Earthquakes Final

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Between 1960 and 2006, floods in the United States produced an average of _______ in damage per year. A. $459,000 B. $4.59 million C. $45.9 million D. $459 million E. $4.59 billion

$4.59 billion

During the 20th century, the average global surface temperature rose ______. A. 0.06C B. 0.16C C. 0.6C D. 1.6C E. 6.0C


Statistically, the 100-year flood has a ______ percent chance of occurring any year. A. 1 B. 10 C. 50 D. 63 E. 0


The rate of global sea-level rise is currently averaging about ________ per century. A. 0.01 ft B. 0.1 ft C. 1 ft D. 10 ft E. 100 ft

1 ft

Tsunami are typically about _____ high in the open ocean, and 6-15 m high on reaching shallow water. A. 0.1 m B. 1 m C. 5 m D. 20 m E. 30 m

1 m

At present, the world population of humans is growing at a rate of ________% per year. A. 0.02 B. 0.12 C. 1.2 D. 12 E. 22


Using the rule of 70, money invested at 7% annual interest will double in __________ years. A. 70 B. 35 C. 10 D. 7 E. 2


If Alaska and California are ignored, the list of 10 largest U.S. earthquakes shows ____________. A. only events centered in Washington and Oregon B. only events centered in Washington, Montana, and Hawaii C. only events centered in Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, and Nevada D. 8 events centered in western states and 2 events centered in Missouri E. 10 events affecting at least 10 different states

10 events affecting at least 10 different states

Tsunami arrive as a series of several waves separated by periods typically in the _________ range. A. 1-6 second B. 10-60 second C. 1-6 minute D. 10-60 minute E. 1-6 hour

10-60 minute

Along many low-lying sections of the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts, a 1 ft rise in sea level may equate to as much as ________________ of inland movement of the beach. A. 1 ft B. 10 ft C. 100 ft D. 1000 ft E. 10,000 ft

1000 ft

The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami killed an estimated 245,000 people in ____ countries. A. 5 B. 13 C. 8 D. 18 E. 25


Between 1960 and 2006, floods in the United States resulted in an average of _______ deaths per year. A. 1.4 B. 14 C. 139 D. 1,450 E. 14,5000


The Little Ice Age that affected Europe from about ___________ lowered average annual temperature by only about 1C but was enough to reduce crop yields, cause mountain glaciers to advance, and produce winters much more severe than in the twentieth century. A. 700 to 1200 C.E. B. 900 to 1400 C.E. C. 1200 to 1700 C.E. D. 1400 to 1900 C.E. E. 1700 to 2100 C.E.

1400 to 1900 C.E.

One of the greatest weather disasters in U.S. history occurred during the ______, when several years of drought turned grain-growing areas in the center of the nation into the "Dust Bowl." A. 1920s B. 1930s C. 1940s D. 1950s E. 1960s


During the course of a year, the equatorial regions of Earth receive about ________________ times as much solar energy as the polar regions. A. 0.7 B. 1.8 C. 2.4 D. 3.6 E. 5.2


In the last 50 years of the 20th century, world population grew from ______ billion to over 6 billion. A. 5 B. 4 C. 3.5 D. 3 E. 2.5


The oldest rocks on the ocean floors are about ________ years in age. A. 50,000 B. one million C. 200 million D. 2 billion E. 4.5 billion

200 million

California accounts for _______ of all U.S. earthquakes of magnitude 3.5 and above. A. 82% B. 64% C. 57% D. 23% E. 17%


Likely global climate changes in the 21st century include all but which of the following? A. melting of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets B. melting of permafrost in Arctic regions C. melting of mountain glaciers D. 30 meter rise in sea level E. more frequent severe drought in the central United States

30 meter rise in sea level

Using the rule of 70, a population growth rate of 2% annually will result in doubling a population in __________ years. A. 70 B. 35 C. 10 D. 7 E. 2


The 2003 European heat wave resulted in more than ___________ human deaths. A. 350 B. 3,500 C. 13,500 D. 35,000 E. 135,000


A polar jet is a belt of winds about 600 miles wide, flowing as fast as _________ in its central "core". A. 37 mph B. 370 mph C. 3700 mph D. the speed of sound E. an orbiting satellite

370 mph

Most tsunami travel at speeds of ____________ miles per hour. A. 4.2-4.8 B. 42-48 C. 420-480 D. 4200-4800 E. 42,000-48,000


The age of the Earth is about ________________. A. 10 million years B. 100 million years C. 1000 million years D. 460 million years E. 4600 million years

4600 million years

After lava cools below the Curie point, which is about _____, atoms in iron-bearing minerals become magnetized in the direction of the Earth's magnetic field at that time and place. A. 50C B. 250C C. 550C D. 850C E. 1150C


At present, after subtracting deaths from births, world population increases 1.3 percent per year for a doubling time of ________________. A. 58 years B. 14 years C. 140 years D. 70 years E. 280 years

58 years

The present human population of the world is a little more than ____________. A. 500 million B. 6 billion C. 60 billion D. 100 billion E. one trillion

6 billion

Paleoseismologic analysis of trenches cut across faults and folds in the New Madrid, Missouri, area has led the U.S. Geological Survey to forecast a 90% chance of a magnitude ______ earthquake here within the next 50 years. A. 4 to 5 B. 6 to 7 C. 8 to 9 D. 9+

6 to 7

In the United States about 2.5% of the land is floodplain and home to about _________ of the population. A. 0.065 percent B. 0.65 percent C. 6.5 percent D. 65 percent E. None of our population lives on floodplains because of flood zoning legislation

6.5 percent

What is the probability that a 100-year flood will occur at least once in 100 years? A. 1 percent B. 10 percent C. 50 percent D. 63 percent E. 0 percent

63 percent

The Great Plains region of the central United States plays host to about ______ percent of the tornadoes that occur on Earth. A. 70 B. 10 C. 95 D. 50 E. 25


Severe weather causes about _______ of the yearly deaths and damages from natural disasters. A. 5% B. 10% C. 35% D. 60% E. 75%


At present, the world population of humans grows by over ______ million per year. A. 0.08 B. 0.8 C. 8 D. 80 E. 800


Over _________ of Earth's magma extruded through volcanism takes place at the oceanic spreading centers. A. 90% B. 80% C. 70% D. 60% E. 50%


Tsunami wavelengths can be as great as ____________. A. 840 m B. 8400 m C. 84 km D. 840 km E. 8400 km

840 km

Over _________ of volcanism is associated with the edges of tectonic plates. A. 90% B. 80% C. 70% D. 60% E. 50%


On 3 November 2002, a large earthquake occurred in __________. Because of its similarity to the 1857 Fort Tejon earthquake on the San Andreas fault, this event has been compared to the much-anticipated "Big One" in Southern California. A. Oregon B. Mexico C. Alaska D. Canada E. Nevada


The 1946 April Fool's Day tsunami at Hilo, Hawaii, was caused by an earthquake in ________. A. California B. Alaska C. Hawaii D. Mexico E. Chile


The main destructive actions of tornadoes include all but which of the following? A. High-wind speeds blow away buildings and trees. B. Winds rushing up the funnel have a lifting force in the updraft. C. An explosive situation exists because of the differences in air pressure between the very low pressure inside a tornado funnel and the higher pressures outside it. D. A strong high-pressure zone in the center blows buildings apart. E. All of the choices are correct.

A strong high-pressure zone in the center blows buildings apart

Which of the following does NOT have a significant convergent margin? A. Kamchatka B. Australian Plate C. South American Andes D. Caribbean Plate E. African Plate

African Plate

Which of the following has the lowest heat capacity? A. Water B. Granite C. Quartz D. Air


The 1964 tsunami that killed 12 people at Crescent City, California, was caused by a major earthquake in _______________. A. Japan B. Hawaii C. Alaska D. Washington E. Chile


Which state accounts for the greatest percentage of all U.S. earthquakes of magnitude 3.5 and above? A. California B. Hawaii C. Alaska D. Washington E. Nevada


Which of the following is NOT a divergent margin? A. East African Rift B. Mid-Atlantic Ridge C. Aleutian Island Arc D. East Pacific Rise E. Juan de Fuca Ridge

Aleutian Island Arc

The most famous and outspoken of the early proponents of continental drift was ______________. A. Plato, for whom "plate tectonics" was named B. Leonardo da Vinci C. William Smith D. Alfred Wegener E. Immanuel Kant

Alfred Wegener

Conditions necessary to turn an ordinary thunderstorm into a tornado-spinning monster include _______________. A. a low-altitude, northerly flow of warm, humid, tropical air from the Gulf of Mexico B. a cold, dry air mass moving down from Canada or out of the Rocky Mountains at > 50 mph C. jet-stream winds racing east at speeds in excess of 150 mph D. All of the choices are correct. E. a low-altitude, northerly flow of warm, humid, tropical air from the Gulf of Mexico and a cold, dry air mass moving down from Canada or out of the Rocky Mountains at > 50 mph only

All of the choices are correct

Mt. Rainier, Washington, is number one on the danger list of many volcanologists because of ____________. A. its great height B. its extensive glacial cap C. its frequent earthquakes D. its active hot-water spring systems, which have weakened the mountain internally E. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct

Spreading centers are an ideal location for volcanism because ______________. A. they sit above the high-temperature asthenosphere B. the asthenosphere rock has low percentages of SiO2 C. the oceanic plates pull apart causing hot asthenosphere rock to rise and undergo decompression melting to form magma that continues to rise D. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct

The typical trend in a rising plume of subduction-zone magma is to increase ____________. A. the percentage of SiO2 B. the viscosity C. the explosive potential of the magma by holding in the gases more tightly D. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct

The viscosity of magma is lowered by __________. A. increasing temperature B. decreasing crystal content C. decreasing SiO2 content D. All of the choices are correct

All of the choices are correct

Thunderstorms wreak havoc with _________________. A. their heavy rains and sometimes flash floods B. hail C. lightning-caused deaths and fires D. high-speed winds E. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct

Violent causes of death from volcanic eruptions include _______________. A. pyroclastic flows B. tsunami C. lahars D. poison gases E. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct

Which of the following is a rotating, low-pressure weather system with a warm core that generally forms over warm seawater between 5 and 20 latitude and then travels off to deliver its heat to higher latitudes? A. hurricanes B. typhoons C. southern hemisphere cyclones D. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct

Which of the following variables has been of assistance in forecasting the number of named tropical storms in the North Atlantic region? A. when the western Sahel region of Africa is wet with an abnormally large number of thunderstorms B. abnormally warm sea-surface temperatures west of the Sahel region of Africa C. the presence of an El Ni-o which tends to disrupt and break apart tropical cyclone D. low atmospheric pressure in the Caribbean region E. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct

Rock may melt by _______________. A. lowering the pressure on it B. raising its temperature C. increasing its water content D. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

Ways of generating pyroclastic flows include ______________. A. dome collapse as at Mt. Unzen, 1991 B. overspilling of crater rim as at Mont Pelée, 1902-1903 C. directed blast as at Mt. St. Helens, 1980, and Mt. Pinatubo, 1991 D. eruption column collapse at Mt. Mayon E. All of the choices are correct.

