English 12B (2020) ( Unit 1 Lessons 1-5 + EXAM)

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Which lines from the "Wife of Bath's Tale" most effectively reveal the climax of the story?

"Choose now," she said, "one of these two: that I Be old and ugly till the day I die, And be to you a true and humble wife, One never to displease you all your life; Or if you'd rather, have me young and fair, And take your chance on those who will repair To your house now and then because of me (Or to some other place, it may well be). Choose for yourself the one you'd rather try."

The "Wife of Bath's Tale" prologue provides a frame structure for the embedded narrative of her tale. Both stories depict the wife's conviction that individuals must be free to have authority over their own lives. Which part of the embedded narrative most effectively depicts one way the knight exercises his own freedom to choose?

"My lady and my love and wife so dear, I leave to your wise governance the measure; You choose which one would give the fullest pleasure And honor to you, and to me as well. I don't care which you do, you best can tell. What you desire is good enough for me."

So, in this fleeting earthly time, each man Who orders heedlessly his mortal life Lets a sweet odor, some beguiling wish, Entice him, so that in the eyes of God, The King of glory, his iniquities Make him abhorrent. Which words from the text most effectively help indicate the meaning of the word iniquities as it is used in this passage? (Select all that apply.)

-Beguiling wish -Make him abhorrent

In which formats are works of literature most often presented? (Select all that apply.)

-Poetry -Plays -Prose

Which options accurately explain how the "General Prologue" of The Canterbury Tales sets up the rest of the narrative? (Select all that apply.)

-The "General Prologue" introduces all the characters who will have roles in the pilgrims' tales. -The "General Prologue" functions as a frame narrative for the pilgrims' tales.

Which responses most clearly show how a suffix can be used to change the word tumult into an adjective? (Select all that apply.)

-The suffix -ary can be added to create the adjective tumultuary. -The suffix -ous can be added to create the adjective tumultuous.

Which options are the names of narrative elements?

-setting -tone -characters

DJ likes to invent her own recipes, but she always tries to emulate her mom's masterful cooking techniques in her own kitchen. How does the word emulate function in the sentence, and what does it mean?

Emulate functions as a verb, and it means "to imitate someone or something that one admires."

The English teacher surprised everyone by inviting a renowned guest speaker—who has several patents of her own and who wrote a book about protecting patenting rights—to give a speech during the school's career readiness week. What is the meaning of the word renowned as it is used in the sentence?


Jackson looked left and right at the intersection. Then he checked both left and right again before driving the car across the street. "You sure are a fastidious driver," Ryan said. Jackson looked right at Ryan. "I prefer meticulous, not fastidious. That's probably why I passed my test the first time and you still don't have a license." Which response most clearly compares the effects of the words fastidious and meticulous in this scenario?

Fastidious makes Jackson sound painstakingly strict, but meticulous makes Jackson sound careful and safe.

After spending two years in the Amazonian rainforest, Marina acquired remarkable wilderness survival skills. When she returned to the US, she was eager to impress everyone with her fathomless knowledge of the Amazonian culture and ways of living. Which response most clearly analyzes the effect of the word fathomless in the passage, as opposed to a synonym such as extensive?

Fathomless means that Marina's knowledge was without limits, while extensive implies she had a significant amount of knowledge.

Lesson 5 (all review in this selection)

Good luck on the exam!!!

The bell rang, and Jordan and Moira left Social Studies together. "Ms. Murray asked you so many questions today in her lecture!" said Jordan. "Asked? She interrogated me about the Constitutional Convention!" exclaimed Moira. Which response most clearly explains why Moira said that Ms. Murray interrogated her?

Interrogated has an intense, scary connotation that shows that Moira felt nervous as she answered the questions.

Which event from the poem "Gawayne and the Green Knight: A Fairy Tale" most clearly foreshadows what Sir Gawayne's fate would be in one year?

The Green Knight picked his head up and remained alive despite the axe's blow.

Not so Sir Gawayne. Vexed in mind he stood With downcast eyes, and knew not what he would. Trained in the school of chivalry to prize His honor as the light of his dear eyes, He held his life, his fortunes, everything, In sacred trust for knighthood and his king, And in the battle-field or tilting-yard He met his foe full-fronted, and struck hard. But now it seemed a foolish thing to throw One's whole life to the fortune of a blow. True valor breathes not in the braggart vaunt; True honor takes no shame from idle taunt; So let this wizard, if he wants to, scoff; Why should our hero have his head cut off? Which response most clearly explains the use and impact of pacing in this part of the story?

The author slows the pace by describing Sir Gawayne's thoughts in detail, which reveals his personality and makes him a sympathetic character to the reader.

Each one of you, to pass the time of day, Shall tell two tales while you are on the way To Canterbury; then each one of you On the return shall tell another two, About adventures said once to befall. And he who bears himself the best of all—That is to say, the one who's judged to tell The tales that in both aim and wit excel--Shall win a supper paid for by the lot, Here in this place, right at this very spot, When we return again from Canterbury. Which option best explains the function of the tale-telling game in The Canterbury Tales?

The game frames the narrative and creates a purpose and motivation for each character to tell his or her story.

