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A newborn is born within lumbar spina bifida myeloschisis (rachischisis) resulting in a flattened, plate-like mass of nervous tissue with no overlying epidermis or meninges. The mass of neural plate in this congenital dysmorphology forms directly from which one of the following structures? A. Ectoderm B. Endoderm C. Somatic lateral mesoderm D. Splanchnic lateral mesoderm E. Hypoblast


A seven year old girl during anti cancer treatment has been exposed to the large dose of radiation and as the result of this what cells could be damaged in his testes A. Primary oocytes B. Secondary oocytes C. Oogonia D. ovum E. All cells listed above


As the result of the embryonic disc folding are forming A. abdominal body wall B. Neural tube C. Extraembryonic cavity D. Umbilical physiological herniation E. Connecting stalk


During the lymphatic system development A. Pharyngeal apparatus participates in the thymus development B. Lymph nodes arise from NCC C. Spleen arises from ventral mesentery mesoderm D. Thoracic duct originates from endoderm E. Spleen is the first place for embryonic erythrocytes formation


During the lymphatic system development A. Spleen arises from dorsal mesentery mesoderm B. Pharyngeal apparatus participates in the thyroid development C. Lymph nodes arises from NCC D. Thoracic duct originates from endoderm E. Spleen is the first place for embryonic erythrocytes fromation


Factor X destroyed 4th pharyngeal pouches during the embryo's development and as the result of this in the newborn will appear: 1. T-cells deficiency(lack of T lymphocytes population) 2. Abdnormal level of the calcium in serum 3. Normal level of the calcium in serum 4. Lack of the palatine tonsils A. 2 B. 1+2 C. 2+3+4 D. Only 4 E. Only 1


Fetus length is 1/2 of the newborn, skin is pink , wrinkled, pneumocytes I type differentiate, head is 1/3 of fetus. These are the characteristics that characterize man in A. 6Th month B. 3rd month C. 9th month D. 2nd month


Gastruation is a process that establishes the three primary germ layers: Ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. This process is first indicated by the formation of A. Primitive streak B. Epiblast and hypoblast C. Oropharyngeal membrane D. Notochord E. Cloacal membrane


Indicate the FALSE sentence about the foramen ovale A. Is closed at the end of the fetal period B. Is located in the interatrial septum C. Enables the blood flow from the right into the left atrium D. After birth it is closed by the septum primum when the blood pressure increases in the left atrium E. After birth it is closed by the septum primum which makes the floor of the fossa ovalis


Indicate the FALSE statement about the Shh significance during the embryogenesis A. Shh is the receptor for BMP B. Shh is secreted by the notochord C. Shh is a signaling protein in the human embryogenesis D. Shh is involved in the early nervous system development E. Shh influences other cell differentiation


Indicate the FALSE statement about the Shh significance during the embryogenesis A. Shh is the receptor for FGF B. Shh is secreted by the notochord C. Shh is a signaling protein in the human embryogenesis D. Shh is involved in the early nervous system development E. Shh influences other cell differentiation


Oogonia reach their maximum number at which of the following stages of human development? A. Five months of fetal life B. Birth C. Puberty (12-14y) D. Adolescence (16-20y) E. Early adulthood (21-26 y)


Point the FALSE sentence about the 8 week embryo A. Hematopoiesis begins in the bone marrow B. Gastrulation is finished C. Neural tube differentiates into central nervous system structures D. Heart has four separated chambers E. Morphological elements of the face are formed


Point the correct sentence about the ectopic pregnancy (EP) A. Develops outside the uterus B. Develops always in the uterine tube C. Appears always during multiple pregnancies D. EP is the result of the abnormal place of gastrulation E. Appears when the hCG is not produced by the endometrium


The clinical maturation of the ovarian follicles is controlled by 1. FSH 2. LH 3. Estrogen 4. Progresterone A. 1+2 B. 1+2+3+4 C. 2+4 D. 1+4 E. 3+4


