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Limited or hampered

You are impaired when your ability to operate a vehicle is ______

Installing larger side mirrors

You can reduce your vehicles blind spot by ______

is involved in a crash each year

About one out of every 20 drivers ______

Front airbags, seatbelts

According to the NHTSA, the combination of ______ and _____ reduce the risk of drools crash related head injury by 83 percent

In any situation

As a driver, you should yield to pedestrians:

Maintain a safe cushion of space ahead and behind your vehicle

As you enter the declaration lane or the exit ramp, slow down and _______

A driver behind you is trying to paas

Creating a following distance greater than 3 seconds ahead when __________

central nervous system

Depressants affect the ______

All of these answers are correct

Enter a curve SLOWER than the posted speed if _______

Visibility is increased

High speed it increases the risk of collision because of all of these things except:

the driver behind

If a driver in front stops suddenly and a collision occurs it is the "fault" of _____

Fastest vehicles

If traffic is traveling faster than the speed limit, resist going the speed of the ____

Each year

In the U.S., nearly 2.1 million people are injured and over 34,000 people are killed in traffic collisions ______________

Your natural sleep time

It is not safe to drive if you stay awake during ______

All of these answers are correct

Law enforcement agencies categorize observable aggression driving behavior as which of the following?

four to five

Micro sleeps last _____ seconds


Nearly _____ percent of the vehicles involved in motor vehicle crashes in 2016 were passenger cars or light trucks

It is tired

Never drive when your body tells you ______

perform a chemical test

Operating a vehicle in the state of florida is considered as giving legal consent to ______


Place a secure large items or loose objects in the _____ for safety and to deter theft.

A red "x", which means the lane is closed

Reversible lanes are marked with unique signs, signals, and markings, such as _______

Rush hour

Reversible lanes are used during _____


Scanning low allows you to locate ______ before you hit them.

Poor wheel alignment

Several factors can cause tire failure including under inflation, hard braking, and ______

Against the law

Slowing down or "rolling through" a STOP sign is __________

Have poor rearward vision

Step vans (delivery trucks) and 15-passenger vans

blood alcohol concentration

The amount of alcohol in your bloodstream is called __________

Let them get in front

The best way to deal with the tailgater is to _____

15 years of age

The minimum age requirement for a learners license in Florida is:


Urban driving often involves limited _____ which often obstructs advance warning of traffic obstacles


You must use your vehicles headlights any time from _______ to _______


You should search a minimum of ________ seconds ahead of your vehicle to avoid obstacles in your path.

all of these answers are correct

Your license may be suspended or revoked for _____

Orange, rectangular

_____ Diamond shaped or ______ signs alert drivers of construction zones.


_________ is the temporary removal of your privilege to drive


_________ transport a pet in the bed of an open pick up truck

alters the reflexive capabilities of the muscular system

most state vehicle codes state that you shall not drive after taking a substance that _____


After you start your vehicle, and as you begin to drive, always check your ________


Alcohol is metabolized by the ______

Check your tire inflation and tread depth

One of the most important task to complete if you are going to drive in the rain, slush and mud is to _______

Check the location and condition of the spare tire

One of the most important things you should do before you leave the lot with a rental ______

whenever you change speed or position

Our natural tendency is to concentrate on what is going on ahead of where we are going, so you need to check your mirrors _____________

10 inches

To reduce injury in the event your airbag deployed, position your body at least ____ from the steering wheel

Make smooth steering corrections

To regain control of the vehicle in a skid, ______

Grader stopping distances

Traveling at high speeds require ____


Traveling faster than the speed limit increases both the risk and the __________ of a crash

Emergency hazard lights

Use your _______ to communicate to other drivers that you are in trouble or there is trouble ahead.

All traffic, in either direction, must slow down, pull to the right of the road, and stop until the emergency vehicle passes

When approaching or being approached by an emergency vehicle with his siren and/or lights on, ______

self regulation

When you detect your emotions beginning to dominate your judgement and actions while driving, you should practice ______

Have warning labels

All drugs issued under a prescription


Child resistant anchorage systems should have _____ lower Anchorages.

have side effects that slow ability to think and react quickly

Cold medicine can ________


Dear are more likely to be more active and roam outside of their territory during ______

Check the automatic transmission fluid

Every 15,000 miles, ______

Emotional issues

Inattention is generally caused by concentration on ________

hostile verbal expression

Negative thoughts that occur while driving often surface in the form of ________

Emergency assist

There have been improvements to the ABS including _____

Do not anticipate other drivers were open a gap for you to enter

When changing lanes on an expressway, so I know your intentions and _______

The school bus is on the opposite side of the roadway that is divided by a physical barrier

When passing a stop school bus, you do not need to stop if _______

Only drive to the right of the rotary traffic island

When passing around a rotary traffic island, you must

the rearmost left corner of the vehicle

When you adjust the drivers side mirror, you want to be able to see ______


When you combine alcohol with some drugs,the results can be _______

Pump the brake pedal

If your brakes "fail", one of the first things to do is _____

Approaching within 100 feet of an intersection or a railroad crossing

In Florida, it is illegal to drive on the left side of the road for passing purposes when ______

Pull as far off the road as possible and turn on your emergency flashers

If conditions are so bad that you cannot see the road ahead, ________

all of these are correct

If you are a new driver, to be issued a Florida drivers license, you must _______

Use controlled braking

If you are in an emergency and there is no space to the side to steer out of the way of a crash, _______

Conduct a self Inventory of all drugs consumed and their side effects

If you are taking a prescribed drug and are going to drive, ________

Apply your brakes gently as you accelerate

If you drive through water, your brakes may become slippery and ineffective. To dry the brakes off, ______

Pull hard toward the deflated tire

If you experience a blowout in one of your front tires, your vehicle will ____


If you have to drive on long trip, get plenty of rest before you leave and plan to stop every ______

Blood flow

Once in the brain, alcohol affects ALL of these critical skills EXCEPT:


Because the actions of other road users are _________, you can lower your risk if you adequately communicate to those around you. Always signal your intention to change lanes or turn.

Left, center, right, left again

Before entering an intersection, the safest searching process is to search

Get a detailed estimate that includes the service, the parts, and the labor costs

Before you have work done on your vehicle, ______


During each mile you drive, you make approximately _________ driving related decisions

your own well being

Evaluate weather conditions, the condition of your vehicle and other risk factors, including ________, every time you drive.

Service the automatic transmission

Every 30,000 miles, ______

Reference your owners manual

For specific guidelines on your vehicles maintenance, make sure to _____

Misjudge the closure rate of oncoming traffic

Many head on collisions occur on two lane roads when passing because drivers _______

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