Which response most clearly explains the impact of rhyme in the poem "Gawayne and the Green Knight: A Fairy Tale," as compared to unrhymed prose in the short story "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A Middle-English Arthurian Romance"?

The rhyme creates a sing-song effect that adds to the lightheartedness of the poem and contrasts with the seriousness of the short story.

Don't leave me, even for an hour, because then the little drops of anguish will all run together, the smoke that roams looking for a home will drift into me, choking my lost heart. Which option most effectively explains the implicit meaning of this stanza?

The speaker is deeply in love and feels as though his lover's potential absence will cause him pain and suffering.

When two hearts meet in a dim solitude, That thrills the soul e'en to the finger-tips, And brings the heart's dear secrets to the lips. Which response most clearly shows how a student could determine the meaning of the word solitude by finding information in reference materials?

The student could use the root sol-, which is also found in solo, to infer that solitude means "state of being alone."

Checkpoint 4

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

King Arthur spared him for at least a space; He left him to the queen to do her will, To choose to save or order them to kill. The queen then thanked the king with all her might, And after this the queen spoke with the knight When she saw opportunity one day. "For you," she said, "things stand in such a way You can't be sure if you're to live or not. I'll grant you life if you can tell me what It is that women most desire. Beware The iron ax, your neckbone now to spare! And if you cannot tell me right away, I'll give you leave, a twelvemonth and a day, That you may go to seek, that you might find An answer that is of sufficient kind." Which options best explain the relationship between the narrator and her story? (Select all that apply.)

-The narrator's motivation, like the queen's, is to educate men about women. -The narrator believes men should allow women the freedom to make choices.

Such is the way Of demons, devils' wiles: to hide their power, And stealthily inveigle heedless men, Inciting them against all worthy deeds, And luring them to seek for help and comfort From unsuspected foes, until at last They choose a dwelling with the faithless one. Which context clues from the excerpt most accurately indicate the meaning of the word inveigle, as it is used in the excerpt?

-luring them -devils' wiles

Which response most accurately describes the impact of the lengthy, detailed description of the Green Knight in the poem "Gawayne and the Green Knight: A Fairy Tale"?

The description grabs the reader's attention by showing how extraordinary the Green Knight looked and creates an expectation that he will do something mysterious and fascinating.

Which excerpts from Beowulf accurately support the portrayal of Beowulf as a valiant but vain young hero?

-"'Twas granted me, though, to pierce the monster with point of sword, with blade of battle: huge beast of the sea was whelmed by the hurly through hand of mine." -"Me thus often the evil monsters thronging threatened. With thrust of my sword, the darling, I dealt them due return!"

Because Angela had an intense three-week training period for the upcoming dance competition, with only a few hours of sleep here and there, she wholeheartedly welcomed one week of quiet repose in her grandma's secluded cottage. Which context clues most accurately help define the word repose? (Select all that apply.)

-Quiet -Secluded

Which response most clearly explains how seeing a written story performed as a play will be different from seeing it as an animated movie?

-The play will use human performances and responses from the audience to create a new experience with each performance, while the animated movie will present an identical performance each time it is viewed. -The play will use stage directions and the actors' interpretations to portray the story's events, while the animated movie will depict the same events through drawn or computer-generated images.

...Gawayne knelt down on the floor. "A boon," he cried, "a boon, my lord and king! If ever yet in any little thing These hands have served thee, hear my last request: Let me adventure this mad monster's jest!" King Arthur shook his head in dumb denial, Loth to withdraw his own hand from the trial, And leave the vengeance that himself had vowed; But all the people called to him aloud, "Sir Gawayne! let Sir Gawayne strike the blow!" And Guinevere, the queen, besought him low To leave this venture to the lesser man. He yielded, and the merry jest began. Read the lines from the short story "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A Middle-English Arthurian Romance," which describe the same scene. "... I am the weakest, I wot, and the feeblest of wit, and it will be the less loss of my life if ye seek sooth. For save that ye are mine uncle naught is there in me to praise, no virtue is there in my body save your blood, and since this challenge is such folly that it beseems ye not to take it, and I have asked it from ye first, let it fall to me, and if I bear myself ungallantly then let all this court blame me." Which option most effectively contrasts how Sir Gawayne is characterized in the poem versus in the short story?

Sir Gawayne's speech in the poem portrays him as a victim of fate and the actions of others, while the short story shows that he is a humble, self-sacrificing character.

In the "Wife of Bath's Tale" prologue, she claims that her education is derived from her marriages rather than conventional schooling. Which lines from her story most effectively suggest that the Wife of Bath may have more knowledge and worldly experience than she claims? (Select all that apply.)

-"For nobleness, as says Valerius, Consider Tullius Hostilius: Though poor, he rose to noble heights. Look in Boethius or Seneca, and when You do, don't doubt the truth of what you read: The noble is the man of noble deed." -She'd journeyed to Jerusalem three times; Strange rivers she had crossed in foreign climes; She'd been to Rome and also to Boulogne, To Galicia for Saint James and to Cologne, And she knew much of wandering by the way. -"How well the poet wise, the Florentine Named Dante, speaks about just what I mean, And this is how he rhymes it in his story: 'Of men who climb their family trees for glory, Few will excel, for it is by God's grace We gain nobility and not by race.'"