All of the choices are correct.

Areas of geyser activity include _______. A. Iceland B. Yellowstone Park in the United States C. North Island of New Zealand D. Kamchatka Peninsula of Russia E. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct

Greenhouse gases include __________________. A. CO2 B. H2O vapor C. methane (CH4) D. chlorofluorocarbons E. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct

Important requirements for hail to form are _______________________________. A. large thunderstorms with buoyant hot air rising from heated ground B. upper-level cold air creating maximum temperature contrasts C. strong updrafts to keep hailstones suspended while adding coatings of ice onto ever- growing cores D. All of these are correct. E. None of these are correct.

All of these are correct

The San Andreas fault's earthquakes in historic time include which of the following? A. a magnitude 8+ caused by a 225-mi-long rupture in central California in 1857 B. a magnitude 8+ due to a 265-mi-long rupture passing through the San Francisco Bay region in 1906 C. a magnitude 7.1 unleashed by a 25-mi-long rupture near Santa Cruz in 1989 D. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct

The largest earthquakes along western North America are due to subduction beneath the continent. They include ________________. A. the magnitude 9.2 Alaska earthquake in 1964 which was due to subduction of the Pacific plate B. the magnitude 8.1 Mexico City event in 1985 which was caused by subduction of the Cocos plate C. the plates subducting beneath Oregon and Washington which generated a magnitude 9 earthquake on 26 January 1700 D. All of these are correct

All of these are correct

The outward flow of Earth's internal energy has produced our _________________. A. continents B. oceans C. atmosphere D. All of these are correct. E. None of these are correct.

All of these are correct

Why does the magma from some volcanoes flow smoothly and relatively peacefully, while the magma from other volcanoes blasts forth violently and deals death over wide areas? A. differences in the chemical and mineral makeup of magmas B. variations in the temperature, water and gas content, and viscosity of magmas C. different geographic positions with respect to hot spots and edges of tectonic plates D. All of these are correct

All of these are correct

Shallow subduction zone earthquakes occur __________________. A. in the upper portion of the down-going plate B. at the bend in the subducting plate C. in the overriding plate D. All of these are correct. E. None of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

The cycles of slow buildup and advance of glaciers followed by rapid shrinkage and retreat is caused by ____________________. A. eccentricity of the Earth's orbit around the Sun B. tilt of the Earth's axis C. precession of the equinoxes D. All of these are correct. E. None of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

Which of the following represents evidence for major fault movement on the Seattle fault zone about 1100 years ago? A. The former shoreline at Restoration Point was uplifted 23 feet above the high-tide line in a single event. B. Numerous large landslides occurred at this time, including some that carried trees in growth position to the bottom of Lake Washington. C. Several tsunami deposits have been recognized in the sediment layers of the area. D. The same date appears in the ages of six major rock avalanches in the Olympic Mountains. E. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct.

A strong El Ni-o is characterized by __________________. A. the arrival of warm ocean water to Peru and Ecuador near Christmastime B. high atmospheric pressure over the eastern Pacific Ocean resulting in trade winds that blow toward the equator from the north and south C. a southern jet stream branch that flows eastward bringing higher rainfall to the southeastern United States and helping break apart Atlantic and Caribbean storms resulting in fewer hurricanes D. heavy rainstorms in the western United States E. All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

Efforts to control rivers include _____________. A. dams B. levees C. channelization D. All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

Factor(s) that interact to make streams seek equilibrium include ________________. A. the volume of water discharged by the stream B. the amount of sediment waiting to be moved C. the slope of the stream bottom D. the sinuosity of the stream path E. All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

Killer floods are caused by __________________. A. local thunderstorms B. abundant rainfall lasting for days C. the storm surges of tropical cyclones flooding the coasts D. the break-up of winter ice on rivers E. All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

The climatic cooling of the last 55.5 million years has been caused by __________________. A. the ongoing breakup of Pangaea into separate continents B. continental masses moving into polar latitudes C. snow and ice accumulating on polar landmasses, increasing albedo D. the uplifts of the Tibetan Plateau/Himalaya Mountains in Asia and the Colorado Plateau in the western United States deflecting west-to-east atmospheric circulation in the midlatitudes E. All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

Why are floods so common along the Red River of the North (in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota)? A. The Red River valley is geologically young (about 9000 years old) and has not carved a deep valley. B. The gradient or slope of the riverbed is very low. C. River flow increases as winter snow melts and meltwater runs northward into still frozen parts of the river. D. All of these choices are correct.

All of these choices are correct.

Principal factors that come into play when volcanism affects climate include all but which of the following? A. the size and rate of eruptions B. the heights of eruption columns C. the types of gases and the atmospheric level at which they are placed D. the latitude of the eruptions E. All of these factors are considered

All of these factors are considered

Which of the following states has the highest earthquake risk? A. Michigan B. Nebraska C. Arkansas D. North Dakota E. Florida


Based on data for the period from 1970 to 2012, the continent of _______________ experienced the greatest loss of life from natural disasters. A. North America B. South America C. Europe D. Asia E. Africa


The formation of a giant continental caldera includes all but which of the following? A. Rising magma forms a low-density cap rich in SiO2 and gases, bulging the ground surface upward. B. Basaltic eruptions begin from circular fractures surrounding the bulge. C. Magma pours out in high-volume pyroclastic flows, causing the ground surface to sink into a caldera. D. Removal of magma decreases the pressure on the magma below the caldera, causing new magma to bulge up the caldera floor. E. All of these are correct.

Basaltic eruptions begin from circular fractures surrounding the bulge

The major factors in glacial periods lasting tens of millions of years appear to be ____________________. A. having one or more large continental masses near the poles. B. oceanic circulation that is more longitudinal (north-south) than latitudinal (east-west). C. oceanic circulation that is more latitudinal (east-west) than longitudinal (north-south). D. Both having one or more large continental masses near the poles and oceanic circulation that is more longitudinal (north-south) than latitudinal (east-west) are correct. E. Both having one or more large continental masses near the poles and oceanic circulation that is more latitudinal (east-west) than longitudinal (north-south) are correct.

Both having one or more large continental masses near the poles and oceanic circulation that is more longitudinal (north-south) than latitudinal (east-west) are correct.

Which of the following greenhouse gases is the most efficient at trapping heat (i.e., has the highest global warming potential - GWP)? A. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) B. Methane (CH4) C. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) D. Ozone (O3) E. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)

Mineral growth in magmas at the surface with temperatures around 1000 to 1200C occurs in the following way: A. Iron and magnesium will link up with aluminum and the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron as magma temperature decreases to sequentially form four distinct and discontinuous families of minerals—olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, and biotite mica. B. Calcium will combine with aluminum and the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron to begin forming the plagioclase feldspar family, a continuous and gradational series of minerals. C. Both of these are correct. D. Neither of these is correct.

Both of these are correct.

Hydrographs from urban settings _____________________. A. look just like those from rural settings B. show higher rates of runoff than rural settings, for a given precipitation event C. show floods are of shorter duration than in rural settings, for a given precipitation event D. show floods are of longer duration than in rural settings, for a given precipitation event E. Both show higher rates of runoff than rural settings, for a given precipitation event and show floods are of shorter duration than in rural settings, for a given precipitation event are correct

Both show higher rates of runoff than rural settings, for a given precipitation event and show floods are of shorter duration than in rural settings, for a given precipitation event are correct

A large mound of seawater (storm surge) builds up beneath the eye of a hurricane because ____________________. A. the eye is a very low-pressure zone, so local sea "level" rises higher B. the winds race into the chimney of the eye, pushing seawater into a tall mound C. Both the eye is a very low-pressure zone, so local sea "level" rises higher and the winds race into the chimney of the eye, pushing seawater into a tall mound are correct D. Neither the eye is a very low-pressure zone, so local sea "level" rises higher nor the winds race into the chimney of the eye, pushing seawater into a tall mound is correct

Both the eye is a very low-pressure zone, so local sea "level" rises higher and the winds race into the chimney of the eye, pushing seawater into a tall mound are correct

During the 1990's, hundreds of trees were killed at Mammoth Mountain, California, by the diffuse emission of _________ gas. A. O2 B. SiO2 C. CO D. CO2 E. H2S


The great 1964 Alaska earthquake (M 9.2) set off a tsunami that killed 122 people along the state's sparsely populated coastline. This tsunami also killed 12 people in the state of _________. A. Hawaii B. Washington C. Oregon D. California E. Texas


Which four states account for 91% of all U.S. earthquakes of magnitude 3.5 and above? A. California, Alaska, Washington, Oregon B. California, Alaska, Washington, Hawaii C. California, Alaska, Hawaii, Nevada D. California, Hawaii, Washington, Nevada E. California, Hawaii, Nevada, Idaho

California, Alaska, Hawaii, Nevada

Which of the following greenhouse gases accounts for 60% of global warming? A. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) B. Methane (CH4) C. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) D. Ozone (O3) E. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

In 1868, the USS Wateree was carried several miles inland by a tsunami along the coast of ______. A. Baja California B. Alaska C. Hawaii D. Mexico E. Chile


The ________ segment of the San Andreas fault is the only one not to have a long rupture in historic time. In prehistory, it has ruptured every 250 years on average, but the last big movement was in 1680. A. Coachella Valley B. Loma Prieta C. Cholame to San Bernardino D. Landers

Coachella Valley

When approaching the Western Hemisphere, hurricanes commonly move north on clockwise-curving paths due to the _________________. A. Coriolis effect B. pressure of frontal systems in the United States moving northward C. Hadley cells D. Bermuda triangle E. fact that land areas get in the way and deflect the storms sideways to the north

Coriolis effect

After lava cools below the ______ point, about 550C, atoms in iron-bearing minerals become magnetized in the direction of the Earth's magnetic field at that time and place. A. magnetization B. critical C. triple D. Curie E. solidus


Hawaiian volcanoes unlikely to erupt include _________________. A. Haleakala on the island of Maui B. any of the five volcanoes that make up the island of Hawaii C. the growing but still sub-sea volcano of Loihi D. Diamond Head, Oahu

Diamond Head, Oahu

In the United States, more lightning deaths occur in _______ than any other state. A. Texas B. Florida C. Illinois D. Indiana E. Ohio


The "White Hurricane" of 1993 was an immense winter cyclone that covered the eastern United States, causing $800 million in damage and 238 deaths. The hardest hit area was ______________. A. New York B. Pennsylvania C. Florida D. Ohio E. Maine


The state in the United States with the most days (often more than 100) of thunderstorms in a typical year is ______________. A. Texas B. Florida C. Illinois D. Indiana E. Ohio


Which of the following states has the lowest earthquake risk? A. Arkansas B. Massachusetts C. South Carolina D. Nevada E. Florida


