English 1131 self test
First four steps to follow when writing a research paper.
1. Select and limit the subject or topic. 2. Prepare a working bibliography 3. Prepare a preliminary outline and thesis statement. 4. Read and take notes.
A journal and diary are examples of ____________ sources.
A book written by someone detached from the time period or event is an example of a ____________ source.
Careful selection of resources and general reading are necessary for preparing a ____________.
working bibliography
The source cards make up the _____________.
working bibliography
Every source from which information is taken for the research paper must be listed on a ______________.
working bilbiography
Outline development begins with identifying ______________.
the main points
Once the outline is completed, the next responsibility is _____________.
to write a thesis statement
The ___________ is the brain of any well-equipped library.
card catalog
The two basic types of research papers are ___________ and __________.
conclusive; informative
To discover ___________ is the main purpose of a research paper.
A properly prepared outline is necessary for the writer of a research paper because ________________.
it helps the writer avoid procrastination.
The Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature is invaluable when researching for ____________ articles.
When developing an outline, it is vitally important to ______________.
maintain logical order
You must avoid ___________ when writing a research paper because it is ___________.
plagiarism; stealing
The first prepared outline for a research paper is called the ___________.
preliminary outline
Some _____________ should be asked about the topic to help guide the research.
And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him. Matthew 9:9
The main points of an outline are labeled with ____________.
Roman numerals
To experience true reality, one must ___________________________.
walk with God