DMS 211 Final Exam

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The renal cortex should measure as least


An abdominal aortic aneurysm is present when the diameter of the abdominal aorta exceeds


Thickness of the gallbladder wall in a normal fasting patient should not exceed


An adult kidney measures what from from superior to inferior margins?

9-12 cm

You are scanning a patient with suspected liver cirrhosis. All of the following are sonographic features of cirrhosis EXCEPT: A - shrunken caudate lobe B - altered echotexture C - ascites D - regenerative nodules E - surface nodularity


Infantile polycystic disease may also be referred to as:


SGOT (serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase) is now referred to as:

AST (aspartate aminotransferase)

Structure NOT seen in RUQ Liver Appendix Right kidney Gallbladder


Which of the following is NOT a remnant of the fetal circulation? A - falciform ligament B - coronary ligament C - ligamentum teres D - ligamentum venosum


Which of the following is NOT true about the abdominal aorta? A - The aorta has a thicker tunica media than the IVC. B - The proximal aorta is situated more anterior than the distal aorta. C - The abdominal aorta bifurcates into the common iliac arteries. D - The 3rd major branch of the abdominal aorta are the renal arteries.


all of the following would be considered common among solid renal masses EXCEPT? A - mural nodules B - smooth walls C - internal echoes D - septations


Obstruction of one or more hepatic vein in referred to as:

Budd-Chiari disease

The spiral valves of Heister are located in which structure?

Cystic duct

A 50-year-old woman with a long history of alcoholism presents with increased abdominal girth. Which of the following is the most probably finding on ultrasound of the abdomen? A - liver metastases B - hepatoma C - gallstones with a mass in the lumen of the gallbladder D - massive ascites with a small echogenic liver E - dilated intrahepatic biliary ducts


Which of the following is associated with development of cysts in the pancreas? A - Zollinger-Ellison syndrom B - autosomal recessive polycystic disease C - endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography D - Von Hipple-Lindau disease


Accessory pancreatic duct

Duct of Santorini

Main pancreatic duct

Duct of Wirsung

Fold in the parietal peritoneum that extends from the umbilicus to the diaphragm and contains the ligamentum teres.

Falciform ligament

Fibroeslastic connective tissue layer that surrounds the liver

Glisson's capsule

Macrophages that are part of the reticuloendothelial system, help break down red blood cells.

Kupffer cells

Pain in the area of the gallbladder

Murphy's sign

In what anatomic variant is the fungus of the gallbladder folded over the body?

Phrygian cap

Anatomic variant in which right lobe is enlarged and extends inferiorly.

Reidel's lobe

The muscle that controls the emptying of bile and pancreatic juices into the duodenum is the:

Sphincter of oddi

Patients present with fever and elevated white blood count


Which cells carry out the exocrine function of the pancreas?

acinar cells

Performs exocrine functions, secreting digestive enzymes

acini cells

A patient presents with a sudden onset of abdominal pain and extreme tenderness over the gallbladder fossa. Localized gallbladder wall thickening is visualized on ultrasound. This most likely represents:

acute cholecystitis

What is the most common primary carcinoma of the pancreas?


Cholesterol crystals within the Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses are found with:


Laboratory test that evaluates liver function

alkaline phosphatase

Performs endocrine function, secretes glucogon

alpha cells

The common bile duct enters the duodenum at the

ampulla of vader

Enzymes that digests carbohydrates


Which laboratory finding elevates first in the presence of acute pancreatitis?


A structure lacking echoes can be referred to as


Describes a portion of an image that is echo free


A rare malignant tumor of the spleen that consists of blood vessels is an


Towards the front of the body


The right portal vein divides into

anterior and posterior branches

List 4 ways to differentiate between the great vessels (Aorta is/has)

anterior branches, on the left side of the body, nothing posterior, courses posterior to the diaphragm

List the 4 vessels that run long in the body

aorta, IVC, SMA, SMV

An outpatient with a history of back pain and hypertension presents to the ultrasound department for an abdominal aortic ultrasound. Sonographically, you visualize a 6cm infrarenal aortic aneurysm with an echogenic linear structure noted gently swaying in the aortic lumen. What is the most likely diagnosis?

aortic dissection

Tendons that attach to muscles


What is the most common clinical finding of a simple renal cyst?