The _________ waves' motion is similar to S waves, except it is from side-to-side in a horizontal plane roughly parallel to the Earth's surface. A. Rayleigh B. P- C. Love


On 9 January 1857, the San Andreas fault segment between Cholame and San Bernardino broke loose at its northwestern end, and the rupture propagated southeastward in the great ________ earthquake with a magnitude of about 8.3. A. San Francisco B. Loma Prieta C. Owens Valley D. Fort Tejon E. Hebgen Lake

Fort Tejon

The deadliest hurricane in U.S. history struck ________________ in 1900 killing 8,000 people. A. New Orleans, Louisiana B. Galveston, Texas C. Charleston, South Carolina D. Palm Beach, Florida E. Key Largo, Florida

Galveston, Texas

Ascending air at the equator and descending air around 30N and S latitudes create semicircular air circulation routes known as ___________________. A. the semi-troposphere B. the trade winds C. westerly winds (westerlies) D. the Subtropical High Pressure Zone E. Hadley cells

Hadley cells

Which of the following types of severe weather results in the highest average annual death toll in the United States? A. Heat B. Cold C. Tornado D. Hurricane E. Lightning


Seismic waves that travel only near the Earth's surface are of two main types: _________ waves. A. S- and Love B. P- and Rayleigh C. P- and S- D. P- and Love E. Love and Rayleigh

Love and Rayleigh

The __________ is reputed to have killed more people than any other natural feature. A. Huang (Yellow) River in China B. Mississippi River C. Nile River in Egypt D. Red River of the North E. Amazon River in Brazil

Huang (Yellow) River in China

The main influences on tropical cyclone paths include all but which of the following? A. Trade winds blow the tropical cyclone toward the west. B. The Coriolis effect adds a curve to the right that progressively increases in strength with increasing distance to the equator. C. Hurricane paths vary depending on the size and position of the Bermuda High. D. Hurricane paths vary depending on the size and position of the Bermuda Triangle. E. Trade winds blow the tropical cyclone toward the west and hurricane paths vary depending on the size and position of the Bermuda Triangle influence the path of a tropical cyclone.

Hurricane paths vary depending on the size and position of the Bermuda Triangle.

The most peaceful eruptions are _____________. A. Icelandic type eruptions B. Plinian eruptions C. Strombolian eruptions D. Vulcanian eruptions E. Surtseyan eruptions

Icelandic type eruptions

Most of the 245,000 deaths from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami occurred in _______. A. Thailand B. Sri Lanka C. India D. Bangladesh E. Indonesia


The great 1700 earthquake along the British Columbia, Washington, and Oregon coastline sent killer tsunami to ___________. A. Japan B. Hawaii C. Alaska D. Australia E. Chile


The great 1960 Chile earthquake (M 9.5) unleashed a tsunami that killed over 1,000 Chileans. These waves also killed 61 people in Hilo, Hawaii, 14 hours after the earthquake, and another 185 people in ________, 22.5 hours after the earthquake. A. California B. Alaska C. Japan D. Australia E. the Philippines


Several recent earthquakes in Washington's Puget Sound region were caused by movement of the subducting ______________ plate. A. Pacific B. North American C. Cocos D. Juan de Fuca E. Nazca

Juan de Fuca

In 1883, this volcano exploded and the resulting tsunami killed 36,000 people on Java and Sumatra. A. Tambora B. Pelée C. Santorini D. Toba E. Krakatau


In 1883, Edvard Munch created his famous painting The Scream after witnessing a blood red sky over Oslo, Norway, caused by the eruption of _________. A. Laki Volcano, Iceland B. Vesuvius Volcano, Italy C. Tambora Volcano, Indonesia D. Krakatau Volcano, Indonesia E. Pinatubo Volcano, Philippines

Krakatau Volcano, Indonesia

This volcano erupted in 1883 in the Sunda Strait between Sumatra and Java, exploding with a loudness heard 3000 miles away, then collapsing into its magma chamber, making a caldera and setting off tsunami that killed at least 36,000 people. A. Vesuvius B. Krakatoa C. Santorini D. Mt. Pele E. Stromboli


In August 1986, a gigantic volume of carbon dioxide gas belched forth from ____________ and swept down the adjacent valleys asphyxiating 1700 people. A. Lake Nyos in Cameroon B. Crater Lake in Oregon C. Krakatau in Indonesia D. Pinatubo in the Philippines E. Vesuvius in Italy

Lake Nyos in Cameroon

During the summer of 1783, the greatest lava eruption of historic times poured forth at _________, accompanied by the release of an enormous volume of gases that enshrouded much of northern Europe in a "dry fog" or blue haze rich in SO2 (one of the visible components of today's urban smog). A. Mont Blanc, France B. Vesuvius, Italy C. Stromboli, Italy D. Ararat, Turkey E. Laki, Iceland

Laki, Iceland

The largest historic tsunami wave run-up ever recorded was caused by a massive rockfall into the water at ________________. A. Kilauea, Hawaii B. Lituya Bay, Alaska C. Crescent City, California D. Arica, Chile E. Gibraltar

Lituya Bay, Alaska

In the United States, there was great concern in the early 1980s when earthquakes were frequent, including harmonic tremor, and four magnitude 6 earthquakes caused damage near this volcanic center. A. Long Valley caldera in California B. Valles caldera in New Mexico C. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming D. Mt. St. Helens, Washington E. Crater Lake, Oregon

Long Valley caldera in California

On 8 May 1902, a massive eruption of this volcano killed 30,000 people in the town of St. Pierre. The volcano was _______________________. A. Mont Pelée, Martinique B. Vesuvius, Italy C. Krakatau, Indonesia D. Mt. St. Helens, Washington E. Nevado Del Ruiz, Colombia

Mont Pelée, Martinique

Crater Lake, Oregon, fills the caldera of ____________ which collapsed about 7600 years ago. A. Mt. Mazama B. Mt. Shasta C. Mt. St. Helens D. Mt. Baker E. Mt. Rainier

Mt. Mazama

A genuine success story of advance warning before a large eruption occurred in the Philippines in 1991 before the climactic eruption of _________________. A. Mt. Pinatubo B. Nevado Del Ruiz C. Mont Pelée D. Mt. Mayon E. Popocatepetyl

Mt. Pinatubo

The two most active Cascade Range volcanoes over the past 4000 years are _______________. A. Mt. Rainier and Mt. Adams B. Mt. Shasta and Mt. Jefferson C. Mt. Baker and Mt. Hood D. Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Shasta E. Lassen Peak and Newberry Volcano

Mt. St. Helens and Mt. Shasta

In 1985, this volcano produced a minor eruption that melted part of a glacier near its summit, sending a lahar down its slopes and killing at least 22,000 people: A. Vesuvius, Italy B. Mont Pelée, Martinique C. Mt. Mayon, Philippines D. Nevado Del Ruiz, Colombia E. Popocatepetyl, Mexico

Nevado Del Ruiz, Colombia

In the last 5.5 million years, rifting action has torn Baja California and California west of the San Andreas fault (including San Diego, Los Angeles, and Santa Cruz) from the ______________. A. Pacific plate and piggybacked them onto the Juan de Fuca plate B. Pacific plate and piggybacked them onto the North American plate C. North American plate and piggybacked them onto the Juan de Fuca plate D. North American plate and piggybacked them onto the Pacific plate E. Nazca Plate and piggybacked them onto the Cocos plate

North American plate and piggybacked them onto the Pacific plate

The reduction of ______ waves at the core-mantle boundary indicates that the outer core is mostly liquid. A. S- B. P- C. Rossby D. Love E. Rayleigh


The _____ wave travels fastest and moves in a push-pull fashion of alternating pulses of compression (push) and extension (pull). A. Love B. Rayleigh C. P- D. S-


Velocities for _________ waves in granite are about 5.5 to 6 km/sec, but in water they slow to 1.5 km/sec. A. Love B. Rayleigh C. P- D. S-


All of the continents were once combined into a single supercontinent called ________________. A. Laurasia B. Gondwanaland C. Tethys D. Panthalassa E. Pangaea


On 20 February 1943, a new volcano, a scoria cone, was born when an eruption rose up through a farm field near a village in Mexico. The volcano is ________________. A. Mt. Fuji B. Mt. St. Helens C. Mt. Kilimanjaro D. Mt. Popocatepetl E. Paricutin


_______ eruptions are the most violent types of explosive eruptions. A. Icelandic-type B. Vulcanian-type C. Plinian-type D. Hawaiian-type E. Pompeiian-type


The most famous of all volcanoes probably is Vesuvius, and the most famous of its eruptions are those of 79 C.E., which buried the cities of ____________. A. Pompeii and Herculaneum B. Naples and Rome C. Naples and Milano D. Petra and Florence E. Florence and Pisa

Pompeii and Herculaneum

The ________ waves advance in a backward-rotating, elliptical motion. A. S- B. P- C. Love D. Rayleigh E. None of these are correct.


________ faults are commonly found at areas of plate convergence where subduction or continental collision occurs. A. Reverse B. Normal C. Transform D. Strike-slip


When the Earth shakes, it releases energy in seismic waves, some of which pass through the whole body of the planet (body waves) and some of which propagate only near the surface (_______ waves). A. Love B. Rayleigh C. P- D. S- E. Rossby


_________ waves are transverse waves that propagate by shearing or shaking particles in their path at right angles to the direction of advance. A. Love B. Rayleigh C. P- D. S- E. Both Love and S


________ in the Aegean Sea underwent an explosive series of eruptions around 1628 B.C.E. that buried the Bronze Age city of Akrotiri on Thera to depths of 70 meters. A. Vesuvius B. Krakatoa C. Santorini D. Mt. Pele E. Stromboli


The month that historically has more hurricanes than any other month is _______________. A. October B. July C. August D. September E. June


In 1985 in Mexico City, building damages were the greatest and the number of deaths the highest where all but which one of these factors combined and created resonance: A. The earthquakes sent a tremendous amount of energy in seismic waves in the 1- to 2- second frequency band. B. The areas underlain by thick, soft clays vibrating at 1- to 2-second frequencies amplified the seismic waves. C. Single-story buildings with a 1-second resonant period vibrated themselves to pieces. D. Buildings of 6 to 16 stories vibrated in the 1- to 2-second frequency band.

Single-story buildings with a 1-second resonant period vibrated themselves to pieces

The basic sequence within a lightning flash includes all but which of the following? A. Static electricity builds up within the lower thundercloud and induces identical-polarity charges on the ground. B. Discharge begins within the cloud and initiates a dimly visible, negatively charged stream of electrons propagating downward. C. The conductive stream moves earthward in 50-meter jumps as a stepped leader; as the stepped leader nears the ground, the electric field at the surface increases greatly, shooting streamers of positive sparks upward and connecting with the stepped leader about 50 meters above ground. D. The connection initiates the return stroke, sending positive charges up to the cloud with a brilliant flash; more lightning strokes occur as charges flow between the cloud and the earth. E. All of the choices are correct.

