Emily English 复习-1 07/23/2021

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Condemn v.

If you condemn something, you say that it is very bad and unacceptable. Political leaders united yesterday to condemn the latest wave of violence. // Synonym: blame

Ignominious adj.

If you describe an experience or action as ignominious, you mean it is embarrassing because it shows a great lack of success. ...their ignominious defeat. //Synonym: humiliating

Alight v.

Learner: 1. If a bird or insect alights somewhere, it lands there. A thrush alighted on a branch of the pine tree. 2. When you alight from a train, bus, or other vehicle, you get out of it after a trip. //Synonym: land

Perceive v.

to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses: I perceived an object looming through the mist. // Synonym: notice, see // 察觉, 感觉

Shirk v.

to evade (work, duty, responsibility, etc.). //Example: The city had shirked its responsibility by not overseeing construction. // 逃避(责任)

Expound v.

to explain in detail. // Example: Lawrence expounded on the military aspects of guerrilla warfare.

Manifest v.

to make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding; show plainly: He manifested his approval with a hearty laugh. // 清楚表明

Rout v.

1. If an army, sports team, or other group routs its opponents, it defeats them completely and easily. ...the Battle of Hastings at which the Norman army routed the English opposition. 2. Mob// Synonym: defeat overwhelmingly // 彻底击败

Reinstate v.

1. If you reinstate someone, you give them back a job or position that had been taken away from them. The governor is said to have agreed to reinstate five senior workers who were dismissed. 2. To reinstate a law, facility, or practice means to start having it again. She says the public response was a factor in the decision to reinstate the grant.

Caption n.

1. a title or explanation for a picture or illustration, especially in a magazine. 2. heading or title, as of a chapter, article, or page. 3. (Movies, Television) the title of a scene, the text of speech on the screen,//标题,字幕

Plural form: half, knife, leaf, life, loaf, self, shelf, thief, wife, grammar

Halves, knives, leaves, lives, loaves, selves, shelves, thieves, wives

Exorbitant adj.

Highly excessive. // Learner: If you describe something such as a price or fee as exorbitant , you are emphasizing that it is much higher than it should be. Exorbitant housing prices // Synonym: excessive // Antonym: moderate // 过度的,过高的

Abjure v.

If you abjure something such as a belief or way of life, you state publicly that you will give it up or that you reject it. ...a formal statement abjuring military action.

Caper v.

If you caper around, you run and jump around because you are happy or excited. Children capered around in front of the Smithsonian Institution.

Malignant adj.

Learner: 1. A malignant tumor or disease is out of control and likely to cause death. She developed a malignant breast tumor. 恶性的。2. If you say that someone is malignant, you think they are cruel and like to cause harm. He said that we were evil, malignant, and mean. 恶毒的,恶意的。

Alight adv.

Learner: 1. If something is alight, it is burning. Several buildings were set alight. 2. If someone's eyes are alight or if their face is alight, the expression in their eyes or on their face shows that they are feeling a strong emotion such as excitement or happiness. She paused and turned, her face alight with happiness.

Scrupulous adj.

Learner: 1. Someone who is scrupulous takes great care to do what is fair, honest, or morally right. I have been scrupulous about telling them the dangers. 2. Scrupulous means thorough, exact, and careful about details. Both readers commend Knutson for his scrupulous attention to detail. 细心的 // Synonym: extremely careful. // Antonym: careless

Static adj.

does not move or change. The number of young people obtaining qualifications has remained static or decreased. // synonym: motionless, changeless

Prestigious adj.

having a high reputation; honored; esteemed: a prestigious author. // synonym: famous, influential, // Learner: A prestigious institution, job, or activity is respected and admired by people. Bishop is a prestigious school. // 有名望的

Restive adj.

impatient of control, restraint, or delay, restless; uneasy. // example: The audience grew restive. //Synonym: restless, impatient //不耐烦的

Indigent adj.

lacking food, clothing, and other necessities of life because of poverty; needy; poor; // Synonym: poor // Antonym: rich // 贫困的,贫穷的

Destitute adj.

lacking food, clothing, and shelter. // Learner: Someone who is destitute has no money or possessions. ...destitute children who live on the streets. // 穷困的,缺乏的。

Statuesque adj.

like or suggesting a statue, as in massive or majestic dignity, grace, or beauty. // Learner: A statuesque woman is big and tall, and stands straight. She was a statuesque brunette. //Synonym: tall and dignified

Manifest adj.

obvious; apparent; plain: a manifest error. // 显然的,明显的。

Ignominy n.

shame or public disgrace. ...the ignominy of being fired.

