fat assessed; Personality Trait Measures -Found no evidence of significant correlation between body fat and personality traits. -Conclusion: Weight is not a significant predictor of personality. -Should not be used to select people for jobs.

what does ENDA seek to do?

-Extend employment protection to include sexual orientation to go along with protection based on race, religion, gender, national origin, color, age, disability. -Block public and private employers, employment agencies, and labor unions from using an individual's sexual orientation as basis for employment decisions such as hiring, firing, promotion, compensation. -Allow for same procedures and similar remedies as under Title VII and the Americans with Disabilities Act

examples of LGBT related sex discrimination claims..

-Failing to hire an applicant because she is a transgender woman. -Firing an employee because he is planning or has made a gender transition. -Denying an employee equal access to a common restroom corresponding to the employee's gender identity. -Harassing an employee because of a gender transition, such as by intentionally and persistently failing to use the name and gender pronoun that correspond to the gender identity with which the employee identifies, and which the employee has communicated to management and employees. -Denying an employee a promotion because he is gay or straight. -discriminating in terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, such as providing a lower salary to an employee because of sexual orientation -Harassing an employee because of his or her sexual orientation, for example, by derogatory terms, sexually oriented comments, or disparaging remarks for associating with a person of the same or opposite sex.

Section 501 Rehabilitation Act (RA) of 1973

-Federal employees -Prohibits discrimination based on disability -Requires federal government to take affirmative action for hiring, placement, and advancement of people with disabilities

what kinds of things do socially responsible orgs do?

-Foster a more democratic society -Increase understanding between groups -Care or preservation of the environment -Enlightened approach to managing employees

what did the repealment of the DADT allow for?

-Gay and lesbian service members previously discharged under DADT able to re-enlist -Gay and Lesbian Americans able to openly join -Those currently serving, freedom to be honest about who they are

Blanford (2003) gay men..

-Gay men earn between 30% and 32% less than heterosexual men -Gay men may be channeled into positions believed appropriate based on sexual orientation -If female dominated, then likely to be lower paying

what is the justification suppression model (JSM)?

-Genuine prejudice is followed either by justification or suppression. -Suppression - internal or external motivation to decrease the expression or experience of prejudice. -Convince self or others that not prejudiced. -Justifications - releasing mechanisms - allow person to express prejudice feelings without suffering internal or external consequences. -Stereotypes, threat, dispositional attributions, social hierarchy

what are some organizational recommendations to orgs working with or hiring LGBT employees?

-Greater commitment and job satisfaction among sexual minorities when: -Supportive climate -Non discrimination and inclusion policies -Top management support -Training employees to make them aware of: ¨Attitudes and behaviors denigrating and stigmatizing non-heterosexuals (heterosexism) ¨Misperceptions about "special rights" afforded homosexuals

what were the three hypotheses of the study by Ren 2008

-Hypothesis 1A: Positive effect of disability on evaluations of performance. -Hypothesis 1B: Negative effect of disability in expectations of performance. -Hypothesis 1C: Negative effect of disability on hiring decisions.

■Nurture Ambition

-Implement networking programs -Implement mentoring programs -May help women expand and sustain professional aspirations ■American Express, Johnson & Johnson, Time Warner developing "old girl" networks -Build skills, contacts, confidence

¨Meta-analysis by Kite et al. (2005) Journal of Social Issues

-Included over 100 studies -Look at these DVs -Evaluation (generous, friendly) -Competence (intelligence, memory) -Attractiveness (pretty, wrinkled) Behavior/behavioral intentions (willing to interact with others) -Stereotypes (old-fashioned, talks about the past) -Across all 5 DV categories, bias against older adults -Most biased to least biased in this order: -Age stereotypes; attractiveness; competence; behavior/behavioral intentions; evaluation -Effects were reduced when detailed information about person being rated

what are the benefits of internal and external outreach strategies?

-Internal outreach - make sure that all communication uses inclusive language and that all people are made to feel welcome. -Doing everything possible to encourage participation by all types of people. -Providing a safe environment where closeted gay people can come out or participate in any way that feels safe. -Community Outreach - means getting involved in what is going on in the communities in which you operate. -Supporting local GLBT organizations or endorsing ENDA to Congress. -Allowing employees to participate in community activities.

¨Texas Roadhouse to Pay $12 Million to Settle EEOC Age Discrimination Lawsuit

-Kentucky-based restaurant chain -Class of applicants denied front-of-the-house positions, such as servers, hosts, server assistants and bartenders, because of their age, 40 years and older. -As part of the settlement, Texas Roadhouse will change its hiring and recruiting practices.

What are the levels of inclusion?

-LEVEL 1: Inclusion and Diversity within organizations (values and sues differences within the workforce..individual and groups) -LEVEL 2: Inclusion and Corporate-Community Relations -LEVEL 3: Inclusion through State/National Collaborations (helping disadvantaged groups) -LEVEL 4: Inclusion through Global Corporations (across national and cultural boundaries)

what are the stereotypes about the traits of obese people?

-Lazy, won't try hard; Poorer work habits, sloppy -More likely to have emotional or personal problems -Less likely to get along with or be accepted by others; less outgoing, less energetic -Inactive, less social

Blanford (2003) lesbians..

-Lesbian and bisexual women's earnings between 17% and 23% higher than heterosexual women -When in partnered relationships, even greater disparity: -Lesbians with partners earn more than heterosexual women with partners -Division of labor may be more equitable (in lesbian relationships there may be more sharing of all the cores that need to be done at home)

what groups does research on sexual orientation often combine>

-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBT) AKA Sexual minorities

According to fels (2004), what two things tend to feed ambition?

-Mastery - attain skills -Recognition - accomplishments must be recognized

what are some organization recommendations regarding ageism in the workplace?

-Maurer & Rafuse (2001) Avoiding Claims of Age Discrimination ¤Explicitly state age-neutral policies ¤Scrutinize policies and practices for signs of age bias -Have zero tolerance for age discrimination ¤Rely on job-relevant criteria, not stereotypes. ¤Train decision makers about age stereotypes and their potential effects on decisions and behavior.

■Provide Flexibility in the Work Day

-May not need reduced hours, but more flexible ones ■Sick child; doctor's visits; nanny or day care days off; teacher conferences -Job and organization choices often based on flexibility -64% of women cited flexible work arrangements as extremely important -More important than compensation (42%)

Study 3: Had women shopping at mall evaluate their recent shopping experience. As the women left, were rated on body size.

-Measured: -Formal discrimination -Interpersonal discrimination -Time spent in store -Amount money planned to spend in the store -Amount spent in store. -Likelihood of future patronage. -Body type (1-9 different body types, circle one that looks most like subject) -Findings - -Obese customers reported greater levels of interpersonal discrimination than average-weight customers. -Reports of greater interpersonal discrimination were related to spending less money than originally intended; less likely to shop at the store in the future.

■Economist (Waldfogel) - lifespan earning patterns

-Mid 20s enter workforce, closest to male counterparts (87% of male wage) -Begin families - earning fall well below men -40-44 age group - women earn 71% of male wage -MIT economist Lester Thurow - ■30s are prime years for establishing a successful career; prime years for starting a family; leave work force at this time, may have trouble catching up

mature workers may prefer flexible hours, why is this?

-Most mature workers want to continue to work in some capacity ¤Less time-consuming, less pressured manner ¤May seek flexibility to -care for aging parents/relatives -pursue other interests

domestic partner benefits..

-Population of gay or straight couples living in families without marriage has been steadily increasing for more than 15 years. -DPBs are low-cost high return way to demonstrate inclusion with little or no backlash. -Many studies support findings that 90% of all Americans believe that if you have a family and you work to support them, then you deserve the benefits of that labor. -Survey of 279 HR professionals representing 19 industries in US that DPBs are #1 recruiting tool for executives and 3rd ranked recruitment tool for management and line workers.

¨Early and mid-1900s employees stayed with same employer most of their lives

-Protective, familial employee/employer relationship -Shorter life spans, often didn't live long enough to work into 50s and 60s

Recommendations to Minimize Appearance Discrimination

-Requirements for neatness and cleanliness reasonable and legal -However, other requirements may not be -e.g., that women wear make-up or carry purses (Ann Hopkins Case; gender discrimination) -e.g., Requirements that women wear pants or that men shave beards or cut hair (could be protected by Title VII: religion) -Questions to ask include: -Is the employee or applicant neat? -Are clothes ironed, of sufficient length, and an appropriate size -Is the employee or applicant's clothing clean? -Is the requirement necessary for the safe operation of the business (e.g., hairnets, no jewelry)? -Is resistance to the employee or applicant's appearance due to race, cultural, gender, age, or some other bias? -If religious discrimination is a possibility, could the employee's request be reasonably accommodated? -Organizations are legally able to prescribe many aspects of employees' appearance -Professionalism -Uniforms -As long as no specific racial, ethnic, gender, religious, or disability discrimination results -Employers' need for a consistent appearance among employees may supersede employees' rights to wear certain clothing.

who experiences more discrimination in the workplace.. older men OR older women?

-Research indicates that older women experience more prejudice and discrimination at work than older men. -Women perceived to become "old' at younger age than men -Being old is viewed more negatively for women than men -Executives often men in mid-50s and 60s; few women executives

what were the results of study 1 and 2 about obesity and customer service?

-Results for both Study 1 and 2: -No evidence of formal discrimination. -In both studies, obese customers encountered more interpersonal discrimination than average weight counterparts -Study 1:When obese and casually dressed, received greatest amount of interpersonal discrimination. -Study 2: When weight was depicted as less under the person's control (they were dieting and exercising) than when it was viewed as their fault (high calorie, no exercise), successful in decreasing interpersonal forms of prejudice. -These two studies show that discrimination was manifested in covert forms. -When justification mechanisms were taken away (person was dieting and exercising, person was dressed well, so is not a slob), then less interpersonal discrimination.

1927 Buck v. Bell Supreme Court decision

-Ruled that forced sterilization of people with disabilities is NOT a violation of their constitutional rights -By 1970s over 60,000 disabled people are sterilized without their consent

■Fuegan et al. (2004). Journal of Social Issues, 60, 737-754 (looked at how men and women were evaluated based on parental status and how that impacts judgments of competence at work)

-Shifting Standards Theory - when judging members of stereotyped groups, compare them to within-category standards (we judge ppl based on the stereotypes groups they come from) ■Judge by comparing to members of own group ■Performance at work; Parenting ■"Good" for men and "good" for women is not the same ■Past research -Stay at home mothers and stay at home fathers - ■judged to be equally good parents, but mothers judged to perform more care giving -Employed mothers judged to perform more care giving (physical and emotional) than employed fathers ■employed fathers judged to be better parents

what kinds of things influence career choice?

