driver's education chapter 13 (vehicle malfunctions, driver errors, roadway hazards, collisions, insurance)

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TOWING Insurance

labor costs of towing, minor repair to disabled vehicle (dead battery, out of gas, flat tire, crash, regardless of cause or fault )( not needed if owner belongs to an automobile club

unusuak and unexpected roadway hazards can cause you to

lose control of your vehicle

if you are threaten with a head on collision you should

maintain vehicle control, brake hard, but so not lock wheels blow the horn, flash the lights (this may alert the other driver) steer right toward the shoulder

off road and obstruction ahead

must use precision steering position vehicle so it straddles the road drop-off do not jerk steering wheel -page 258

vehicles in deep water

never attempt to drive through deep water

brake fade

occurs after continuous hard braking, in order to regain braking ability, stop the vehicle and let the brakes cool


occurs when a tire loses air pressure suddenly can also occur if the tire hits an object on the roadway or a pothole Older and Worn tires

power steering failure

occurs when the engine dies or the steering fluid is low or when a drive belt slips or breaks, the steering mechanism works but you must use more effort

if you are in deep water you should

open the window, farthest from the water open power windows immediately because they might short circuit unfasten your safety belt, make sure passengers unfasten their safety belts exit promptly through open window if windows will not open, so not panic, doors may be slow to open until the pressure equalizes

bodily injury liability

pays claim against owners it someone is killed or injured and owner is at fault, includes hospital and doctor bills, legal fees, court costs and loss of wages Required in most states min coverage is often too low..Review page 268

Vehicle Fires

*Are dangerous and can involve fuel, oil, grease, ordinary combustibles, electrical equipment, *Must notify the FIRE DEPARTMENT

If you have a collision you should

*STOP IMMEDIATELY *AID the injured *Prevent Further damage, by warning oncoming traffic with flares or reflectors (100 feet ahead of and behind, at least 500 feet in heavy traffic) *Call the Police *exchange information *file necessary reports, most states require this report within 24 hours *Provide proof of financial responsibility *promptly notify your insurance agent, if you fail to notify the agent they might REFUSE to pay your claim.

Steps to take in case of a vehicle fire

*Steer vehicle off roadway to a safe open area *have passengers get at least 100 feet away *even if you see flames, Do not open the hood, Wait for fire department Fuel tank could explode

two wheels of the road

*make sure your hands are at 9 and 3 oclock positions *steer toward your target ** slow car, let foot off the accerlerator 8turn 3-5 inches to the left speed below 10MPH

Insurance rates can be impacted by

*one's driving record *age (25 or younger can pay up to 4 times more) *miles driven on a regular basis *driver's gender *marital status *type of vehicle (sports car cost more to repair and replace) *address (high traffic density, urban areas are more costly) *driver's claim record ( the more comprehensive and *collision claims may result in higher premiums or cancellation of the policy

uninsured motorist insurance

pays for injuries to you and your passengers in cases of a hit and run crash or collision with an uninsured or UNDERINSURED motorist REQUIRED in most states covers hospital, legal, court costs, loss of wages, but does not cover property damages


pays medical costs for you and your passengers


pays the cost of repairing and replacing owner's vehicle from damage and includes FIRE, THEFT, FLOOD, WIND, EARTHQUAKE, STORM, RIOTS and Vandalism. Important for new and expensive vehicles

Collision insurance

provides coverage to pay the cost of repair or replacement of your vehicle minus the DEDUCTIBLE

no fault insurance

arose as a result of court backlogs and works differently from state to state. Generally people recover for their lost from their own insurance company

side impact collision

blow horn to alert other driver brake or accerlerate quickly, whichever is likely to lessen the collision impact. Be constantly aware of the traffic around you.

Vehicle malfunctions

can be prevented by proper maintenance and PROMPT repairs

loss of forward vision

can occur when your windshield gets splashed or your hood flies up you must act promptly to regain it check rear zone to seeif it's safe to stop

objects, such as leaves, animals or even a pedestrian

check traffic, decide to steer around, brake, straddle

Brake system

consists of two systems, one for the front wheels and one for the rear wheels

when a FRONT tire blows out the vehicle pulls in the

direction of the deflated tire

Tires wear

due to unfavorable driving and poor maintenance conditions, abrupt braking, sharp steering, poor roadway surfaces, unbalanced wheels and poor alignment, along with UNDERINFLATION and OVERINFLATION.