Censure n.

strong expression of disapproval: The newspapers were unanimous in their censure of the tax proposal. //Synonym: severe criticism //Antonym: approval, praise // Example: It is a controversial policy which has attracted international censure.

Indomitable adj.

that cannot be subdued or overcome, as persons, will, or courage; unconquerable // Example: an indomitable warrior. a woman of indomitable will.//Learner: If you say that someone has an indomitable spirit, you admire them because they never give up or admit that they have been defeated. // Synonym: steadfast, unyielding, insurmountable // Antonym: weak // 不服输的 // related word: indomitably

Capture v.

to take by force: The police captured the burglar. // 捕获,抓住 //Synonym: catch by force

Transgress v.

to violate a law, command, moral code, etc.; // Antonym: obey // synonym: disobey

Pestilence n.

any disease that spreads quickly and kills large numbers of people.

Captivating adj.


Plural form for proper noun ending with constonant + y, February, Hello kitty, grammar

Februarys, Hello Kittys

—ly suffix

"1. forming adverbs from adjectives: gladly; gradually; secondly. 2. attached to certain nouns denoting units of time, means every: hourly; daily. 3. an adjective suffix meaning ""-like"": saintly; cowardly."

Disrepute n.

(usually preceded by in or into ). lose good reputation, because it is connected with activities that people do not approve of. //Example: Some literary theories have fallen into disrepute. It is a disgrace that such people should bring our profession into disrepute. //不光彩,坏名声 //Synonym: bad reputation // Antonym: good reputation

Blight n.

1. (Of Plant): wilting, and death of plant tissues. 2. any cause or state of impairment, destruction, ruin, or frustration. //Example: Extravagance was the blight of the family. urban blight.

Bilious adj.

1. (Physiology, Pathology). pertaining to bile, suffering from, caused by, or attended by trouble with the bile 2. extremely unpleasant. a bilious shade of green.

Obscure adj.

1. (of meaning) not clear: an obscure sentence in the contract. // Learner: 1. If something or someone is obscure, they are unknown, or are known by only a few people. The origin of the custom is obscure. 2. Something that is obscure is difficult to understand or deal with, usually because it involves so many parts or details. The contracts are written in obscure language. // synonym: not easily understood. // antonym: clear

Deluge n.

1. A great flood. 2. A drenching rain. 3. anything that overwhelms like a flood: a deluge of mail. // 洪水,泛滥, 暴雨

Pentagon n.

1. Five-sided polygon 2. The Pentagon, The U.S. Defense Department, (because their head quarter building is pentagon-shaped)

Perpetual adj.

Forever, lasting an indefinitely long time: perpetual snow. // 永久的,永恒的,不断的。

Virulent adj.

1. actively poisonous; intensely noxious: example: a virulent insect bite. 2. highly infective; malignant or deadly. 3. intensely bitter, spiteful, or malicious: example: a virulent attack. //Synonym: poisonous, lethal // 剧毒的,恶性的,有恶意的 // Example: Now he faces virulent attacks from the Italian media. / A very virulent form of the disease appeared in Belgium.

Oppressive adj.

1. burdensome, unjustly harsh, or tyrannical: an oppressive king; oppressive laws. 2. causing discomfort by being excessive, intense, elaborate, etc.: oppressive heat. //Synonym: overwhelming // 压倒性的,势不可挡的

Obstinate adj.

1. firmly or stubbornly adhering to one's purpose, opinion, etc.; not yielding to argument, persuasion, 2.not easily controlled or overcome // Learner: 1. If you describe someone as obstinate, you are being critical of them because they are very determined to do what they want, and refuse to change their mind or be persuaded to do something else. He is obstinate and determined and will not give up. 2. You can describe things as obstinate when they are difficult to move, change, or destroy. Example: the obstinate weeds. // 顽固的,固执的 // Synonym: stubborn, // Antonym: agreeable, amenable

Squalid adj.

1. foul from lack of care, neglected and filthy. 2. miserable; degraded; // Learner:A squalid place is dirty, untidy, and in bad condition.//Example: The early industrial cities were squalid and unhealthy places. // Synonym: poor, run-down, //Antonym: well-kept

Pernicious adj.

1. injurious; hurtful, harmful: pernicious teachings; a pernicious lie. 2. deadly; fatal: a pernicious disease. // Synonym: bad, hurtful //Antonym: helpful // Example: I did what I could, but her mother's influence was pernicious. //有害的,恶性的

Flog v.