What is the most likely clinical finding of a patient who has a splenic hemangioma?


Non-shadowing, low-amplitude echoes located in the dependent portion of the gallbladder best describes:

biliary sludge

What liver function test is produced from the breakdown of hemoglobin?


What hepatic function continues after birth?

bilirubin production

The most common type of choleductal cyst involves:

both CBD and CHD

What form of hepatic abnormality are immunocompromised patients more prone to develop?


What is typically transmitted through contaminated water found in places such as Mexico, Central America, South America, Asia, India, and Africa?


Based on couinad segments of the liver, segment 1 is

caudate lobe

The most common benign hepatic neoplasm

cavernous hemangioma

Surgical removal of the gallbladder


Which hormone stimulates gallbladder contraction and the secretion of pancreatic enzymes?


Intermittent obstruction of the cystic duct by a gallstone results in

chronic cholecystitis

Demarcates the posterolateral border of the pancreas head

common bile duct

A structure that contains both solid and cystic areas


Plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior portions


Which ligament serves as a barrier between the subphrenic space and Morison's pouch?


The spleen removes irregular cells from the bloodstream and retains them through a process called:


What do Klatskin tumors cause

dilation of the intrahepatic ducts

Away from the trunk of the body


Another term for posterior


The portion of the bowel that encompasses the head of the panc is the


Skin discoloration caused by blood leakage into subcutaneous tissues


Describes an organ or tissue that is capable of producing echoes by reflecting the acoustic beam


Describes a structure that is less echogenic or has few internal echoes


Secreting into blood and tissue


Pneumobilia is most likely seen after what procedure?

endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)

What is hydros of the gallbladder?

enlarged gallbladder

Redness of the skin due to inflammation


The process of making blood cells is termed


Secreting into a duct


Renal cysts that project out away from the kidney are termed:


A collection of abdominal fluid within the peritoneal cavity often associated with cancer is

exudate ascites

Fatty infiltration is often patchy or focal. When a region of the liver is less affected it is called

fat sparring

Classic clinical features of acute pancreatitis

fever, back pain, leukocytosis

Opening between the lesser and greater sacs

foramen of winslow

An aortic aneurysm described as "dilatation with a gradual transition between the normal and abnormal segment".


The most common shape of an aneurysm is


A nonmobile, nonshadowing foci is seen within the gallbladder lumen. This most likely represents a:

gallbladder polyp

Demarcates anterolateral border of pancreas head

gastroduodenal artery

The arterial blood supply to the head of the pancreas is via the

gastroduodenal artery

What is a major branch of the common hepatic artery?

gastroduodenal artery

Which part of the pancreas is located right lateral to superior mesenteric vein, anterior to the IVC, and inferior to the portal vein?


A patient who had blunt trauma to the abdomen earlier in the day presents with LUQ pain and a decrease in hematocrit. An echogenic mass is seen in the spleen. What is this consistent with?


A tumor that consists of a focal collection of blood best describes the


A patient is referred with RUQ tenderness and a history of oral contraceptive use. A solid, hypoechoic mass is identified in the right lobe of the liver. Color doppler reveals hypervascularity of the mass. What is the most likely scenario?

hepatic adenoma

What 3 structures make up the portal triad?

hepatic artery, portal vein, bile duct

Vessels that branch off of celiac axis

hepatic artery, splenic artery, left gastric artery

Hepatoma is also known as

hepatic cellular carcinoma

A patient is referred for a liver ultrasound with the clinical history of a raised serum alpha-fetoprotein level. What should you look for?

hepatocellular carcinoma

The basic functional unit of the liver


Enlarged liver


Which potential space is commonly referred to as Morison's pouch?

hepatorenal space

An out pouching of peritoneum, muscle, and at times bowel is called


A solid mass that contains a variety of echogenicities could best be described by this term


Describes tissues or organ structures that have several different echo characteristics


In a patient with suspected lymphoma, the presence of Reed-Sternberg cells indicates:

hodgkin lymphoma

Describes structures of equal echo intensity


A complex cyst that results from the parasitic infestation of the spleen by a tapeworm is the:

hydatid cyst

What is associated with infestation by a parasite and is most prevalent in sheep and cattle-raising countries?