-Socialization Experiences at school and work Internships, courses -Opportunities Access to career information Financial support Emotional support -Personality (people with similar personality are drawn to the same occupation) -Ability level

Three studies that examined prejudice in customer service settings. -First two studies - Confederate customers who were either average weight or obese (prosthesis) -Used women confederates only because much harsher on obese women than obese men.

-Study 1: Manipulated dress (professional attire versus casual attire) -Challenge belief that obese people do not care about their appearance. -Study 2: Manipulated responsibility for obesity (drinking very large, milk shake and commenting about how hate exercise versus drinking calorie-free beverage and talking about just having worked out) -Observer confederates rated the interactions as they occurred. -Measures of formal discrimination: Behaviors mandated for sales personnel: -Greet customer; recommend items upon request -Measures of interpersonal discrimination: -5 items based on previous work on sales person behavior: smiling; exhibiting friendliness; making eye contact; being rude; salesperson ending interaction prematurely.

Price Waterhouse v. Hopkins (1989).

-Supreme Court recognized that employment discrimination based on sex stereotypes (e.g., assumptions and/or expectations about how persons of a certain sex should dress, behave, etc.) is unlawful sex discrimination under Title VII. -Court further explained that Title VII's "because of sex" provision strikes at the "entire spectrum of disparate treatment of men and women due to sex stereotypes"

what were the reasons that men reported for leaving the workforce?

-Switching careers (29%) -Additional training (25%) -Starting a business (12%) -Child/elder care (12% versus 44% of women)

•Employees have a right to their beliefs regarding sexual orientation; however do not have the right to denigrate or harass coworkers based on sexual orientation. •Certain level of respectful behaviors should be required of and toward all. •Employees with strong religious beliefs have the responsibility to comply with organizational regulations; may not trample on the rights of others.


how does the IAT work?

-The IAT requires people to classify words into general categories (e.g., daisy, tulips, bugs, mosquitoes are classified as either flowers or insects). -Simultaneously pair words with either "good" or "bad". -flower good, mosquito bad, then ask to classify. When this pattern is reversed with flower bad; mosquito good, this slows down processing speed. -participants can categorize stimuli faster when paired categories match the way they are implicitly associated in memory.

learning disabilities are a common disability and they affect how people process info. what kinds of things might this influence?

-They may influence how they think, speak, write, read, listen, spell, perform mathematical computations.

Teachman et al. (2003).Demonstrations of Anti-Fat Bias: The impact of providing causal information and evoking empathy. Health Psychology, 22, 68-78.

-Three studies examined implicit anti-fat bias. -Bias may occur at a level that people are unaware of and that they do not have conscious control over. -Implicit bias may be measured by the speed of processing of implicit memory-based associations. -Had people classify into either "good" or "bad" categories - -adjectives such as joy, love, peace, glorious, wonderful, pleasure, laughter, happy and angry, terrible, horrible, nasty, evil, awful, failure, hurt -Faces of obese and thin people -Different trials. -Pair fat face with awful or with wonderful and thin face with awful or with wonderful. -Speed of classifying pair into good or bad. -When inconsistent pair - fat/good or thin/awful reaction time is slower. Indicates implicit bias. -Manipulation: -Main cause of obesity -over eating and lack of exercise versus genetics -When told that cause was overeating and lack of exercise, this increased implicit bias. -When told cause was primarily genetics, this did not reduce implicit bias.

population of homosexuals in the USA..

-Wide range of estimates -4% to 17% of U.S. population -Between 12-53 million people gay or lesbian in U.S. -Large portion of the population

who is most likely to be in accident or get injured at work, young OR older employees?

-Younger and newly hired employees most likely to be in accidents -Age 15-24 are 75% more likely to be injured at work than people in other age groups -Young men most likely to be injured -Reasons: -Lack of experience, training and supervision -Overconfidence, over enthusiasm on part of worker

what are some individuals recs for older workers regarding ageism in the workplace?

-consciously work against stereotypes ¤Older workers -Make interests in training known; take advantage of training opportunities -Do not put graduation dates on resumes -Include recently completed training and degree programs

Bonnie Cook Case. what was the court decision?

-cook was 5'2" and 320 lbs -Applied for position in Rhode Island's Department of Mental Health, Retardation, and Hospitals (MHRH) -Pre-hire medical exam - morbidly obese but this did not appear to limit her ability to do the job -MHRM refused to hire her (they said that her weight would make it difficult for her to evacuate patients but she worked there before and her job performance was fine) -Told that weight would compromise her ability to evacuate patients, make her more likely to be absent, to become ill, and to file worker's compensation claims -Had worked at MHRH 2x before; employer acknowledged she had been a satisfactory worker -Sued under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 - stating that weight was due to medical condition -Court Decision - -Ruled in favor of Cook because: -MHRH perceived her as having a disability -Disregarded her previously demonstrated ability to do the job -Awarded her $100,000 in compensatory damages and the job to which she had applied

•Even greater differences when consider mothers with children under age of 3: ▫70.3% Black married women employed ▫57.4% White married women employed


With regard to obesity, numerous studies indicate that:

-few work at higher levels in organizations -more work at lower levels in organizations -more likely to be unemployed -more likely to remain unemployed longer -less likely to be hired than normal weight or thin people, even when similar qualifications

what kinds of characteristics does the 1964 - Title VII Civil Rights Act protect in the workplace? (protected characteristics)

-gender -ethnicity -color -national origin -religion

what is the social role theory?

-gender stereotypes arise from social roles -Some social roles may override the effects of other roles (working mothers are judges for strictly than working fathers)

what are the characteristics of people who tend to be more accepting of sexual minorities?

-highly educated -unmarried -female -less religious -believe that sexual orientation is biologically determined

what happens when people become less ambitious? (self fulfilling prophecy)

-lack of achievement or recognition of it -then loss of ambition -then even lower achievement and recognition

what are some of the reasons for increase in obesity?

-lack of physical activity -Transportation - cars, elevators -Jobs - changed from labor intensive to sedentary -Leisure activities - video games, computers, TV -diet -More processed foods, more fried, fatty foods -Fewer fresh fruits and vegetables -fewer meals cooked at home -Larger portions

what does the shifting standards model predict?

-predicts that judgments of competence will be driven by gender stereotypes and parental role -Mother's work competence will be judged by stricter standards than father's work competence

ideal workers (male or female) should be unencumbered. what does this mean?

-predicts that parent role should override gender -work competence judged by parent or not

Level 4: Inclusion through Global Collaborations

-principles:Conducting business fairly; respecting and accommodating other national cultures -barriers:•Greed - going beyond fair trade and exploiting others •Discrimination •Lack of respect for other national cultures -benefits to individuals:•Job opportunities for local residents and expatriates •Improved health and safety conditions •Improved living conditions for individuals, families, and communities -benefits to orgs: •Expanded geographic markets •Better marketing to international customers •Improved corporate image with customers, financial institutions, and stock owners

Level 1: Inclusion and Diversity within organizations

-principles:Encouraging and facilitating inclusion of employees different from "mainstream" -barriers:•Discrimination •Prejudice •Perception of threat to job security •Economic pressure to demonstrate profitability -benefits to individuals:•Improved job satisfaction, well-being •Increased access to advancements and promotions •Improved income and benefits -benefits to orgs: •Business growth and productivity •Cost savings - lower turnover, less absenteeism •Recruitment advantages - attract high potential employees •Positive image with employees, customers, and financial institutions

Level 3: Inclusion through State/National Collaborations

-principles:Extending services through programs and policies aimed at assisting disadvantaged groups in society -barriers:•Short sighted, internally focused company vision •Stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination of disadvantaged population groups -benefits to individuals:•Employment benefits •Job Training •Advancement Opportunities •Improved job prospects -benefits to orgs: •Increased employee loyalty •Expanded potential employee pool •Improved customer relations •More attractive value-based corporate image

Level 2: Inclusion and Corporate-Community Collaborations

-principles:Recognizing the community as a stakeholder and directly contributing to its welfare -barriers:•Limited company vision •Lack of leadership to champion and sustain efforts -benefits to individuals:•Access to opportunities such as employment job training •Mentorship •Improved services to community members -benefits to orgs: •Improved corporate image within and outside of community •Recruiting advantages •Connection between social performance and economic performance

Executive Order 11478 (1998)

-prohibits sexual orientation discrimination in federal civilian workplaces -Has not been extended to other employers

what is the age discrimination and the employment act (ADEA)?

-protects people who are over 40 and no upper limit included in legislation? (however if ur not able to perform ur job well, that is considered valid reason to terminate an older employee and age may also be a BFOQ (public, safety, and transportation)

what do opponents of sexual minorities in the military argue will happen if minorities are brought into military?

-reduced cohesion -reduced enlistment of heterosexuals -violations of the right to privacy of heterosexual personnel (NO EVIDENCE SUPPORTS THESE FEARS)

■"extremely" or "very" ambitious -½ of men -1/3 of women ■Only 15% of women in survey indicate that having a powerful position is a career goal ■Powerful position is lowest priority in every sector polled (medicine, law, education, business)


-ADA - people who have or are perceived to have a disability protected from employment discrimination -If employer assumes that applicant's weight is a disability and will impede ability to perform the job, then could have claim under ADA. -Morbidly obese covered by ADA (1% of U.S. population) -2x or 100 lbs over recommended weight or BMI over 40


-Discrimination at just about every stage of employment cycle -career counseling, selection, placement, compensation, promotion, disciplinary action, training, and discharge. -rated as less desirable as subordinates, co-workers, and bosses -Overweight women consistently judged more harshly than overweight men -Bias is, in part, due to stereotypical beliefs that overweight people possess undesirable personality traits.


-Human Resources - Training & Development ¤US Bureau of Labor Statistics - workers 55+ receive on average less than ½ the training as younger cohort ¤Reasons -May be reluctant to ask -As establish careers, busy doing job, may not make time for training ¤Convey expectation that all employees need training throughout careers (e.g. information technology, management methods, functional disciplines)


-The consent decree resolving the case sets up a claims process that will identify and compensate those affected individuals age 40 and older who applied to Texas Roadhouse for a front-of-the-house position between Jan. 1, 2007, and Dec. 31, 2014. -EEOC Deputy General Counsel James Lee said, "The decree includes robust terms that will ensure that Texas Roadhouse complies with the law. As a national law enforcement agency, the EEOC will vigorously protect the rights of job applicants to ensure that hiring decisions are based on abilities, not age."