Which options most effectively explain why Christ, or the Panther, is portrayed as having a "sweet odor" in Physiologus? (Select all that apply.)

-"Sweet odor" represents Christ's purity and virtuousness. -"Sweet odor" represents the alluring power of faith that people have in Christ.

When April's gentle rains have pierced the drought Of March right to the root, and bathed each sprout Through every vein with liquid of such power It brings forth the engendering of the flower. ... Which context clues used in the excerpt are evidence that helps define the word engendering? (Select all that apply.)

-Bathed each sprout -Pierced the drought

Upon visiting Croatia, Anabelle was impressed with its bountiful natural resources. She had a relaxing time on its multiple beautiful beaches and ate copious amounts of fresh produce from its fertile fruit orchards and vegetable gardens. Which words used in this paragraph are evidence that provides context clues that help define the word bountiful? (Select all that apply.)

-Fertile -Copious -Multiple

Today, when Julie walked by one of the houses in her neighborhood, she was furious and heartbroken because she saw five dogs bound in fetters in a backyard, and it was 115 degrees outside. She immediately called the Humane Society and reported this animal cruelty. What evidence from this paragraph provides context clues that help define the word fetters? (Select all that apply.)

-Five dogs bound -Animal cruelty

Again, as erst, began in hall warriors' wassail and words of power, the proud-band's revel, till presently the son of Healfdene hastened to seek rest for the night; he knew there waited fight for the fiend in that festal hall. ... Which options provide effective vocabulary strategies for determining the meaning of the word revel? (Select all that apply.)

-Using a dictionary helps to define revel as "a high-spirited celebration marked by loud singing and dancing." -Using context clues like "words of power" and "festal hall" helps to define revel as "a lively celebration marked by rowdy crowds and commotion."

Lisa coveted the beautiful diamond bracelet that her aunt always wore. She was delighted when her aunt finally gave it to her and she could call it her own. Which options are effective vocabulary strategies for determining the meaning of the word covet? (Select all that apply.)

-Using context clues like beautiful and delighted helps to define covet as desiring to possess something others have. -Using a dictionary helps to define covet as desiring to possess something others have.

No living man, or lief or loath, from your labor dire could you dissuade, from swimming the main. Ocean-tides with your arms ye covered, with strenuous hands the sea-streets measured, swam o'er the waters. Which response most accurately explains how a student who did not know the meaning of dissuade could determine its meaning?

Dissuade has the same root as persuade, which means "to convince," and has the prefix dis-, which means "opposite of."

Our Host there checked his horse and said to all: "My lords, now listen, if you will. Recall The pact, as I remind you, made with me. If evensong and matins both agree, Let's see now who shall tell us the first tale." Which option provides the most accurate definition for the word matins?

Morning prayer

"I am a realist, and if elected student body president, I will keep my promises to you," Ellyse said to the students in the auditorium. "So I won't tell you that we'll get a new soccer field, like my opponent said, because that's impossible. But if you vote for me, I will establish a monthly student-teacher school culture committee. That's the truth." Which response most accurately distinguishes between the denotative and connotative meanings of the word realist?

The denotation of realist is "someone who understands the world accurately," and the connotation is that she is reliable and effective.

"My love?" he said. "No, rather my damnation! Alas! that there is any of my nation Who ever could so foully be disgraced." But all for naught, the end was that he faced Constrainment, for he now would have to wed And take his gray old wife with him to bed. Based on this excerpt, which option most effectively explains how the knight's character influences the decision he must make?

The knight is a man of honor, and thus must fulfill the oath he made to the old woman.

The partridge lays no eggs, Nor builds a dwelling; but instead, she steals The well-wrought nests of others. There she sits, Warming a stranger brood, until at last The eggs are hatched. But when the stolen chicks Are fledged, they straightway fly away to seek Their proper kin, and leave the partridge there Forsaken. In such wise the devil works To steal the souls of those whose youthful minds Or foolish hearts in vain resist his wiles. But when they reach maturer age, they see They are true children of the Lord of lords. Then they desert the lying fiend, and seek Their rightful Father, who with open arms Receives them, as he long since promised them. Which option most accurately states an inference that can be made about the story of the "stolen chicks"?

Though people often stray from God and are tricked by Satan, they can always turn back from a life of sin to a life with "Their rightful Father."

In the "Wife of Bath's Tale," the knight encounters difficulties as he attempts to complete the task assigned by the queen. Which excerpts most accurately show the conflicts he encounters? (Select all that apply.)

-Some said that women all love riches best, While some said honor, others jolly zest, Some rich array; some said delights in bed, And many said to be a widow wed; Some others said that our hearts are most eased When we are flattered and when we are pleased ... -He sought in every house and every place In hopes he could secure the promised grace By learning that which women love the most. But he did not arrive at any coast Where he could find two people on the matter Who might agree, if judging by their chatter.

We twain had talked, in time of youth, and made our boast,—we merely boys, striplings still,—to stake our lives far at sea: and so we performed it. Which phrases from the excerpt most effectively indicate the meaning of striplings? (Select all that apply.)

