EMTPrep Airway

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you have a patient with an SpO2 reading of 92% and you apply supplemental oxygen via NC. Protocol states that the flow rate should be set between 1-6LPM. What is the oxygen concentration in this range?


the normal respiratory rate for an infant is how many breaths per minute?


you are dispatched to a choking infant. Which of the following is proper care for the infant?

5 back blows and 5 chest thrusts

Your newborn patient is going to be receiving blow by oxygen. The proper rate and delivery of this should be?

5L through NRB mask

What is the suggested flow rate for administration of an albuterol neb set?


While taking care of a trauma patient, you should initiate oxygen therapy if their SpO2 falls below what level?


which of the following oral airway adjuncts should be inserted first when delivering ventilations by BVM?


You are assessing a patient complaining of SOB with a hx of renal failure and CHF. Your patient missed his dialysis appt yesterday. Which of the following physical findings is least pertinent to your assessment?

Soft, non-tender abdomen

you are dispatched to a patient experiencing respiratory distress. On arrival, you note a thin, 48 year old male breathing at 22 times per minute. He states that he is experiencing shaking chills and fever. You hear crackles in the right lower field of his chest. Which of the following is high on your differential?


how do you best assess the effectiveness of your delivered ventilations?

by watching the chest rise and fall

You are suctioning blood from a patient's mouth when you accidentally stick the suction catheter too far into the mouth. This stimulates a gag reflex, producing additional vomitus and blood into the airway. Your first step should be?

remove the catheter and roll patient to one side

Your patient is a 35-year old female who has been impaled through the cheek by a large fishing lure. She is unconscious and has a small amount of bleeding coming from her cheek. The fishing lure is still inside her mouth. when caring for this patient you should?

remove the fishing lure

you are called to a traffic accident of a motorcycle vs car. You see the motorcyclist on the road, wearing a helmet, unconscious. He is responsive to pain, supine, and making gurgling sounds. His helmet will obstruct the ability to suction his airway. After checking that the scene is safe, you should first?

remove the helmet while trying to stabilize c-spine as much as possible. Suction the airway.

you are using a BVM to assist ventilations in an altered patient with a gag reflex. You begin to notice reduced bag compliance and a decreasing SpO2. What should you do first?

reposition the airway with a head tilt-chin lift

the cellular and pulmonary exchange of gases between a living organism and its environment is called?


you respond to a private residence for a 63 year old male complaining of SOB. as you place o2 on the patient, you gather a medical history from the patient's wife who states the patient has a history of cystic fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder affecting which two systems?

respiratory and digestive

you have been called to the playground and find a small girl sitting on the curb leaning forward with her arms outstretched to either side of her. Her jaw is open and her chin is thrust forward. Her position is indicative of?

respiratory distress

you receive a call from your dispatcher that an 87 year old man is experiencing tachycardia and dyspnea. Dyspnea is most accurately described as?

difficulty breathing

endotracheal refers to the inside of the trachea. Which of the following is the prefix of the word?


you arrive to a private residence to find a 34 year old male in the tripod position, and you can hear stridorous respirations from the doorway. the patient is drooling and feels hot to the touch. what life-threatening condition do you suspect your patient has?


During artificial ventilation, it is common to get air into the stomach. This is called:

gastric distention

You are preparing to give abdominal thrusts to a conscious person you believe to be choking, but the person is too large to reach around their abdomen. You should?

move your hands up to the victim's chest and do chest thrusts from behind

Labored breathing is indicative of respiratory distress. Signs of distress include?

muscle retractions above the clavicle

Your patient is breathing at 12 breaths/min with adequate tidal volume. During inspiration, pressure in the intrapulmonary space is?

negative compared to atmospheric pressure

which of the following is correct regarding inspiration?

negative pressure results from the contraction of the diaphragm, which causes the lungs to expand as they fill with ear

your patient has been pulled from a fire. she has decreased tidal volume. decreased tidal volume can be evident by?

