Education Psych Unit B

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What are the two strategies emphasized for conflict resolution?

1. define the conflict in the smallest terms possible 2. describe the problem as a win-win situation

What is a double switch and why is it beneficial in structured controversy?

A double switch is when the opposite viewpoint is presented to a different individual or group.

How should a project be designed in order to ensure the work is distributed equally amongst group members?

A group project should be designed to where the group works together, but individual students must also complete their own assignment. Task and reward can be used to make sure work is being distributed equally.

How would a pros and cons list be advantageous when synthesizing information in structured controversy?

A pros and cons list would help come to a conclusion that is best for the majority of people.

What should a teacher do if a student resists working in a cooperative group?

A student resisting to work in a group should not be allowed to complete an additional assignment for credit and should have to work with the group in order to gain credit and improve their interpersonal skills.

Why should participation from all students be promoted in structured controversy?

A student should be encouraged to participate because if a student believes something and does not express that view or the opposing view, they will likely retain their original view. Just because the student is silent, does not mean the student agrees.

Give an example of a teacher being a poor model of one of the cooperative social skills listed? Why would inappropriate modeling be problematic?

A teacher would be a poor model of taking turns if he/she tells students this skill is important but never lets the students have a turn to talk. In this case, the behavior of the teacher does not match what the students are being told is important. This is problematic because students may be less inclined to let their peers have a turn in small-group settings.

In what ways can a tutor benefit from a generic peer tutoring arrangement?

A tutor can benefit because they will be asked questions by the tutee after they teach the material, helping them better. understand the subject matter.

Which social skill is necessary for success in the workplace? How would this skill contribute to such success?

Active listening is necessary for success in the workplace. Being able to actively listen to people shows that you care and want to listen to their opinions.

What is active listening? Why is it so fundamental to the process of structured controversy?

Active listening is repeating the other persons views to make sure you understand them before agreeing or disagreeing with them. It is important so that you make sure you are understanding something completely before you decide to go against their opinion or side with their opinion.

Describe an assignment in any subject area that would lend itself well to Kohn's approach? How could you assess students individually?

An assignment that would lend itself well to Kohn's approach would be to make a product together as a group. To assess the students, you would assess the final product and contribution of each student.

If an empirically-based educational consultant were asked to recommend either Slavin's or Kohn's approach for improving academic performance, which approach would she/he most likely recommend? Explain.

An empirically-based educational consultant would recommend Slavin's approach over Kohn's because Kohn's approach has generated more ideological research than empirical research.

What type of analysis (i.e. research method) was used to conclude that cooperative learning is superior to competitive and individualistic learning methods

An international meta-analysis was used to conclude that cooperative learning is superior to competitive and individualistic learning methods. An international meta-analysis is data from different studies that meet criteria created by different researchers.

How indispensable is assigning viewpoints rather than letting students choose their own viewpoints in structured controversy?

Assigning viewpoints is not completely necessary in controversy but helpful because it helps people to understand both sides of the argument.

List the social skill levels in which avoiding put-downs and criticizing ideas as opposed to people are found. What characteristic differences are there between these two skills?

Avoiding put downs entails restraining ourselves from making negative comments or remarks. With criticizing ideas, however, we point out potential concerns or problems with an idea with the intention of being helpful and/or constructive. With both skills, we avoid harmful or mean comments directed at the person, but with criticizing ideas, there is room for constructive criticism concerning our ideas.

Based on your own knowledge of group dynamics and past information in Unit B regarding peer relationships, infer why students with learning disabilities would perform best in a cooperative group that combines individual accountability and group rewards?

Children with learning disabilities would perform best in a cooperative group because they will have support from classmates and be motivated to perform well with them while building relationships.

Cooperative groups have many benefits, but the main goal is student learning. These groups can be based on many different characteristics. Which of these characteristics is most fundamental when assigning students to cooperative groups?

Composition is most fundamental because it is the amount of members in each group and different levels in each group

How could controlled floundering benefit students in cooperative learning?

