English 1st Quarterly

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How does Iago respond to Cassio's lament that his reputation is ruined?

He was yelling at him, being made for the fact that he did this stupid thing when really he's happy because his plan is working.

What is Roderigo complaining about in the opening scene of Act 1, Scene 1?

He's complaining that if Iago hates Othello so much he should just quit.

Explain to what Othello is referring when he says "This only is the witchcraft I have used."

He's saying that he didn't use magic to make Desdemona fall in love with him because he didn't need it.

What does Othello mean when he says: "My parts, my title, and my perfect soul/ Shall manifest me rightly" (11)?

He's saying that his soul and job position will lead him to and through the right path in life and that whatever it is he was meant for it good or bad.

When Iago warns Othello that Brabantio is "much beloved" and may try to separate him and Desdemona, what is Othello's answer and what does it suggest about what Othello values(11)?

Othello doesn't care and has the auditee of "let him do what he wants" because he thinks he can't stop him so he's not that worried.

What possible interpretation can you offer for lines 10-12?

Othello is saying now that their wedding is over they can finally consummate their marriage.

Shakespearean Sonnet

A 14-line poem, written in iambic pentameter, with a set rhyme scheme


A character one can compare to the tragic hero (protagonist), situations are similar

Comic Relief

A funny scene following a serious one to change the mood of the audience


-For -And -Nor -But -Or -Yet Comma becomes before fanboy


A husband whose wife has been sleeping around with other men without his knowledge or consent

Iambic Pentameter

A metric pattern consisting of 5 iambs (a total of 10 syllables) in a line of poetry.

Rhyme Scheme

A pattern of similar sounds at the end of lines of poetry

Tragic Hero

A person of nobility and character who has a negative trait that causes their downfall

Why has the Duke called for Othello?

A war is starting and the Duke wants Othello's help.

According to Brabantio, how has Othello seduced his daughter(13)?

By casting a magical spell on her.

How does Iago convince him to keep pursuing Desdemona?

By telling him he can win her back it just takes some time.

Why does Iago repeatedly remind Roderigo to "put money in thy purse"?

Because Iago wants him to be ready to win the bet.

Why does Roderigo threaten to kill himself?

Because he is so saddened that Desdemona loves somebody else.

What does Desdemona mean when she says she does "perceive here a divided duty"?

Desdemona is saying she has to make a choice and go with Othello.

What does Iago mean when he says, "Sir, would she give you so much of her lips as of her tongue she oft bestows on me, you would have enough" (112-114)?

He means that if she (Desdemona) gave as much lip as she gives him that he would be sick of her

How does Iago relate what has happened to cause the near riot?

He mentions how when Cassio is drunk trouble follows which is exactly what happens a little later.

What excuse does Othello use that makes Brabantio think twice about sending him to prison(13-14)?

He says that something on the lines of "what will the Duke think once you send me away," since the Duke just asked for Othello's help and if Brabantio sends him away he'll be very angry.

What plan does Iago devise in regards to Cassio ?

He tells him the plan to get Cassio to hit Roderigo and stir him up. That they'll get him so riled up Othello will have to fire him.

How does Iago manipulate Cassio?

He agrees with him and adds on the conversation about how beautiful Desdemona is.

What further reason does Iago reveal about his hatred of the Moor?

He believes the Moor slept with his wife.

What is Othello's reaction when he and Des are reunited (lines 199-210)?

He is confused why she is there before him but is so happy to see her. He says that if the calm after the storm is always this great he would want war always because of how happy he is to see Desdemona. He says he might never be this happy again.

What is Cassio's punishment?

He is fired from his position.

What decision has Roderigo made at the end of the scene?

He is going to try to win Desdemona back.

How is Cassio portrayed in the beginning of this scene? (Note his interactions with and language regarding Desdemona)

He is portrayed as player because he is fawning over a woman who is married. Saying that she defies description and is god's masterpiece.

What does Iago mean when he says, "O, you are well tuned now, But I'll set down the pegs that make this music, As honest as I am" (218-220)?

Iago is saying. That Othello is happy now but he'll ruin it, for all his supposed honesty.

Examine Iago's soliloquy at the end of the scene.