shallow respirations

you are dispatched for difficulty breathing. your patient is a 22 year old male that has no medical history. when he lies down on the gurney, you note he is over 6 feet tall and slender. His chief complaint is of pleuric sharp chest pain with diminished breath sounds on the right side. you suspect?

spontaneous pneumothorax

A reduced tidal volume would most likely occur from

unequal chest expansion

you encounter a 72 year old female undergoing respiratory distress. During your physical examination you hear sounds of stridor. Stridor is indicative of?

upper airway obstruction

you are called to a 9-year-old male who fell 15 feet from a tree in his backyard. as you walk up, he is unconscious, and you see that he is not breathing. after ensuring that the patient has a carotid pulse, your first action will be to?

use both hands and thrust the patient's jaw forward

you are called to the scene of a rock climbing accident. At the base of the cliff, you find a patient unresponsive and lying on her back. Bystanders tell you she fell on her head from about 35 feet. To assess the patient's airway you should?

use both hands and thrust the patient's jaw forward

the mechanical process of moving air into and out of the lungs is the definition of?


you are called to a nursing home to assist a 92 year old male patient with emphysema. When listening for abnormal breath sounds in this patient, you will most likely hear?


which of the following would hinder the delivery of high-quality CPR the most?

when performed on a bed or a couch

Normal respiratory rate for an adult is how many breaths per minute?


you and your partner arrive on scene to a patient who has been involved in an MVA. as you approach, you notice the patient breathing in sequences of uniformly deep gasps, apnea,

Biot's resourations

you are obtaining medical history from an 82-year-old male patient at a care home. Care home staff called 911 after the patient reported having difficulty breathing and his oxygen saturations were dropping despite being on home oxygen. The patient tells you he has afib and COPD. He could have any of the following respiratory diseases, except:


During respiration, as blood from the right side of the heart circulates past the lungs, it drops off _____ and picks up _____?

CO2 and oxygen

during inspiration, the ______ contracts and _____ the volume of the thoracic cavity?


You respond to a 5-year-old male in respiratory distress. When you arrive, you find your patient sitting on his mother's lap. He is working to breath and you see drool from his mouth. His mother informs you that her son has been sick for a few days with what she assumed to be an upper respiratory infection. The patient has a pulse of 130, RR of 40, and BP of 90/40. Which of the following is the child most likely suffering from?


what occurs inside the body during exhalation?

Intrathoracic pressure increases

You are assisting an asthma patient with his prescribed metered-dose inhaler. Which of the following is another name for the patient's inhaler?

MDI. Metered Dose Inhaler

you respond to a patient who was reportedly having a seizure. You find the patient supine in the kitchen with many broken items lying around him. He is semi-conscious, has snoring respirations, a nose bleed, and a laceration to the forearm with minimal bleeding. You should?

Open the patient's airway with a jaw-thrust maneuver

you respond to a 54 year old male with difficulty breathing and chest pain. The patient indicates that he broke both legs 3 weeks ago and has been confined to his bed since that time. Which of the following is most likely causing this patient's condition?

Pulmonary Embolism

which of the following is the greatest advantage of 2 person BVM ventilations

The ability to maintain a seal and deliver more effective breaths is increased

You are dispatched to a 9 year old female not acting right. Her mom states that she has been sick for a few days and has been very sleepy for the past 12 hours. Vitals: BP - 82/62, P:98, R 10, SpO2 86%. What is your first intervention?

Ventilate with a BVM

you arrive on scene of a 4 year old male in respiratory distress. Initial evaluation of the patient reveals the following: cyanosis around the lips, audible gasping, and a weak brachial pulse. Vitals: BP 52/24, P 78, R 8, what is going to be your immediate intervention?

Ventilate with a BVM @ 15LPM one breath every 3-5 seconds

you are preparing to insert an OPA in a 45 year old male patient. a contraindication for use of this airway would be:

a conscious patient with an intact gag reflex

you approach the scene of a fire where firefighters have just pulled a man from the burning house. You notice he is coughing and is cyanotic as you walk up to treat him. Cyanosis of the skin is due to?

a decrease in the level of arterial oxygen

inspiration is a/an ____ process causing a ______ pressure in the pleural space?