Static electricity builds up within the lower thundercloud and induces identical-polarity charges on the ground.

_________ are steep-sided, symmetrical volcanic peaks built of alternating layers of pyroclastic debris capped by high-viscosity andesitic to rhyolitic lava flows that solidify to form protective caps. A. Stratovolcanoes B. Scoria cones C. Shield volcanoes D. Calderas


The eruption of __________ has been called the greatest eruption in historic times, killing about 10,000 people outright by pyroclastic flows and another 117,000 indirectly through famine and disease. A. Tambora in 1815 C.E. B. Vesuvius in 79 C.E. C. Mt. St. Helens in 1980 C.E. D. Mt. Pinatubo in 1991 C.E. E. El Chichón in 1982 C.E.

Tambora in 1815 C.E.

The volcanic explosivity index (VEI) measures size of volcanic eruptions on a scale of 0 to 8. Between 1500 and 1981, one VEI 7 eruption occurred. This was ______________. A. Tambora, in 1815 B. Krakatau, in 1883 C. Mt. St. Helens in 1980 D. Mt. Pelee in 1902 E. Mt. Vesuvius in 1631

Tambora, in 1815

Many of the United States' and world record rainfalls in the 1- to 24-hour range were established during thunderstorms in ______________. A. Texas B. Florida C. Illinois D. Indiana E. Ohio


The human drama of the "Dust Bowl" was captured in many articles and books, including __________________. A. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald B. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck C. Roughing It by Mark Twain D. Intruder in the Dust by William Faulkner E. Dust in the Wind by Kerry Livgren

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

Which of the following is NOT a basic tenet of plate tectonics? A. Melted asthenosphere flows upward as magma and cools to form new ocean floor lithosphere. B. The new lithosphere slowly moves laterally away from the zones of oceanic crust formation on top of the underlying asthenosphere (seafloor spreading). C. When the leading edge of a moving slab of oceanic lithosphere collides with another slab, the older, colder, denser slab turns downward and is pulled by gravity back into the asthenosphere (subduction), while the less-dense, more buoyant slab overrides it. D. The slab pulled into the asthenosphere begins the process of melting and moves into the liquid core. E. The slab pulled into the asthenosphere begins the process of reabsorption into the mantle.

The slab pulled into the asthenosphere begins the process of melting and moves into the liquid core.

What is the cause of volcanism at Italy's Vesuvius, Stromboli, Vulcano, and Etna? A. The subduction of Mediterranean sea floor beneath Europe. B. The subduction of Mediterranean sea floor beneath Africa. C. The continent-continent collision of Africa and Europe. D. Rifting along Mid-Atlantic Ridge

The subduction of Mediterranean sea floor beneath Europe

_______ eruptions are common first phases in the eruptions of volcanoes as they "clear their throats" before emitting larger eruptions. A. Hawaiian-type B. Icelandic-type C. Vulcanian-type D. Plinian-type E. Surtseyan-type


The state (other than Alaska) most likely to have a magnitude 9 or larger earthquake in the next several hundred years is ______________. A. California B. Washington C. Missouri D. Nevada E. South Carolina


The most famous of the ice-dam failure floods is preserved in the "channeled scablands" topography in __________________. A. Manitoba B. Saskatchewan C. Alberta D. Montana E. Washington State

Washington State

The slide-past motions of long transform faults occur in all but which of the following? A. In the northeastern Pacific as the Queen Charlotte fault, located near a sparsely populated region of Canada. B. Along the San Andreas Fault in California with its famous earthquakes. C. At the southwestern edge of the Pacific Ocean where the Alpine fault cuts across the South Island of New Zealand. D. Where the Indian subcontinent touches Asia.

Where the Indian subcontinent touches Asia.

The slide-past motions of long transform faults occur in all but which of the following? A. In the northeastern Pacific as the Queen Charlotte fault, located near a sparsely populated region of Canada. B. Along the San Andreas Fault in California with its famous earthquakes. C. At the southwestern edge of the Pacific Ocean where the Alpine fault cuts across the South Island of New Zealand. D. Where the Indian subcontinent touches Asia.

Where the Indian subcontinent touches Asia.

At Hebgen Lake in 1959 an earthquake larger than magnitude 7 greatly affected ____________. A. Yellowstone National Park B. Olympia National Park C. Denali National Park D. Yosemite National Park E. Grand Canyon National Park

Yellowstone National Park

A sloping surface separating air masses that differ in temperature and moisture content is called __________________. A. a front B. a jet stream C. a Hadley cell D. a trade wind E. None of these are correct.

a front

Which of the following disasters has the highest probability of causing a "1,000-fatality event" each year? A. an earthquake B. a volcanic eruption C. a flood D. a tornado E. a hurricane

a hurricane

The spreading-center segment at the southern end of California's Salton Sea is marked by all but which of the following? A. glassy volcanic domes B. high heat flow C. boiling mud pots D. major geothermal energy reservoirs E. a lack of small earthquakes because magma is too close to the Earth's surface

a lack of small earthquakes because magma is too close to the Earth's surface

There are two main jet streams in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, A. a polar jet and a subtropical jet. B. a temperate jet and a tropical jet. C. a polar jet and a temperate jet. D. a slow jet and a fast jet. E. an eastward jet and a westward jet.

a polar jet and a subtropical jet

The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was generated by a magnitude 9.2 earthquake along __________ off the shore of Sumatra. A. a subduction zone B. a seafloor spreading center C. an oceanic transform fault D. a continental rift zone E. a hotspot island chain

a subduction zone

In 1959, the water stored behind Hegben Lake Dam in Montana began to slosh violently back and forth in a series of oscillating waves. These seiches were caused by __________________. A. the collapse of the dam B. a large landslide into the lake C. a small meteor crashing into the lake D. a freight train plunging off a track and into the lake E. a sudden drop of the lake bottom during an earthquake

a sudden drop of the lake bottom during an earthquake

Which of the following disasters has the highest probability of causing a "10-fatality event" each year? A. an earthquake B. a volcanic eruption C. a hurricane D. a tornado E. a flood

a tornado

Slow flowing, more viscous basaltic lava commonly has a rough, blocky texture called ________. A. aa B. bb C. cc D. pahoehoe E. poi


A caldera collapse occurs ________________. A. before the eruption starts B. in the middle of the eruption C. after the magma chamber is mostly empty D. millions of years after the volcano's final dying eruption E. at the onset of Vulcanian activity

after the magma chamber is mostly empty

Adiabatic cooling occurs when: A. air mass rises and expands B. air mass falls and expands C. air mass rises and contracts D. air mass falls and contracts

air mass rises and expands

Inside the eye of a well-developed hurricane ________________. A. air rises B. there is heavy rain C. there is a near-perfect vacuum D. air sinks E. there are strong winds

air sinks

The fraction of solar energy reflected back to space due to Earth's cloudiness or snow and ice cover is known as ______________. A. libido B. albedo C. segundo D. La Ni-a


Of the disaster scales discussed in the book (Richter, Modified Mercalli, Fujita, Saffir- Simpson) A. all use larger numbers to describe larger disasters. B. all use smaller numbers to describe larger disasters. C. some use smaller numbers and some use larger numbers to describe larger disasters. D. some use alphabetic abbreviations and some use numbers to denote the size of disasters.

all use larger numbers to describe larger disasters.

United States Geological Survey stream-gauging stations measure all but which of the following? A. water depths B. channel width C. water velocity D. amount of sediment being carried by the stream E. All of these choices are correct.

amount of sediment being carried by the stream

Much of the San Francisco Marina District is built on artificial fill debris from the buildings ruined by the 1906 earthquake. Seismic waves in 1989 were ____________ in this artificial fill. A. damped (i.e., decreased or attenuated) B. amplified C. not noticeably affected


The Charleston, South Carolina, earthquake of 1886 occurred along a seismic belt that may be related to _________________. A. tectonic stresses transmitted across the North American continent from California B. an ancient subduction zone beneath the Appalachian Mountains C. an adjacent oceanic fracture zone on the Atlantic seafloor D. canal building prior to the Civil War E. remnants of the African plate attached to North America

an adjacent oceanic fracture zone on the Atlantic seafloor

Easter Island is _________________. A. located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea near Israel and Palestine B. a volcanic island that is one of many in a chain of islands C. an isolated volcanic island located in the Atlantic Ocean D. an isolated volcanic island located in the Pacific Ocean E. part of the Hawaiian Islands

an isolated volcanic island located in the Pacific Ocean

The New Madrid earthquakes are apparently related to ______________. A. an old buried transform fault B. an old buried rift zone C. an old buried subduction zone D. an old buried hazardous waste dump E. an old buried plume

an old buried rift zone

The deadly 1992 tsunami in Papua New Guinea was caused by ________. A. uplift of the seafloor during an earthquake B. volcanic flank collapse triggered by an earthquake C. volcanic flank collapse triggered by an eruption D. an undersea landslide triggered by an earthquake E. an undersea landslide triggered by a volcanic eruption

an undersea landslide triggered by an earthquake

Recent work has shown that the last major earthquake in the Cascadia subduction zone occurred about 9 p.m. on 26 January 1700 and was about magnitude 9. This is known by __________________. A. analysis of annual growth rings in trees of downed forests along the Oregon-Washington- British Columbia coast showing large rings after 1699 B. Tsunami of 2-m (7-ft) height that hit Japan from midnight to dawn pointing to a 9 p.m. earthquake along the Washington-Oregon coast on 8 December 1699 C. Jesuit missionaries in the Chile and Alaska areas recording a very large quake and accompanying tsunami in their daily logs D. Tsunami gauge measurements at the Pacific Tsunami Center E. analysis of annual growth rings in trees of downed forests along the Oregon-Washington- British Columbia coast showing no rings after 1699 and Tsunami of 2-m (7-ft) height that hit Japan from midnight to dawn pointing to a 9 p.m. earthquake along the Washington-Oregon coast on 26 January 1700 are correct

analysis of annual growth rings in trees of downed forests along the Oregon-Washington- British Columbia coast showing no rings after 1699 and Tsunami of 2-m (7-ft) height that hit Japan from midnight to dawn pointing to a 9 p.m. earthquake along the Washington-Oregon coast on 26 January 1700 are correct

