Elementary Oceanography | 4: Marine Sediments
In which of the following environments would you expect lithogenous sediment to be the dominant sediment type?
-At the base of the continental slope -A sandy beach -Along the mid-ocean ridge -The abyssal plains
What sediment type(s) is/are included in the pink category labeled "Other" on the map? (Part D)
-Hydrogenous sediments -Cosmogenous sediments
Of the following sediments, which one(s) is/are considered hydrogenous?
-Manganese nodules -Coatings of metal sulfides near black smokers
Marine sediments provide valuable clues about which of the following Earth history events?
-Movement of the ocean floor -The climate on Earth millions of years ago -Past catastrophes, such as major extinction events -The ancient geographical locations of ocean basins -Previous ocean circulation patterns (all of them)
Of the following, which energy resource(s) can be extracted form marine sediments?
-Petroleum -Gas hydrates
What mechanism(s) is/are responsible for transporting clay to deep ocean basins? (Part E)
-Wind -Slow-moving ocean currents
The sediments that are produced in areas of high primary productivity are indicated by the number(s):
What is the approximate depth of the calcite compensation depth (CCD) in the ocean? (Part A)
3 miles (4.5 kilometers)
The most likely place to find abundant manganese nodules is on the:
Abyssal plain far from a continent
What common household item is used in this video to demonstrate rotary drilling? (Part B)
An apple corer
A very important way to increase the settling rate of fine particles in the open ocean is via:
Fecal pellets
Which of the following contains calcium carbonate (CaCO3)?
The main energy resources associated with marine sediments are petroleum and _______.
Gay hydrates
In general, polar neritic sediment tends to have more _______.
Gravel than in tropical waters
Siliceous ooze is particularly abundant on the seafloor at ______ and at _______. (Part E)
High latitudes; equatorial upwelling zones
Sediments produced because of chemical reactions in seawater are called:
Oolites are an example of which of the following sediment types?
Hydrogenous Sediment
Hydrogenous sediment
Manganese nodules
Hydrogenous sediment
Metal sulfides
Hydrogenous sediment
Hydrogenous sediment
Abyssal clay
Lithogenous (terrigenous) sediment
Sandstone is an example of which of the following sediment types?
Lithogenous Sediment
Turbidite deposits are an example of which of the following sediment types?
Lithogenous Sediment
Calcium carbonate is most likely to dissolve in water with which characteristic?
Low salinity
Depth at which calcium carbonate beings to dissolve
Which of the following natural gasses is most common in gay hydrates from under the ocean floor?
The ancient remains of which of the following, buried before they could decompose, are the source of todays petroleum deposits?
Microscopic organisms
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.
Which of the following resources found in ocean sediments has the greatest economic value?
The most abundant mineral in lithogenous sediments is ______.
China currently supplies about 90% of which of the following resources?
Rare-earth elements
Which of the following is the most advanced technology used to collect sediment samples from the deep ocean?
Rotary corer
Neritic sediments are most likely to be composed of ______.
Sand, silt, and gravel
Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Marine sediments can't provide insight into today's climate changes BECAUSE they reveal a detailed history of Earth's past climate.
The assertion is incorrect, but the reason is correct
Collecting adequate samples from which of the following is the most difficult?
The deep-ocean floor
What is the calcite compensation depth, or CCD? (Part B)
The ocean depth below which calcite is unstable and will dissolve quickly
Associated with submarine canyons and deep-sea alluvial fans
Calcite dissolves more readily in seawater that is ______ in temperature and _______ in pressure.
In the demonstration, what does the apple represents? (Part C)
the deep sea floor
What is calcareous ooze? (Part A)
A fine-grained, deep ocean sediment containing the skeletal remains of calcite-secreting microbes
Part C
A: Abyssal clay E: Siliceous ooze F: Upwelling, cool water D: Calcite compensation depth (CCD) B: Calcareous ooze C: Mid-ocean ridge
Why is this drilling process called rotary drilling? (Part A)
Because the drill bit turns around in a circle
Why does calcareous material dissolve below the CCD? (Part D)
Below the CCD, weak acid is formed, which dissolves calcareous material
Sediments derived from the remains of the hard parts of once-living organisms are called ______ sediments. (Part A)
Biogenous sediment
Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Biogenous sediment usually contains abundant calcite below the calcite compensation depth BECAUSE it readily dissolves above the calcite compensation depth.