You arrive on a secured scene where the patient appears cyanotic with a reduced breathing rate. You consider the possibility that the patient may be going into respiratory failure, and you immediately do which step next?

administer O2 to the pt and transport rapidly

during your initial assessment, you observe that the patient can only answer questions in 2 word sentences. Based on this finding, you should?

administer oxygen at 15L/min via NRB

what occurs when the diaphragm contracts?

air moves into the lungs

A patient has severe facial injuries, inadequate breathing, and copious secretions coming from the mouth. what procedures should be performed for this patient?

alternate suctioning for 15 seconds and ventilation for 2 minutes

in most cases, when a patient is choking you should perform an abdominal thrust maneuver. In some cases, you should instead perform chest thrusts. Which of the following is not an indication of performing chest thrusts?

an 83 year old male with a previous myocardial infarction

what should your first action be when treating a conscious 40 year old male with rapid respirations?

apply 100% oxygen

you arrive at the local elementary school where a 10 year old male fell approximately 10 feet from a piece of play equipment. his respirations are shallow at 44b breaths/min, his right leg is deformed, and he isn't responding appropriately to commands. your first priority is to?

apply a c collar and ventilate with a BVM and supplemental oxygen

you are dispatched to a report of gunshots having been fired at a night club. after confirming the scene is safe, you enter to find a 23 year old male lying supine on the floor bleeding profusely from his abdominal region. he appears to be CAOX4 and is very anxious. During your assessment, you find what appears to be a gunshot wound to the LUQ of his abdomen. After controlling his bleeding, his VS are 150/98, HR 108, RR 40 with equal and bilateral chest rise. what would be the most appropriate next step in treating this patient?

apply high-flow oxygen via BVM at 15LPM

you are called to a conscious 28 year old female lying supine on her front yard. she is restless and in obvious respiratory distress. after ensuring a patent airway, your next course of action is?

assess respiratory quality, effort, and rate

your patient is a 21-year-old male involved in a skiing accident. Bystanders tell you he lost control while skiing and crashed into a ski lift pole. After a thorough physical examination, you determine he is breathing adequately. All of the following are signs of adequate breathing, except?

asymmetrical rise and fall on both sides of the chest

you arrive on scene of a 24 year old female who was involved in a head on MVC. while assessing your patient, you find contusions to the head, neck, and chest. You hear snoring respirations and palpate a weak and thready radial pulse. Your first course of action would be?

c-spine immobilization and opening the airway with a modified jaw thrust maneuver

you are dispatched to a call at a private residence for a 55 year old female complaining of difficulty breathing. When you arrive on scene, you find the woman sitting in her living room chair in the tripod position. Her respirations are labored at a rate of 26 breaths per minute. Your auscultation of breath sounds reveals wheezing bilaterally. What does wheezing indicate?

constriction of the bronchioles

a 2 year old child was playing with his toy cars outside when his mother noticed the child becoming cyanotic. you and your partner arrive on scene to find that one of the wheels from the truck has become lodged in the child's throat. Where is the wheel most likely lodged?

cricoid cartilage

Your unit is dispatched to a 4 year old child with a fever. The mother meets you at the door telling you that he was fine last night and when he woke up this morning, complained of a sore throat and trouble breathing. Your assessment reveals that the patient has a seal-like bark when he coughs. You suspect the patient to be suffering from?


all of the following happens during inhalation, except?

diaphragm moves upward

which of the following mechanisms causes emphysema?

destruction of the alveoli

you are called to a local park where a 19 year old male is experiencing respiratory distress. when you arrive, he is sitting on a bench in the tripod position. he was playing soccer during the onset of his symptoms and has no history of respiratory problems or known allergies. P-100, R 30, shallow with wheezing and he is pale, cool, and dry. His vitals are steadily trending downwards. Your first priority is?

give 100% oxygen and transport immediately

you are called to a local park where a 19-year old male is experiencing respiratory distress. when you arrive, he is sitting on a bench in the tripod position. He was playing soccer during the onset of his symptoms and has no history of respiratory problems or known allergies. his pulse is 100, respirations 30 and shallow with wheezing, and he is pale, cool, and dry. His vitals are steadily trending downwards. your first priority is?