-We merely boys -In time of youth

Which responses most accurately identify a theme of Beowulf? (Select all that apply.)

-Anyone can boast in a time of safety, but only the strongest can live up to those boasts in times of danger. -It is noble to help others when they are in great need, and doing so may create a special bond.

Which excerpts from Physiologus most effectively support the implied message that people often stray from the virtuous path because they give in to earthly temptations? (Select all that apply.)

-Such is the way Of demons, devils' wiles: to hide their power, And stealthily inveigle heedless men, Inciting them against all worthy deeds, And luring them to seek for help and comfort From unsuspected foes, until at last They choose a dwelling with the faithless one. -There she sits, Warming a stranger brood, until at last The eggs are hatched. But when the stolen chicks Are fledged, they straightway fly away to seek Their proper kin, and leave the partridge there Forsaken. In such wise the devil works To steal the souls of those whose youthful minds Or foolish hearts in vain resist his wiles.

What excerpt from Beowulf effectively demonstrates the author's use of tone to develop Beowulf's recklessness?

(NOT THIS ONE!) "Never to any man erst I trusted, since I could heave up hand and shield, this noble Dane-Hall, till now to thee. Have now and hold this house unpeered; remember thy glory; thy might declare; watch for the foe!"

Which excerpt most effectively reveals how the author develops the rising action through the description of setting in Beowulf?

"Then was this mead-house at morning tide dyed with gore, when the daylight broke, all the boards of the benches blood-besprinkled, gory the hall: I had heroes the less, doughty dear-ones that death had reft."

In The Canterbury Tales, all the pilgrims share their stories, which describe some form of conflict. In "The Wife of Bath's Tale," the Knight faces many conflicts as he attempts to make up for assaulting a young woman. Which excerpt most effectively reveals the main conflict in the Knight's story?

"You can't be sure if you're to live or not. I'll grant you life if you can tell me what It is that women most desire. Beware The iron ax, your neckbone now to spare! And if you cannot tell me right away, I'll give you leave, a twelvemonth and a day, That you may go to seek, that you might find An answer that is of sufficient kind."

Which lines from The Canterbury Tales most clearly illustrate how the author depicts the characters' deepest beliefs and desires through dialogue?

-"Amended?" asked the knight. "Whatever way? There's no way it could ever be amended. You are so old and loathsome—and descended, To add to that, from such a lowly kind— No wonder that I toss and turn and wind. I wish to God my heart would burst, no less!" -"No, damn us both then!" she replied. "For though I may be ugly, elderly, and poor, I'd give all of the metal and the ore That lies beneath the earth and lies above If only I could be your wife and love."

Which excerpts from The Canterbury Tales most clearly support the central idea that storytelling serves a purpose in a society? (Select all that apply

-"And well I know as you go on your way, You plan to tell some tales, to have some play. There won't be much amusement going on If everybody rides dumb as a stone. So as I said, I would propose a game To give you some diversion, that's the aim." -"Dame, if you will, I prayerfully request," The Pardoner said, "that just as you began Tell us your tale and do not spare a man And of your practice teach us younger men."

Michael Phelps holds an all-time record with 23 Olympic gold medals, awarded to him for his extraordinary prowess as a swimmer. Which definition conveys the meaning of the word prowess as it is used in the sentence?

-A high level of skill or ability

Anthony sprinted from the parking lot, tightening his tie as he ran. Here he was, about to have his first job interview, and he was late! He pushed open the door and almost dashed through. However, he saw a man appear at the corner. The man had white hair and was walking with a cane. Anthony knew the seconds were ticking by, and he was getting later and later, but he felt bad thinking of letting the door close before the man reached it. Trying not to check his watch, he opened the door wide and waited while the man walked slowly through. Anthony speed-walked through the office, around a corner, and toward the receptionist. She smiled when he introduced himself and said, "Welcome. Your interviewer, Mr. Bryce, is a few minutes late himself. He should be here in a moment." Just then, the white-haired man walked around the corner. The receptionist said, "Oh, good morning, Mr. Bryce!" Mr. Bryce smiled at her and said to Anthony, "You must be Anthony. I noticed you were so considerate earlier, when you held the door for me. You're certainly making a good first impression. Let's begin your interview." Which responses most effectively identify a theme of this short story? (Select all that apply.)

-A theme of this short story is that you should always choose to behave with courtesy because you never know how someone you encounter might be involved in your future. -A theme of this short story is that if you put people's needs ahead of your own, others will take notice and will respect you for your compassionate behavior.

Which excerpts from Beowulf most clearly depict how the author uses stories from Beowulf's past to develop his character? (Select all that apply.)

-Art thou that Beowulf, Breca's rival, who emulous swam on the open sea, when for pride the pair of you proved the floods, and wantonly dared in waters deep to risk your lives? No living man, or lief or loath, from your labor dire could you dissuade, from swimming the main. Ocean-tides with your arms ye covered, with strenuous hands the sea-streets measured, swam o'er the waters." -"And so it came that I killed with my sword nine of the nicors. Of night-fought battles ne'er heard I a harder 'neath heaven's dome, nor adrift on the deep a more desolate man! Yet I came unharmed from that hostile clutch, though spent with swimming. The sea upbore me, flood of the tide, on Finnish land, the welling waters. No wise of thee have I heard men tell such terror of falchions, bitter battle."

