EDCI Final

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the term "intellectual" disability is now a preferred term over the older term mental retardation


The Program Matrix prompts viewing a typical lesson plan through a different lens.


When Lauren returned to school after sustaining a mild head injury, her academic performance and other areas of her life were largely unaffected. Because of her TBI she should receive special education services.


________ refers to how well a student uses his or her vision in daily activities in various settings.

Functional vision

Social and emotional characteristics of students who are gifted and talented include high motivation and task persistence, high levels of sensitivity, abundant imagination, empathy, and idealism.


Some children's caregiving circumstances and current family situation place them at greater risk for delay than the general population.


Some students who are not eligible under IDEA for services may still receive accommodations under Section 504 of Rehabilitation Act


Some students with disabilities may not receive special ed services


Stereotype threat means a fear of being judged on the basis of negative stereotypes and the fear of doing something that would confirm those stereotypes.


Teachers should be aware that many students with other health impairments may be absent from class often and should make some alternate arrangements to send work home, etc.


The continuum of educational services shows the various types of placements that students with disabilities might be served in


The least dangerous assumption suggest we should assume that the ability to learn.


Today the vast majority of students with disabilities are expected to achieve in the same standards that all students master


Transition services are for students with disabilities who are 16 or older and designed to help prepare them for post high school activities


Traumatic brain injury includes both open head injury and closed head injury.


According to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) video in this module, multiple means of action and expression is code for:


Mr. Turner wants to help Juan learn at home due to his severe physical and health needs, so he is considering books on tape, teleconferencing, and distance learning approaches for Juan. These are all forms of

assistive technology

Typically, the characteristics of a child with AD/HD that most interfere with academic learning include

attention and self-regulation

The LRE requirement in IDEA states that students with disabilities should

be educated with their non disabled peers to the maximum extent appropriate

The definition of AD/HD in the DSM-V makes it clear that the child must exhibit characteristics that are frequent, persistent, and severe, and they must be present

for at least 6 months and occur before age 12

When an individual's legs are affected by cerebral palsy, but there is no involvement of the arms, the person is said to have


Select all that apply: Which of the following are tips/strategies for teaching students with autism spectrum disorders in general education classrooms?

provide predictable and safe environment, do not take behavior personally, remember that facial expressions and other social cues may not work

According to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) video in this module, UDL is designed to create expert learners who are:

purposeful, motivated, resourceful, knowledgeable

Handicap is synonymous with disability


A category under IDEA is linguistically diverse


It is primarily the responsibility of the special ed teacher to provide accommodations


Every student served in special ed must be evaluated every 4 years


Internalizing behavior disorders are those in which the individual is

"disturbed" and include behaviors such as personality problems, anxiety, and depression.

Disorders such as epilepsy, asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, AIDS, and AD/HD all fall under the category of

"other health impairment"

The prevalence of students with emotional or behavioral problems has been estimated to be between ________ by several different sources.

1 and 7%

Place the following activities required to identify a child with a disability in order

1. Child is identified as having needs that may require special services, 2. The child is evaluated with varied assessments, 3. An eligibility team meets to determine eligibility, 4. an IEP is developed, 5. Special services for the student begin

In a class of about 30-35 elementary students, you should expect to have about ________ student(s) with AD/HD in your classroom each year.


The human ear can detect frequencies from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz, but most human speech occurs in the ________ range.


About what percent of all students receiving special ed services are identified as having a learning disability


Some children with AD/HD who are not eligible for special education services may still receive special help from their general education teachers through accommodations described in a(n)

504 Plan

Students with physical and health disabilities may need accessibility to the general education curriculum so that they have equal opportunities to learn, but might not need special education services in order to receive this assistance. They might instead need a(n)

504 Plan

________ can help in clearly defining the target behavior of a student and developing the most effective intervention plan.

A functional behavior assessment

Jack, a high school student with an intellectual disability, reads at a 2nd-grade level. Because he has difficulty with decoding words, he is not able to read fluently enough to comprehend the grade-level text. His special education teacher has noticed that he typically understands and remembers the information that she presents orally. For this reason, his teacher implements several types of support to help him succeed in the classroom. The teachers allows Jack to use text-to-speech software for grade-level materials, which allows the text to be read to him. This is an example of a(n):


________ measure(s) the student's ability to perform skills needed for everyday life and are used in the identification process of students with intellectual disabilities.

Adaptive behavior skills assessment

Teachers should work to make students safe and the environment and equipment accessible by doing which of the following?

All of the above

Behavior assessment systems consist of many components including

All of the answers are correct

When referring to the preferred form of communication for people who are culturally Deaf, we should use the term

American Sign Language

Which statement is true

An accommodation is a change which helps a student overcome or work around a disability, whereas a modification alters the expectations of what the student is being taught.

