ENGL 3630 (Module 1-Module 15)

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If students hear one book read aloud every day from kindergarten through eighth grade, how many books will they experience?

Over 1600

Which of the following terms refers to awareness that spoken words are composed of individual sounds?

Phonemic Awareness

Which of the following terms refers to awareness of the sound structure of speech?

Phonological Awareness


. Individual speech sounds.

What is the word used to describe when common words in a language have multiple meanings?


Put the five steps of a typical Directed Reading Approach (DRA) lesson into the correct chronological order.

1. Background development 2. Introduction of new vocabulary 3. Guided reading 4. Following up the reading with a comprehension check 5. Skills-development exercise

Rousseau advocated postponing reading and writing instruction until what age?

10 to 15 years of age

Approximately how many French words have entered the English vocabulary?


How many words make up the first group of English words - the Highly Frequent Words?


Approximately how many languages are of Indo-European origin?


In a Response to Intervention (RTI) model, what approximate percentage of students will need the additional strategic and supplemental intervention of Tier 2?


Adams reports that phonemic awareness eludes what percentage of middle-class first graders?


How many words do researchers estimate a child will acquire each year?


What percentage of the words that appear in written English do the 25 most frequent words account for?


In a Response to Intervention (RTI) model, what approximate percentage of students will need the much more intensive intervention of Tier 3?


What percentage of the variance in children's reading ability proficiency at the end of first grade can be accounted for by phonemic awareness?


What percentage of vocabulary encountered in academic texts does Dolch's "A Basic Sight Vocabulary of 220 Words" account for?


How many words do researchers estimate a child will have learned by the time they enter school?


How many words do researchers estimate a child acquires each day?

7 to 10

What percentage of vocabulary encountered in beginning reading texts does Dolch's "A Basic Sight Vocabulary of 220 Words" account for?


At what age does the ability to hear distinct words and make meaningful associations emerge?

9 to 18 months of age

A text at a student's particular instructional level is defined as a text that can be read with what percentage of accuracy?



A bound morpheme added to the beginning of a word.


A bound morpheme added to the end of a word.


A bound morphemes added to a root or a stem.

Compound Word

A combination of two or more free morphemes.

Free Morpheme

A morpheme that can stand alone.

Bound Morpheme

A morpheme that must be attached to a free morpheme.

Phoneme Manipulation

Activities that ask children to add or substitute phonemes in words.

Phoneme Segmenting

Activities that ask children to break words up into individual sounds.

Phoneme Blending

Activities that ask children to combine individual sounds to form words.

Phoneme Isolation

Activities that focus children's attention on the individual phonemes that make up words.

Differentiating Instruction

Adapting instruction using flexible groupings, tiered activities, and respectful tasks; vary instructional content, process, and assignments according to students' developmental levels, interests, and learning styles.

What type of reading is occurring if the reader's focus is on his or her own "lived-through" experience of the reading event - the more private, experiential, affective, and associational aspects?


which of the following is a predominantly efferent stance


What is another name for Old English?



Asking students whether their predictions were correct; talking with the students about the parts they like best; relating the text to others they have read in class, to other content areas, or to out-of-school experiences.

Which of the following stances is a predominantly aesthetic stance?



Association by opposition.

Which of Cummings (1994) two complementary systems are those aspects of language proficiency that are cognitively undemanding and include known ideas, vocabulary, and syntax, and are used in daily routine communicative exchanges?


Neurolinguistics findings indicate that children who acquire a second before what age will behave like native speakers?

Before the age of five

Observation of Literacy Behaviors

Being read to or seeing adults reading and writing themselves.

Activating Background Knowledge/Making Connections

Briefly discussing what the text will be about; selecting texts with common themes or topics most students will be able to connect to.

Which of Cummings (1994) two complementary systems are those aspects of language proficiency are necessary for literacy obtainment and academic success and enable students to have academic, analytical conversation and to independently acquire factual information?



Check the accuracy, relevance, and quality of information on webpages.

Explicit Instruction

Clearly explaining to students - in language they can understand - what it is you are going to do and why you are going to do it


Combine information from multiple texts.

What is the name, given by Steven Krashen, to modified language that is just a little bit beyond a child's current capabilities?

Comprehensible Input

Expanding Teachers' Expertise

Continuing to grow professionally during their careers by joining organizations, reading journals and books, participating in workshops, seminars, and conferences.

What were the names of the two primary characters in the series of books produced by Scott, Foresman, & Co., and developed by professor William S. Gray?

Dick and Jane

What type of reading is occurring if the reader's focus is on the information he or she will take away from the text - the more public, lexical, analytical, and abstracting aspects?


What term is defined as "the study of the nature of knowledge"?



Extends the study of behaviorism by showing that stimuli that occur after a behavior also have an influence on future behaviors.