The result of abnormal fusion of the paramesonephric duct is formation of the bicornuate uterus. Which structure also can be abnormal? A. Upper part of vagina B. Uterine duct C. Urethra D. Labium majus E. Lower part of vagina


The third pharyngeal arch A. Is involved in the hyoid bone formation B. Forms the orbicularis oculi and plarysma C. Forms the thyroid cartilage D. Is innervated by cranial nerve V(trigemnial) E. Its cartilages are forming three ear bones (malleus, incus, stapes)


The ventricles of the brain development from A. Cavity of the neural tube B. Neuroblast C. Ectoderm D. Mesenchyme of the head E. Endoderm


Which of the following is the principal factor responsible for transforming undifferentiated external genitalia in the fetus into male external genitalia A. Dihydrotestosterone B. Testosterone C. Antimüllerian hormone D. Cortisol E. ABP


Which of the following structures develops from the neural tube A. Pineal gland B. Choroid C. Cochlea of inner ear D. Tympanic cavity E. Lens


Which of the following structures is derived from the otic placode A. Cochlea of inner ear B. Retina C. External ear canal D. Tympanic cavity E. Lens


An infant has a bilateral cleft lip which process failed to fuse? A. Lateral nasal prominences with the maxillary prominences B. Maxillary prominence with the intermaxillary segment C. Palatine shelves from each maxillary prominence D. Medial nasal prominences E. Frontonasal prominence with each maxillary prominence


At what time embryo is very sensitive to the influence of teratogens A. At the fetal period B. At the embryonic period C. After 9th week D. At the second trimester


During kidney development A. Mesonephrons differentiate into nephrons B. Final number of nephrons is established postnatally C. Lobulation of kidney's surface disappears at the end of the fetal period D. Descending and rotation occur at 8th week E. Renal calyxes develop from element of the mesonephric origin


During kidneys development A. Nephrons develop from endoderm B. Henle's loop is of mesodermal origin C. The final number of nephrons is established up tp the end of kidneys' ascending D. Kidneys ascend after 9th week E. Pronephros participates in kidneys formation


During the limbs development A. AER influences differentiation of the upper limb only B. Limbs rotate at the 7th week C. In the final development of the hand and foot plates are involved necrotic factors D. Ossification of all bones is finished before a birth E. The upper limbs differentiation is controlled by the vertebral column formation


During the sex determination A. Chromosomal sex is determined during the gonads formation after 6th week B. SRY expression is necessary for the formation of cells secreting the male sex hormones C. Barr's body I'd the inactive X chromosome in the cells with XY genotype D. Presence of SRY determines female gonads E. XIST stimulates the ovary development


Factor X destroyed 3rd pharyngeal pouches during the embryo's development and as the result of this in the newborn will appear: 1. T-cells deficiency(lack of T lymphocytes population) 2. Abdnormal level of the calcium in serum 3. Normal level of the calcium in serum 4. Lack of the palatine tonsils A. 1+2+4 B. 1+2 C. 2+3+4+ D. Only 4 E. Only 1


Failure of differentiation of the organs derived from the foregut would cause malformation of which of the following organs A. Spleen B. Gall bladder C. Ascending colon D. Ileum E.descending colon


Fetal blood from the placenta is about 80% oqygenated. However mixture of the unoxygenated blood at various points reduces the oxygent content. Which of the following fetal vessels contains blood with the highest oxygen content? A. Abdominal aorta B. Common carotid arteries C. Ductus deferens D. Pulmonary artery E. Pumonary vein


Indicate the correct sentence about development of the pancreas A. Cells producing enzymes originate from endoderm and endocrine cells come from neuroectoderm B. All types of secreting cells develop from endoderm C. Dorsal bud rotates at 6th week D. Ventral bud comes from foregut and dorsal bud from midgut E. Pancreatic islets develop before the pancreatic acini


Metanephric blastema A. Gives rise to mesonephric excretory units B. Develops into structures forming urine C. Develops into e.g. collecting tubules D. Has the same orirgin as the urinary bladder epithelium E. Is divided by the urorectal septum in the 4th week