1. to beat with a whip, stick, etc., especially as punishment; whip; scourge. 2. (Slang) to sell, especially aggressively or vigorously. 3. (Slang) to promote; publicize. //Synonym: whip, lash, scourge //Learner: If someone is flogged, they are hit very hard with a whip or stick as a punishment. //Example: In these places people starved, were flogged, were clubbed to death.

Coerce v.

1. to compel by force, intimidation, or authority, especially without regard for individual desire: They coerced him into signing the document. 迫使,

Oligarchy n.

A government ruled by a few powerful people 寡头政治

Morgue n.

A morgue is a building or a room in a hospital where dead bodies are kept before they are buried or cremated, or before they are identified or examined.

Plural form for vowel + z, quiz, wiz, grammar

Add z, then es, quizzes, wizzes

Eminent adj.

An eminent person is well-known and respected, especially because they are good at their profession. ...an eminent scientist.

Plural form: appendix, child

Appendices, children

Recapture v.

Capture again //Synonym: regain

Plural form special case, echo, Hero, potato, tomato, grammar

Echoes, heroes, potatoes, tomatoes. (Question: photo?)

Comply v.

Learner: If someone or something complies with an order or set of rules, they do what is required or expected. The commander said that the army would comply with the ceasefire. // comply with something // synonym: follow instruction

Be-- prefix

Prefix to form verb, befall, bevoke, besiege, befriend

—ious suffix

Variant of, —ous, added after noun to form adjective. Ambitious, previous, delicious, serious, notorious, glorious, obvious, tedious, felonious

Iniquity n.

You can refer to wicked actions or very unfair situations as iniquity . He rails against the iniquities of capitalism. // Synonym: sin, evil

Apathy n.

You can use apathy to talk about someone's state of mind if you are criticizing them because they do not seem to be interested in or enthusiastic about anything. They told me about isolation and public apathy. // 冷漠,漠不关心

Status n.

Your status is your social or professional position. People of higher status tend more to use certain drugs.

Magistrate n.

a civil officer charged with the administration of the law. // synonym: civil officer // 地方法官

Obituary n.

a notice of the death of a person, often with a biographical sketch, as in a newspaper. // Example: His obituary was published in today's newspaper.

Understudy n.

a performer who learns the role of another in order to serve as a replacement if necessary. He was an understudy to Charlie Chaplin on a tour of the U.S. // 候补演员,b角,// synonym: substitue

Captor n.

a person who has captured a person or thing. // example: They did not know what their captors planned for them.

Lancet n.

a small surgical instrument, usually sharp-pointed and two-edged, for making small incisions, opening abscesses, etc. Also written as lance // (外科)小刀,柳叶刀 // it is used as the name of medical journal, it has a long history dating from 1823, it is very respected and has high impact, (2nd in impact rank in the world)

Vice n.

an immoral or evil habit or practice. // Synonym: bad habit, sin // Antonym: good point, virtue // Learner: A vice is a habit that is regarded as a weakness in someone's character, but not usually as a serious fault. His only vice is to get drunk on champagne.

Connotation n.

the associated or secondary meaning of a word or expression in addition to its explicit or primary meaning. Example: The connotation of the word blue is sad. // 暗含意思

Captivate v.

to attract and hold the attention or interest of, as by beauty or excellence; enchant: Her blue eyes and red hair captivated him.

Purge v.

to get rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify. // 清除,消除

Exasperate v.

to irritate or provoke to a high degree; annoy extremely: He was exasperated by the senseless delays. // Learner: If someone or something exasperates you, they annoy you and make you feel frustrated or upset. // synonym: upset, provoke, //antonym: calm, comfort, ease //激怒

Procure v.

to obtain or get by care, effort, or the use of special means: to procure evidence. // Synonym: acquire, obtain //example: It remained very difficult to procure food, fuel, and other daily necessities.

Exult v.

to show or feel a lively or triumphant joy; rejoice exceedingly; be highly elated or jubilant: They exulted over their victory.

Vilify v.

to speak ill of; defame; slander. // Learner:If you are vilified by someone, they say or write very unpleasant things about you, so that people will have a low opinion of you. // Example: The agency has been vilified by some doctors for being unnecessarily slow to approve life-saving drugs. He was vilified, hounded, and forced into exile by the FBI. //Synonym: criticize very harshly //Antonym: praise

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