After the fifteenth century, as the sounds of English changed, the spelling of English words was consistently altered to reflect these sound changes.


Allington (2012) recommends using a single "teaching text" with the whole class at least 75% of the time.


An Anchor Lesson must always include a text.


BICS is more challenging than CALP because it takes more time to develop.


Choral reading is perfectly acceptable during Guided Reading.


English idioms are less frequent in stories and more frequent in informational texts.


English is a purely phonetic system.


From early infancy, babies are able to clearly hear the separation between words.


Instruction of a single strategy typically occurs over just a single day.


It is highly recommended that teachers avoid using digital readers (e-readers) with students who have disabilities and special needs, such as visual impairments, and with English learners and struggling students.


Linguistic competence can be directly observed.


Online materials are always linear and sequential.


Phonemes are discrete units and never influence the sounds at surround them.


Research has shown that the only good place to bring in teacher questioning is after the lesson has been completed.


Romance and Latin derived words outnumber Anglo-Saxon derived words in both sheer number and frequency of usage in the English language.


Simple, everyday words in English tend to be of Latin origin.


Teachers should avoid using a biliterate approach if at all possible, since it only confuses the student.


Teachers should avoid using nonverbal communication, such as gestures or mimes, in the classroom.


The current preferred term for students who are acquiring English as a Second Language is "limited English proficient."


The more students are read to, the less they will read on their own.


The most common Response to Intervention (RTI) models have five tiers.


When you read aloud, you should be sure that lower-level students sit in the peripheral positions in the classroom - either to the side or in the back.


During the Renaissance, what language was drawn upon as the source to name new inventions, such as telescope or microscope?


What is the term that Holdaway uses to describe children's first attempts at reading, which are usually quite inaccurate?

Gross Approximations

What is the name of the paddle-shaped device that contained the letters of the alphabet, some selected syllables, and the Lord's Prayer?



Hypertext lacks the familiar organization of books; its dynamic and can be used in a variety of ways; readers impose a structure that fits their own needs.


Impose an organization on the information they are reading.

Anchor Experience

Introducing students to the strategy your lesson will be focusing on over the next few weeks. Helping students understand what it is you are talking about before asking them to apply the strategy to a text.

Monitoring, Clarifying, and Fixing Up

Knowing when your understanding breaks down, then doing something to repair the misunderstanding.

Pragmatic System

Knowledge of how context and situation affect meaning.

Phonological System

Knowledge of how the sounds of a language pattern together.

Semantic System

Knowledge of how to determine the meaning of phrases and sentences.

Phonetic System

Knowledge of individual sounds of a language.

Syntactic System

Knowledge of the rules of phrase and sentence formation.

Morphological System

Knowledge of the structure of words.

Formal Operational Period

Lasts from age eleven to adulthood, in which the child is able to move beyond the concrete to use language in an abstract way.

Preoperational Period

Lasts from ages two to seven, in which rapid language development occurs and the child begins to categorize and organize his or her world with words.


Leading a brief discussion to review what has happened in the book so far; making predictions about what might come next; pre-teaching any key vocabulary; building background knowledge for any difficult concepts that may be covered in the chapter.


Letter combinations that are used to represent sounds.

Operant Conditioning Theory

Looks at the relationships between behavior and its consequences by focusing on the use of reinforcement and punishment in changing behavior.

First and Second Grade

Make inferences; provide evidence from text to support thinking; retellings should be sequenced appropriately; should include the problem and solution of a story or topic of non-fiction text.


Make logical predictions; retell stories; identify main characters and setting; retell main event.

Creating Mental Images

Making a mental movie as you read a text, including smells, tastes, sounds, sights, and how something feels to touch.

What is the name that Rousseau gave to the objects or toys that a student could move around to help in the learning process?



Many related texts are available on the Internet, and they influence and shape each other.

Third Grade

Monitor and adjust use of strategies to increase comprehension of complex text; begin to summarize plot's main events; describe characters, their relationships, and changes they undergo; explain cause-and-effect relationships; identify details that support main idea in non-fiction texts.

What is another term that is often used interchangeably with Response to Intervention (RTI)?

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

What is the term used to describe the requirement that today's students need to become proficient in new ways of accessing, understanding, and communicating information?

New literacies

How many new words did Dolch recommend that teachers introduce to students at a time?

No more than 10

Which of the following letters is considered one of the easiest letters for children between the ages of 3 and 7 to recognize?


Concrete Operational Period

Occurs between ages seven and eleven, in which the child is able to use concrete objects as vehicles for beginning to think about abstract concepts.

Sensorimotor Period

Occurs from birth to two years old, in which the child's thinking is based on his or her sensory exploration of the world, and in which the child's cognition is a function of what she or he sees, hears, feels, and tastes.