hydatid disease

Describes portions of the image that are brighter than surrounding tissues or brighter than normal


Describes portions of an image that are not as bright as surrounding tissues or are less bright than normal


You are scanning an obese patient to rule out fatty liver. How would you describe a common sonographic appearance of this condition?

increased echogenicity of the liver compared to the normal kidney

Where would a subhepatic abscess be located?

inferior to the liver and anterior to the right kidney

Away from the head

inferior, caudal

Which of the following is not a ventral hernia? Umbilical Inguinal Epigastric Hypogastric


Which hormone released by the pancreas that encourages the body's use of glucagon?


Endocrine portion of the pancreas made up of alpha and beta cells produce insulin and glucagon

islets of langerhans

Refers to imaged echoes of equal intensity


What is a ureterovesical junction?

junction between the distal ureter and the base of the bladder

Away from the midline


Based on couinad segments of the liver, segment 4a and 4b is

left medial lobe

The vessel located anterior to the abdominal aorta and posterior to the SMA is the

left renal vein

What vessel travels posterior to the superior mesenteric artery and anterior to the abdominal aorta?

left renal vein

The space located behind the liver and stomach, and posterior to the pancreas is the

lesser sac

Elevated WBC count, usually due to infection


The ligament that anchors the left kidney to the posterior abdominal wall is the


The ligament that anchors the left kidney to the posterior abdominal wall is the

lienorenal ligament

A remnant of the fetal umbilical vein

ligament of teres

Ligament that divides the liver into left lateral and left medial segments

ligament teres

Where can a patent umbilical vein be found?

ligament teres

This ligament separates the caudate lobe from the left lobe of the liver:

ligament vinosum

Fat digesting enzyme


Most common benign tumor of the abdominal wall


Which of these organs is an intraperitoneal organ? Liver IVC Aorta Left Kidney


If you are having trouble visualizing the posterior portion of the liver in a patient with fatty infiltration, what may help?

lowering the frequency

A disorder of the connective tissue characterized by tall stature and aortic and mitral valve insufficiency is

marfan syndrome

Toward the midline


The anatomic quadrate lobe is what segmental division of the liver?

medial segment of the left lobe

Structure that anchors intestines to the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity and forms ligaments


Plane that divides the body into EQUAL anterior and posterior portions


One of the structures that divides the liver into right and left lobes

middle hepatic vein

Which structures separate the left lobe of the liver from the right lobe?

middle hepatic vein, main lobar fissure

Vertical plane that divides the body into EQUAL right and left sections


Cysts that contain calcium carbonate crystals

milk of calcium cysts

Urine in the renal pyramids next passes into the

minor calices

Condition caused by ureteral obstruction in utero

multi cystic dysplastic kidney

An aneurysm associated with infection is termed


The ___ of the gallbladder lies most posteriorly in the body.


Occurs due to excessive calcium levels, deposits found in renal cortex and medulla


Functional unit of the kidney


Islet cell tumors of the pancreas are likely to be located:

never in the head frequently in the body or tail

Which of the following is not an intraperitoneal organ? Liver Pancreas Spleen Gallbladder


What part of the pancreas is located anterior to the portal confluence?

pancreas neck

What results in a shortened main pancreatic duct that works to drain only the pancreatic head and not the entire pancreas?

pancreatic divisum

These potential spaces extend alongside the ascending and descending colon on both sides of the abdomen

paracolic gutters

Cyst that originates from the renal parenchyma and protrudes into the renal sinus

parapelvic cyst

True renal sinus cyst; found in the renal pelvis

peripelvic cyst

The kidneys are located in the ____ space.