Both the assertion and the reason are incorrect
What have oceanographers determined from analyzing sea floor cores? (Part D)
Climate change and past extinctions
Which sediment type dominated in the neritic environment? (Part A)
Coarse lithogenous sediment, such as sand and small rocks
Sediments with an extraterrestrial origin are called:
Tektites are an example of which of the following sediment types?
Cosmogenous Sediment
Cosmogenous sediment
Salt beds of the U.S. Gulf Coast are _______.
Hydrogenous sediments
Associated with glacial deposits
Ice rafting
Sediments derived from pre-existing rocks on land are called:
The particles found in some sediment that suggest that an extraterrestrial impact event are:
Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: An increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide due to the burning of coal will cause the calcite compensation depth to rise BECAUSE the oceans will get more acidic.
The assertion and the reason are both correct, and the reason is valid
Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Coarse-grained lithogenous neritic deposits dominate continental margin areas BECAUSE they do not contain biogenous, hydrogenous, and cosmogenous particles.
The assertion is correct, but the reason in incorrect
Judge the following sentence according to the criteria given below: Abyssal clays are commonly red-brown or buff in color BECAUSE they contain gypsum.
The assertion is correct, but the reason is incorrect
Fossiliferous limestone is an example of which of the following sediment types?
Biogenous Sediment
The White Cliffs of Dover are an example of which of the following sediment types?
Biogenous Sediment
Diatomaceous ooze
Biogenous sediment
Siliceous ooze
Biogenous sediment
Part E
C: Siliceous ooze A: Abyssal clay B: Calcareous ooze
Depth at which all calcium carbonate is in solution (i.e. dissolved)
What would happen if the depth of the CCD were above the top of the mid-ocean ridge? (Part D)
Calcareous ooze would not be found below the CCD
Two common types of chemical compounds found in biogenous sediments are ______ and _______. (Part B)
Calcium carbonate; silica
You take a sediment sample from the ocean floor at a depth of 5500 m. The area has low biological productivity and the CCD is at 4500 m depth. Your sample will probably consist of __________.
Part D
D: Calcareous ooze B: Abyssal clay C: Neritic continental lithogenous A: Siliceous ooze: diatom E: Siliceous ooze: radiolarian
Which of the following is thought to have enriched ocean floor sediments with rare-earth elements?
Deep-sea hotsprings
What three steps are requires for calcareous ooze to exist below the CCD? (Part C)
Deposition of calcite shells above the CCD, cover of these shells by a non-calcareous material, and movement of the sea floor over million of years
The two major types of microscopic, planktonic organisms that produce siliceous oozes are _______ and _______. (Part C)
Diatoms; radiolarians
The deposition of coarse-grained lithogenous material in neritic environments along continental margins is an example of the ______ of biogenous sediment.
Forams, which are composed of calcium carbonate, _______ above the CCD and _______ below the CCD. (Part B)
Do not dissolve; dissolve
Diatomaceous earth, which is composed of silica, _______ above the CCD and _______ below the CCD. (Part C)
Does not dissolve; does not dissolve
Which of the following was used during early exploration of the oceans to collect sediment samples?
Part A (Matching pictures)
B: Radiolarian, showing long appendages A: Diatom, showing both halves of it test C: Radiolarian, spherical shape D: Diatom, top view
Part B
E: Diatom (siliceous) B: Foraminifers C: Coccoliths (Individual plates) D: Coccolithophore (single) A:Coccolithophores (multiple)
Shortly after the devastating 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake, the Chikyu drillship began an expedition to study which of the following?
Earthquake-generated heat from friction
Which of the following statements about marine sediments is correct?
They record the timing and severity of some global extinction events
What factor primarily controls the distribution of calcareous ooze? (Part B)
Water depth
Particle size classification
Wentworth Scale
What factor primarily determines the distribution of radiolarian ooze? (Part C)
Areas of upwelling
Biogenous sediment
Which of the following marine resources is used to make wallboard or sheet rock?
Evaporative salts
How does siliceous ooze accumulate on the seafloor if silica-based residues are dissolved slowly at all depths? (Part D)
Silica tests accumulate after than seawater can dissolve them
Examine the five words and/or phrases and determine the relationship among the majority of words/phrases. Choose the one option that does not fit the pattern.
Siliceous ooze