What is the recommended size for Tier 3 groups in a Response to Intervention model in elementary grades?

One to three students

Multiple modalities

Online texts integrate words, images, and sounds to create meaning.

Classical Conditioning Theory

Proposes that learning takes place when two stimuli become paired and that eventually both elicit the same behavior.

Choosing Appropriate Instructional Materials

Providing interesting books that are written at their reading levels, not at their grade level placement; finding appropriate books for struggling readers.

Whole Group Guided Practice

Providing multiple opportunities for students to apply the strategy to a text and looking for opportunities to stop and prompt students to apply the strategy.

Independent Use of the Strategy with Accountability

Providing opportunities for students to use the strategy when reading on their own and including some sort of measure to ensure that students are using the strategy effectively.


Pulling together the key information in a text and explaining it in your own words.

What type of model is Rosenblatt's Transactional Model of the Reading Process


Partial-Alphabetic Stage

Readers in this stage use some letter-sound cues to help them identify words, maybe just a letter or two, or only the first letter of the word combined with the context.

Full Alphabetic Stage

Readers strive to process all of the letters in words, though they may become too tied to letter-by-letter reading.

Consolidated Alphabetic Stage

Readers use automatic knowledge of sound-letter relationships to help them read using letter patterns within words.

Pre-Alphabetic Stage

Readers use visual cues as their primary method of word recognition and memorize words by their shape.

Segmenting Activities

Recognizing how to break oral sentences into individual words.

Alliteration Activities

Recognizing when words begin with the same sound.

Rhyming Activities

Recognizing when words end with the same sound.

Social Experiences

Refer to the child's interactions with others as she or he grows, and which will also affect her or his growth.


Refers to physical experiences a child has had, through which he or she will construct much of her or his knowledge base.


Refers to the child's search for cognitive balance when cognitive imbalance, or dissonance, occurs.

Biological Maturation

Refers to the individual's genetic heredity that is present at birth and that will ultimately affect her or his growth.


Reminders of the strategy, such as a strategy poster or hand signal/gesture

Small Group Instruction and Guided Practice

Replicating steps 2-6 in small group regular classroom instruction as well as in intervention instruction.

Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese are part of what language family?


Evidence-based Instruction

Scientific research findings inform the instruction; teachers know research-based approaches and that can be applied across the content areas to enhance learning.


Search for and locate information.

Onset and Time Activities

Segmenting initial sounds from ending syllables.

What do experts call learning a second language after the age of five?

Sequential Bilingualism

Teacher Modeling through Think-Aloud

Sharing what is happening inside your head as you make sense of the text you are reading.

What do experts call learning two languages from birth to roughly five years of age?

Simultaneous Bilingualism

At what age did Morphett and Washburne (1931) determine was the optimal age at which a child was developmentally old enough to be successful with the tasks of early reading?

Six and a half

Oral Language

Skype; podcasts; presentation software

Collaboration with an Individual

Someone interacts with the child, providing encouragement, motivation, and help when necessary.

What is the name given to the type of language that is, for the most part, the language of school?

Standard English


Students act out a part of the book, role-play a character using their voices, or make sound effects


Students contrast fact and fiction and critique writing, illustrations or book design


Students focus their attention on a part of the story


Students identify cause an effect, generalize about a story, or draw conclusions


Students make predictions or extend the story


Students observe letters, words, sentences, and rhyming patterns


Students relate their personal experience, background knowledge, or another story to the story


Students retell, list, sequence events, or summarize a story


Students wonder or want to know about something

Explicit Instruction

Teacher explains, models, practices with, lets students practice with each, and then monitors independent practice.

Effective Instruction

Teachers use student assessment data to group students for teacher-led small group instruction, putting students with similar needs together so teachers can differentiate instruction, provide opportunities to practice, and give students immediate corrective feedback.

What was the name of the school book published by Noah Webster in 1787?

The Blue-Back Speller

Most teacher's guides during the 1930s and 1940s were organized around what approach to teaching reading?

The Direct Reading Approach

What was the name of the alternative beginning reading system that proposed that since many important, high-frequency words are not spelled the way they are pronounced, the alphabet should be changed so that it adequately represents English phonemes?

The Initial Teaching Alphabet

What was the name of the first North American school book, which was pubished toward the end of the seventeenth century?

The New England Primer

What was the name, occurring since the 1980s, given to the conflict between proponents of whole-language philosophy of literacy instruction and those who argue for a skills-based approach?

The Reading Wars

What is the name given to the phase that children go through where they may understand most of the discourse addressed to them in a second language, but are unable to (or choose not to) respond?

The Silent Period

Rhyme Identification

The ability to indicate which words rhyme.