By 2004 over 8,000 organizations offered partner health benefits 2017 CEI report, 515 major businesses — spanning nearly every industry and geography — earned a top score of 100 percent and the distinction of "Best Places to Work for LGBT Equality."


Catholics and Baptists •2 largest Christian groups in U.S. •Do not allow women to serve as priests/ministers Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints, Orthodox Judaism •Bar women from becoming clergy


Diversity in beliefs among religious organizations about: • the role of women •sexual orientation


Helpful to know commonly accepted manners that promote inclusion Suggestions come from: ¡ The Inclusive Corporation: A disability handbook for business professionals by Griff Hogan. Swallow Press: Ohio University, Athens, Ohio.


Many religious organizations ordain women •Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists Numbers have increased significantly since 1970s More than 1 in 8 clergy in U.S. are women •However, often confined to junior, associate, or co-pastor positions. •Smaller, less prestigious congregations; lower earnings than men clergy


Most people don't realize that: •80% of those of Arab descent in US are American citizens •24% of Arab-Americans are Muslims •Majority of Arab-Americans are Christian (2/3 are Christian - predominately Catholic) •Muslims are from various racial and ethnic groups


Obesity percentages: •Crosses demographic lines but people of color, the poor, women, and older people more likely to be overweight. -29% for African-Americans -21% for Latinos -18% for White


Stigma of Obesity: ¡Pervasive and unyielding ¡Obese individuals are viewed as being less qualified for jobs, less likable patients, less desirable to interact with than average weight counterparts.


Two case with different outcomes •Indicate that courts do assess reasonableness of accommodations.


Very strong stigma because those who are obese are often perceived to be entirely responsible for their condition. ¡Significant component of obesity stereotypes include perceptions of controllability, culpability, personal responsibility, will power. ¡Societies where strong belief in hard work, self-determination


¨Good business to have employees that reflect age, gender, ethnicity of consumers ¨Older adults, in particular baby boomers well-off financially ¨Organizations should actively recruit, hire, and retain older workers


¨Most baby boomers want to continue working ¨20% of those collecting pensions still working in some capacity ¨Those under 60 collecting pensions, 50% still working ¨Of those 55 and older who have accepted early retirement offers, 1/3 have gone back to work


¨Younger workers may be more often victims of sexual harassment ¨Young age, vulnerability ¨EEOC Website evidence of sexual harassment of young workers -Immediate consequences - negative physical and psychological symptoms -Long Term Consequences - may shape career path, future career decisions


Wheelchairs, walkers, canes and other devices come in all shapes and sizes. Do not assume a space for which you are responsible (office, interview location, recreational area) is physically accessible unless you have checked it out. •If you are unsure whether a person would like to shake hands, ask. •Treat wheelchairs, walkers, or other such device as an extension of the person's body. •If you are talking with a person in a wheelchair for more than a few minutes, use a chair so you are at eye level. •When expecting someone who uses a wheelchair be sure that a reasonably wide path is cleared. •Many disabled people find standing for long periods of time uncomfortable, so when possible provide a place to sit and rest.


-States and Local Statutes -Some directly prohibit weight-based discrimination -Others prohibit appearance-related discrimination; and thus, weight -Encourage employers to closely scrutinize their appearance requirements -State of Michigan protects based on weight -Elliott-Larsen Act (1976) - height, weight, in addition to religion, race, color, national origin, gender, age, familial status, marital status -A small number of cities such as Santa Cruz, CA; Madison, WI; Washington D.C.


If a religion's doctrine relegates women to subservient roles, If the organization is strictly religious (church, synagogue, mosque, etc.) then •able to discriminate against women in hiring, placement, promotion, compensation, or other job-related matters


appearance is.. -Clearly visible aspect of diversity -Stereotypical assumptions based on weight and appearance -Often immediate and unconscious


¨Perception that younger workers are irresponsible, disloyal, immature..


•Examine the seemingly voluntary process by which men and women make career-relevant choices (Correll, 2001)


•HPs thoughtfully designed diversity policy and thoughtful consideration of Richard Peterson's rights allowed them to prevail in case. •At&Ts failure to accommodate a simple request resulted in a law suit that the company lost.


•Those who require accommodation: -20% of accommodations cost no money -71% cost $500 or less


Since terrorist acts of 9/11/2001 •EEOC - religion, ethnic origin, or national origin •Peaked at $48 million in settlements in 2001 •October 2001 EEOC statement: reiterated that discrimination prohibited asked employers and unions to be sensitive to discrimination against or harassment of people perceived to be Muslim, Arab, Afghani, Middle Eastern, South Asian (e.g., Pakistani, Indian)

... clearly there was lots more discrimination against Muslims after 9/11

-Preference for male and younger workers disadvantage older women -Older women more likely to live in poverty -(12.4% of women and 8.4% of men over 65) ¤Lower paying jobs; fewer promotions; lower salaries ¤More likely to spend time outside of work force ¤More likely to be widowed -More likely to marry older men; live longer than men


¨Work can provide -Sense of self-worth, belonging, social affiliation, enjoyment ¨Notion of retirement as one time event that permanently divides work life from leisure, no longer makes sense


• Much of the attention to women working refers to middle class White women's participation in work force ▫79.2% of Black married women with children under 18 are employed ▫69.2% of White married women with children under 18 are employed


•One of the biggest problems reported by managers is the way coworkers react to people with disabilities •(Bruyere, 2000; Greenwood, Shiner, & Johnson, 1991; Harlan, 1996)


-Valuing diversity - goes beyond treating others how you would like to be treated ▪The Golden Rule ▪Try not to impose own values/preferences on others -Platinum Rule - valuing diversity means treating others as they wish to be treated ▪Receiver-centered; perspective of other, rather than own perspective


what were Weinstein et al.,(2002)s hypotheses?

1. Women who perceive more control will report more problem-focused coping 2. Women who perceive less control will report more emotion-focused coping 3. Problem focused coping and high perceived control will be associated with less choice anxiety

how many years do women in the business sector leave workplace according to the 2004 study?

1.2 years

how much time do fathers spend with their kids today?

1.3 hours

what is the legal working age in the US?


Title VII - prohibits employers of ___ or more people from discrimination against employees or applicants because of religious beliefs or practices Religion may not be a factor in: •Hiring/firing, promotions •Other terms and conditions of employment


•Women spend an average of ____ years caring for children and ____ years caring for aging parents ▫May take up all or most of a woman's adult employment years

17, 18

When were women given the right to vote?

1920, 19th amendment

during what years was there lots of activism and resistance against sexual orientation and discrimination (includes stone wall riots)?

1950s and 1960s

during what year did employers begin to refuse to hire older workers? what came out of this?

1960 (this forced people to retire). -there were protests because older workers were struggling to get jobs -resulted in the following: -Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967) -Congress bans mandatory retirement at age 70 (1989) -Organizations such as AARP and Gray Panthers

•Pay disparities widely accepted until ___________


____% of all teenagers will work at some point during their high school years


•Almost __________ of men and women would like to reduce work hours by about 11 hours per week (Polatnick, 2000)


how much time did men in 1965 spend with kids?

45 mins

how many states allow people regardless of their sexual orientation to adopt children if they are otherwise qualified to do so?


how much of the population do women make up?


•Population that identifies as Jewish

53% identify with Judaism as a religion 47% identify with Judaism because their parents were Jewish; they were raised Jewish; or for some other reason.

what is the general percentage of adults that are overweight in the US?

65% (double what it was 20 years ago)

Protestants saw _______________ as a religious and political threat


Organizational Recommendations (accommodation)

Accommodation ¡Most people with disabilities do not require accommodation ¡Most accommodations are relatively inexpensive ¡Often tax credits for cost of accommodation

what is womens failure to negotiate pay caused by? (not negotiating pay is one reason why wage gap exists)

Affected by socialization and gender roles.

What was the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy? (DADT)

Allowed homosexuals to enter army as long as they kept their private life secret/out of the open (estomated that 2.5% of the military was gay)

what is obesity?

BMI of 30 or more, about 30 pounds or more overweight

individual recommendations for ppl regarding religion in work place.

Be aware of rights to workplace fairness regarding religion. •May observe religious practices if doesn't cause undue hardship. •If requesting accommodation consider ahead of time what may help the employer comply. Posting religious sayings is not illegal, but postings should be for self, not others to read. •Reasonable sized, non-offensive language is allowed under EEOC guidelines. Be careful of language and behavior. Do not make assumptions about someone's religious beliefs or practices based on appearance, race, or national origin.

population representation of religions in the USA..

Christian 76.0% Jewish 1.2% Muslim/Islam 0.6% Eastern 0.9% Other Religions 3.0% No religion 15.0%

Organizational Recommendations (compensation)

Compensation ¡ Paid based on worth of the job and based on education, experience, skills

Buonanno and AT&T

Buonanno described as a model employee. Friendly to others; friends included gay and transgender employees. Issue: As part of AT&Ts diversity program he was told that he had to sign an agreement stating that he would value fellow employees and their behavior. Buonanno refused to sign. Stated he could tolerate other religions and love and appreciate other people, but could not value homosexuality or other religious beliefs •Fired for failing to sign •Sued AT&T under Title VII Reasonable accommodation (at&t lost the case) Ruled in Buonanno's favor •Focused on how AT&T handled Buonanno's firing •Deleting parts of the company handbook was a reasonable accommodation could have been done for Buonanno's religious beliefs

when was DADT repealed?

DADT repealed in 2010 (President Obama)

what was the morgan stanley case of 2004?

Discriminated against women in promotion, compensation, terms, conditions, privileges of employment; retaliation against complaintant $54 million settlement; monitored for compliance (by the EEOC)

Women Don't Ask (Babcock & Laschever, 2003)

Document women's failure to negotiate pay, promotions, and raises Lifelong conditioning to accept what is offered Women should be taught to assert themselves However, when negotiate may face more resistance than men (coz when women negotiate ppl think they are going against their female gender roles)

why can religious orgs discriminate against women (why is it ok)?

EEOC allows this coz govt cant do anything about ppls religious practices (need to separate religion and state)

what is sexual orientation as defined by the APA?

Enduring emotional, romantic, sexual attraction to individuals of a particular gender

who were the first colonists that came to the USA?