Iago is talking to the audience/himself about his plan to use Cassio and trick Roderigo to have Desdemona and Othello turn on each other.

What does Iago say to Montano regarding Cassio (125-132)?

Iago tells Montano that Cassio is equally good as he is weak. That Iago is afraid that Othello's trust in Cassio will bring bad because sometimes he is drunk.

Janus is a god often portrayed with two faces looking in opposite directions. Also, Janus is symbolized by gates and doors. Find lines so far that illustrate Iago's two-faced nature.

In the beginning of the book when he says "In following him, I follow but myself." He's being too faced saying that he is working for Othello but is really only looking out for himself.

Passive Voice

Object + Action + Subject ex: Our costumes were being made by Jimmy.

Simple Sentence

One independent clause ex: Owls catch mice and eat them.


One independent clause and one ore more dependent clause (subordinate clause) ex: The train whistled as it neared the tunnel.

Othello will leave Desdemona in Iago's care until she can be safely brought to him. Find two things Othello says about Iago at this point that are ironic.

Othello says that he will leave his wife with "an honest and trustworthy man" when we know that is not true. He also calls Iago "Trusty Iago."

What does Iago mean when he says, "So will I turn her virtue into pitch, And out of her own goodness make the net That shall enmesh them all" (380-382)?

Out of Desdemona's kindness Iago will capture her, Othello, and Cassio.

How does she use her mother as an example to further her point?

She says that her mother obeyed him (Brabantio) rather than her stay in her father's household.

How does Des react?

She tells him that there love will only get stronger over time.

Independent Clause

Subject and Verb

What action does Iago propose to put into motion at the end of the scene?

That Emilia has to plead Cassio's case to Desdemona and that he must led Othello to see the moment Cassio is begging Desdemona for forgiveness.

Iago says, "Ere I would say I would drown myself for the love of a guinea hen, I would change my humanity with a baboon"(I.iii.309-311). What does this show about his character?

That Iago used to be very sensitive and emotional but since then he refuses to show emotion because it makes your look weak and like a Baboon.

What is Iago saying in lines 140-143?

That he is trying to think but he is distracted. He needs time to remember.

Why does Iago say he hates Othello so much, and what does he mean when he says: "In following him, I follow but myself."

That his job is to follow and serve Othello but he is only doing it for himself/ only looking out for himself. This is so he can work and serve Othello and make it seem like he is trustworthy so when the time comes he can take his rightful place he believes at the top.

Whom are Othello and Iago talking about at the opening of this scene(10-11)?

The Duke

What do Iago and Roderigo hope to accomplish by shouting insulting remarks about Othello and Desdemona under Brabantio's window?

To get Brabantio mad at Othello for marrying Desdemona without his blessing and to make Roderigo look like the better suitor for his daughter.

What is "the thought whereof Doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards"?

The thought that the Moor slept with his wife is eating him alive.

Why does Iago tell Roderigo that Desdemona is in love with Cassio? What (in Iago's words) causes Desdemona to fall in love with Cassio?

To manipulate him and get him angry at Cassio. Iago says that Desdemona loves Cassio because he has a handsome face, there closer in age, and he acts like her. Othello isn't any of those things.

What is Iago's suggestion to Cassio in order to get reinstated?

To tell Desdemona his story and beg for forgiveness. She is kind and will listen and can get to Othello.


Two or more independent clauses ex: Football is a good game, but I prefer soccer.


Two or more independent clauses and one or more subordinate clauses ex: Paul ate a sandwich when he got home.

Dramatic Irony

When the audience knows something the characters don't know


has a happy ending


a long speech given by one character to other characters


a play on the multiple meanings of a word, or on two words that sound alike but have different meanings


a play, novel, or other narrative and depicts serious and important events in which the main character comes to an unhappy end


character says his/her thoughts out loud, long


character whispers behind his/her hand, speaks to the audience, other characters are usually not aware.


direct, unadorned form of language, written or spoken, in ordinary use

Verbal Irony

saying the opposite of what you mean (sarcasm)

Active Voice

subject + action + object ex: Jimmy was making our costumes

Early Modern English

the language Shakespeare utilizes

Tragic Flaw

the negative trait that causes a character's downfall


two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme; usually found at the end of a scene

Situational Irony

when something unexpected happens

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