Together we twain on the tides abode five nights full till the flood divided us, churning waves and chillest weather, darkling night, and the northern wind ruthless rushed on us: rough was the surge. Now the wrath of the sea-fish rose apace; yet me 'gainst the monsters my mailed coat, hard and hand-linked, help afforded,— battle-sark braided my breast to ward, garnished with gold. There grasped me firm and haled me to bottom the hated foe, with grimmest gripe. Based on the excerpt, which options accurately depict how the author uses the setting to develop the characters? (Select all that apply.)

-Beowulf's and Breca's strength is apparent through their perseverance in an environment whose obstacles seem impossible to overcome. -Beowulf's and Breca's fearlessness is illustrated by the portrayal of the menacing stormy sea they had to plow through to kill the sea monster

Which lines from the poem "Gawayne and the Green Knight: A Fairy Tale" most clearly depict a serene setting that contrasts with the story's main action? (Select all that apply.)

-For all the Table Round were back again, At peace with God and with their fellow-men. Their shields hung idly on the pictured wall; Their blood-stained banners decked the festal hall. -Now daylight faded, and the twilight gloom Deepened the stillness in the vaulted room, Save where upon the hearth a fitful glow Blushed from the embers as the fire burned low.

Which lines from the poem "Gawayne and the Green Knight: A Fairy Tale" most clearly support the inference that Lady Elfinhart has conflicting emotions about encouraging Sir Gawayne to accept the Green Knight's challenge?

-Gaily she spoke, and seemed all unconcerned; And yet a curious watcher might have learned From a slight quaver in her laughter free To doubt the frankness of her flippancy. -She laughed a gay laugh, but by hard constraint: Then turned and hid her face, all pale and faint, As one might be who stabs and turns the knife In the warm heart of one more dear than life.

Then when the crafty fiend perceives that men, Encamped upon him, making their abode, Enjoy the gentle weather, suddenly Under the salty waves he plunges down, Straight to the bottom deep he drags his prey; He, guest of ocean, in his watery haunts Drowns ships and men, and fast imprisons them Within the halls of death. Which options most accurately explain the implicit meaning of this passage? (Select all that apply.)

-Satan enchants the seamen by luring them into what they think is a safe shelter. However, Satan is only deceiving and tempting them, so once they give in, he can claim their souls and drag them to hell. -The seamen are oblivious and do not have a good understanding of Satan's powers and schemes. Thus, they are unknowingly putting themselves in danger because they want to rest and enjoy the beautiful landscape.

Which excerpts from Physiologus most effectively support the portrayal of Satan's dwelling as having a monstrous and menacing atmosphere? (Select all that apply.)

-Straight to the bottom deep he drags his prey;He, guest of ocean, in his watery hauntsDrowns ships and men, and fast imprisons themWithin the halls of death. -Donning the mystic helm Of darkness, with his prey he speeds to hell, The place devoid of good—all misty gloom, Where broods a sullen lake, black, bottomless.

Which excerpts from "The Wife of Bath's Tale" accurately support the inference that the Wife of Bath is concerned with outward appearances?

-The kerchiefs all were of the finest texture (And must have weighed ten pounds, that's no conjecture) That every Sunday she had on her head. The fine hose that she wore were scarlet red And tightly laced, she had a nice new pair Of shoes -She had the lover's gap teeth, I must say. With ease upon an ambling horse she sat, Well wimpled, while upon her head her hat Was broad as any buckler to be found. About her ample hips a mantle wound, And on her feet the spurs she wore were sharp.

And Gawayne rubbed his arms, his chest he beat, Then grasped the battle-axe and braced his feet, And swung the ponderous weapon high in air, And brought it down like lightning, fair and square Upon the stranger's neck. The axe flashed through, Cutting the Green Knight cleanly right in two, And split the hard stone floor like kindling wood. The head dropped off; out gushed the thick, hot blood Like—I can't find the simile I want, But let us say a flood of crême de menthe! And then the warriors standing round about Sent up from fifty throats a mighty shout, As when o'er blood-sprent fields the long cheers roll Cacophonous, for him who kicks a goal. Read the prose excerpt from "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A Middle-English Arthurian Romance," which describes the same scene. Gawain gripped his axe and raised it on high, the left foot he set forward on the floor, and let the blow fall lightly on the bare neck. The sharp edge of the blade sundered the bones, smote through the neck, and clave it in two, so that the edge of the steel bit on the ground, and the fair head fell to the earth that many struck it with their feet as it rolled forth. The blood spurted forth, and glistened on the green raiment. ... Which responses effectively contrast the tone in the excerpts?

-The tone in the poem is more humorous, as Sir Gawayne dramatically beats his chest like an animal and the Green Knight's blood is compared to a mint liqueur. This contrasts with the tone of the prose, which is more intense, providing details about the blade going through bones and a head falling to the ground. -The tone in the poem is more casual, as the crowd cheers as if they are at a sporting event. This contrasts with the tone of the prose, which is more serious, as there is blood spurting on the floor.