give 100% oxygen and transport immediately

you find a 32 year old male who is pale and diaphoretic, with snoring respirations. your patient's vital signs read BP 96/62, respirations 8 per minute, HR 58, pupils are constricted and non-reactive. Bystanders report that the patient was injecting something into his arm. Your initial intervention should be?

head tilt, chin lift

when suctioning your adult patient's airway, you must not suction for longer than 15 seconds due to?


retractions of the intercostal muscles in a 1 year old signify which of the following?

increased work of breathing

retractions of the intercostal muscles in a 1-year-old signify which of the following?

increased work of breathing

you arrive on scene and find an unconscious patient, with a pulse. You suspect that the patient's tongue is occluding the airway. after using the head-tilt-chin-lift technique, what would be your next course of action?

insert an OPA

the diaphragm contracts during?


as you approach your patient, he grabs your arm and tells you anxiously that he is choking on a piece of meat. your first course of action should be?

instruct him to cough, monitor closely

which of the following statements regarding the head-tilt-chin lift maneuver is most accurate?

it can only be used temporarily and must be replaced by an airway adjunct

where should you position yourself in order to administrate abdominal thrusts to a child?

kneeling behind the patient

you arrive to an unconscious male lying on the pavement. As you approach the patient, you note that he has chest rise and fall, but does not respond when you touch him. What is the first and most important thing that you can do for this patient?

open the airway

You respond to a patient who was reportedly having a seizure. You find the pt supine in the kitchen with many broken items lying around him. He is semi-conscious, has snoring respirations, a nose bleed, and a laceration to the forearm with minimal bleeding. You should?

open the patient's airway with the jaw-thrust maneuver

all of the following are contraindications for the use of a combitube exept?

patient has severe facial trauma

Initial management of an unconscious adult patient who fell 15' from a tree includes

performing a jaw-thrust maneuver

you arrive on scene for a 24 year old pregnant female who began choking during lunch. you find the patient to be conscious, but unable to speak or take a breath. family tells you she is about 7 months pregnant. you would treat this patient by?

performing chest thrusts

a 19 year old male fell from the second story balcony of his college residence. He is lying supine, unconscious, breathing is slow and irregular, and is missing several teeth that appear to be in his mouth. Your partner stabilizes the head and performs a jaw thrust. What should you do next?

suction his mouth to remove the missing teeth

you approach a woman lying supine on the street. she is unconscious, but has a palpable carotid pulse of around 60BPM. you note that her entire mouth is full of vomit and she has ineffective respirations. how should you proceed?

suction the airway

A semiconscious 23 year old male has shallow, gurgling respirations at a rate of 10 breaths per minute. Initial management includes?

suctioning the oropharynx

you are assessing a 23 year old male with difficulty breathing after a MVC. He indicates that it's getting harder and harder to breathe, and appears to be increasingly anxious. Vitals: BP - 90/62, P 124, R 20, SpO2 93% CBG 72, Lungs - absent on the left side. What do you suspect is occurring with this patient?

tension pneumothorax

your 9 year old male patient has a history of poor lung compliance stemming from a long history of lung disease. Lung compliance is?

the ease at which the chest expands

What is the primary concern of your respiratory rate increasing during exercise, as compared to your respiratory rate at rest?

the level of co2 in the blood is increased

What is the purpose of putting a patient that does not respond, but is breathing on their side?

to prevent the tongue, fluids, or vomit from blocking the airway

what is the purpose of putting a patient that does not respond, but is breathing on their side?

to prevent the tongue, fluids, or vomit from blocking the airway

excessive ventilation can be either too many breaths per minute, or?

too large a volume per breath

the external hole that is surgically placed in a patient's trachea is called??


if a victim experiencing a choking emergency is pregnant or too large for you to reach your hands around their abdomen, does this change the chare you're going to provide?

yes, reposition your hand placement to higher around the chest

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