Rhythmic contractions of the GI tract that propels food through it


Fluid collection in the pleural cavity

pleural effusion

Air in the bile ducts


What is calcification of the gallbladder wall called:

porcelain gallbladder

Fissure where the Portal Vein and Hepatic Artery enter the liver and Common Hepatic Duct exits.

porta hepatis

What is a reanalyzed paraumbilical vein typically the result of?

portal hypertension

What is the most common cause of splenomegaly?

portal hypertension

The majority of the blood supply to the liver is provided from the:

portal vein

The majority of the blood supply to the liver. is provided from the

portal vein

You are performing an ultrasound on a patient with transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS). What two vessels are connected with the TIPS stent?

portal vein and hepatic vein

Towards the back of the body


Which of the following is not a retroperitoneal compartment? perirenal space anterior pararenal space posterior pararenal space posterior parietal space

posterior parietal space

Patient lying flat on their abdomen


The common hepatic artery divides into what 2 branches?

proper hepatic artery and gastroduodenal artery

Towards the trunk of the body


An abnormal cavity resembling a true cyst but not lined with epithelium


The muscle that has a direct relationship with the upper poles of the kidneys


This muscle has a direct relationship with the upper poles of the kidneys


Which of the following muscles is not part of the anterolateral abdominal wall? Pyramidallis muscle Rectus abdominis Psoas muscle External oblique

psoas muscle

A patient presents with empyema of the gallbladder. What should the sonographer expect to find?

pus in the gallbladder

Which of the following muscles is not a paired muscle? External oblique Transverse abdominis Pyramidalis muscle Rectus abdominis

pyramidalis muscle

The type of tissue within the spleen that is responsible for its phagocytic function is the:

red pulp

List echogenicities from hypo echoic to hyperechoic: liver, spleen, renal cortex, renal sinus, pancreas

renal cortex, spleen, liver, pancreas, renal sinus

The ureteropelvic junction is located between

renal pelvis and the proximal portion of the ureter

Staghorn calculus refers to a large stone within

renal pelvis of the kidney

Based on couinad segments of the liver, segment 8 is

right anterosuperior segment

The IVC empties blood into the

right atrium

The right lobe of the liver is divided into anterior and posterior segments by the

right hepatic vein

The anatomic division divides the liver into four lobes:

right lobe, left lobe, caudate lobe, quadrate lobe

The right lobe of the liver is divided into anterior and posterior segments by the :

right portal vein

Based on couinad segments of the liver, segment 6 is

right posteroinferior segment

Which vessel courses posterior to the IVC?

right renal artery

The potential space that lies between the liver and the diaphragm is

right subphrenic space

Vertical plane that divides the body into right and left sections


A lack of echoes posterior to a highly attenuating structure such as a stone is referred to


Artifact most commonly encountered posterior to a gallstone is


While performing an abdominal ultrasound for RUQ pain, you notice a single, well-circumscribed anechoic lesion in the right lobe of the liver. The lesion exhibits posterior enhancement. The remainder of the examination is normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?

simple liver cyst

A patient in the late stages of sickle cell anemia will have a spleen that is:

small and echogenice

Which enzyme released by the pancreas that neutralizes stomach acid?

sodium bicarbonate

An area within the spleen that has become necrotic because of a lack of oxygen is referred to as a

splenic infarct

The main portal vein is created by the union of the

splenic vein and SMV

An abscess located inferior to the liver and anterior to the right kidney is a ___ (space) abscess.


Space located superior to the liver and inferior to the diaphragm

subphrenic space

The splenic artery marks what aspect of the pancreas?

superior aspect of the pancreatic body and tail

Which artery supplies the small intestines, right colon, and most of the transverse colon?

superior mesenteric

Toward the head

superior, cranial, cephalic

Patient lying flat on their back


Current ultrasound contrast agents go to which located when injected?

the vascular system

How are current ultrasound agents expelled from the body?

through the respiratory system

Plane that divides the body into superior and inferior portions


T or F? The abdominal aorta normally tapers in diameter from its cranial to its caudal extent.


T or F? The lesser sac does not contain any organs.


In a dissecting aneurysm, the dissection is through which of the layers of the aorta.

tunica intima

The inner wall of layer of a vessel, closest to the passing blood, is the

tunica intima

Layers of vessels, inner to outer

tunica intima, tunica media, tunica adventitia

Identify the part of the pancreas that lies anterior to the IVC and posterior to the superior mesenteric vein?

uncinate process

Another term for anterior


Peritoneum that surrounds the abdominal organs is referred to as

visceral peritoneum

The type of tissue within the spleen that is responsible for its lymphatic function is the:

white pulp

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