Which lines from the "The Wife of Bath's Tale" of The Canterbury Tales most clearly support the implied idea that the Knight is disrespectful to women?

-There wasn't any joy or feast at all, Just lots of sorrow, things went grievously. He married her that morning privately Then all that day he hid just like an owl, So woeful, for his wife looked really foul. -"There's no way it could ever be amended. You are so old and loathsome—and descended, To add to that, from such a lowly kind— No wonder that I toss and turn and wind. I wish to God my heart would burst, no less!"

Which response most accurately explains the purpose of parallel plots within a work of fiction?

to present two or more plots or subplots that are usually connected by a character or a theme

Canto VIII of the epic poem Beowulf is structured as a dialogue between Unferth and Beowulf. Which responses accurately describe the impact Canto VIII has on the overall meaning of the epic poem? (Select all that apply.)

-Canto VIII depicts the way Beowulf's fame was accepted and understood among the people who knew of him, as well as the way he perceives himself in relation to his reputation as a warrior. -The combative dialogue between Unferth and Beowulf in Canto VIII outlines Beowulf's heroic quests, which earned him fame and respect throughout the land.

Quoth Elfinhart: "I'd like to see you do it!" She laughed a gay laugh, but by hard constraint: Then turned and hid her face, all pale and faint, As one might be who stabs and turns the knife In the warm heart of one more dear than life. She turned and Gawayne saw not; but he heard, And felt his heart-strings tighten at her word. "Nay, lady, if you wish it I will try; Be your least wish my will, although I die! Yet one thing, if I may, I fain would ask, Before I make the venture;—if this task Prove fateful as it threatens,—do you care?" "Perhaps," said Elfinhart, "you do not dare!" Lightly she laughed, and scoffing tossed her head, Yet spoke as one who knew not what she said, With random words, and with quick-taken breath; Then turned again, ere that same look of death Should steal upon her and betray her heart Despite all stratagems of woman's art. Which response most accurately describes the mystery behind Lady Elfinhart's motivations?

It remains unclear whether Lady Elfinhart urged Sir Gawayne to accept the Green Knight's challenge because she was attracted to the Green Knight instead of Sir Gawayne, or if she felt that she needed to encourage the cultural norms of chivalry.

Which excerpt most accurately supports an inference that Beowulf thinks Unferth is a coward?

While on the pilgrimage, the travelers are given an opportunity to share their stories among people of all social ranks. This temporary social equality allows all the pilgrims to feel valued and accepted as members of the otherwise segregated society.

Which excerpt from The Canterbury Tales most effectively depicts how the author chooses to speed up the pacing with action?

Next morning, when the day began to spring, Up rose our Host and roused us like a cock. He gathered us together in a flock, Then forth we rode at but a walking pace Out to Saint Thomas's watering place. Our Host there checked his horse and said to all: "My lords, now listen, if you will. Recall The pact, as I remind you, made with me. If evensong and matins both agree, Let's see now who shall tell us the first tale. And if I've ever drunk of wine or ale, Whoso resists the judgment I present Shall pay along the way all that is spent."

When April's gentle rains have pierced the drought Of March right to the root, and bathed each sprout Through every vein with liquid of such power It brings forth the engendering of the flower; When Zephyrus too with his sweet breath has blown Through every field and forest, urging on The tender shoots, and there's a youthful sun, His second half course through the Ram now run, And little birds are making melody And sleep all night, eyes open as can be (So Nature pricks them in each little heart), On pilgrimage then folks desire to start. The palmers long to travel foreign strands To distant shrines renowned in sundry lands; And specially, from every shire's end In England, folks to Canterbury wend: To seek the blissful martyr is their will, The one who gave such help when they were ill. What response most accurately explains the purpose of the "General Prologue" in this section of The Canterbury Tales?

The "General Prologue" is the frame narrative that introduces the setting and the characters.

"Draw lots before we travel farther, then, And he who draws the shortest shall begin. Sir Knight," he said, "my master and my lord, Now draw a lot, to keep with our accord. Come here," said he, "my Lady Prioress, And you, Sir Student—quit your bashfulness. And studies too. Lay hand to, everyone!" And so the drawing was at once begun. I'll keep it short and tell you how it went: Whether by chance or fate or accident, The truth is that the lot fell to the Knight— A fact in which the rest all took delight. Which option most effectively explains how the characters' dialogue and actions advance the plot in the excerpt?

The host asks all the pilgrims to draw straws to decide who among them will tell their tale first, so that all the pilgrims get to share and listen to the others' stories during their journey.

Came Wealhtheow forth, queen of Hrothgar, heedful of courtesy, gold-decked, greeting the guests in hall; and the high-born lady handed the cup first to the East-Danes' heir and warden, bade him be blithe at the beer-carouse, the land's beloved one. Which option most accurately identifies the narrative element developed in the excerpt?


Which response most accurately defines pacing?

portrayal of the passage of time and character actions throughout the story

Which response most accurately states the definition of theme?

A story's theme is the central message or universal truth that the author conveys through the characters and plot.