________ is a system of raised dots that can be used by individuals with blindness or low vision for reading, writing, and music.


________ is the key to independent functioning and should be a fundamental component of any educational program for students with autism.


________ characteristics of emotional or behavioral disorders are those that directly affect others and are easy to observe such as fighting, hitting, and refusing to comply.


Select all that apply: How could a general education teacher best communicate with a deaf student?

Face the person directly, be patient, but there is also at least one more that I did not get

A student is given a braille version of the novel discussed in class. This is an example of a modification


All children who have a disability must be provided with special education


If assistive technology is required on an IEP, then the parent is required to buy it for their child


Students with severe disabilities always have significant deficits in memory skills and often cannot remember people, events, knowledge, and skills.


The Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens (PARC) vs. the Commonweath of Pennsylvania basically established that all students with disabilities have the right to a free and appropriate public education.


The teacher gives Jack a lower-level reader that provides fewer facts and details but aligned with the grade-level content. This is an example of an accommodation.


________ refers to those with mild to severe hearing losses who probably use speech for communication, will need educational and technological support, and may or may not identify with the Deaf culture.

Hard of hearing

What is the special ed law that requires an IEP?

IDEA 2004

Federal laws define intellectual disability as someone having "significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning" which usually means that the person's

IQ is 70-75 or below

Select all that apply: Which of the following are classroom suggestions for accommodations in the general education classroom for students with EBD and struggle with self-control?

Identify quiet area, use regular routine, monitor student's compliance

Emotional disturbance

Includes schizophrenia

Select all that apply. Teachers who are differentiating do which of the following

Learn about the students needs, adjusts the content of learning, adjusts the process of learning, adjusts how students are evaluated

Select all that apply: Which of the following are classroom suggestions for accommodations in the general education classroom for students with intellectual disabilities.

Let student sit next to an aide, provide balance of diff kinds of activities, provide follow-up, assign specific role

The class assignment is to write a research a planet using a minimum of three sources and then write a five-paragraph essay about that planet. However, the teacher shortens the writing assignment to one paragraph containing three facts. This is a(n):


The fourth largest category of disabilities under IDEA is


________ is one caused by congenital anomaly, or the absence of some member, or by disease, such as poliomyelitis and bone tuberculosis.

NOT a health disability

Teachers need to be familiar with the administration of medications, especially for individuals who have severe ________ and those that might use an adrenaline kit such as Epipen, an injection that can be self-administered.

NOT diabetes

Individuals with deaf-blindness are usually diagnosed by

Ophthalmologists and audiologists

Under IDEA, ADHD is considered to be in which disability category

Other health impaired

________ are usually the first to notice that a child is behaving differently, in a way that might be consistent with a diagnosis of autism.


Julio has been exhibiting extreme withdrawn behavior. He leaves school late and is wary of adult contact. He often wears long-sleeve shirts on hot days. Mr. Benson believes Julio is exhibiting behaviors consistent with

Physical abuse

________ is a behaviorally based systems change approach to redesigning the environment to minimize problem behaviors.

Positive behavior intervention support

________ is the most frequently reported academic problem for those with learning disabilities, with estimates as high as 90%.


________ is a process to help determine possible learning disabilities based on the student's response to scientific, research-based interventions.

Response to intervention

Select all that apply: Which of the following are suggestions for general educators to ensure they effectively collaborate with Speech Language Pathologists?

Set aside a time, be flexibly, provide feedback, free on specific intervention goals

Select all that apply: What are some considerations for general education teachers teaching students with severe disabilities?

Show concern, collaborate, select and implement adaptations

Roughly 90% of students with disabilities spend some time in general education settings


Select all that apply: Which of the following are classroom suggestions for accommodations in the general education classroom for students with AD/HD?

Spend a few minutes at the end of the day to review, allow students extra time, provide students with different colored notebooks

Althea, a student with a learning disability (LD), struggles with writing. Her teacher assigns the following class project: research a planet using a minimum of three sources and then write a five-paragraph essay about that planet. Because Danica produces few complete sentences and ideas when given a writing task, her teacher implements several types of support to help her complete the assignment. The teacher reminds Althea to use TREE (Topic sentence, Reason, Explanation, Ending), a mnemonic device students can use to organize their ideas. Please indicate whether this is an example of a(n):


________ are key aspects of the instructional environment for students with learning disabilities.

Structure and organization

Select all that apply: which of the following are good suggestions for including students who are blind or have low vision in the general education classroom

Tell the student when you're entering or leaving the room, remove clutter, but there's at least one more that I did not get

Separating students with disabilities from the general education classrooms perpetuates ableism


A child with diabetes is covered under IDEA if he or she needs special education in order to benefit from an education. The diabetes must make it more difficult for the child to learn.