English that came from protestant country -this is why protestant beliefs dominate the countries history, courts, and many US companies (this includes baptist, Methodist, Lutheran and Presbyterian beliefs)

what is "flying while brown"?

people who looked arab or muslim are profiled and repeatedly questioned and removed form planes

ren 2008 hypotheses

Expect those with mental disabilities to experience larger negative bias than those with physical disabilities. •Hypothesis 2A: Positive effect on performance ratings will be moderated by type of disability -Specifically, effect will weaker for those with mental disabilities than those with physical disabilities. •Hypothesis 2B: The negative effect of disability on performance expectations will be stronger for those with mental disabilities. •Hypothesis 2C: The negative effect of disability on hiring will be stronger for those with mental disabilities.

Article: Livingston & Judge (2008). Emotional responses to work-family conflict: An examination of gender role orientation among working men and women. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 207-216.

Family-interfering-with-work (FIW) and work interfering-with-family (WIF) may result in guilt because one may feel that one is not fulfilling one's social roles. The authors speculated that those who more strongly believe in traditional gender roles would report more guilt due to FIW. The authors reasoned that even women who are very traditional may perceive the economic benefits of work as essential to the family. Thus, they will feel that if they must work, they should try to act like those who primarily value work (e.g., traditionalist men). The authors found that those who believe more strongly in traditional gender roles were more likely to feel guilty when family responsibilities interfered with work responsibilities (FIW); however, they were less likely to feel guilty when work responsibilities interfered with their family responsibilities (WIF). In contrast, those with more egalitarian gender roles experienced a stronger relationship between WIF and guilt.

are most sex discrimination cases more obvious or are they subtle? ex

Many cases more subtle; apparently neutral policy (Ex:e.g., some height and weight requirements; may discriminate against females; men of Asian, Latino, or American Indian backgrounds)

what was the phoenix suns sports magic?

Half time entertainment Sports entertainment firm - allowed only "males with athletic ability and talent" Acrobatics and other tricks during games Gender not a BFOQ (gender is not a business req for tricks and entertainment)

which sexual orientation is often discriminated against?

Homosexual, Bisexual, or Transgender - minority groups

ex of test that measures implicit bias?


What was the 1963 Equal pay Act?

If people are working the same job, pay cannot differ due to gender (seniority, merit and job performances can be the reasons for diff in pay)

when did retirement programs start?

after the great depression because wanted to open jobs for younger people. -governments, unions, employers institutionalized retirement programs (e.g., social security, pensions)

what is gender role socialization influenced by?

Influenced by families, friends, organizations, media, etc. ◦form and shape expectations of acceptable behavior for males and females

•Certain periods in U.S. history fore religious minorities

Jews could not hold political office Considered to be their "own race" Catholic could not practice their faith or hold office Signs in store windows notifying Jews, Catholics, and blacks that they were unwelcome

what are some org recommendations for employing disabled ppl?

Many sources of help for organizations. Help to employ and fully utilize workers with disabilities: -U.S. Department of Labor -National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research -National Organization on Disability Changing Negative Attitudes at Work ¡Theories of attitude change ¢may change attitudes by reducing anxiety and tension associated with interactions with disabled ¡Training for all employees ¢Managers, supervisors, executives, staff ¢Include data on performance, attendance, safety records

when do we consider an occupation to be sex segregated?

Members of one sex constitute 70% or more of the incumbents in a job or occupation

who makes more money with bachelors degree?

Men male $76,000/female $46,000

Bianchi et al. (2000)

Men in U.S. do more routine housework than they used to, but women still perform twice as much.

Ren, Paetzold, & Colella (2008).

Meta-Analysis of experimental studies on the effects of disability on human resource judgments. Human Resource Management Review, 18, 191-203. -Focused on experimental studies because of the importance of making causal inferences about the role that disability plays in HR judgments. -Correlational studies do not have control groups for comparison, so not included in meta-analysis.

Be informed: ◦Professional organizations survey members/track salaries and benefits of those in an occupation (e.g., SIOP salary survey) ◦Government sources (e.g., DOL).


do women believe that men help out in the home enuf?

NO. -2001 survey - 40% of women feel husbands create more housework than they perform

recommendations for employees regarding weight?

No matter one's weight - issue of weight as an aspect of diversity has relevance for all -Potential to gain weight and experience the negative social, health, and employment consequences -Especially true as we age -Slowed metabolism -More likely to acquire disability that may add to weight -When faced with weight stereotypes address with valid information -e.g., weight is a combination of lifestyle choices and genetics; different metabolisms result in different body weights -Beliefs that being fat is solely due to laziness and lack of self-discipline may be changed with this knowledge -For those who are overweight -Consider and model the behavior of other groups that have faced discrimination -How have blacks, women, those with disabilities responded to unfair treatment? -Sought and obtained greater acceptance and understanding of contributions; tried to lesson discrimination -Avoid internalizing society's negative beliefs about fat people

•Jewish identity may reflect religious, ethnic, or cultural elements but..

Not everyone who is Jewish identifies with all 3

what was the 1993 family and medical leave act for?

Providing people with job security if they have to take time off to care for a new baby, family member who is sick, adoption, etc.

in what ways does title 7 protect religion?

Outlaws harassment Similar to sexual harassment standards Requires reasonable accommodation Similar to Americans with Disabilities Act

•Article: Ruderman et al. (2002). Benefits of multiple roles for managerial women. Academy of Management Review, 45, 369-386.

Past research has focused on work/family conflict and stress that working women experience. Current study - multiple roles in life (e.g., family and work) may have a positive effect on work performance and life and work satisfaction

Article: Ruderman et al. (2002). Benefits of multiple roles for managerial women. Academy of Management Review, 45, 369-386.

Past research has focused on work/family conflict and stress that working women experience. This study takes the perspective that having multiple roles in life (e.g., family and work) may have a positive effect on work performance and life and work satisfaction. The researchers use role accumulation theory - the idea that with each role taken on new skills may be acquired; these new skills then may be applied to other roles. For example, the skills learned from coaching a sports team or from motivating a child may transfer well to managing in the workplace. In addition, multiple roles may enhance self-worth, allow more chances to use talents and skills; result in positive emotional response. The researchers found support for the above ideas.

•American Religious Identification survey (City University of New York)

Percent who regard selves as "religious" or "very religious" Blacks (81%) Whites (77%) Hispanics (75%) Asians (62%)

Firefighter example (job requirements should not be gender-related-- dont only need big ppl coz smol ppl useful too))

Perception: Must be big to carry people out of burning buildings Consider: Normal daily requirement rarely involve carrying someone unconscious Wide range of adult sizes, unlikely that any single adult could carry another single adult for any distance Need to access small windows or basements; small size could be advantage

Organizational Recommendations (Performance Evaluation)

Performance Evaluation ¡Should be based on essential job functions; same as those without disabilities ¡Avoid using vague performance standards ¢More likely to lead to bias ¡Don't inflate ratings of disabled out of sympathy ¢Failure to rate performance accurately won't allow employee to improve; may block advancement

examples of EEOC complaints that involve variety of religions..

Physical appearance requirements (beards) Prescribed attire (women not wearing pants when part of uniform) Requiring employee to work on material found objectionable due to religion (e.g., pornographic, violent video game) Religion-based stereotyping Assaults and threats due to religion

organization recommendation regarding religion in work place.

Recognize the diversity in religious beliefs. Implement procedures to ensure that people of various religious groups are treated fairly. Provide certain number of holidays that employees may use as they wish. Carefully consider appearance requirements that may result in religious discrimination. •Can reasonable accommodation be made? •Appearance typically doesn't preclude the ability to perform job. Rather than trying to change employees religious views about homosexuality, model respectful treatment of all. When company policies conflict with religious beliefs be sure that employees are aware of the policies and that an appropriate accommodation may be available. •For employees who blatantly resist policies of inclusion and fairness, firing them may be warranted.

what are some recruitment suggestions for orgs who are looking to hire disabled ppl?

Recruitment - many organizations available to help recruit those with disabilities ¢Employer Assistance Referral Network ¢Job Accommodation Network ¢Marriott Foundation's Bridges Program

Organizational Recommendations (selection)

Selection ¡Use job description to select from applicants ¡Tests must be related to job performance ¡Any tests should be required of all applicants; not just disabled ones

what were the dependent variables of the ren 2008 study? (3)

Study DVs: -Performance evaluations -Performance expectations -Hiring decisions 23 published studies included in meta-analysis.

what terms are often used against the diabled?

Terms such as "cripple" "deaf and dumb" "retard" "moron" reflect negative views of disabled

Oncale v. Sundowner Offshore Servs. (1998).

The Supreme Court held that same-sex harassment is sex discrimination under Title VII.

Article: Ryan et al. (2007). Reactions to the glass cliff: Gender differences in the explanation for the precariousness of women's leadership positions. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 20, 182-197.

The authors discuss the glass cliff - that women are more likely to obtain leadership positions that are precarious (i.e., have a higher potential for failure) compared to men. For example, in market downturns when companies have experienced consistently poor performance there tends to be a greater increase in appointments of female board of directors. Over 50% of male participants who were surveyed by the authors questioned this phenomenon's existence compared to 5 percent of females.

Article: Rochlen et al. (2009). Predictors of gender-related barriers, work, and life satisfaction among men in nursing. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 10, 44-56.

This survey study measured male nurses' gender role conflict, amount of social support at work, gender-related work barriers, and work and life satisfaction. Found that men working as nurses did not differ from men in other fields with regard to levels of job satisfaction, social support, and life satisfaction. The male nurses reported less work-family conflict than other groups of men. However, those male nurses who did experience it were less satisfied with their jobs.

what are some individual recommendations for ppl with disabilities?

Those with disabilities should try to obtain as much education as possible Those without disabilities should: ¡Pursue fairness and equity for people with disabilities ¡Be careful of speech; common words that are derogatory to those with disabilities (e.g., retard, cripple)

Article: Teachman et al. (2003). Demonstrations of Anti-Fat Bias: The impact of providing causal information and evoking empathy. Health Psychology, 22, 68-78.

Three studies examined implicit anti-fat bias. While people are conscious of their explicit biases, bias may also occur at a level that people are unaware of and that they do not have conscious control over. Explicit bias may be measured through self-report (e.g., fat people are: smart--stupid), whereas implicit bias is measured by the speed of processing of implicit memory-based associations. When participants were told that the main cause of obesity is over eating and lack of exercise, this increased implicit bias. When they were told that genetics caused obesity, this did not reduce implicit bias.