In the United States, the average yearly deaths from tornadoes _________________. A. are greater than any other type of severe weather B. are more than five times greater than yearly deaths from lightning C. are about the same as yearly deaths from lightning D. are more than five times greater than yearly deaths from floods E. are about the same as yearly deaths from floods

are about the same as yearly deaths from lightning

The Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee __________________. A. are pull-apart basins over hot spots B. are compressional basins and are the result of subduction C. are compressional basins and the result of strike-slip motion D. are pull-apart basins and the result of strike-slip motion E. are pull-apart basins and the result of subduction

are pull-apart basins and the result of strike-slip motion

About 50% of flash flood deaths ________________________. A. are related to people swimming across flooded rivers B. are related to people watching floods from bridges C. are related to people trying to retrieve pets from flooded homes D. are vehicle-related E. are boat-related

are vehicle-related

In the United States, total deaths from lightning per decade have _________________ since the 1940s. A. been increasing steadily B. been decreasing steadily C. remained about the same D. fluctuated widely E. been insignificant

been decreasing steadily

The return period of a disaster is the average number of years ________________. A. before survivors return to their homes B. before the economy returns to pre-disaster levels C. to exponentially decay to zero D. between same-sized events E. between events of the same type, regardless of size

between same-sized events

In the last two or three centuries ___________________. A. birth rates have changed little, while death rates have plunged B. both birth rates and death rates have plunged C. both birth rates and death rates have skyrocketed D. birth rates have skyrocketed, while death rates have plunged E. birth rates and death rates remained flat

birth rates have changed little, while death rates have plunged

The 17 January 1994 Northridge earthquake in Los Angeles was generated on a _______ thrust fault. A. slow B. elliptical C. upside down D. trap-door E. blind


The polar jet stream flows from west to east, under the influence of the Earth's rotation, in ____________________. A. only the Southern Hemisphere B. only the Northern Hemisphere C. both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres D. neither hemisphere E. one hemisphere in summer and the other in winter

both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

When ice dams in front of the largest glacial lakes failed, stupendous floods resulted whose passage is still recorded _________________. A. in lake sediments B. by countryside stripped of all soil and sediment cover C. by abandoned waterfalls D. by a system of braided channels, now left mostly dry E. by all of these

by all of these

How does a locked zone of a large strike-slip fault catch up with a creep zone? A. by frequent earthquakes around magnitude 4 B. by infrequent and large creep events C. by frequent and large creep events D. by frequent but small earthquakes E. by infrequent but large fault movements (i.e., large quakes)

by infrequent but large fault movements (i.e., large quakes)

Organic material in sediment layers can be dated by measuring the amount of radioactive ________ present. A. oxygen B. hydrogen C. uranium D. carbon E. thorium


In August 1986, a gigantic volume of gas belched forth from Lake Nyos in Cameroon and swept down the adjacent valleys asphyxiating 1700 people. The gas was _____________. A. sulfur dioxide B. carbon dioxide C. hydrogen sulfide D. carbon monoxide E. super heated H2O

carbon dioxide

During prosperous times, the Easter Islanders' diet was based on _______________. A. chickens and yams B. potatoes C. fish and turtles D. nuts, figs, and Easter eggs E. nuts, fish, and bananas

chickens and yams

The Earth is _________ during the Northern Hemisphere winter. A. farthest from the Sun B. closest to the Sun C. the same distance from the Sun in the summer as

closest to the Sun

Most deaths in tropical cyclones (hurricanes, typhoons, etc.) are the result of ____________________. A. wind blown debris B. direct hit by tornadoes C. inland flooding D. coastal storm surge E. coastal subsidence

coastal storm surge

The famous violins made by Antonio Stradavari in the late 1600s may owe their superior acoustical properties to the dense wood grown during a 70-year global __________________. A. warm spell called the Medieval Warm Period B. warm spell called the Primary Greenhouse Warming C. cold spell called the Maunder Minimum D. cold spell called the Stradavari Minimum

cold spell called the Maunder Minimum

In 1985, as a result of the Michoacan earthquake many buildings collapsed and killed about 8000 people in Mexico City, even though the city lies 350 miles from the epicenter. This was caused by all but which of the following? A. resonance between seismic waves B. soft lake-sediment foundations C. improperly designed buildings D. collapse of thousands of single-story frame houses

collapse of thousands of single-story frame houses

The physical principle of a spinning tornado is _________________. A. conservation of linear momentum B. conservation of kinetic energy C. conservation of potential energy D. conservation of angular momentum E. All of the choices are correct.

conservation of angular momentum

Much of the midlatitude severe weather in the Northern Hemisphere occurs via cyclones: air masses rotating _________________________________. A. clockwise about a high-pressure core B. counterclockwise about a high-pressure core C. clockwise about a low-pressure core D. counterclockwise about a low-pressure core E. None of these are correct.

counterclockwise about a low-pressure core

Hurricanes rotate in a ________________ around a central core in the Northern Hemisphere. A. clockwise direction B. counterclockwise direction C. back and forth motion D. random pattern E. zigzag pattern

counterclockwise direction

A widespread, powerful wind storm with straight-line winds is referred to as a ________________. A. tornado B. hurricane C. typhoon D. cyclone E. derecho


Observed effects of global warming in recent decades include all but which of the following? A. increasing abundance of warm-water species in the North Atlantic Ocean B. descending tree-line in mountainous regions of Europe and New Zealand C. earlier arrival of migrating birds in springtime D. lowland birds extending ranges to higher elevations E. All of the choices are observed effects of global warming

descending tree-line in mountainous regions of Europe and New Zealand

When the relative humidity reaches 100%, excess water vapor condenses and forms liquid water. This temperature is the ________________. A. condensation temperature B. liquidus temperature C. maximum humidity temperature D. dew point temperature

dew point temperature

A normal fault occurs when the hanging wall moves ________ relative to the footwall. A. up B. down C. to the left D. to the right


In 1964, 12 people were killed during a tsunami at Crescent City, California. All of these fatalities were caused by the _______ wave, which was the highest in the series. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth E. fifth


When is the best time for an earthquake to occur in California to minimize loss of life? A. during rush hour when people are not in buildings B. during the night, when most people are home and asleep C. in the middle of the day when people are in school or working D. it does not matter what time of day it occurs

during the night, when most people are home and asleep

Prehistoric earthquakes may be interpreted using faulted pond sediments. The amount of offset of sediment layers from one earthquake is proportional to the ________________. A. amount of time since the last major earthquake B. amount of radioactive material in the sediment C. earthquake magnitude D. isostatic anomaly

earthquake magnitude

The _________ century saw many of the intellectual advances that set the stage for the present phase of cultural change, with the causes of many diseases being recognized, and the principles of public health being established. A. eighteenth B. sixteenth C. fifteenth D. seventeenth E. fourteenth


The point on the Earth's surface directly above the point where the fault first ruptures is called the ____________. A. epicenter B. hypocenter C. depocenter D. ethnocenter


Moving progressively away from the ridges, the ocean water depths increase systematically with seafloor age due to all but which of the following? A. cooling and contraction of the oceanic crust with a resultant increase in density B. isostatic down warping due to the weight of sediments deposited on the sea floor C. erosion of the older ocean floor by deep ocean currents D. conduction of heat away from the molten surface rocks

erosion of the older ocean floor by deep ocean currents

When rock heats and liquefies into a magma its volume _____________. A. expands, and neighboring brittle rock must fracture and move out of the way B. decreases and neighboring brittle rock collapses to make up for the loss of volume C. does not change D. decreases due to sublimation

expands, and neighboring brittle rock must fracture and move out of the way

The rapid increase in human population during the past several centuries is an example of ________________ growth. A. linear B. algebraic C. parabolic D. logarithmic E. exponential


The growth of human population worldwide over the past 1000 years has been _______________. A. essentially zero B. exponential, with a constant growth rate C. exponential, with a generally increasing growth rate D. on a straight linear increase with time E. logarithmic

exponential, with a generally increasing growth rate

Most flood-related deaths in the United States are caused by __________________. A. flash floods from local thunderstorms B. regional floods from abundant rainfall lasting for days C. storm surges of tropical cyclones flooding the coasts D. ice jam floods from the break-up of winter ice on rivers E. collapse of man-made dams

flash floods from local thunderstorms

P-waves can travel through ________________. A. gases B. liquids C. solids D. a vacuum E. gases, liquids, and solids

gases, liquids, and solids

The greenhouse effect results in ________________. A. global cooling B. global warming C. lots of flowers D. the growth of green algae on the shady side of houses worldwide

global warming

The average annual number of deaths from tornadoes in the United States from 1920 to 2004 was 136 people. The long-term average annual number of tornado deaths has ___________________. A. gradually increased over the last 85 years because of U.S. population increases B. gradually decreased over the last 85 years C. changed very little over the past 85 years D. fluctuated widely, but with no real trend

gradually decreased over the last 85 years

The 2005 Atlantic hurricane season broke many all-time records, including all but which of the following? A. greatest number of named tropical storms in one season B. greatest number of named tropical storms before August 1 C. greatest number of hurricanes in one season D. greatest number of major hurricanes making landfall in U.S. E. greatest number of deaths in one season

greatest number of deaths in one season

Several geologic phenomena are being studied as signs of an impending volcanic eruption. These include seismic waves, ______________, and the release of gases. A. ground deformation B. flash floods C. landslides D. hymenoptra behavior E. unusual animal behavior

ground deformation

About 1550 C.E., the human population of Easter Island was about 7,000; when the first European contact came from the crew of a Dutch ship on Easter Sunday, 5 April 1722, the population of Easter Island __________________. A. was about the same as it was in 1550 B. had dropped to zero C. had ballooned to nearly 50,000 D. had dropped to about 2000 E. had become cannibalistic and ate the Dutch sailors

had dropped to about 2000

Tsunami is a Japanese word that means __________________. A. big wave B. killer wave C. dragon wave D. harbor wave E. island wave

harbor wave

The Great Basin region between the eastern Sierra Nevada in California and the Wasatch Mountains in Utah ______________________ in response to plate tectonic forces. A. has been compressed in an east-west direction B. has expanded in an east-west direction C. has been compressed in a north-south direction D. has expanded in a north-south direction E. is now a subduction zone

has expanded in an east-west direction

The level of oxygen in the form of O2 in the Earth's atmosphere ________________. A. has not changed substantially in the past 450 million years B. is drastically decreasing due to pollution C. is no different than it was 4.6 billion years ago D. is drastically increasing due to growth of new bacterial strains E. cannot change because Earth is a closed system

has not changed substantially in the past 450 million years

Thunder is caused by ____________________________. A. the compression of free neutrons in the lightning bolt B. the compression of free photons in the lightning bolt C. the compression of free electrons in the lightning bolt D. the combustion of flammable atmospheric gases by the lightning bolt E. high temperatures of lightning that flash heat the surrounding air, causing it to expand explosively

high temperatures of lightning that flash heat the surrounding air, causing it to expand explosively

During the last half of the 20th century, earthquakes, tsunami, and ______________ account for the majority of deaths from natural disasters. A. volcanic eruptions B. floods C. landslides D. hurricanes E. tornadoes


The Saffir-Simpson scale is used to measure the intensity of __________________. A. tropospheric jet streams B. hurricanes C. earthquakes D. dust storms E. tornadoes


Tsunami are created by big "splashes" made in the deep ocean by all but which of the following? A. fault movements B. volcanic eruptions C. landslides D. hurricanes E. meteor impacts