A student who has been diagnosed as having AD/HD can receive special education services under the category of other health impaired.


Accommodations may include the materials used, the method of giving an assessment, and alternative teaching strategies.


Because high academic ability is often the primary criterion used by teachers when recognizing and referring students for gifted education, gifted underachievers are often overlooked.


Children diagnosed with high incidence disabilities comprise roughly 80-90% of students with disabilities in schools today.


Collaboration between teachers, related service providers, and parents is key to providing special education services in K-12 schools


Designed access is preferable to retrofitted access because it is more effective and efficient.


In order for related services to be provided, they must be determined as necessary for the child to benefit from their educational experience


It is important to include students in IEP meetings


It is the IEP which determines what constitutes a free appropriate education for the child


Of all children in school, roughly 10-12% are diagnosed with a disability under IDEA.


Poor nutrition, lack of adequate sleep, and no access to health care are all correlates of poverty that can lead to children's being at risk for developmental delays as well as later school failure.


Under IDEA, spina bifida is considered a physical or orthopedic disability


Sarah is a bright student in the third grade with a diagnosis of a learning disability. She demonstrates leadership qualities, perfectionist behaviors, and works harder than any other student in class. Her teacher suspects that Sarah might be

Twice exceptional

What is the major difference between UDL and accommodations/modifications?

UDL involves planning for access in advance of a lesson, while accommodations/modifications consider access during a lesson.

Select all that apply: Which of the following are classroom suggestions for accommodations in the general education classroom for students with learning disabilities.

Use a digital text, break a long assignment into parts, introduce new vocabulary *I only got partial credit with these answers*

There are many different approaches to teaching deaf students, so the decision regarding the best method should be made by

a collaborative team of parents, student, and professionals

In order to qualify for special education services under IDEA, a student must have

a condition that adversely affects educational performance

Joshua suffered a head injury which caused permanent loss of vision in one eye. He is possibly suffering from

a detached retina

ASL can best be characterized as

a distinct language with its own conventions

stuttering is an example of

a fluency disorder

Ms. Washington wants to try to determine why Miguel exhibits certain behaviors and what she can do to teach more adaptive skills to replace those behaviors. The best method to use for this task would be to use

a functional behavioral assessment

One common social interaction characteristic of individuals with autism is a problem in joint attention. Joint attention is

a limited ability to share interests or achievements with others

Sometimes ________ is the LRE for some students who are blind because the materials are specifically designed for these students, resulting in increased academic engaged time.

a residential school

IDEA requirements for nondiscriminatory and multidisciplinary assessment testing include

a team approach to assessment

African-American males have been found to be ________ to be identified as having emotional disturbance than White females.

about 5 times more likely

Adaptive behavior skills assessments are conducted through

all of the above

Behavioral inhibition can result in characteristics such as

all of the above

IDEA gives parents the right to

all of the above

In order for a child with a disability to receive specialized services under IDEA, he or she must

all of the above

It has been suggested that African-American children may be at an unfair disadvantage in being labeled as having intellectual disabilities because:

all of the above

The IDEA definition of autism includes

all of the above

The purpose of an individualized transition plan is to

all of the above

The purpose of the IEP is to

all of the above

To avoid social isolation of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, teachers should

all of the above

A diagnosis of intellectual disabilities is typically made when

all of the answers are correct

When planning instructional content for students with communication disorders, it should be understood that the disorder could affect

all of the answers are correct

Which of the following issues are important to consider when administering formal speech and language tests?

all of the answers are correct

A disorder resulting in limited strength, vitality, or alertness, including a heightened alertness to environmental stimuli which results in limited alertness with respect to the educational environments, is referred to as

an "other health impairment"

________ is a change based on the student's needs concerning how information is presented by the teacher or how understanding is demonstrated by the student.

an accommodation

If an IEP objective cannot be achieved wholly in the general education classroom, it is ______________ for a student with a disability to participate in general education lessons that allow him/her to practice pre-requisite skills and in various settings in order to achieve his/her IEP objective over time.