Mariama deleted focused violinist on her online bio and typed avid violinist. She smiled at the improvement. Which response most clearly explains why Mariama may have preferred avid over focused?

Avid has a more enthusiastic, passionate connotation than focused.

Which response most clearly explains how to change the noun peril, meaning "danger," to an adjective meaning "dangerous"?

Add the suffix -ous to create the adjective perilous.

What response shows an example of how affixes can change the noun guise to another part of speech?

Adding the prefix dis- and the suffix -ed creates the verb disguised.

And wonderful of hue. The holy scribes Tell us how Joseph's many-colored coat, Gleaming with varying dyes of every shade, Brilliant, resplendent, dazzled all men's eyes That looked upon it. So the panther's hues Shine altogether lovely, marvelous, While each fair color in its beauty glows Ever more rare and charming than the rest. Which response most accurately identifies a literary device used in the reference to "Joseph's many-colored coat"?


For members of many rural African tribes, the shortage of sanitary water is the bane of their existence. In many rural African tribal settlements, the shortage of sanitary water is a menace to everyone. Which response most clearly analyzes the difference between the meanings of bane and menace?

Bane implies that a shortage of clean water is a severe and harmful problem, while menace implies that the problem is a threat but not necessarily catastrophic.

Which response most effectively describes the interaction between two central ideas in Beowulf?

Beowulf has an opportunity to return a favor to King Hrothgar by killing Grendel, and if he does, Hrothgar will make him an honored member of his house.

Which response most clearly explains why the queen, Wealhtheow, served Beowulf the mead last?

Beowulf was the guest of honor because he had vowed to kill Grendel.

Which lines from the poem "Gawayne and the Green Knight: A Fairy Tale" most clearly support the central idea that obeying a knightly code of honor involves facing one's fears?

But now it seemed a foolish thing to throw One's whole life to the fortune of a blow. True valor breathes not in the braggart vaunt; True honor takes no shame from idle taunt; So let this wizard, if he wants to, scoff; Why should our hero have his head cut off?

The driver who caused the accident was accused of negligence because he was texting while driving. Which word most accurately conveys the meaning of negligence?


Fair is he, full bright And wonderful of hue. The holy scribes Tell us how Joseph's many-colored coat, Gleaming with varying dyes of every shade, Brilliant, resplendent, dazzled all men's eyes That looked upon it. Which options most effectively explain the implied meaning behind this description of Christ?

Christ radiates a unique and magnificent presence that is unparalleled.

The third day Christ arose from out the grave, For three nights having suffered death for us, He, Lord of angels, he in whom alone Is hope of overcoming. Far and wide The tidings spread, like perfume fresh and sweet, Through all the world. Which response most accurately infers the meaning of this passage?

Christ's power exceeds the power of death.

Although Megan had not dusted the house in weeks, she felt hurt by her mother's sharp reproof regarding her house-cleaning skills. Which synonym most accurately conveys the meaning of reproof?


Boasted full oft, as my beer they drank, earls o'er the ale-cup, armed men, that they would bide in the beer-hall here, Grendel's attack with terror of blades. Then was this mead-house at morning tide dyed with gore, when the daylight broke, all the boards of the benches blood-besprinkled, gory the hall: I had heroes the less, doughty dear-ones that death had reft. Which option most effectively depicts the explicit meaning of this excerpt?

Grendel, the monster, completely overcame the people in the mead-house. Its halls were smeared with blood and the men were killed.

Which option provides an accurate definition of the term explicit?

Directly stated

Which excerpt from Beowulf most clearly supports the theme that great leaders honor those who serve them?

Hrothgar to Beowulf, bade him hail, let him wield the wine hall: a word he added:— "Never to any man erst I trusted, since I could heave up hand and shield, this noble Dane-Hall, till now to thee. Have now and hold this house unpeered; remember thy glory; thy might declare; watch for the foe! No wish shall fail thee if thou bidest the battle with bold-won life."

Straightway the feud with fee I settled, to the Wylfins sent, o'er watery ridges, treasures olden: oaths he swore me. Which response most effectively explains why King Hrothgar's story supports the theme that one must always honor one's oaths?

Hrothgar's story shows that Beowulf's father owed Hrothgar a debt for helping to settle a feud with the Wylfins, so it is noble that Beowulf has come to kill Grendel.

Which option provides an accurate definition of the terms implicit meaning and explicit meaning?

Implicit meaning is comprehensible even though it is not directly stated. Explicit meaning is clear and is expressed directly without vagueness.

"Walk two blocks south—" began Megan, but Chantelle cut in. "Actually, it's two blocks north," said Chantelle. "Hey, stop interrupting!" said Megan. "I was interjecting," answered Chantelle. Which response most accurately explains why Chantelle said she was interjecting, rather than interrupting?

Interjecting and interrupting have similar denotations, but interjecting has a more helpful connotation.

Use reference materials to search for the meaning of the word gentility. Which sentence uses the word gentility correctly

Lady Elizabeth's fine manners were characterized by both gentility and courtesy.


Lesson 1 ↓

He claims that he bears no malice toward anyone, but he spent all his energy making everyone's vacation stressful and frustrating. How does the word malice function in the sentence and what does it mean?

