Drowsy Driving
Causes of Fatigue:
** Disruption of Circadian Rhythm ** Extended Physical/Mental Activity ** Lack of Sleep/Sleep Disorders ** Emotional Stress ** Use of Alcohol/Drugs ** Eating a Heavy Meal ** Body's Natural "downtime" 10PM to 6AM 1PM to 3PM
Teenagers require ______ hours of sleep.
General Physical Symptoms of Fatigue
Localized Pain in Back of Head Pain and Soreness in Muscles Stiffness in Joints Swelling of Hands and Feet
Is there a law in Virginia for driving drowsy?
Fatigue is:
The Body's "Downtime" Follows a Period of: Extended Mental Activity Extended Physical Activity Characterized by: Reduced Capacity for Physical Activity Reduced Efficiency of Mental Function
A drowsy driver may be suspected of being __________.
Next to infants, ________ require the greatest amount of sleep of any other age group.
General Physical Symptoms of Fatigue
Head Nodding Sleepiness Constant Yawning Heavy Eyelids Blurred Vision
Driving sleepy increases your crash risk as you struggle to process complex info. As a result, you may:
a. have heavy eyelids b.yawn c.have a nodding head
What are four signs of drowsy driving specific to driving?
a.driving off the road b.unplanned lane changes c.cannot remember last few miles driven d.missing road signs
List seven ways to avoid falling asleep at the wheel:
a.get plenty of quality sleep b.avoid alcoholic beverages c.beware of medications that can impair your driving ability d.limit long distance driving e.stop at a safe place and take a nap f. switch drivers when necessary g. avoid driving from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
What actions might sleepy drivers try that don't prevent drowsy driving and are not reliable methods for staying awake:
a.rolling down a window b. chewing gum c.turning up the radio d.consuming caffiene