Primary gut is formed from A. Yolk sac B. Amnion C. Allantois D. Chorion


The canalicular stage of the lungs development is characterized by a sentence A. This period lasts up to 38th week B. During this stage the respiratory bronchioles are forming C. Endoderm forms a net of capillaries surrounding the terminal sacs D. Pneumocytes of all types are differentiating E. B and C are correct


The orifice of the coronary sinus is located in the right atrium of the heart. This vessel arises from A. Part between the both horns of the sinus vernosous B. Left horn of the sinus venosous C. Preepicardial organ D. Primary atrium E. Right horn of the sinus venosous


The second pharyngeal arch A. Participates in the face and inner ears development B. Forms the orbicularis oculi and Platysma C. Forms the thyroid cartilage D. Is innervated by cranial nerve V (trigeminal) E. It's cartilages are forming three bones (malleus, incus, stapes)


The splanchnic lateral mesoderm 1. Originates from epiblast 2. Participates in the limbs development 3. Forms the primary gut 4. Forms the body walls A. 1+2+3 B. 1+3 C. Only 3 D. 1+2+3 E. 1+2+3+4


Which structure is formed during neurulation A. Notochord B. Neural tube C. Primitive streak D. Allantois


While the cartilaginous vertebral colomn forms A. Flat bones of calvaria also develop B. Digital rays appear C. Lanugo is well visible in the head area D. Brain consists of three vesicles E. Periderm disappears


a 62 year old male presents in your clinic with a history of weakness in his right arm and shoulder. For the past month, he has had difficulty dressing himself. He has also noticed a progressive shrinking of muscles in his right hand and arm. The patient is diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or motor neuron disease. From which distinct embryological region in the developing spinal cord do motor neurons arise A. Alar plate B. Basal plate C. Floor plate D. Roof plate E. Ependymal lining


oxytocin during childbirth (labour) A. inhibits contraction of uterine muscles B. stimulates contraction of uterine muscles C. is secreted from anterior pituitary gland D. is produced in pituitary gland E. induces maturation of lungs


A newborn infant presents with several vertebrae that lack spinous processes and a cyst covered by meninges protruding through the defect. What fluid will the cyst contain A. Alpha-fetoprotein B. Venous blood C. Cerebrospinal fluid D. Serous fluid E. Amniotic fluid


A patient has trouble sleeping due to a decreased production of melatonin. The endocrine gland that synthesizes melatonin develops from the wall of A. Hemispheres B. Prosencephalon C. Diencephalon D. Neurohypophysis E. Pons


A seven year old boy during anti cancer treatment has been exposed to the large dose of radiation and as the result of this what cells could be damaged in his testes A. Primary spermatocytes B. Secondary spermatocytes C. Spermatogonia D. Spermatids E. All cells listed above


Biopsies of chorionic villi A. Does not allow for genetic analysis of cells B. Can be used after 20 weeks C. Is one from invasive method of the prenatal diagnosis which used the cells aspirated from chorion D. Is noninvasive method of prenatal diagnosis which can do during each pregnancy


During the liver development A. Hepatocytes come from mesoderm B. Endoderm does not participate in liver development C. Its primordium comes from the foregut D. Hematopoietic stem cells come from endoderm as hepatocytes E. Cells producing the bile come from somatic mesoderm


During transition to proliferative phase into secretory phase of menstrual cycle from the ovary is released A. Oogonium B. primary oocyte C. Oocyte arrested in metaphase D. Fully haploid cell E. Oocyte arrested in prophase


Failiure of differentiation of the organs derived from the hindgut would cause malformation of which of the following organs A. Ileum B. Liver C. Urinary bladder D. Duodenum E. Gallbladder


Gluccocorticoids A. Stimulates secretory activity of the type 1 pneumocytes B. Are the main hormones secreted by the medulla of adrenal glands C. Are necessary for the hepatocytes differentiation D. Are secreted by fetal adrenal glands just before birth E. All answers are correct