Malice functions as a noun, and it means "a desire to cause harm."

Deep in conversation, Mark and Jesse meandered down the road. Which response most clearly distinguishes the denotative and connotative meanings of the word meandered in this sentence?

Meandered has a denotation of "walked," and has a connotation of relaxation, showing that the boys are more focused on the conversation than on where they are going.

Nadezda is very proud of her Russian lineage. Which of the options is a synonym for the word lineage?


Which response most clearly explains the purpose of pacing within a work of fiction?

Pacing allows the author to speed up or slow down the narrative, which helps direct the reader's attention to certain elements of the plot and create suspense.

Which response best explains how affixes change the word cacophonous to another part of speech?

Replacing the suffix -ous with the suffix -y creates the noun cacophony.

Unit 1 Exam

SCORE: 96.67% (29/30)

Such is the way Of demons, devils' wiles: to hide their power, And stealthily inveigle heedless men, Inciting them against all worthy deeds, And luring them to seek for help and comfort From unsuspected foes, until at last They choose a dwelling with the faithless one. Which response most accurately describes how Satan baits his victims, based on this evidence?

Satan deceives his victims by tricking them into blindly believing his lies and following in his path.

Just in the nick of time, King Arthur rose From his sedate post-prandial repose, And called for lights. Which response most clearly evaluates the effect of the word sedate in the poem, as opposed to a synonym like sober?

Sedate means that the king is resting, untroubled and calm, while sober would make him sound serious or grim.

Which lines from the "General Prologue" of The Canterbury Tales most effectively outline the Wife of Bath's character traits that become most relevant to her story?

She was a worthy woman all her life: At church door with five men she'd been a wife, Not counting all the company of her youth.

Which response most clearly explains why Sir Gawayne volunteered to fight the Green Knight in the poem "Gawayne and the Green Knight: A Fairy Tale"?

Sir Gawayne felt it was an honorable thing to do and his jealousy was aroused when the Green Knight winked at Lady Elfinhart and she blushed back at him.

Which option most effectively depicts the symbolic meaning of this section?

The partridge symbolizes the ultimate goal—attainment of heaven—and the many spiritual journeys people undertake to reach it.

Which response most clearly explains the difference in part of speech between digress and digressions?

The verb digress, meaning "to stray off topic," is changed to the plural noun digressions by the addition of the suffixes -ion and -s.

Joyous then was the Jewel-giver,hoar-haired, war-brave; help awaitedthe Bright-Danes' prince, from Beowulf hearing,folk's good shepherd, such firm resolve.Then was laughter of liegemen loud resoundingwith winsome words. Which line from Beowulf's story most clearly provides a context clue that can help define the word winsome?

Then was laughter of liegemen loud resounding

After she gave the lecture on molecular geometry, Dr. Jones realized that she would have to expound on the subject at greater length because the students looked confused and gave blank stares when she asked if there were any questions. What is the meaning of the word expound as it is used in the sentence?

To explain in detail

The credulous audience believed all the magician's tricks were real. Which synonym most accurately conveys the meaning of the word credulous?


Unferth spake, the son of Ecglaf, who sat at the feet of the Scyldings' lord, unbound the battle-runes.—Beowulf's quest, sturdy seafarer's, sorely galled him; ever he envied that other men should more achieve in middle-earth of fame under heaven than he himself. Which response most clearly predicts what Unferth will likely do next, based on this evidence?

Unferth will try to embarrass Beowulf because he is jealous of Beowulf's fame.

"This jacket isn't old; it's vintage!" said Reese. Which response most accurately analyzes the difference between the meanings of vintage and old?

Vintage sounds more desirable and stylish than old.

Which quote from Beowulf most clearly supports the theme that brave warriors never make a claim that they cannot back up with action?

We twain had talked, in time of youth, and made our boast,—we were merely boys, striplings still,—to stake our lives far at sea: and so we performed it.

Which option most accurately defines framing?

a literary technique that places one story inside another story

Which response most accurately defines the narrative text structure element of flashback?

a scene or memory of the past, presented out of chronological order, that provides background information

The presidential candidate made several literary allusions in her speech, which illustrated her point nicely. Which option provides the most accurate definition for the word allusion?

a short reference to a well-known person, event, or object

There with us was a KNIGHT, a worthy man Who, from the very first time he began To ride about, loved honor, chivalry, The spirit of giving, truth and courtesy. He was a valiant warrior for his lord; No man had ridden farther with the sword Through Christendom and lands of heathen creeds, And always he was praised for worthy deeds. ... He found the highest favor in all eyes, A valiant warrior who was also wise And in deportment meek as any maid. He never spoke unkindly, never played The villain's part, but always did the right. He truly was a perfect, gentle knight. ... He helped win Alexandria in the East, And often sat at table's head to feast with knights of all the nations when in Prussia. In Lithuania as well as Russia No other noble Christian fought so well. Based on the excerpt provided, which option most accurately categorizes the knight's social class?

the aristocrats, or upper class

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Positioning: Hip and Proximal Femur (CH 7)

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Demonstrative Adjectives Practice #1

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Wilhelm Wundt: Father of Psychology

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文法 - Be動詞過去式(was/were)

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