Organizational Recommendations (training and development)

Training and Development ¡Provide training and development to those with disabilities as would be provided to those without disabilities ¢Accommodations may be needed for training (e.g., hearing impaired employees may need sign language interpreter) ¢Must provide necessary accommodations

what is appearance?

Weight, height, physical attractiveness, make-up, hairstyle, attire

what state was the first states to outlaw sexual orientation discrimination?

Wisconsin (1982)

is disability increasing in the US?

YES -Affects 1 in 5 -Aging population -Working more years than in past

What is a meta-analysis?

a study that looks at a lot of studies on the same topic

how much of the workforce do women make up?

about half

How does gender role socialization affect women in theworkplace?

affects how they are treated in the workplace, effects career choices and career paths, and effects their responsibilities outside of work.

when you communicate with someone who is disabled.. what is most important to the disabled person?

people who put effort into trying to understand them and communicate with them

Arab American Institute (AAI) estimates that 3.5 million Americans with some ______________

arab heritage

what is undue hardship?

asking too much of an employer (•No set practice or request deemed an instance of undue hardship.. so its case-by-case)

examples of people with no religion,,

atheists, agnostics, those who state "no religion"

if women work in male dominant jobs do they make more than men or just as much as them?

average earnings are less than males in those jobs -male engineers make more money than female engineers

if men work in female dominated jobs do they make more or less than women?

average earnings are more than females in those jobs

do we tend to be more negative toward old or young workers in the workplace?

based on research people tend to be more negative toward older workers.

Why are women less likely to work when they have children but men are more likely to work if they have children?

because of ascribed gender roles. Men have been taught that they should provide for the family while women care for the children

why are men paid more ?

because they are thought to provide for family (family wage)

who are alumni?

people who used to work at a job and were good at their job (orgs should try to keep in contact with them)

what is one thing that workers tend to find to be very stressful?

being expected to be at two places at the same time ▫Doctor's appointments, home maintenance calls, deliveries, etc. occur during standard business hours ▫Lack of control over work schedules is source of stress ▫Workers seek flexibility in their work schedules

what is the majority religion in the USA?


Head coverings, uncut hair, dreadlocks - related to appearance requirements •Certain Jewish sects, men required to wear yarmulke (head covering) •Rastafarians wear hair in dreadlocks

companies need to try to accommodate some cultural and religious appearance int he workplace.

are there increasing numbers of overweight individuals are individuals who are thin? (in the US)

more overweight ppl (but more discrimination against the obese)

why are less white women with children employed compared to black women?

coz black men make less money. white women can stay home coz their white husbands make more money

have major discriminatory acts and overtly prejudiced attitudes increased or decreased?

decreased (replaced with more covert, everyday discrimination)

which groups is more likely to be unemployed compared to any other group in the US?


what has caused increased religious discrimination against Muslims in the US?

due to increased immigration and fear of terrorism

}1924 Society for Human Rights in Chicago

earliest known gay rights organization

who else do young parents have to care for?

elderly •Elderly may need help with shopping, meals, arranging for outside services, and responding to emergencies. Aging of the population

Organizational Recommendations (complaint mechanisms)

ensure that there are internal resources (ombudsman; HR open door policy) may use if experience discrimination

Flex work (definition) ex

flexible on both when and where performed •Similar goals and polices as those for working parents; those seeking work/life balance Example: ARO Incorporated in KC, Missouri -Contract call center located in KC area which hosts 90 or so call centers -Strong competition for employees -Staff turnover at 25% •ARO Example -Upgraded technology to allow employees to work from home -Actively recruited baby boomers who were attracted to flexibility -A large pool of mature workers have tended to stay with the company -Better match for demographics •financial and insurance sectors so talk to many people about same age as themselves

what influences what jobs men and women choose to apply for?

gender socialization

what is a baby boomer?

generation after ww2 (people were celebrating after war and lots of babies were born)

if women work in male dominated jobs, do they make more money? ex

yes (they make more than those in female dominated jobs) -female nurses make less money than female engineers

what are the interventions of Weinstein et al.,(2002)'s study? can we draw conclusions from this study?

•Interventions: increase perceptions of control, training in problem-focused coping -cant draw conclusions coz the study is correlational

who earns more, gay men or hetero men?

heteros make more moeny

is it clear what age younger workers start to become more valued in the workplace?

no (not clear when older workers become less valued in the workplace either but we know it happens)

is there a widespread uniform law that expressly protects gays and lesbians in the US workplace?

no (this decision to protect gays is made by each state)

Can companies force an employees to take part in religious activities?

no and they cannot prohibit it either

is there any federal legislation in the US that prohibits weight discrimination?

no but in some cases weight discrimination might be illegal under the ADA (if the weight is related to some health issue etc)

Which group is less likely to be discriminated against due to sexual orientation?

heterosexuals (majority group)

what is the issue with the invisibility of religion?

hiding an important part of u..negative effect on u •denying important aspect of identity •guilt and confusion about denial

who has more education, homos and heteros?

homos have higher education levels than heteros. -25% college degrees; 17% heterosexuals

does title 7 state that sexual orientation is protected?

no but it is protected under sex under title 7 according to EEOC interpretation -harassment and other discrimination because of sexual orientation is prohibited sex discrimination -protections regardless of any contrary state or local laws

are there any federal laws that protect workers younger than the age of 40?

no but some states have laws that protect people against discrimination based on any age. however state and local laws are not the same as federal

is it illegal to prefer those who are tall, thin and attractive over those who are not?

no its not illegal as long as its not disadvantaging people based on protected attributes (sex,race, etc)

what did the DADT ban?

it banned homos from being in the military if they were openly gay (this gives the message that discrimination is acceptable). this eventually resulting in 10k gays and lesbians being discharged from the military coz of this policy

if there are requirement for height and weight and sexy they must be ________________

job related requirements.

who earns more, lesbians or hetero women?

lesbians earn more or about the same as hetero women

do men in dual career marriages earn more or less than men whose wives are not employed?


Attractive people tend to be advantaged over those who are _____________________________

less attractive

benefits of internal resources?

makes org more inclusive. -Have resource room, kiosk, or person up to speed on all that is going on relative to sexual orientation. -Other strategies: -Hotline to report all forms of harassment, including but not limited to sexual orientation. -System of accountability for non-hostile work environment. }Reward/award programs that recognize superior efforts to achieve a safer, better working environment for all. -Encourage gay employees to bring partners to family organization events; display items from personal lives.

what is the year round income for full time workers (men and women) across all races and education levels?

male $56,000/female $36,000

at higher education who is more likely to have completed college or obtained an advanced degree?


does education return on investment favor men or women (EROI)?


who makes more money with high school diploma ?

men male $40,000/female $26,000

who makes more money with a masters degree, men or women?

men male $89,000/female $55,000

are more adult women employed or are more adult men employed?

men (73%). only 60% of adult women are employed.

who is slightly more educated in the US, men or women?

men (but this varies based on education level and age)

if women worked when they were married or prego would ppl think they were working to provide for their family?

no people would think they were working just to get pocket money (more money/extra money) coz everyone believes that her husband or man of household is providing for the family.

•Representation of women as stay at home moms doesn't reflect reality

▫Only 17% of married couples consist of an employed husband and a nonworking wife

The case of the epileptic roofer. Working at an elevation places any worker at risk; a worker who has a seizure could be a risk to himself and others. In Alaska, an epileptic roofer was killed when he fell 16 feet from a sloped roof. Clearly, roofing work and epilepsy don't mix. Right? Consider This: The epileptic worker who fell from the roof when he had a seizure was not wearing required personal fall protection that would have saved his life. Sometimes compliance with applicable regulations for all workers is all that is required. is reasonable accommodation needed?


are qualified persons required to perform marginal parts of a job?


can companies tell u what to value or what to believe?


has ENDA been passed?


is there a lot of research on younger workers?


today, are laws that prohibit homosexual acts constitutional?


do women think they are better in math than men or not?

no (influences educational decisions that lead to careers in engineering, math, and science)

is interpersonal discrimination subject to legal regulations?


what is a strategy for LGBT individuals to reduce discrimination at work?

not coming out

whose more religious, older or younger adults?

older adults •Older adults (35-64) more religious than younger adults (18-34) 78% versus 70% Reporting religious or very religious

what is the equal pay act (1963)?

oldest legislation passed by the EEOC.. must pay everyone equally if they work same job (unless they differ in seniority of merit)

What are OCBs?

organizational citizenship behaviors

how have the attitudes of people changed regarding sexual minorities?

people are more accepting of sexual minorities today

what is the difference between weight and other aspects of diversity (age, race and ethnicity)?

people can control their weight thats why ppl react differently to fat ppl -Implications for how obese are viewed and treated -Implications for how obese people may view themselves when treated unfairly

what are some male sex segregated jobs?

police, fire fighters, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, truck drivers, physicians, engineers, airline pilots

¨Older workers often perceived as unable to keep up with technology ¨Sectors of economy that view youth as essential to innovation and progress ¤Technology sector

thus tech companies are more likely to violate ADEA

how is formal discrimination in orgs prevented?

prevented by org policies or employment laws. -Refusing to greet, help, hire, or train stigmatized customers or employees is not permitted.

Sexual behavior is ___________ as long as it's between two consenting adults


what kind of coping method is better at alleviating choice anxiety?

problem focused coping (linked with perceived control and career progress)

When appearance requirements discriminate against _______________________________, then Title VII, ADEA, or ADA may be violated

protected classes

in 1978 the pregnancy discrimination act was passed. who did that protect?

protected prego women from being discriminated against in the workplace

how can orgs be more inclusive?

provide domestic partner benefits

Numbers suggest that large numbers of highly qualified women need to take_______________

time out

what are some female sex segregated jobs? (more women in these jobs)

secretaries, school teachers, nurses, nurses aides, receptionists, day care workers

Blind and deaf children ______________from other children


what is a significant contributor to the wage gap?

sex segregation in jobs (women who work in female dominated jobs get paid less COZ female dominated jobs are not well valued)

people who are religious do not always have negative attitudes toward ______________

sexual minorities (fundamentalists tho thats another story lol)

do single men or married men do more housework?

single men

what is one of the reasons we might want to keep older workers in workplace longer?

the general population aging and so is the workforce. ¤Living longer, healthier lives ¤Lower birth rates

do religions think that homos and sex outside marriage is wrong?

ya Organizations need to protect sexual minorities from discrimination and harassment.

what is fundamentalism?

strongly related to negative attitudes toward sexual minorities

how does socialization impact our occupational chocie?

stuff like school experience and work experiences, internships, courses, friends and family might all influence what career u choose.