Group of infections that influence fetal development A. CR B. AER C. TORCH D. FASD


Group of infections that influence fetal development A. CR B. AER C. TORC D. FASD


Homeotic genes A. Are transcription factors B. Only ten HOX genes are in the human genome C Are involved in the limbs and vertebral column differentiation D Have a sequence of homeodomain E. Products participate in the genomic imprinting


Indicate FALSE sentence about the musculature differentiation A. Muscles of the esophagus originate B. Facial muscles develop from the second arch C. Heart muscles develop from somatic lateral mesoderm D. Musculature of the trachea originate from lateral mesoderm E. Muscles of limbs originate from somites


Indicate the FALSE sentence about the embryonic disc folding; A. Primary gut forms as the result of this process B. Lateral body walls and intraembryonic cavity are forming during this process C. Allantois and umbilical physiological herniation are forming as the results of this process D. The narrow duct- yolk stalk- communicates primary gut and yolk sac after this process E. The heart primordium gets its final position as the result of this process


Indicate the correct germ layer that gives rise into listed structure A. Endoderm-ovary B. Ectooderm- epithelium of the urinary bladder C. Endoderm- Tongue D. Mesoderm and ectoderm- Vagina E. Lateral mesoderm-vertebral column


Indicate the correct germ layer that gives rise into listed structure A. Endoderm-ovary B. Mesoderm- epithelium of the urinary bladder C. Endoderm and ectoderm-oral cavity D. Mesoderm and ectoderm- Vagina E. Lateral mesoderm-vertebral column


Indicate the correct sentence about development of the pancreas A. Ventral bud comes from foregut and dorsal bud from midgut B. Pancreatic islets develop before the pancreatic acini C. Alpha and beta cells originate from endoderm D. Cells producing enzymes originate from mesooderm and endocrine cells come from endoderm E. Dorsal bud rotates at 6th week


Neural tube is derived from A. Endoderm B. Mesoderm C. Ectoderm D. Hypoblast


Olfactory epithelium A. comes from neuroectoderm of the mesenecephalon at 5th week B. Develops after the secondary plalate formation C. Comes from the surface ectoderm of nasal cavities D. Olfactory bulb induces its differentiation E. Is a stratified squamous epithelium


The brain and spinal cord are derived from A. Notochord B. Primitive streak C. Neural tube D. Neural crest cells


The intermaxillary segment A. Gives rise to the chin B. Differentiates into secondary palate C. Has the same origin as the nasal septum D. Is derived from the maxillary process E. Participates in the formation of the middle part of maxilla and mandible


The place where the fetal erythrocytes are produced at 10th week is A. Amniotic wall B. Yolk sac wall C. Liver D. Bone marrow E. Bone marrow and yolk sac


The primary ovarian follicle contains A. Haploid primary oocyte B. Secondary oocyte during the late fatal period C. Diploid primary oocyte D. Oogonium E. Gonocyte


The seven year old child has been diagnosed with a patent ductus arteriosus. During the planned surgery closing this defect, the surgeon must be careful not to damage the nerve A. Left diaphragmatic B. Left vagus C. Left recurrent laryngeal D. Right recurrent laryngeal E. Right diaphragmatic


The superior vena cava is formed from A. Subcardinal veins B. Both anterior cardinal veins C. Right anterior cardinal vein and right common cardinal vein D. Left anterior cardinal vein and left common cardinal vein E. Anastomoses between anterior and posterior cardinal veins


The ulna, radius, humerus originate from A. Mesenchyme of thoracic somites B. Mesenchyme of neural crest C. Somatic mesoderm D. Splanchnic mesoderm E. The same source as the limbs' muscles


What is it cleavage A. The process germ layers formation B. Formation of epiblast and hypoblast C. Mitotic division which give increasing number of blastomeres D. Process when volume of blastomeres is increasing