The time needed for a typical atom in an oceanic plate to complete a plate-tectonic cycle is ____________. A. about a hundred thousand years B. about a million years C. about 10 million years D. in excess of 250 million years E. Material does not recycle via tectonic processes

in excess of 250 million years

If a stream has a meandering section, that section is most likely to be ________________. A. in its upstream section near its source or sources B. in its downstream section, near its mouth C. in its upstream section near its source or sources or in its downstream section, near its mouth D. braided

in its downstream section, near its mouth

The strongest winds in a hurricane are ____________________. A. in the eye B. in the eye wall C. typically about 100 miles away from the eye D. on the left-hand side of the storm (looking in the direction the hurricane is moving)

in the eye wall

With respect to channelization, straightening the channel ____________________. A. increases the gradient of the stream bottom, making the water flow faster B. decreases the gradient of the stream bottom, making the water flow slower C. increases the gradient of the stream bottom, making the water flow slower D. decreases the gradient of the stream bottom, making the water flow faster E. None of these are correct

increases the gradient of the stream bottom, making the water flow faster

Tornadoes preferentially kill all but which of the following? A. infants B. old people C. mobile-home residents D. occupants of exterior rooms with windows E. those unaware of broadcast tornado alerts


Constraining bends in large strike-slip faults commonly "lock up"; thus, movements there tend to be _________________. A. infrequent and large B. frequent and small C. infrequent and small D. tensional and mostly vertical E. infrequent and large and frequent and small are correct

infrequent and large

Base level __________________. A. is the level below which a stream cannot erode B. for all streams is sea level C. is the average annual flow level for a stream D. is the minimum amount of flow possible for a stream E. None of these are correct.

is the level below which a stream cannot erode

When magma is on the move at shallow depths _______________. A. it does so quietly without generating earthquakes B. it commonly generates a swarm of small earthquakes referred to as delirium tremens C. it commonly generates a swarm of large earthquakes referred to as delirium tremens D. it commonly generates a swarm of small earthquakes referred to as harmonic tremors E. it commonly generates a swarm of large earthquakes referred to as harmonic tremors

it commonly generates a swarm of small earthquakes referred to as harmonic tremors

Most of the 40 deadliest disasters between 1970 and 2012 occurred in a belt running from China and Bangladesh through India and Iran to Turkey. This area was particularly vulnerable because __________________. A. it has a high population density B. most of the world's earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur here C. precipitation rates are very high in this region, producing frequent, large, and sudden floods D. lightening producing thunderstorms are more common in these regions E. fires are more common in these regions

it has a high population density

The Pacific plate subducts along _________ edges and creates enormous earthquakes, such as the 1923 Tokyo seism. A. its southern and eastern B. its northern and eastern C. its southern and western D. its northern and western E. all of its

its northern and western

The eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991 endangered people, animals, and property because of __________________. A. massive lava flows B. lahars and pyroclastic flows C. acid rain D. pelting lapili E. poisonous gases

lahars and pyroclastic flows

The Saffir-Simpson scale is numbered 1-5 with _______________________. A. smaller numbers indicating bigger hurricanes B. larger numbers indicating bigger hurricanes C. numbers indicating size of tornadoes D. numbers indicating risk conditions for forest fires

larger numbers indicating bigger hurricanes

Steno's _____________ states that sediment layers are continuous, ending only by butting up against a topographic high, such as a hill or a cliff, by pinching out due to lack of sediment, or by gradational change from one sediment type to another. A. law of original continuity B. law of superposition C. law of original horizontality D. law of cosines E. law of retrogression

law of original continuity

The _________ explains that sediments (such as sands, gravels, and muds) are originally deposited or settled out of water in horizontal layers. A. law of original continuity B. law of superposition C. law of original horizontality D. law of cosines E. law of retrogression

law of original horizontality

In the ________, Steno stated that in an undeformed sequence of sedimentary rock layers, each sedimentary rock layer is younger than the bed beneath it, but older than the bed above it. A. law of original continuity B. law of superposition C. law of original horizontality D. law of cosines E. law of retrogression

law of superposition

Thunderstorms occur where warm, moist air has absorbed enough heat and moisture to be significantly ____________ than the surrounding air. A. less dense B. denser C. less energetic D. drier E. None of these are correct

less dense

The altitude where 100% humidity is reached is the A. falling condensation rate. B. lifting condensation level. C. the lifting lapse level. D. the differential lapse level

lifting condensation level

In San Francisco's Marina district in 1989, some fill underwent permanent deformation and settling, and some formed slurries as underground water and loose sediment flowed like a fluid in a process known as ______________. A. solifluction B. creep C. liquefaction D. plasticity E. asthenocity


Tsunami typically have _________________________ relative to wind-blown waves. A. short periods and short wavelengths B. short periods and long wavelengths C. long periods and short wavelengths D. long periods and long wavelengths E. long periods and no measurable wavelength

long periods and long wavelengths

Glass is opaque to _________ radiation. A. long-wavelength B. short-wavelength C. both short- and long-wavelength D. neither short- nor long-wavelength E. You can see through glass, so it is transparent to all radiation


Earthquake-induced ground motions cause buildings to sway at certain periods. In general, the taller the structure, the _______ the period. A. longer B. shorter C. period does not depend on building height


Flexible buildings (made of wood or steel) have a ________ resonant period than a stiffer building (one of brick or concrete). A. longer B. shorter C. period does not depend on building stiffness


The inside of a tornado funnel has ____________________. A. high atmospheric pressure B. normal atmospheric pressure C. low atmospheric pressure D. Atmospheric pressure that could be high atmospheric pressure, normal atmospheric pressure, or low atmospheric pressure E. totally unknown atmospheric pressure characteristics

low atmospheric pressure

Today, the less-developed countries have ____________. A. low death rates and high birth rates B. low death rates and low birth rates C. high death rates and low birth rates D. high death rates and high birth rates

low death rates and high birth rates

Most of the more-developed countries have _________________. A. low death rates and low birth rates B. low death rates and high birth rates C. high death rates and low birth rates D. high death rates and high birth rates

low death rates and low birth rates

Over the last 7000 years there has been a ________________________. A. lowering of global average temperature totaling 2oC B. raising of global average temperature totaling 2oC C. constant global temperature, on average D. None of these are correct.

lowering of global average temperature totaling 2oC

The presence of water ________ the melting point of rock. A. raises B. lowers C. does not change D. may raise or may lower


The heat that transformed the Earth early in its history came primarily from all but which of the following? A. impact energy B. gravitational energy C. magnetic energy D. decay of radioactive elements

magnetic energy

Three basic classes of collisions include all but which of the following? A. oceanic plate versus oceanic plate B. oceanic plate versus continent-bearing plate C. continental plate versus continental plate D. mantle plate versus lithospheric plate

mantle plate versus lithospheric plate

The jokulhaup that occurred in 1996 in Iceland _______________________. A. melted part of the ice cap, releasing a flood that at its peak flowed as the second largest river in the world B. filled the harbor of Vestmannaeyjar with lava C. released poisonous gases that killed most of Iceland's cattle and sheep, leading to famine D. was triggered by a magnitude 6 earthquake E. produced a lahar that buried 5 small towns

melted part of the ice cap, releasing a flood that at its peak flowed as the second largest river in the world

In the _______, evidence abounded, mechanisms seemed plausible, and the plate tectonic theory was developed and widely accepted. A. mid-1930s B. mid-1940s C. mid-1950s D. mid-1960s E. mid-1970s


On a given stream, small floods happen _____________________. A. with the same frequency as large floods B. more often than large floods C. less often than large floods, which explains why we hear about large floods more often in the news D. sometimes more often, sometimes less often than large floods, depending on long-term climate

more often than large floods

The number of "hot spots" worldwide is ________________. A. only 4 B. about 20 C. about 50 D. more than 100 E. no more than 10

more than 100

Another class of active faults is created by southern California pushing into the "Big Bend" of the San Andreas fault. These faults are __________________. A. mostly east-west-oriented normal faults B. mostly north-south-oriented thrust faults (reverse faults) C. mostly east-west-oriented thrust faults (reverse faults) D. mostly north-south-oriented normal faults

mostly east-west-oriented thrust faults (reverse faults)

Earthquakes in Hawaii are mostly related to ________________. A. subduction along the Pacific plate margin B. strike-slip faulting along the Hawaiian Islands transform fault C. lava flows erupting from the volcanic craters D. movement of volcanic magma beneath the ground E. the Emperor seamounts colliding

movement of volcanic magma beneath the ground

Despite the profound effects that earthquakes have had on civilizations for so many centuries, systematic scientific observations were not made until the early _________ century, when good descriptions were made of earthquake effects on the land. A. thirteenth B. seventeenth C. eighteenth D. nineteenth E. twentieth


The dominant type of faulting in the Great Basin region is ______________. A. normal faulting B. reverse faulting C. strike slip faulting D. thrust faulting E. transform faulting

normal faulting

The __________ is measured in cross-sectional view as the angle of inclination from horizontal of a tilted rock layer, and _______ is viewed in map view as the compass bearing of the rock layer where it intersects a horizontal plane. A. strike; strike B. dip; dip C. strike; dip D. dip; strike E. strike and dip; strike and dip

normal faults

The active triple junction in _________ Africa is geologically young, having begun about 25 million years ago. A. southwestern B. southeastern C. northeastern D. western E. southern


We know that the part of California on the Pacific plate will not break off in a giant earthquake and sink into the Pacific Ocean because ______________________. A. the Pacific plate is being subducted beneath California instead B. the San Andreas fault is a thrust fault, not a normal fault C. of isostasy D. convective forces E. oceanic circulation

of isostasy

When oceanic lithosphere collides with another plate, the ________ in the process of subduction. A. older, colder plate goes beneath the younger, warmer plate B. younger, warmer plate goes beneath the older, colder plate C. plates both disappear downward D. plates pile up, forming mid-ocean ridges

older, colder plate goes beneath the younger, warmer plate

The danger of (northern hemisphere) storm surge is most extreme _____________ of a hurricane, due to the forward motion of the storm motion and the direction of rotating winds. A. on the front-left side B. on the front-right side C. on the rear-left side D. on the rear-right side E. in the center

on the front-right side

In the 1995 heat wave, most deaths in Chicago occurred to people living ______________. A. on the top floors of buildings B. on the ground floor C. in the basement where ventilation is poor D. There was no preferential floor for deaths. E. out in the open, sleeping in parks or under bridges

on the top floors of buildings

Of the total solar energy that reaches Earth, about what fraction is used to evaporate water into the atmosphere? A. one tenth B. one eighth C. one fourth D. one third E. one half

one fourth

Because of the Coriolis effect, if you are in an airplane at the geographic north pole and point it toward Chicago and fly in a straight line at 500 miles per hour, you will _____________________. A. end up at Chicago, or at least fly directly over Chicago B. pass hundreds of miles east of Chicago C. pass hundreds of miles west of Chicago D. It is impossible to tell

pass hundreds of miles west of Chicago

During the great flood of July 1993, the southeastern United States experienced ________________. A. persistent low atmospheric pressure and a drought B. persistent high atmospheric pressure and a drought C. persistent low atmospheric pressure and a flood D. persistent high atmospheric pressure and a flood

persistent high atmospheric pressure and a drought

The primary energy sources that make the Earth an active body include all but which of the following? A. the Earth's internal heat B. the Sun C. photosynthesis D. the impact of extraterrestrial bodies E. gravity