Controlled floundering is when the teacher does not answer the questions for the students, but help them by giving clues. This helps students think harder and brainstorm together in a group setting to get the right answer together.

A teacher asks you to help him develop the most effective cooperative learning format. Paying specific attention to the effects of task and reward structure, describe the steps that the cooperative groups would complete in a classroom?

Cooperative groups would study together, then be tested and evaluated, then be rewarded based on their performance. The individuals would then be held accountable for their own contribution.

Does individualistic learning or cooperative learning have a greater impact on students' academic achievement? What evidence is there to support your claim?

Cooperative learning has a greater impact on student's academic achievement. Many consistent results and the many different learning methods for cooperative learning and outcome measures support this claim.

If the majority of students do not change their view through structured controversy, then why is this approach still a beneficial method for exploring sensitive topics?

Even though majority of students do not change their view, they learn to appreciate and understand the other viewpoint more.

T/F: Students who work in cooperative groups typically develop more dependence on one another than on the teacher


T/F: Teachers design the questions in CWPT and students construct possible answers


T/F: The consensus phase of structured controversy typically involves the selection on one viewpoint over another viewpoint that is under consideration


T/F: The percentage of students who can work together in groups increases from the middle grades to virtually 100% in high school


T/F: The student asking questions in CWPT also provides feedback as to why particular answers are incorrect


Based on the instructor notes, why might girls' friendships be more positive than boys'?

Girls friendships are more positive than boys because it includes more talking time, whereas boys typically spend their time competing and conflicting with each other.

Based on your own knowledge of group dynamics and student behavior, infer why "Group study plus individual accountability for performance" would be the least effective structure for groups' academic performance if "group study plus individual accountability and group reward" is the MOST effective?

Group study plus individual accountability and group reward would be most effective because it encourages each individual to contribute to the group for the reward.

Some people argue that the skills learned in Pre-School and Kindergarten could just be learned at home. Explain why you agree or disagree with this claim.

I don't agree with this because I think students need to learn how to work in groups with children their age. Learning alongside your peers is very beneficial.

Of the cooperative group benefits to peer relationships, which do you deem most important for students today? Explain.

I think the group benefits to peer relationships, that are most important for students today is rapport among demographically different students. The relationships between students of different ethnicity, intelligence, and handicapping conditions are built and improved in a group setting and it improves inclusion in the classroom. That is something really important in society today and is important for students to learn.

In focusing on winning arguments instead of finding common ground among different views, how would students likely violate the other guidelines of structured controversy.

If a student is focused on winning arguments rather than coming to a common ground with their peers, they won't be using sound decision making and helping the majority of people. They might get carried away and not follow the guidelines to help structured controversy.

Implicit racism does not involve intentionally harassing or physically harming another person based on their race. What has implicit racism been associated with? Why is implicit racism still problematic?

Implicit racism is associated with social values and preference for whites over African Americans. It is still problematic because Obama was former president and many people had negative perceptions of him.

How do Slavin's and Kohn's approaches to cooperative learning differ?

In Slavin's approach, students are working together to answer a set of questions or study for a test together. In Kohn's approach, students are working to solve a problem.

Based on the goals of structured controversy, why would it be important to respect your own point of view?

It is important to also respect you own point of view so that you can compare and contrast yours to viewpoints different from yours. It helps to find a common ground between your viewpoint and others.

Why is it important to consider the proportion of police killings and the concentration of hate groups instead of only looking at the number of killings or the number of groups?

It is important to consider both proportions because they are both a problem today and they are associated with one another. More police killings most likely cause more hate groups.

What should the purpose of generic peer tutoring be? How should it NOT be used?

It should not be used to teach new material. It should be used to clarify material and practice.

What value would structured controversy have if students learned no new factual knowledge from this method?

It would help students see both sides of an issue, create stronger relationships with peers, improve creativity, and strengthen their creative thinking.

At a wedding, a friend pointed out to Jason that he was wearing two different shoes. At the same wedding, Wes wasn't paying attention and spilled cake all down the bride's dress which really upset her. Based on the instructor notes, their responses should be different. How should Jason and Wes make amends for their mistakes?