Do women change challenging circumstances in the workplace?


are quantitative professions (math related) among the most rewarding professions financially? are there a lot of women in these professions?

they are but there are less women in these jobs

is someone is disabled how may they qualify for accommodation ?

they must be able to perform the essential functions of a job (with or without accommodation) -Essential functions - basis for the existence of the job (receptionist - answering phones; making appointments; greeting customers) -Marginal functions - secondary to the function of the job; job would still exist without these (receptionist - pick up cake for monthly birthday celebration)

what jobs do women primarily work in? (dominated by a specific gender)

they often have to work in male dominated jobs

why did religious minorities come to the USA?

they were seeking refuge from religious persecution

what does it mean to say that women had non linear jobs (about 58% of women said they had nonlinear jobs in the 2004 study)

they would stop working for a while.. work part time instead of full time

does the US value thinness OR obesity?


Between 1995-2005 Fortune 500 companies offering domestic partner health benefits increased 10x - from 21 to 230...what companies did this include?

this included American Airlines, Hewlett-Packard, Kodak

¨Weak economies result in more ADEA charges ¨Aging workforce ¤Percentage of workers over 65 has increased from last decade ¨Reaction from employers - cut cost and older workers perceived as more expensive what is the issue with this?

this is age discrimination

Research indicates that most employees with disabilities do not require accommodations. True or false?


According to JSM, removing perceiver's justification for expressing prejudice should reduce likelihood of discrimination. True of false?

true. -e.g., homosexuality is not a choice -e.g., body weight is genetically determined to a large degree

The case of the color-blind electrician. For their own safety and the safety of others, electricians must be able to accurately identify color-coded cables and wires, in variable lighting conditions. Therefore, a person who is color-blind cannot be an electrician. Right? Consider This: Color-blind electricians do exist. They use inexpensive color filters to help them distinguish different-colored wires. is reasonable accommodation needed?


age is constantly changing. When u get older, can age reduce ur status in the workplace?


based on ascribed gender roles, are women required to leave work when they are married or become prego?


do people with physical limitations still have a wide range of capabilities?


do women get stuck on their way up to the top levels of jobs?


has womens paid employment increased significantly in the past 30 years?


have black women historically worked outside the home?


is retirement a new thing?


is the number of women in the workplace slowly increasing?


is god included in the founding of the country (US)?

yes Separation of church and state yet... •Pledge: "One nation under God" •Money: "In God We trust" •Elected officials may be sworn in with "so help me God"

Those with disabilities are more likely to be unemployed and are paid less than people without disabilities. is this true?

yes •Census reports indicate that people with disabilities earn less per year compared to those without disabilities (2007) •Bachelor's Degree •$42,158 with disability; $66,500 without disability •High School Diploma •$19,400 with disability; $31,903 without disability

are mathematical tasks masculinized?

yes ▫belief that males are better in math in US culture ▫different expectations of mathematical success conveyed to male and female children lower expectations of math success for females

is religion ever intermixed with ethnicity?

yes •Often assume that Hispanics are Catholic 57% are Catholic 22% are Protestant 12% report no religion 5% some other religion

are there more men today participating in family an childcare?

yes (not more than women tho)

can cultural beliefs about gender impact our perceptions of our own competence?

yes (perceptions of how u view urself are important for what career u choose)

◦Historically, married men were paid "family _____________________"

wages (paid more)

Broad recognition that sexual orientation is a part of ______________

who you are

At lower education levels who is more likely to have a high school degree or some college (men or women)?


what is the issue within many religious orgs?

women are not allowed to be ordained as clergy or serve in leadership positions (against EEOC however this is exempt and can discriminate against women in hiring coz its a religious org.. govt cant tell religious orgs what to do regarding their religion..)

who spends more time on child care and housework?

women. ▫For example, in 1965 women spent an average of 21 hours and men spent an average of 2 hours per week on housework ▫In 1987 women reported spending about 19 hours per week and men about 6.8 hours per week on cooking, cleaning, & other housework

work and family is dominated by what belief?

womens place is to work at home

what is telecommuting?

working from home

Career/Life Choices

¡1. Consider inclusiveness, diversity climate as a factor in job searches, career-related decisions ¡2. Engage in respectful behavior to all ¡3. Avoid stereotyping; treat people as individuals ¡4. Know your rights and use proper channels to report violations ¡5. As a customer, consider the actions of companies before supporting them with your business; know the power of your $.

give an example of interpersonal discrimination?

¡e.g., customer service reps are not permitted to turn away a customer because of race, age, etc. However, they may show decreased eyes contact, decreased smiling, increased rudeness.

¨According to SHRM survey

¤2/3 of US employers do not actively recruit older workers ¤More than ½ do not attempt to retain key ones ¤80% do not offer special provisions to older workers such as flexible work arrangements ¤60% of CEOs say their companies do not account for workforce aging in their long-term business plans

¨AARP/Roper Report

¤80% baby boomers plan to work at least part-time during retirement years

Loretto et al. (2000); 35% of sample - age a factor in employment experience

¤Both positive and negative ¤May have gotten a job because of youth, but paid less than other workers because young

¨Deloitte Consulting Example

¤Firm realized that eventually many of its partners would be eligible for retirement ¤To keep this talented group of people created Senior Leaders Program -Selection committee - those making unique contributions and likely to continue to add significant value -Customize 2nd career - flexible hours, special projects -Prestige of program grew with employees and clients

¨Research also indicates that older workers are perceived to be:

¤Incompetent, unwilling to learn, accident and injury prone, lower performers ¤Evidence doesn't support these perceptions

how do HR usually hire?

¤Position Postings -adjectives such as high energy, fast paced, fresh thinking versus experience, knowledge, expertise (want younger employees) ¤Traditional recruiting channels may not work with mature adults

¨Older workers sometimes denied access to training and development opportunities

¤Sometimes thought to be a poor use of resources (might think older people might retire soon anyway and see no point in training them) ¤Misperceptions about: -Time remaining in workplace -Ability and desire to learn

what are some individuals recs for younger workers regarding ageism in the workplace?

¤Younger workers -When searching for a job: -Demonstrate responsibility - good grades, working reliably, extracurricular activities, internships, research experience -Once hired: -Behave responsibly and maturely at work -Ask advice from more experienced employees -If in a management position, do not be afraid to exercise authority and to direct those who are older -Know rights regarding freedom from sexual harassment

¨Flex programs offer older workers:

¤opportunities to mix work and other interest ¤personal fulfillment and growth ¤on-going financial rewards ¤continued enjoyment of co-workers

what is ageism?

¨Ageism -prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination due to a person's age ¤Not limited to older workers ¤Definition includes younger workers

is age discrimination difficult to prove?

¨Difficult to prove ¨Especially difficult when failure to hire ¤Difficult to determine why not hired

has retirement age been increasing OR decreasing?

¨Retirement age has lowered to average of 62, but life expectancy has increased ¤More years for leisure ¨Many people like to keep busy; don't want full time leisure ¤½ of today's retiree's say they are bored and restless

what are some thing companies can do to try to retain good older employees that work for them?

¨Work environment ¤May become alienating to those over 50 ¤HR practices may be explicitly or implicitly biased against older workers ¤Made to feel unwelcome

how many employers (%) have reported that stereotypes against discrimination against disabled impact employing people with disability?

•23% of employers admitted that attitudes and stereotypes were significant barriers to employing people with disabilities

which airlines were charged with discrimination against customers of middle eastern descent?

•American, Delta, Continental, Northwest, and United Airlines charged with discrimination against customers of Middle Eastern descent

•Weinstein et al. (2002)

•Association between anxiety and career indecision ▫Anxiety regarding career choice may lead people to avoid or stop career counseling ▫Prevent actions that may relieve indecision and reduce their anxiety •Inclusion of anxiety reduction in career decision-making interventions may have a positive effect on clients; may enhance decision-making efforts •Used Barlow's (2000) model of vulnerability for anxiety and depression ▫Perceived control may be especially important ▫Repeatedly experiencing a low sense of control makes more vulnerable to anxiety reactions • Those with higher control may engage in more problem-focused rather than emotion-focused coping •Sample of young women with historically low control over career choices: ▫low level jobs that are not part of a career ladder ▫lower SES ▫ Importance of understanding this phenomenon Interventions/developing policies to counsel such groups

there were large numbers of other religious groups that came to the US other than protestants. what religious groups did these include?

•Roman Catholics •Jews •Muslims •Buddhists •Hindus

what did the sample look like for Weinstein et al.,(2002)s study?

•Sample: 126 females in low level, semiskilled positions; not part of a career ladder

•Banchefsky & Park (2016), Psychology of Men and Masculinity

•Changing Stereotypes of Fathers Fathers might be viewed as having more maternal traits (e.g., kind, understanding) and fewer paternal traits (e.g., stern, authoritative) over time ▫Might be viewed as engaging in both more traditional maternal (e.g., arrange for babysitter) and paternal (e.g., provide household income) roles •Participants randomly assigned to imagine typical father ▫1950s or the present or in 2050 •Results: Mothers and fathers were viewed as becoming more alike from past to the present and continuing into the future ▫Difference primarily due to changing roles, particularly for fathers

Deckman et al. (2003) Clergy and the politics of gender.

•Compared attitudes and behaviors of male and female clergy in Protestant churches •Clear differences between men and women Women more likely to support: Political and social issues: gay rights, women's rights More likely to work in race relations programs, domestic violence counseling, to minister to gay people, to provide support for people with HIV/AIDS. Seemed to take action on behalf of devalued, disenfranchised minority groups.

correll (2001) study continued

•Data: National Educational Longitudinal Study ▫Random sample of 25,000 8th grade students, their parents, and teachers. ▫Sampled in 1988, again in 1990 (sophomores in HS), 1992 (seniors in HS), 1994 (2 years out of HS) •Self-assessment: ▫Math is one of my best subjects. ▫I get good marks in math. ▫I have always done well in math. •Controlled for actual ability ▫scores on math ability tests •Feedback: grades in school in math courses ▫Male self-assessed math competence was significantly higher than female's (ability differences were controlled) ▫When males and females perceive themselves to be equally competent mathematically, equally likely to enroll in calculus ▫However, more males than females enrolled in calculus Ability was controlled ▫Suggests gender differences in self-assessments of task competence is at least partly responsible for differences in enrollment in calculus •Conclusions ▫Gender beliefs bias self-perceptions of competence ▫Competence perceptions affect career-related activities, which in turn, affect career choices

what is the balancing act?