If basaltic lava reaches the sea or a lake, it cools rapidly into ____________. A. bed lava B. sheet lava C. blanket lava D. pillow lava

pillow lava

The hotspot-melting-through-lithosphere process forms lines of extinct volcanoes on the ocean floor, from youngest to oldest, ______________________. A. with random ages along the lines B. in a direction pointing toward the sun C. pointing at 90 degrees to the direction of plate movement D. pointing in the opposite direction of plate movement E. pointing in the direction of plate movement

pointing in the direction of plate movement

The Fujita scale _________________. A. is a special way of gauging the weight of hailstones B. quantifies tornado magnitude on an open-ended scale, similar to earthquake magnitude C. quantifies tornado magnitude, based on maximum wind speed D. quantifies nor'easters, based on maximum wind speed E. assesses the severity of lightning strikes based on the electrical current between ground and cloud

quantifies tornado magnitude, based on maximum wind speed

After initial settlement about 1500 years ago, the population of Easter Island _____________. A. grew steadily from initial settlement until the Dutch arrived in 1722 B. had all died by the time the Dutch visited the Island in 1722 C. reached a peak and then declined before the Dutch arrived in 1722 D. all died from a smallpox epidemic brought by the Dutch in 1722 E. grew steadily from initial settlement until the Dutch arrived in 1722and all died from a smallpox epidemic brought by the Dutch in 1722 are correct

reached a peak and then declined before the Dutch arrived in 1722

As radioactive atoms decay, energy is _________. A. absorbed B. released C. neither absorbed nor released D. may be absorbed or released, depending on which isotope is involved in the decay


When water vapor condenses it, A. releases latent heat B. it absorbs latent heat C. it converts kinetic energy D. it absorbs kinetic energy

releases latent heat

If a stream experiences more energetic water flow, the stream ___________________. A. responds by increasing the sinuosity of its channel pattern through meandering B. responds by decreasing the sinuosity of its channel pattern C. will not change its sinuosity, but will erode sediment D. will not change its sinuosity, but will deposit sediment E. will not change its floe path

responds by increasing the sinuosity of its channel pattern through meandering

With compressional forces, the hanging wall moves upward relative to the footwall; this type of fault is referred to as a __________ fault. A. reverse B. subnormal C. transform D. strike-slip E. normal


The strike-slip San Andreas Fault in California is a _______ fault more than 800 miles long. A. right-lateral B. left-lateral C. thrust D. normal


The rapid rotation of the Earth results in all large moving air masses in the Northern Hemisphere sidling off toward their ______ -hand side, when viewed along the direction of movement, and all moving bodies of air in the Southern Hemisphere veering toward their ______. A. left; right B. right; left C. right; right D. left; left E. It is impossible to tell from the information provided

right; left

Modern tsunami warning systems make use of _________________. A. sea surface buoys B. ocean bottom pressure sensors C. radio reports from ships in the open ocean D. All of these choices are correct. E. sea surface buoys and ocean bottom pressure sensors only F. sea surface buoys and radio reports from ships in the open ocean only

sea surface buoys and ocean bottom pressure sensors only

A ____________ is an oscillating wave that sloshes back and forth within an enclosed body of waters such as a sea, bay, lake, or swimming pool. A. sake B. slashe C. serape D. seiche E. seraglio


Before the time of initial settlement by Polynesians, Easter Island had all but which of the following? A. high temperatures and humidity B. no permanent streams C. poorly drained and marginal soils D. about 30 native plant species E. several species of native terrestrial mammals

several species of native terrestrial mammals

The 1993 flood in the central United States was caused by ___________________. A. a single large rainstorm over a large area B. rapid melting of record winter snows during the spring of 1993 C. several storms building up excess moisture over several months over much of the upper Mississippi River drainage basin

several storms building up excess moisture over several months over much of the upper Mississippi River drainage basin

Usually, the biggest concern in designing buildings to withstand large earthquakes is the ____________ components of movement. A. upward push from the vertical B. downward pull from the vertical C. sideways push from the horizontal

sideways push from the horizontal

The air in the eye of a hurricane ______________________. A. sinks, warms, and absorbs moisture, leaving the core clear and cloud-free B. rises, cools, and absorbs moisture, leaving the core clear and cloud-free C. rises, cools, and expels moisture, leaving the core clear and cloud-free D. sinks, warms, and expels moisture, leaving the core clear and cloud-free E. is stable, neither moving up nor down

sinks, warms, and absorbs moisture, leaving the core clear and cloud-free

Detailed mapping of the ocean bottom around the Hawaiian Islands revealed a previously unrecognized tsunami source. What did geologists discover on the seafloor in this area? A. a major undersea volcano B. a huge undersea meteor crater C. a deep ocean trench along a subduction zone D. a system of major oceanic transform faults E. slumps and debris avalanches formed by volcanic flank collapse

slumps and debris avalanches formed by volcanic flank collapse

The inner core is a 2450-km diameter _________ mass with temperatures up to 4300C (7770F). A. gaseous B. liquid C. solid


A mantle hot spot has generated a long-lived plume beneath Yellowstone National Park, and the North American continent is drifting ___________ above it about 2 to 4 cm/yr. A. southeastward B. northeastward C. southwestward D. northwestward E. in random directions


The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a sample of water is referred to as the ________________. A. greenhouse heat B. latent heat C. specific heat D. condensation heat

specific heat

About 14,000 years ago, the Earth began to warm according to changes seen in annual ice layers in glaciers—the O18, CO2, and methane content in ice ________. A. decreased B. increased C. stayed the same despite orbital changes that brought warming

stayed the same despite orbital changes that brought warming

Based on insurance industry records of economic loss from natural disasters, 32 of the 40 most expensive disasters between 1970 and 2012 were __________________ and floods. A. storms B. volcanic eruptions C. earthquakes D. landslides E. fires


Some of Earth's most beautiful mountains are ________, including Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Mt. Shasta in California, Mt. Rainier in Washington, and Mt. Fuji in Japan. A. stratovolcanoes B. cinder cones C. shield volcanoes D. calderas E. oceanic seamounts


When most of the movement along a fault is horizontal, the fault is referred to as a __________ fault. A. reverse B. thrust C. normal D. strike-slip


Earthquake-related tsunami are created by sub-sea fault movements with pronounced vertical offsets of the sea floor. Such movements occur most commonly along __________________. A. oceanic transform faults B. seafloor spreading centers C. subduction zones D. continental rift zones E. hotspot island chains

subduction zones

The process of changing from a solid to a gas is referred to as ________________. A. evaporation B. gasification C. sublimation D. condensation


Earthquakes are most commonly caused by ______________. A. explosions of nuclear bombs B. undersea landslides C. meteorite impacts D. volcanic activity E. sudden earth movements along faults

sudden earth movements along faults

Which of the following wave types travels slowest through rock? A. P-waves B. S-waves C. surface waves D. body waves E. They all travel with the same velocity.

surface waves

The Richter Scale is set up so that for every _______ increase in the amplitude of the recorded seismic wave, the Richter magnitude increases one number, e.g., from 4 to 5. A. two-fold B. four-fold C. eight-fold D. ten-fold E. hundred-fold


Silicon and oxygen link up to form the silicon-oxygen ______________. A. dihedron B. trihedron C. tetrahedron D. hexahedron E. dodecahedron


If a flood has a recurrence interval of ten years, it means ____________________. A. that a similar-sized flood will occur once every ten years B. that a similar-sized flood has a greater probability of occurring every tenth year than during any one of the intervening years C. that in any given year a similar flood has a 1/10 chance of occurring D. that the flood must be bigger than any other flood during any given 10-year interval E. None of these are correct.

that in any given year a similar flood has a 1/10 chance of occurring

The population of Easter Island was limited by all but which of the following? A. war between rival clans B. environmental degradation from the use of resources required to move statues C. cannibalism D. lack of trees to build canoes to catch more fish E. the Ebola virus

the Ebola virus

The deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history was ____________________ which killed more than 8000 people. A. Hurricane Katrina in 2005 B. the Mt. St. Helens eruption in 1980 C. the Great Flood of 1993 on the Mississippi River D. the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 E. the Galveston, Texas, hurricane of 1900

the Galveston, Texas, hurricane of 1900

Earthquake moment is calculated by multiplying all but which of the following quantities together? A. the shear strength of the rocks B. the rupture area of the fault C. the average displacement (slip) on the fault D. the Modified Mercalli Intensity at the epicenter

the Modified Mercalli Intensity at the epicenter

Episodes of climate change during the last 1000 years include all but which of the following? A. the Maunder Minimum B. the Medieval Maximum C. the Little Ice Age D. the Renaissance Warming E. All of the choices were episodes of short-term climate change

the Renaissance Warming

The greatest insurance dollar losses as a result of natural disasters in the last three decades of the 20th century occurred in ________________. A. Mexico B. China C. the United States D. Pakistan E. India

the United States

The growth rate of the world population equals ______________. A. the birth rate plus the death rate B. the birth rate minus the death rate C. the death rate minus the birth rate D. None of these are correct.

the birth rate minus the death rate

The early differentiation of the Earth into a mantle and a core was created by ________________. A. gravitational accretion of iron-rich particles in the core, followed by silicate-rich particles in the mantle B. nuclear fission in the center of the Earth, which converted hydrogen and helium to iron C. the buildup of heat and the melting of iron which was pulled by gravity to the center of the Earth

the buildup of heat and the melting of iron which was pulled by gravity to the center of the Earth

A hurricane is defined as a large area of sustained winds greater than 74 miles per hour. This is the wind speed at which ______________________. A. canvas sails on sail boats start to rip B. storm surge starts to be a problem C. Saffir and Simpson agreed to compromise (Saffir wanted 72 mph, and Simpson wanted 76 mph) D. the center of the storm develops a calm area known as the eye E. atmospheric particles collide and coalesce

the center of the storm develops a calm area known as the eye

Prior to the 2004 event, the last major tsunami in the Indian Ocean struck in 1883 and killed about 36,000 people. This tsunami was caused by _________________. A. a massive undersea landslide near Sri Lanka B. the collapse of Indonesia's Krakatoa volcano C. a large earthquake off the coast of Sumatra D. massive eruption of Toba E. a meteor that struck in the central Indian Ocean

the collapse of Indonesia's Krakatoa volcano

Many of the deaths at Mt. St. Helens on May 18, 1980 were related to ________________. A. the earthquake that preceded the eruption B. people being overcome by fast-flowing basaltic lava C. ash fall hundreds of miles away D. suffocation from a carbon dioxide cloud E. the effects of lateral blast

the effects of lateral blast

The "channeled scablands" of the state of Washington were caused by _________________. A. the gentle, slow melting of glaciers B. the failure of an ice dam during glacial melting C. a large rainstorm D. winds from an ancient volcanic explosion at Mt. St. Helens E. None of these are correct.