Curricula for students with emotional or behavioral problems, whether they are in general or separate classrooms, generally focus on

both academic and social skills

Students with language disorders should be taught

both expressive and receptive language skills

Scott has damage to a part of his brain that results in problems in muscle tone and muscle movement in his body. Scott's diagnosis is most likely

cerebral palsy

The process by which an individual expresses ideas, feelings, opinions, or messages to others and receives and understands ideas, feelings, opinions, or messages from others is known as


As a teacher you will most likely need to ensure that ________ are used if you have a child with autism in your classroom.

consistent schedules and routines

Shelley uses a wheelchair, indicating she has a ______. Shelley must bank by mail because the only bank in her town is not accessible by wheelchair, causing a ______ for Shelly.

disability; handicap

Several alternative procedures have been recommended for use in the overall identification process of students with gifts or talents, including (choose all that apply):

dynamic assessment, portfolio assessment, performance assessment

A pattern of behavior that impairs a child's sense of self-worth and includes constant criticism, threats, or rejection, as well as withholding love, support, or guidance is

emotional or psychological abuse

According to the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) video in this module, the three pillars of UDL include multiple means of:

engagement, representation, and action and expression

Many individuals with autism spectrum disorders have difficulty planning, shifting attention, and using working memory among other cognitive deficits. As a result, we often say these individuals have problems in

executive functioning

A curriculum that includes skills needed by many students who are blind or have low vision, such as visual efficiency skills, orientation, and mobility, is known as

expanded core curriculum

ADHD is considered a learning disability under IDEA

false (other health impaired)

Under IDEA, traumatic brain injury is considered a form of physical disability

false, it's its own category

Select all key words and phrases associated with the central idea behind Universal Design for Learning.

flexibility, choice, learner variability

The IDEA definition of a learning disability

is broad enough so that a variety of students might be considered as having a learning disability.

Mr. Foster referred Miguel for testing, and the results indicate that he has an IQ of 134. This score means

his IQ is considerably higher than average

A major consideration for teachers of students with severe disabilities is to

individualize learning outcomes

The process involved in initially identifying a learning disability usually includes

informal procedures such as observation and classroom performance

Which of the following disabilities is most prevalent in schools today?

learning disabilities

According to IDEA, roughly ________ of students in school are classified as having intellectual disabilities.

less than 1%

Mrs. Dillard is trying to consider the best services for Chauncey, a student in her class with a physical disability. She is considering the collaborative teaming approach which encourages

less use of pullout services

Children who are reported to have the highest school-changing rates resulting in lowered scores on school tests include those

living in poverty

Classification by severity of disability has been used for many years. The classification of an individual whose IQ is 35-55 and has deficits in adaptive behaviors before the age of 18 is


School problems for children with ADHD are

more likely performance related rather than ability related

Which of the following is considered a "low incidence" disability under IDEA?

multiple disabilities

Jacob inherited a disorder that is typically characterized by a general and progressive weakening of muscles. Most likely Jacob has

muscular dystrophy

Most students who are blind or have low vision have _____ cognitive disabilities


Having a deaf child is viewed in different ways within the Deaf culture, thus

not all parents would view genetic testing and counseling as desirable or helpful

A teacher designs a concept map for two students in her class who have documented in their IEP a strength for visual processing. Keeping UDL principles in mind, the teacher may decide to:

offer concept map to all students, lead entire class through concept map development

Research has found that children with AD/HD may have difficulty with executive functioning

organizing, planning, and managing their work

Select two ways teachers can maximize student's success with accommodations

review the students IEP and recognize how the classroom environment may affect the use of some accommodations

Students who use and understand idioms, similes, and metaphors are using their knowledge of


Which one of the following is NOT a strategy or principle for Universal Design in Education?

send all students with IEPs to library or their case manager to take tests

The process of combining existing ASL with new signs to create a code to help deaf students learn English is known as

signing exact English

The greatest number of children receiving primary language intervention services are children with

specific language impairements

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association defines a ________ as an impairment in the articulation of speech, sound, fluency, and/or voice.

speech disorder

A congenital disorder that results when bones surrounding the spinal cord do not close or grow together is known as

spina bifida

Rocking, flapping of fingers or hands, or idiosyncratic movements of an individual, such as flapping a piece of string are examples of:

stereotypic behaviors

Children with autism are generally

stronger in visual processing skills than verbal processing skills.

Will was born three months prematurely and diagnosed with a significant hearing loss by four months of age. His hearing loss would most likely be

the answer is NOT congenital and postlingual

The most common hearing problems in children are associated with

the answer is NOT sensorineural hearing loss

Linguisticism is

the answer is NOT the belief that we are born knowing language

Mrs. Johnson has been informed that a new student in her class has severe disabilities, which tells her that

the student is likely to need considerable support to succeed in most environments

Difficulty interacting with other people in a social context, difficulty communicating with others, and rigid and restrictive behavioral repertoire and imaginative play are referred to as

the triad of social impairements

Students with severe disabilities tend to be

those students diagnosed with multiple disabilities and deaf-blindness

Mrs. Solomon wants her students with severe disabilities to take newly learned knowledge and skills and use them in a new environment or situation or apply them in some manner that was not taught directly. This skill is known as


To provide an appropriate education for students with severe disabilities in the LRE, education professionals must consider

what is taught, how it is taught, and the environment

The majority of students with learning disabilities are taught

within the gen ed classroom

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