A patient has trouble with the skin pigmentation due to a decreased content of melanocytes in the epidermis. According to the embryonic origin of melanocytes which other structure/s could not be well developed A. Kidneys B. Lungs C. Pancreas D. Teeth E. Gonads


All cells and tissues of the adult can trace their origin back to the three primary germ layers. According to this point the germ layer for the cardiomyocytes is A. Ectoderm B. Neuroectoderm C. Somatic mesoderm D. Splanchnic mesoderm E. Paraxial mesoderm


All cells and tissues of the adult can trace their origin back to the three primary germ layers. According to this point the germ layer for the heart conductive system development is A. Ectoderm B. Neuroectoderm C. Endoderm D. Mesoderm E. Paraxial mesoderm


During the heart development A. Three chambers are formed until the end of the 2nd month B. The muscular part is formed after membranous part of the interatrial septum C. Both ventricles are forming from the primary ventricle D. Sinus venosus participates in the right atrium development E. Epicardium originates from ectoderm


During the liver development A. Hepatocytes come from mesodermal cells of the septum transversum B. Some hepatocytes are stem cells for blood C. Hepatocytes come from ectodermal cells D. Hepatocytes produce e.g proteins of serum E. Bile is produced from 6th week-12th week


During the trialaminar embryonic disc formation; 1. Endoderm differentiates 2. Cells migrates through the notochord 3. Mesodermal layer is located in the embryonic disc above the epiblast and below endoderm 4. Germ layers are forming between 11th and 13th days A. 1+2+3 B. 1+3 C. 2+4 D. Only 1 E. 1+2+3+4


During the trialaminar embryonic disc formation; 1. Mesoderm differentiates 2. Cells migrates through the primitive streak 3. Mesodermal layer is located in the embryonic disc above the epiblast and below endoderm 4. Germ layers are forming between 11th and 13th days A. 1+2+3 B. Only 1 C. 2+4 D. 1+2 E. 1+2+3+4


In the skin development A. Dermis forms before the epidermis B. Epidermis arises from dermatomes and somatic lateral mesoderm C. Melanocytes originates from ectoderm D. Periderm originates from ectoderm E. 8 week embryo os covered by the fully histologically differentiated skin formed by epidermis and dermis


In the skin development A. Dermis forms before the epidermis B. Melanocytes and periderm originate from NCC C. Epidermis arises from dermatomes and somatic lateral mesoderm D. Nails develop from ectoderm E. 8 week embryo os covered by the fully histologically differentiated skin formed by epidermis and dermis


Indicate the correct sentence about the decidual membranes A. Decidua parietalis with villous chorion form the placenta B. Decidua basalis fuses with the amnioniochorionic membrane C. After implantation progestone changes the myomentrium of the uterus into decidua D.After birth all decidua basalis is expelled (eliminated) from the uterus E. Only decidua basalis is expelled with the placenta


Inhibition of the sixth pair of pharyngeal arch arteries development will cause vascular disturbance in which of the listed structures A. Right side of the heart B. Face C. Thyroid D. Lungs E. Esophagus


Intermediate mesoderm A. Forms; testis, ejaulatory duct, prostate B. Splits into the body and splanchnic layers C. Forms nephrons and urinary bladder D. Forms only kidneys E. Comes from extraembryonic mesoderm


Nasal pits, upper and lower limb buds form hand/foot plates. These are the characteristics that characterize man in A. 3rd week B. 8th week C. 3rd month D.5th week


Rubella virus embryopaty includes A. Eye defects B. Ear defects C. Heart defects D. All answers are correct


The degeneration of X cells results in many of the so-called demyelinating disorders, such as multiple sclerosis. The X cells are A. Astrocytes B. Microglial cells C. Multipolar neurons D. Oligodendrocytes E. Ependymocytes


The miscarrige rate in humans is estimated to be as high as 15% of all pregnancies. These most often occur very early in pregnancy due to major defects in vital organs. Failiure of the 6th aortic arch arteries to form would lead to loss of blood supply to which of the following essential organs? A. Right side of the heart B. Face C. Thyroid gland D. Lungs E. Upper digestive tract