Jason should find humor in the situation, and Wes should make sure he sincerely apologizes by acknowledging the mistake he made, expressing regret, and then making atonement.

Why might generic peer tutoring improve the social standing of tutees with low social status?

Peer tutoring helps tutors and tutees of different skill levels, socioeconomic backgrounds, and ethnicity build significant relationships.

What occurred before the resurgence hate groups in American society? (Slide 34)

Police killings happened before a resurgence of hate groups in American Society.

Within cooperative learning, is reward structure or task structure more important in accounting for students' performance? Give an example of two different task and reward combinations that show the effect of this structure.

Reward structure is more important in accounting for student performance. For example, both individuals and group is rewarded, or each individual is held accountable and group is rewarded.

Based on the original structure, which approach, Slavin's or Kohn's, would be most easily applied within current academic classrooms?

Slavin's approach would be most easily applied within current academic classrooms because with it, students work on conventional academic activities, answer questions together, are all individually accountable, and judged on improvement, but rewarded as a group.

Jon is a 6th grade student who calls his group members names like "Stinky" and "Dumbhead" while interrupting, ignoring, and pinching his peers. Isaac is a 3rd grade student who quickly gets into his group, waits his turn to speak at an appropriate volume, keeps his hands to himself, and encourages group members. What could account for these differences in social skills?

Some social skills don't improve with age. Their role models might not have shown appropriate social skills and younger children can sometimes show more empathy than older students.

What are the benefits of structured controversy over open class discussion of controversial issues?

Structured controversy makes sure all viewpoints are expressed fairly and that no one is overlooked or dominating the discussion.

What level of academic achievement might reap fewer educational benefits from cooperative groups? Why?

Students in high academic achievement might reap fewer educational benefits from groups because they spend most of their time teaching students in lower academic achievement instead of learning more themselves.

Justify the use of cooperative learning based on the personal benefits students derive from this experience.

Students personally benefit from working in group by increasing confidence, acceptance from other students, open-mindedness, and they feel more in control of their own success.

Describe the many ways that research has found CWPT to be more effective than teacher-centered instruction and individual work.

Students spend more time on task, receive faster, more immediate, feedback, and get practice teaching and learning, and have a chance to support each other.

What are teachers responsible for in CWPT?

Teachers are supposed to create tasks for the tutoring sessions, monitor the the tutoring interaction and help guide the interaction, and keep track of the time.

Based on the limits of Cooperative Learning, why might teachers hesitate to implement cooperative groups in their classrooms?

Teachers might hesitate to implement cooperative groups because it is hard to grade unless individuals are given an additional assessment, high achievers are spending most of their time teaching low achievers, it focuses more on mastery than critical thinking, and because students might attempt to use it as free time with peers rather than learning time.

How do students get their information in structured controversy?

The teacher will assign reading and program materials to look at and can hold a discussion. It is the teachers responsibility to proved information students to research.

Your roommate has left your door unlocked overnight, again. This behavior is a regular occurrence, and your safety is being put at risk. How could you address this situation in an assertive (NOT an aggressive) manner?

To address the situation in an appropriate manner, you could add your opinion by starting your sentences with things like "Do you think that..?" and "I'd like to go back to what I said about..." that way you are being assertive but not aggressive.

T/F: Derogatory language toward particular minority groups more likely occurs when those groups are densely population than thinly populated


T/F: Family Values have been associated more with implicit than explicit racism


T/F: Norm-referenced evaluation can be more problematic than criterion-referenced evaluation in a peer-tutoring relationship


T/F: States that report high tolerance toward others overlap states with strict gun control laws and low gun death rates


T/F: Studying individually but being rewarded only as a group is a less effective combination than studying individually and only being individually accountable


Why would companies want their employees to have good working relationships?

When employees have better working relationships, they tend to work better on group projects and thus generate more money for the company. Additionally, companies typically want to retain their employees and having good working relationships makes this more likely. Having work friends makes going to work much more enjoyable. When you enjoy your work, you are more likely to be effective and efficient.