engine failure

engines can sputter or stop you should shift to Neutral begin moving out of traffiv turn on hazard lights DO NOT BRAKE Try to restart the engine while moving, if it starts shift into forward gear steering can be difficult/harder during engine failure


the slope of a surface, such as the side of the road

A rear tire blow out can cause

the vehicle to Fishtail

Always refer to the owner's manual before changing a


if you anticipate a loss of forward vision

use your windshield wipers in advance

passenger compartment fires

usually caused by carelessly handling matches or a burning tobacco product

Most expensive cities for car insurance

Detroit Philadelphia Newark Loas Angeles Hempstead, NY

Liability insurance

Covers others when you are at fault or (liable) for a collision provides compensation to the third party

A LEFT front tire is especially

Dangerous because it pulls toward the lane of oncoming traffic

Least expensive for car insurance

Eau Claire, Wisconsin Norfolk, VA Raleigh, NC Bismarck, ND Burlington, VT

Financial Responsibility Law

Every state requires that you prove that you can pay for damages you cause that result in DEATH, INJURY, or PROPERTY DAMAGE


Names of friends and family members to contact (ICE -In Case of Emergency)

emergency swerving

Remember in a 40MPH or faster you can swerve into an open-right zone in a shorter distance than you would need to brake to a stop

Handle a rear blow out the same as a

SKID, by a. Gripping the steering wheel b. Ease up on the accelerator to slow the vehicle but DO NOT BRAKE because it can cause the vehicle to SWERVE c. Check the traffic situation d. Drive off the roadway slowly, braking GENTLY E. Turn on HAZARD lights, find SAFE location to STOP

air pocket

appears in water during nighttime conditions and will lead you in the direction of the surface get a full breath or two of air before leaving the vehicle.

you pay this in order to get insurance



a contract between you (the insured) and the insurance company

the most dangerous part of changing a tire is finding

a safe place to change it

if your engine stalls on railroad tracks

abandon vehicle if train is approaching and get as far away from the tracks as you can If the train is not approaching you can try restarting your vehicle, have passengers leave car Have a passenger watch for the train Put car in neutral and push car off the tracks if safe to do so

compact spare

also known as a 50-50 (should not be driven more than 50MPH or more than 50 miles)

Sudden malfunctions can create

an emergency

sharp curves

enter curves with caution, driving too fast is dangerous because you can easily lose control brake gently look to target area and accerlerate gently to help stabilize your vehicle

When a front tire blows out you must

focus on steering firmly against the PULL of the vehicle

head on collision

front ends of TWO vehicles collide,GREATEST FORCE OF IMPACT of any collision

checking rearview mirror, maintaining 3 second following distance, stopping so you can see the tires ahead

help you avoid getting hit from behind

four wheels off the road

if you are forced off the road, trying to jerk your vehicle back could cause a rollover

amount of time a driver has to respond

is controlled by his or her speed and distance

Total brake failure

rarely happens, however, if it does *pump the foot brake pedal, because it might temporarily restore brake fluid, you will know in 3 or 4 pumps whether this is working *DOWNSHIFT to a lower gear *use the parking brake release lever *Lastly rub the wheels against a curb to reduce speed *if a collision is unavoidable, steer for a SIDESWiPE than a head on collision

total steering failure

rarely occurs, but if it does, communicate the emergency by using your horn and hazard flashers lift foot from accelerator, Do not brake but if you must, brake forcefully to reduce speed

Most insurance companies reward low risk drivers with

reduced premiums for such things as good grades in school, successful completion of a driver education program, no claims or convictions for three years and for having a vehicle with safety features

driver errors cause most emergencies

such as inexperience, distractions, lack of attention and poor decisions

take these actions if you are threatened with a rear end collision

tap your brakes as if you are slowing down (this may alert the other driver) check front zones release the brakes before a collision occurs, this may reduce the impact

overheated engine

temperature light or gauge will warn you turn off air conditioner and turn ON Heater (this pulls heat away from engine) during stops shift to Neutral Press the accelerator gently move to safe place, turn off engine, let it cool Do not add water to radiator until engine has cooled (steam can escape and cause sevvere burns


the amount you agree to pay towards the repair or replacement of your vehicle


water collects in cracks in the roadway, it can freeze and thaw, causing the cracks to expand. potholes have sharp edges that can severely damage tires. Watch for them and drive around them or straddle them

rear end collision

you are at greater risk for this this is when the front one vehicle hits the rear of another

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