The notochord A. Is located above the neural tube B. Develops in the spinal cord C. Induces development of the interneurons from the dorsal plate of the neural tube D. Originates form mesoderm E. Originates from ectoderm


The notochord A. Is located above the neural tube B. Develops in the spinal cord C. Induces development of the interneurons from the dorsal plate of the neural tube D. Originates form mesoderm E. Originates from neuroectoderm


The somatic (body) lateral mesoderm 1. Originates from epiblast 2. Participates in the limbs development 3. Forms the primary gut 4. Forms the body walls A. 1+2+3 B. 1+3 C. Only 3 D. 1+2+4 E. 1+2+3+4


The zygote is a result of the secondary oocyte fertilized by a sperm cell. Which of the following is required for continuation of the second meiotic division to produce the haploid ovum? A. Increase of progesterone level B. Expulsion from the mature ovarian follicle C. The environment of the oviduct and uterus D. Fertilization by a spermatozoon E. The presence of hCG


What parameters can be used to determine the size (length) of the embryo and fetus? A. Crown-rump length B. CR C. Total length D. All answers are correct


amniocentesis A. Is umbilical blood analysis B. Is chorion analysis C. Gives information only about fetal karyotype D. Is analysis of the amniotic fluid


cordocentesis A. Allows umbilical blood analysis B. It is analysis of the amniotic fluid C. To specify kariotype D. A and c are correct


a child has the Di george syndrome that is characterized by the lack of t-lymphocytes and low level of calcium in the serum. the level of calcium is under control of hormones produced by endocrine glands that during the embryonic period develop from A) 1st and 2nd BA(pharyngeal pouches) B) 2nd and 3rd BA C) 1st and 3rd BA D) 3rd and 4th BA E) 2ND and 4th BA

D (DiGeorge syndrome occurs because the third and fourth pharyngeal pouches fail to differentiate into the thymus and parathyroid glands.)

The somites A. Form the sternum B. Give rise to the smooth muscles of the digestive tract C. First appear at the 4th week on the ventral side of an embryo D. Together with the NCC are the source of the embryonic mesenchyme E. Give rise to the axial skeleton and the skeletal structures in limbs


A subcutaneous nodule is found in the skin of a newborn boy. It is a 2cm in diameter, asymptomatic. The skin overlying the cyst appears normal. The mass is removed and found to include hair, sweat glands, teeth and nerves. Which one of the following best describes the embryological origin of the mass A. Endoderm B. Sclerotome C. Intermediate mesoderm D. Somatic mesoderm E. Ectoderm


At fertilization, what occurs to permit a sperm to penetrate the zona pellucida A. Extrusion of the second polar body B. Spermiogenesis C. Complesion of meiosis II D. Cortical reaction E. Acrosomal reaction


Corpus luteum A. Forms only when oocyte is fertilized B. Develops from primary follicle C. Secretes chorionic gonadotropin D. After implantation degenerates during first two weeks E. Its hormonal activity is under control of trophoblast


During the liver development A. Hepatocytes come from mesoderm B. Endoderm does not participate in liver development C. Its primordium comes from the midgut D. Hematopoietic stem cells come from endoderm as hepatocytes E. Cells producing the bile come from endoderm


Gluccocorticoids A. Stimulates secretory activity of the type 1 pneumocytes B. Are the hormones secreted by the cortex glands C. Are necessary for the hepatocytes differentiation D. Are secreted by adrenal glands after birth only E. All answers are correct exept D


Hypoblast A. Forms epithelium of the primary gut B. Appears before the amnion and embryoblast development C. Is the ventral part of myotome D. Is the source of all three germ layer E.Its cells form the inner layer of the yolk sac