What is the difference between a norm-referenced evaluation system and a criterion referenced system? Why is criterion-referenced grading more appropriate for students in Generic Peer Tutoring?

With a norm-referenced evaluation system the grades are based on the student's performance, but with a criterion-based evaluation system, grades are based on students earning points. The latter is more appropriate because is allows the tutors and tutees to aim for the same standards.

What skill is particularly important in structured controversy?

active listening

Where does Tennessee rank in terms of concentration of hate groups?

near the top

Why might gifted students likely have good if not better than average social skills?

ounger children typically do not have better social skills than older children. Social skills TYPICALLY improve with age. Additionally, intellectually gifted does not mean intellectually disabled . Intellectually gifted children tend to have social skills similar to older children. There are two possible reasons for this. First, because social skills can be learned like academic skills, gifted children may learn social skills more quickly. Second, intellectually gifted children tend to interact with teachers and older students more than their same-age peers. This may also improve the gifted child's social skills to be more similar to older children's social skills.

What is one way that implicit racism has been characterized?

particular social values, for example traditional family values

At the end of structured controversy, are students more likely to settle on one side of the issue or somewhere in-between?

somewhere in-between; they'll blend what they have learned from both sides

Considering the advances of modern society and changes in human interaction, why might there be more feelings of exclusion than in recent history?

Because of the increase in technology, it is easier to exclude people in modern society than in recent history.

In what ways are boys more aggressive than girls? In what ways are girls more aggressive than boys?

Boys are more physically aggressive, and girls are aggressive in ways such as gossiping, tattling, and snubbing.

Name one similarity and two differences between CWPT and Generic Peer Tutoring.

CWPT and Generic peer tutoring are similar because they both involve peers teaching and supporting other peers, but CWPT includes different tutor and tutee partners each week unlike generic peer tutoring, and CWPT requires more teacher control like with designed questions and keeping time.

With which groups of students has CWPT been effectively applied? What aspects of this tutoring method make it possible for students with special educational needs to benefit from this experience?

CWPT has been effectively applies to poor children in Chapter 1 schools. Because the tutoring method is with pairs for 20-30 minutes 3-5 days a week and rotating roles, it is possible for special education students to succeed with this experience.

In Kohn's approach, students are not given grades or rewards. Then, what facets of group investigation motivate students to do well?

Kohn believes if the groups is allowed to pick their members, and pick how they want to present, they will be motivated to do well.

How does Kohn view competition? What is his rationale for this view?

Kohn views competition as counter-productive for individuals and groups. When individuals or groups are competing against each other, they are not working together as a whole, so they are not supporting one another. Kohn believes cooperation in the workplace is essential for success.

In what way is Kohn's value for student choice counter to his emphasis on diversity?

Kohn's value for student choice counters his emphasis on diversity if students get to choose the composition of their group and don't choose a diverse set of people. Most likely, students are going to choose who they want to work with based on who they are friends with, so they aren't consciously thinking about choosing a diverse group.

What are the health risks of interrupting others' comments and why do you think those occur?

Ones that interrupt others are 7 times more likely to develop heart disease than a good listener. I believe this happens because when you aren't focused on listening and being silent, your blood pressure and stress hormone levels are higher.

Are boys closer with their mothers, or are girls closer with their fathers? What factors might cause this closeness?

Overall, women tend to spend more time talking than men. Therefore, mothers tend to have practiced becoming relationally close with others their whole lives. Moreover, in the "traditional family model," mothers tend to spend more time caring for and nurturing their children. Hence, the mother would spend more time with their kid than the father regardless of the child's gender which would increase the mother/son bond.

Choose one of the factors contributing to gender differences in interpersonal relationships. Give an example of how this factor might be different for a young boy and a young girl in today's society.

Parental expectations are very different in boys and girls. A parent might expect a boy to be competitive and aggressive, where a girl would not be expected to be like that. If these things weren't expected, a boy might not be super competitive like a girl or vice versa.

What stage of structured controversy is most difficult?

consensus stage

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