•Different beliefs about religion and sexual orientation require careful attention to fairness and equity.

¨Research sponsored by 30 major public and private organizations in N. Am. And Europe

•Explored business challenges presented by aging workforce •Urgent need to find ways to attract and retain employees of all ages •Of most concern - mass retirement (baby boomers) that threatens businesses in 10-15 years as they lose key talents

what does the topic work and family focus on?

•Fairly broad topic but tends to focus on issues relating to working parents, particularly women ▫e.g., negative effects of children on women's earnings, career progress, and full time work status

Example: Imperial Security Sued For Religious Discrimination by EEOC (2010)

•Firm Fired Muslim Security Guard for Wearing Religious Head Scarf •Threatened Other Employees With Termination for Wearing Religious Garments •Muslim employees sought modifications to the uniform policy on religious grounds •Imperial Security refused to reasonably accommodate religious beliefs

what do reasonable accommodation the workplace include?

•Flexible scheduling •Job reassignments and lateral transfers •Modifying work practices when doesn't pose undue hardship to legitimate business interests

what are the gendered stereotypes in terms of earnings and family?

•Gendered stereotypes - men as providers; women as caregivers lower earnings for women who are parents compared with those who are not higher earnings for men who are parents compared to those who are not •May reflect differences in behaviors: men who become fathers tend to increase their time at work women (particularly married women) who become mothers decrease their time at work

when did germany, sweden, and france begin having maternity programs?

•Germany 1883; Sweden 1891; France 1928

Peterson and Hewlett-Packard

•HP - diversity posters. •Peterson objected to poster that displayed a gay male posted Bible scriptures condemning homosexuality in his cubicle; referred to homosexual acts as an "abomination" •HP removal of quotes, Peterson put back up •Peterson stated that he meant for the posters to be hurtful and to condemn homosexual behavior •Stated that he would take scripture verses down if HP removed 'gay" posters •Refused any other compromise; eventually fired Complaint filed with EEOC on grounds of religious discrimination •Alleged that Christians were targeted by HP's diversity policy; goals were to change Christian's beliefs; failed to reasonably accommodate his religious beliefs. Courts assessed HPs behavior •Allowed Peterson to post anti-homosexual bumper stickers on his car parked in company lot, but asked him to respect his coworkers District court ruled in favor of HP. •Only accommodation that was acceptable to Peterson was removing the posters or allowing his scripture verses to remain; Required HP to endure hardship. Appeals court also ruled in HPs favor.

what was correll's hypotheses for his 2001 study?

•Hypothesis 1: Males will overestimate and females will underestimate their mathematical ability Positive performance feedback will result in higher assessments of ability females likely to pay more attention to this information feedback less important for males because more confident in math ability •Hypothesis 2: Higher self-assessments of mathematical competence increase the odds of persisting on a path toward a career in a quantitative profession

Learning Disabilities

•If you need to know how a person with a learning disability best learns or works, begin by asking him or her. •Be prepared to communicate in multiple formats: notes, written instructions, tape recordings, verbal directions, etc. •Provide a person with a learning disability the chance to practice a new skill or physically experience it. •Encourage person with learning disability to work creatively and develop productive, nontraditional methods of working.

General Considerations when interacting with disabled..

•Imagine how you would like to be treated. •Interact with a person, not a disability. Do not pay more attention to the disability than is warranted. •Do not assume anything. If you do not know, ask. •Always speak to a disabled person directly, even if he or she is using an interpreter. •Be patient and willing to learn. Be prepared to take a little extra time or exert a little extra effort. •Offer assistance if it seems to be needed and wait for your offer to be accepted before acting. •Make effective communication a priority. •Relax. A sincere commitment to including people with disabilities will compensate for most mistakes.

Visual Disabilities

•Levels of visual impairment range continuously from mild myopia to total blindness. •Many people who are considered blind have some sight. Many people who are blind consider it to be more of an inconvenience than a disability. Although many blind people use Braille, most do not. -Many use adaptive equipment such as text magnifiers, computers equipped with voice synthesis. •Introduce yourself, or announce your presence along with others who are with you. Excuse yourself before you leave. •Offer to describe the lay-out of the room, the names of other people in the room. • When guiding a person with a visual disability: -Do not grab him or her. -Offer to be a "sighted guide." -Let him/her take your arm. •They will probably allow you to walk 1/2 a step in front of them. -Point out doors, curbs, stairs, and possible obstructions as you approach. • Don't pet or interact with a guide dog. • Be aware that changing a physical environment (moving furniture, adding or deleting items, painting) can cause problems for someone with a visual disability. -Inform the person of any changes in the environment.

Hearing ImpairmentS

•Many different levels of hearing loss. Most people with hearing impairments have some hearing. •Not all people who are deaf use sign language. •Not all people who are deaf or hearing impaired read lips or speak. -Even best lips readers can make out only about 35% of what is spoken. •While a slight increase in volume may enhance communication with some people, excessive volume is inappropriate and may cause feedback in hearing aids. •Find out the way in which the person prefers to communicate. •To get a person's attention, tap him or her politely on the shoulder. •Be prepared to use notes or to communicate through an interpreter. •Always look at the person to whom you are speaking, not at the interpreter. •If person uses a hearing aid, avoid conversations in open, noisy areas. -Do not shout. Speak clearly in a normal voice. •If the person reads lips, keep obstructions (hands, food, cigarettes) away from your face. -Speak deliberately in short, simple sentences. •Simple gestures (nodding, shrugging shoulders) may be helpful. •Be patient and willing to repeat message if needed.

mental health related disabilities

•Many different mental and emotional illnesses. •Presence of mental illness doesn't necessarily preclude person from working. •Some medications used to treat mental disorders have side effects. •Mental illness is an example of an "invisible disability", so especially important that confidentiality of the individual involved be preserved. •Mental illness is the disability most frequently encountered and dealt with in employment situations. •Always discuss issues related to mental illness in private. •Treat the individual with respect and involve him or her in problem-solving. •Do not attempt to counsel the individual or provide therapy. •In the workplace, behavioral policies must always apply to all. Understand the importance of confidentiality and respect for coworkers

Speech Impairments

•Many things may cause speech impairments - hearing loss, stroke, cerebral palsy, or traumatic brain injury. •People with speech impairments are frequently mistaken for being intoxicated or mentally disabled. •May be easier to understand at first, but may deteriorate with fatigue or in stressful situations. •Successful communication can be a function of time. -Allowing time for person to express him or herself, allowing yourself tie to understand. •If you do not understand what person said politely ask them to repeat it. -Do not pretend that you understood when you haven't. •An area with background noise or distractions may make communication more difficult. •May have difficulty being heard in meetings or group situations. -Help them by assuring that the group allows them to speak. •Do not attempt to speak for another person or finish his or her sentences. •When necessary, ask short simple questions to confirm your understanding. •If necessary, consider using written notes or some other form of communication.

what measures did Weinstein et al.,(2002) use for their study?

•Measures: Career indecision; Career choice anxiety; Way of coping checklist (problem-focused and emotion-focused); Perceived control

Kaufman & Uhlenberg (2000)

•Men under 35 were more likely to cut back on paid work hours in order to be with their young children

•Primary source of stress among employed parents...

•Most child care centers operate only during standard business hours. ▫Only 3% offer evening care (Hofferth, 1999) ▫Problem for parents who do shift work, evening work

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

•Private employers, state & local governments having 15 or more employees, employment agencies, labor unions -protects from discrimination based on a disability -requirements regarding access and accommodations for disabled employees, vendors, and patrons Unlike RA, no affirmative action requirement

what is the purpose of reasonable accommodation?

•Purpose is to reduce discrimination and increase employment opportunities without unduly burdening employers

Altameyer & Hunsberger (1992)

•Religiosity alone or membership in any particular religion, not related to negative attitudes toward sexual minorities Muslims, Christians, Jews, and Hindus in sample People from any of these religions with strong fundamentalist beliefs were more negative toward homosexuals than people without such fundamentalist beliefs. Distinction between being religious and being a fundamentalist.

what are the restrictions of flex programs?

•Restrictions: -May be hired as fulltime contractors after 6 months of retirement -IRS restricts to 1,000 hours per year to prevent organizations from using contractors instead of full time employees -Those working more than 1,000 hours must do so through an agency and make their services available to other employers

what were the results of the ren 2008 study?

•Results: -Clear negative effects due to disability on performance expectations and hiring decisions •May view disabled person as unsuitable for employment due to stereotypes or stigma. •Tended to be skeptical that disabled person could perform the job duties. -Positive effect on performance evaluations was found •Found to be especially true of people in wheelchairs - High paternalism and the norm to be kind very strong for those in wheelchairs.

•Beauregard & Henry (2009). Human Resource Management Review

•Review of literature on Work-Life Balance (WLB) •Concluded that: ▫WLB programs positively influence recruitment and retention ▫WLB programs do not necessarily reduce Work-Life Conflict ▫ Employees use of programs may be low due to concerns that may reduce chances for promotion, make them appear less committed Supportive management and climate needed to reduce work-life conflict

Treatment of disabled may be affected by: (according to study/met analysis above)

•Stereotyping •Stigmatization •Anxiety •concern about suffering the disability in the future •Resentment •increased workloads due to disabled worker •accommodations as violating procedural or distributive justice rules •Paternalism •treating disabled like a child •"Norm to be kind" •may result in inflated performance ratings

what had the strongest moderator that effected how dssabled peoples performance was viewed for the ren 2008 study?

•Strongest moderator was for the nature of the disability. - Mental disabilities had a stronger negative effect on performance expectations and hiring decisions than physical disabilities. •Most of the studies in the meta-analysis examined depression. Expect even stronger effects for schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder.

Developmental Disabilities

•Take time to learn how the person learns and prefers to communicate. •Adults with intellectual deficiencies are often treated condescendingly or like children. •Many are extremely reluctant to discuss learning problems. • Because of previous experience, many are very sensitive to signs of approval or disapproval. •Avoid condescension and childish treatment. •Keep your conversation simple. •Avoid noisy, busy, or confusing environments in which to work or communicate. •Do not hurry conversations or interactions. •Be prepared to repeat or paraphrase, or to ask politely that a comment be repeated. •When giving instructions, break them down into component steps. •Encourage the use of learning aids: charts, lists, colored folders, pictures, labels.

are women or more men more religious?