Alliteration Identification

The ability to recognize that several words start with the same sound.

Alliteration Production

The ability, after hearing several sounds that begin with the same sound, to produce other words that start with the same sound.

Rhyme Production

The ability, when given examples of rhyming words, to come up with other words that fit the rhyme pattern.


The child shares what she or he has learned and seeks approval from adults who are supportive, interested, and encouraging.


The idea that people tend to associate things that have similar features and properties.


The idea that things which occur together in time or space tend to become associated in the mind.


The learner tries out alone what has been learned, such as reading and writing activities - and experiments without direction or adult observation, giving children opportunities to evaluate their performances, make corrections, and increase skills.


The smallest meaningful unit in a language.

Articulatory System

The vocal tract including lips, mouth, tongue, and throat.

What did education reformer Horace Mann suggest should be the focus of instruction, rather than the letter?

The word


This theory emphasizes the active construction of knowledge by individuals and that learning occurs when individuals integrate new knowledge with existing knowledge.

Psycholinguistics Theory

This theory is based on the assumption that reading is primarily a language process and that readers rely on language cueing systems to help them rapidly read a text.


This theory is devoted to the study of how learning occurs and examines how events or ideas become associated with one another in the mind, which results in a form of learning.

Mental Discipline Theory

This theory likens the mind to a muscle - it's various parts, or faculties, need to be exercised regularly - such as through the repetitive reading of a text - in order to become strong and function optimally.


This theory proposes that human behaviors needed to be studied and explained through observable human actions and therefore focused on observable change in behavior.

Schema Theory

This theory states that people organize everything they know into knowledge structures and that they have these knowledge structures for everything in their lives.

Unfoldment Theory

This theory suggests that learning is most facilitated through a natural unfolding of the mind based on individual curiosity and interest; cultivating feeling and passion through the development of a natural unfolding of personal interest.

What is the recommended size for Tier 2 groups in a Response to Intervention model in elementary grades?

Three to five students

A set routine, developed from a series of steps, will help you be consistent in your instruction and will help ensure your lessons are direct and explicit.


According to Cox, if teachers begin with open-ended questions and aesthetic questions and prompts, not only will student responses be more aesthetic, they will also include more efferent responses as well.


According to Emergent Literacy Theory, children who are already proficient with listening and speaking tend to excel at early reading and writing tasks.


Because technology resources make word study fun, students are more likely to spend more time studying targeted words and to deepen their level of vocabulary knowledge.


Children who learn a language after puberty (age 12 or 13) tend to speak a second language with an accent.


Choral reading is low-risk because students can participate as they feel ready and will not be singled out, because their voices blend in with the other students.


Comprehension is the purpose of reading.


English can be described as a language divided into parallel vocabularies.


English has 26 letters.


English has roughly 44 sounds


Even younger children can be drawn into a discussion of such powerful issues as racism, discrimination, and civil rights by reading books.


For older learners, literature-based reading instruction can exemplify how written language is used and can thus contribute to grammatical and pragmatic knowledge.


In English, word order is extremely important in creating an intended meaning.


Inflectional endings serve grammatical functions, but do not change the fundamental meaning of a word.


Once students fall behind their classmates in reading ability, there is no easy fix.


Second language learners, like first language learners, may overgeneralize plural formation or regularize irregular verbs.


Students between the ages of five and twelve may have a cognitive advantage over younger children because they are more mature and they already know a first language.


Students overwhelmingly prefer to look up the definition of words using online dictionaries rather than print resources.


Teaching students how to use the Internet is a priority so that they can become fully involved in today's digital world.


The two primary ways to control vocabulary are "to select only high-frequency common words" and "to introduce only a few words at a time."


Typically, only two words are used to form a new compound word in English.


We spell today pretty much the same way that they spelled words during the reign of King James I (1603-25).


Words such as "the," "have," "of," and "come" are very high frequency words, and most students have them in their speaking vocabulary when they enroll in first grade.


Making Inferences

Using background knowledge along with clues from the text to fill in information not directly stated by the author.


Using gestures; pointing to parts of the illustrations that provide hints for the meaning; rephrasing or explaining difficult words or phrases; thinking aloud.

Visual Learning Tools

Virtual field trips; online art resources; visual language software; digital learning games


Web pages often include features that engage readers and allow them to customize their searches, link to other websites, play games, listen to video clips, and send emails.

Reading Stories

WebQuests; Digital Storytelling; Literature Focus Units Websites

English is part of what language family?

West Germanic

Teaching Vocabulary

Word Clouds; crossword puzzles; comic strips; video clips; scavenger hunts

Collaborating with Literacy Coaches

Working with experienced teachers with special expertise in working with struggling students and their teachers.

It is impossible to engage students in literacy activities like learning how to take notes through a digital reader.


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