Indicate the FALSE sentence about functions of the placenta A. Syncytiotrophoblast secretes hormones B. The fetus gets antibodies from mother that is the best basis of the passive immunity to infection C. Placenta barrier/ membrane does not protect the fetus against rubella virus or cytomegalovirus D. Placenta barrier/ membrane does not allow for mixing the maternal and fetal bloods E. Placenta does not participates in fetal waste products removing


Infants with congenital megacolon (hirschprung disease) suffer from the lack of peristaltic movements in a proper region of the colon. This disturbance is the result of the autonimic ganglia absence. During embryonic period the autonomic ganglia as Meisner's and Auerbach's plexuses develop from A. Endoderm B. Mesoderm C. Neural tube D. Notochord E. Neural crest cells


Point cells that originate from neural crest cells A. Pinealocytes secreating melanin B. Adrenal gland cells producing glucocorticoids C. Neurons of all cranial ganglia D. Ameloblasts E. Neurons of the Auerbach plexus


Point the correct sentence about the 8 week embryo A. Hematopoiesis begins in the bone marrow (F) B. Gastrulation is takes place only in the caudal end of the embryo C. anterior part of the neural tube is divided into 3 vesicles D.In the caudal end of the embryo the somites are visible E. Heart has four separated chambers (F)


Pregnant woman at 2nd trimester came to the hospital with severe bleeding. Doctor said that it is the placenta previa and the internal opening of the cervix is closed. What was the place of an embryo implantation A. Upper posterior uterine wall B. Ovary C. Douglas pouch D. Uterine tube E. Lower part of the uterus


The femur, fibula and tibia originate from A. Mesenchyme of lumburar somites B. Mesenchyme of neural crest cells origin C. Splanchnic mesoderm D. The same source as the limbs' muscles E. Lateral mesoderm


The foramen ovale A. Is closed at the end of the fetal period B. Is located in the interventricular septum C. Enables the blood flow from the left into the right atrium D. After birth it is closed by the septum primum when the blood pressure increases in the right atrium E. After birth it is closed by the septum primum which makes the floor of the fossa ovalis


The otic vesicle A. Differentiates into the body labyrinth B. Comes from the same germ layers as the retina C. Separates from the hindbrain at the end of the 4th week D. Forms only the cochlea E. Cells form the sensory cells of the spiral organ of corti and the maculae


The structures originated from the same germ layer are A. Epithelium of larynx and epithelium of the posterior part of the rectum (proctodeum) B. Parasympathetic ganglia and adrenal cortex C. Glands of uterus and sublingual glands D. Retina and hepatocytes E. Pneumocytes and enterocytes


The ureteric bud during the permanent kidney development gives A. Collecting tubules B. Ureter C. Renal pelvis D. Renal calyxes E. All listed above


Which statement describes the normal rotation of the intestines prior to reaching their adult locations A. Counterclockwise rotation, 45 degrees B. Clockwise rotation, 90 degrees C. Counterclockwise rotation, 90 degrees D. Clockwise rotation, 270 degrees E. Counterclockwise rotation 270 degrees


One week after an infatn's birth, the parents return to the emergency room, indicating the baby has been vomitting green material and has han an increasing number of boody stools. After examining the infant, you note a distended abdomen and painful responses to abdomen palpation. An emergency CT scan indicates the child has developed volvulus and is prepped for surgery to correct the problem. Which statement describes the normal rotation of the intestines prior to reaching their adult locations A. Counterclockwise rotation, 45 degrees B. Counterlockwise rotation, 45 degrees C. Clockwise rotation, 90 degrees D. Counterlockwise rotation, 290 degrees E Clockwise rotation, 270 degrees F. Counterclockwise rotation 270 degrees


In the male reproductive system development A. Morphological differentiation of testes begins at 4th week B. Ductus deferens (spermatic duct) originates from the paramesonephric (Müllerian) duct under influence of SRY C. Ejaculatory duct and seminal vesicles need AMH to development D. Prostate gland develops from hindgut E. Leading cells secreting AMH arise from gonadal ridge cells


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