•Women more religious than men 78% versus 72% reporting religious or very religious.

examples of undue hardship

•excessive cost of administration, reduced efficiency, excessive burden to co-workers •What is excessive depends on factors such as: Company size 30 employees versus thousands Operating hours open 24 hours 7 days a week, versus being open fewer hours and days per week.

within religious orgs there is homogeneity. what does this mean?

•primarily male leadership •little racial or ethnic diversity within a place of worship

what is the pregnancy discrimination act (PDA)?

•prohibits discrimination because of pregnancy and related medical conditions ▫Does not require pregnancy related benefits or leave ▫Prevents organizations from being able to drop pregnant women from medical or benefit plans that cover other temporary health issues

Freedom from religious harassment

•should have anti-harassment policy that specifically includes religious harassment •procedure for reporting harassment •prompt fair investigation •appropriate consequences when warranted •freedom from retaliation

how many women work part time?

■16% women work part time -Legal profession (23%) -Medical profession (20%) -Business sector (8%)

how many years to women tend to off ramp (leave their jobs) according to the 2004 study?

■2.2 years

int he 2004 study how many men left the workforce compared to women?

■24% highly qualified men have left work force (37% women)

■Provide Flexibility in Arc of a Career

■Booz, Allen & Hamilton (management and consulting technology firm) -Loses 2x as many women as men at midcareer -Up-or out-culture with long work hours and demanding work

what are some things that orgs can do when people leave work so they can easily hire them back and keep in contact with them?

■Create Reduced Hour Jobs ■Provide Flexibility in the Work Day ■Provide Flexibility in Arc of a Career ■Remove the Stigma ■Stop Burning Bridges ■Provide Outlets for Altruism ■Show Responsibility to Society ■Nurture Ambition

Fuegan et al. (2004) dependent measures..

■Dependent Measures - -Evaluation - competence; commitment; availability; agency; warmth -Decision - level of performance required to hire

what kind of penalties do short career interruptions come with for women? (this may account for the pay gap between men and women)

■Even short career interruptions come with penalties -Lose an average of 18% earning power -Business sector, loss of 28% -3 or more years out, losses of 37% ■Salary when returned compared with projected salary had they stayed

is there evidence that gender stereotypes interact with parenting role?

■Evidence that gender stereotypes interact with parenting role -Mothers expected to provide more care than fathers -Mothers who violate this gender role by being employed fulltime are perceived as: ■ less nurturing and less professionally competent than full time employed fathers

what was found for make and female job applicants in the Fuegan et al. (2004)

■Male job applicant - -held to lower performance and time standards when parent versus not parent (i.e., given a break for being a parent) ■Female job applicant - -held to higher standards when parent versus not parent (i.e., judged more harshly when parent)

Fuegan et al. (2004) manipualtions....

■Manipulated gender & parental status; paper people; lab experiment

center of Work-life policy 2004 survey.

■National representative sample ■focused on Highly qualified women ■n = 2,443 -28-40 age group -41-55 age group ■Men, n = 653

what should be the organizational goal for when ppl leave the workplace?

■Organizational Goal: maintain connections -Keep contact with talented people -Allow people to re-enter the workforce without being marginalized

■Cunningham & Macan (2007). Sex Roles, 57, 497-508

■Pregnant applicant compared to non-pregnant ■Identical interview and stimulus person ■Manipulated pregnancy using pregnancy prosthesis (fake prego) ■Dependent Measures ■hiring decision and qualification rating ■Job - computer programmer ■Results ■Pregnant applicant received lower recommendations ■Pregnant applicant viewed as equally qualified ■Evaluators made assumptions about potential absenteeism

which countries have the most extensive maternity leave policies?

▫Norway and Sweden most extensive; parents get one year of paid leave with 80% of wages

what were the findings of the 2004 survey from the center of work life policy?

■Temporary exit from the workforce (lots of women ere exiting from workforce more than men) -37% highly qualified women -43% women with children ■Pull factors (these things are causing women to leave the workforce in high numbers) -Children/Elderly parents (44%) -Personal health issues (9%) -Pervasiveness of highly traditional division of labor at home (women have to take care of and manage home)

how can companies try to "ramp up" or "ramp down"?

■Unbundle standard projects to identify chunks that can be done telecommuting or in short stints ■Divide into regular employees and alumni -Alumni - typically high performing, talented people, likely to return to company fulltime

were younger women or older women reporting being more ambitious?

■Younger women reported being more ambitious than older women ■In focus groups women reported: -being stuck at certain level -being handicapped in attainment of goals -Feeling frustrated with career progress

what were the advantages of telecommuting for employees?

■eliminates commuting time ■saves money on clothes and transportation

what were the advantages of telecommuting for employers?

■less cost in office space, phone lines, etc ■recruiting & retention tool

how many of the women surveyed in the 2004 survey said they worked from home?

■work from home some of the time ■8% women in survey work exclusively from home

whata re the implications of Weinstein et al.,(2002)'s study?

▫ Career choices perceived control is important for career counseling services and policies ▫Career interventions factors affecting perceived control should be identified and addressed ▫e.g., dispelling dysfunctional attributions; countering obstructive beliefs.

what may multiple roles help with?

▫ enhance self-worth ▫allow more chances to use talents and skills ▫result in positive emotional response

•Consider this mentality:

▫"In a world built on just-in-time, the ideal employee is one who is always available, not one who's constantly torn...... The corporate hero is the one free to fly to Singapore on a moment's notice, not the poor schlep who has to get home to relieve the nanny" (Future Magazine; quoted from Morris, 1997, p, 3-4)

•High cost and inaccessibility of child care force some parents to leave their children home alone (Capizzano, Tout, & Adams, 2000)

▫1/10 children 6-9 years-old whose mothers are employed are regularly left without any child care at all ▫1/10 cared for by mother at work

National Alliance for Care-giving & American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) estimate that:

▫44 million adults provide unpaid care to another adult ▫26 million adults work while providing care for elderly

•Davis, Smith, & Marsden (2000) - opinion survey.

▫About 50% of people surveyed felt "somewhat successful" at achieving balance ▫15% reported a "lack of success" ▫33% "done a good job" balancing ▫Among dual career earners - those with preschoolers least likely to report successful balance - only 10% of this group felt that they performed both roles well

What is problem-focused coping?

▫Action such as acquiring the information and skills necessary to resolve the problem (e.g., ask respected person for advice, analyzing the problem)

american view on maternity?

▫Americans place high value on individualism; raising the next generation as private rather than public concern

•Regardless of effects on employee Work-Life Conflict, WLB programs are associated with:

▫Competitive advantage in recruiting ▫More positive job-related attitudes, work effort, and citizenship behaviors ▫Enhancement of company image; more attractive to investors

what does the work-life balance topic consider?

▫Considers all employees and the balance of personal and work life

What is emotion-focused coping?

▫Distance themselves from the stressor (e.g., fantasizing about how things might turn out, rationalizing to make selves feel better). issue is that ur not really solving the problem

how is the family medical leave act (FMLA) inadequate?

▫Doesn't require paid leave; so little help to those who cannot afford unpaid leave. ▫Covers only those workers in establishments with at least 50 employees and who worked for at least 1,250 hours in the past year. About ½ of U.S. workers work in small businesses so are not covered

what are some reasons women are likely to continue participating in the workforce (3)?

▫Economic pressures ▫Rise in single parenting ▫Psychological benefits associated with work

•Haar et al. (2014). Journal of Vocational Behavior

▫Effects of work-life balance (WLB) on 1,416 employees from 7 different cultures ▫Found that WLB was: positively related to job and life satisfaction negatively related to anxiety and depression ▫For individualistic cultures the relationship between WLB and job and life satisfaction was especially strong

•Many U.S. workers feel pressed for time as they try to accommodate demands of work and family (Jacob & Gerson, 2001)

▫Especially characteristic of dual earner families where both partners work full time. 43% always felt rushed (Davis, Smith, & Marsden, 2000)

•Larson & Richards (1994) - U.S. study. Couples reported what they were doing when beeped by researchers.

▫Husbands much more likely to be engaged in leisure activities when at home ▫Early evenings especially varied by sex ▫Husbands tended to unwind and begin leisure activities ▫Wives focused on housework and childcare

what are three developing countries we talked about in lecture that support paid parental leave?

▫Jamaica - 8 weeks at minimum wage ▫Nicaragua - 12 weeks at 60% of worker wages ▫Zimbabwe - 3 months at 70%

Correll (2001)

▫Men and women tend to move toward different jobs Consequences - wage gap ▫Supply and demand Demand - organizations seeking employees (we tend to focus more on this) Supply - number of trained employees available to work

what kinds of things cause problems with work life balance?

▫employers believe workers should put work above all other commitments and activities ▫crisis-oriented work patterns and chaotic work routines that demand workers constant presence; makes leaving to go home difficult ▫productivity and commitment are measured by "face time" instead of by the amount of work accomplished ▫identify as "committed" only those workers who are willing to subordinate family obligations to work

what are the rules of title 7 for gender?

▫may not treat women differently than men ▫may not treat men differently than women

European view on maternity:

▫society bears some responsibility for family well-being; gain from investing in the next generation

Morris (1997) -

▫surveyed employees working in family friendly organizations - found that only 1/3 of employees of both sexes agreed that it was possible to get ahead at work and still devote enough time to their families

Gupta (1999)

▫when a woman marries or cohabitates with a man she adds an average 4.2 hours a week in household labor; men decrease their household labor by 3.6 hours

Role accumulation theory

▫with each role taken on new skills may be acquired ▫these new skills then may be applied to other roles e.g., the skills learned from coaching a sports team or from motivating a child may transfer well to managing in the workplace

•Bond, Galinsky, & Swanberg (1998)

▫workers whose employers provide little or no flexibility for dealing with home/work conflicts were less satisfied with their jobs and less committed to their employers

what is field based research?

◦Little research; difficult to study (cant be with employees when they are negotiating salaries) ◦Rely on self-report (however this can be impacted by social desirability///person wants to look better to u) ◦Small sample sizes ◦Salary secrecy (people are quiet about the salaries)

Bush, Duffin, & O'Shea (1996)

◦MBA sample: men were more likely to negotiate than women (25% of men and 11% of women) ◦Both genders who negotiated were equally successful

O'Shea & Bush (2002)

◦Men and women engaged in negotiation equally and were equally successful

Gerhardt & Rynes (1991)

◦No gender differences in rates of negotiation ◦Men ($1,973)were significantly more successful at raising their starting salaries than women ($1,231)

what is laboratory research?

◦Uncover negotiation processes (negotiating tactics) ◦Issue of generalizablity

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