the failure of an ice dam during glacial melting

When flooding occurs along a river, as you go farther downstream _________________. A. the flooding gets worse as water piles up B. the flooding gets less severe as water spreads out in time and space C. the flooding is the same because the amount of water is the same

the flooding gets less severe as water spreads out in time and space

When short-wavelength radiation from the Sun passes through a planet's atmosphere but long-wavelength reradiation is trapped, the resulting conditions produce _____________. A. global cooling B. a Bose-Einstein condensate C. the greenhouse effect D. All of the choices are correct.

the greenhouse effect

In the late spring and summer of 1993, the upper Mississippi River basin experienced record high floods. However, the floodwater mass did not significantly affect the lower Mississippi River basin because _______________. A. the input from the Ohio River flow was low B. there was a drought in Louisiana C. the southern levees were built higher during the summer before the water got there D. All of these choices are correct. E. None of these choices are correct.

the input from the Ohio River flow was low

Which of the following conditions led to the 1993 flood in the midcontinental United States? A. the jet stream moving north and south more rapidly than normal B. the jet stream locked in place over north-central plains for an unusually long time C. an unusual amount of rainfall caused by the after-effects of Hurricane Andrew D. one unusually large rainstorm over Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Minnesota

the jet stream locked in place over north-central plains for an unusually long time

The frequency of a wave is __________________. A. the amount of displacement of the medium through which the wave is passing B. the number of waves passing a given point per unit time C. the time between successive waves D. the energy of the wave

the number of waves passing a given point per unit time

The intensity of an earthquake is influenced by all but which one of the following? A. earthquake magnitude B. distance from the hypocenter/epicenter C. type of rock or sediment making up the ground surface D. the presence of people to record their innermost feelings E. duration of shaking

the presence of people to record their innermost feelings

If sea-floor spreading occurs at a constant rate, the widths of magnetized seafloor strips have _____ ratios as the lengths of time between successive reversals of the Earth's magnetic field. A. opposite B. critical C. triple D. two to one E. the same

the same

If you are on the "right-hand side" of the tropical cyclone in the Northern Hemisphere you experience ____________________. A. the speed of the storm body plus the wind speed B. the wind speed minus the storm motion C. the storm motion only D. the wind speed but not the storm motion E. eye-born pressure fluctuations

the speed of the storm body plus the wind speed

Active volcanoes today in Oregon and Washington, including Mt. St. Helens, result from _________________. A. heat generated by friction on the San Andreas Fault B. the subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate beneath North America C. the subduction of the Pacific plate beneath North America D. spreading of the Juan de Fuca ridge E. continent-continent collision

the subduction of the Juan de Fuca plate beneath North America

A hydrograph is a plot of _________________. A. the volume of water or stream-surface height versus time B. water quality versus time C. sediment load versus time D. stream elevation versus distance downstream

the volume of water or stream-surface height versus time

A hurricane acts as a heat engine, transferring heat from ________________________. A. the warm, moist air above tropical seas into the core of the hurricane B. the core of the hurricane into the warm, moist air above tropical seas C. the warm, moist air above tropical seas into the bottom of the sea, where it stirs up turbulence D. the core of the hurricane into the tropical seas, where additional energy is picked up from water depths below 200 feet, amplifying the strength of the storm E. low pressure zones in the core to low pressure zone on the perifery

the warm, moist air above tropical seas into the core of the hurricane

If a stream is choked with sediment and has insufficient water to carry it away _______________. A. the water will pick its way through as a braided stream B. a peninsula is formed C. a canyon is formed D. a flood will occur E. Any of these may happen

the water will pick its way through as a braided stream

Deep ocean waters flow in an overturning circulation called _____________________. A. upwelling B. downwelling C. bottom flow D. thermohaline flow E. Coriolis flow

thermohaline flow

The Lisbon earthquakes of 1755 are historically significant because ______________. A. it was the first time anyone had ever successfully predicted an earthquake B. the reconstruction efforts after the earthquakes stimulated the Portuguese economy, leading to a century of prosperity for the country C. they changed the prevailing philosophies of the era, producing a more pessimistic view of the world D. they resulted in more deaths than any other earthquake, before or after

they changed the prevailing philosophies of the era, producing a more pessimistic view of the world

The crustal thickness in the Great Basin is ____________________. A. thicker than Mid-continental North American crust B. thinner than Mid-continental North American crust C. thinner than oceanic crust and thinner than Mid-continental North American crust are correct D. thicker than oceanic crust and thinner than Mid-continental North American crust are correct E. thicker than oceanic crust and thicker than Mid-continental North American crust are correct

thicker than oceanic crust and thinner than Mid-continental North American crust are correct

Hurricane Katrina (2005) ranks number ________ in a list of the 13 deadliest hurricanes in the United States since 1900. A. one B. two C. three D. four E. five


Using the S-P timing method, epicenters can be located using seismograms from a minimum of ______ recording stations. A. one B. two C. three D. four


The large left step in the San Andreas fault in the Los Angeles area causes compressive ruptures along east-west-oriented ________ faults as in the 1971 San Fernando and 1994 Northridge events. A. normal B. thrust C. strike-slip D. transform


First-order analysis of a seismogram record allows seismologists to do all but which of the following? A. to identify the different kinds of seismic waves generated by the fault movement B. to estimate the amount of energy released (magnitude) C. to locate the epicenter and hypocenter D. to develop a Modified Mercalli Intensity map

to develop a Modified Mercalli Intensity map

A braided stream has ____________. A. too much sediment to carry B. too little sediment in suspension, causing erosion in a braided pattern C. no relationship to the amount of sediment being transported

too much sediment to carry

Requirements for a hurricane to develop include all but which of the following? A. seawater with a temperature of at least 80F in the upper 200 ft of the ocean B. air must be unstable, warm, and humid C. weak upper-level winds, preferably blowing in the same direction the developing storm is moving D. tornado serving as triggering mechanism, spreading out and slowing as storm grows

tornado serving as triggering mechanism, spreading out and slowing as storm grows

The highest wind speeds of any weather phenomenon occur in ________________. A. tornadoes B. hurricanes C. typhoons D. cyclones E. derechos


When compared to California, seismic energy in the eastern U.S. is ______________. A. transmitted more effectively in the older, more solid rocks B. transmitted less effectively in the older, more solid rocks C. transmitted more effectively in the younger, more solid rocks D. transmitted less effectively in the younger, more solid rocks E. transmitted less effectively because the earthquakes are smaller

transmitted more effectively in the older, more solid rocks

Rank the following in order of increasing strength: A. tropical depression, tropical storm, tropical disturbance, hurricane B. hurricane, tropical depression, tropical storm, tropical disturbance C. tropical disturbance, tropical depression, tropical storm, hurricane D. hurricane, tropical depression, tropical disturbance, tropical storm E. tropical storm, tropical depression, tropical disturbance, hurricane.

tropical disturbance, tropical depression, tropical storm, hurricane

The captain of a ship tells you that he once experienced a huge tsunami while sailing in the Pacific Ocean several hundred miles from any landmass. You decide that this sounds a little farfetched because __________________. A. tsunami usually occur only in the Indian Ocean and Caribbean Sea B. tsunami are rarely felt in deep water because they have long wavelengths and low heights C. the ship could not have survived passing through a major tsunami in the open ocean D. earthquakes do not occur in deep ocean waters E. the captain did not describe any tremors or shaking associated with an earthquake

tsunami are rarely felt in deep water because they have long wavelengths and low heights

The Older Dryas and Younger Dryas stages represented ______________________. A. two cooling stages during warm-up from the last major glacial advance B. two of the more abrupt warming stages during the last glaciation C. one warming stage and one cooling stage during the last glaciation D. periods of dry climate

two cooling stages during warm-up from the last major glacial advance

The blanket of sediment on the sea floor is ___________ toward the ocean margins. A. very thin at the volcanic ridges and thickens B. very thick at the volcanic ridges and thins C. thick at the volcanic ridges and thickens more D. very thin at the volcanic ridges and is missing

very thin at the volcanic ridges and thickens

The three Vs of volcanology are __________________. A. viscosity, volatiles, velocity B. viscosity, volatiles, volume C. viscosity, velocity, volume D. volatiles, volume, variability E. volatiles, velocity, variability

viscosity, volatiles, volume

Geologists have shown that the east coast of the United States faces a serious tsunami threat from ________. A. large earthquakes offshore of Portugal B. volcanic flank collapse in the Canary Islands C. break up of Antarctic ice shelves D. meteor impact in the Mediterranean Sea E. landslides along the white cliffs of Dover

volcanic flank collapse in the Canary Islands

The famous statues on Easter Island were carved out of _______________. A. volcanic rock B. limestone C. coral D. marble E. Some of all of these are correct.

volcanic rock

As a hurricane forms, converging surface winds meet at the central core, which acts like a chimney sending ______________. A. warm, moist air flowing rapidly upward B. warm, moist air flowing rapidly downward C. cool, dry air flowing rapidly upward D. cool, dry air flowing rapidly downward

warm, moist air flowing rapidly upward

The dominant volcanic gas (commonly 90% or more of total gas) is _____________. A. water vapor (H2O) B. carbon dioxide (CO2) C. sulfur dioxide (SO2) D. hydrogen sulfide (H2S) with its rotten egg smell E. carbon monoxide (CO

water vapor (H2O)

Today, North America has several small- to medium-sized plates subducting beneath its ____________. A. eastern margin B. western margin C. northern margin D. southeastern margin E. margins, all around the North American plate

western margin

The greatest earthquakes in the world occur _____________. A. where plates collide with each other B. where plates separate from one another C. where plates slide past each other D. in the interiors of individual plates

where plates collide with each other

In the 1989 Loma Prieta quake, the Marina District building collapses were extensive, and numerous destructive fires broke out, due to all but which one of the following? A. amplified shaking B. deformation and liquefaction of artificial-fill foundations C. soft first-story construction that led to building collapses D. widespread looting and arson

widespread looting and arson

A shield volcano has a great ___________. A. height compared to its width B. width compared to its height C. amount of pumice D. proportion of pyroclastic material, compared with lava flows

width compared to its height

When the part of California west of the San Andreas fault plows into Alaska it _______________. A. will become subducted beneath Alaska's southern margin B. will become part of Alaska's southern margin C. will turn into a spreading ridge, changing the direction of movement of the Pacific plate D. will turn and head westward along Alaska's southern margin

will become part of Alaska's southern margin

Can the same fault be classified as both a strike-slip and a transform fault? A. yes B. no C. only if it is also a reverse fault D. only if it is also a normal fault


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